HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-05, Page 5Domiriasi o, 110001001.000110011010000111101110000011011 1 LAMPS +��(-��KKyy ■h,71�.. ��i.�. RRORS COUCHES SPRINGS MATTRESSES DAVENPORTS ,CKESTE FIELDS CEDAR CRESTS DESK CHAIRS , C}OOASIONAL CRA BS BEDROOM SUITES BREAKrAST SUITES, DINETTE SUITES, STUDIO COUOVES ',WAGONS DINNER* �4N , W MAGAZINE RACES ENE •TABLES TELEPHONE .SETS COFFEE" TABLES GATELEG TABLES Folding' Dal]. Carriers, some thing- new this,year as No • increase in prices. at Cransten!.s 17• Montreal St, Phone 399 GOD]RICR TOWNSTL P ,GoolismOU TOWNSHIP, Dec, .3.— Mrs,.Daveellic'vtt of'th:e 16th.eoncession spent 'the ' week -end with her sister, Mrs.- Mary .Phillips. Mrs. Itebt. Davidson, is spending, a . weed in d oderich with Mr, and ' Mrs., ' Dave D•a. vidson. Mr. Maurice Harwood arrived home } or Tuesday after the -season ' sailing-- on IS'.S. Prindoc. .: The annual Christmas tree and eon- eert -at Union =vq'i11- be held on ,.Friday e reningeDecember 20th. . • Service' was held in Union chneebgon Sunday, with{ v, 'W. E. Breniazer of Sea orth occepying the pulpit and tilt- ing as his. subject `The Woiid's; Great- est 'Possession," ►from the tet St. John 1:29: is NEWS OF BAYFIELD DAYk; Ie l , and etre. 'Sant: Wktleoube and Mr. Allan Pee of �- " ince ,pr t pea •the�p'w�q kends Ws* .7Xe and Mre. Chas. W Ieembe. tis* Mary Widcoutbe•aceouij anied 'them on their return on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, 1' `ideom't,e, who itaye stored their terra - Wee' taut were also to have gong with them to Windsor for ;the `winter, de- layed their departure owing to tho' storm,. Mi Margaret rergusonn, who Spent the week -end with her Parents, Mr. and, Mre. i , e gueon, was stormetayed in the rvi'ilage and, 'could not roturn to her school at '•eumseh, until Monday after- noon, Mr, Bohn . Pease returned home on 'Saturday after having- visited his mother in London `tor a few days. Nfrs E. el, York and daughter Bever-; ley and Mr. Craig ;rrereturned home on Sunday. 'after having epent"e veral duce. in London.. Born,—Iu 'Kitchener and Waterloo Rospital, ,on November 20, to Mfr. and Mrs. D. Kendall (nee :Grad Jowett),, a, daughter,•. Messrs. IL. el. clef eod and vole John, andeJo`hri W. MI:Lead-left on Thursday to fish. at Port Dover. The fishing has beeie very light here this fall and the iisheinaen. are 'experiencing terdships ,again., , 6 Mrs. J Atkinson and family,• who spent' !the :week in Detroit,returned home on Saturday with. Mr. Atkinson,'. 6'eseltiee-Ateleeeg hie-WWter=hi °h ve •, has disposed of his standard -bared colt Grattan Harvester to Mr. Launee Levis of Clinton. This colt is a half-brother to !Bedford eGrattan that - won the futurity for 'Gid Litt in 1933. Ile is nominated in the '41 futurity.. -and should make • a mighty shifty wiggler. We wish Kr. Laves success, Village Trustees.—Despite the storm and deep snow a goodly number of ;cite zeas turned out on Monday to vote 'and pay their taxes. The result o�f the poll to elect three trustees if ole the Police Village letlyfield warns follows: W. L. Ferguson, 70 votes; James Robinson, 63 ; Leslie Elliott, 57, and J, fir, Howard, 40. The first three have been declared the Trustee' Board for 1941. In Training at Woodstock.=JThe, fol- lowing excerpts' are taken' from the letter to his family of a local 'boy Who is doing his• Month's militery' training in Woodstoe'k-and-who--evident}y likes it: "I am just .writing to give you my addressand let sou. know I am getting along fine.. I got a goods +fit when I got my uniform and I like it now very well. Everything is-dne excel* the greatcoat. • Our 'sleeping quarters is a hut, with thirty-two double 'beds-, that is, one above the other. We were all very lucky to get together in one hut. I sleep in the top bunk.:.. The huts TAE Q4DMICE r13l1 Things Around Home are about twenty-five sfeet wide and ahoue thirty ' yard long. There are three coal heater in the huts, one in the Centre ,and one at each ends, The eating huts are the saute 6ize with three rows of tables Pinning lengthwise; We cure get lots to eat and it isn't bad