HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-05, Page 8• Allati-TRNA 'Dee, 4 - Mt WealeY meeting; after whit* brief social I Bratinoefs, •Miesee ,iDorothy stud Beryl timer was spent. Ifsev,11 0. I'Vilsou Wilseu and Harold Nieholson cipent, presi1e-4 for the dection offieers, Saturday at 'Londonwhich resulted as fallowet President, Mrs. dtadiford has returaed to ro. Nrs. John mou'istm7, seeret;try-4treas- MerstOn7 atter vieiting' her cousins -Mee. urer, lItArr,y Sturdy ; assistant, Anew C. A. Uewseu. Andrew'. The teachers, were ee-elected Mr. Adam. Reid,- has one to Sarnia for anothe.r year. after visiting hie daughtee's Mr % W. Sh.eppa.rd, and Mr, Sheppard, , am Ben liilton has ,one to Toronto, Gar011 Acquittett where he hopee to obtain a. job. Ger - don" .Aelaufs .accompanied him and he intends enlistins tit& THE GODER1OH SIGNAL.STAR NEws oF AuBuRN nutee and beeught bade the reetteetited verdict ot aequittal, ar Accident Case • Mr. `11o..rry Bodd and Mrte Lewis (Continued. from Page I.) Taylor; of 'Goderich, spent 'Sunday with esieglaue automobile, Taylor gave !deuce of the 'blustery weather ton- tion-, on the day of the- aeeident. Ile id that . front his investigation, he arned that the ,Ga.ron ear hadlit the ax, tise Vingland ear and owung•, round eroSsWise ,of the read to pin Ir. ringland between it and a third ser alongside 'iris owe behind vellielt le had been etanding. Colquhoen sfixed the speed of. the' Garen, Car at twenty -eve miles an beer up to within twenty -ave feet Of the 'POlut at whteb. Mr. ring -land first was )10.tieed SPallaing On the road. ,lits said elartmeteeitehis,.feoteeff tha,eeceleeetter .I nil tipplied the .,braltes. Visibility at end, Mrs. Wm. 4:-)odil, sr. , The public library sponsored a dance in the Foresters' 'Hall on FeldaY night, ,Artituest orchestra a Winghera eup,: 'plied the -dance eiusie. Tile Weal Red 'Cross held a quilting in ICnox United ehurch basement on Friday afteriexne abet Ave -quilts were ettilted. poOludit supper yas served. Eine Whatert-Ontinues to Xage here With unabated furiirslI'lle' two earloads of ettulents • attending Coderieh Col- legiate Institute from here Were forced to return houte on Tue.sday: owing ,to lorm4b1eeked reads, 'Church service .in Knox E,Preehyteriaii and Si. Ifiark'es" • Anglican churches, was . cancelled "On" times 'wee good and at other tins al- . Sundae .Owing to bad roads, I raest, nil as a high wind pioked 61,10W Word has been received here that the •seven -foot banks of snow at _AL_Iliceeeefor_Mer manger in the 1004 t _side ofethe road and whirled it Ilanic a !Commerce here, and now of trough the air. • A.Yr has been appointed manager f the braneli Caledonie, near liana - ton. It Is about ten • years since Mr.' and "Mrs, Bice 'left here to go to Ayr. United Church W.M.S.-4The • a Knox United church: held their monthly meeting in the church. ,base- ment Tueeday afternoon. Mrs. Iloward Robertson was in eharge and led in prayer. The was, were given by ' Ales. • H. Cie ' and Mrs. Chas. Stranglian. Christmas readings were gieen by Mrs. W.H. Sheppard and Mrs. Ohas.iStraughan. Mrs. J. J. Roberton sang ''"Star ef the East," accompanied, by Miss Sadie 'Carter. Mrs. Howard Roberteon gave a Christmas message. . Bible Class Offiterse.-Th.e Junior Bible -Clue of Ketax , their annual meeting Tuesday evening. Aifter boiintiful supper prepared by the ladies, Mr. Ralph D. Muer* took • charge of 'the besinees ,part of, the •Nronteith and Cook told of the effect the impact on the Finland ear, in hioh they were seated. They said_ it 't,Vas not severe. Monteith' sustained abrasions on his legs and Cook wee -dazed by a busupsonetheefereheacr - The' Crown rest& its Case 'at this ' point and after the noon recess Defence Counsel Haines m.oved for dismissal on the 'ground that.the peotecution had not shewn a degree a negle,senee sufficient to convict.