HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-11-07, Page 8, 1 eittl-witit Mr. tied Mrs. M. AM*. Assaverailurf ServeisseVery anetasai- U. •aud vetY Uttaell` attended waiver*, ary servieee were held at Knox Weeks-- terian Outwit OIL Sunday. Rev. Samuel Kerr of Brussels wits the spealter. At RICA SIGNAL...TM HOUSOO er roonIS in Goderich, A-uburn, Clinton, Dunga,uuon and the surrounding district„ for the duration Of the war; for officers and Metv of Port Albert Airport with. their wives and families. It is expected the 'families will come. out from ngland as fast is suitable arrangements cau be made.'' Some of the luiines must,be reaSouabli close to* Sikools. People -Who can arrange to rent houses or rooths, are asked to send particulars in writing, as to location, chteS of house, heating, lights, bathrooM facilities, number of rooms and amount of rent to A. P. Wilkes, of The Signal , -Star, SOderich, 'who will orward them to the -proper '0(fieer. Please state if preniiees are telitahle for children or *St for A. E. ROCKLEY, Sec'y G. W. SCHAEFER', President Goderich Board of Trade To UMW tbe morning serviee peceekeel The ladies of the keereation. Centre a, inspiring sermon on "Fightine the 6°041 in •Migehayllall ate keening general Fight," and at the evening service be invitation to alluseit Jet uitiferle totomIe spolte ou "Titree Viewe of tbe Cross." to the. (Wetting at ti teeleek.P2I1 Satur- At 'the morning servive tle ohsa,ng daYs November % two anthems, and Ws* JosePidee Weir 001041 Home and Selt001 Club will a solo. At the evening eerviee* a4jes meet Tnetelel't liv.titintber 3.2tht at 4 -Vedette front Ilensalt composed of at the Schools Mrs. A. Taylor will be Miss Irene Hoggartb, Mist Jean Works the /guest eltettiter, . man, Mrs, W. A,. 34,0Litrett and Mrs, A rummage ea% ',dill* held in Mu. Dougall $seforedswitis -two numbere and Mrs. J. W. -Binithron rendered a solo. patted ChaMt W,iiirar-rrhe-united •'ohureh,W.M.S. metal the borne of Um. Chas, Straughan QU MoUday, with Mrs, James. Jackson, in eharge. After the repeatieg the Lord's' Presser in tint. eon Ure. johu TisemPeOu reest the, Ssripture.' Mrs. Harry Nungblut read artieles 014 ,MISS 41ii.Vier 44 Mullin oiud Djan3 of 10.1iina. Mrs. Fred; Plaetzer favored with,* tittle. Sirs, Ernest Pattereou gave a ,talk on "Temp eranee" and Mrs Fetrl Wightonan gave one on "iStewaixiship." Mrs., ivvight- man gave a report on -the eectional meeting held at ,BenntIller recently. Mrs. 'Tames Woods thentook* chargeof the •business part 14 was dedded to have each member write Hon, James , NEWS OF Ali13,U1IN AlUBURN, Nov.. 6,-Itev..and Mrs. H. 0, Wilson are 'visiting Rev. and Mrs. J. P, Remelt, of Pieton. 'Mr. and Mrs Richard afeWhinney of Crewe spent Sunday with Mrs F. Ross. Mr. Lloyd MoLarty has returned after spending a couple of months at Gull Lake, Sask. ' Mrs. Sohn Rogers and jack, of *Ing- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Fitzgerald, ot Tiverton, and Mrs. H. VFahusley and. Margaret, of Clinton, Visitedon Sunday with Mrs A. Robb and Mr. Levi Mar wood. , elk --'1111111.1.111:11.1m1r Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston and Kathleen, of BlueVale, snent !Sunday with Mrs JohnstOn's parents Mr; and `Mrs. Wm. Dobie. Mr., and Mrs. A. Wilkins and Vera, of Goderich, spent* iSunday with Mr. and Mrs..Geo. Dawson. Mr. David Johnston and two sons, George