food' either. X was up town last `.Sun - By A. W. II, iaeen g+;itis;, a3 t`livey i<uld' kit of ht aiefiu Tle xi�'kRet for the �'ediling train bad ' �t 4�u t�l� l��hway tirr�'t read c�! n leg meow frc.aa =molt and paint-, been bought all in god thee but the lug in ,file direction whieh they hK4 train went out 'on time anti two be-' they 'turned about and wildereti would. -be pa; ngers-tied• not l�tthghee at their ;.own miataliennea+a, and were so struck' with the ca ms' nide of it that they had to call ani tell. us. Now, can you think of two fine, 1u tekligent, well -brought -43P, earreful;, serious young people doing such a thing? There .is only one way to ac- count: for' It, and that is LOVE, yes, spelt in .eapil'al letters. * * * I must be;getting :old or -at least look- ing old, Doing some calling on a near- by street, when. turning a corner I was accosted by a .little lad who saki, "Hullo, old Man!" !" It was. enough; I felt I had crossed the Rubicon' of age? Theft, tell was confirmed when a little time after a truant Sunday school boy whams I was anxious , to contact and who had hidden :behind,a' build.'ing, saw ' ne arming up the street, 'and to ids.. chum Said .((as was afterwards told mc), "Don'�t'tell old man I3 I tm here,, 1, know he'll ;get ,aftere about• Sunday, * * '* We, had w proverb competition at our. Young +People's:• Society last, week in the ;soelal'• period. It was interesting.: We!' had to guess,, from hints given;, fairly well-known proverbs, '""A bird dn inti •land i� nrfkt. t Wn, J1 j 1 : 1151 ' was one. We 'had a - chane, too, t0,• parody. them .if we? wished. • Two parodies ` on this were ,.enterta.�ining; '►A ring- oil the hand, is. _worth two . on n k h°'bac the telephone. "A foot. on t e r is worth two i the. grave," Let i es' i yr i mob e dr t l lost ma enthusiasm. Oxece,. it was n sweethearts and an o Asiefleld township, I 'hada couple who please take notiee. .came too soon and had to. be turned ', * * • * . _ + _.. back. The' license- hada t been en -their,- ,._: .,.. .. r-.. ., .:.. ..say , `'the son in Toronto writes- to y hands the three daye,the late -requires. that fast Sunday night his very, com- But this is an instance where .we can fort"able and useful overcoat with a say as we moralize; Procrastination, bra3ndnew' pair of kid; gloves in one thou art a thief! . of ifs. pockets was stolen from the * - * * kdbby of the Church which he attends, A young man and his girl friend There were several taxis taken anc1. were to visit us° last Sunday .evening all' While the service was proceeding from Hamilton way. We enjoyed their And- he was the usher sitting close ,to visit very much and about 10 o'clock the; door with. the idea of ' keeping. an eye on the lobby. But evidently he has not learned to watch as• well as pray. He said the thieves must have done then.-vor qC�'y peditiously. , Who knows?eeit may be day afternoon and height but there : arrived. when. its departure took place, wasn't .much doing, we, -eauget Hirt anti stood funihline their ticket iealie he were too late as the stood on ev 'r night from 5,3 until 10p.m. and ing theyy ey g :� Q ti get one• late pasts a week until. 11 p.m. We get 'S': turday afternoon and night and Sunday afternoon and night 'off also, ',I'll gist nay 11 o'clock. pass on !Sunday and come home.. , . The last couple of days we have had a lot of snow nud' we can't parade outside. A `big factory, the Woodstoek',Rubber +company;, went out of !business and they got it' for �training inside. It Is`.about : a. mile f}rozn'Abe camp." • RRNMIDLER BDN' �IILIDDR,'!Dec. 3, -.-On Thursday night the choir .of eniu111er 'Tin ted churc1i was entertained at the horse of the matrimonial platform. Yee, 'the Honeymoon Special had gone, ' and. 