- He quoted authorities at great length to show, as he said, how the minds of the courts are moving in this day and age. The trend of de- eisions, he 'added, did not place the 0111,16. on. drivers in • such eases. The accused was net ,morally• criminal. ehadused the usual Standard of_ Cam," skill and judgment in his driving.. 0rownttorney Holmes maintained that unless His Honor -held that there was no evidence of negligence whatso- ever the accused must be placed on his defence. It was for 'the -jury, not ,.t.he judge, to • say, .as to the degree of neg,ligence. , . ' • "et --or- Acquitt,s1—__ After a review of the evidence ;Judge Costello Said he would regnest the jury to bring in a 'verdict nif not 'guilty. In view of the 'Crown evidence,- Much of , Which was favorable to 'accused -what other decision. could he come to? he I asked The evidence had presented a very _fair interpretation o.f whit had_ happened and what might happen on a . day. Mich as • this (the day of trial). As it was, the Gann ear was under "pretty fair, control end supervision:" ' IT Gar011 was guilty oranything it was only inadvertence. - • The jury retired for wily a few Art-ir-Gift--Sto Christmas Gifts for Evmone Beautiful Framed Pictures .25c ii China citiits 10c up. -English Dinner Sets by the piece. -I • There may be actioe. I have no coranaent to make. You are dis- eletageti. You may go,'" ettid Judge Costello tof Oaron. , °van; to 'the condition of the roadsi all iessee not 'heard to ,date at this week's Ceunty Court have been ad - jaunted. aurora,- and witneeees- alike V(9.0 not' able to atteed without a great (ivial of inconveniences Traffic !Cop (produeing notebook) "Name,. Please," !Speeder "Aloysius Alastair OYDriang61." 001) 4Pattingrhis • Abele& chapter._ , vetch you again." " • its regular emeetine•Frida'y DeceMber ladle's; Immediate POS,,se.s.sielaq also uotebook away) "Well, don't let me Gat, at 4.11m„, at tiles/mimic iibiary, ,goaordaeeeric.iies,i.pply, tp Noe/gate st„reet, 48x Salvetiert A.refy will hold a' Christ- Deember 13th, at 7.45 p.m. Admission Mae cenceet irethe Town Hall, Vriday, ED. . adults 1.5e; childree '10e. , 49x • ' Antacid. Powder give's 1:snits, Sale of fancy work, home baking, candy and afterneort tea by the Salve - tion A.rmy. at *Ur. )Sutherland'e store on the 'Square, Saturday, December 7th. _ 49x A joint sneeting of Victoria and Central Home and ISchool Clubs will be held in the kindergarten roene Of Vie- toria ec4r1, Thursdays Deeember 12th* at Am. -The entire program -will- be presented by Tupils of beth echools` 'under the direction of Mr. A. W. .Ander- ton. * A cordial invitation is extended to all paren.te who wieheto attends- The ,. Vietoria 'Helpers Ciaee of Vic- toria street United church ' will hold et bazaar and homeenade laking sale RTENT.---VURNISIIED IIOUSID, e Sutherland'S etore•on thelSquare. OL Saturday, December 14,' in Air: all modern 'conveniences* in tOWA evening, Roy McKenzie and hie mfr.' 105, ClintOn. 474 - Backrite Kidney PillS'at Canipbelre, Would rent all or, any part., Apply, Tott Tof a: init:::::bi 1.0 ,:::::::ines. 'esAtxat Kbeinggi:s ritici'tge9 lei'acillocek4.ehAdn:eisssdiaoYn 11'"". D -.1C -71)1444s inQX 1361 111°W t'OniruilaSti:E.-,4111vOlUy SIlmIlater 1,,,V,AuTnioNsi, atle eaeh. T (11 )1 will hold Main door, suitable fer one or, ttNo 4:EsSex street. '' 49 "x or Results A Classified Ad TO BENT vox sus RAYFULD OPRRAT- '-' ING 'Monday, Wednesday, Friday. ]venins by appointment. Vreela eider Lor sale, Bring your own eontainere. GiliallENHARD OROS., BaSlield, Ont. 48-50x 'Wish to thank all, those electors who placed their COX.1,- , Prdenee in me On iViOnel# last. will endeavor to 'de my 'best in 1941. ttridie Ladies arid Gentlemen:..