HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-11-07, Page 6rAGII ISM HE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR 0 Ttb, 1010 WESTFIELD Gierts-11141). likrved at t' 1f (if the pram‘ NV.r4s. 'WWII' et STratrofii;c51104,,t quieT but Zrf,,?tty weel“mi urlder: the lwar;ll'a,4,r°°;,,i wolding wa$ solemnized. by Lev. 11. t Ulm Fmt J.aTftd 74111,. Joyee, Seailortb, were wctii-enti, Wia'son,, of the United elfurch, Auburn, McDowell, tith conetts.sion of 'last itteutied annivernary rei,1 v• 4%mWbeli" INXWPFINIA), Nov, arid mr. awl Nit,„ evion Amehasun 4iriul Mr. and Mro. Aibert .guests at the home of Mx., and Mrs., at trae b011ite- of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin "dee* at 14.0n1esboro (111 SlInAlaY cbvenitig. Mr. `aild- Nirt3. Stanley Sibthorpe wavva1tosb, Wed1.1esday, October Mr.. Andliry.fs,_Iawartt varailbell and ILIE•75" ,Atia Strackbouse, lilyth, 'visited 30at-, when Anna Margaret, their oto nly liassiay visited Mr-, aiia A.:1 at the.. bon.ie„ of Mr. and Mrp3,,daughter, was Unite& raarritige 'Wawano For her 4 :Johnston of West 'Wawan,s11 on Ale,,,,,!!°well sUnkla' ""snk'el-L1321`;"5'LlIJC11611.' eldjes sl)n mr; young people at their talteting and Airs. ,Gordon 4.)f' the -Itli eon.; Ur. Bob Usury is in Guelph taking a 011 Wednesday evenincl made plans for 4* ^ , .„ - ,., ,.,. , , Wort eour.'ir in agriculture, their .meetings for the remainder et ' woittIng tile auraNive Prole 'hoe a Mr., and Mr. Bert Taylor and 'Nils,: the year. They will meet0a Friday graceful street -length gown of an force ymeol v,,ited on sunda...,, witu .) , . sveuino for, the , present. Me nest- Wu4 erelte, and earri.-ed. a bouquet of .4.'ramblyn of Lontleboro tle'etins esi '',',r,),'s on •r: ty 's; - bes yellow ehrysanthemanns. She was ,- Axr. jante, virlish• IR -,"1,,,,,istino.r yr Stlx, with Gr.•teine Mellowell in eltarge. given in TharrlAge Iv her rather. AS , * , ' * '' ' '' * * Halloween Part:Ye-4 Hallowe'en bridesmaid, 'Miss Mildred 'Thornton., M' ih„ , Ouse friend, o'f the bride, was eharming _, _ ' party was heed in the basement slouch' on FridaY evening with a. good in a tfroe1,7 of soldier blue crepe and ear- B. GODERICH TOWNSHIP tpt)(40PLIttOil 91.1AVNISIIIP, Nov. PM 11°1144 ifill pUlint, and deliv,ered a hel ul f.;erraroa P,renuter, of Bruceileld, occupied: the ' on "Wh'at Religion. floes tiO Mile frOM tile text, "And unto man h! s,aitl, Be. I hold the tear of the tiortl, tat Is wis- dom; :Ind to depart front ev l'is untier tanding" ,(JOb '2,8 ;28)r. Purlug Sun. day,sehool, Mm. 44,teV.) ;_iftmes Miran, 'ton paid Splendid tribute to the lttte Robert Davidsou, 'who, had been super- intendent of the school for manY Ye'ars. Ilallowe'en Party„ -On Thursday afternoon, 3.1iSs Esther Meilteaht and her poPils at Union NsehoOl entertained at a HalloWeien party for the Mothers and the kiddies of pre-school age. The HEALTHY LIVER RESISTS COLDS Solk1P Your WA heft ssistry. ti " ried,a bougliet. brpr.tzv UY $10, UR' prograni xonsisted , of , mums. '., sasPer Snell,. brother of , oilboalror 'ma's IlitelY 411e0tated in 'the atkendante, the pro . the WAR SAVINGS STAIVIPS . - - eratlitiOnal ITallowe'en eolors. 'Clatice quartettes; readings, (IL,110,„sues awl Cons. greour„' was best ,inaiL ' The wedding . . rausie was played by Oraeme MeDoweli, .. , • " ' Lassalins odeupled, the Chair- for the program, which waSc composed Of the sitsait.y singing:, The jirldges for the masil!..to..ade, ,vv,isee R,ev,. is. c. wition., brother of . the bride.. 