HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-12, Page 3mgEfirr-moot.my xi:4m
Barrister, Etc.
'Oftleasfealimit Houses Gtoddrieh,
Telephone 55.
"a Chartered Accountants
, 77 Downie Street,' Stratford
Toronto Ofilee.; 302 Bay Street
Teleplione 1.1.9
Sales attendee' to anYwheee and
every effort made to give sath)faction.
Farmers' gale notesedieeounted.
satisfactory, courteous service for
nem, Property or Household Sales.
Rates. Reasonable.
. # •
. DR. le J. R. FORSTOR,„ DYD, EAR,
— Non, THROA.T • '
Late House Surgeon New York
Oplith-tentice-eand Aural Hospitairease
*distant at Moorefield Eye Hospital ane
Golden Square Throat Hospital,„ Lon-
, dcin,•Englited.
. 53 Waterloo Street S., Stilt:ford:
Telephone 267. '
Next visit Bedford Hotel, Gederieh,
Wednesday, January '22nd;' from 2 p.m.
iill 5 pan. ° • _
• -
• Goderic,h, Phone 841 •
Office hours -10 to 12 axle. 2 to 5
and 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday.- • " ,
10 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday,
, Monday and Thursday at Mitchell.
e 51 South St.
Brief Session of
Magistrate's Court
Seb001 We11 Organized and ."Tradition
of Good SehOlarehip Is Being 'Well
Former- Member of Militia GetsThe report of Inspectors Robb ardi
ThirtY Day alor rraud i Hooper On theirseiAt(to Goderice
Solibiting Money
'Two men eonvieted a we previous
'and rentanded te jail for gentence were
given'terms,by 'Aiaktettate Maltins last
Thursdae lfl a.brief session of Pollee.
Courteebriet because of the (stoem-
ibloeked eondition of the eigeways.
Jahn Collingwood of 'Bgeter, form-
erly a meMber 'of the Royal Husears,
N.P.A.Ill,, London, Was 'sentenced te
thirteeleye -ha jail for fraud, ee having
solicited' money At Clinton eomes,
,Red Oros ISecietY: "
Crowu Attorney Holmes told Coiling -
wood that the military -wanted the uhi-
form be wore and that he no longer
had any, right to it. • .
An old, offender, Petrick OtIrtin, Of
Tuckersmitle was given two rapines
in 'jail for the theft of money frein'a
§eaforth. creamery. Patrick appeared
in court with a tfractered jaw. „
Pleading not guilty to n. cherge of
breaking a windowin the Clolden
Lunch en the night a December 4th,
doing wilful (tentage, Robert }Sett was
remanded for triel ori December 19th..
He was .admitted to bail provided by
Max Frankel. .
• William Tremblay and Lloyd 'Schoen-
als, eailore, who staged. a fracas on
• West street, just outside the Marine
Lunch, on the night of December 4,
were Qach $10 and costs.or fi.fteen.
days in jail for diserderly conduct, to
whichtheypleaded guilty.. The lines
Because witnesses were storneboun.d
at Port Albert, 'William' Feagan: liad
his case of carelesseciriying adjoureed
for :one week. Thesproseention ses
outs of a *motor aecident' en the ii3lee
Water highway, just earth:of Godetich,.
when two ears were damaged in aelde-
• Several traffic calses were adjourned.
Magistrate, Maldne, *as • in town less
than two holies, between ',Wises. •
, urea -according etaLorder-iii-
council,' the military forces of Canada
will be designated and described tis
f the Canadian Army." To distinguish
betWeen the fon:leer and E.
A.M., which now disappear from use,
the terms "Active," and "Reserve," Will
;be -.;applied to formations, units. and
personnel. • • - •
mit SURANOE CO. -Peep and
lated tome property insured.
• Officers -William Knox, lereeident,
bondesboral W. R. AstelbAld,--Vicee
President, •Seaforth; M. A. Reid,
Manager and Secretary-Treasarer, Sea -
forth. ,
Directors -Alex. BroadfoOt, Sea-
• forth ; Jemes Connolly, Goderien ;
Chris. Leonharet, Borneelm; Alex.
leclewieg, Myth; Prank MeGregor,
011uton ; eloylate Seaforth ;
• Hugh Alexander, Walton; Wm. Knox,
Londesboro ; Arthibald, Seaforth.
