HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-12, Page 114INICIrikittOOM,)
Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star
CEMBER 12th, 1440
iiihtipptutt Number
Ireless Operators DebeilbaM minsompaimmurermisommim
alld George ViCtilnils ifl
Double Totality
*ler from home, Alterwaftanien, •
John Spencer Dehenhaill and Bert
Alden! GeOrge, Went te, death OP
Saturday afternillin HL the icy '
fotien's bazardeos•work aa might hOve ' waters of Lake Huron. They were
• been expeeted, but was the ,r*sialit tc a prepared to give their lives' in the
miettelventute at the 'shore of derke Oentlee of their couottry, and
pay es short distence, from the though fate Came to them in „other
Mum. The tragic aeeident vehieh cost ..getee they are honored no less for •
the lives of two line young Men oceete their high ,pateloilses in coining
red about 2:30 ,o'eloek 'Saturday ;after- thousands of =ilea to !Whit In the
, swells- -• - • , •• - • -:,-. • -;•"• ••• --great :Worlt•Sif theRoysIsAir Forces, -
„ • 'Victims of the treacherous ice whieh The people of Goderlch and dis-
fringe% the lake- shore 'at this time of Iriet extend aintere Sympathy to
year were Leading A.ireraftentee Bert ,the fainakes who have been -'s0
- sud-
•Aiden Gebrge and John Spencer De- doily and 'so unexpectedly bee -
henbane Both young men were wire- OMNI. • -
less operators - and had ;been With the
Royal Air Form tor- two year TY
had been, at Port Albert sixweeks,
hoeing come. here With the first. Mir'
tiagent -of Men in October. ,
; • On Picture -taking Expedition. s
The tragedy„ as- reviewed' by Fit. Ban Cie* With 'Chatfield Ex-
tinguisher Proves to Be Johnny on
Moat- tulletcher, adjutant Of the
'the Spots. --Owner of earls Grateful
, camp, who commeneed official en -
!Bitty -on !Monday, reveals that four M. E. Hielo3 of Goderieli tovviehip is
wireless operators, L.A.C. Debenitam, .thinking himself a quaky man that ids
George, !Bartley end SPeecee, halving automobile, a 1935 Sedan, malted until
an afternoon oft duty, waked to the it was in Goderich to burst into flitines
lake, down the beach road ar.th,e top of on 'Wednesday moreing. Because the
the volt Albert' bill on the north, for ear Was at the corner of Colborne street
th&purpose of making•photographe of and the !Square and not in .the'eounery
• Canadian winter eeeneek to send to "-when it .chose ao speetacelarly to focuS
-; their relatives ..back itt4England. , attention on itself, it wag saved from
A series of lee hummocks, or ice complete destruction. Mr. Rieke had
blanks, ,along the .ere line attracted just approached the Square along Ool-
their attention; As is known:by aeY- -borne streetwhen he ;suddenly neffeed
one taroiliar•with ;these ice formations', flames shooting out froni under the
gt this time of year they beat, the ap- hood of his ear. He 'stepped the cafe,
l*oronee Of 'being solid le; their strut- and threw .up, ,the hood but coulddo
• thee, but hi reality they are shell, nothing to extiegOShethe 'flames.
having been undermined and. honey- eieksthinking -bank clerk ; seized -a
combed by the continuous pounding of bete:teal extinguisher at the Bank of
• waveesegainett. their. ides. Ignorant - etimeree and had the flames under
..greAese conditions, !George erte _-, Dee .control 'before they could do, any; great
benham crawled tothe top of ene••or,-dirMage- to the tar. The town 'Are
the hunkraocka for the purpose ef poss truck lost no time: in gettleg, to the
in& :While the other two -remained ssn. scene, but when it arrivedthe
stites-shoresto-sseap-thes'spietum Thes
'honeyeontbed lee' suddenlY gLVe w.aY
beneath Debearhata'S feet, causing hiin
to drop to the ley water beneath,.
,-atsiteeelles- --
George; according. to the two ' eYe••
_witnesses, Made a gallant effort to sate
•seeebenenen, only to be Piungeidisinto the
w.aters, hiniseif. • Flt. Lieut. Fletcher
' iitates, that Bartley and! Spencer seared
.brairehee of trees to s -tyro* to
• the struggling men, but a etretig_under-
' tow had already sesiept-them-frostos
The 'eYeMtliosse.s alsoneald that- the
unfortunate Men appeared Unable to
OS a .lisotiag 'Wean* of the undertow,
five teet of water at the point *here:
they went under.
• Search Party Organized ,
, Bartley. and 'Spenser returned to ,the
campover the sanie • road they had
.takeet to the lake end announced ,the
atekleat. FIt. Lieut. Pletcher organ:
lzeti a searele party and inenediately
went to the metre, of the drowning. The
adjutant eays; he has seldom seen. the
:" Atlantic Ooean as rough as WAS "Ake
Huron on !Saturday.
Several. Port Albert deherinen joined
in the search and a group of 'volunteers
from Goderich headed; kr Norman', Alcs
„ Albert, and rowed to the seem,- las
-KAY' secured eottagers' boats at Port
, ciuded in the ,Goderiett searehing-partss
besides Mr. MeK•aY were Jack Megay,
Norman McPhail', Vi1liani Bannister,
-Peter Masilionald and, witiiani Melvor.
