HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-11-07, Page 4Ir era 'MCKIM GOOSE 01110M4 MONDAY, NOV. 11 (Remembrance Day) ACgiu.S-45.00 psi MN() 8,30-;-4t 30-0000 PRIZES Dancing. with Roy IttcEensie's Orchestra Aciinission.150c, childrep, 250 ' ASSESEIME APPEALS _pull 04 a o itelyfooli KD ecisiOo on } At the sitting of the Municipal faourt of, Revision on Tuesday night several eppeala -against the 1949. assessment' were hearfki. Al/Peals had been. entered byrtheitominlenkRearleMathineu Com- -PanYetlice Goderieh, Elevator ar Trensle Co., the Goderich Knitting Co., the Goderich Manufacturing Co, the Gode- rich ,S'a,lt Company and the Western s Carlotta Flour Mills Co,.' The appeal of the Goderieh Elevator & Transit 'Co., however, VOWS withdrawn before th,e .11earing. • • ' The appeal 4)f the Goderieh Knitting Co. against the assftsment of $3,0i)i) Difen's,junebodaeavy 'knit - , Sweaters, with ..sba,w1 collar. Coat style. Sizes 38442 • Colors biaeg • lor-oeen and 'maroon.- SPECIAL $245 Robins "Agent for Tip Top Tailors" Phone .384. Square was e disMissed, and deeisdon. as ree seeped as to the other industrial assees- ments before the cOurt. Wialr'esSliaiirOrtWr.(715:ufl ham. residence property On Cobourg street was reduced from st,00p to -no appeal on beh,a-lf of the- Proudfoot & Hays estate against an assess- snenesifen(X)eopepart block De vacant prepertee in Ste David.'s ward, Wae The assessment of the -property at the Corner of Lighthouse and Wellington etreet?, formerly the R. C. Hays resid- ent*, was reducedIroni $2,800 to $2,500. This property has recently been p.ur- chased by Mrs. Xemes Johnston. • The court adjeurned to Thursday evening of this week. I 11EFELT IIISERkBLE AFTER MEALS Acute Indigestion Relie‘;ed by ,..,,Kruschen The treatment which put -Mia man right -14W3,t 'surely. be 'worth' trying in every case of -indigestion. , Read .what he says:— "Two- years ago I suffered very much from indigeation,. loss of appetite, and a most severe pain in my back. Food soured in my stomach, -I felt most miserable after MealS, and had no desire or appetite for thern. A friend advised me to try Krueche.n,Salts. 1 did so, and I am most happy to testify that after a short time I felt the greatest' relief. I continued taking Kruschen till I felt myself quite better and a new man. I feel as light-hearted as I did twenty years ago?'—WB. The seyeral salts in Kruschen combine aid` promoting regularity' and help cleanse_ your system each day of poisons and impurities. Mil- lionatakt the "little daily dose."' At all drugatores. muel Dodge "Not Guilty" THE GODERICH SIGNALSTAR (Continued front: page 1) Dodge and Kilpatriele the latter for eight years and who body he identi- fied on the night of the alleged murder. Ile said( Dodge and -Kilpatrick had been good friends. Dr. WE. Weekes, of illxeter, coretner, said lie had 'beee the Dodge farallY ifte'sielan for thirteen years. He told of 'heing a11ed to'the steno of the ensue at 9.50 pan. on June 20 to find -that Kilpatriek had, been dead for at least two 'hours. He spoke to Dodge in the bedrooni. The ;prisoner recognized him 'but made no anSwer. He had, een the Wine contaluers and assumed that the Indian vvas drunk; • Dr. M. C. Fletcher, assistaut to Dr. Weekes, performed , the postsuortem. .11e said be fount' two lacerations of the scalp and. brain. tissue midway between thci left ear and, tOP of the head. They might have been caused by the sharp edge of an axe. The nose was broken' and there were "brush burns" over the lelft eyebrow Marks on the forearms indicatedthat Kilpatriek.jiad reeelved, the trying to wards of the blow4 his attacker. He had removed the' etOmacii and brain and. forwarded them withearbloodriamplerby-Torantoe-- Constable Jennings told of the exist-. elite -Of two informations .and two sum- monses which, if they had been served UAW, would have brought Kilpatrick to police court