'after all.their hopes to board it on that particular day. Such is the story a well-meaning couple who 'came to our parSonagee to be married .One evening best week. The license they had pro- eured to be married on was ran out. It w,a dated in the Middle of August and they had delayed using it until. after the middle of November: They 'were three days too late 'to take advantage , i .of its authorization.. �So ;the happy wedding had to be'halted. until they paid, another visit to the registrar and Retired new nut of tY. :It ,wn tea bad to turn •them a*ay With. dashed. hopes after they had eoinc about forty miles to me to be married, But "hope. ear. and Mrs, Milford ,purnt, ` After springs •eiternaL.:" .. They are coming practice, a social buss 'was spent, .'in- back, 1 have a couimunicatb»i from eluding a levels- lune)), served by Mrs. them, lying on y table, just received. B . r We are comm back to board . that Durst. wedding train." ';Of course the last Thom .e no y ,eerele n etee ile. dve. ,words are mune.: Why they al - clition Sunday owizlg i o tide con- bowed three months and three days d�ition of the roads A-VeryZm11'li e'w lItrent-BeIr4--1, >ef-Pre, m ing=huSe • tJ 1, ,. miller election 'd the roads+be on ay, g €tlnriost impas'sa'ble. . • pear to be is • the. class "of the, agitated The C:G.1.T, and Trail !Rangers of bridegroom to vvhom. a• friend- at the Benuiillee church were entertained by wedding addressed the `question, "What Noreen and Verdun 'Vanstone at •th►eir°'is the matter,. Jock? Has to lost the home on ,Friday night. After the de- ring?" "No," was .the' answer, "I've 'votional period, games and contests were enjoyed, 'and last �but.V not least was a dainte lunch served by Mrs. Vanst'one. . _. _. Miss 'Geraldine MCEwen,attended thea teachers' convention at Dungannon on Friday and .spent the week-�e4nd with Miss Ruby Young at Loyal. „ST. AUGUSTINE in license T donee know. They didn't ap- • ST. AUJUISDXINE, Dec. 3.—Mrs. Joseph +Broplfy and daughter' Mary, of ; they departed in • the car and - wee Winghaxn, visited at- the .home of thought it would be the last we should Michael !Cummins -over the `week -end. see of them that night, The' women Lr -s, P Bele Q' eefe a cl-- l iss--AMi. -folk- went- to -beg and --divesting myself Oumnmins., of Toronto, and Mrs. Duncan of Dollar and coat I sat luxuriously McMii'1a of Detroit 'attendetlethe fun- until about 11 something, when, there the ease ,,that he got drowsy during n . Collectors land away - many sheets an the r l their mother, thea to �irs,. Ellen came,...a furious ring_ ;at. the do�orbe1l the service • lifter -all my admonitions. e,aof e o a _.. Cummins•. Who could this•' be at such an horurI about sleeping in church, Drat that theory thin the errorreat ld a time be . worth 'money, Sb great was the de= Death of Mrs. Thomas Cummins.-- a ,u manes that the New Zeaxlaind post ,office There was a feeling of deep regret in. p g gusene as the news Masi deceived -obligingly ordered- a bigger printing' of St. Aub d the uncorrected stamp, and today there of the death of Mrs...Ellen, Cummins, are as many copies of ,.the :error, as of who passed peacefully away at the - home of, cher daulghter, Mrs, 'Frank y g Mitt i O'Keefe of Toronto, on Decem'bei4 1st. • - • x ¢a • Ne* Navel Oranges (LGE SIZE) Doz. --c 25 Ne Navel Oranges (MED sIZE) D". 31c New Grapefruit (Texas Large Size) ror 25c Head Lettuce (Calif. Green & Solid) Igo w ..Spy Apples Sunkist Lemons Celery Hearts Cranberries (Domestic grade) 6 qt. Mkt 29c (Calif. large size) Dec 19e, . Fancy and Crisp Bunches 25c (Extra fancy quality) b. 29e (Extra mild.? Lb. fiQto, Waxed Turnips P.,E, I. Potatoes*. RAISINS 3 Crown &tat Seedless (note the priee 10c. MINCEIVIRAT ',Best Quality Bulk or Canned . .4. 2 lbs. 230 . .TAM Aylmer raspberry or straviberry .....'...32 oz. no Princess Flakes Igo 'box and • 1 reg box all for 36e 1.15 Dome tie Shortening ..2 lbs. 25e ' Bed nose 'tea, (Red Label) Palmolive Soap . . Bar 6e Super Suds Menareh flour .24 lb. ,76e DOMINION STOPEe LIMITED This yea..:..m re than ever before, the early sharps" gets the• advantage of better selections. It ie tete to select Oft purchaser now! . Our stooks: c►t'' Rue Silverware, Watches, Wigs etc., have never before been so' complete. Our prices hive not e re � di ,e stock, -but it1. many items mat Va,Ifc � �Il �barn 'c be duplicated at same cost, thus earlyselectionsare advised. ertson DIAMOND MERCHANT AND JEWELLER' later went on the market at $100 a pair, or $100,000 far .the lot. , But, not, all etamps• 'eontain'urg an. error are valuable. New Zealand once prod uc tc^' scam 'stir viz i f L W �katipu -and ' mm�spelled ,the •name: later L opened, the doer and "here was . the young couple 'bade again. What had happened? They laughingly told me that . they; liatl by mistake gone west instead of east to get home. By all accounts' they must have proceeded over twenty -dye' miles in the' opposite direction to which they should • have thief !