During the past several daysthis
hag dragged a considerable. area of the
lake north :of Port Albert, the drowning
bovine: occurred' .atiout a quarter of a
mile north of the river Inbuth.. Long
• heavy iron pipes have been aetaehed to
' the grappling hooks for the dragging
operations\ Without the added weight
of the pipes the grappling books 'would
not siekbeneatlx the heavy shish which
serrates the, lake. Neither of the ',bodies
has yet been recovered.
George's. Greatcoat Found .
A. 'rgreatcoat identified as belonging
to George Was found by the search
, party 011' Tuesday, about an eighth of
a mile moreh Of Where the tragedy o•c-
„, toured, no deubt-eayried there in the
111" water by a strong southswesterly.,wind:
The finding of the . greatcoat lends
strength to the statements of the eye -
'Witnesses that George plunged into the
water of •his own -accord in an attempt`
to eave Deeenhane Apparently he had
Shed the heavy Oat to lighten himself
111 earrying ,out the attempted reocue,
Sense of Tragedy over Camp
, Although Iiebenhatir and !George were
not :known by all the men, at the Novi-
• , gation School, netertheless a deep feel -
•...slug. of. sadness for comrades. qoAt hass who have been stVell fir* addition to
enshrouded the camp. The yotteg me* this' pommunity. •
had been nt Peet 'Albert for too ehort it The home eddress of L.A.C. George lit
time to be Well ,knoton here, but. ,:the Cheltenham, England, and L.A.C. I)e-
eitiossas of iGoder101.4 • join in mourning benh,amrs home is at Farnham, Eng,
the lose of two of that group of men
911e iirst fatalities 'at the Pert Albert
Air Navigation iSabool did not come
front a ;source eonneeted with the air -
It is believed that a spark from the
engine had ignited 'funies which. had
leaked from a flooded.carburetor; Not'
'even ''the _,,palut on -the hood was
damaged, but 31fr.flk feele lib eahh°t
-thank the bank elerk.enotigkror saving
the car from poesible ruin.
Dr. tr. E. Case Dies,
After Long Illness
Lod, to Rest at Dungannono
Where ife Practised for
Torty.ilve Years
(*From bur Dengarmon Correspondent)
DUNGANNON, Dec. 11.--Thoegh
heel been knowu for eorae year that
Dr, T. el, gase .was not in the best if
health, the news {it Ws). (teeth, which
Occurred at his home in Martinet) on
Friday last, came ate e, ehoele and with'
a deep sense 'of lees to thio village ltt
whieb be spent the great partCp'
Melee life:- After oractigrit 'In4i1te1ne`
here or fertisitive ,yeare the Decter
With Mrs. Caee moved' twelve yeare ago
to Toronto, where they could be near
m:ost of the Members of their tamilY•
The Doeter, Who had sufferedsti stroke,
some time before bes removal tO TOr-,
onto, had:partially„ recovered his health,
but about a year ago he became ,b.edfo,st
and on iTleuesday last he suddenlybee
came ,Worse, and on Friday lie passed
peacefully away, ia hi eightyslete
yearale leaves Ilia Wife, Jeanie Gordon
Disher Case, a daughter, pure, of
Toiontos and three sans, Benson, of
Toronto, HoWard, of Heleington, iSneke
and Die Geotge, of Neeenarket.
• A ;funeral Service •wee ;held onflun-
clay evening at the chapel ot F. W.
Matthews, epadina avenee, Toronto,
and interment took place in Dungannon
cemetery afte a aerviee 4n St Peel%
Anglican -chureh .here on. ;Monday after -
mem. Rev. A.. A. 'M'aloney, 'rector of St.
Paul's, who condueted the ;service, -.had
Aisltimawn.inr. Cas,- hat the logh-Xe-
spectited deep affection for the DOctor•
which he found among the 'people of
this district enabled him to -pay' a
'Mang •tribute.to the deeeased.;
His was 'tleelife of a country doctor,
and %COILS have -been written' of just
slich men, He gave Unstintingly of
his ,Skill to: the weak an& ills braved
:ManY,:a..Winter stormtQattend a slat -
bed, and quietly, andunostentatiously
rendered •sery lees which . will 'never., be
forgotten by those who benefited.
The tuneralsealost --wasseurraunded
-veldt beautiful •ffovve!rts, and old friends
'bore dt to the •-pluee of interment :
Thomas Mothers,. J. J., Ryan, Jas.