- -1 extend my appreciative thanks to all who contribut- ed by their votes to my elec- tion 011 Monday. ets. Very truly yours, A. Graham To the Electors-- , Ladies and Gentlemen :--- , •Your votes on Dec. 2nd con- vince me that my effoets to prom - and community are aPPreciated, and •I ask you to accePt my thanks. I will -continue to do everything -in my power to . Prove 'Myself worthy of the renewal of your. confidence. Your very . truly( J.E; &clans izaE. mug ANN! PAGE Straw. or Ras(p. 317::• PrIE 313ICIC '47171°11, 18c-2Vit 17c !`t ItIVIALADE: ram(.)ERANAk., 323-4z. 22C Ttlif. *SOUP CAMPBELL'S 211VfX 17c 3 244g. 25c Wt.JUICEA&P Choice HEINZ 2WIT 23c 0111/eStie or Easifirs1Shortatti!tg "Peas IONA 4 Seisie •SALADA TEA artimp. •YELLOW LAE' EL q#70 Pkg. (.11 ItgA 20's 9A 0 - BAGS Plta. •GeT .. 2 lbs. 25 C 1 20 -oz., 9, In -P&G Soap Bars, 19c *Okydot 4;: -2,11d.Gpit,59 Lard SunnyficIel Pure 2. ibp. 176 Old. Cheese lb. 21 Mild Cheese m 19c Peaches IoNA 1 Pig Iltat Corn DEI MAIZ 2Vigt 211.0 Soap wagreltirs Ica. 15c Soap RIMS% 3 eakes 14c ieiuiine c Plt0D1ICED IN ONTAltiO CtiFFEE Frobly Ground VIGOROUS & %MEV • BOKAR 'en. 39c MELLOW . 8' O'CLOCK 'la 35c ItICfl rtmi-nopiero, RED CIRCLE ia 31c A & 1' BREAD: Sliced or thislleed Ann Paz(' „White Whole Wheat Craelted Wheat A & P XMAS FRUIT CAKE 3-1b. Coe FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ONTARIO • ' — P GROWN At No.1 Grade MACINTOSH RED finest for Eohng • DOMESTIC GRADE SPY „Excellent for Cooking ad1011/110011414 Ontario orawn • Fresh Cut 37c a , Po. 27c CARROTS buratto Grown 'rendea,3 lb, G r. W11',!1. CoreizS1 --7 TilifiVIPS ()1kri°74`in 2 lbs, Sc CCLICILY HEARTS ' th‘kg7, tfit ' 2 bune,les 23c ' OVVII - Gilt 1110 TIMINIFT 11411111:. IMP YOURSELF 10 MVI liff The A hitystilto tt mellf ‘,,,at eo 1t4 To the Electors of Gloci,erich:-.-7- wish to express iny-..deep appreciation for the splendid' • support given Me at the polis last Monday. DA). Mooney To my supporters: Ladies and Gentlemen, - Please accept my sincere appreciation of your loyal -Support in the eleetion of December 2rtd. Sincerely yoUiS,- Teachers Discuss Opnven.tion for Colborne'West . WawanOsh and Ashfleld Held at Dungannon • DUNGANNON, Dec. 2. ---Thirty-one beaehers 0 -riche -sehools iri .A.ehfield, Col- borne and • West Wawanosh ' met In conference in Dungannon. This was' tAirkikrb.--it4litr, rocq` GENE_ RAI, one Of three such gatherings. in the ' housework. Experien& preferred. A,pply BOX 66;••01GINAL.STIAR. ,was -present. "-----LThe-other-meetings-were IL GENTS--- -iv,A.NrrED: .r-F.,—Y inspectorate of James Kinkead, who i , OTIOW-SIS-hereby giv'eri trat all held at Ethel and Belgrave. Harveyf want to start a busineee Of your perso4s •having claims against the Bryank 1S.S. No. 3, 'Colborne, was chair- own awl become independent, 'write .Estate of John Diamond Weocts, de - man of the convention. Devotional today for the 'MO Propositien. NO ceased, who_died on or about the, 30th exercise e were condkieted by Rev.` etTSN UNDER" Trineinutityr- TitriAlr, day. of A.ugusts-A.P. 1940, are required Gordon Hazelwood of the Beinniller OFFER. The A10$13 Complete, line of-__ to,deliver to The 'Beltleh Mortgage and- eircuit •of the United Mural- ' • fere.d With FRDIesoesopuerris for con Trust Corporation Of ‘Oatario,, of iStrat, • Opening, remarks were. given by in- smeere, IStatt now toebegin the new 1 fford, ,,,Ontario,..,Executor of 'the said spector Kinkead. Duncan A. 'MacK;W aY year right.'".'”OMEN and -Vml. ' ac.- estate, on or [before the 27th daY *sof o -ofeKintairspokeerrehe-beautifieatienee test --.A.