- X was -hoping for' a handsome .air' of kid loves from : that quarter for a• Christnt'as present. But one can't expect -even a son - to turn round and buy such presents after he has rue- fully oine to the store and . got himself new gloves and an ,ex'eensied• 'otercoat to substitute for wmh+at'the robbers took, Mrs. iCumuviri, (formerly Ellen , Me tiourt) was a lifelong resident of Dad s community. iHer husband, Thomas Cummins; predeceased her twenty. years. She was : a. woman who pos- •sessed , the sterling qualities: of the pioneer' women of Uhis country. Her sweet and•' tolerant disPoeition made her a favorite among her neighbors and frieuds,•' .The funeralmass was sung in St. Augustine •church• •at 1;0, o'clock Tuesday morning,, December 3rd, Sur- viving her are nine children, five sons and' four daughters: Micheel, at home,' James, in (Detroit; William, Thomas and Mereet,' of the West ; Mrs. Prone' O'Keefe' nnd, Miss .Ann; R .N.,. of Tor- -onto; `Mrs. Joseph leinahan, of- the West ; Mrs. Duncan McMillan, of De- trait. etrait. The pallbearers were - George' Philips, Mark ;A.rrostrong, Gus Kina- han, 'Clarence and Joseph; Brophy and Jack Boyle. o OBITUARY MKS. M. fBleRI Ieff,iDi0E. The death of Ilrs. Mina T3urkholder,. former resident of Godericb•, occurred 'Death came very suddenly , to James Lavery,, Britannia road, on Fri- day, November '29bh. Deceased was in his eighty-lifth year and was born in Belfast, Ireland. He was a carpenter by trade and had werked at his trade for a nUmber of years at 'North Bay. Later he worked,t or the International. Nickel Company at 'Copper 'Cliff. Twenty-five- years. ago be came to Goderich, where he carried 'on his carpenter% trade until tihe last few years. eleice then he has been inter - Presbyterian. He is survived ,by' widoiv and three sone, Trevor and 'Stanley, of North Bay, and Vietor, of Capreol. The three eons are all. work-. ing Tor railwaY .companies. The body was eent to !North Bay, Where inter- ment took place on Sunday. MRS. EDW. STRNITIGIL.A.N • Word. was received last week from Maawan, Of tee death of her sister, Mrs. Edward lefraughan of -that town. towhshie, *eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph iGoldthorpe, known residents! of that tewnehip. She WIts taken ill ori Monday, November 25th, and passed aWay suddenly two days later. ' Some time after her marriage to Mr. Stratighan, whose people were.aleo old- time residents of Colborne townshiP, the family removed to Alberta,. where they have since made tiu;ir home. Mr. end Mrs. IStraughtuee last vieit to Goderich was in 1928, and about two years later Mr. (Straughan died. Mrs. Igitrxerghair- is survived by one son and, live' daughtem all of whom reside in Alberta and Oritish Columbia. There's Money in Stamps Condensed from "All About 1S,tamps" propaganda value of : stamps. Italy Mauritz Hallgren poured out hundreds of 9gaudily printed The United States- is printing .and labels to advertise the grandeur that selling this year some 100,000,000 bright new postage stamps which will never carry mall. They will be laid up in dealers' stocks or - stored away in albums of- the millions who have made philately the world's most popular "col- Iec.tflig hob hoeby__Leellie lenitecl:eB•e tes alone there are 30 or. 4Q collections worth' more than $500,000 each. Some 4,000,000 smaller collections bring the country's stamp investment to mere. than $225,0e0;000. Men have spent on stamps money that .should have gone to pay their debts, have swapped -automobiles and DUN GANNON, Dec. 5.e -.Mr. and Sirs, %Harold +Stewart of ,Aylmer spent the week -end with relatives