HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-11-21, Page 4TH IGNAL-STAR hogincer s Iteport trFraaellieet'IntittointitrireTi'nerl,the3: tilt 1, ti is ci 'I all tuaititetetitett grtael ttplaetalawill -be ,,,, peoiti v CQuitaellt °Il Judge 4bea't""-- 4'1` a the recent manalaughnde Iran!, the fi to County Council ip, s_n„,L, 'ii-, 1 In addresstarte, the juratteet the (dodo ; t lareatme duititly coneelidated. arovialed with a Mader raa tlhlt it', win ' Tril of asl Last Week , 'irill3Pr3(;11getjltrou);-eeTlirkiatT4otr tot,o-elefa'rtecNboaTt' i a • litna,ughter Case t ' r the Comlitv in conneetton wth ttte L 1 ettu- , , t The report of alounty Fandueea Pat -1 atten- deeePt, as "(70litnta" Enttinaer,11 lill,eir6sto:wtok.tvhh,easC,aosuenoyiloksviesuinell in tiessiio: it faunlylorne:poenosninIc.ittte:FainvECtilttepa Intailterc'eottd ulatlyt ' - Gentlemen —I Iltee to enbutit like. " should be imprisened over the situatiOn, fee year 1919. with a report. on. Couttty road matters it is L I have ever driven over the the si location. iu queation after dark; , but I In common with. 6thera narrYing 0 ' handrettiSta-other(3 twave done so, and ifl $1 89,, found that the we 'weather has pre; i my uegligence 'Was sta apparent as to oattlOor work; last sea§oe, it has be ea 1 the .alteged death. trap existed, and if 1 veutted the aeco, plisloarent of as muelt: warrant ipdietment, it is remarkable ; worlt aa Would normally be the. vase. '',, that no one, reported it. 53uch, remarts Aa onerationa 'were handiCapped, and I do not add to the prestige a the bench, , fortnnately we did mat Rave a big pro- .. and •the ,people Of thta County pay a gram a bltuntliota work. to earrfout.', great ddal ta keep it on. a high. plane. It has been difficult to iteeP the roads I --tt----ente • t in geed eonclition, and at times some' PERSONAL BIENT,Ltar4 •• road's were not smooth. ' -IA of, our roads were sprayed, with , Mr. and Mrs, Chas. n Robertson a clienticals this year, and a marked re- have one to London for the winter. 1 duetion'in the roadside aVeetla is a.ppar-1 „Mr. Thos. Finn, of Detroit, waa • a I gut." However, in, many cases we find i Week -end guest with hie mother, 'airs.' I i the adjacent fields we see a Orofusion ! „ Miss , Josie • Saunders. 'has retprned I ' the roads almost free a tweeo and in , P. Finn. • ' a , it a thenf, 'whieit leads to the eonclusion ',; home after an ,extended visa with her I . that permanent benefit to The eounty 'daunt in Galt, whohas been sill. ' cannot 'be secured until more action to . Mr. James Gibson, lefteearly in the otograp .00 *Ada fit will make an attractive Christmas Present Don't forget to make an appointment today. lienderson's Photo 'Stu(lio Phone 187 DANCE: To' the mile of the Moonlight Serenaders and the Merr3r 'Malcers Modern and Old Time Pawing Come and. enjoy areal, snappy della* to be herd in T9WN-rtALL; CLEst.TON Friday,Nov..22 Musie all the tined, from 'W to 1. under, auspices of Oe Huron Game and NA Club Admission; Gentlemen 35e , Ladies 25e t'reeeeds to go towardserestock- ing County with garae and Ash Go4erich •nt Ont. - 5 -- OBITUARY ntz,..;. uoR,A45]. E4,u,s,93t \ r, , diaraatan raan Med-nelland, wife ef iliorace Italeetn, died Oa tinttia„Y,,,, ! Noventhea 101h, at bee home; "dtit Con- t catandt-tirdf latetilertert townshiP. dfttn' t , il sante years of failiing health. She wasf, 11 in her sixty-ninth year, a ,natiVe 021, Goiterleh township, daughter of the latet John .. &Antenatal and Mary- t'Weston) L3leClelland, la February, 190, she i, Ives" married to IZOrace Italselitt, Slace •R their ,znaraiteete they travelled eaten- etvely and or the paet new years