.Davidsons'RObt, 3. Darner, Thos. W
gine and:rank MeArthur (Goderich
Born in Osborne township, near
Exeter, Thomas Edward -Case ,gradu-
ated from Torontts Medical: 1Sehool in
IsiS83. During, hie long years, of prac-•
Hee ..in" Dungannon. he interested Jmn
self ie many community activities ana
ivas a member'ef-the .,publie _school
and Public library boardo:
• Dr. !Case's family,,who have. a warm
place 4n the ,hearts of the people Of •
Dtifigannons•strerefii*lConiedln the homei
Durnin "and j. J. Ryarf,,Whiie
here onisnolay,:axellhefOre returning
tO Toronto in the .evening they made
nuiny calls among the' aged'. and the
sfek, a kindness 'that was greatly alp:
-predated, •
. We extend our sincere Sympathy to
• Mrs: Case and ;family in the loss of
her • husband, their 'fabler and our
friend. 0
-nousetuit4orff:04 °4*"••eilleriti'13%
Are 'Worried to be on their guard against
,colleetors, canvassers and salesmen who -
'are •unable to produce evidenee _US esUn-
port their claim to represent the bodies
forwhieh, they claim , be working.,
Recently a man was ihefore the court.
here f•or Salsely representing himself
as a canvasser for the Itett'Cross ; an -
'other was sentenced in a. neighboring
•coon•ty for collecting nioneydrandulent-
ly for a soldiers' tobacco fund, and
there are enquiries as to the bona fides
of'a man who recently canvassed this.
town selling cards witli an ostensibly
'patriotic motive. 'This last-mentioned
person may have been quite within his
rights, but some persons upon whom he
called were suspicious.
Unless a systeth is, placed in effect
requiring every such person to carry a
Beense; from the Town or County *and -
to produce It upon' request, household
era will be w'ell 'advised either to refuse
to have anything to do with itinerant
canvassers • or to demand that they
emit tredentiais of which there -can
be no doubt.
In thi connection the president of
the Goderleh !Board Of Trade is assured,
in response to an enquiry, that 110 one
has been authorized• by anyone in
authority, or by those ,responsible....for '
the inauguration of the 'Buy Empire
Products' cam-paig•n, to .solielt subserip:
tions or to sellaie•British—Buy Eiripire
Goods', cards'.
*eve James Leiper Of nullett Town-
ship was it caller at theCounty building
on Monday, after his sweeping victory
at, tee: polls, and, us enrected, • he an .
flounced himself a ean,didate for the:
Warden" s job in '1941. Mr. ,Leiper Is
dean, of the !County !Council. Ile has
been , a member of that body, on and
of for twenty -mine ',earsandit is a
long time eince eltelett had a warden.'
ig imaking a spirited &Ode. It
hats long h4n his ciiabition to oceupy
the Warden's khair before retiring from
public life.
First Group Graduatestfroni Sky
Harbor and Leaves for Western Canada
! After seven weeks' training.at Sky
Harbor the first group of student pilots
op,igho. their elementary ,eourse on
Tuesday and that. afternoon entrained
for .a -Western Canada 'Service Flying
School to continue, a.dVanced inetrue-
These was no ceremonial to mark
the takeoff, 'because of the exigencies
of, time' and weather, As. is well known
to .Goderichites, good ilying weather
hereaboutlras been ,a very scarce conk
Modity daring the past month, and so
when opportmtity did poesent Melt
•ss-c•ry Available minute- woe utilized.
• On, the last daY, With the landing field
in a slushy condition, some students
eentineco tying through the dinner
hour and UP to .within it short time of
their train's departure, in order to the eohool hae Yet had,
eolnplete the eourse. At Port ,Albert the paved runways are
Manager 3. 1t, !Douglas and 11.11.A.1'. bare and a greet deal of ileine also
Supereisme 'tik!OVVS dind irOrdan. were was eceompliehett there eesterday.
ja4tly proud of -this first elasse pilot.s
to 'graduate" from liuroti (sounty's
airport, and predict they • will he heard
from in the future, 'The executi've and
officers, deserve muel eredit for. the
driving forte pet behled their effort
under trying conditibno and, ' what is
more important, without a seriouS nils
hap .
A neW junior, 'doss has' already ars
rived, at the seirools and the juniors. of
the past evoke have been -etepped up
to senior ranks..
The 'runways haVe been, rolled night
and this/Aortae the heavy enowfall and
what with a thaw and a freeze -Up are
now in splendid condition. Itu
of flying hours put_ on the records
1•Veti1est1ay wao one of the biggest days
The road commission of the County
Council hes completed its new =Chine
shop at 'Auburxr, a one-story concrete
‘building, 80 x 100 feet. It is now being
equipped with -crane, lathe, acetylene
welder, ,etc., and 'Bert Craig, of 'Grand
Vendi has taken over his duti,eYs: as
chief mecheeie. He •and bis family
hate taken up residence tin the former
hotel., _new ownedsby the letlunty._ The
OlirrnliSSion, which is *ending over
$4000 on its Auburn plantsinspected the
new eongtruetion yesterday.
Mr. D. E. MelCon011, of cape Town,
'South Africa,writing to air. 0. 11.
Green after reading -The Old Log
!School," says: "I . must thank you for
several hours of intereeting and, pleas-
ant•entertainment. and wish you ,ieod
luck in your. venture In publishing."