-pply-4at---JfftBOrl.:485--eSon - e er,-2CD:'1040;a -full -ifitement l.....eetp school •grountls. He , urged all to de- -calm, Montreal. ' ' , 49-52 of their claims 'together with particu- lars -thereof, and the nature of the eecuritieseleanyeleeldslay-thertar all -441y- . PUBLIC NOTICE verified by affidavit, . . AND TANK iNornem that after the said last xaentioned date the said Bxecutar will4voce4c1A-041tatribufe-the estate a the 'emit' deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received dne 'notice and in , accordance therewith. -- . _ _ DAirriD at.Olinten, Ontario,,this'28th about neatness in work. .She dis- ing of the Tovvinship the 'coming year to the transaction , played printing books, books on social . . business as carefully.' day of November, Am. 1040. . . F. ''FINIGLAVD, K.0., , Olintonf Outp.riO; 40-51 Solicitor for the said Ketate, WANDE6 --0110ION- MAPLE LOOS. 'Glee full •partieularS to PDX 65, SIGNALJSZAU . ' 40-59 ANTTADsee A IGIIIffe TO DO GEN.. ORAE housework. Must, be able: to di) pa1nokln Apy MOS, E. L, DEAN, Goderich, or phone 00. 49x .41.44)1E).-7*(1,33,1.1-YOL rugltsEs. for anmdintalZit•tlerefutlIvt1'.1epr'1814t,;'til‘,1:' FRED ITILBERT, *It.R. :2, Baytipio Phone 908 r• 22, Clinton. calls paid fors, Wt4T1 —O ItENT: A FURN- l'SHED house,. or furniShed or un- fureistede'fiat. Apply, FLYING 'OF -- MOM. W. G. rIIIIOMPSON, Box 156, FOR 0A10,4AI) „OF T33. and blood -tested cattle, cAyrshires and Ilolsteins, heifers and eoWs„ going to freshen 'during winter and early spring. T. L DURNIN, Rat,. 1, Dun- gannon. Phone 81 e 7 Dungannon. " 48.„50 R ,S.M41,1.--41.1UDIS01/ 'SINAJL COATI' .- with kolinsky trim* Size 18; peactice ally now, will sell at holt Wee, Call - SIGNAL -0%R °MICE. -49 s,eeeeeeeeeeeeseeesseeeeeeee,eeeee,__ee NOTICE TO capprrous NOTIOE• TO, OIMIDITORSe IN TRE-BStrArgh or Isabella Baker, late of the rToWn ot Gotierich, in the County of Huron* Spinster, decetteed. Creditors and ',others having claims ...against the above .estate are eeqpired to send full particulars of Such elairus to the undersigned on or' 'before the Godeiichels 15.tbe doY,..of,..Peeember, 1910,.. after , . , , which date the Estate's assets will be *-77--- e distributed, havinregard: only to claims. that have been en received. LOFTUS: DANCE; 'Ooderich, Onta.fio, 48-$0 Soll'citor for the Executor. WANTED. --RAW FURS, HIGHEST prices paid for skunk, coon,. mink and fox by Joe Abel.. Calls every Thursday at SAKE McDOUGAteS, Cedar street, 47-9 ROOM FOR TWO. GIRLS.-ILOCAT- -- 'DD near ,Collegiate.. . Apply to S1GNAL-StrACR., 49 Nioril0E To GRWIrrORS. In the ]state of John Diamond Wootls, late of the Village at Bayfield in. :,,,the 0Ounty of Huron, retired farmer; deceased. something for the improvement ef srhool groimds,, as itirelped the child to Iappreciate nature and come closer to ' ' God. • - Miss 'Mildred Anderson, teacher of L •the junior room of Dungannon school, To the Klectors xf 'Colborne Township. gave aetalkeon teaching- grade 1 puprls Ldies and Gentlemen -1 wishto This work," She said, is the fmnda- thank you Sincerely and heartily for the tion for 'all teaching, Make the little confidence you have shown in me by ones feel tb.at they are a vital and, electing me seeee necessary part of the school. Pel'froii. of our Township. will be my ibu,91nes to deserve that hould be the aim, with grat tioer ca --r• confidence by devoting My efforts dur- s. TIVSIKSY, DEVEM ER thlt, 1010 EXECUTOR'S SUE EN1501q1)001,,ii SAVE )3y Public Auction of a comfortable dwelling and 3 lots ibelong4 to the rstate of the late Itobert'Marehant, the premises, gaitland Road, Cioderleht on sATtiptoAX, DEMLNIBBIt at o'clock pan. Tbis is a .small,, wellAttilt houst a fair state Of repair.and the iotstre good garden ground. Ternis--20%, of ',Purchase ,price to be paid at time Of sale, ihalano within. , Alays, Whe4 liossCssiot wilrhe giren, Further particulars natty be had fro* n; ROMAN% • • txveutor, • ITAY$ (S; ITAXS, Solicitors‘odericht, GiMi)BY 4 - • 48.9' ' AUctioneer% studieS •and Pletiqes of peireerY rhymes and efficiently as possi' ,. Wishing you tall t heppy Christmas season and a prosperous year t& follow. Yours faithfully.