'The bride's - ------'' folletting gems. "0 Cansda " by the Mrs ,W1 son • • . f p , a mother wore a gown of navy blue flow, Work done for the Red CroSS: 50 pair,schoel; ''''We,lOome,'! by grstti,de'S 'and 2 Whom your livees sidt it caul supply you m ered crepe The groom's mother wore ks e 'with *ow snorts With your real hum. so gee , 8 sw alters, 8, searfsl. pair mit.ts, Wm. MeDowell ,reeehe .the Pr ze %yid* iftan ruult. $"11 as for the comic gent. Mrs. James MeGill aid Leonard' Cook' a black flowered creee, Nfter . the ceremony dinner was served to the im- handkerehiefs, 131, 'towels, 24 bias vok - for the coraie lady 2 behnets, 23 spillOweaSe$, ,45 dozen Mediate relatives of the bride and uatidages a .pair vyjamtas, iceb,,,,Ig ....4. •.11"sands d•-bY telua uP Your "‘ -- t for beet -dressed lady and vis Cook lrisit-a-tivos. Fool‘2.5e, 50c. , f b st gentleman's 'costOme. Edith or• e . , FRUITikillif re ..,...c,,,,,,t,;.,,,„ , ? (leek,. •ehildren'S conale,;:, Billy. Taylor, 16.3 11170,10, I t!hildreA's best costume. Candy wS. youhe We hime.troubles a our own, but 'we can take ov yotfii, machine troubles and they Will not add to our worrieseln fact that is our business to EPARA1HINERY All -you need do is bring the parts to us; we will do the reit and have it ready when you wancit. Geo. W. Stokes PHONE 2063, MACHINIST BAST Si. 411111111111=1.1.4111 gotira, Misses. Vern and. Jean Me - Dowell, cousins of the brides The home was decorated with autemar flow- ers,' ad - the 'bridal table was decorated With -pompom -chrySanthemurasss.and centred with a lovelY cakes F'or travelling the bride wore black fur .fabrie Coat with black hat and matching accessories. On their return from a trip to Brantford St. Cathar- , • ines. and 'Niagara, Mr. and Mrs. Snell will reside on the groom's farm on the 4th eoncession, of East Wasvanosis' We. extend our congratulations to the happy couple.. , ST. HELENS covers, 1.0 -pair bootees :aid .0 -bebnets for refugees. A. sweater and a pair of Socks were giVen"ettelt,of si.* local boys' e. I‘Yirier.,iii!...elid1r'-'1:tit f.ltPliiLe'seittinn; 0411rikt-seVriii"11g-tt Itbil ltallewelen,' iliY 'Barbara -:()rr and herVihe 104,1tate Red T.Yes'ssrseieratr Doris 'SowerbY"; eolo, '"Silver -haired coMplete 'th*Irta Of work' tindtaken mow, by Vera wilsen,;, ivestaotsl, for the ref s. .., , . '"Brave Bon" by Gerald Bell; reeita- . . . tion, 'my'Opinion;" by Lois Sewerby; COURRIEjS, CORNERS '" duet, 'Wine 13ells of IScotlan(r' by Wilda and .Meredith :Wilson, aii the couR,BIE.18 CORNERS, Nov.0,..._ National Anthem. Ater,the prograih, , candy and apples were served, and an- other *happy mentor" Nvas, -added , to, Childhood's treasure'ehest. Death's Toll: -The Angel of Death reeilthti44 "Braver' llow, by I)Ouglas Miller ; recitation, "Spooky .Night," by leanor Fuller; two-patt song .by the sehool; song" "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater," by grades 1, 2 and 3; recitation, mOtedts," by lronald "Fuller ; dialogue, "Hallowe'en7 song, "Dancing Wi'tehes," yy, grades 4 and 5;_duet, Miss Myrtle a'ohnstone Who is working inVroderich, spent Sunday at her home 'here. • Mr. and Mrs: HarVey Mller and tam. ily; of Lanes,,visited at the home of Mf. ST. HELENS, Nov. 4,-Mis and Mrs. and Mrs. ,Lorne-Farrish on Sunday. Ronald Bothwell a Peterboro were - Mr, anVMrsuCharles, gar and.Miss week -end visitors with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and...Mrs. E. Js Thom: Mrs. Thom returned With them for a week's visit in Peterboro, Norwood and West- wood. . • , The strong wind on aturday atter- neon razed the new m dern two -Story henhouse that Stanley Todd was having eonStreeted. , Mir. and Mrs. Horace McGuire and riffle daughterl- Shirley Anne,. of Lon- -don, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. 