Agents=E. A. Teo, R.R. 1, Efoderich:
James Watt, Myth; John E. PepPee,
R.R. 1, Brucefielde R. le McKercher,
R.R. 1, -Dublin; J. F. Prueteri Brod-
hagen. • , •
Policy -holders Can make all pay-
ments and get their cards receipted at
the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Outt's
Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or
X. H. Reid's General Store, Bayfield.
'Daily 7.30 a.m. 4.25 p.m. ---Leaves
Goderich for 'Stratford, Toronto,
Hanoilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit,
Tavistock and Woodstock. Depots ---
Bedford, British and • Royal. Hotels.'
Phone hotels or 805 for information.
OLD CHillff
J. W. Craigie
1•110.10, -
Get Our Automobile Rates
.Phone 24 Goderiek
Nelson Hill
Fire, Accident and Motor Car
Office :-,--Masenic Temple, West
' Street, OodO`rich
Phone 230 GODERICH
legiate Institeteset oeenaber 18te, and
l'Otit has liven eeceived,, and !following
are extriete;
, "We were favor -ably impressed " by
conditions in thia historic sehool white
within the year,: will celebrate its
hundredth anniversary. The tradition
of good echolarSelp is beteg well Mahe.'
tallied. In addition to obtaialeg , A
high measttre, of success at the recent
Departmerital 'examinatiens students
of tele school wen both the :fleet and
:second. Carter .seholershiCs ,,for the
county Of Huron.' • •
ePeinciPal Scott has his sehool
in hie administratices, Ile appears to
have the eo-operatiog •of -a 'competent
etaff. _ 6
"Mr. Twamley, who geve.goo( service
to tells school.for a period of five years,
now with Hisletajesty's Forces. Me
MeDowell, sello taut here for almost
the same length Online, resigned lest
• December toec8ept anoteer position.
Of the tea) nien--erlau have replaced.
them, Mr. Payne hie already justified
his appOintnaent ; Mr. Sion ; gtough
inexperienced, has made a eautisfaetorY
• beginning. • He should b,ecome more..
valuable„es he neettires• experienee.
"The conduct of the pupilsin class-
rooma and corridors and their general
attitude towards their work are deserv-
ing a commendation." •
The ettendaneeis given as 295-e113
boys .and e82. girls. , •
Real Estate and irtsurange,
Office and Residence: '
11 Trafalgar Street
Phone 663
All- kinds. of Haus hs for 8iLle.
For Rent --Six rooraed house,
furnishe'd ; five -roomed house,
,furnished or exteretisitede three.
room apartment, l• ,unfuiniahed.
All gobd leeatiorts. • ,
• '
Now Playhig:--"Itiondie on .8...Budget" and " Schooners"
Mon. Tues. 'and Wed.
Rickard Greene-ltichard „Young-41ladys 'George --
Brenda, eloyee Katharine Aldridge ,
A mOciern 'knight and his shining armor are tarnished by a world,
that has no me for yesterday's glory.
Thur. Fri. and at.
Carole Landi Hubbard .8/ Adolphe Menjou,
Absolute Originality in plot and treatment makes this one a the
yiear's funniest matri---4oniediee.
Matinees Wed. Sat. and Ifolidays.at 3 p.m.
Coming -The Glemon Family In "Grandpa Goes. to Town"
Wingham Will Fight
C. pplicafion
.Serious„Inew Taken of Railway's
•Proposal to • Abandon the -
• Clinton-Wingham Line
wuNGnilm, -,Dec. ef
municipalities to battle with the C.N.R.
over the proposed closing of, the Clinton
to Wingliam line are hampered' some-
what. ht Blyth the recent municipal
election has brought `about a complete
turnover in the Council and the present
Council at its Vecember meeting laid
the matter oVer-for the 1-941-Couneil-to
deal with. The Wingham Council has
appointed Mayor . Crawford; Iteeve
Hetherington and Councillor Evans a
cotamittee to oppose • the proposed.
abaudonment of the line.