* WILLIAM TH-OM. and 'colored. table napkins done by the pupils. Gordon, Hazelwood spoke on religious instruction which, he is carry- ine out -in schools IVith Miss Jean Long presiding at the piano, a singsong was enjoyed. Graham Pinluiey,,,principal'•a Dungan- non school, past president, spoke on CHURCH *NOTES* , The regolar young 'people's meeting the finances which are in a healthy of North street United church was held , condition, and of the 8chool library for on Monday, evening .- During the de- ' teachers in Wingliam. . Duncan Mac- votional service Rev. W. P. Lane eon - Kat ▪ the new president presented plans ducted a "Bible quiz contest" the 1 for next year's convention. A vote a meeting concluding with a short busi- thaeks to the ladies who served dinner, nOs discussion. by Mr. Pinkney, was replied to by Mrs. Rev. A. J. Milligan, minister of .the Lorne 'vers. ' '''' Baptist church, will preach next Sun ,At the afternoon session Miss Jean day on the subjects, "The Godhead" and Long spoke on the teaching of English, "The Conversion of an 'Ethiopian:" , after which there were discussions on 1 The Woman's Association of North Scale for marking 'eonipositiOns, value ',street •United church will,meet, Thurs- of interchange of letters among pupils day, December 12th, at 8 pen., in the of -different schools', the teaching of church. . poems, and supplementary reading. d, ° Miss leorabelie Dickson, Nile school, led a dismission on choral -speaking which was illustrated by six pupils. He- attended Queen's University in 3.Ks , Other speakers were Thomas Wilson, and then spent three ears'witha • St. Helens school, "The Place a Enter- law firni in Watrous. 'ComPleting an - prise in School"; Miss: Geraldine Mc- other three-year term hi a law school in Sc Ewen, l3enmillery "The Problem of the Regina, he graduated from, the institu- ,:. d Mr. " Pinkney, who tion and for the past twenty -"One years Tune -table," an bag' been practising en Watraus. During Urged all teachers to joie the Teachers! e Federation. ' . i the years Mr. Gordan haa raet. with eon - In closing,. Mr. Kinkead urged care in filling out reports, good 'printing life, and he is highly. regarded by his the pupils, short periods in mathema- by . fellow citizens, as 'evidenced by the tics, social studies; materials' in crafts, 1 vhoetewcaasstiaopnMpethreddaYe. ei7iree .eeyeetsaerpEtegeo., ete. He urged all to help the war ; vineild1Government. , effort by the purchase of stamps auIto 1 • co-operate with the music teacher& Ile spoke in favor of township school areas. Officers of the Association -are : 'Past • president, Graham L. Pinkney; presj- dent, Duncan MacKitY, Kintail; ,,vice- . president, Miss Edna Proctor, Mon-', • erief ; secretary -treasurer, Gordon •Kidd, Wingliant ; cotathittee, Jean Long,' Ashileld; eilizabeth Itear,Jethel; Clar- enee Grainger, Morris. e . To ` the 'Electors of the Town of Goderich— , I ask each and every one who helped to re-elect me on Dec. 2nd to accept my sin- cere thanks. My constant efforts will be to promote the interests af ,this coinanunity. Faithfully yours, David Sproule s1 siderable success in various walks of To the Electors :7- 1° wish to thk all thoSe friends who east a vote in the recent eleetion for inc in such unfavorable weather, feel assured tlt,at the six ca- pable councillors