HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-11-21, Page 5Bra 214, 1940 2 -piece Chesterfield Suite Covered ft 'Velour, ,Nvith ehow weed, fro'nte, revereiple ousillens and modern design. $52 75 , Cranston9s Phone 309 17 littoutretil St. DUNGANNON YUNGANNQ'sT„ Nov. 'W.-316; •Jack. Riehartlion, )4y1wer, returned, to her /10110) on 'lltursday last aecompanied ty Ms. Annie 'Culbert of Dungannon. Mrs. Riehardson was receiving treat- ment at Ooderieli Jlospital and spent a few days among feientls afterviarde. Mrs. Chas. Congram and son Harolti, of Ilolyrood, spent a day ,recently with the former'e sister-in-law, Um. Abe 'Culbert. Mr. and Urs. Will Nickel, Douglas and Bruce and Urs. Ed. Deihl, Strat- ford, spent Sunday vvith Mr. and Mrai IL J. L. F.redy. The 'lady visitors are sisters of Mrs. Fedy. Mr, and nich. Finagan and son Herb attended the funeral of their relative, Sheldon lildUath, of Goderich, who lost his life on one ot the lake vessels in the storm on Lake Iltfichigan last,weeke 'Some ladies from , here who visited Urs. W. Ross at Auburn /on Monday werMr8 EI Eedy, Mrs. Ed. Scruton and Marion, °Mrs. ,Sam Swan; Belraore, and Mrs. -John Blake. • Miss Betty Dillott visited herifriend, Mrs. N. V, Virhyard, at eaforthe one day recently. ' r. jas. Pollard, who hasn't been enjoying the best of health; has gone -toGoclerich to stay whilew wall' his niece, 3irs. W. 3, Foram , Miss Fern Robb bpent ladt ThuredaY at London,-IteCoiriPanying 1rAnd Mrs-, Wm, Jackson of Ripley. Messrs. -Geo. Aloore and Billy Mc- 'Olure left last week to work at ',parry Sound. (Miss Mabel Willougb. is 'visiting friends- and relatives at Piiiirestfield, this week.' • • Mrs. T. Parit'entertained the Ladies' Gufld-.6t-gt-:-Pboxixivgilarelittorucg Friday •afternoon. ' ' A SuceesSfetSitle ot farm stock -and implements was lield at the farm of Mrs. -Shay Orser -on Tiiesday. The TIRED ALLTHE i1ME Pep up your liver. Feel great; When you tire may, feel dragged out and "fed up" ehaneea are your liver's sick: -Go alter the trouble now. as thouiands have— tone up' your liter the right .wsy •=-,,with • Froit.s.tises. Win prompt relief. Feel grand new self. 25o, 50e. - • FRU ITATI VES THE GODERICH SIGNAL43TAR sold. !are, Orser with her two little o, HAYFIEL19 farm, anbjeet 'to a reserve bid, was not hildren toitouis to arteve to the bowie' across from her parents, 31r. and MU. J. B. Young, Some from a diatance who attended the sale were 31r. and Mrs. Ward Sellers, Mr. Frank Sellert$ and Mr. Chas. Sotich, of near Ilrussele. Ur. andMrs. ,Ceeil Ore'er and the latter'mothereUrs. Allen, a Detroit, spent, the week-eral with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orser; United Church Weite—Frhe Women's Association of *Dungatmon Milted church net at the Phurell on Friday afternoon. Mi5S I.11liett read' the (Serip- ture lessonand Mre, 1)131;010d injrayer. M. 314ore gave a reading, "The Patch- work Quilt." Mrs. 3, McWhinney also gave a reading. 3. Ci. Altonefavored with a selection 4m the guitar, It was decided 'to entertain some evening next week, opening the doors to men of the R.C.A.F. at Port Albert. • . Fortieth Wedding 44,nniversary Tbursday7 November 14th, marked the fortieth. wedding anniversary of Ur: and Airs'. Richard Finnigan, 4t11 con- cession of West Wa,wanesit. On that date forty years ago Miss Sarah PloW, "man,"daughter. of Mr. and 114 rs Edward Plowman, was wedded to , Richard Finnigan; son of ISi.tr, and Mrs, joint Finnigane The raarriage took place at the, home of thebridels epareRtS,4.4 Donnybrook and the bridal attendankib' were Miss Ronor Plowman and Jas: PloWirtan, sister ancLbroth.e.r. *film bride. They took up farming on the dam non, which they still reside,'which. was the 'birthplace of %Ir. Finnigan. They have toiled and ' prospered hi those years and with their faintly- ef ten; of whom nine are 11*Ing, have set a fine example of an industrious, happy and honored fatally. Those who are --livott-tome-are-settled--nearb and are interested , 'workers .