HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-05, Page 7• TILT,DI013103191810St 111 A 0 A 5 PLAYOROUNO ts14. tro _FE ".uAltY *No 77Plike Pog rest or play ---Vancouver. and Victoria are ideal fpr a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation., ,‘ Warm days and coolrefreshing nights. Excellent golf courses --myriad sights, in the mountains and by the seashore, Riding, teottis, motoring, fishing , -Caltarda'snenereett Playground offers them all, in an unexcelled setting. Special Winter rates at hotels.. The new Hotel Vaticouvees spacious rooms and delightful accommoda- tions will add to the pleasure of your stay in Vancouver: ATTRACTIVE RAIL PARES IALWAYS USE 'CANADIAN NATIONAL tatentaelle---MONEV.ORDERSEXPRESS SPEED, DEPENDASIUTY, SAFETY • Reduced skePirig-car furor., Low mearyates, :mhos. :TRAVEL WEST THE JASPER WAY USINO TII Allilt-CONDMOPIED ' CONTINENTAI. 1.11/MTED 1/111 iNforwakfou /rout arty 110e, figeut • CANADIAN NATIONAL tire GOMM= • Lo Eo CARDIFF, NORTH HURON M. Po ADDRESSES ROUSE AT OTTAWA Mr. 141„,. 'Cardiff, Member for North There is nothing that will 'pat heart, in IIIIrOn, made bl maideu-speeeli in the n man, neet ewe eteanaeh, and there House of Commons it Ottawa it se nothing tied wee weaken the morale week. The )1Ianeard report is as :folof any nation like etarvation. We all •lows' v know that evade* travel on their Stoniaelte, and so 1 say again, Pile giteaker, 1 elo not Abink ailYOne earplueee Of een-perishable goofia and 1;eubts the eineerity of 41te remarks 'keep the People:working, make the ear - widen have been: made he' most honreney eirealate, and back it 'up with mVerbere onebotli eid,es a. the house in goM and wi,„ tli the storage of nen-perishe conneetion with Canada's war effort/ able goods. Non -Perishable products and I hePe that 'What I °say thie after- are as .good as gold in war time, and noon 'will be garniehedwith the 'eame 'better; Beat the enemy at'' hie own eincerity Of purpose. My only reason game. Only those who -neeeetit defeat for rising in my place is to otter einne are defeated.': We mut never be de- suggeetione titat' may be acweptable to feetted. the ',Government in the carrying On • Of- ' rdttedWonder 344 ,what the ,reaetien ou.r war selfOrte As a Preface to ThY would be --in Canada if we were ea- remarke, let me State tlxat what I have jeeted to the tendinous that most itt to _sayis based on practical knowledge England. I feel sure we could 'take galued frOm a lifetime in agriculture- it. I hope not, 'bat ° we ertay have tO Itt the eountY o HuYou rwe have take . it, Just ponder that •in ,your about. 10,000 farms, and in addition we nand. have a number of manufacturing estate. lielunents an important lake 1' barhor sninilit' 314r* SPeaher' now that we are giving assiStance to industry for nuntber of grain 'elevators and flour 'mills, and eome Of the best salt wells the menetacture necessaryetvar ma- in Canada. We .have some Of the teritele, tha.t immediate censideeetion ehould 'be given, to agrieultare, in order flnet roadand) highways i ntario: 'Yet the eomitY is, free from debt aud that we may aebieve eeroduetion, has no .. eutstanding ' debentures .' Pew under Pr'° -Per guidance and with' the settler eenntieh in cannon, eau beast reepensibility on the Government for sueh results frOM a PaY-as-Yourgo. 8elleelleeesileThle$euesh7a it,,puleyeeVaant'fwrcionilrIttitter policy, take a great deal' of, pride . hi the record a my VountY, heel -441W I agricultuiS tike %IMO mattner as tor -Judge e Have -yew eevereeaPPen • as witness 'before?" 