they ; l', resided en the 4th irouNtsiott. Surviv-Ii, ine hes:ides the husband are four bro. , thpers and three Waters: Williara and ' John , NleCielland in •Sastatithewan, , " Riehard of ,Goderieh aralt Walter, ads0 residing oa the ittia. coneessiou, Mrs. R. ' 1 Tiehltorzte, Godericla; 'Mrs.; DoAald Me- , . Donald, Detttilt, and ,Ire. `Williemat, 1, Ferrie. ttlanitOba. The funeral Was t's held trona tite resideuce on Tuesday! afternoort, Rev. J. Graham eonducting t ' the servIce. Interment wai in Bavdeld I - t * l , eemetery. ------ '301ISS ISA'BI)Litta .4BAKER: ,.. . A liteloag resident of . Goilerielin " Isabella Baker, passed away at Alei- ', MATHIES—CULP andra Hospital on Friday evening after '.. The marriage took place en cSaturdaY ; an nhaese , , • of three ntolitlia" duratian. I destroy the ;weeds ton the, Iarrette. tat week „ter, Teronte to Ran t e re, I afterttoonrNoveraber 16, at the home O1.L Miss Baker.: was the daughter of the lidbfittle'S-paitenK MT. andliffitdJittitesattlatett AEr. nand t'Sirs. 'Att.nttBaker aand;•,-- . - . 11 taken. One • of the. Prineipal tbeneata i departnient of the Ali -Wee& di . at Culp, ;Elgin avenue:ea' their' datighter, i llyedt at her nhirthplace on William, i assisted by Rev. J. W. 'Herbert of, 'Mr. and Mrs..' CYrils`Mathies, of Camp- i ef Knox Presbyterian church. Sur...! Ilohnesville church. The choir*, with - Ma rad -die, tia"Slediva,V431athdes, on of it' atreet all her like. She was a member Dresden, formerly Paster of 'the. ers may be indueed to ,consider weed ishe attended the Duff -Pepper wedding. in weed. destruction, the property -omit 'a: visit with relatives a Toronto, where that I find ts. that by . the Objett lesSon : airs. Chas. Videan has returned from aelleille, Ont.- The ceremony was per o virini are three sisters, Mrs. ,R. S. i' Miss E. Snider at the organ, led in the ; formed tint Rev. A. C. Calder of SO Craigle (Henrietta),, Detroit; Mrs. M. , singing, of the layilin: "'What a Friend •control more seriously. I Mr. Alex. liaciricar was notified on George's- ehurell in.-th-e-Presence of a i Etigglikeona--,---Vecaintab Detroit ; Jam letve alesotin. Jesus: and 'Glen. Lodgei we have carriect on our (program of o Friday to report to the. dieteorologdcal ,brothers, John and Norman . Baiter, construction as planned lir. a wit but i Department, TO -ranted ' 'He left for that e , . i eatherine lialpass, Goderieh • and two sang "God Will Take Care of Yettaw Ward, of Toronto, Sister—of the bride, I we were not 'able to de as much on the !, city On dionda.y. ' ' d halves Mrs Roy _it Mr Lane dof tcoctinad,f_oo_ret the L Belmore-Brusaels road as had been ' Lt Col A. F. iSturdy, of the staff of ma.troneofthonornandeterthusbantittabdtkedttaddediellettedt-- — home of the deceased ea William street interest VvitiCh -SheldanliaT taken in thetr exPeeleor.--- — — The followiug statement .,ahoWe ,,tIti, titollicittat.f_erPlininent seliTnraele,ildtrrs at ins 40_10- a• a The funeral took 4 place from the de breakfast the young couple motored tot Young Men's • Bible elass and 'Young ' was t man. a Toronto and other Pohats. They will t on Monday afternoont Rev. D. na People's -Society of the church, and f &least of the various jobe up •to the end bere the past week. I>'' the bituminous surfaces laid haaat been tioned at Camp Borden, visited his - Mrs. Mathies was, engaged for e time I ducting the services. The pallbearers • The pallbearers.were Ffaser Thom at newspaper work, but later she fol- Were: tRiehmond Orr, M. Ja Ainslie, son, of Clinton; Corp. Neil Thampson, .telasaed; as conetruction this year, which mother,, Mrs. _W. Tr,emblay, South and formerly had been coneidered as main- street, over the week -mid. lowed in. the footsteps, Of her father, George MaeLeod, John McKay, Robert a Goderieh; Kenneth Trewartha . I e tenance.