Non -jury sittings of; the Supreme
pourt are scheduled to open in Gode-
rich on Monday, December 16. Justice
Godfrey was', slated to preside, but he
is 111 and •the substitirte Is not yet
*known. There are foie; eases; en the
liet for hearing,
OUR. buRurnami
The eut,stveling feature Of
tido Woe of The tilgookStar Ia
the Christmas *Werth** Our
-Progressive MOrchaata are trying
to make it as easy as Potaiibie for
shoppers to make suitable pur-
chases, and those who are in
doubt as to what they shOuld
live should have wo.diftlenity. in
solving the problem .*Ster.looiting
over the ntanY 041110491110' In
these' columns.
Goderich merchantA, have gone
to mat trouble '14nd.• expels*, to
,PrOcuire the Christmas storks ' se
horlohlY dlolklaYed, And .in return
• they -.Rioulit-tiove:-thc:gonemuc
Potroosge of the, people of the'
• town and district. •
1/0.3rMir shopphig at home, and
shot* where you are inVitedto
. . .. . .
Politicians Seanakig Pro0Pects of EartY
Bi election for the Provincial
. House • .
i!olitlefaxis in the Protineial,ridleg
Huronsi3ruee'are,..disetleging pros-
, • -
pects of an eleetiott early lie 1941 to CM
the va.e.aney in the TAgislature Created
by the death of O. :A. lito'bertson0he
-late member, last winter. s.
Among . the liberals tmentioned as
POSSible candidate ate Dr„,D Fiee-
layson ot !Ripley, president', of the
Hitiloirditruce L1beraL4o4gt1ons
Reeve IV. ..S. Hetherington, K.C., of
Wingharn; 'Reeve Raymond' Itedmoed,
of 'East Wavvanosh;• Hugh Hill, of Col-
borne- township; Sheldon Briek,er, of
Fordwiels and +Eugene. Martyn, of
' • "
Oenservatives Cooked Upon 'itp possible
aspirants are:Mayor 3'. H. Crawford, of
Wingham; john W., Hamm, ex -mayor
of Wiegharn, ;ViTiliderfrteet. "0,71feagair ;
Reeve .Robert Bowman, of. Brussels,
and Harry Cogan, of -Teeswater, who
.-wassthesparty -candidate sinsstheslas t_
!$O far there is no offiCial annOunee-
anent of a by-election bs the ridings
Rebate on Hydro THE,B1000111D STREETS To Oppose
_ RikUrr-ATIrooet eitirene, and th.eY re ills Proposed Itailway
Editor The SiguelOar. .°
many, whe 440e -wove of' bolding ;the
Town Council Benda Ouggestion younicipat elections during , the ar ift Meeting &t Blytb.
meat 4n their .favor whell tbte reeent *Cknuinitteii,s. —014/ Arreitailitt
00133MI.,_ 01!011, .; ,
*torm piled the streets high with eetow, iv. 'lustiest
The Vetere te ;_the ToWa, Cerauell to be followed by -filial worse cOndit}eus
when the. thaw and; rain, end another
1.1weting on Friday night last wee the
prepoete by Reeve Turner teat or iee, freeze411), nade the streets almoet, ,im-
tion ottheSturPles 'built ttp froeelledro Pas643)1e"' '' • . - ' '
Aa 'the former 'Connell. pratticaile
revenues be liebatecito Iledro settifttlia* went out Of ,existkace en Veeepaber 2nd,
es • COUtteil encloreed the Prenoaal and We were. lett ,in the peadtion of not
Mayor MaetWen Promised 'VG, pits! It
eohlsilleggrigilYPenri"ot hill:1;6 wile6egd4OYteitlf!cleaadar
on to the PA1Ale trantles IC4miAlls'S1411the etreeta, and even at this late date
‘' Al'i Melmbere a ,the Coletell Were the 'walks have,.'not_ Weecleaned, or
1,17e:5elit(pe101/4nin7-...,,ietraigiernalla, 10n4C04,,.---.,.:-,A.,-,,.,,.,,,, , _
$0 010 111$01Ii0111 week1 Deeemeee,eauwea 0 -mg erre
The mercleente ,heve
The •eeon of Italtia.ncemetery cleaned the ice
aed 'now from the liroute of their own,
sxd re:
DIXD11„ Dee. t s, *peak* mag
here and attended W'repreeentetives,
of the. nentielpelltito afteeied, ,teser-
Mietee. was' formed to '4irset effete*
ageinet the .1)roPowd; *Atka 44 the
:Canaillatt National 13:aii•wayip 4kban--
goning. the line between Clietest end
Wingletm, Mayor Prawford :Mpg -
ham wee chairman a the meletieg,
; , The Old Agreement
AF-dieseuesion„ file agneenstait wldelz
had been Otade hetweeet the Ebendote
o bushy -tees, hat dirtving-.'en aPy-,.dirrenitulE
pa.Bliatiesa! 44cl
but the main streets Is etill almost im „fames 'Delver, The eif HulietteToern-
Possible. gotoriets are -being stuck111 shipeeald thot altexiegh his menleipals
all-directione neuea*uit it could net produce an agreement he
earry on for the simple -reason they was sive that a bond Of 11120,000 bad
cannot, get through the ice mounds beep, vele byereuess in toweeeeee evoke
,'ImisereCortilandbfilti.ovirn bo Is 'paay7 ,arleoounesiodnee;af.boler lIe en,eilty_earrneinettaytetarhesr.e aadstbeenwaittleeeesoliph
P°tt°1oflterwntaxtlDeceu"rl4vn°i);asthrlYgTlethechlefneth o7 theeiarfoe them> that 00t10 rodueSTareeAI
but because no effort, has been made bnd A4ev peeseefeee., deee ee gage
to deer the streets' or walks, the effect,, weWanosle, had 'bale In hire pe*
en .10Cal euelness has been serieue., seestiou agdprodueed tbeet: Mr, Voter
A -
t or.oaeittilozetatiestiodue),iiverda from
see"(rtiri- .1141cFsr
saiect rotabfirkte 'twheereenp,ro*ligthitebeitingd
one of ,the 1944) Council ;among tbe started In 1874 by scone London men.