Mayor J. 'Crawford of Wingham
steths that a$560n as possible Wing -
ham will endeavor to orgenize the at.
f ected "Municipalities into a bloc to
hold up the proposed action of the rail -
• Ninety -nine-year Leaso
Clerk J. W. eleCool, of Hullett Tovvaa-
ship, will present the notice of-rthe
0.N.11t; to Hullett 'Council at its meeling
on December 14, Mr.- MeCoo.1 painted
out, howeveru that when the railway
was built_e lease was taken for ninety-
nine years with the understa,nding that
• sereice and buildings would-be main-
tained such. centres as Londesboro
for the hill tkrixt of the lease-.
4 -The deficit of e9,000 sustained by
the railway on this line seems. like
only a drop, in the budket compared
with the entire deficit of the national
system," 'stated *r. IleCool, "It
be a serious blow to such 'centres as
Belgrave and 'Londesboro and will lettie . - ,
Votes on "Address"
-them without rail connectione of any .Doannians war effort.
In a word, the changes mean that
vr seventy carloads a cattle were Sdanadians well buy fewer new ouse-
• Built in 1876 • mobiles, etc, thoge now -else-even
Tells line was built in 187e and has Slave to be continued. In service longer
. .
continuotiely sluce that time served
Wingham, -Belgrave, Blyth and Lon-
desboro. • At present there is a daily
passenger serviee arriving in Wingliam
at the neon hour and returning an hour without silk stockings, Artificial silk --
or so later. .:4There are also • • way new substitutes such . as, nylon and
freights three times a week. The rail- irayon-will bei used in thie coheectien.
•ivay eompany states that its loss on Oven that will not be so, bad. More
this line was $3,977 in 1031, $9468 in crude oil wil), be imported, with, con
1(38, and $96G1 low. ,sequently, more relining of gasoline in
The -follewing Municipalities have
been notified of the applieation by the
railway: Huron iGounty, East Wawa -
nosh, Morris, Ilullett, Colborne, Clinton,
Myth, Wingham.
•Canadian People Caned Upon argued that
money eheuld be treated
for Saorilloo$ tO 'Help i tempulsorllY, first, before eveu industry
, . , the Coldwell amendment was defeated
. be 140 to 10 votee. The C.VeVe iSeelal,
(By 4. /L. 11umetSL.pe, eial ,Correspon4. , (Credit mid fee ICOOSertative-• raenibers
orrrxwiA, Dec#74Last weews fore.! votee in the minority. •',
tige I, ne rtr,„,1,,,,,, a . 4
'and trade' eeetrictione for War Pur- / -- -----'"'" -'11.4111e NEilliger 'King
pose. wee (itlialY and '41310.1Y 'Ilii:tne4 ' einlitaud:tiaon-!e111:141.6idtiTterillietelte't ilnimtlz*e 7th4er
by the special, War 'financial meaeures ' eantinued eeriousness of the situation
brought down by Finance MesiSter j. le; nor the fact that there will he hard,
disley title Week. [Parliament adjourned }, terrible deya elated before anal eictery
,tonight !until Fehr -nary 17, unless an
eate4euey arloes earlier. , 1 is itchieved, but li$ilid,tilsagree, eherle
Tne '1(4°"ranl'ent,btivcaee°113,41;3,0"-ba,000rX°;11600ed : Llawdeirt4lItallnesone$,tirna AN'vee‘elotalC°g.011, stehl'avtatl-hv:
ensees toekeeseea out
and 872,000,000 Vrirriltat -1S Ult. •elSellene-rhuLe tenttAt thten-a.--,,ttilit,gtfeilearb5a)gtrieas4Vneet
'essential nonewar goods to coneerve . a
Canaille's exchange for the Purchase of towns14nemY_.('...bo•emb,i?. f..*etelendnuesttrieleaelnan4(1/0 ePeoret.