the day he was kille•d on two charges under the 'Master and Serrants-„Actreefare enonepaysnent . ttle ese 490 " Backache Plasters .25e OE BEADY Viek's Vapo Rub,. • Vick's Va-tro-Nol • Viek's Cough Drops ' .45c .15c wages, The evidence of esirs. P.' g. McCoy Was taken with the jury abSent, the Crown seeking establish the con- tinuity of the fourteen exhibits- These too wereelealt 'with by Dr. E. R. Prank- ish, legal -medico Government expert, but +were not admitted on the record, Mr. Common—"I maintain the evid- enee should be admitted. I think have. established a prima facie chain. No one else but Mr. and Mrs. DiIeCoy had aecess to these exhibits.", 'Justice Tirquitart-:-4"It is most rue fortuinatf that Mr. McCoy is not here, dabler_temuste-reject- this e-vidence. It' is leaViirg too much phance dceeprit." __Finding_eLthe Letter_ Highlight of the day came whert Mrs. William Carrick; the lady •who found atin1114,t, II:41,104a even, e t ray *Lad a thOua- „ ' 14atter The originall, letter was identified by Mee. Carrie and. by Vonstable iward Weight, Provincial Police P1otogr4P1Ler. WbO had made photostat copies. It was then read to the jury: "Copy, a a letter found at the en - frame to the farm .of yekplara carriOri iu InAiuner little differeat X1OL that a the township a iitty 43C etuer ),ears in Goariele with the "Dear friend—Say, Ilan the people 'Possible 'OxeePtion tlott 1ess'eri6us will /lever know if we don't tell anybody damage was doue around. town than la about, this. •say'tee a (lama good job bygone years, IIere end there on Fri - if the pollee clon'tetind my ifingerprint ^doer Meraing an old fence could be seen on the axe handle. I told you that tern flown or a set of steP reoffired, we shouldn't Stop there, ;low we and Of eourse the windows of countless murdered dames Kilpatrick. never tell my wife about this- 'Well the old. b t. is dead. Ile will never make any trouble for anybody again. "I tried.to. keep this to myself but these Poor little .children and his wife —ehe Indian he Was so drunk he dide't know what Was going, On. ,Say, wonder if that .Was his wife coming down the road. With two childeen. have beeu wondering if she didn't get our license number That's • Why I told you to hurry up and get in the car. , • Pleaseerwdaessntroosion ythlastupreape "rh. was uo eignature. How %lie AffOts ,Indb,ns „ Much, evidence of the effeet Of eheaP Canadian, wine' on, en Indian, and Whites, to Unis beard' cleirieg tifenifter: noon.. . Captain (Dr.) T. R. MeLeod, former Muncey Reserve doctor, ' said, "The effect of wine on an „Indian is much more severe, mentally. •Indians are more easily intoxicated. Therladians go torewhieebecauselthas,aemoeerlast - Ing effect." Dr. Frankish said Kiipa,trick'S stomach showed 4.8 per cent. aleohol content and his brain 1.7 per cent. He said it was indicated that he. was in. toxieated when he was killed. - This, "'Jungle", -or -P-whoopee" wine, - terms used by this ,expett witness, is "terrible stuff to give. an Indian," he testified, "It is vile stuff for anyone ,to put into his. stomach. The degree of drunkenuess caused by cheap wine is very different freta that caused, by replaced at a -fall executive meeting. good liquor. You cannot tell when an The new officers are: Mrs J. B. , Gra- excessive wine drinker will recOver ham, tvice-PresIdent I..Hethering- ssinelvisestupcse'ss _ -Chriatian .