stree(W while ,atteelPting to use his They had then aaked the 14Weshlie of
-ear on the str.eets. East Wawanosir tor $18,000 and the
in.eftliaoa 'vvitb all the other mer-
chants wile) have suffered end axe euf- next year aaked !for another 47,000 to
relent :from. ,tnis. delay .,olearitig the hceanmtl.neTelit:erolaidneeafzuroorejn'Utoly.oeth.toroWioningin- ,
streets and wolkei_ em etweineed that me andthemoney' had been ,leeeee
, The reteeltiort as to how Lontlesboro
and Belgreee would be served Shoaled
the railway Cense operation aloof eame
up for dlecessiott, and a metion put by
O li Coul,tes and secondedby 3 Anw
strong, et•Londesboro, that .the meeting
go on receedeas petting' forth every
effort to have, the rellway.' rine freni.
Olieten to *Wingleam,.e(mtinuect n everation Wao carried unaubeentele.
• ' Conimittee Named
pot% APPLY VOR A committee; :,volupoozta' of 'two .rePre-'
• INTAirrtroArkrzATIoN sentfrom.from.eto ya,02uethuercipawolikt-,0707ba:
half of the fartnietpalitiee, The conimittee is as fllwt W IL,altorritt,
and To7y4or; Blyth; J. Armstrong
and' Jam ee -• Leiper; Hullett; C.
Coultes:. and q. a 'Wade, •Belgraves
Mayor 3. 11. CririvfOrd and.F. Houston,
Winglaams V. !Mesmer and Mayor...,
sie;et A. 3. fliegurrays, Clinton* •-•
Itedmend and R. 3.. seoultes, Elie( •
Wawaneeh. Co.mmittee eNairman wfl
b:ant, pi414.• i0o.ntewultelfeantslr,f,... Vrawfor(1
';,present, at the ineettage,Wesi L. E.
Cardiff, M.P. tor North! Iiirron, who
stressed the Point thattbeeefeterluneet
was giving patrons or these* a *chanee
to increasetheir liatropageit this
was not done he doubted if the. .ehartee
would wine again. '
ported five _interments in November.
The tax, Collector reported $5,411.09
collected in *Novemb.er, Total collecs
tions' for the, eleven months were
$100,297.04, an increase of $1,355 8,
over those for the Same period last year.
Five applications tor building per' -
nits were received: From J. E. 1 1 T aegele,
South street:. W. 4.;; Foran y Keays
street; Miss Ae 0 Aitken, Market
street; Ca. Newconlbe, Soutleetreeteand
W. ;Stufdy, Cletrch street—alt for re --
shingling jobs. , • _ •-/
An application from the Ponadian
Mothereraft 'Society for a, grant was
sett to the Special committee.
-Arnold Deak's applieation for a taxi
license was referred, to eothmittee and
later in the Meeting was granted,
A. resolution from the Township of
Staniford, asking that the -Donation.
Government inaugurate a plan for tree. sh
o!IsecTioid -old and -fi-osidaduatroo, -eorsoCeltiltould-beLempowered--t•o-
i!-!-• do the necessary elearmg ail& sanding
cost to be borne by theGovernment and. during December, or from the dee an
the employers,of labor, was referred to old eoueell.gees out until a new one Is
the special ,conetnittee. installed. - • •
Notice otf- a Conference !conducted MAO of our'. citizens prefer to spend
the Great Lakes Harborsssioeiation,
to be held at Detroit ,DeceMber -5th and their money in tow -my -and they ;should
be encoutage0 to de -So rather than
6th, was ordered!filed.. force:them to 'resort tosother ineoeK.;Of
The S'61vati"..Al'in.Y.wa's,granted P017'' making their purchases.
mission'tertheshokileg of Its Christmas A. mtpRicoui...NT.
entertainment -in the Town Hall; on •
December 13th. ' • • •
From Gaderieh Roy instheystin_
is. 0. G. Holman wrote from the
Atlantic coast thankleg the •Coureell.for
its gift He wrote I would like to
thank...alls those ins-Boderich_s_Whossin
working -in the wartime organizations.
It is theii work that makes our lot
easier at-•timessand "their activities are
surely being appreciated.". .