'WitneSS:. your °honor." , judge; .11n whet suit?"' • Witness: "My blue serge." • , 1: • BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS- . - ght ±Coughs Terribly wearing on the system is the cough that comes on e,t night , and preveets sleep. ° Sometimes it 'is the constant cough, cough that will not be quieted. Sometimes it isa, chnIxed-up, etuffed- -• up feeling that - makes breathing • difficult •• • Dr. Wood's.Xorway Pine Syrup is the remedy you need to give yott relief, for the -reason that this prep- • aratien dontains the healing virtues 4)f the Norway pine tree with which • - is conibined wild cherry bark, end the soothing, healing and expectorant •, properties of. other excellent balsams, barks and herbs. • The T. Iiilbare Co., Ltd., Taronto Ont. eratamosati 41111....44441141011/ eeeeeeet-ee-e-eeee„ese-ee-ee--eemee-eereee---otl.tereintiuStrieseife'praeticat-emene-a're preseet linaecial.ptesitiorne chosen to frame and .Administer 'Mc I believe every, hon. member 'should necessary legislation. Our agricultural 'voice his opinion 'wide 'regard- to our resources, properly -organized, can and 'war effort. -In doittg so, perhaps the play ta. Vital part in thie nation's • FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED'OR'DEAD HORSES OR 'CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM„SIONIE,:,SONI •. 11,11,1111TED HONEI. • INGERSOLL "901 r 12 Clinton” ilooloomekommalammommostromo suggestions I offer for the irapioveraent wnt effort ' We as farmers wis.4 to of this effort may be acceptable to the -serve and sacrieice equally with all Government .• Having sat theough elle other people of this dominion, but eve whole session and having tome into the ask that pouttes be thrown aside aed second, I have arrived at the conclusion that when the pow/Immo:It establishes tiltite Ittvoet4. and doetoi,•,•aecl-preeele. 'committeesfor the admillietratien of sional m,en do not possess all the brains agriCialtural problems their personnel there are in 'this fair, land of ours. Is include practical farmers, men, w.ho will have head in the, last Tew days many know Whether the.proposed palicies and inepiring.addresseh deliveredby private programs are feasible. Do not forget members on the Government-en:1e, and that 'when you are 'helping agriculture: I ventere to say there are a great many you are helPing every' man, !woman and more who, given the opportunity, would 'el'ikl' 'in C""In• offer helpful and inspiring thoughts Flist, in regard to agriculture we that could well be made use 0.i in this need a , cleart-cut Federal Government hour of need. • . • farm program as to what products are ••The eural people realize that the eeeded 'during war time. .111, other Present crisis palls for more oecrifice Words, take the' farmer' into the ele- and,effort•; they are ready and anxious Partmen,es confidence and let him know to do all -in itheir power to forwar teeeserethateproduetione Can vict-ory. It is still too obvious that the maintained -on an even keel' allied governments uedertook to fight 'Second, the *majority of the 'farmers this war as an economic war, and -with are dissatisfied with the present set-up money, while the enemy need, guns and in regard to bacon. There has not ammunition. Iiit16r knows no •la es ,_been, nor 1st there now, any centrol over other :than brute force and destructioneae production ef bacOni-Thate4eas4,res. •Tanks, not sterling; machine guns, not suited in over -expansion and, has dis- foreign. exchange sabotage, not dol- atranged) marketing. Some kind of lees, . is li nttthts..Sarely we -baconepioduction oOdeeis needecirforothe- living in a land 4 -make-believe and week satislfies a large proportion of the sleight-of-hand from some Gevernment paelcere' needs, which Means. that thee. membersewhen-thev-preteed toeassume etre net keen to bid an lets_in the Union in this dark hour that trade will m'ove stt'eluarft which Is supposed to ./be a through normal eliatinelS and 'that competitive raarket, Marketing plants ;customary surpluses in several lines of ,in their present eet-up and yea.rly pro- oue 'Oaaadian production will find: a fits need Government investigation. marketthus permitting preduetion to _. 