§tewardship secretarY nris evidence was given under OSSton, -Mrs.: Hodge, joint examination' of Mr. Curran, defence Kers,l'*40 IDXA, FOX HALLOWVEN Rlya and Giria Votiout' Pennlielt io Send. WM to Sobillora Oversielial The hobgOliuo and, 'witches have re- turned to their hideoute to remain dor- mutt for another yea,r, after, holding sway for a few short hourS leiSt Thins- tlaY night. lialloween was lebrated houses and stores had received, an un- desired SOitPluS,' but on, the .whole the The death (4 Isabella eutlVbertsont praaksters much less destructive widow of the late',Peter McNabb ,Sin 'than their big brothers or their fathers vita of Perth, Oat., 'occurred at the were on old-tinae Halloweens. There was assot,Peee difference., 'Goile-' rieb, young boys andgirlS of the. present day, instead' of OQilig destractive in their celebration -Of the autumnStival, are willing to .be heisifol if given a lead. This Year th& are stssisting in the sending of gifts to4he-GOderich soldiers overseas. On 'liberality morn- ing the pupils rof • both Victoria and Central public; eehools were requested by their 'teachers to ask' for pennies Tether than candy When they made their rounds .Goderieli homes on Hal - OBITUARY *RG1 I.1101117-31AN After a lingVring Melees, George L. Holtzman died at his home at Listowel on (Kober 21)th, in his AffelMeth year. Deceased was bop in Waterloo county and farmed for mainly years in Wallace townehip, Perth county." A few years ago he retired to CrowanStown and for the last Ave years he had lived' at Liotowel, He 13 survived by his wife and two sons. Orville, of Goderich, and Sgt. ObarleS noltzraan of the Orith-100th llattorYt ll'etawawa. The funeral' took .place at Listosvel on Thursday last. • MRS. SINOLAIlt home Of her daughter, Mrs, W. 111 Naftel,'Britartnia read, Vriday night, la her eighty-ninth year, 'Mrs. 'Sinclair. Was born in Perth. and lived there until nineteen 'years ago;, at which tune she tame, to Goderich to, live with her' daughter. During her resident.° in Perth she was active in the work of the various women' organ- izations of the Presbyterian chnreb, Since the union of 1925 she had been.a member, of ,North street United church, Goderich. PoSsessed .of a charming personality, elle' made many :warm Tow'e'en. The youngsters readily friends here. Her hgaba.nd died some fell in line with, this now idea, end •on, Peidayethe ectim„p.04,was_turneil ever to Mrs, Waiter:Newcombe, treae urer a the overseas parcels' committee, years 'before leer reraloval to Goderiela,,,,,andeeurviiringsseres -son, Harry Sineleir, of Sudbury, and a daughter, Mrs. W. V. A.„Naftel, of Gode- This *splendid contribution will be rich ; a brother, Yohn Cuthbertson, and used bnylng wrapping and* packing a. sister, Mrs.. Thoma.s !Nicoll., hoth. 'Perth. Two sons predeceased.-lier Lieut. Lindsay Sinclair, who died while In active service in the last war, and „." A funeral service at the home of Mrs. Naftel o Sunday evening was equipment AS the committee carries on Its 'work of seinilugeremembrances to the 10ectertch then eeross the water. . : ST;•,•,, W.KS, 0 .......,,....... Al toliduOted-byeR . W. p. Lade, minister Miss Eva Somerville Gives, an Address on the Keswick. ConierenCe of North street United church, assisted by Rev. C. F. Clarkete-The remains The thank-idering meeting of the C.N.R, train to Perth W,51.18. of North•greet Ileited church wre'echiv-eYed by on )7Ionday, and a service was held was held in the Sunday school room there on Tuesday aTternoon, in 'charge on Monday afternoon. The president, Mrs. Clarke; hedscharge of the first part of Rev* IV% R. Alp, of the meeting. ' It was decided that,-- BOr131DRT DAVIIDS'oN the present Ofticers • be re-elected for , another year; those who resign to be "'"E'RICH ToWNSUPP, Nev. 0.— A deep gloom wasreast over the com- munity on Priday; November lst, when it was learned that Robert Davidson had-passed--to--'his-reward, The- 41-.. , . e - ceased had suffered! a severe heart at- tack. at his home and was taken to. counsel. • „ conveners of 'SUPplY 'committee; aVlisses , Alexandra Hospital, but despite all I. Marion ChalPIneule Rapil i ej ohnsten and Inspector W.C. ()hirer a the oatitifo . . Ruth Nicol, Xileion.