here and were accompanied by Mrs. John ' .ich- ardsan. • and son 'Hugh. °Mrs. Annie Culbert, who had spent two weeks -with the Richardson family' at Aylmer, re- turned home with them;: vas Rome and the 'supposed glories of( lZiss. Mabel: Thompson ' returned to modern fascism. . The 'Soviet Union I her home last'wweek somewhat improved brought'' out one series after another to in healon. She hadf been --confined. to whip up public enthusiasm for national the +Goderich '!Hospital for some time. defense;' collective farming, and . even 1. Pte. Melville Culbert of the .Perth pin iron production. Germany's stamps, Regiment is in. a Toronto hospital saf- publicizing !Hitler's various projects; are -as�uoh-air' integral-•part:-of-~{�o ferin� .from scarlet •fever following meas1 ., es. • bels' propaganda machine as the radio Pte Albert!Rivett of the?:Perth Regi= or the controlled press. ~, ment isConfined .in a'Hamilt0n `hospital The number of American collectors I with scarlet fever. today' has been, estimated as high as f Mrs.' Robert Fitzgerald has'returned. 9,O00,000. Stamp chubs have been ( home after two , weeks spent at the started in public schools throughout the :` home of her sister; 'Mrs, Albert -Camp- country. A course in stamp -collecting 'bell, at Westfield', ' even'hothes far stamps. • A Los Angele was established at the University of] Miss Margaret Stewa.rt elijoyeil a *man recently obtained a divorce be- Minnesota. Ivory Soap has, put a stamp weeks' vacation with her brother, Mr. cause her husband gave all his time to program on the air three thnes a week! 'Harold Stewart, at .Aylmer. - his stamps and none to her. A. New over a coast-to-coast network, and ,„ PERSONAL 'MENTION 'Mrs. W. P: eeaftel left this week to spent ;the Winter at Perth. • Pte.—Bert Mahvin , •..•vsf—th ,--- Regiment, -_ Regiment, was home en N ondn3r. Mr, and Mrs, ',Chas, M. Robertson` have been .sip from London. for a few days, this week. irre ' Ter. ian� Haggett of the d;st'Ilus,� , pr gg London, visited with life family here over the week -end, Mfrs, �E A. McNally has' returned,•,frem Detroit, where she was visitingeher soar'. Mr, 'Scott .M Nally, , Xr. Malcolin Maeleay, East. ntr�eet, was called te Tomato this week 'by like death of a si r, 1Irss George•MacKay of that citie Deceased was .in ' iter eighty-fourth °dear. Able-bodied !Seeman;Boy' fundey, of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, who: is stationed.at an aster Canad'i'an port,' is in town en a two weeks leave �of absence, 'edr s -and Mrs, T. G. -Caylev, of Port Dover, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Seott McNally and daughter Jane, oaf Detroit, were Week --end guests with • Mr. and 'Mrs. A. D. Cole, • • , • At a meeting of graduates of the On. tariq ; Agrieultux'al College held last week at Kitchener, Mr. J. A. 'Snider' • of 'God:ericlr: was elected` vice-president - of the Central District :Alumni. First Interne: `°Why do you call that new nurse ''Appendix'?' ;'Second Iii- terne : "Because all. the doctors want to take her out." �. "Who invented the holeen the doughe nut r eeeeZoinee-freelie-ealte fiend, York man was foinul dead of starvation other companies• have fostered em - in a barren room, with a $5000 stamp P1°Yes' stamp clubs. The U.S. Post •Office actually drums up trade among &,41CMCItileUteVIZIOnte4gellte equipped with a model itamp-printingl the collectors,' sending a huge truck,! • t • • plant and a display of Ameriean stamps, ; t bda to your a van age • Nassau Street; NeW York City, center ' to aRhopate your -wants... of the first' adhesiVb" postage stamp---- of the philatelic trade, deals in ,postage England's famous Penny Black—the stamps ,much as, Wall Street deals in V. various. countries liave 'issued about ,securities. --The -stamp market has its 80,000 varieties, 50,000 of them: in the 'bid and asking prices, its changing last 26 years. Public interest in stamps quotations, its dope, sheets, tipsters, and was greatly stimulated by Vie World professional market analysts. .War,. when millions of men overseas Beginning collectors often assemble sent home letters 'bearing strange postal stamps indiscriminately, in the hope of labels, Later, governments added im. forming general .collections of. all the tv''?.? - petits to the mavemenCby issuing vic- stamps in the world. More advanced ft, tory, cberity and commemorative coll'eetors know that this is iinpossible. Priees-for-w.eek ath to nth Dee. inclusive stamps, and these , unconventional de- signs were snapped up eo erigerly that some governnients.begar to issue fancy labels inade speCially 'to be sold to The depressiou actually proved a boon to the stamp market. 