}much! needed war equipment and eutel;A'Ll ''''r''Law.
plies thee the 'States, and, eleo, teearb reel as Germae eleims would indicate.
Britalu llas got added naval strength
public eperidieg on (similar lines of Clan- ethrough the Amereeen deetroyera. The
adienemade goods so that the Canadian 1
.. e se , British have had real SUCcesS in, the
people will baye more money lees " } Mediterranean against Italy; the
pay in increased- taxes and to lend 'to! Greeks- leave been nutting up' a heroic.
tile GovernMent an .war savings eertift- „tem_ British Shippitte losses have
eatee and war loans for the continued i '"0""
i been and. eontinue to laZ sericius, Mr:
eneeecation of the Deminien'e war ef- 1 King frankly admitted, but new ships
fort. ' are constantly being built and German
Despite the factlhat tie Monday war ' - -
eshipping, losses have been 'large. The
budget is deflationary, belt tighteniug , Britishehleckade of EureCe la making
and following closely the lines of ortho-
. Itself felt. HU -'06- war supplies ,from
"dox linancing, it is iCsafe prediction the United iStiltes and:Canada. contin.ue
that the Canadian Peoele will accept ' dailY to croSs.the Atlantic. Mr. King
the neiv restrictions willingly and in a ; expressed satiefaction that the recent
co-operative-epirit. They will do so
United States dectige ensured continm-
'because they, realize that, thus far, thel:stnce of 'the pregrani of all aid to
sacrifices the. averwee 'Canadian has 1
eBritain short of a declaration of war.
been called upon to b' make pale into 1 mr. eKing
streSsed the point that
insigniteaecce compared With, thtise a , ;_
tiale4S-a-War, notsafedayseete•weekeror
the 'people .of Britain, or og thealifferent ' '
months, but of years. Reverses' and
'countries wet& the'enemy has tempor
lazily, overrun.
Win th.0 War. ' laed willpower. After some dieenselee
Mr. Ring on War katuatIon
eaets of falereaehleg 'financial exelia
successes will alternate, he warned;
'thus the Canadian people Should not be
• The normal spending of the Canadian unduly:elated over some incidental sue
people, as the war progresseS, will have cesees,{ nor, eorreepondingly, cast down
to .be further curtailed • so : 'that • in -e tee erne ,,,e
dustry can . apply its capacity and "- ee---- sa reverse's, 'i.lri the tnal an
the. :war wili be won .bee 'national
strength; more and mote; on the produc- I 'character," -Mr. Xing affirmed- The
tion of war supplies and so that the Prune Prane Minister deseribed Germany's
Governmept Will ltaveemore 'money, me military strength as tremendous and
sexes and loans, to carry the huge fin- not to be underestimated. To, achieve
uncial. burden of the war program, now !victors' he warned, Will take all the
'costing Canada one billion dellars a 1 ,strength of Britain and the Empire
year, or around. $3,000,000 slaily. Thus : and, all, the help the United -States- can
Monday's war budget may be taken to
!be juet a starter in dealing with Wei
difficult adverse exchange problem. , . 'Conservative Criticis* in
l'es. thelGos-ernmeetemey _yet be coin- ,„ Conservative Leader Hanson, pan
pence to inaugurate some plan -Of come ;it/II-eine theeThronespeeelrelebate- and -
`Pulsory savings, sucheas say ten per speaking for the second time, felt the
cent.eof all income at. the source, the trade and taxation; proposals were long
'money to be loaned the Government. •overdue and that they did uot go far
For Duration of the War Only . ; enough. . (Time limy rectify that.)
( Obviously, forfear -61 wide repercus- -.Mr. ,Hansqu said infaemation corning
eions in the 'States and because they i 'Le him from Britaiti wasj that there
have assemed.euch an important place was a feellug over • there Canada, is
in the diet of the ;Canadian people, the ibrying to make money out of the war.