• Band leaders:. peatefutly away at. $ p.m, that niediCal skill could do,he slipped ?rovincial pollee, told the.court he was After the .elleisiness seesion Mrs. Mr. Devids'on, soli cif the late lir. and the mysterious and astonishing letter,, present when the late Constable MeCoy Hodge 'took .ditarge . Of • the. meeting. was ealled. ' In a §trong Voiee he told, rook a Sfatemen r m , g , - . rather dramatically, of the finding of "Grg.y, !palm court reporter, taking it Mis. HetheriegtOp. :led in .prayer and.; 74.11r8,11;10 Ditvidson, 'MO 130,111 iSepteni- Mrs. IStrachan,%read the. Scriptare from ber 3, 1865, at -their nonae:oh th-e-Zra-y- the letter in herlaneway two melee ;Or. down in: Shorthand. The statement was where he spent 411 his life. . . , . , the Fsairrrs, ,wiith. :thanksgiving. ........-41;-., r aeld ,road, — s'''''''' a ''' ,,..1, ."•1 - - ' --A of the .Dodge home on August 7, seven weeks after the ;crime was connoittecl. Mrs. Carrick related that She had walked the leeew,ay the full length of the farm and on her return had spied .a paper .buried in the sand, With a corner Sticking out. She said She picked it up and ,shook the dirt off. She took_it_te, the house -without -read. ing.it. 'Why did you pick it up?" asked Mr. Common. ' - . 7Just, ctiriaity. I thought it might have been blown from a passing car," Answered Mrs. Carrick. • • 'Some time after she entered the • louse Wifness said she read the -first two Paragraphs and was so shoCked by what she had -read that ,she mediately. called -Constable John Fergu- son. • Crown counsel: --"Did you write this letter, Mrs. Carrick?" Answer."No,1 "Did your husband Write it?" ° "Did any Member of yourfamily write it Mrs. 'Carrick continued her strange. story. 'Some days prior -to the finding of the letter -two strange men: in an old car drove into her laneway, and parked under a • tree to take shelter from- a storm. They had: acted very strangely, Although it was only 6.1.5 'p.m. the -Sky was dark and the strange men flashed the car lights off and on. Reminded •that she had. given Mr. MacRae, associate defence counsel, a copy of the letter after it had left_her Possessioe, _vettmles replled, "r could that - letter_from_mexaiiry.eanY pro uce u a .1 e • keynote. Mrs, Henderson sang 31eBrien, daughter •of the late Mr. and counsel argument, with the jury shut in their room for over, an hour. Own Dear Land." The thank -offering e Mrs. David illeRrien, and to this happy was receivedrtlrs. 'Clarke makm' g th Dodge's Statement dedicatory pi:layer. • Dodge in this statement related his Miss E. Somerville, the guest speaker, Movements of the morning, tord of going gave an inspi..fliag talk on the Keswick -to. London to parehasethe win -e, of -his Conference .-Whiell she 'attended at Fern- and Kilpatriek's drinking two quarts on (Mrs. G. Stover) of .Detroit, Hugh IC dale, IVIuskoka,, during the summer, aLondon,- -Elizabeth R. --(Mi-W. the waY-heme via back -road11,-;-- - -- - - -For -ffixtyffve&efirs- the-KesWiek-con- . . , • New Choeolate-flavor--Cascarets •1 .....- • . , 150, 25e • • .s* MLean's Stomach Tablets • Powder „ 59c Pepsodent s •Tooth Paste ....25c, 370 Pepsoclent Tooth Powder, ,..„?,56, 390 Reetham's Pill§ for bad breath 25e, 49e LIST FOR, FARMERS Salt Petre...41b. 25c Reduced Iron 4,„ -2 oz. 35e Potassium Iodide.. . .. . —1 oz. 35c Hellebore : .1b. 50c ' Creosyl ....pint 30e ;Cowes Dri-Ril 85e r. union were !born six daughters and. two, Sons. Mr, Davidson is survived by his widoW and family -Mary A, (Mrs E. Andel -Son) if Rroaford,ifargaret On our return' we, went into the house.' and drank more wine. That's tile last I knoW:-The firSt thing reniember' waS when. I 'was.. in the . . vention ha 's 'be,cyp. ettarying on ; for seven- 2_ 5.. l Goderich . S. Adelaide lairs. A. al teen, epceessixe4earala-0anadu--under i oT Gederich- tovvriship and Helen M. of theleadership of Dr. Bingham, .the Soutlitterpton: One daughter Annie 13 - Keswick mettcPbeing "All one in Christ Exeter coop," a paragraph read. Jesus," . . . . • . rredeceased him., thir• teen years ago. . . . ' Deeeased in his early youth 'bedame a Dodge denied saying- to • the jail ' Miss Shanman moved a vote a .. ... ..... . menwer or union Presbyterian church governor: "He (Kilpatrick) 41S --0111Y a thanks to Miss. Sonterville . for her _ . Scetchmari anyway.. ge ass() .said helpful talk.