1'4, J. Thom. Patriotic Work. -During the past year the ladies Of the ...conrInellity_ through the local Women's _Institute have aecomplished the following ,tear Work -t- Do4tions-$55 ta Luelstrovis Red Cross,, $1.50 to W.I. charity, fund, $5 to - SaIvatiOn ArmY; $5 to. Finnish relief, ' $25 to RefugeeFund, 23 used and 1 new blanket, 4 'sweaters, 3 pair socks, WHEN COLDS STRIKE :Relieve rliscri'tLc improved 12 layettes and obi . felt and leather. Hom'esTested-Vicks Way • -.Perfected for_Childrai 111••••10.1..11••••••" / No matter what youhave tried in the past to relieve misery of colds -treat your child the improved Vicks way - with a"VapoRub, Massage".. Then notice how swiftly it starts toquiet coughing, ease muscular soreness or tightness and bring comfort. ••'.. • With this MORE THOROUGH treat- ment (developed by Vicks staff of Doctors) the poultice -and -vapor action of,Vicki VapoRub more effectively . 11111i1:101TE..5 irritated air passages with • soothing medicinal- vapors, inhaled • 'deeply with evez breath. STIMULATES ch and back bite a 'warming poultice or plaster.. Toget a "VapoRub Massage" with all its benefits, here's what -you do: Mas- sage'VapoRub for 3 minutes on IM:t PORTANT RIE -AREA OF BACK as -well- as chest and,throat -spread a thick layer of VapoRub on chest and cover with,a warmeddoth. BE SURE to use genuine Vicks VapoRub. Whenyou see the results of this im- prov,ed icks treatment -you will won - . der how any sensi- • ble, thriftymother could possibly deny her child the comfort and re- lief it brings from misery of colds. Marjory Agar of SasIttoQn, Mrs, A. Errington and Miss Rtiby of Carlow; and 11r. AlbertlIcQuoid of Liteknow visited with Mr., and Mrs, Jas. Little last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. sr., of Kin -tall - spent a couple of Johnston,dtys last week at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilfred We are. glad to le.tow that Mr:-Jobn Farrish, who was in a car accident re- Cently, and Mr. Frank Johnston, who was hurt when asrope broke Ili' the - barn, are both aping as well -as can 1Iiss Dorothy IDrennalt, Whir -was -in it orvt Itogpital at London for a soup's -of ,weeksiAs able .to be back at ' bel work iitGoderich. Mr. and Mrs, Warner 'Smytheand. sWo child,ren, of Teeswater, 'were Sun- day visitors at thehome of Mr. Jas. - Li t tie. . F4 4°. 'WOOF As the dark evenings close in, our homes need more light. AN EXTRA LAMP properly placed turns darkness into ,brightness. Let ,us .look over your -home, office or place- of business. We will do the work and supply everything electric, to your satisfaction. •-• FRANKNicARTHUR Corner Britannia and Bayfield Roads . . 001.1111111116. - - - Phone 82 41111101114, 17.• tv .fxclustve 41%13 soo 1,..ta to Otli 1.30 peea. to re. °vita- inenti to reach the g,rapla. Sinaply tilt forward the grille 'wh autotatio hic. aly bangs out -the recool l tutntable, in full view Oa easy tovse. '0,11,1 Philco klas it! PHILCO "715P — $259.50 Powerful ',)-tube circuit. Auto- matic Record Changer. Noise- less •self-starting Phottogtaph motor. Thrilling Domestic and 'Foreign radio reception. THE NEW PHILCO JUBILEE VALUES -YOUR PHILCO DEALER'S STORE NOW trutio4n Your Old Radio Now EASY. TERMS!, Wholesak Distributor: IT-17AM' CErtRY sl.,ASSSS.t,stSsss,,sss.,ss-SsssSsSss ss, n 'has heavy hand.on. our com- munity this week. Friday evening, Robert Davidtkon Passed away in Gode- rieh -Hospital. Although Mr, Davidson -hatt.nOt -been in of -health for the past year, his death cameas elded: 'Shock to his Many.friends. After a private service at -the home, a public service was conducted at Union church by Rev. A. E. Moorhouse, of Forest, and Bev, M. C. Parr, et Galt, both former palstors: of the deceased. . . On Sunday. morning, Mary Men Bell.. was clakd to the Great Beyond, Miss Bell had been an failing thealTh, for overa year, butsit:Was With great -sorrow •the news...otbee4eath niYaFtsrereeivid- her many friend's (and' neighbors, The funeral was Conducted Jim. Ooderich on- Illegday afternoOn.O.tey. D. ,Lane offietating. . . lion(igir rs. John Stowerby passed .away in Goderich tHoSpital, Although she._bad not 'beim' in ,perfect health, for sante time. her many friends were deeply shocked by her passing. • She had not been -In our' conaniunIty