'even, 1 would, ask the minister command fair- .end ireasenable prices. ivh-Y Ontario was not represented on 'Partners have divoreed themsereeS from ' the Canadian bacon board when On the prefit motive, endure actuated only tarso Produces one -halt or more of the by a determined desire to serve in the tetal production • of 'hop - in (Canada. front ranks of production. ' Farming Further, 1 would as why the lbacon to clay is *a business, and, jug as. in producers' of Canada were 'penalized by other industries, farmers mnet have the (Government throughenegotiations sufficient ' ineome to cover overhead, With , the United: States Which allowed .defray expenses, • and Maintain' the large,quantities of Nutted) States bacon instituthin. , •' to come in here to offset the fur trade --DutingI do not think that was -Nvar. -Cana.dian exPorts of Cnnedne , ... . . will largely be confined to 'Great Bri4 fair to agriculture. , tain, the United States and (Routh Am- .Coming from a rural district, might I eriea. The demand for shipping,fa.cili- say that Qui' people are willing to make ties will restrict our exports to Great any sacrifice within their power to pre - Britain to a minimuni. We do know serve the institutions a democracy and from eeperienee, however, 'that if this •to bear any burden of taxation imposed conflict proceeds ell our- production bf by the 'Government jtiSt as long As that Ist.affe-will-bein-demandebtat in the Gievernment leveits_aetione and_ through_ meantime our warehouses are full. At its policies demonstrates to the -people Present the farmers hiave • to assume of Canada that the moneys so collected the burden .of .these gall -pluses, and' are not , being wasted on people and carry their share of war -time taxation. prate as a reward for their Party ad - At this time or'emergeney I contend, herente. I could cite a few cases, but I will just warn the Government that Mr. SPeaker, that these are problems ..that .ipelloulde be 'faced; by our Federal it will be they who Win have to answer] Government. Non-perishable ;surpluses for some of the unnecessary appoint- sueh as wheat, beeps, perk; nee in my •opinion as good as gold in wiir time; .t' t DODOS KIDNEY, PILLS ATASTAIL 14 AVP..11, "44. 'Lee e:t. PO Aft . Ft140411'41 Akt, L'Eit TROUP. • • • b�iqw,',or the upper patios" tit MINI lailfd 1)44 Ugh) the walled vaaanal Tbeu, too, we lutsi. voneidered wimere 4 to what length vonlii be locittod an additioual or exteudiet break -well to break ,up and divert the wait befitre they roma) the •entranee to the ebetunel ; and to thie end Captain Itobitteon, maelner of much experience) in handling large eeeeelii into various pOrts, btt • made a *kat.% within I have here for• . inspection. 1 Itope that ib e Ceeeerre meet :will take the neeeesary gee* to have this entrance to °Gederich ha.rbor taken care a at tbe ear1i6et peseible day, ;is we would not like a reeurrenee of rrtholitevelonni9dio. titrninust (be iropresc;e4, 14a, sure, of the value of Gederieit as a national port to the grain. trade of Canada in the movement of Canadian Western arid Anterieatt grains front ttife point of oeigination.' to the mining, feed - lug andexporting outietS Ur 'Ontario, and Easterdelistributing point. May 1 briefly Show you that the following quantities or grain leave paseed through our elevatore °from. 1029 to 1930. I do not wishto take the.time of the house t.noiri:drath: e (We're% •I has,vie8L48cooliyi' • • Yeer " Eueleels and 1 ask that it may 'be, nut on 1930... . . ... :.,..,,... 0,3$8,4375' . 1931• 0 • 7,526,3$8 1,032 . .. .. . . . . ... ... .• 4,340,086 1133 •• 0,910,28a 3;34,i '71930 -7' 1935 ..450,:0130 8384,586025585, '',7*530; 1937 . 