- T.hitt is done as it is, found Aircraftsman Le-Slie R. Nattel, son Provineial Traffic 'Officer Culp, and at MeKaY and D. B. Wiggins. Everett 'Mellwain of Goderich town er 1 that thete surfaces ai'M have, a longer of dlr. and Mrs. K.,E. Naftel, IVellesley the tune of her marriage was engaged , • Relatives who attended trona. a dis- ship, Leslie Jervis and Elmer Pdtt IttRiittlaAT. Iv; %TUBER id'ist, For Thi Weeli-nd Men's Knee Rubbers. ted and rolled soles. first quality, insoles. SzeS 6 to 10. - SPECLA.14 • Robios Ltd. 11gent for Tip TOP Tailors" ihoue 384 Square - Draw to be made at 11 pin. bY ayor Ken: Waters 47x " 150 VDU:I/IMES WANTEtt:' WAltalthIld-1250' volunteers to help in the new war work, the Washing and darniattr, of socks for the airmen at Port Albert anct "Sky Harbor. e Forty-five Women have already offered te take care -,c,f siX or tWelvetPairhe eaehldt Some find it easier, to do the washing, others Prefer to darnnand Some have offered to do both. • • The young people are willing to, help "An Otitttiedina Valtur , Imo 41" Modem Chest, with Matched Orlentaawaaa and A113111101101 Waintite" _ r We have an especially niee selection of Chests from, whch to yoke your selection. . Choose your gifts .early and tbrosingb.:,-diffiu_l_t to _get not be disappointed as it is goods. reside at Guelph. Before her marriage tane and Rev. Dr. J. II. Barnett cou- his regard for the deeper things of life. of September. It will he noted" that Pte. Harland Tremblay, who is sta j R. Furniture Dealer Life than at tfirst expetted, and be street, who has been at Trenton for the t ea a police vvoman for the T. Eaton Co., tance were Mrs. R. S. Craigiet Detroit: 1161mestille. The flowerbearersi HEELER Funeral Director . . ggiuson, Detrnit ; Mr. and were young friends and compani.otts of giving servtee for many y.ears, but a past tw•o months:1m been called for 1 . _ _ • St. Paul's church. Runnymede. Tor- ' t Fred Thorasbn, SouthaMPton ; Mrs. III.. Itierbert. , other more permastent world These , Corporal aNeil Thonipeen and Pte ; WednesdaY e"nined°' and 'el'Pe -3.1 D Id i 1 • mat The memory of a beautiful life is 'tams include the rental charge for thedearl And Odi o ..erson, o er ch b ys on the , ?eyeral days in Go erich before return. -- t Mr. Smith is at present sta- t to spend I Mrs M Hi / Toronto. Iireater depreciation, -charge will, have duty and is now at the Eglinton Flyingi Mrs. Robert McKay ancl• daughter Sheldon. At Maitland cemetery. the I and dirs. Smith arrived ,here on PARTON—DILL burial service was tonducted by Rev. I to be made against such _items then for club, Tortinto. Elizabeth, Southampton ; Mr. andsMrs. Davidona , p ey ; Mrs. e onia, theatrene et a quiet but Carroll, Toronto, and Mr. R. k. rededed in - he lines written by rketty weddineam November 9t1, when Craig* Detroit t Sheldon's sister, Miss Esther Mac machinery used on each job-, , Construction Rev. Edward Morleya•officiated • at the . Math, and presented to the father and No. 4, Stephen-- - Parton, Toronto. • Th4 bride, given in who praetised his profession in Gode-. While he Was here, the g,reat depth§ oft, 854412011(4,. • 'marriage of Doris Selena Hill, daughter DR. WALTER S. TURNBULL ' mother for their consolatiou. Drains of Mr.. and Mrs. +Hugh Hill, Colborne Word was reeeived last week by ,, Gravel Grading toWnship, to Clarence John Parton, friends in town of the death of Dr., We loved him eo! I'm glad we let him , '•'Sheldon' k . _ •els "...,, 1 , : Bridpe,#. A-...,,...