A letter of tilankS was received from
Mrs, E. C. Beaeorte seeretary of the
Umpire }Service Club, for the assistance
given by the Council' le the establishiee
of the Club. •
-- •
•The Canadian Underwriters' Associa-
tion sent the clistomti•ry warning at •
thie waeoe as eo theeneceseity of es-
pecial tare -of fine -fighting equipment.
.A. communsfeation frO.M.1 R. O. Hays,.
More Flyers Arrive
for Poirt Albert
The !arrival in kiederieh last Satur-
day noon of amother greep of the
-from the, Old ii)ouetry brings, tliespers
sonnet. of the Tort Albeit Air Naviga-
tion leehote hp to full strength.' in.ehe
group were some who wore decoratiops,
the I.D.1.10. and the wonele the
Pro -sent Near. • There were af few, vvhe
haVe been rendered unlit for further
conreat tieing; bet young fellows, ad-
vaneed student' 'flyers wearing ser-
geant'ss Stripe7s, lier•e tor training pur-
poses, predoniinated, Now thata per
manent training get -hp -has ih'eeil efrefab.
lishedr and the temp, 10 rapelly nearing
completion, it iteeXpeeted that groups
of these • Students will be Coming and
going 'at More or iles. regelerintervels.
41`be• latest grbulpto arrive, were
eaturelle tired after a r000 -mile water
and mil trip whichy they saki, was
without incident. They. %molded gees-
tione .but asked many, ehlefie concern-
ing the weather, vvhich was atite worst
when the, 'train pulled in. For 'hours
lii*V10113 snow -plows had been at work
clearing thes highway to• ,Port 'Albert:
Snow eltovellere had to be used to re-
movea blockade on the "Shepparciton
(terve. It had- the en.OW.Olewte beaten,
The It.A.V.Vevel rotary blower, white'
has received abeet au unieh attention
tte a eel, bomber, helped in the highway
moppingefp operationeIthfortunately
a Demrtenent Plow, whielt hadventured
north to Ainberleyittel Pine River, be.
came bogged and brok'ellowit jut When
• 11 was urgently needed ferthergouth.
The following names are ;aided tothe
list„of•substribers to the Red Cross fund
in the recent canvas
$5,00 •
• Mrs, C. A. Reid, Miss K. K. 'Haps,
C. C. Lee, H. C. Williams!, Mrs, (Canon)
Mrs. A. F. 'Sturdy,. St, Peter's S.S.I
- •%AI>
.0athoIle Women (balctit4':. sale).
.$2.5;oeY - • -
Mrs. J. Wesley Reid.
In Contrast with the activity which
prevailed, at the harboinast week things
are very quiet this week. •NO new ar-
rivals 'have been added to the number
of ships wintering here., The only
other ;vessel expected here before the
season closes ie the str. A. 4.. Hutlson,
which will bring the total winter fleet
to ten grain vessels. "
The tug Johtt,R. Stever hes been en-
gaged by the Goderich Elevator Co. to
break ace in the, harbor this winter
and carry supplies to the fleet The
tug isowned by the !Chatharo: Dredging
Company and is skipped by -Captain'
Sennet. he , put In here early laet
Friday morning. '
-• After twenty-five years, of operation,
Heron CountysjOhildren:s 'Shelter, his
been: closed. At a -meeting of the
Shelter eommittee yesterday this of-
ficial action waS approved and the;
building and its furnishings ordered
turned over to the custody of the pro-
perty committee of the ()aunty Ceuncil.
Thesbuilding on !fitimeronstreet, pur-
ehased in 1915 at a cost :of $4,000, will
either be sold or leased. A Children's
Aid Society oftiee has been opened over
the Royal Bank for Inspector 11.•T:
Edwards and his essistants. In future
children coning Intothe care of the
Society will be boarded in private
homes. •
Good Flying Days
forSky Harbor Men
It was business as. ifetaal ,at IS4e.
Ilaellor airport on Sunday, when the
first flying weather in eight days pre-
vailed. The !Out:ways had been rolled
continuously, night and day, during the
storin and 'the 6110'W WS.$ 1)0.Cilld hard.
:Saturday night'freeze-up made land-
ing conditions ideal. Despite snow
flurries all day !Sunday muelt flying
'was done, white Monday was a perfect
clay. On 1SUnday Sk Harbors Irainiter
'planes friadest*o ;forced lendings, erte
near Ilelmesville and the other near
Dublin. On Monday morning the plane
at liolmesville was dloson back to its
base, undamaged, after,an improvised
rierwey, sufficient tor a. take -off, had
been tramped down In, the lield In
which -et had landed,. The Dublin plane
was brought back be lorry. It stood
momentarily on 'its 'nose 1 a enow-
bank and • then settled clown. %light
repairs were, neceasary. • The pilots
were uninjured ,
The Camp Borden plahe tweed down
at Tiverton nearly two weeks ago in
a snowstorm was trausported by rooter
transport to Goderich at the weekend
via No, 9 highway to Makes, thence
to Teeewater, Wingham and Clinton,
Thia wae teeessery bemuse a tiike Blue
Water highway's being snow -blocked.