Government ieft undisturbed the im- Mr. King promptly repudiated this
portation- of • .American -fruits , and charge, claiming, that neither _the
1‘-egetables., Mr. Ileley* *eel at aseins )British iGovernment nor the British
to point out that, while the importation people have any such feeling. Mr.
of a lengthy list .of,elmerican Oroducts Hanson urged the !Government to give
le prohibited, .Canada's total Purchases, 'farmers producing bacon some epecial
!because of War goods, will be away I assistance. ., • ,
over normal. • The trade changes, he Justice Minister Lapointe replied
stressed, are for the duration of the with spirit to an attack by J. S.' Rey,
war; they do not 'constitute any ehange lone Quebec .Conservative, eharging
an 'Canada's normal trade policy with Quebec Federal ministers with having
the 'State's. The chaegemi were effected 'duped the Quebec peeple over participa-
under en "escape" clause in. •the Can- lion in the war. Mr. Lapoiate ex-
adaeUnited }States trade agreement pressed his pride in Quebec'S role in
which, covered the. exfgenei_es of war., this war. He declared he would eon -
!The United (States Government, it ie. tinue to do les duty, despite letters
understood, took a broadminded, lie had received threatenieg his life
eympatb.etic attitude on the ehanges and the lives of members of his. fa,mily.
which tee catnaditin Government felt Quebec stands more united today ;than
it. must Mitke- to stimulate further the ever before, Mr. Lapointe averred.
On Tuesday •tbe Commons voted en
the address in rely to the speech from
the Throne, after three weeks debate.
trke 'social Credit sub-aprendinent,
, the Government's • financial,
than otherwise might be the case. -.1./ess was defeated by 174 to 18.
eameriean and more !Canadian .tobacco 4 1'2'1' --;4
votes,. the tonservatives voting with
will be used, by both cigarette and pipe the trovernnsent... The ".C-onservative
smokers -no great hardship. at that. amendment., 'criticizing the !Government
'Women will have to get along, soon, for not taking a sufficiently malistigat-
'etude with regard to the 'war and,
speciliceely. not asSisting agriculture,
wee taert defeated 140 to elithe. Con-
servative, ' !Social Credit and (),C.F.
groups voting together in the minority.
The main. motion for the adoption of
!Canada. ,The Dominion has ample re- ,the address was then carried, eon
'finery capacity, though, at the moment, division," without a formal vote.
there is a shortage of gasoline storage • Hon. Colin 'Gibson, Minister. of Na -
accommodation. tional Revenue, is back from New -
Prices• should not (be raleed by mer- eouneland, where he consulted with the
chants in eopnection with tbe stocks 113ritieh CIA111111f5SiQh there on co -opera -
now on their iSiteltee for the current
the defence and financial measures' ses
Chr stmae trade, Ali Ibe changes and
TWO WEEKS' VACATIONbetween Newfoundland and Canada.
inereased taxes are on the 'maaiifectur.
shippeteby rail. last year from Belgrave. hold eleetrical applieueee ih radios, auto-
i The old suggestion o • un on
,1Schoo1s will have two fall weeks' mernts chahave e) replace their present
'holidays Over .Christmas and New stoeka *Any' unpatriotic merchant who
Yearas December 22nd is the regular 'tries, to "tip" prices on the stocks on his
ere. price. .The rub will • came when, !between the' two countries bobs up
every now end then, but 'nothing con-
erete is likely to come of it, during the
war, at any rate.
}shelveswile tfind lemsele in direct col -1 mr. .ng,
I acceded to Mr. Hanson's
lision with the War Time Prices and I
suggestiothfoese select eommittee of the
IT rade, •'Board. ' commons, when Parliament returns. in
No Additional' Taies on' Neeesseries !the heIN" yea'', to eerutinize war ex-
it Might be noted no additional taxes . penditures. Tee Prime Minieter de
Were Proposed for such necessaries as lined, however, to agree to Mr. Hittt=.
sugar, tea and coffee' . 'lett the Govern- son's' suggestion for another (committee
to examine the activities of Canada's
defence forces arid on geestions of the
production of war sublies. 'Detailed
information -on such matters, he held,
creased trade With the Mother Country. Nvould be helpful to, the enein,y.
closing day of the term„ but as this is a
Sunday the schoOls will close (m. Friday,
the '20th. Then, a'gain, the regulations
provide that if January 3rd A(fire regu-
lar opening day) eomes on Friday
the schools will not re -epee until, the
following 'Monday. So tele year the
re -opening. day will be. Jelmary Oth.