* Allis was enthusiastieldly unge-i: thP-Pa..81°Pitie of Rev- Pr. Tire when asked about blood between his Angers that 1 eam.e from injuries on the: back of his- hand; • • Inspector Oliver said that on the afternoon after the murder, when the .statement was made, Dodge was normal. He showed no signs of a "hangover," He seemed. 'to have .a •rich will be.,lield .the Town Hall' at worry on his mind, but he was willing 8 in weseeriday, November lath. All In his answerS. Therewas no hesita- hockey players in !Godericb are asked to Nothing Was tog great a sacrifice' where tion. " • 'attend,. as ftie•airmen from Sky Harbor Dodge's signature to the statement, and Port Albert and any citizens of • his ehureit was concerned: - The funeral, held ,on Monday, Was secured y.Constable IVIcCoy after the town 'take, an interest in Nlovember 4, was largely attended and a ly it had been trangeribed. There were'. hockey.° ' ' fitting tribute,to his life. , After a short no witnesses and the Crown was unable L() prove -it rhe ,expOted presence of some - serviee at the home the reitains vvere h d iff •thi vi i Antiseptic deodorant, Germicide r , TIODAIK,S • s FILM . DIEVEL0i4I1G PRINTING - ENLARGING Wanupole's Et. Cod Liver Oil builds healthier bodies . Bayer' Aspirin • ° 1 doz. .2 doz. 100 ... 08e Ifa,ve you fried, our Brill -sit -made,- Tooth Drush ' 29p Phillip's Milk of Magnesia Liquid 49e MADE CAt4XDP end'orsed by. all present. . The meeting , i an ardent and .devoted !worker in the Was closed. APith a hymn and the Mizpah benedietion. . '" church, first as member of the Bible . . - , class,,later as teaeher of thble class, HOCKEY -MEETING WEDNESDAY and miii -later as superintendent of the Sunday scheol,-W 'eb. offi'ee he held for A -meeting to organize, an inter-, . many years. 'He as an elder in the mediate 0.11.S. hockey team for Gode- church and also rvIed On , the board of managers. - He had. always the wel- fare of the church very mneh At, heart. Caild Weather Necessities.. • Anti -Freeze Radiator Aiorrothol .),$/.39 Pyro. Anfilreeae ok-t Oa% $345. Special'Motor Oil 49c 'gal. On IWO DefrosterFaus .69- to, 3.95 Prestone. Auto Robes $2.69 Regular size—smart pattern* to choose from sommumPlimmilligh, .ANTO GLASS INSTALLED WEILE YOIT WAIT. Hobbs 'Plexite Satiety Glass, used =dew*. Hot Water Heater • $7.95 and up, Spark Plugs . Giaranteed to give satisfactions_ 39c We have New and Used Bicycles. • uto and Bicycle Sup*. Vied, Phone 741W, 111111111111111111111.111111Ur er pastors, Rev. Maxwell Parr and Rev. A. IR. Moorhouse. During the service, lVfr. Glen•Lodge sang very- f'eelinglk "In the Garden." The pallbearers. were 'Geo. Robt. Mellwain, Wie- man Johnston, Robt. Caldwell; Robt. 1VrcAllister and Sam. Maiath, The many and beautiful floral tributes were borne by James Young, Robt. Harmer, Percy Speiran, john Portei, .Wirr: West- lake, Gordon Orr, Forest Illeelnre and Sam Melwain.. Interment was in Mitlnd cemetery. un re ... a rmen. n inakes eitilar_ -taken to Union -baited difureh,' vvhere • • "With the eVidence of Jail Governor ittkring the e'oeileg wietei the service was Conducted! by two form- READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS .1: B. Remolds as to the prelence •of most imperative. _that Goderich should. ----- ha* an interraediate hockey team of first-Iate calibre as a sports attraction for the mein.. The residence rule does not apply tO men in the service and therefore sOme, Of the airmen could be fitted into t,he team no matteratwhat counsel Prank Curran that the inrY time they 'Arrive& eiere- during be instructed to bring in -a verdict of winter. " !