HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-05, Page 3BE/sines 8 mireccory
nUDL,Er 1:101,4114S
_ Barrlater,•Etic.
Ofilce-clOurt Ilona% (,anderleht
Telenhoilo 55
•PJARTERE4b )11.0C9041tANT
Chartered Ageonntanta
77 'Downie Street, Stratford
Traff c Cases
ii Weekly Cour
Exeter Mx Pleads Guity of
�oliecting Fran4ii1ent1y04,
for Red Cross
- "This sort iof thing etinniot be allowed
to go on,", commented Magistrate
MOMS, leSt Thlirsdayse Police Court
When Pte. John !Collingwood, of the
Royal HO:nitre, N.P.A.M., London,
pleaded guilty to trend, in irepresenting
himself to. Clinton hoifsewives ae,an
agent of 'the Red:Cross, 'SoeletY. At
one home he collected ditty' eeets and
•atennether-rsomes-elethings -
Woes% who 'halls from Exeter, was
dressed' in hiesuniform • -wbeii, he 'aPe
peered in, court.
"Ile called at a good mane places and
fellow -townsman of his is in jail .at
Walkerton ebarged with the same of-
" AUCTIONEER, fence," vdlunteered Crown Attorney
Teleplle.ne 119 .
Sales° attendee tO anrivhere and The (Maelstrate remanded the 7i0Png
man to Jan for a week for sentence.
Patrick Curtin,- of Tuckersialth, an
61e -timer in the Magistrbee's 'Court, is
in trouble again, This t•inte he pleaded
guilty to the eheft of $10 tfrom the
•Senforth 'Creamery. He will leant his
fate at the neeecourt, • •
Roberti Windsor, a track -driver, rd.
near Torouto, charged with ;theft tif
scrap Iron, failed. to answer ble name\
A bench warrant for his arrest was
ordered leened.
Traffic Cases
Two young men, Donald MeDonald,
of ‘Oolborne tewnshlp and Kenneth
df near !Centralia, were driverS
6! cats that metsideewipeetol-
lielon on the C'arlow-I3enmiller road,
near NieGaw, on the night •of October
20, Both were charged with falling
to observe the rules of the road -in
°thee words,. '"hegging'i. the road. :Each
gave -evidence againet the other tted
beth were dined $5 and eoets. The
ears had been,driven over 'The !crest o
a hill while straddling the centre line.
Traffic !Officer James Culp tole the
th man. did net rogrian • Government s (financial and egi a ve
every .effort made to give' satisfactiOn.
• Farmers' sale notes discounted.
kUCTIONE1,311- FOR 1111110N .•
satisfactory, cOutteous service for
Farm, property- or eloeseliold Sales.
1 Itatee Reesenaele.
riAtomat, EYE, •EAR,
Late . ‘4icOUne Sagesen eNewee-York
°plebe and Aural Hospital, as-
' eistant at, eorefield Eye lieepital and
Golden, 8cji are Throat Hospital, Len-
33ISTED, "GretagES
53 Water Street S., Stratford.
• Telephone 267. ,
Next viait 'B ord Goderlee,
Wednesday, Janu ey 22nd, from 2 pen.
till 5 P.m.
Gedench, _Phone 341
*- Office hours --10 to 12 a.m.„2.; to o
and 7 to 8 p.m.; Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday.. , •
10 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday,
Monday and Thursday at MitchelL
51, South St.
'Many ArticlesKnitted for soldiers
Money Raised in Variotte
Tee fleet antrilai. Meeting of the Rea
!Weld Atieilitrry was held at the home
Of eers,. W. Bell, Victoria street
,After the (alerting benne, the Lerd'S
Player 'was 3.-epeated ill unisen.
Fifty-one meetings were beld daring
the year. Ticte treasurer, Lieut. New-
ton, gaiss'a splendid! report. Donation%
threughtrat the year were as TollOWee
tailless ()ranee Teelge Goderieh, $10,00, oserfeeereA, Nov. 29.-4'arliaMent exo
elision, (if technical: edtteation Tor
111 SURANCE CO. -Farm and iso-
lated town property, inured.