- in, -the Dungannon -United-thurgh and in the community. The family Were an home for the Occasion and in the evening Kobe* Keyhole By -j Ruth 'Nieto]. „ Holetun: there always seems to be something to worry about and right now it's the examinations, which start on Friday and continue periodicaFly until December 41t11. We think they must be the catch in the Christmas holidays- Which come soon—but is it worth it? ;Monday, morning the' halls were ,buzzing with 'Who's that? 4 ft, honest? It must be". . And sure enough ft was—the inspector. In fact there were two of them, Mr. Ross and Mr. Hooper. They stayed ountil Tues 4N' and 1 think some of the students were quite disappointed' to , discover that instead of being terrifying and cross they were exceptionaily nice and complimentary. r, " liNOX CHURCH 'Mrs. IX j. Lane presided at the November meeting'of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society f Kmix Presbyterian phurch. The devotional Period was taken ijby,„Mrs. j. ThquettApci Xrik jr. W. SMIth. LanaWaY sang, accompanied' by Mrs. 0, After a •summary of the last chapter Knox, the 'meting 'Was dosed with prayer by Miss Wiggins. a few. otherthinibering- about thirty- five, spent g pleasant .time togtther. Mr. , and, Mrs, ,Finniga,n are In good Itertitia—and-7.seenr-to—know—the—itrt-95 keeping young with their family. We jein -.with. friends to wish them „good fortune and contlnued happiness in many years to follow. BA), PI-Kl.t.o. 26,-- Mr, J. ,c.4;tuart- and 131is 4 Finehnoyei, of 4 Oakville, were i the guests of 'Mrs. it, JI killairtiner on!, Wednesday t-ot List „Mrs. Spa,rJ1 ling and Mrs. Gairtilier returned to; Oakville with, thorn. on Thursiay. the latter rettiroiAng loin() on Monday. The women's entertainment emenit- tee of the RedTCross 'Society are hold- ing a euchre anal dance the Tewn 01/ radt1S1 .evening, November The menabersof Trinity Guild held a suceesstur supper and sale of fancy work in the 'Orange Uall. on Thursday- last. Mr. 'Harry Baker oent Thursday .with his ',areas, Ur. and Xrs. Fred Bakerewhile travelling in. this.'distriet. Mrs. S.. A. Ileolley. has closed 'her cot- tage, kIloliy 1Lodge,' for the seasm and - returned to Detroit on Saturday with Ur. owl Mrs. A. Supialek, who were ' here for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Makin s and fam- ily and Miss Jeanne Dunn "isite4 friends at i'llarriston, on 'Sunday. , ft- I)aWna ToniS sPent the week- end witiA relatives in Goderich. 10Nociety.----The'. annual, meeting dorgaela of the .Upper ,a 'Society was held in, the ,TeWiii,11-0.11 on Sunday evening after the__ , elPfreil.871:c.e..0,--The..'"Pr.4side,ato A. P. -* Erivini presided and etreSSed 'the" need: for greater contributions as the SoeletY endeavors to place a New Testament in the ha.'nd of. each ;member of the force, array and navy, besidesearrs- lug on its laiids. The secretary -treasurer's reports Were read. . and adopted. Rev. J. ,Grahani presided Overthe—faiiiiiiriViiS;- wilt& reSitita. in the re-grection of Mr. A.. E. Erwin aki our pur�ka�es of EPX8811.10 will be isestly boxed and wrapped in 'special Christrua4 ' wraNsing if purchai. edat president. end.. Xis* „, WOcvds 'as. eocretaky-treasurer. Misses Melvina Sturgeon, 'Monica iGrahant and Beverley York sang "We've a Story to Tell to the Nations," and "Tell Me the Story of Jesus," accompanied ihy Mrs. j. Gra- ham.. Rev. W. MdOle.ary was intro- duced by Rev. J. 