This will %make the Christmas 'vacation
the longest possible under the present
regula flow. •
040C -04 -044 -14M -040414i
.ment Might have increased 'further the
taxes on liquor. That, too, may come,
Free admission of a wider range }of
geode from Britain ehOuld result in in. , eould not be made public, bemuse it
1(tanadaa) trade balance With Britain is The Prime llinieter stated that no
Voty fagorable, This move Is all to permits,' have been granted, for sonae
i the t400d, as Britain Is anxious to In- time, past or the export of Canadian
4 erease her exporte to 'Canada and tee niekel to Japan; also no permits for the
j 'StItte.es Ire-bid:NT up larger eredite for expert to Japan !of scrap iron or steel
her tremendous war purehases in both -have been given since autunin of last
1 eountriee.
', 'Mr. Ilsley told. the (onimone the f year.
The British air ehools traneferred to
e changes) propode
sed monktrateti, once 'Canada hese been designated. by °Mee -
e .
:. . .
I attain! that Oenada stands with Britain heconnell as 4e.visiting forces." The
'anti that the Dominion leis eonfidenee elanadian Goeseibment "eonsents" to
lit a, 'British victory. The linportant their preeellee her and directs co-oper-
ation between then]. . anti the lis.0.A.F.
. '
Clinton Collegiate
THURS., DEC; 19.
• 9.00 pan,
Admission:' 50c per person
A. plan for tee salvaging a
automobile license plates by tit
tario division of the Canadia
Crose Society' is annotineed! by Hen.
Mitcliell r,. lavourn,,• RI -01o; ,44 on,
tare>. Mr. -Hepburn 1* -We outethat it
all or nearly all the 1040 plates are re.
covered the Red•ICrose fun& will hems
lit ilast. a. eubetantial sum' and alrneet
three hundred tons of scrap *steel will
be made available for war pureeSee.
' "I eve tee Inotoriate of ()Atari° eeda
co-oPerate wholeheart0.137;" . 'said Mr.'
Hepburn. ""Tettle a.erangement gives
there an opportunity to render effeetiVe
aid in two lways and at lack coSt to
themselees. Three hundred tees of
fAeel would' he an ittiportasit a'af tosthe '
war itelastriee and cram' Milt derived I
erom ,the sale of -therelnetal win bo
effectively Used by the tilled Cease. In
the. pTialfir Ciiirtgart%wixttrstigetnitir
are 'working to eapacitn we must avoid
waste of material and I am sure that
motoriste will support thia worthwhile
It is understood that the Red .Cross
Society's plan for the ealvagieg of the
old plates has been Made poselele by the
to-operatiee. of .Ireperial 011 Litaited
and the 'members of the Anti:motive
.Transport Assoeiation. All Imperial.
011 service. stations will act ea collect-
ing depote for the plates aed Auto-
metive Transport Association meixtbers
have agreed to transpoet tlee -collected
plates to the steel mill% Bothsoper-
ations ate being conducted witeout
engle, he added, la that, Canada should
have a 'Attire in that victorse by giving
Britain all the support whieh lies with-
in the power end vapacity of the Can-
adian peoole to give. Osgoode liall reports the following
M. J. W. Coldwelleactilig (Vale lead. dates for winter and springcourt
oittinge. in Omani& : Jury, Mareh 4;
eie proposed an amendment to the bad -
'got ealling for "a compulsory war loan,
free of Intereet, to be levied according
to ability to eubeeribe." Niro elsley
admitted the proposal had sonte
end, were it not eubmitted in sueh , a
way at toinvolve tvant if enaifidenee itt
Wireeeeraseeeseekeeteeseeseeeeeseetese lthe }Goverment, it might he (lit:awed" of straw L:--iticizing out from under tlie
• '1”.'4,c.',141K;w4- Vow that point of view. Mr. Coldwell diniv table eloth. 4
non -jury, ?,ay 0.
t, A StraW for Itemeinbrance
itotainding gay celebrants of tiae
poverty of the 'Christ Child, Chris/m:1cl
feaete in Poland alwava have a Viece
OTTAWA, Dec; 5.-Le3rel of the,St.