many years, but while here she made many friends. A funeral -Service was 'held en Tuesday afternoon, -with Rev. A. a )0alder diating, When the reitrains were taken to 'Mrs, ISOwerby's former home .at BraniPton. . . The deep isytmpathy of the community is eXtended to the mem- bers of -these three families in, ;their bereavement. ••• • BENMILLER CANADA'S LEADING COOKERY EXPERTS RECOMMEND MAGIC The favorite of •itt 3 , 44, 4Gic Generations ,64:01ER NO tc*ti*e soicoAlupe Audit CARLOW, - OAADOW, Nov. 5.7-4iXrS., ()Captain) Rod. Bogie and her fa.ther, Mr. Arehie Horton, visited her aunt at Mitchell onqunday. •' Miss E. eluilstthe Riibeitson of Whitby is spending this AN•eek at her old home.. The sale of farm and imple- ments wirp be -held op Friday, November 8th, Mr. and r;Nlirs. Sohn,A. Young and Miss. Ruby Young visited 'Mrs. l'oung's sister, Mrs. Greg, in Goderich township on Sunday,. . As there were anniversary. services Aub'urit Presbyteriancehurch, With Rev. •S, Kerr, of ,Br1,10sela, In ettarge, and in B`eniniller, United church, with Rev. A. ISinclair, of Blyth, as special speaker, there was no service in either church here on Sunday, but next Sun day the stsual Services -will be held at 3 p.m. and Sunday school' at 2 p.m, This Week will 'wind up threshing neighborhood -provided the Weather holds up, AppleS are aboitt • . • Night allharveited*,, tool -and those farmers, who ,spray have a 'go04-- crop of lino applcs. The prices- are sattsfaCtorY ayes The apples are , handled noirvin bushel erates. Aaeltss-I, ean. see 'that I'M only a, pebble •in. your life. Gladys -Welt you might try tbte a little boulder, • Teacher -What' 'is the meaning of false deetilne? when the ' doctor gives the wrong medicine. oughs Terribly wearing on the system is ---the" cough -that comes on at night and 'prevents sleep. - Sometimes it is the constant cough,, cough that will not be quieted. Sometimes it is a choked -up, stuffed- - up feeling ,that makes breathing difficult. . I Dr. Wood'a Norway Pine Syrup, is the remedy you need to give you relief, for the reason that this prep- aration contains, the healing virtues of the Norway pine tree with which is combined wild cherry bark, and MILLER, Nov. 5. -The annivers- the soothing healin andexpe r properties or o t e eto ant ther exeellent balsams, • ary serviees held an Bemniller J„,Tnited church on Sunday were well attended. barks and herbs. Inspiring messages were dent -ere(' at • The T. Milburn Co., Ltd, Toronto, O* both services by Rev.- A. Sinclair of .Blyth: •Splendid music was rendered by both choirs and -soloist, and the, services of • the day svere. Considered a great sucieess. Rev..1G. Hazetwoodtook the services an the myth circuit. Mrs. Jonathan Fisher • visited in Brown City last week. Rev. G. Hazelwood was in London on Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Girvin Young, of Goderieh, spent 'Sundav 'With Mr. and 1.1rs. J. Long. Mr. and -Mrs. C. A. Vanstone and Mrs. Walters attended the funeral of the late Mrs. 'Joking at nolmesville, 911 Tuesday. 'Mr. i. Sanders of Exeter visited ,wit,h' Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Kerr on ^Sun- day. • • Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Brown of Crediton visited •on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. • C. A. Vanstone, '• Mr. and Mrs. (Graham, of Goderieh, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. D. Rodges of Ooderich township visited on Sunday with Mrs. W. Straus,han. to-• ST. AUGUSTINE .ST.- AUGUSTINE, Nov. 5.---131r. and Mrs. John Kennedy of Teeswater visited friendS here on Sunda. *flo lto Chapigel:. .ily and 'Mr. The Kelly R,Sited Mr. and,. Mr. and Mrs. ,Frank .itied.cly and fam- Mrs. QIConnorbof Kingsbridge on Sun - *Records Last 10 TimeLonger!s *Full Record Beauty Reproduced! This amazing 1941 Philco plays any record through • " reflections of a floating jewel on a photo -electric cell! The _first basic improvement in record 'reproduction' since the. invention .of the Oxon°. 