and Fleming, of Bluevale, spent Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Frank Raith- by. 1 Ms Stewart' Young of 'Kirklana Lake, and Misses Margaret Hirons and Ida iStalker of Myth spent the week - • 1111111111111r. VIN SNY L.R.S.M., A.T.C.M. Organist and .Choir Master at North Street United Church -1 'PIANIST AND .TEAOHER , of ORGAN -- PIANO -- THEORY , 1Vill oPen•ft studio in Goderiph „Novel:41Kr 12th with ."311:sffi Fay Snyder as junior assistant. • STUDIO; •Mrs. It, Fienderson's resillencerWaterloo Street. EVERYDAY P C Iona Orange 32 -oz. and Grsoefrui r • :Jar TOMATO JUICE A & P --3‘14PEACHESC: 5.0z. , Asinier 1, Sneed or iltsavos s omAToEs, A&P FA \t:t.CY poRK&Brjugs-c,Aws JOT ' MOTHE1C • • PAE*EWS TEA YELLOW 324 LABEL ' .04a.14GE 116 PEKOE g• BAGS Pkg. SPECIAL OMR: ivory Soap 1 cis. 9c Extra Cake 5c Both for 14c Tin CLARK'S, 2 lit 2 SODA Household Washing Pkg. P&C: SOAP CAMAY SOAP OXO 'CUBES As. 105:411 23c OLD 'CHEESE Anti CHEESE' • 1: SOAP CHIPS sox 26c APPLE JOICE'10-Oz. trill.% I PEAS, IONA 4 Slav,* tilt 2 RAISINS 3 Crown Siskilstis 106 Allimmuloinwoomicatimioime Bari 5B 1 Coke - diner.ate)tteWts.surglegsh*std hAve all beverage rooms ,elosed. The fol. lowing nominating. eammittee .was 'ap- pointed:: Miss Margaret King, Mrs!' J. J. -Washington and Mrs. ,Mogridge. Ietwas decided to leave over the form - Ing of MisoThn. Cirele until 'next month; Mre.s_Wpods closed the meeting withprayer, alter' which' hinch was served: • Postsnuptiid Reception.. -.A meeption was held in the Foresters' Hall on IFri- dui evening for Ifr. arid Mrs. g,mineth McDougall (nee Marjorie Toil), newly - Weds. Dancing Was enjoyed with niu`sie supplied by Mr. and .1strg. :Goohli Me- Olinehey, Raymond Redmond, Harvey MeDowell,. Misses Jean MeDOwell and Iia !Craig: „After lunch Mr. and Mrs. MeDougall were called. to the platform • and Lewis Ruddy read an: address e*-• tending • congratulations and good wishesto the young couple and. Sohn Lockhart presented them with a purse of ,i'money. Kenneth in a* few welI chosen_ wOrds .thanked his friends.' for their gift -and all joined in singing '`,.`For They Are Jolly Good-'*FellOwS". ..s At United chureh on Tuesday evening .Mr. , and Mrs..Kenneth McDougal l were pre- sented by Ili& Ruth' Arthur witha wall mirror and two, beautiful pictures. All to be sold as Mr. Speiran is giving - The -address was read -by -Elvin Wight-, up: housekeeping.--Terins,--Cash. nian• . ;r1 ' , T. VUNDRY & SoN,. • Baptist Annual Meetings -The wee j 445' • • Auctioneers.. gregationof the Baptist clink& held „. their annual Meeting on .irridaY AUCTION_SALE 0E..FARM STOOK, even- ing- A.- pot luck supper- was served, i' afPLUMENTS, HAY,• GRAIN and after which the Ibusiness was. conducted RPOTS. In a 'suitable fashion by Rev. A. E. * • • ' Silver. FaVorable reports Were given At W. H. Lot 10 and 1.1., 1a hall, en iiittnrday, November 30th, at 1 oleloek, under the auspices Of the WOmettre Aseeelation of North street "United ehurch. • 48 Hats to slatt your personality in .exelitsive designs. MISS M. R. 01A0VICAR, sKiegston St. Bedford Ploeks 45x • Fowl eupper at. giegObridge, Monday, ovember . 