'In Febru- ary 1N33, at the peak of the financial .crisis, a Philadelphia broker sold a block of four 'American raraities at • a price 24 percent above:that *attained in 1028. Such increases' in the stamp Stain') villues. In 4856, dnring,a stamp market attraeted theusands of security- shortage in Guiana. A local fOrn.omersstowetos ttroansstafemrpre8t! rtellgruhiloghliinngas printer was 'conimiAsioned to prmiuCe emergency four -cent labels.. By -error ft broad gain in stemp sales. few one -cele Saltels were :nunlike The totalitarian's:fates soon sa the. teen .years later an 'English.schoolboy, finding one of them Mr an old family letter, perstmlea frleml to give and 'in 1022, as no other copy of the I that Owner.sold it In LolitliaL for L25, Hind, an 'American upholstery mann- fartneer. paid ms,7100 to add that one - cent stamp to his colleetion. Accidents huve produced most of the costly cia.sSies. Stamps matted with mie value have been printed in the eolor of a differiog value; pictures have been printed upside down. 'Snell things can happen when .the central design and the frame are printedfrom different plates. Ten -existing "inverted swans" of Aus- tralia. are mirth' at leest $5000 apiece; White a' hendred 191e netted States 24-cene etamps With the air, plane upside down are worth upwards. of '84500 each. One inxione Swedish, stainp wee .printed yellow lyy Mistake, instead of green. it wiS sold to e London eolleetor in 1937 for $25,000e making it the second meet valuable etamp hi the world. 'before the stamps read! the pultlie; bat occasionally a few get by and are scooped up by eagle-eyed dealers or col- lectors. Ity1938 two dealers found, in Ithiooklyn branch office, 40 sheets Of six -cent alr-mall labels with the zontal perforations missing. They promptly bought the 2000 -stamps for DONATIONS TO somort The following donalions -to the Md. leaded: XV% WM. tilatileY, Pears; Knox Church Arthur Mete, pieldee, model Herb etorrie, apples.; Mr. 'Frank Mb - bort, clothing; Mr. .Wha. Daer," turnips, ALI Even if one could obtain a copy of each ./ of the major varieties, the cost. would x,44 'There's run into millions. ;Many are so scarce Eczema. Itedueed 2 'oz. for 35e '0 47 ------"Igning* that the world. would have to he ran- ke tained from their present owners for f4 Vick's Vape Rub 45e Nick's Cough Dreps .-150 Jergen's Hand Lotioy 25c — 43c Ringworm love nor money. Hundreds 'of stamps etcs. See our new stock of 'CameraS are 411 the thousamPiliillar elass,"'and. . for Christmas some very rare ones are worth 810,000 or more. Rarity alone is the faetor eontrolliag IItirland Tremblay Of Canill Borden la horn& on leave for a ire! lian I with his' motheeand brothers. When In TORONTO visit the St. Regis Hotel Sharbuume St. at Oailton. . One IltIndred Modern Booms with private baths, showers and private telePhones, Rooms, single, from $2.00 to $240 lloords, double, from $3.0040 $3.50 and $1.00 Good rood served at moderate 010. Dancing nightly; no eover.eharge Siott's Emulsion—four times easier .to digest than pure Cod Liver Oil Christmas, Cards 'for 5e-2 for Se Horehound Twist .r.", Squibb's 'Oral • Perbokate ti oce Fresh Chocolates for Christmas One lb. 50e Gin Pills LifebuoT Soap 2 cakes for 15e Colgate's Ribbon 23c 39e Vielvetta Tissue 200 sheets .. 500 sheets 25e Chase's, Kidney -an Liver — 29c Ordnehitis Mixture Christmas weiat, BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE, DUNLOP CAMPBELL LAUDER WIGLE Phone 1 Photte 90 Phone 10 Phone 45 GODERIOR DRUGGISTS VCAMTIVAlVitCLIVIIWItt-414-4 Ate