1, graph ,and only Philo, has it i See this Jsensa- • tional. 1941 Photo -Electric Radio -Phonograph at your nearest Philco dealer's store . .now! Immorimmummilopisomosisiesommommommor See ant Hear this1941 crystal -Tone, Mint° RADIO -PHONOGRAPH • 702Poy both radio -and records with' this new Philcol • Noiselesst self- stattittg phonograph with improved Crystal Pickup. Plays J.0" and 12° records rive Philco Tubes. Dynamic Seaker. Cabinet of highly. finished sliced Walnut. See it I $795 00, LUI, 870 Talbot St, Lndon, Ont; day. : • • (Intended for last week.), ST. AUGUSTINE, Oct. 29 ---Miss Norinp (Kinahan and Miss Bona Boyle of Lendon and Miss Mae ,Thayle, RN., of Chatham, were week -end visitor t3 at their homes 'hre. Mr. Frank Cana of the Kitchener police force,' Visited Mr. and ;Mrs. • • Joseph Carrol. Mr. Bill Craig of LondOn visited his parents' hoine on 'Sunday. 111ss 'Grace Moir hasreterned to her home in Teewatel..- • Miss Mary 0=01 has returned home after spending two 'Weeks Li Dungan- non. 1r. Alfred Xinahan is spending two weeks with.Iiis father, Vm. Kinahan, before starting his new life in the navy. Does Your. Food• • Cause You Distress? The.impairment of the stomach is often of serious eonsequencese for_ only by properly digested food is the system nourished and sustained. Burdock Blood Bitters' is a re- liable remedy for stomach disorders , much as dyspepsia, indigestion, sour tomah, belching of gas, headahe, It helps to stimulate -the secretion of oalivo„ and gastrie Pco, the Main, fader in digetion, neutralizes sldity, tones up the lining mia. braves of the stomah, awl restores the natural, healthy irot s of tligti° rclutyttir statue* right by taking B.V.I. and Ace how quiddy you will start to enjoy your mods free from sligeetive trouble& rite T. lotetirs Toem., 04. J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Enibalmer• All calls promptly attended to • day or night -AMBULANCE SERVICE-, Phones: Store .3354 Res.' 355W. • • Hamilton 'Street, Goderfch Wateherid .you get anything? Burglar ---NO, the guy who lives in that house is a lawyer. Watcher --Did you lose, anything'? ormatiounimmume emeimmemommemorP=14;114•141. . • Monuments! ,To those contemplating ing a Monument . Get. my prices, before. btxyiitg. ;Cemetery Lettering- a specialty: • All work guaranteed; CLINTON IVIARRLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton •- Obtario Snceessor to Bali & Zapf(' rawawramortaffer.ovalmagratiamtassitime FUNERAI,SERVICE . (Established 185) TRADITIONAL • ° • SINCERITY AND • ' El.iPERIENCE Prompt - AnIbilance Service Phone 120 • FLOD LODGE, Director Sympathetic and Sincere Service Dignified,' but t.ot EXpensive THE E. E. CRANSTON' 4 FUNERAL HOME 24-hour Invalid Ca c ,Service 17 Montreal S. Plion; 399 411111.10111Mainxiiiiiiimmi •1 A. girl was stopped at a traffic light and, still She could not get the ear to when something went wrong- with the, -bage.. The traflie_concame up. "What's engine a her car. The light changed the matter, miss?" he asked gently. • ffta green -to red And back .10 -geon "Ain't we got any colors You like?" STOVES.‘, STOVES STOVES We are buying thein'i quantities and selling them on sight. THERE'S A REASON! 1 41 Good Beds and mattresses are ‘-necessary, for the .cool weather. Prop in to see ours; the prices will suprlsryou. • '11:Blaticstone We Deliver "The Broadway of Goderieh" Phone 20 They are good heaters and fuel-saverS. Vire will install them at any time suit your convenience. " WES' FLOOR WAX Greater Coverage A Finer' Finish VIIE HARD ilVAX —.Proteas hate, QUICK DRYING Saves your lime EASYTO APPLY -Saves yew strength COVERS,Mortz SURFACE e'..S4VS yomr money LUSTRE Limirs LON R Saves your AS FAMOUS AS HAWE' LEMON OIL •