HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-12, Page 8GAMES, MEORA2410AL TOYS, HANDICRAFT KITS, ETC., for Ohildrn of Ali ages. • SEE OUR DISPLAY OF' PYREX OVEN & FLAME WARE, satmELD oiNEEL CUTLERY .and CARVING SETS ete. West St. Godericri The young woman walited boldly up to the, elderly woman, whom she had mistaken for the 'matron a the hoepital. 'Way I see Lieutenant .ask who you are?" "Certainly, I am zneetoyou, I'm his mother." Bad .Blood the ,Cattse •When boils start -to -breek out on different parts lef the body it is an evidence that- the blood' is 'loaded Jap with impurities. of one, another crops up to to' a its '• " 'All the laneing anti poulticing you . may do will not stop more corailtg. 1. Why not give that oldosseliables4 t blood purifying m.edic,ine Burdock BlOod Bitters a.ebance. to banish the boilat Thousands have Used it for " this purpose during the past. 60 years. Take B.B.B. aid get rid of the bad • blood and the boils too. - satsaSsailktra oos Toronto, Ont. ASHFIELD ASIIPIEDD, 'Dect 10.—Mrs. William Steepe and children have returned hoinee,afterea---weekee visit with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edwards in Clinton.. - Mr. tAllan-selaeLean sPent 'last week GODERICII =morn Y FIRST SUIT OF STORE CLOTHES Ey Gavin Iramilton Green, author of "The Old, Log Sehool" o When I waS a grien. eountry boy, in !got tire old grey !nate Out a low pai, my early Wens, I eliored around in as 1 was five hqurs making the round our village and the surrounding neighs: tritp or fourteen miles. however, 1 •boritood, spoldding -thistles, pulling got the two jugs Of whiskey, to ?Ir. a. mustard, tkoeing r otatoesl, weeding , good 'big drink out of eattrojlig, and gardens, minallog babies when their game the ola mare a'bucket a water at - mothers went to town or to quilting oAntliony Allen's tavern. I got a York beess and stayirtg with the ,neighbors' sailing and soy supper for inakIng' this' wives overnight tO keep them company , trip with/ ',George Ililtolr's• Old grey when their husbauds• Were away on mare. , - ' • overnight busbies's. I.mnst have been 1 began to think I was about .as IM - like a genera/ VUrpdse horse harnessed , portant as the Village postmaster. 1 up for all kittd$ a, shores, soeh as had juSt entered my 'teens ana could 'swap; for the old granny Woman When suOk•six eggs 'without stApping„ssmoke The stars pointed to an inerease in the and. chei,v, tobacco and take 'a aria. village popUlation,, Then.I WII8 called Of !Whiskey, without gettins sick; :7 I" upon to carry the news to relatives and thought:I ouiSlat to•have a Sufi Of StOre •Iteighbors.lhat a son, or a d'anghter,,, doilies, as I had saved: up frons my WaS, bora la.st night to Mrs, Sarah, differe -t trades four dollars and fifty Ika 'Huron, weighing nine pounds, and all cents, cash money, - 1 borrewed is well. 1 guess I was like the rural two- — ollars and glifty eents telephone of today ; but nosey neigh- from. my yonrisoer brother, ,whiell 'bors souldn't 'llstett-'-iin on my 'line, as he had saved up. from weeding gardens - 1 had no hell, power, wire,. or battery; and. picking •potate bugs. 1 found out 1 *as a kind Of safety valve over the my erounger brether wag it- good asset newS' until it , was delivered 'odireet Wine when I ceold bulldoze him by front patieot to the next of kin. I also right of hirthi ' ., -, 'Carried relsorts •Ot 'Sick people -to their So ones line mi. -Hi -lug, when -the -dew the medicines'from the ding -store.. ' Alt' COM' did 'iny-rkur full ofebread and this travelling was done on shank's butter and skim milk, 1 started for the ponies. ' ' . s. .. ,s town to trade my cash sooneysfor 4 Flowerer, the village husbands suit of store •elethes, includin'g ao suit seemed to think their wives and child- of deeee-lined underwear which the reis 11QrSeS, COWS, pigs, hens, dogs and merchants, 'Croft & Johnston, said I eats were all well protected when, left should have to go with my suite Shia' in ins. eharge. I 'attended all the chop- left 'me hanitruptand $1.40 in debt On - ping, sawing and logging bees, 45 there !being given tbe name of my fatb,er they was arways lots of -good eats and handed over the store clothes and 1 drinks., - I was usuallfgiven the job of started for home with IriT head in the grog boss, carrying the beer and whis- atmosphere, like a neWlyeappointed