011icens-1Willinin Knox President,
bondeshoro • W. '• R. Archibald, Vice -
President, ',Seafiorch ; M. A. Reid,
Manager and Secretary Treasurer, Sea
Directors -Alex, Broadfoot, Sea -
forth ; James Connolly, Goderieb ;
Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Alex.
MeDwIng, Blytlf; Frank, McGregor,
Clinton; Thomas alloylan, Seaforth;
• Hugh Alexander, Walton; WM. Knox,
Londesboto •, W. R. Archibald, Seafortb.
. A. Teo, R.R. 1,Alocierich ;
James Watt, Blyth; JOim E. Pepper,
• R.R. 1, Bruceneld ; R. F. McKercher,
R.R. 1, Dublin; J. F: prueter, Brod-
-hagen. , •
' Polici-holders can make all pay -
limits and get their cards reeeipted at
the Royal Bank, Clinton ; Calvin Cutt'S
Grocery, Kingston Street, •Goderich, or
,flBeld's General Store, Bayfield.
• Daily 1,30 San., 4,25 p.m. -:-Leaves
Goderieh for 'Stratford, Toronto,
Hamilton, 'Buffalo, London, Detroit,
• Tavistock and Woodstock. • Depots
•• Bedford, 'British, and 4, Royal Hotels.
'Phone hotels or 805 for information.
Purchases of Luxuries and Non.essentials to Be Restricted, era Per.
sonal Saving. May Be Enforced to Meet Heavier Taxation and
Eniible Investment in Government Loansi-Graduates of Common.
wealth Air Training Plan Begin to ,Arrive England -10r*
Huron •IYIemher Addreeses.Oommons for First Time
ley tee GovereatienVe ate tte
War lineneine.
Natiereal War Servieee-Minieter
Gardiner inderated tiUring the 'week
that some lett war indeStre eemPalliee
„asked and receieed postponeMeet Of
military training Ter 658 ef their Werke
'ars. Me. 'Gardiner net ebink thht
number unduly large.t He Mede
eleer. the Mobilization Act ae to Mili-
tary training will be enforced ae it
(State:1s, Uttlefes Changed by Parliament.
a It* MaeheW Liberal Victoria.
1, • „
(11Y J. A. Mune, SPeeial cOMF'Pand- cUrtailnietit of produetion ee nen-es- . favored Mere shipbuilding in C,anatle
cot) • ' ' sentinis; greater nee ,of •Woraen. in in- thun the ,preseut planned Program of
' •• e eiliary Sear service; Vapid eig,hteee Mereliant „ships. . Ile felt, that
at lease thirty-twe more such. ship
Should Ise leailt *es rapidly : as peesible
to assure the atoveMeet from, Castada•
of eesential sureilies,. war equipment
and food, to beleaguered Britain.
, - - •
Mr.- Cardiff's -Maiden, Speed*. -4.-••--- •
. • . •,. ‘•
L E. Cardiff Consereativel North
Huron, made hie maiden. sePeech in ,
11 i,. on Wednesday and did '
autl 7 qeilte for evactieee; tvve friendS, ,
Luelenow, 2 glints for evaeueeS; Godo- lini1701rYlike:tnloeultiedi)Atitt egli: sTeetaileeei "aPeutY.leine.4 log policy
training industrial eivOritere; a reeetiite
rich Rifle Club, $50; Jessie Swellield, e. 'wbich 'will leave in wee
November 7,•some tinie fleet 'Week. Ad. industry really eseenteal skilled week -
quilt; A Friend, $5; !from. Institute, ,
ioUrement will thee be taken to Mon- ers ,ritther tliaa be -dug them entee the
,Salvetionestriner-Loudolte -$20-0fii eme-retoruary-17; With the Utecleretende eerete•ermedsserviee04 eitteeelealefethe
etirreue forte-four-bour eve,elt to fortY-
eight hours, without overtime ' pay le
utilization of the 52,500, Canadian ein-
ployablee still out of work,' etc. The
'Minister made it Neill tlie Government
did not consider it wilie ease to use
any bittetick, because labor, he believed,
s.tande ready to eeeipeeate in tbe criels
facing the et:Metre., , .
also quantity of wool, eallowe'en col-
lectien, 93 ets. A ntimber (d teas were
1141e - which netted $32. Weekly' col.
lection meeting, $29. Nember of
articles knit slate 1Novemaler leoth, 1930
483 pair •socks, 59 pair wristlets, 26
helmets', 25 scarfs, 22 ea -eaters ; •also
4 pair gloves and la bendkerchiefs.