• .. • •••• 1414.95 3448.62 son of dirst Parton and the late Richard -- Walter S. Turnbutl a Vannoutter, B.0 , knew', ata - • staff a Military. Training Centre No. tioned at rcluelet, aneouver Island. 11, Woodstock, were home on ts%ve days' a • - A total of fifteen citizens, •eight from Catholle-COmniand chaplain for ,t'No. Goderich and seven from Ratylield, have ,Squadron Leader Charest,' ItOmaa i •• WITHOUT RADIO LICENSES leave-oidabsen.cte, from Thur ay. last te Monday of this week. . Trsiding Cenuaaand, with Squadron receutly, paid fines o f Leader .Jobn 3IcNab, Pretestant Cotn- $1,50, for failure to 'possess' a ' radio length dress of beige wool, hat to match o thetCoast.. . owick• •and Tarn, • Goderich today for a short time after were required to take out; brought the $ 11,539.99 mand chaplain far No. were ! license. This, with the license they eotne. nr a number Of years before that love - and black aceelesories With a corsage "7--utnreally heepttli on _died Encompassing his eretry word and deedl H Of orchids. Miss Irene Hill was her sN Thursday, And smile and look., and all he ever was. herrr, AV-99AS visiting Port Albert 'airport. marriage by her father, wore a street- rieh f ovember 14th. We loved him so, because he merited No. 25, Colborne .36.00 Mr. Gordon Campbell, •of Vi'mdsor„.1:tt"t. 8 -each, a rather expensive over - earl w northsur' attended the funeralofhis cousin, the sister's only attendant and wore ashes"' Dr. Turnbull was one of 'three bro- The most of love Whicb. human heart ! N: • 2-, of roses wooi, with brotra accessories tilers, natives of the Milverton district, edtild-gire. , • ' let epee ' fa 27,101.38 late Sheldon MacMuth. Mr. Campbell] An Old Scottish Family. and corsage of Talisman roses. 31r. and all medical men, who were in 'Lle was so good, so"thoughtfulsof us au, tsborne 639.901 is a son of the late W. Menu Campbell, I "The Douglas family is a v erre, verra • , oderich in the early years of the So Mud, ,very -dear, so beautiful! 1,Ne. 15, Hallett 421.00 who for several years was organist and • e . r. urn _ oat . as im now, an we ono _wild atecottish faIntly," eani, a __High- °mond. Parton attended his brother. G and Mrs. Stine was at the organ durine tat), 'West 'Wawanosh 385.50 choirmaster of North street talethoditt I century D Frank T ball l G d h h' d d t d' putee N°. lus the srvice. t A. reception for the- int- life in the Maitland River on March The judgment of the Master's aYaftil ; Net 16, Morris e 1,450.811 ehureh here. •. . _ - • • ,,I lander of that name.. "The line runs mediate families wag held at Haddon ad while attempting to make a: I hapd I No. 20, Asbfield • 48.00 Visiters at the home of Mr. and Mrs. away baek. into antioUity. We dam. in a pl am.crepe with black accessories, rich. lar J Id t f th thr ' th tt ames, e es o e ee, e °rni No. 12, Grey and Morris No. 25,'Morris a 691.23 I aaud,hter, Mr. and Mrs. blven R. Smith, lang way back, and the history (if the 42.00 :R.. Wheeler irentbeir aon-indew and ken hoo far'back it runs "but it's a lang, • Hall,. Inhere the bride's mother received trip by. canoe from Auburn Gode- , Which reached doWn from the fury of wearing a toraage of Briarhill roses. E-xeter atreet 3,400.36 •who for the past seven' months have I Doagliis family is recorded in five after several years here went to Tan- And took him home Until the end. of lat various ways. •The Collegiate stu- groom's mother ss black crepe couver and conducted a successful time; ; Guard fences 2045.been 'living in British Columbia where volumes. In a boot; the middle of the elehts are supplyine "the •Material for with ,bl•ack acceseories with a 'corsage h practiee until his death some tears ago. God does not err ; we an but realize nignb 639.29 !