1938 (1073,04 1939 ' . • 10, 1,490 e" To this naust 'be added an apPrfoele mate 2,500,000 •bushels per year Which is received by the Western Canada Flour MiU itt Goclerich. You will netiee the years between 1030 and 1937 were leau years; there was not the velnine .ef grain thaethere was in 1938. and 1939: Additional to grain is the freightage of coal, gasoline earning in, esom.e interior accumulations of pro- ducts ouVw'ard bound, all of Whieh is water -tweed tonnage. A careful com- • putation of the reVenue to the •Can-' adieu- railwave and Department of Na- tionaltRevenue shoene that the eleven- aia„ yearw:ays- period at !Goderich produced revenue aYellows: • • Candn Nationel Raile - • • $ 4,000,000 • CanadianPacific • - wake •eeee•-•... ' • 4,400,000 •.Customs revenue --coal-• - - and) grain passed on - last year, 1939, the only record available 874,270 • St. Paul's rectory, Wingham, Was the Total eevenee en -410474,279 e scene ai,pkettc,,,wechling, on ,NevenTher Thus you wiJI appreciate that the 20th, when -*Mary Jane Lepard, daugh- dependable revenue afforded through 'ter of 'Mr. and Mrs. :W. 0, lLepard; rents erenuisiteeattentio W-Inglierne-andeGordon Wilbert:Baker, - to developments, 'maintenance and safe- son' of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Baker, also. guarding of the facilities which will of Wingham, were.united by 'Rev. E. 0. provide safeland preMpt access to Gede- Gallagher. After seheneymoon trip to Tin harbor for ku,s, fifilYTeaded steam- Toronto and other points, the -MI10 er, under ell Weather conditions. I. Couple will'resideitt Wingham. trust the minister will aye th.ese lin- Mayor -elect of London perative requirements 'merited attene Former Exeter Merchant tion.J J. Hemline who was elected There are Many thasunds of Can- Mayor of London on Monday with a adian Women who, although outside the big majority over two opponent's, is a public eye, perform vital war duties in, former ,Exeter man. Ile conducted a their homes, Maintaining the health of hardware- bueinees in Exeter for a the rising generation and assieting Can- numberof years and evai.Reeve of the. ada's interual economy in their daily purchases, devoting their spar e time to •the corporate work of groups and organizations. I believe we have cme to the time when these women's groups will have to be initiated into industry, And in my -opinion:the eooner the- better: It might save esansideralbje eenfusion if the time ever came when a good anany of our industrialists were taken away from their jobs and sent overseas. • 1 would, like to conclude my remarks with an extriactlfrom a speech I made during the course of the election canal 'mien, iis follow: • Our primary duty as 'farmers iS to the, empire. Our brother agri- culturists itt Great Britain are desperately 'fighting for freedom's cause. They have left their fields • and farms to 'be tended by the Women of the nation. No skerifice we can malke for' them is too great. We here hardly 'realize there is .a war, but the time will come when ' Great Britaip and her allies will need the products from our farms and 'fields. It, becomes our duty • not to think In terms of profit, gains .4er barter, lett to stand. - shoulder to shoulder behind the cause and behind our men who are offering their all. This was spoken several' months ago and our people have risen naly to the einergency. Our 'county, has, voted. $27,000 for war purposes; Theealso purchased an airport site for • over $10,000 • asa county project and have since tedged it .to the Government at a doliar a year. That is all Unit we have got out of it: It is not like the dol la r-aryefer--men e deer t teed a round here in the last few days. Another $19,090 has been given to the Bed Cross S»•ciete,, and $1',000 has 11)een eet ase fir patrintie purposes. More can be had if it is needed.