Twe boxes were sent-. to overseas
'elm hostess served tea to the twenty
memberepresent and the meeting closed
with the singing of the Natismal An-
them', and prayer by _Adjutant .Wil-
liames Thirty-nine membere !were
present. •_
Officere tier 1940-104e. are: President,
Mrs, Willis; vice-president, leers.
T.' J. 10aerick ; treasurer, Lieutenant
Newton; secretar,y,' Mrs. H, B. Chase.
lag that, , in case of any un exeseen
emergency arieing, Parlialnent can be
bdrumoned back earlier. than that date,
the .Governinent considers such ac:
tiontosbe in the public interest.
On Tuesday, januere 14, the Domin"
len-Provincial conference to ',consider
-the recenemendatione of the Ro'well-
Siroie royal commission on. Donxinions
• Provincial reaations will olive liere.
The -Government is allowing two weekS
fee its deliberations, thOught the con-
ference ratty 'eoertin, that long.
• -From the fact that :some trade and
taxation ehanges are being brought
down next, week- and from some Gev-
element member' speethes in the Cone,
mane and talk around' the Paraiainent
'buildings -recently, it may be taken for
granted, thatSome drastic polides are
• being worked out by the Government
• benefit of the doubt dismiseing .the • to further batensify Canadiee war ef-
7-- 1 fort. The ^plainly •lented policy will
, embeace !finance send trade restrietione frequent obeeevateens he has made,
charge. r.ines Imposed
considered .necessery accqunt.of tee from time to tune, in Parliament and
--For -failure -to-produce his -driving' war, in directing and eenttolling the to newspapermee, about tlie general
permit when asked for it, Howard normel spending of the Canadian accuracy of press rePeirs 'Omit the
Reid, truck deiver, was ,fined $5 and ' people. Nermal speeding. on luxuries war.
quite well. ele eemareed !Utile after -eseetwiTheee'sa~1,. Seem;ossameesseeseeeseeseuele
eitting through St -complete session .he eee,oseeise;Ss'isseso•S'es' isseseesmieseesieueseeee.
,is eoneineed that the lawyers atka the - .,
&store do•aetbave -all the heath. Waves R.O.A.F. REORUITMele
in the vountrye-Mrseetardiff, tleyoted -----
riving Meer 4, lit Roberto eo lehesso
' ifeChar011Weeseneyt)ver Area, .. Xtetilaingee frill";
., most of his Speech. to Woe and faraiers'
Press Reports Accurate
When, oneThuretlay, !Conservative ishable evade „such. as whea.t, beans,
• probleare. Ile held that 'all! 'nen-per-
ation as it eoneeres leriealn, Prime realtze 'elle, he urged, and glee more au . 7.,,, , -• ..,..•
contiaued! seriousnese of the war situ- war' thne. Tee Government should , ij10:kne,:lei:asrovN.°:keeleeeeln:11(seed%7,0
assistaPee to agrictilteee to seep pp
Leader. B. B. Hatieen" IbrOugitt UP ihe-POrk• OW.; nre 'ac -good AS gale - ill
NIAISter KiVg replied that the press d complete BSC A .e' reeruiting organ*
TPuselus, etaenf... ezation is. ;being set up es, leseeeeen
-reflects, pretty aceerately, the inform- suPeotu_rcptxcdiodu:ts_td fsotrorefil
an Ontario. Each eeeruleing offiee i's to he
-ation which 'the !Government is, receiv• -
e statement he might make would be allotted: •a definite Area Wet arrange'
ing from the British Government; and adiae farmers should be given more
aireetioa as to what prodeete seould be
practically in iaceord with What has
already -appeared in the Press." Mr.