11. (Remembrance Day). terwardS keno and. dancing. (fee ad...pase 4).' • 0JOin Our 'Ohristtnas 'Club an40s(V money. New furniture arriving dally at CleseNSTONIS, 17 Montreal St. 45 Itumniage sale, . MacKay s Ran; November, 16th, at 1. p.m., under auspiees Eureka class, Victoria street Outsell. , 45 .Reserve Thursday and Friday, loireinber-14-Ind--15rfor--Sts-George's- A,Y.P,A. 3 -act eomedy, "Between 'Atte," Parbk Rail, at 8.15 pail., Ad- miSelon The ideal Christmas present: Singer sewing machines, electric or ,..treadle. Cash or terms. Slightly' used and -ShOpsolled MaehtneS spetiar•reductions. Laiberal trade4n. allowances. Machines repaired. Expert service. SINGER SHOP, 'Phone 03. 45tf Beektite pills for the 'kidneys; O&MOBELL'S DRUG STORE. • 45 The War' .Serviee Committee of the Lions Club will hold a bingo party in the Maeonle Hall on the evening of Saturday, November 16th. Door prizes -415 in War 'Savings Oertifieates. .5e bingo and other games. Proeeeeds will be used for local War services. Keep the date open. „ AUCTION SALES isnAnING AU ION . of houselnutishingsand effects, for Mr. Edw. iSpeiran, at h* ,rhome, Brnce, -fitiret'O'ddifieli*,* int SA,TURDAX, NOVEMBER 9th.* Living-reom; dining room, bedroom and kitehen furniture, dishes, garden tools, ItENT.-e011411( HOUSE pes. Flat St.; 7 rooms, freshly decor- . atetl, new nerewood -floors; hot' Or furnace, alt convenlencee; garage. P. J. RYAN, 11. Irafalgar 'St, Phone 663. ' 45 To Itk)Nho3T.---TWO UNFURNISHED . - light usekeeping ,rooms; private nc entrae. App1 2 Britannia Rd. 45 TO ItENTise-STUCC9- COlt., .Ligitthous,e •aini ,gssex $ts. GOod furnace, all tionvenietiees. Double 'garage. Phone 102,"W„ 45 LVL AN WANTED. -4400D ;:.44A1143Y Rawleigh Solite now open. If wilUng to conduct Home Serviee busi- ness while earning good living, write immediately, ItArt7VXMIGH'Ss Dept. Key o. 'XL -216-45-X, Montreal, Can. ada., . 45 AttiTED.-00/MFORTABLE R0011.1 eentrally located preferred. A.pply SIIGNATATAR. 45x OMR s-=;T.Y-:-'ITG-IFU'IrOL'I-II and dead cattle: must be suitable ,for mink feed:- removed prompgy. FiUD GILBER,T, 2. Bayilela. Phone 1)08,-.,,r 22,-, Clinton. Calls Paid for. • ,,v '8-tf ammiwaywommousw.assommompia..,,, OST.---AET :BONG WITII FOUR keys and SPAM bine tore Finder Attlee leave at SIONAE-FITAlt 45x 11,4()ST.-4311.4.114Lv BROWN COOKER ""SPAN,I104. Answers to name "Steve," Iteivard. Phone 300. 45x NOVEM NIL Tth,ma NOTWic To ciuMnOilli Norietf-370 vitotatrous, loiNviontsiee4ituiie becutriatebysgsizenno joth*ellespetartseenota, Robert ;Merchant, l*te of tbe Town of' "Ooderieb, who died on or itimut the bftoftt:the're" utbizie(le5rtitgdenetly' odfuNlYovVetu"bvn eer, .41109: y of Oetobe4 tO aend awl after that date tbe executor here - Its will premed to Make distribution of the assets of the said estate lutvings regard oule to the elitists tied. Dated at Gm:leech this 29tb day of- Oetober,*Aell. 1940. R. 0. RAYS, Goderich, Ontarle, Solieltor for the Fettate. 444. NCEa7v jentgieeti7sitilime°1")sre...7. si'iluretnIttbt8oe' utpetersoe 01;., ;Stanley Iantea ()ser, late of . the, Township of 1Weltteneelli'llt the County of ,Iltirote formers deeeefied, to eeed the etkme duly verified tO the under. .signed on or Were ,tbe 21st dal of 'November, 1940, after Which date the. administrator will proeeed to. (1iatri- bute -the saki- estate- among the per- -sous entitled thereto, having regard only to the elaima Of Which be then shall have had notices and that be will, not be liable for, the proceeds ot the estate so distributed to any person of whoseelaimo notice shall net, by then 711"e:P4'. R. DABRoW, c4r-deriei-On' fide -7 Solicitor for the Administrator, , a • FARM FOR SALE FARM POO .S.A;IM,..