key. I liked this job best of all, as the pathmaster. I landed home and dress- y:len •alwats 'seemed pleased to see me lug up in my new suit paraded before and say nice things to me. It made the household for inspection. Mother : me wish ill Of the men I did chores for 'well pleased with my purchase. Father : or worked for would. drink whigkey if in debt for $1.40 on suit. Neutral: my it would stop them from being Cross younger, hrother, srho had $2.'50, all of and swearine at me.: "You little brat, tie hard-earned cash, invested in my pan better get't a raove on you or I'll put store clothes ; he seemed to be a little the 'boot& to you and send you home." surly -like and wanted me to give him One day the village tavern -keeper the 'fleece -lined underwear until. I paid had rim mit' of whipkey. I was taken 'him back the $2.50. This I refused, from eschools—whiCh 'pleased me—and asopossession was' nine points of the was given two gallon jugs,*a paper with law in our Village. Brother David de - some weiting-Y-oni it, and an Old. grey- - -dared war and a ,brotheilf-Scrap- horse and buckboard tii go to town, to lowed. _ Major Cooke's liqator store,- and sof ' The next night I started out dressed let thegrass grow under the old mare'S up in my store Clothee and fleece -lined underwear tO 'show them off. There thought bad a very niee girl about env oWn age whom I used fro .1aok at as she walked alone the road te -church and temperature about 100 in the shade and the sWeato running down my legs from my fleece -lined underwear,- which uP te that time -had been cast-off Cotton shirt and brawn duck trousers, I made a quick. march to her liothe, Where I t a warm welcome from her father and mether. But 'Sarah jane-----that me and 'laughed out loud. My temper- ature went up to boiling Point. Par- ents sitting at table, mother knittipg, father reading Montreal Wittess,2Sarah Jane -sitting, at kitchen stove peeling I the• apples. I sat in. the other earner playing with her fiveryear-old brother. fro InearO the ice I gave Min asperchy- , letion lozenges over to ,Sarah Jane, ex - •I pecting her to ,aend a lozenge back with' I a nice message on it, such as "You gre Your Telegram %4tIlfhlg RePorter Made by' thiS veteran neWseaster, -Twit* daily, over OMB, Jim limiter gi ea , oit the news of the World in. his wn inimitable style. So popular is be hat his newseast enjoys one off the hi est, if not the highest, radio ratings for any single prograra heard in Ontario. Friend's 'from fars and near ‘Will Join with his presentS'sponsors, the Maple Leaf Milling Oompany, in wishbig him many happy 'returns a tile day. Goderieh haa an especial interest in JIM Hunterstrom the fact that he spent some of his early years in this town. CARLOW feet. I thanked the tavern -keeper for with his sister, Mrs. Donald Martin, in choositiffhe for such linpiertiiii.flote Mr. and Mrs..rred MaciGreger spent a few days in Toronto recently. Mrs, 11., ksler and Miss' Jean. Long wefe in London on 'Saturday. Mrs. N. a. Mackenzie was a guest of her father, Mr. A. MaeDiarn31d, in The WeM.S. will' meet Jen:eFriday at the honre-of Mrs. N. J. Mackenzie. - Mr. John 'Maelver of Detroit attended th•e funeral' On Monday (AMU sister, the late Mrs. James West. , - Death of MrS. West.—There passed away at her home on the Kintail side - road on Saturdaye Deeember 7, Mary Maalver, widow of the late Jame§ Wek, ln her seventy-second year. Two years ago Mrs.. West had a serious ill- ness, and she never recovered vigorous health, but 'was not confined to bed until.ea few weeks before her deatk, The funeral, -With interment in Kintail cemetery, was held on Monday, 'with Rev. Reynolds 'Esler in charge of the service. ,Surviving are four children : :Nirs. George Elliott, of ,Amberley, John, of Palmerston, 'Richard, at home and Henry, or Teeswater. A fourth' son, Elmer, predeceased. her by some „Ye,ars. Mrs. West was a faithful member of Ashfield Presbyterian church. Her kind personality won her many warm friends who will Miss her sadly. a buckboard and an old grey mare and an order for 'two gallons of Whiskey, I felt about as important as Bonaparte crossing the Alps; but I couldn't figure out the. grass growing ender de old mare'e feet. However, a' foot passenger, whem I gave a ride, enlightened me, declaring that if I could not make the °Id mare go faster the