King's words were along the lines of
When tbe eyes themeelvert are
imperfeetle shape& ilit$ they oc,
ten arei there. cau be ne Welt
, thing as CoMfortable vision"' for
a person so teptipped. litit the
tiNETNC4 of such eyes cart in most
eases be made satisfeeteeee
Make your appointment early
e°r. bgs)rtron1)13"1"GodSte.44005554The. Siranre
r inStr Ong
Ortaxiiiitiii a
eduesdal at Looloow
cogs.- H. Iewin •,rviis 'fined e aonuessentials is likely to be severely Deeence Minister J. L. Ralefon will
‚amount for failing lo ca,rry •sufficient I curbed, Canada' e mending power is be in London most a Decembeeeseen-
lights on his truck. • to be re -directed into channels which suiting British !Goyernment..authorities
,For the second week le* suecession Itut eenteibute to the Dominion's war about (e)anade's tontribution, 'ett. King
Pte. William -Burke 'failed to s answer I„ effort., The 'Canadian people milk be seld., Menitione Minister tElOwe also
his name. telegram Was read from.; taur,ht tlei-ve-as much as,poSsible for will go tO.Baglane„ and Trap Ministee
his .40. at Petewawa stating Burke still heavier taxes and fee making loans -J. A. Mackinnon, Will bead n t4oVeite•
d beea put on a train bound for • to the ,Goverament earey on the war ment mission to !South Anteelea. The
. • . •
court that Joseph A. learton, tryk- Goderich, but e young P •
arrive:, A 'tench warrant previously, test week Munitiene .and !Supple "pregrainewill be formulated in the
issued was -ordered executed 1 Minister 9. 1). 'Howe told of the Gov- light of Information lelrned by tbese
• Reeve Ben Ratblwell of Goderich 6rnment's action to eliminate new ministers and the requireneeets Of t•he
etolwnsielp was charged Bebeet • models ofetutomobiles, radios, electrical situation, Mr. King; intimate&
Thertipson with tailing to obse e ithe applianees, etc., to save dies etedstoole Mr- Howe etatedthat, the Govern
rules of the road. Cars drive by the Toe war industry production. F•olfew- ment .propoeed to continue daylight
two men had been in a eel ision • on ing this the suggestion is being made eaving, indefinitely, in Ontario and
the Brueedeld-Bayeeld road after duelsthat the Government should place an
get over- on his own side of the road models of such eqpipment Made outside
• but that a ridge a loose gravels piled the country. There is talk, too, of
ilk the 'centre by the , drag, had pre- cutting 'but the admission of foreign
vented hine from doing so. s magazines and peelodicals-it is estime
• Thompson said tbet, on the brow of a evil Seanada_arese.buys $6,00,000 of
bell, he had to swerve his tar sharply United: `States material in this eonnec-
to the eight to prevent a head -en emasbtien-1r' the Campaign. to 'conserve
As a was hie car ,was damaged to foreign exchot tge..
the extent of ..$30. • May, Be Enforced Saving.--
CroWn Attorney •Holmes..ohserved Mr. . There is even talk of some enforce('
Rathesell was an °Meer of the munici- savings' Plan -7 in Canada, somewhat
d h did not want it 'to appear along the lines suggested in 'Britain by
driver, ..eed attempted •to ‘.eut,* en
two ears while driving south on No. 21
highway, approaching 'McManus? cor-
ner, and that the•attempt. had carried
Mr: Barton, on his wrong side of the
road, right to the corner, There was no
accident, but there would have been one
h d aecar„,been gaming from the other
direction at thee' timeee'aetb—e -oiree-r—seide
Mr. Barton testified that be eon-
sideredehe bed plenty of tine to pees
both cars bet that when 40 'arew up
alongside the' second. Oar it speed& up
and, prevented him from peeping.
, Magistrate Makins gave ,tacelused the
J. W. Craigie
Get Our Autonic;bile Rates
Phone 24 • ,Gederieb
Nelson Hill
• Fire, Aceid nt and Motor Car
Office :--reasonic Teiaple; Weet
. Street,: Goderich
Phone 230 • GODERICH
Real Estate and %Insurance
(Mee and Residence:
11 Trafalgar Street
Pbeee 663 .•
FOB'SALE---Houees of all kines,
choice building tote, businees
ertikOertiend Several gOOdfainie.