*31r., Snalth is stationed as- a wireless third volume, in a marginal note, we , ;S atfnee 1,463.141 operator with the R.C.A.F. This is " read ; `Aboot this time the world was sock. duets but of Zeir OM filildS, and of red roses, The occasion was.hortored t , Dr. Walter, yotmgeSt of the three, reef That what He does,sliows nothing but . _ the hays 'will 'make them under the by the attendance of the brides grand- , mined in Qaderich until 1910, when l'i His love; .Maintena. nee * supervision of 31r. Walkom. When mother, Mrs. 'William Hill, 'Who' ceIet 1 he rejoined his brother- in, Vancouver. , Be:there-pa earth it seems so -hard,*st I Resurfacing • Dregging • $ \ .-these are completed they will ',be sup-. . • , '-plied along with the socks to those , day. After a brief motor trip Mr. and ; of Goderich. She survives hian, with i To ever understand .., We loved him Bridge renairs ao. , voluroteers who do not already possess " Mrs. Parton will reside in Toronto. , two daughters o , . ' • • , • !.• Dr. Walter Turnbull was one of the , 1 — (TODGMENT FOR $382.98 ' Weeds I Terrine • anal the. first time Mts. Smith has -visited her ereateda" t 9,672160 h parentstsince teatime •Go.derich 11 oApriL brated her eighttafirst birthday that 'His wife is the former Miss Dora Pricel hard 5,431.601 thembe married at Patricia Bay, B.e.' READ THE CLASSIFIED AD$. snwplowine 18,28177 to The CollegUie girls wm hell) with DV-ELT—PEPPER origin- al members of the Menesetwag the darning, and also provide tags' to Calvary paptist church, Main street? Canoe Club here and was its president lienSall Trucker' Gets Award Against R epair guard fences he attached to the soca with oroato, was the sin cene oft a Pretty ; for several year after its ception.1 • Seaforth Cattle Dealers for De-.! Repair signa • ks the torn- — nary number of the owner. These will. ton t wedding when Grace It„ daughter of He won a psominent place in the liveries at Toronto. ' Repair snow fence • - -.Mr and Mrs. C. -It. Pepper, becarae the ; nfedical fraternity at the Coast and i ---addment ear—$3edea nett matte Is :tit% Caleiunt chloride be made from_ ,strips of white vot ' bride of Robert Edward (Ted), son of ' ' ' trot/teen's accounts neatlY hemmed, and welt% cost any; ! ", I was a past • president of the 'British . I Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Duff. Rev. H. E. ! Columbia Medical AssoCiation. He i antarded Ezra Willard, of , , i Hensall a New- Machinera-- thing. , • I ate performed the ceremony i was eixty-two Years of age. ' trucker, against William Devereaux ' Grader 1 i Snowplow The BrOwnies will, make tags to be I wiuteta . ..attached to each parcel from drscatrdedl and Mr. H. Jones played the organ. ' I and, Michael 'Murray, •Seaforth cattle , boxee. The Girl Guides will eollect o The bride was given in raarriage by ih SHELDON MacaIATH dealers in a Cotinty Court judgment Ford truek. Dodge teack and body her father and wore a gown of powder ' The fears entertained of the loss of o ' own paper and string, and the Itangers gertip Veil , ttvo doderieht tads in the faundering handed down by Judge Ciement. Wil- • Crusher and deliver all parcels, providing their blue net over taffeta with fin will siiperintemi f th frel hter Anna C Minch in. Lake! lard's claim was for it balance owing Weed sprayer -andGuideleadersand ,orange bloSsoms which were worn e g pareels. the distribution and collection of 1,hY__ her laeartroseillth roses She ;7Sahse a tctaernrdieedil' breelirst".1! attoiochwieguanPutfoi; founded eekThe' !bail tdoyr n f hreei d oalt11petrItodr t.roufekinsixg,yeeag:e- to 4Ter.oy Thehto over 175.97 ' _; -- ., • :itommarrinisairsorstasalarmat /. - 9,436.23 - 2,215.99 q24:10 • 34.66 26.25 7,177:87 12,75511- 7,756.00, ,07L80 1,363.10 7,000.00 1,094.56 ! . — ; Machinery earnings , $ 54,415.14 , . Red Shield members are Vi-M—ing , Robert Donald as Matron of honor and MaCmath,• Son of 'Mr. and' Mrs. S. R.1 the existence of a ,partnership • with Machinery Operathag costs"41,728,07 to take care Of any emergeney darning -one-- -.