-,-95 ACRES Mar LOAM, belonging ° to the estate IA the late William iStraughau, lot 5, Condession 5, E.D, of the 110,w11 - ship of Colborne. Good barn, and house, also good supply of water. Ap- ply personally to A. M., STR,AUGHAN or HOWARD STURDY, , executors, Benmlller- 44-7 immimummippionion.6........s.•••••••••sommoup Fog SAiiX .Fon UtD14.-ARAND.P10KFD SPX AlPFL4M-2 also 30 1>tite$ turnips and 10 bags potatoes Apply at farm of WARD ALUM R.R. 4, Goderiele 214 tate from Bennsiller, W414014011',Vp 3101)104,11 " furnished cottage. Waters sewer. light. Or parts CHARLES 11445-44 11205 -84th Aeos Itichitond, Rill, New Vorit City, ' Zitt Fe -see -,Lit. QUANTITY :OF SOYS, BALDWIN'S and •SALOMES; winter pples, domestic grade; '75e per bushel delivered. 30,I1N 'SOWER:BY, B.A. Goderich; phone 02 On P3'knOen•or evenin 0' 44-5 —CARD OF -THANKS HE FAMI1LY OF Mai -CLAIM MB. ' Robert Davidson., take this oppor- tunity_to, thOuk all those who 'were so kind and empathetic to theni during their recent bereavement, also those who senelloral tributes andioaned care for the ttineral, ' 40x NOTI(CE iS JIMMY camEN'tbat'a years .old, bred Sept. 9; 1 Parham Court will be. held, pursuant to ThC „Er :di tyn 24:hert telt rh,pa. purebred njruesbetroewfdr e6ss hh.e.oyearsnr e ilthgironlId b,pubuireu_ire-2 the Jude of the )00untY Court of the Ontario Voters'. List Act, by His Honor Coiiiity of Huron, at the evert tioiise, .tattle; 5 Goderigh, on Tuesday, the.,19th_gay of years old Sone 2_; 8. you calves; 1-t piirebred Sh ,calfreligibleta.„register,, Pigs, -Sight chunks, a weanlings, 8' weeks ol both. bred. Implements. -.4 od" hay - 'loader s 1 Frost & Wood side -delivery rake, both nearly- new ;, 1-drittp Take; 1 Frost & Wood mower; 1 Massey- -Harris binder, new canvas; 1 Eaton separator, new ;. 1 set scales, 2000 lbs.; 1 12 -tooth cultivator; 1 set dises ; 2 . sets harrows; 2 sets sleighs; wagon; sliding rack; 1' Lister engine, 5 h.p. ; rthorn ' bull rtiontlis t 150 lbs.; • 2, soivs, . FARMS FOR SALE Lot 35, Con. 3, East Wawanosh. 200 acres. Iffilly pasture, two towing - springs, some bush. Price • 82t100., , Lot 16, , on. 17, Grey, 100 acres. I Stone house; two barns aed implement Ished. Good Well • with vvindmills Price . 43750. Immediate possession. t Part Lots 27 and 28, Con, .14, Illul- lelitw windmill, also flowing springs. 233 acres. Pasture, good well . §ome bush, fair house, no barn, part of farm suitable for cultivation. Price ,$4750. .• ' . Suitable terms can be arranged. Apply JAMES McFADZEAN, 'Brus- sels, Ontario, or FILVD., t1101LOY, ,Thedford, Ontario. 45-6 November, 1940, at eleven -thirty "clock •3nstlie'sforenoon,sto, hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the voters' list of the municipality of the Town of Goclerich for tbe year 1940. DAllieWat ,Goderich the qui' clay of Novembert_isla._ _ - • . Clerk Of the Munielpality 45-6 • of the TO,Wil Godertch. •Sti.W:.frame; 1 336 li p engine; 1 Me-. b3the ViLrlOUST seeretaries. The mow_ lam _,Concession, etilb.orne, 3 miles .1Porin10ksiDeering manure spreader; Jug officers were elected : Church clerk, from Holmesville and 3 miles from- 1 Seed drill; 1 buggy; ;eutters-126. ;Chevrolet sedan ;fanning MBA; pulper ; 1 Oliver Tiding plow 1 2-furr0wed riding plow; 1 'Fleury walking