, Let in show you eome real
bargaineeeuy no%
pality an e
that any favoritism was. being shown Keynes. , }low far the Geverniniet Will
•him en that ecore. That was why he go or how drastic the regimenting and
that Mr. Bathwell also might have been will be, in the •way of strict application armed forces to go home for Christmas,
charged with 'failing to return to the', to war ends will probably' not be .re- instead of the Ealf-fare petty now .in
scene a an accident. . ' I vealed -until Femme Minister .1. L. exietencee eAss.ociate Defence Min-
' "There was a ear following ine and Iteley inengs down his' next -budget in glee C. G. Power stated that sie days'
Mr. Rethevell, might have thought it March or April, or until the Govern- Christmas leave will be given tee cer-
was me car and that I was all right" , ment's legislative progrem IS unfolded tam number -of Mee In the itemy„ but
explained Mr. Thompson, adding- that , after Parliament returns) In mid-Febete no. general: ChriStmas leave is possible
he had teken to the .diteh. • - . ary. . . ' for the air forces, 'because -it would
Magistrate Makins . said he would Labor Minister ' Norman MeLarty too seriously interrupt their training
give the 'Reeve the benefit of the doubt, laid' down a nine -point program ;for program. The .1:Self-:fare railway pollee,
dismIseing the charge. • . - labor to -further speed up Canadian he said Will be maintained, ancbaiiged,
• William Feagan pleaded not guilty war indastrye, which , !Mrs ..110We last , for defence forces travelling ' on leave.
te' a charge of careless driving. The Week indicated welted not reach Its at any time .
hearing was adjoarned for one week at. peak for eig t morithe s'et. Stress is - Quite a few members have urged.
the request ef•the traffic offieer. . • to be laid op e. senile' war production ; inneediete conetructiop of a 50,000-wott
-------- - --- - - ' .short vvave broadcasting station. for
Canada for war education and eropa-
• REV. M., J. DALTON SENORA CHEERY, easting Corporation et now building a
-r ganda parposes. - The -Canadian• Broad -
BREEZY LETTER' PROM OVERSEAS. small 7,500 -watt sbort wave breadcast-
ing citation.. ne,ar Montreal -to . geve ade-
. ,
-Quebec municreelitiess which had it
beforeetlieewar.....e..veluable saving of
.198,000 horsepower of eleetricity is
being effected continued! -daylight
saving for useful war prodUetion in
_these...two highly Industrialized Pro-
vinces, Me. 'Howe explaipede There
waned not be a sufficient §-hying in
hryd•ro power were daylight saving to
• be made universal •throughout the
country to justify inconienlencier, the
publie oyer a wider area than is covered
at present, he added. •"• •
No Free Rides for. Soldiers
Many members beve been urginpfree
lied ordered prosecution.. He added straight 3aelt$ting ef public 'mending tranePertation for members,. ef Cameda's
produced, and in particular he
elzed the present Bacon Board' set-up.
Proelaimine that Oanadiae. farmers
lave never received a fair deal .trony
any Government, Mr. Cardiff tbought
they ere reetiving even less Of a fair
He thongb:t there should, be an ineesti-
gation ef the domiefation of lieestock
raarketing by tee Pa.cking _industry. ef
The in.einbers of the Prese Gallery
eesterdayeereeeived. a •very much ap-
predated. gift -of lovely MeIntesh aeples
from Mee Robert-Thorapeon efeeerus-
eels, through Mr: ardiff's co-operation.
They were fine apples and -the publicity
was likewise good fee Huron apples.
At the manse of KnosEeIqeibyterian
church, on Friday, November 22nd,
Rev. D. J. Lane united. in ratteriage-
Dorothy MariateClark, elder daug,hter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Clark; Carabrid,ge
street, and .Willian1 Hemilton, eldest
Son of Mr. ahdt Mrs. elalcobn Hamil-
ton, of A.rgyR, 'Scotland. After a short
trip to Niagara end Toronto the young
coulee left on Monday to take up resi-
dence on their farm In:Elgin county. • ••
. .