- -- --- --- et, — - - • • .1 her sister, Min nolietPepper, 'atatbridesta-Mact3fatInewas-fohntaeands-broughte to eDetereaux, bit the floner.totuntetherentetteeeet ,, „ .. , . ineaddition to their own work, but if maid, the former in,a, fuchsiadshade of ; Toronto and thence to Goderich.• The', wise. The claim wae for $569.48. All , tIvals--- ' ------d7- :8 '12;28'7:07- -- This surplua is, I think, abent right , the, above-mentioned number of volun-1 . chiffon and the latter in pink. They ! body of Dan ROSe has• not 'yet been ' three parties were poor .bookkeepers, , to cater the depreciation. and interest 'teen ean be. secured to take care of '...earried nosegays of 'mums and head- : r-ecovered. . The hulk Of the vessel was keepbag track of their • business on ' ef paper charges on our equipment during the six paws eaeh this would not be neces- -dress te match. Mr j lc Hunt fundsubmerged - forty' feet f ' little . b hs d sl'it — RC „was , _oin0 memo oo an i s period covered, latat it is not too great, best man and the ushers were Mr. Rely, , water near Ludington; 311oh. Thenloss - and with marks—on ealendarse The which would •Indicate that some of our ' Red Cross work tete doine their' part - ". Pepper brother of the bride, -and Mr. o of another fine vessel and her gallant defendant Murray claimed he had paid a reutal rates should be a little higher. . The women who are already° doing ' ' ' • en ' Robert Doner cousin of the groom. o crew' is added to the tragic history of , Willard Money at' tunes and failed to ,., It is becoming more apparent that e - agetnalonse with knitting' and- eenanatr, • la' ' re ` „ , , take .a receipt, and plaintiffot aeknow- ,. , , 1 the common practice of scraping loose nobly, but if YOU have felt you 'coultba.'t - ' . tA 'reception was held at the horde Of the the'Ufeat takes.' . •- , . t . a ,br e, 1 e QueenSbury avenue. ./The : The funeral- gerViee fOr 'Sheldon -Mae- , ledged orfe-ofthese paymente: ,Mirraye ; gravel back and forth across the road — * • - * ;, brldes mother received wearing a Math Was held on Monday afternoon in ' also produced cancelled cheques for ' is not so' efficient or serviceable as. it wouldn't von like to help this wava o . e ylor, oil, or Mrs. D. 'Sproul, 484. soidier'blue 'dress with corsage of eels- : Knox Presbyterian ehurch, where the which he bad not received credit from hit ' should be We have stabilized with , it so„ _Meese telephone Mrs. Albert , . I man. roses and was assisted - by the ' auditorium wasdfilled with a gathering Willard, and thus these amounts n i - considerable mileage of our I f groom's,. mother, who wore :air force 'Which inducted, besides . townspeople, tied down the claim by nearly 3200. • eltlY a blue with corsage of Johanna Hill , raany 'former neighbors and friends of , His 'Matra held, however, it was, the t roses. Later the happy couple left One the ,bereaved family from Goderich duty of the cattle dealers to pay the Gua.ranteed Oil a motor trip -through Northern Ontarita townshtp, where Sheldon was born elle:trucker for his services with the cora- , . PERMANENT WAVES i the ,hr.ide travelling kr it blue ensemble