The " lhoMber, whielt had been dis'.
mantled, at Tiverton, was reageembled
at rekkliarbor and given •a test 'flight
Sunday evening, not at dusk. :rt was
prouottueed fit for ite return night to
Come Ilorden„
Three. Czeeho-Slovaldans and .One
-Italian---Appear --before': -Judge
'Costello `'" ' •
Three OpethosSlovakia.ns and one
Italian appeared before Judge Costello
alIPIYing_ for eattiraliza.tionThey
ent,y •Copr. t on eto7day o.rning;
Eugene Prigione, .39, Itnititn•glove
cutter, Wingham. , Bern in TOrtuo Pro-
Vii.siee, Italy.* . °awe, to Oanad4 10. 11)28
• Pauel-Pankeje, 40, laborer. Came to
Canada in 1928. •'
jo:seph- Pecker741, ,Taborer. Came to
Canada in' 1923. • ,
John Tornov ''sNtircin, 39, laborers.
K.C., with reference to Proudroot eState
Came to Canada in 1028
taxea, was referred to the finance com- .
mittee. The three last-named Were born in
; • Czecho-Slovakia. All were elosely ques-
The !firemen's payroll for ...the Year, , timed. ,by. the Judge, particularly as to
amounting to $810, was left- In the
bands of the !finance and •fire • com-
- Committee Reports
• The .finance committee reported, re-
ceipt of the Provincial' subside of
$2,1W.15, irecomimended several tSIC
.justmentg, and passed a number of ae,
counts. Relief accounts for Novem!bei
amounted to $58,65. ••
The public•works eommittee recom-,
mended that the letter of D. E. HOlmes
with reference te the eondition 'of the
Sidewalk OD, St. Davids street be laid
over for • further • consideration, and
• that the County be asked to supply
heetingeforetheeproposed- puleie laye
• tory in Ciourt dlouse Park • • meeting, Chrlstmae- earols were ;sung
• The waters light and harbor cam. _11 anst Mrs. C. Holland, read, the Christ-
Mittee recommended that the Public
tJtiIities Coinmiesion be ;requested to
install•a new street light on 1St. Vhacent
street, between the present light and
• North street. I•
Annual Christmas Treat
• At Deputy Reeve BroWe'g suggestion
the apedialecommittee was authorized to
• make arrangementa for the useel tom:-
munity Ohriettnes tree.
„Reeve Turner ;said he believed the
Hydro department was in a flouriehing
congition, with a substantial surplus,
and he thought some of this •surplus
should be rebated to customers. • The
money, he declared, ;belonged to the
people and -they ehotild• get some. of it
beek in the formeof a •rethate •ort their LOndon-Petiotinets-Ilttt Popular
Phe mblatr"gaid woild tale the
matter up' with sthe 'Public
Commission at; next meeting..
, pylaw No. 10, re -appointing J. W.
Montieth auditor for 1941, at the salary
• of 4450, Was adopted!.
• Bylaw'iNsi. 17 was given initial reed -
Inge and was then referred to conitoittee ,,of. the whole for further con-
sideration. This; bylaw is to resell:el
bylaw 37 of 1920, lei vvhich certain
aidrwasi granted to •the•Goderleir 'Slants
iticturing Co,, Ltd. • The !provisions of
the 1920 bylaws it was stated, were
shew 'will testify that the performers
not observed or earried' out by the
Goderich Manufacturing Co. • were heads a,bove Paid eneertelilers.
lit camatitteee of ' tibe whole it wag Mr. Alf: TethS, director of the show,
Wae'reaStee ,of ceremonies. ICU ShOW
orrened with two popular number' 1b Arl,w,c1.5.14t,;v.im_.00lauded at every •
l)en Wright and his ninespieee orele went through Intricate itid;es
estra. 'Six, "Air Force Girls,' " costumed die -legit numbers, II;er was steOnd
in air force blue and white, -tapped out only to that of tl* two cowgirle the
Al Smart, dance !number. •Comedian actordeel. „
.Mickey Owen brought tiftaws ot The' eowgirle eeturned eine' three
laughter from .the men with, inter-' numbers and the show tO)1411144 AVith
pretation '''Around the Marble Arch" another dance nunaber by the "Air Poree
and other war songs. Tore)! s-,;•insser (;irls." The chorus, girle were': "'
IjepeeVolf, sieginglpopular ewing num- Jolly, Josephine Drown, Ruth Stooks,
beta, wee well, ;received, ag woe 13111 Marg. MacDonald, Pre:note Ninelaira
Manning, bae-'3o. A dance caveialte by Ena Gooding and Violet Arbuekle.
Eala Gooding bronight rounds ap- 'Squadron `Leader ;B.' Voyee of I.'ort
THE "WEATiiiillit plause. • -„klbert Nevigation iSeJiool, in the
The temperateree for the pest Week Was the Magician Ont a .alesence of Capt. Itoberteon, °
and for the eorieeponding, week last number of newetricke mistify the Moltke& the performere and the /-.0.1e.
year, ase officially reeorded, Were as fol. airmen. frwo dt.A.F. officers' were E. for the splendid show provided for
lows: " volunteer assistantf4 for i'ete of the the ;airmen:and askedefor three rheers
1940 meglei:We itricke elle, they earns,- in emit'. the 111441 tO eltow their -approval.