• Aecharming Wedding tookplace on
Saturday afternoon at Monktene Ont.,
whedeEthet Margaret *Bet -t, ifireg-
ton, daughter of Mr. andeMrs. -Mr D.
Bettger, Monktob, -became the bride of "Nelson .street, 1Goderich, 'Thebride,
r,, K
hsaird ndi. and M
gHop- groom is eying, instructor at No. 12
K. te. Hopkipson, Hamilton. • Empiee !Flying Training.tSchool.
The, ,eeremony, performed- by. Rev.
James Gale, Caledonia,. took place er
the home of the brides parents, against
a background of ferns, and palest pink
and white chrysanthemnmsand
anemones. 'Little Miss Patty liebkiiie
son, sieter of the groom, and Marion
Gale, hi pale pink and blue emeeked
frocks, carried white ribbons to form
an aisle for -the bridal party. The
bride, given in marriage by, her father,
_was- a lovely !figure ire blush pojondise
faille. The moulded bodice, with heart-
shapedneckline and long sheathlike
sleeves, was buttoned (16wil the back,
and shirred Into points at the waist-
line above a very bouffant skirt, which
swept into a slight train. Iler dinger-
tip-length veil was -aught to her head
with two gardenias... She carried a
leouquet of Butterfly roees and bort-
vardia. She was attended by her
sestet, Miss. Ruth .Better, Torohto, wbd.
ehese caprieine blue /draped jereey. Her
headdress was of oetrich tips dipped to
match her gown. / S'he 'carried a bou-
quet of Virginea carnations. The
bridegroom Wag attended by Harold
'letterer, brote4r of the bride, Miss
Louise Bettger sang during the eigeing
of the regiseer, accompanied ler Mrs.
James Gale. ,
• Followin'g the ceremony, a reception
WitS leed,for int ien a te friends and rela-
tives. Mrs. Bettger received her guests
-Wearing a gown of dusky rose 'chiffon,
kelt° wore black aeeessoriee,eand a cor-
inente are to be ma.de so that the areas
will. be fullyecovered.
Flying Officer M. Berberts, in
eherge of the recruiting office *re, will
. ,
heve charge of reeruiting m 01 ares
exteuding smith tor Lake Zer e, wet
halfwatto."Windsor but not lecluding
Chatbitm; and eaet-to a point liaTfwar
between Landow and liandltort and.
north to include Huron County,.
Sarnia, Stratford and Csoderich•willlte
included in the Leaden area. •
Arraneements are to. be made • to
.open offiC'es in var16us eities and- fiAirnit
rougheutethesareaset fteereent hetereee
vats. That is te Say, a reeruitinglearn-
will tour the area, being at onetolin,
for a. day and on to -another • the next
• They* will answer- queries, of applicants° •
and advise sprosPective. eeceulte.. Whet*
to revert to the eft* eere.
It is explained tbat reany-inen:
• some- dietence4remehtereeraltbsgeettice-
eeinke needless trips to London, While
others hesitate to take a tidy off fro*
work for the trip.
blaek irepe With motife • or colored
sequirre. Her accesseries were 'black
and her eonsage was rceeees Later, tb,e
bride and 'groom lege on. a 'wedding.
trip through !Eastern Canada, the bride
trevelling in- a bark breven. dreS% Id*
sequin trim, brown suede .aeoessorlei..
antraemukrat etwagger•eoaesee0a theiz
return they will Make ,their home' on
• qtrate coverage for 'minority language
groups in Canada and for'sending to
• The following letter of thanks to the Garveye, McGees, 'AcKenzies, Dickeons, United States, Mexico and, South Am-
Kirdtail Women's Institute was received
Trtim Rev. M. J. Dalton, chaplain with
theelessex 'Scottish negligent eow
England, by Way of hie brother, Mr.
Walter Dalton, of Dearborn, Mich.
lAilber Dalton, as most .of our readers
know, is a son of the late Morgan Dal -
toil of Kingsbridge. His letter' le dated,
• October lgthe
Your parcels of chocolates and cigar-
• ettes arrived, with many thanks. They
were emecially appreciated coming, as
they did .feent that little bit, of Spf- „most popular officers of Fourth Brigade.