Lawrence River In Montreal harbor
.durhieeNeverabee wae-i2WInelieSe•aboei
October's level but 32% inches below.
the average November level .for tbe
last eighty years the hydrograpeio and,
map service of the Mines and Resources
Department announced •today.
Lake 'Ontario at Kingston Lake.
Huron at +Goderich and, Lake Kingston,
at Port Arthur had loweraivels than
last month, the sUrvey sliewed, while
Deice Erie at Poet 'Colborne was ,balf
an inch higher than in October.'
Lake Huron wee 1%. inches lbwer
than in ,October and + 5% inches lower
than' the -corresponding month la,st.year
and Lake Erie rose half an inch, from
Ootobee and four inches above tee level
in +'Neventber„ laet year.
The snow storni IteSt, week brought
back memories of fifty years ago to
Mr. Abner iOosens. .. It was fifty years
ago last Fridasethat Mr.lOoseris 'landed
in }Seaforth, having just eetur,ned from
Auseralia, and Seeferth was haviiig
snow` storm., Op: 'ale' -trip back from
Australia, Mr. C.esens experien.ced all
the seasons Of the year, spring in
are; cauaeal which will lover lav
prove of therooeivio. But Os*
Etrift4C11%, of theoe canoe* (below
par eight) van be :emerged pee-
manently -by the taellitle* ,of
modern eight aervice.
Maim yoixr appointment early
by phoning OW. '
Con Ringston $t. on The Square
—IYA4e841LL -LuelAilvw
Anstralla summer uear the equeter,
fall In tier X iterranean 4nd winter
tin. Canada. r. Cosene • ham' been a
' resident of ingbam tor tOrty.three-
1 years and d s not remember :weather
such es we are having -eineelie Ilea
a resident hem-Wing/earn AdVanee-
One of 4,14"- Stii*Ciribers, who resides
about miles from Fordwich,
forms us''that he recently. had half -the
anti-freeee stolen from the =dieter of
his ear, and Suggests that 'the thief
.inight 'later) left a note on the steering
Wheel, or some promiaept. plaee, ad -
visiting the victim *flee shortage, thus
avoiding probable damage to the inetor
through over -heating. That- seems : a"
lot to expect from a person who bees i?..1
more principle than to steal, but :we've
heard of stranger thinge.•,..-Vortunately,
this man noticed the rapid heating UP.,
of his motoeundlneestigated beanie to
prevent trouble,. but he is out the peke ,
of a gallon of an expensive ' variety of --
.anti-freeze, plus some of his 'faith ill
the integrity of ntanitind,-1Sordwieh
.Itecerd. ' I
Backache may be the first aiin of Kidney
trouble. VVhen your back aches, look to
your kidneys. Don't fail to heed this warn-
ing -it is too important. Take prompt adios
to correct Backache, or its cause. At there*
sign of Backache turn confidently to Dodd's
Kidney Pills -for over half a century the
favorite remedy for Kidney ailments. 107
odd Kidirkey
Zipper Romeos in wine,
brown and black.
$1.50 to $2.50
Fine hose
A large variety. Patterns
and. Colors, Nicely Boxed.
In English flaUneI and
broadcloth. A wide variety
from which to choose.
$1.25 to $2,95
J/on't`lorget our Air l'oree
& Suspenders
Neatly Boxed
75c to $1.50
Men's Mtifflcrs
Silk, Wool and, Criepe.
$1.00 and" lip
There are hundreds of other gifts from which to choose.
,EVerything neatly packed in Christmas, 'boxes.
Shop at M. Robins Ltd.
Agent Tip Top Phone 384 111,