„quell is the spirit United Xingdoln 'to reetriet imports et tdbaeco and to stop further purchturing Of 'Canadian eantied-trults„ Vegetables and• soaps. Whv should we not act in a similar way to;proteet our fax:ni- ers? We e.hell be toreed tee promete larger consumption at home to take care of the sitrplus ereated through the restriction Of exports, I Might go on tO give the figures .showing the in. creased IMPorts \from the United`States, Vitt1 do not -think this isneemary, because the figures nave been sub- mitted to the Goiternment ; they already have the information. I 'wish only to. place Myself on- recoret aa registering nay; proteet on behalf a the vegetable and fruit growere of °Canada. At this late beim Lean, ottle !reiterate what: a great many (Alter henmembers have askettetbatrtree, tranSportatiOnbe granted our enlisted men (who are on oniclal lave for the 1st time, and I believe it would not be asking too mneh te recommend free transportation for Christmas: leave as well. 'Surely our soldiers deserve this tonsideration. would like to impress upon tire minister, •the importanee of this 'request. Tim Minister of Agriculture (Mr.' Gardiner), • during his addreSse 911 November 14, as reported at pages 108 and 109 of Hansard', referring to un- employment, stated th„itt there was an - employment for praetieally all the de- featedj„,pandidates of the oPPosition side of the house- May 1 remind the hon. gentleman that each °wee' not the case so far as the defeated members on the Government side were concertied. We find some of them being placed- in very unnecessary jobs at large salaries. Why should so much money 'be spent in ad- vertising the war effort Of this 'Govern- ent?---Pfetherree.fforts werceone hun- dred' per tent genuine, it would- not require Government heelers to adver- tise its program. idod forbid that we should have government heelers to con- tend with, on top of our all too ,heavy :war -responsibility. . We appreciate the efforts of the Minister of Trade and Commerce (Mr. N e f. a personal standpoint he has, perhaps,, done all that any one'individual could ; 1 believe he is very sincere,but it Is not enough.- What we. as agricu - Wrists need is as much protection as other industries get, and surely We deserve it. The Prime lelindeeter in, his address ,talked about steel, True, "we need steel,' we eennot get along with- out 11, but is there any ha -re --member • who would put forth the ergement that steel is* more important than food in Winning the war? Long after the need for steel has declined, foodwill be in constant demand. Titere another line of thought which I wish to develop at this time. It has to do with -our war effort so far -as, the distribution of .grain, 'coal and. gasoline ie. coneerned,:ewhieh- is a -vital matter, to my mind, in )wair time. We have a condition in Goderich harbor -that I mini& like to draw te 'the at- tention of the Minister of Public Works • (Mr. 'C'ardin),, in regard to the surgings of vesselu in the harbor under stress of wind and disturbance. _ Laet winter there were fifteen Can - adieu grain carriers wiutering in the • harbor, • I have a record stating the eurgings of these 'vessels which ;were under observation fin two days when a northweet and west wind was blowing strong. There were other vessels lying loaded at the Western ' Canada Flour Mills'wharf which are not included in • xYour ,Ne t Visit to TORONTO ;Try • nOTEIL wAVERLE'Y. Located on Wide Spadina Ave. at College St, • Easy Parking Facilities Convenient to Highways • ----Single 51.50 to 52.50 Rsate nimble 52.50 -to 55.00 .• Four to Room, 55:0010 55.00 „ Close!, 'to ' the University; ParIiament Buildings, m.a,eie Leaf Gardens;' Theatres,Hospitals, wholesaiee Nausea, and the 'Fashionable Retail • Shopping District. - • A. K. 110WELL, lOntsioorr 111111111.11111Millar COAL I ,C0.1q..4 ! 1 The bet is the'.cheapest.. When you* buy' D&If ,O.Dne-Cleaned Anthracite COAL, You buy the best. We, repeatedly, hear. from our customers that it is the best 'coal they have ever burned. There is so little ash and no slate or elinkars, When you re4uire fuel, give us a call : Dial' CONE -CLEANED AliTI-MAdITE dQ.AL , ALBERTA CHESTNUT COAL • -." BARTLEY FOUR -POINT POCAHONTAS • STOKER COAL • FORD LONE STAR, DOMESTIC and STEAM dOAL .