will give en- tire, satisfactien, Sincerely Mis. Edith .M. 1remblay— illA1OR OF WATROUS • , Native of Aslitleld ILls Had Suceessful Carr hi, Saskatchewan •. --From- The Manhole published at 'WatrouS, .Sask., we Mlle the following reference to a member of a well-known former Aehfieldfamily and a brother Iof Mise Mary Gordon of town: . • Mr. - A. .1... Gordon,,K.C.,' pioneer resident, was elected' Monday as mayor of the town a Watrous, defeating A. T. Terrier by a vote of 173 to 92. - Air. Gordon, who suceeeds Dr. II. Itl: Agar,* chief executive of the own for several terms, will tiesutee office early in January. * The mayesselect„ born near -Goderich, Otte Mae than half a eentury agoe came west and homesteaded in Watrouo dietrict back in 1908. Mr. Goedon was the iiret achool teacher in Watrous, OW of Titanks— This is to thank my loyal, sit.Pporters who voted and Worked for Mk through the blizzard of Dec. 2nd 'for our ,rights and liberty at- the Municipal election. TO OW new Council—Carry on • Charles Cooper ..„-ACCIDENTS NOW IS THE TIME *010 YEAR FOR ACCIDENTS , PROTECT TOUR FAMILY Against 'any accident, anywhere BV A PAMILICACCIDENT POLICY SEE IL M. FORD Insurauce and Real Etat' • Itamilton St. Tel. 208w READING, -07fir BAM00. COKE 'OLGA: POCAHONTAS EBONY MBE" , CANNEL KENTUCKY.' STOKER COALS , yienNS VALLEY BLOWER, COAL OLGA . POCAHONTAS gToicit,. COAL TEIMPH011E 96 -Mr FOB, SERVIC.E. BEAN COAL CO. sztopErczoki BORN 1VfALLOUGH.-4At Alexandra, HosPitel, Goderich, on Thursday, December 5th, 1941Vto Mr. and Mrs. Alex.. Mailough, IGoderich, a son MEP • STRAUPHAN.,-;-At Parkland, Alberti, oa Wednesday, November 27th, Margaret • Jeanette GoldthOrPe, widow of the late Edward iStraughan. Funeral services Monday, December 2nd ti.trOOLITOAS? IS414:1 ,f Of tionse Furnishings and rifects of .the late, Isabella Baker at the „bon*, . William Street,' Goderich, on IVEPNESDAY, 'EtriOEMBItlit 'ilth al 1.3i). sharP. All tile contents will be sold, inelud- log jiving roOrn, (lining room, bed room -and- kitehea- fureiture,,,,-Plantie-seselee,, s. maphine, stoves, garden tools, dishes, glassware and'numerous,other article% Everything to be diSposed, of as ,the, PrePerty is. sold. Terme-Cash. ' W. J. BARRE,* * - Executor, • T. GUNDZY & SON, 49 - • Auctioneers. reswieetit . JOHN. JEFFERY • , Warren St. Phoee 577W GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Every.Branclref Cartienter Week, • 'WILLIAMS & SON' GRANITE , WORKS 1457 St, Patrick St.Phofl 1955 • STRA.TIFORD,ONT - Largest Stock In Western Ontario To Choose From . NO ADVANCE IN PRICES' At the annual'meeting of the Malted,: Farm Women of, Ontario, held tat Tor!, of Belgrave was re-eleeted president. ___Aswiseenten-kezepsongood-termsewith- hie wife, hie conscience and hiti Stomach, -11;41 GetT'Yoltr.. '1941 ers arid PE4TILIT1' CARDS early' The applications on your 1910 Permits MUST BE FILLED IN AND -SIGNED; -before presenting -- them for renewaL4-All*.Pernilta expire December 31st, 1940. }VOA Macilioar At ' • MacVICAR'S HOE stonE Box 414 Godericit ..4444.* • • • Buy your supply of coal at the' present time at the present prices. American Anthracite, Chestnut, Stove and Egg, Pocahon- tas lump and brickettes, Alberta lump and biickettes. • This business formerly known as Hu.ckins &.Seabrook will be carried on by the Seabrook Coal Co. Phones:— 0 ce 'Komi° 728 MILITARY WATCHES The Victory watch bac been specially =dolor active Activice. The strong steel case is dustproof, rainproof, and has ati unbreakable glass. It is fitted with a 17 jewel movement that has proved one of the most satisfactory Rolex has produced for bard wear. This watch can he serviced by Rolex jewellers in ell parts of„the world, 41 Robertson »XAMONfl MR,OlaNT AN» 41ZWEIZZ11