'Graham. It was the ,seventh time he had epoken, that day: He gave statistics as t� the greatly In- creaseddemand for .Bibles in the enemy -controlled countries. Recently an order of 100,000 Bibles was shipped to Spain. These, were, seize'd by the 'Franco 1C4covernment and 'burned - In , Madrid. Mr. McCleary is a dplamic speaker and raises Christian enthusi-: asn1. in the hearts of his hearers. He gave a vivid description.of how a colporteurIn ezecho-Slovakia had been a •ro .Secure Yours farlycind.Avoid the Usual Last Minute Rush ; .rher has been no increase in the fees for permits and licen.se*s. .the fees charged in: Ontario. are still lower than in any.other 'province of Canada or in the neighbouring.states • • • THE GIFT illOPPE pal ()Metals itt. Seaforth on -November 20th,; the ;Provincial Treasnrer'S De- partracnti re application for tile drain- age loan, and Margaret Ress,. on the condition of Dingwall's road, concesSion -. $20 ;'•Belgrave School Fair, $16; road. , . accaunts, . ,.-Oouneil djournea t neet again ot Deeember lOth• • • • PORTE4F1ELDe Clerk. • - Account of -County -Engineer for. eX-- a New Testament' exchanged for a . gnided to; it straligei on—the road -and: Penses incurfor weed sPr9-Y ing was pistol with which the stranger had laid over till next meeting. meant to -take -bis -home -and- family -at— A representative of the Pedlar PeoPle shoWed moving pictures of. Africa order tor WOW fence. A. further supply , ou_ncir- soliciting an the hands of the Ibermans. He then waitgd, on tm will in all probability be Ordered for which portrayed the effect of Christian- ity- on the natives. A vote of thanks to this purpose. J. addressed the pouncil re, parr.. the speaker was moved by Colin Camp-. ben and seconded by A. E Erwin. Revguesting a. donation in aid a the,Blith H. Currie closed with prayer and ..ti)e Fail Fair. As formerly 20:00 was benedictian. voted to both Wingham and Blyth Fall -'--- -Fairs ant1110;00 to the SelFaive School - Fair. . CREWE ORDWIE, Nov. A.S.—Mr. and nrs. Aubrey Higgins . and sons, Jack and Bobby, .of° DetrOit, spent .,Sunday„ with -r. John Menary.: Mr. Robinson and. Miss -Bernice Durnin- of Markdale called on friends here on 'Sunday.: • , ' Mrs. Ernest POSt and two children, of Normandale, and Iris. Wilson, of West Wawanosh, .visited with *Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Reid on Saturday.. , Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Durnin re- turned home on Msoitday after a three Durnin's parents - tear -.Cornwall, Mr. )Durnin • took with, 'him 'a number of horse §; which he dis- posed of, bringing !back several head of cattle.im r.. Joe Alton of Colborne township attended to Mr. Durnin's 'farm -in. their absence. • Mr. and, 'Mrs, S. J. Kilpatrick at-. tended the .anniversary services R•T Lucknow_ United church, on Sunday. The ladies ,of the community held a quilting for the Red Cross at the home 02 Mrs. Wilfred*Drennan on Wednesday last. • . " The following accOunts were paid: The Reeve, Clerk and Assessor, select- ing furors, $l1; A. Rollinson, account. (rue police village, $34.02; 'The Muni- cipal World, sttpplieS, 15.251- The Ad- vance -Times, nomination notices, $3.50; N. McDowell, attendance at yofers' list court, $6.80; Corporation of Blyth, hall rent, Division Court, $20; grants to Wingharn and Blyth Fall Fairs' each Table of coniparison of fees in Ontario and two neighbouring provinces and states for three popular makes of passenger cars: CAR ONTARIO "QUEBEC. No. 1 —4 cyl., 4 2.00 $17g60 No. 2 —6 cyk. . 