„.., Aloe RAE:MARE, PLUMBING ,and TiEAT/140 Chas. C. ,Lee COALYARD a,nd IIARDIATARE STORE Phones Oinee 22 Henn° 112 At the Harbor menits net they are making. . this survey. Sever -al storms) occurred 'We have beard many eomplaints farmer members of -this house froikt while theSe boats were in process of ,i and, I am glad to say, lately from some laying up for the winter. The first : A. 001 1 0 14 • hon. members who.ale noot farmers, as to the way the Government is allowing farmers, and then full returns from the packers Of the.Old 'Country 'price. Third, we need a niore_ effective and cheaper • method of selling, farm ma- chinery priced in relation to farm pro- • dtietion.. there was no knowledge of. any of the Fourth, we should _ have Federal.' vessels having •eolue in-eonteet with the ' harbor 'hotter'''. Again on December supervisidn ever health standards, of. 21 'and 22, A northwest and.'weeterly animals sold at comraunity sales. Many gale prOthleed ii -great surge in the cattle and hog diseases are harbor with Sin -glee damaging results in. healthy conimimities by outside • to steamship moorings. Theee storms, animals brought 'he without inenection and sold in healthy areas. • while Altering from normal to intense velOcity_slid not seem to be worse th•itet FiTtib noust heie'an increased, use• those.. experieneed in previous years, or tinny Purposes ofCanadian apples and honey, pork Antribeane. but the haeber surging was apparently • greater, Which could only he attribut- Sixth, t here's, the old story )regarding able to ‘a great iloW -of -water to the domination of livestock marketing by a entrance from the breakwater to the group ofpowerful p.ackhigliouse plants nier -mouth, and them* to the inner ii1l'rekolito' resulting in -the --fat:emit Was a -very strong gale starting in the southwest and shifting to northwest and north. On December ,r. ana 48,. 'Whet). eeveral vessels sustained broken cable mon- inge, bits and shooks, and otherwise bumped themselves along the wharves, ?Zr and MreUn no of Witt - went oversaw* iti the last war mei lett lest week to *Root ihe wiuter Inlet Blittaitott. JI, tiamslunsr. libm. id- Minnie. George Wright, thee at traator. William I.Slavin, a well-known Biltlikatakf-Iatinyouri Tuekersmith farmer, died ?sToventher At tbe home of 'Mr. stod NM OM Intie in leis seventy-0;db. year. r our Lamport, , Creditott, Oa siktfatZ setts sur Vice. , November 23rd, the merriest's et 'Louis Flursehuetz, a lifelong rest. daughter, Olive nal.. to' Willis.* Jams% dent of Egutondville,-1410A,41WaY On it-87--aiten,Mwra'Ctrideoltliat,,,d' Weenliettdrsia.ito$44,, Friday laet in his' eighty-third year. ee _ „ me_ ___ :w0T:hievrito$mL,be5at:s:''$.,,,,Aseruedrvrs:nveoh,fifilitalri,indthiedy'eg!, 2 .,., 4 ,,,,,8' I ' 'Icoll(ri ,:eat 145 1:6e0; pant ; 6 1 4:° 414:1,4443:e dog4ItTrouoorwors:14101, foaTheyna near Ats ,svixervterha,necitibtyt,hehislwasitreW,Ltaes,oh:1111:taedd,nooitt, ::::eirroi. ne , been in good health for 3,,,()%10 tiAte. Tie "...” ';uti Game Godericle and a daughter, Mrs. 'etlisseit . t * ie IC7•AnYs' :It'd Meeistiedbeeillt.of (the French Settle. ri:1;'114411a1h74'1"/11;aylrhf1:114errhtbeunt°13:11V1' Merit died Wednesday of last weeke in "reed :Game 4.--'141b Waar attend°. by 'LW* lye person sa (Oscar :Ducharme, Mr. l'w Pers°117".* .e es were. °°• 14 *bete" spellaerb::470era' Wili4lierbiciSciznainciZtYir oea/t-A-e ' tilt e,, V'teilnetlif kr Oreef ItinYlitict°Ir'o,,I):Irlfle* 0,41: ' Oliariee Aldersen, formerly of Grewe' ton. Proceede of the affair are to ..be at the age of eigitt ,hi°elefl%''as won by• William Parria,h or Ashing rodetO A. R. Miteliell,„"of 101,10. and the third, a eectiottal. to Mimi tountY ,yeare. His wife died two years' ago• Goderieh. Tbe eecond prize, * 22- sarvivee ' , e . -calibre rifie,l, went (to A. E. Rueoball of and ' three daughters and three. sons oiniton,, townshiP, died on Saturday last at tire ueed towards re-stooltingliuron county . nome of .1)4 . „daeghterte.Mrs._ .411*e_virjaLgam„ ili fish, Carter,' S)fratferd, In his laineti:Seeend '40h -oaten Year. iSince the 'death of hib wlfe de. „ket interesting event at Clinton on ceased hadtbeen making nis,bOree with .wedne..day evening, ;November 26thi ''..tevo daughters, Mrs:Carter of ,.Stra•t- ford . and_Mrs. eGeorge !Baliantyne of: sovAsylttibentroedtedrin.ogfelerr jlean'and;Se4eerarifi!4leteeedh' DowniF township, Anether d'aughtere, and a ' son, Witlicono in ' Downie Jacob -all, of Olinton. The eereeneur Mueil Of teh, to Ervin John jacobe tt Mrs, .11a.rtlia jaetili and the'late john • eIrS. (George Kritzer, lives in Listowe,l, township. 