plow; steel roller; 3 sets dotible-Itarnees; 1 set :single harness; hay; tools; chains, slievelss forks; and .nunierons other artieleer• Also 200 acres of land, ielay loam; Glenn Raithby; secretary -treasurer, 'Frank Raithby organist, Mrs. R. J. luill1p; Choir leader, Mrs 0. As Bows son; church auditor, Mrs. Elmer Robertson; finance committee, George 'Raithbyr .Elmer Robertson,. Frank Raithby andMrs. R. J. Phillips; super- intendent of Sunday seho61, Elmer Robertson, secretary treasurer of, S.S.,. Marjory Johnston ; pianists, • Harold Reid, Mrs*. Elmer Robertson, deaeons, George, Earl and James -Raitliby 'and Alfred Uoulth; church trustees, Mrs. Stanley Johnston, Mrs. John McKnight, Earl Raithby,. Harold Reid and Lloyd lohnston. PIM MO 'MN Nor Mao = 34-0s. , = = wrap. RED CIRCLE j 31g = = Low. • E E mmitimmolummmiumno AmlimmonimuumminimMii Fruits and Vegetables, RH*. or Unstleed Fie :41 Ann Pfge g *Mole Wheat = Cracked Wheat • 1 I. = NMI WM WM MI NM NMI • Vigorous & Winn' ABOKAII Va. 39 Mild & Mellow 8 O'CLOCK it. 35 A Rick & Jrult Balm , = , • . NOW INN mni APPLES Niaraews 611APEFIWIT usititar. Brussel Sprouts tut TOMATOES TUNES • VI= SELF ERYK STORES goesdisti .omp 1100, aim* AAA* ana '11.40001* * • I* • -- VOR SALE. - RURBER, GOODS, Sundries, ete., mailed postpaid in. plain, sealed wrapper. SOeto Jess than, • retail.- Write for mail-order catalogue. NOV-RJUBBER !Oa, poi 91, Hamilton, • Ont. 38-45 1111111111•1111.11111111111111011mmooggr New English Dinner Sets May be bouathytlinyiethe_piece at • START YOUR DINNER SET • • ...N9W Smith's Art & Gift. Store The lime of English China Bemmller, ,ou • THURSDAY,. NOV. 14th - commencing at 1 o'clock.- p.m. sharp. TMS -Cash. tHELNRY Js, KERR, Proprietor. • T . GUNDRY•f5c SON, Auctioneers. 7r—jj,11.4/j 411111011h. READING 1,471111111!".<, 1HRACe Imago (JOKE OLGA POCAHONTAS * ,gBpsy CUBECANNEL • ••.• KENTUCKY oroKBE ,COALS trawasoramaie~woomirrowswastraralibwairsimmitte *KENS VA.LLEY BLOWER COAL OLGA POCAHONTAS STOICE. COAL rersrion Toit sztviaz DEAN COAL CO. GODERICH imTION •SATAE• or ROUSE FURN- iSdeleNiGs:. ' • - Property': of iMrs. M. 6albraith, 17 Anglesea street, Goderich, en, • .. SATURDAY, NOV. 16th .ffncl•utling 6-plece living room suite; Walnut' table and tug; 6 dining rem* chairs; rot*ee'and easy 'ehair, r 1 large extensiotV;, table; - sideboard--- 1. large eongoleum rug;, A -,11citchen chairs; 1 _leaf table;- I lounge; rugs ; Raymond sewing Machine; beds,- springs 'mat- tresSes ; 1 3 -piece Suite; pillows, quilts, lace curtain, 8 toilet sets; 1 Cabinet of stainless sliver; .electric iron fiat irons; kitchen .utensils, ineluding 'din- ner set and odd -dishes,- crocks, wash- ing machine, wringer, lawn Mower, a niimber of other articles. • •TERMS -Cash, • . MRS. M., •GALCEIRAITH, Proprietres's . 'T. G.,:riNDRY & SON, Auctioneers 45 • • • - ARE YOU TIDD MAIO— ATKINSDEALER; (betWeen 25 and 55 years of age, with ear): --needed immediately 1»-Tnearby -: 'Vitra route to .hand out baking powder and Copoa at SPecialbargabv strikes tpial supply established' demand for every- day necessities, including spices, ex- tracts; ; medicines, _toilet reparatiVS.L, cleansers; mineralized stook,: bog and. poultry tonics: -73.7years; reputation. 