Canada luie made no emninitinents as sage of bronzypink snapdragons. Mrs..]
land traneeianted into North. Huron, Hehas a 'brother who is also an officer to Wising an naval or army bases. to Hopkinson', mother of the groom, chose
of virleini lay -father epolte so highly at . in thie district. Others from the home the United! _..gtatee, Mr. leing• stated, •
all Unites, and among whom be spent so -district with the Fourth Brigade ere quite plainly, when questioned, on jeint
'ettehy happy days. Needless to say I Sgt. Cone Stapleton, Ptea 'Bill Duelt- , eteeme, Plans. of , Canada and the
sem more•than happy to be living with worth, Ross Pennington; Donald etatee, He deelined to table any -plans
it Scotch regiment, where the daily Thompson and Herman Chamne of
or confratinieatione mi that subject
skill of the pipes and the, wigwag of the Goderia, 'Pte. • Kenny McLean of Rip- ; wheel :woied be' of value to the. enemy,
McGregoe tartan Mete enthuse us and .kbe and Pte. Murray Oudixtore ef (lin- !
euntler present, war' conditions
keinind us, Of other !battles that Were. Wit There are several other 'Huron ,
First graduates of the Common -
fought and woe under that spirit. Be- county men in, the area: in other regi- wealth Air Training Plan arrived in
neve it or not I am taking les,sons molts, ineluding Terence Hussey of -- • England thes past week. Vureser con.
the .pipes. The regimental March is • Goderich and Harold !Collinson of Kin" tingente 'Of pilots, bbsofters and gun-
111gleand Laddie." It Will !be broad- tell, and Cohere of Stratford who called.; ners will be proceeding' overseae .pro -
least to Oanada• 'by our band, together to see nes Knowing the calibre of; gi;esstrely,- from now en. The plan is
; .. ,
with other numbere. The Glengarry these gallant yoting Huronites from eeeemereeto produce
is now replaced by the Balmoral. Only
the officers noWeSvear the kilt. In !the
iftet'wer the Germans referred t&-theni •, •
as the ladies' from bell,' and theY ,get Division, dined with us last week and in erhamentary 'circles over the
speeeh :Wednesday England of
What they .expected. • gave On inspiring talk. .
refreshing to hear that Port when 1 get time'1 aecompany the ! Rt. ,ilidn.. Arthur Grreenwood, deputy
Albert airport is advneeing ktiPldlee boys on route marchee, manoeuvreee Labor leader; member of the War
leet me know Whet farms are includedete., and 1 enjoy a day at the tiring e fetbinet. "Camerae) help in this war
If or oldreerey farm on the 401 eon- rangee. The boys tell inc that 1 ani will Tar outweigh anything she did in
ceesion 10 now part of the airport, I , getting, so many bulls I will haSes to go the .last waiS bemuse We have taleen
shalt reconize the planes as they ar- home in a (attle. boat. We are noW the bold eel) of trying to 'eon -volt' her
1'10 here by the ecent of tb.* (dove'', Playing( Canadian i'ugby. Although we, into an induetrial eountry," he staid.
• Now -A -“STOP, LOOK and LOVE" with arlio Cisco Kid and the Lady. •
MON. VMS. and WED.
Linda Daroell--John Rayne--Charlate 'Gre,enw' ood:-Raland Young
' Oxman And Donald Meek • „
0 'The trials and tribulations Of a eelented gieteas she climbs the. rough
tough and nasty ladder to stardan.•
limr. Fri. and Sat. - TWO FEATURES! •
renny Singleton--Adhur Lalte and Lamy
Present another ePisode in the doings of poeitiat family
13111 E111ott--4ve1n Voung-4tentieth Harlot and itay Teal
Tlfrhlhlng deede westetn plains with Indiate and Wigan trains'
Matinees Wed. Satand itolidaytult a
CoMing- Richard Dix in illere I'Am a Sitangee
Stevensons, Daltons, • Meizes,, Richard- eriee. This basic unit could be boosted,
sone Wiles;eitieWhinneys, and the rest , to a 50,0004att etation, at 5 eost of
once hoed pOtatoes." around $500,000, if the Government
Lieutenant Ken. !Hunter, son of 'decides such a bigh-powered 'station
. .,
Doctor Hunter of Goderich, witb a should be built.