'Ilie remains Were 'brought to grassas for i4termentat the .. . . was perforinedeby iltev. a3, F.• Andreve . smatidou.7 Jackson . home of the brides parente. The At. tile United eburch Iiiirsona,ge, Ege bwrediln5eemettererefr, Jack tieftY-Jetrebre eed,the montiville, on ISaturday evening, Etnel Frank of canton, on the eltelopee. The,,e Irene, tin4g4tei*. of Ivir• 13-ackwn "°1- bride was attended by Missorrnte e Tuckersmith and the late .J. 0. Janke", Streets,. and the bet Man was 'William' sonewas united in.marriage to Harold jamek Mutch; .the bride's. brother. 8111.1111"n of Walb°u, Rev. A°: W. Guests were present from Detroit; 1,01. roogWelt aaoirilinerociating. ford, Aliche -Exeter, Auburn, Gederleh for Bed Cross" and. (Minton: Alfter a short Motor trip' the young couple are residing on the . The village oT telgra.-Ve, population Landon road, Clinton. about fifty, raisedmore then I1 )04) for • the fed °roes during' the past year. The latest contribution of more than $100-eame•as the Peoceeds-ofteratietemesale of donated goods, ranging from needles to woinen's Wits,. kittens, paps and a pig. • Baker—Lepard _ 1* IC; •4. 1 heiboi. It mas be leasonable to as- eirme that, 'with the deeefening of the Of our peeble *in lInron, steel is the having little -or do say in the marketieg price of their animals.. . Theetiale ofe epeet of Canada, Rtit'it is file spirit of , entry ehannel to approximately tvventy- cattle and hogs tiered to plants eacii six' feet, much greater weave of sees etil:',.:oel,1,1..ti:r{;,:,;/;/11.0{1,0e.'eltehev6. wilt we farmers to be imposed ,upoit. We never ' LAZE IIIMCN VITIITETLT.1! NEAR EXTINCTION'? did get a fair deal( from' any (rovern. will roll tftioilglispe y thiring webterly and southwesterly gales, and eaterte leis+ of -ell from this one, but no this flow, walled off to a great extent , one has,yentured to tell the reaeon.To IW the .slioaling on the north side, ite- 'zny ,•roied the reason is a sim•ple one. eeleratee the velume •of seas towards Campaign fends:ere much mare -.eon- venientlY collected in- theiasande Of dol- the harbor. tars than in smaller amounts, with the It has lten .seree,sted that the area behind theelarthweste'rly breakwater Inc result 7 that the big. ietereets, paying I sloped. dawn, to permit the mime to roll larger amounts In campaign funds, UI) and expend itself On this) shoaled look. to the (Govetnment for epechil area! rather . then be libruptly buffeted' assistance and get 1.t. ehould like to direct a few questions on this point • to the Government. I do not know' the - anewere, but 'should like to know. S • • Did -the sugar Interests subseribe to W orry aps their funds? .Did the vegetable- oil • WAtSII l(N. Dee. 3.-- I n terior SeerZea lin rola Iekee N11141 today Lake Huron ' whitefish, now tile most valuable foodtilt in the lake, might '.be, a pproa chi comanpie'fil eetinetion, of the elish and Wildlife Serviee, he said, are (weenier]) gest whitetieh follow the fate of sturgeon, herring and else() in fire Great Lakes. The. United States waters of Lake Huron yielded a scant 235,090 pounds of whitefish in 1039, only 40 per cent. intereets •subseribe? Did the bacon Nervous.:System which, officials said,- was •near the all - interests subeeribe? could naine many j of the 1938 eatele of 35f4,000 pounde, • time word low prior to 1913. Vommerciait Ifseof the deep trap