10,000 dealers. Must be fiatiseed wltn- a. reasonable income at dire' sTatett eXperience helpful. Selling-lt*PerIeM.7-#., unnecessary. eredlit furn140..aLt. parties. Write immedia '7.rtsim 3. • R. rviv.4TVMS Men - treat Que -Dept. 0-0-1B. ;45-48 'bank barn, with 'Otter , ixi it, frame house, good- ,driving -shed, arage- and woodshed. ' Absolutely no reserve on stcrek and implements; reserve 'hid tarin. --TERSIS---Caah, on chattels.; terms on far.rh, made known on day of sale. :VIES. STANLEY ORSER, #roprietress 45-6 MATT GAYNOR, Auctioneer AUCTION. SA,LE OF FARM, PARM •. STOOK; IMPLEMENTS and MAY • At N. H. Lot 16, Con. 3, West v*Vawa, nosh • (first corner east of Dun- ganonn), on •. TUESDAY,s•tiOV. 19th ' at 1 p,m. sharp the.,foliowing, Iforsess.--1 bay mare, 10 years Old : 1 bay horse, 8 years old ; 1 black horse, 6 • years old ; 1 bay mare, 3 years old ; 1 black driver. 12 years old.. Cattle -1 Durham cow,. roan, 9 years old, due ttirrehs 4; 1 Durham cow, red, 8 .years old bred -July 5; 1 Derletm cows white, 6 yeare old, due January 10, 1 Diirliam eow, roan, 6 years ; old, bred lune 10; 1 Durham cow,. roan, 5 years old, bred June 13; 1 Durham cow, white, 47. years old bred June ,11; 1 Durham cow, red? 4 tit.seseemesessesseesseseessuesessespeseet _ ,V.XECIJTOil,'S SALE. •a-4„ Mr. ' Harold Jackson has been M- . strueted to, 'sell -by public auction on.1 Lot 8, ..1Gbderich Township,, firms, farm stock and Implements; on 'FRIDAY; .N0V. 15th commencing at 1 p.m.• Horses.-ThreeLYear-old • • Percheton .,mare; black mare,. 9 years old; grey. mare, 8 years old; 1 aged mare. • Cattle. -Three Polled -Angus cows; due in April; 2 'Hereford cows, due in may ;2 Polled -Angus farrow cos; 5 year -Old heifers; 5 year-old Hereford steers; 4 Hereford spring calves. Siteep,Sixieen -Leicester' and- 0, -.Kr ford ewes. - • • . ehunks, 60 lbs.; 1 fat sow ; 10 pigs, 40 Ths:• Chiekens..-1POrtY Year:old hens; 3: geese; 2 colony hpus. : • ImplementS.-Corn . binder; cotti planter; !Massey-tElareits bay loader: McCormiCk hayn rtike; 7 -foot binder ; Massey -Harris seed drill, 13 hoe with Preston fertilieer atiachnient ; De Laval cream separator; 2 walking plows; riding plow; gang plow; eultivetors idisc; set lbarrews; corn senffler; hand setiftyr ; International* 3 h.p. ,gas engine; eircular saw; set sleighs; w,agon..; hay: reek.; set 'hil•elv band harness; cutter; buggy; forks,; shovels s 2 root pulpers; saws, ete. , 1 1931 De Soto sedan; • 1 4 -wheel trailer ; 70 tons hay ; 10 l'eet of 0? silage 200 bUshels* wheat, 600 bushels oats and barley, ' Farnie -&t tbe same time and -place fife following -lands will be sold; name. ly : • (1) irAlltsi LOT 17 -Allmon Road 'Ooneession, .Coderich TownShiP, con - tabling '02saeree, more or less, on whieh there Ist'Supposed to be sittiated a111/2 storey frame house and a bank barn; good Weil. •• • (2). rARM DOT 8 --Huron • Road :Concession. ,Goderich Township, tem- taining 101, acres, -more or less, on whet IS; supposed to be situateda mie-storey pebble stone • rongh at • Iledses with hot and eold water, bath- room and furnaee; also . bank barn, with good welt and windmill. • Olt FIAR,M LOT 37-----4)n the 12th eoncession of Goderieb,Township, •con - tattling 80 acres, more or less; being o grass farm, with a good well 'awl -Said pareele Will be sold separately subjeet tO a reserve bid. TP.IRMS--,On labia. 