7.00 2200. ' No. 3 —8 cyl. 10.00-- 21.30 NEW YORK MICHIGAN $'12.00 $ 8.40' 15.00 10.50 14.50 1,0.15 BENMILLER • • BUY VVAR SAVINCSSTAM 4Nlmaaumdmmuruwmmmwin4.N.,....4uummiomoimimwiumlmvmir.miweiavmmsuimmieiwomrir' For the Farmer And Outside Worker We` have4a, stock of Felt -lined Si -eyelet Work Rubbers, whiek' will give comfort and warmth, Regular $2.50 value at $2.19' while they laSt. Other Rubber Footwear at low prices. We ask you ,to let us Supply you with some of your family's footwear needs for this', winter. We also repair Rubbers. The EAST ST, FpOTWEAR &. IMPAIR SHOP WM. AHL. Opposite Knox., Church Open Eveilings e BENMILLDR, Nov. 'D.—Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick, of Toronto, spent last Week -end at their respective • homes at Ilenmiller and Ashfield. A- demonstration was held on the' farm of Mr. Jos. Stewart of the first "Autotrac" In this loeality. Mr. Arthur Grange of London spent last week -end here With Mrs. Grange and daughter, Rev. A. J. McKaye an.d mother, of Iron Bridge, were Visitors with Rev. R. G. and Mrs, lIamlwoo'd on Sunday. Miss •Madel has gone to Godericb. to spend the winter. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Ontario's highway system is the largest in the Dominion, and for the very reasonable fees, indicated above, a great highway system comprising over 20,000, niiles is maintained ancl made available to the motorists Of Ontario and visitors from other parts of America. The revenue collected from- motorists by way of registration and license fees and the gasoline tax has made possible the cOnstruc. tion and.maintenanfe of thisigreat system WhighWays. EAST WAWANOSII Council met on November 15th, with all the member' present. "Minntes -02. last meeting were read and -approved. Comznunleations were received from the Department of Municipal ,Affairs, giving .notice of the ineeting .0AMIna_1111.1.1000.11.01Mbelow. 4111101.0.1011 AYIIMER-StraW.'& Rasp, Jain 32 -oz..... .... .. '26c for 19c AYLMER Pork & Beans 20 -oz. tin JAYLMER 'Peas choice cluality, No. 4, 16,oz...,2 for 19ie When In TORONTO visit the AYLMER Tomatoes choice duality, 26 -oz... ,.2 for 23e AYLMER Toth. or Vegetable Salim, 10-043.....3 for 25e Si. Regis •Hotel ..For the sconvonience of motorists,- permits and"licenses are issued 4, through the .offices of 189 agents located.tf;roughout the Prgvince. aloasiseeetr AYLMER Peaohes Sliced er 'halves l'0 -oz, tin SULTANA RAISINS new crop CURRANTS ,Reele'aned and fresh': .. WALNUTS Pieces, new -stock ORANGE & 'LEMON PEEL Caps.. . . . 25e p A 'Sherbourne St. at Carlton, One IlundredModern m Roos with private baths, 41iowers and, private telephone% Rooms, „single, froin $2.00 to $2.50 Rooras, double, froul $3.66 to $3.50 • and $44,90 A SPECIAL RECiLIEST TO MOTORISTA,— Witen driviiig- along the highways tiles& increasingly cold days mid siva or Sokiller tioyt, a ftride, MACRO Baking Powder ......ige SUNLIGIIT Soap LIFE DEM: Soap .. eakes. liALMOLIVE •So4l) bar XXXX OVAIKER FI oui IATX Flakelge Pkg. .30 ' . „ . „ .984h: sack $20 . ' ' Isiesiikolmorlookeii GRAPES 311't rrived Good •rood seryed at tuOileicate • price. Dancing nightly; no'cover charge DOMINION STORES • LIMITED