flourish of alliteration hae chrieten'ed The special eommittee of the Com -
Die Stalwarts of his platoon -Hunter's mons which will set on the Defence of
Husky Heroes: He, has the happy Canada Regulatiens when Parliament.
knaek of handling men. The lads reeling in February will alsodeal with
under his coramand will never let him such alliea questions. as deportation
-down, and consequently will never let and na t u re lization, Justice Minister
the regiment down 111 their particlear Ernest Lapointe announced cm Thu
corner. Ken is one of the huskiest and e,te
personal experjeiteeel dm glad, toesie-
soeiate 'with Went in our work.
General (01.11nmi, ',bead of Second,
Canada,'s Help AeknoWledged
There was considerable satisfaction
• whichwilt hang round them still., Oh, haven't ,uniforing the heavy „lass o
no; they won't fol me on that. We ' the leiglieh turf provides a soft got eo
•Opent many a happy day in that garden land. 1 got two flying tackles in Sat -
of Aellifiehl. It was the abundance of urday's, gaines The invigorating .Eng -
c• lover Unit influenced Dad to parchase .lish weather makes one feel like tack
Hon, (tote Stifling, deputy Con-
PerilltiNT leader, ueged a greater, ebeck
on luxury spensliiig, and a eurtailment
of the importation '-of Amerieair fruits
and vegetables. 1140 hOped the tonpo
as a o
Relieve Misery' —
Improved Vicks Way.
Mothers, you wM Welcome the ,
rad from =leery that COMO
with a "VapoRub Message."
n With this more thorotigh treske
meet, the poultice -and -vapor
action of Vicks VapoRub more
effectively PENeeeitreeireitated air
passages with soothing medicinal
vapors STIMULATES chest and
back like a warmitig poultice or • ,
plaster,..WARTSREUEVING misery •
right away! Results delieht even
old friends of VapoRub.
To GET a "VapoRub Massage"
ivitla all its benefite -maesage
VapoRub for 3 minutes on im-
as well as throat and *Chest -
_spread a thicklayeron chest,
cover %To ae warmed cloth. BE
SURE to lee -gen -tithe, title -tested
Vscies vArOrstrei. ,
the old pod, but just now to h-- with ling eAnnething. We've got to too in. 61 Canadian 'war /industry would be
the 'cIOVer., We 'prefer the planes. condition. •Cestutltiee?-enone. , sum further aeceleeated. Pee said he
Wellington said: "The battle , of 'f'itteeelsrave little, island foetre.gswill had i ery high opinion of !the onoping -,
throtpli to -vietory provided, it I pulsory training plan, though lie did
doesn't get top heavy v4th.arniament, not pae;e: judgment as- to whether the
pi"! boxes, et(, and eereen into the sea. Present thirty -day tra,iniing, period is
The boy'e have decided not to kill long enou'gh to serve the desired pur-
Waterloo (was won on the playing fie de
of Eton College." That's the college
whore all wear high, hata.
' Would that future bietoriane eould
Dreidonew. to
enjoy tho cleaner,
hotter home heat -
log that's making
thousands sav: "'blue
coal' le tho .gttateet
• taotsytan
• aY : "The battle of eivil andi religious littler. Tbe barracks neeas papering. poe. .
-and every other kina.�f freedom in,the We heard the "'world series" from W. A.. Tucker, tiherail,. tllostherni t
Empire -vmo Avon, on thie ,ruilwayel of . no.triiit,----short wave, ' ' Rest, urged greater 'Use of the private
Port Albert airport, in the township a The optiniiotie English qiiieeriO" is Inembers in theeoninionP and -1:‘q,,gesfed Lt!,Me to"
Ash'ileld, county of Ituron, where the contagion% , the Commons banking conunittee caw •
Plionc$ 618-11 lt4W
e thelew".0FRN,TNOtltli lOr