net, whieh ?began ip 1920, rekee said, was believed largely responsible for robbing the lake of whitefish. A proepeetive 'customer 'entered an art shop. ."1 want to gee some of those pieturee that are done by geratehing,". more. . •Sneh eontributore get consider- I ation, in many easeeageinst the Jude,- i . Worry over business or household ment .of tho,eo who are in control. Init . duties, etulden shock, the ,31811120 til'oge ill control have no alternative; I quest for pleasure, the foolibh at - they 111'6 bought out, body and soul, I. t,enapt to put a' week of normal life they just' IlATO 10 (10 ePrtaiii thingg,.into tweittrfour hours; feverish ae- . before they ever eatart to function. I : • whether tivey want to or not. It is -a li trnty, le em tl il and for eeneational contend; Mr. 'Speaker, that this, practice, , . . Plitees eneerninente Ina position where! s, ... eyetent detrimental notonly to the farniete of this eountry, 'but to the ' sthall Induetrialiete wile try in. 'vain . . Pi e q /9 Ate. II itehings i. 1,,to onnDete and mate a Irving. . ! Ilealth and Nerve lis a, hance &to, • I, do teel etat 'we AG, members of . help put you on your feet again. ' •,_ ____ e literature are all coadvime to t e aggravation of wear and tear on the nervous systetn, he said to .the The clerk If you are tired, listless, tiervails, thought a momente, and then lrie face nd worried why not give Milburn 's lighted up. "Oh, yesee said, "y,ou MEDICINE If you are sufferingwith discomforts of a bead cold, enjoy the grand relief that comes when you use Vicks Va-tronot • 3, -"purpose Vaetranol is so effective be- cause it does three important things - .(1) shrink g swollen membranes -(2) soothes irritation -(3) .helps flush'out the nasal passages, elearing'clogging.-- '- mucus. No wonder Va-tro-nol is Amer - ice's most Widely used nasal medicine!' . . And ienzem,ber, if used in time, ...Rea, Vaetro-nol helps vrigup village for two years.- Fie WAS a mene: to prevent many ber of the old' Iluron '13attalicaa and . colds developing- - VAIRO-NOL% • ,4111•111111P ttri-d-eift' pre -tend, ie -know„ everything,- lint we- do claim - to know Nichinery and how to repair breakages or Woim. • , 'dr out parts. is open every day and We, are at your service. Geo-. W. Stokes MAOECINIST' EAST ST. PHONE 206.1' 4411111111.4.4144 oaraamoloa.m10.444' 4owaminoW aim•mialiarrimaor Parliement should protest against the They are a practice of importing into this country ; strengthening tonie eop.taining the fruit and vegetriblee(in eveleinereeteing , essential element3 for the e.'"vm" d b 1ve A farmer was elrovVing, a girl vieltor front the eity: around the faem. iSud- dolly sine epied herd ealvee in a field .antleeetlaineed, ""Olt, look at( the lIttle ovnetco," The 'farther griened and replied, °"Thein le bulleie." 'volume, notwithetanding the restrietedie • eyatent. exportation front 'remade to tine ITniteel unb`orn 014, Lot, Torente, Ont. Kingdom The •war bete forced the a 1,11,61.11 tv slte's AiIfaifritt3 Golf _ °IN.-CANA!, A/S. PtAGRUU 4747th YES, out in Vancouver and Victoria GOLF is played all year 4`roundl Warm sea -breezes and the protection of the mighty. Coastal mountains •maintain a moderate temperature in •which all outdoor sports take on an invigorating newness. Plan now to visit Canada's EVER. GREEN Playground—f&rest or play, the ideal place for a thoroughly enjoyable winter viacation! SpeOial Winter rates it hotels. The new Hotel. VandOuver's spacious ,rootns and de. lightiful accommodations will add to the pleasure of yottr stay in 'Vancouver. 'TRAVEL WEST THE, JASPER WAY USING THE AIR-CONDITIONED ,,SONTiNENTAL LIMITED ATTRACTIVE RAR .. RATES liedoced sleeping -car fares . Lew meal rates on trains Golfing; Riding07., 010 • • ALL YEAR ,ROUND Always Use .. - • CANADIAN- NATIoNAL EXPRESS TELEGRAPHS' MONEY ORDERS , Speed... . Dependobiiity. . Safety • inforinatirm ,fr'm 'any ticket akent -1, CANADIAN NATIONAL