lived until three years ago. The !,pletion of delivery of each load of cattle $1450 and up . , • I,- ' with black accessories and .fur jacket, casket lay 'before a bank of beautiful to Toronto, a matter, of 315. shipments ; , . . the gift of the groom. On their return , flowers at tke altar. I averaging one 4 month. The case was flollyw. coca Beauty Shoppp they will reside in Toronto. Manir _ The service Was condateted by, Revn heard in October and judgment re - Next to Capital Theatre . o" t -of -town guests: . from Godericht D. J. Lane; minister .of the church, served. . . , West St Phone 12 1. Mitchell, Newmarket a d Aurora, were , .,, "No Medicine Ever ffelpeA Me . Like' Syi!tona-Pid," She Says' w Subscriptions ..• ilT be, accepted for $2.. from now until 1st January, 1942 Tell that neighbor who has been borrciWing: your- cop3f. ;present. , Suffered With Stomach 1045-20%. off Here is 'a' 'Winter Coat offering that proves again our oft -repeated claim "IT'S CORNFIcELD'S for better cruelty and-4value.'' , .St ies are tremendously vdriedoffering a elhatiee that insures you a becoming selection. You will benefit visit to d• geadaches, Nervousness and, Sleeplessriess.! Was 'Underweight, Weakened and Rundown. - , The great popularity' a Syntona is r• not surprieliat, for this medicine aetu- rally does,give grand results; as vouched r. for by thenaany grateful men and women who haVe used it Compounded t[ P. from no lese than 12 of Nature's Finest Medleinal, Ilerbe. and not one harmful drugit aids in siseitnilation of . food and. ell illation of excess acids and 1! irritating) wastO matter. syntona .-11. pleasant W take, and Many who have fr t,,I1Sed it say that, , eve after the first few days. the whole system take's on a , new feeling of ettergy and vigoritteat tona long before 1 eottld tell: it was I here, the experlenee of Mrs. SlaSr irvity helping line. It rid me ,of t a laughe-g, 320 St. George St leiddOn, as g1.1S. and indigitboU soy nerves be keported recently: came ;?alraed and 1 tould get some 'After a serious illness. I foutul my- ' badly eeeged sleep; a am free of thwe self in a badly rundown and weakened migeralde headaches now,, and in the' , condition. I eauldn't &CPI= to regain few week that 1 was, taking Syntona, strength and I kept 'fusing weight; nay weight eante•bac4 to one hundred until I Was down to NINEirt-rrnat and eightzen pbunds. Myr7 complexion POlgtgltde My nerves, 'were bad and ig ha.ek to normal now and 1 feel" so tre stomaek was so upset that -1 neaeh hotter in,er,ery way that 1 eau L',eouldtift Ittget my food properly. The hardly realize 1 am the same persoe food Swt. ,,c,e,stned to sour in nay 'stomach Every ailing, rundown, nervous awr-igag. acidity and aero mg person In Goderich ervitinikY. is tor- h'eadache., My tongue wag alway8. dially invited to tall at CaMpheirS Drug K coated, my! eomplesion was sallow and Store, and learn it* Phil' truthful fart4 rac2 breath was bad. about Syntotta. Make up your mind to 41 bad ttLed dziterot tonze3 wathout begin tatting It today. Set bon it tan any ottceni. but 1 wasn't taking S'yn- 'IAp you, tou. 41t •• rGROCERY VALUES TEAT ARE RARD To .BEAT1 . — .1.b. Tin 43c "ROYAL YORK" TEA • "ST. 'iiriLIAASI'S pkg. 31re RED PLUM, JAM •2 -lb. Jar 45c ,aemorarweroniviorimmiwilmmimearareiwroti aM HOP WHEVE leOr ARE INVITED .THE tETTElt -- SHOItTENING 2 1 LB. pRINTS 23e hner pLE, .0R-BitittEs ..245 oz. Tins 250 . - Lemon and Orange Citron PEEL3t ib Ile I PEEL 15e Cut Milted , I Golden 3 Crown PEEL lb: 13c I SULTANAS —2 lbs. 2:3e 44, .RED GLACE CHERRIES' i/4 lb: Star Choeidate .Freneh 1 Household Drops ..11). 19e I Creams lb. 10e Mixed ..lhe 190