grass•sure would grow _under liersfeet. I guess I never ,GODERICH TOWNSHIP_ ,_GODERICH TOWNSHIP; Dee. 10:7 And this is autumn! • Last week, despite the storms, school .,kept going. On Wednesday only three pupils put in their appearaneeat 'Union, besides the teacher, so school was dis- -Pte. le-ric-MeAllieter of London apent- the week -end With his parents, Mr: and The regular euchre party, to be held by the Red Cross Society had to be postponed 'on account of the condition of the roads. - The December meeting of the W.M.S. will be held, on Wednesday afternoon of this week At the home of "Mrs. Harvey Fuller. RIM W. E. Bremner' of Seaforth con- , ducted the service at Union church' on ;Sunday, taking as his subject "The Church," from the tekt St. Matthew, CHRISTMAS with a Hollywood Permanent Wave Oil Push-up Waves $1.50 up Special prices on all Peiman- ents during December. COAL- 'VIVI -nig To the user these red mark- . "Here's genuine Fambus Read.ing Anthracite— Here's the low ash an- thracite cog-- nearlY 100% Pure as can HOLLYWOOD (Next Capital Theatre) West St. . Phone 12 CANADA' reerge PLAYGROUND back with Sonny Iioy, saying "Does your mother"know. you're out?" :Then Sonny Bay returned with another 1oz-; enge, "You are too green to Ibnrn," and ras : Q cast mg ejes to Sarah—Jane's corner little Soupy Boy spied. the end of a white thread pini, through the flap of my store trouu ers. He grabbed it and started for 'Sarah Jane's corner with .the thread from the hem of my undershirt. "Here is the white thread you lost ; he has the spool in his -pants pocket." Sarah Jane gr hoed the'white thread from the -little oy and ,started for the spare ,bedroom—but not to say her prayers. The father and mother Sad ° a hearty laugh.. i left for home, iin -the thread of my slieeee=lin undershirt, which my mother had to hem over again. But I arrived home- like a dog with a tin can tied to his tail. After t • got .the `green out of my system- and my + nperature down to normal, Sarah Jane did,not *re to. be so peachy- weachiy, ducky Bovey{ to me.' When next I saw her I could look at herwithout shutting my eyes and say- ing, "'She is my pretty little rippsy tippsy Jenna flower." As. the days grew shorter and 'the apple -paring and corn -husking bees had begun, Ibegan to put on flesh ,again. 1 got a letter from 'Sarah Jane with the thread of my .fleece -lined .undershirt enclosed and a note • saying: "Wen you get another suit of hand- mesdowns, see that there are, no threads of your undJershrt -peeping thrQiigh the unmentionable part pf your trous- ers. And if you come oyer to our liouse to show : them ofi, 'fetch along : your younger brother. For he ,would conic over .to my earner and ' say, 'hello, 'Sarah Jane! How are ydu?:Peeling ap- ples, eh? Let me help you. Say, (Sarah Jane, /et us peel an apple with - oat breaking the peeling, then throw it over oar left*Shoulder on to the floor, and it, will form the initial .,letter of lint' sweetheart'sname.' That is the - kind of boy I like to give the nice 'conversation lozenges to. You seem eta it all right to play with my little brotlu4, mind °babies and 'Lin errands for old tomato' " CARLOW, Dec. 10.—Mrs. Tait •Olark and Joan Isabel and Mrs. Vietor Young spent the week-ertd in Torpnto. „-Mr. Roy Fowler, who spent the past summer on the Lakes, reterned home on Thursday night from Collingwood, where his boat is laid up. .0aptain R Bogle arrived -home from -his beason work on Saturday night, leaving his boat at Montreal. , Day echools and, Sunday schools are preparing for Christmas toncerts. At Carlow 'there will be a comniunity entertainment, at Which a cantata will. be sigiven, on* Thursday, evening, December 19th. . Death of Misa Jennie Snell.—Tlie funeral of the late :Miss Jennie Snell, daughter of Mr. James Snell and the late Mrs: Snell, Was held from her father's home, 10th .eoncession of Col- borne, te the Union cemetery, Blyth, Rev. 'Gordon Hazelwood vats -in charge. Mise 'Snell had not been, well for soine timeanegradually-weakened until on. Monday, December 2nd, ' she passed away. On account of the storm the funeral had to be postpOned from Wed- nesday Until Thursday. Besides her. father,- there remain three sisters, Mrs. Nixon, -Mrs., Herb. Pentland and Miss Dmma •Snell Of !Lindsay, and one bro- ther, John, a liondesbdro. Our 'gym- pathy is eitended to them ell. Red Coal is your best buy Order Red Coal Today N*COAL CO. IST.NGIglilldIDGE, Dec. 9--sfithe people* sf this locality Were very glad to see that the snowplough -had been through ' Thursday night, 'after being snowed' in'for most of the week. 