10 per vent. eaeli on day of sale, and balanee within, 30 • slaYS: on Chattels. eash. EST'ATE ()V GT10110,14 (sTATIL, l'orittan Muirli;:teeutor 45. it.A41KSO, Auctioneer , . NORM STREET W.0,. , /The Women's 'Association of North street United church held -fie October meeting On Thursday last in theidhurch parlor„ with .the IsPtesident,' Mrs. C.. Worse% in the•thair., 'After the open- ing hymn, the •Stripture lessen was read by Mrs. S: Work, foliewed by the Lord's; Prayer. During the business, period it was deekledethat the Assoela- tiou would eater for a dinner 'for 'the Huron. Presbytery whieh meets late in November, also to 'hold a rummage sale. Mrs. liendereon .rendered a solo, aceonipaiiied by Mrs. Lane. The meeting was brought to •a elote With a hymn and 'the Mizpah benediction. -Ziegler-Net to a beautiful girl, what do you ea/wider the Most interest- ing things in the World? Nuehall- Whenever I'm next to a' beautiful girl. X never bother with statiettee.• • • • IN CANADA ACILIVE I4EIVVICE AND HOME Deface in Canada is not VET • affected by the present War clause ACT -NOW . Have Life Xnsitranee Protera ' tion Vvitlythe present liberal war clause. lt FORD Insuranet and Heal Estate ' $ Hamilton •St. Ifel. 268w sse-Oampbeirs stomach sand ,1170. Ritix CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. 45 asisiassoaalgrolgswilmiamfr MIRO!, OM:WIT .001INOIL 4.- The next -meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Chambers, Court liouse,:::,G6derich, COm..- Thencin$* on Tuesdal, November :VA 44_0 p.m.' All account,, notices of de- Puta$ions 464 other bum' ess requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 9th, 1940. W. 1111BR, County • Clerk, Goderieh, Ontario. 44-5 1 HAVE ‘yOU FILLED `YOUIR, COAL -BIN? PRICES PlAY ADVANCE. . Introducing a new' prodiet of Canada::: CAIMORR BRIQUETTES --you will say they are the best you ever burned, for grate, stoves or funiace. , '-canmore.,Driquettes 1'Oc41,1.onta& Alberta,, egg size ., Mithracitei ,Pin. best 44. $13,00 $12.50 $12.00 $15.00 s $ 8.00 • Tut'Why Pay More? Prompt 'Service. IlUCKINS tt- -SEABROOK Ilhonf:6"87" 7x Si •voliNG riAmtsTs AT LONDON Goderiell Wag reprevenbed in 'the musie feotival at London last week by two young pianists, Mollie Bisset, daughter of Mr. and 'Atm. Robert llisset. 'and, Mary leyee •Straehart, daughter of 'WA, Eva Strastait. They took third ipitiee in tiet piano duo ieltete,' for per- formers ander twelve years of Age. • • EMEMBRANCE SERVICE siimmunewooloWwwg. The Annual Service in remembrance of those ,who made the Supreme Saerifice for King and Country • 1914-1918 . 4 will be conducted under the a-uspices of THE. CANADIAN TIFIGION, BRANCH 109 • SUNDAY,'NOVEMBER lOth at 11 am, • All Veterans are requestetilo meet at the Armories, Newgate Street? at 10.15at ni for the purpose of attending drilitine Service at 11 a.m., in Knox Presbyterian Church. The ILA J', R.0.A.P., '1,0" obtopany Middlesex and Iluroft members of 1.01D,1)., 4Boy -Stouts and K4rl Guides !wil1. join the. Veterans on this occasioneroderieh boys of the Perth and Elgin Regimen s have been Invited. • DRESS—Berets "arid AI Is, LUCENOW PIPE RAND. 1 : • MEMQRIAL SERVICE . MONDAY; NOVEMBER 1Ith A Conimunity Memorial Service NOB. be .held at the Cenotaph at 10.30 a.m., iconducted b3r Overseas and Local Ministers. All are cordially invited to attend. Veterans will meet at Armories at 1.0.15 a.M. Air and Military Units, iSoeleties and &hoot Children Will attend this Serviee •The public aro cordially invited to attend these services. ' 0