Max; elite Max. Min. for a lot of i•tood-nattred ribbing from The Minim responded with hearty en.
Thera, Dee. (27 19 • - 37 33 the airmen no they were put thetzeaem. The' pregram conelteled
Fri., Dies 0 10 37 32 eomfortable poeitions, with the 'singing of ''.0o41; t.Save the
I)ee. '40 " 35 `.VIte ..„Tohnston eistere, thirteen 'and Mar,'"
Sim., Ike. 8 34 25 39 32 fourtmn-yenr-oid-"cowgiile'who sever- A'fter the show the it:A.le and' leree,
Aton., MP. .441 45 20 al wcol:sl doe perfostrosts,) irssost /*sows se ethoet:,1 awl the eeseeers tiw coo
!Neg., Ike. 10 Al 32 40 24 rodeo show in 4<k -trouts). were the hit of Were treated Io a delightful luneh
Weds I)ee. -32 • 25 •28 • 2A) the everting with their Songs of the the ladies of the I,O14.E.
-why. thee had 'waitedeettil war broke
out to apply for natura zation. Three
said they,bad just kept •putting. it off,
but one explained that he had been
waiting for his wife thscome to Canada
to see how she liked; the eountry. Jude'
Costello did • not hnmediatelv reCom-
mend naturalization. 'He 'said. he would
take such action under consideration.
The regular _monthly. meeting of the
Wolnete.s InStitute was held in MacKay
Hall on Thursolay, December, 5th, the
president, Mrs. H. '13. Tichlborne, pre-
this.ovas ohTigtynn.s
Inas story. • Other ,Chnstmas readings'
were given by Mrs. C. Bisset and Mrs.
T. Glazier. A eeggestive and tionght-
ful on, making ChM:stems a plea-
sure rather than a burden, prepared by
Miss M. E. Salkeld, was reed by Mrs:
Chas. Young. Harold d 'and Donald
Warren sang a 'Christmas nutaber and
Billy Newcombe played, a ,,vioile
A splendid temonstration of Christmas
novelties was prepared; and ,given by
Ms. N. McInnis. The meeting 'closed
with the Naternal -Anthem, after which
a cup of tea was enjoyed.
" Of interest to many Triencla Was the
quiet wedding which took place at the -
Baptist elixir& parsonage, Godeviele at
10 am. Thursday, "Decembeie5tb, when
Evelyn ,Leona Lyman, youngest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Lymee,
became the bride ot 'Robert A. Williame,
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 3.
Williamsi all of Goderich. Rev. J.
Milligan 'officiated. The ,bride wore a
street -length dress of efenterey rose
erePe with black acceseories,.andecare
:tied a .bbuquet -of American' Beauty -
roses with baby breath. fern. The
brideemaid, Miss Verna Phalen, were
soldiers_blueepes with, black' seeeeree
soles and earried a bourpset of Token
roses and '' -fern. Mr. Durland Lyman,
• brother of the bride, was groomsman.
After the ceremony, a buffet, luncheon
was -enjoyed. The groom's gift to the
.bridesmaid vvhe a geld coinliact,' and
to the groom's attendant a leather bill-
• fold. Mr. and Mrs. • Williamieftiu
the afternoon for Toronto' epd other
points,"the bride travelling in a dreSS
of soldier blue crepe and ;teal blue coat
with red fox trim aid black acceesorles.
• On their return they will reside over
Dr., Taylor's. °lice on North street,
where Mrs. Williams will eareinue her
hairdreeeing business.
• Program for Airmen at 1ViaeNay Hall
- The -Empere'eService, :Cab at MakKay old West. They brought down the
Ilall had a .ettpacite gathering of air- house and bad to return, SeverAl times
men from Port Albert and Sky Harbor In response fo encores.
on 'Wednesday evening for.thepresenta- F0111* „ pretty Airier tapelaneed to
Mon a Alf...Tibbs' unit asl'o. 1 show of "LoehsLomonds” „s4ostumed Scottish
the 'London !Citizens' War Auxiliary outfits. They were :followed by Len;
Bart, aecordioteet, who gave tortlewith
'S'etilleleceitouee: whieh entertains active "Dark Eyes" and 'ellegin; the Ilegiun."
service units in military dietriet No, 1, — Ftances Sinclair gave a „splendid (1ie:-
is made. up of amateurs,from. London, play of the- ditileult•,ort of toe {lensing.
Ont.; but every airman who saw ,the I)on ;Wright performed 'brilliantly 111.11
Aiilletilt trumpet Solo of the swing ver -
slop of eCeribiribin." Rouede„ ot ap-
plause -greeted his effort -and he had 44;
(10 the number •again. Aerdba,tie-daneet
decided to held over the final reading
of the bylaw for a 'conference with -the
iMr. and .14,1rs. .&.3. Ferguson , of
Auburn announce the engagernent of
their daughter, Margaret elertrede, to
Itay Wilma • '';'sort of Mr.
and The. Wileon ()Neill. of Parkhill.
The morriage ie to take Place, ettletlY
the latter part of December.