'Rita., Dalton is visiting at her., after' 'sPending the last few 'Mrs. joy of Detroit is visiting -her Parents.; Mr.' and Mrs; Patrick 'Sullivan. Mr. 'Sullivan, is reported to be some- • On 'Sunday mambas at St Joseph's Telephone 05vcr Godeiich. church, the following''eshildren received' COURRIE'S 'CORNERS, Dec. 10. -- Miss Anna Mae Farrish is in Toronto at present. Mrs. Joe Courtehay left for Jackson last Friday and Miss Edith Johnston for Detroit, Grant and Bower Parrish and Robert Book, 'of the L.H:S.. spent the week -end at -their homes here, , The. pupils and teacher of S.S, No. 10 are 'bUsy practieing for the Christmas concert Vila will be held 'before school Mr. John Little was in ,Goclerieh last week. 11,RcIIR 'Raite7 F3 -le ngth SILK ..HOSE, In 3 and 4 -thread Chiffon, Crepe, and' Service weight, in subh popular winter Shades aq:iiiinale, Mexicotti, Tropicana; Samoa Beige and ,Coce. A Hose ,with a world famous iepu- tation :for 'QUALITY, BEAUTY, and VALUE SPECIALLY GUARANTEED AND SOLD BY liCHESON & SON vtrnvvnrmnmrav*navvtf At a dinner in ihollyWood to celebrate his' birthday, ,Oharlie Chaplin enter- tained guests throughout the evening by imitating people they knew : men, women And ehildoen, his chauffeur, his 'jab servant% -his ,,eecreta-ries.—Fiiaally Sang at the top of his voice an aria from 'an Italian •opera --Sang "Why, Charlie, I never koew you -could sing so beautifully," mg•daughter `wl can't sing at all," Chaplin sejoined. rad Bereovici in GoOd 'Housekeeping. washed it dowo with a drink out of mother's camphor bottle and have felt better ever since, and this all happened white thread. iSenny Boy thought he had feund if in 'the thread of the ,hem of mY enmentionables. Hence. this 'story df *pioneer daYs in Huron. lasawimial HoW TO DELIE'vE DISTRESS, FAST POnetrotes irritated air passages with deeply With every breath. ' sodthing medicinal vapors, inhaled - THIS IMPROVED .VICKS WAY Now you cart relieve miiery and dis-, toriffort of your children's colds . . ' It's one succeSsful way to ease bronchial irritation and coughing, re- lieve muscular soreness and tightness; help clear cloggiog mucus and make breathing easier. • s Stimulates chest and back like ate old-feshioned warming poultice. Or plaster. all its benefits—massage VapoRub for 3 full minutes on IMPORTANT RIB - AREA OF THE BACK as well -as On the ---ResultsaresagoodwrdithiajviooS chest and throat—then spread'a thick THOROUGH treatment (perfected by layer VapoRub on the •Cliest•and the,Viek staff) because the valuable, , cover With a warmed cloth. And al - poultice -and -vapor action of Vicks Ways rememb-er—to genninetimer - VIM 70 tire For rest or play—Vancouver and Victoria are ideal for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacatierro "Warm days atad cool refreshing nights. Excellent gol/coursesssayriad sights, in the trtountains and by the seashore. Riding, tennis, motoring, fishing Canada's Evergrteta Playground offers thetozall, in an unexcelled setting. %Special. Winter rates at hotels, The new hotel Vancouver's spacious rooms and delightful accommoda- , tions will add to the pleasure of your stay in Vattctuver. ATTRAtTIVE *Alt FARES , ALWAYS USE CANAMAN NATIONAL SPEED, 0111.40ASKITY, SAFETY End • Card Coffee Gateleg • .f.oto meat sates Off trains TRA)/EL WIST VHS JASPIEK WAY CONTINENTAL LIMITED irgforifoloo Awe mo *het ow*, 12 et 11, &wily Speekliiit Th.. Is eireirriiiereaeigig dstuatat'tes complete Protestionet training Ist Hair. dressing', Mareelling, Permanent Wav- ing, ssam000to Scrap 'Prat. merits, Mankuting. under the tutelage of experts bvery branch of Heintty Culture work. Melly MARVEL Greiduates noiit hold tplendid positions IA leodieg Beauty Shops. Opportunities for pleatent, prollt4 able- end permanent indoor employment area better todesr then -.fitness work. Write for TiluAtrated Booklet Xt"is 'MARVEL REALITY SCHOOLS SSE ELOOit STREET vast 'mono ICING Miler won HAMILTON OTTOMANS SMOKERS IVIIRRORS 0,00ASIONAIA CHAIRS MAGAZINE. STANDS be the most thrilling gift She bas ever Ouistileditig WW1 hi .411" Metient Cheat. with Match:id Othello! Wood