„ • not guilty. The motion was made on the ground that there had been no s•V.• GEORGE'S GUILD evidence that the two men, Dodge and The 'Church Women's Guild of 'St.' Kilpatrick, were together at the time George's church. met Tuesday after - Of the alleged murder, _ noon, s Miss -M. --B„ Salkeld presIding, Mr. ,Ourran then asked for ten Mrs, Calder read the Scriptute lesson,' minutes' recess in, whichto conterowitli Luke 23. A. letter of thanks from a his client, Dodge, as to the'further cop% &let of the defence . On resuming only two defence wit- nesses 'were ealled and at 10.56 the address of Mr.,,Curran to the jury was the evening service and to serve thein eamnienced. blood on .Dod'ge's • Ifingers, the Crown .rested' its case and adjottrufrient was taken to. 9,30 Thursday morning. Motioki Refused , This (Thursday) morfrifig' 'Justice Urquhart Defused A nMtion of defence sick meMber was read. Rev: A. C. Calder asked :the ladies: to be- hostesses 'Po the, airmen from, Sky Harbor and Port Albert tiext Sunday evening after lunch. MTS. Carrie gave a humorous reading entitled "Mrs. BatsOn'i •Tea Partor,'' and also a poem, both of which were much . enjoyed: • Mrs, rainier moted 4 hearty Vote of thanks to Mrs; Carrie, The 'meethig • 'closed with prayer. • . Nubricie—What is this which you are Garage Owner Know anything about cars? Applicant—Seen mixed tip with 'exit a bit Garage Owners— Mechanic? APpliCant—No, pedestrian. 1.3mogine—Auntie, wette"you ever pro- posed' to? Aunt I-lolly—Once, dear—a .gentleman asked me t marry him over serving, dear? Is it devil's food? Mrs, the ''Phone, but. he had the wrong I intended it for angei number. ,. ; read, 'kit It fyiL Had Indigestion, Backache, Headaches; Praises Stomach Rebelled, 4Fe1t Tired, Back . Ached, Nervous and Rundown, Tells of Relief, • he greAt popularity of Syntona is not stuc'prising, for this medicine aetually, does give SPImulid results when 'Used- fer eotothon disorders of • the Stomach, liver, kianeys and bowels and their' resulting., distressful syme. toms. 'illere foe example is the inter- esting experience of Mr. Anne- Dixon„ 2 iWalnut :Street, liantliton Midot .. . Italian nalm Skin ,Softener: 49e, 98e BUY tiRUGS AT THE rotimwroitz LAUDER DUNLOP CAMPBELL WIGLE Those 1.0 Phone 1 Phone 90 Phone' 45 'OODER1011 DIWOGIST Syntona 411.04 'Tor the pagt cLi' 1 ;Iffered with gag, acidity asul nasfsea after almost • every meal. I used to have dizzyt spells and Sielt headaehes eud back- ;. seeeeeeeemeeeee sheeesss ,aelie. fdept poorly, tired -out, e„• nervous and rundown. 4`,A friend guggested 1 try Syntona and it has giVen, role great results. lkfoOn 'after 1 began taking this ined- 'eine, my appetite 1,0eiced up and my food began to digest better and as I etintinued with the treatment. the Ileadaehes, baelzaehe and dizzy spells. left me, 1 sleep well now and get., up 1114111101%, feeling rested, and more enc-rgrAle. t/ feellike different person, and 1 ,will 1e glad to baye any MKS. AN'NIN DIXON person who. suffers .sitallarly hnow, just how i8yntona' has h(?Iped me." Syntona produces these results with- out the aid ef drugs or depressors. It is made enlY from Pure, herbal ex- tracts. It is pleasant to take and the results are quickly ;felt, Local people can get Syntona Goiltrhh at Campbell's Drug Store. ES RED T GliOCERY VALUES G. Soap 9 bars,31c Gran or Yellow SUGAR, 10 lbs. 65c `tHillarest" Pi* Lard•2 14h. print$ 19c Aylmer . wPOrk.ap.dBairis 2 20 -oz. tins 17c Sweet w Meaty Prunes 2 lbs. 19c - Arnow "Blue Boy" Coffee__ ...i»lb bag 1116. Fresh Corn off the Cob - tilblets . . .2 tits 25c "Canada" Coin . Starch pkg. .10c "Nugget" shoe .tin, 12c MeLaren's Minute • •Tapioca, . . .. 4-2 pkgs 19c Qui& Quaker sm. 'Ige Oat:. ....pkg, 9c pkg. 21c espe......,measitiarresimiesimasIdemimpampeiroo. Bruuswjek Chick. Iladdie tin Mc Ivory 5c Soap Deal. ...2 bars 14e Allen's Apple juice, 2 20 oz tins 19c Heinz , • Spaghetti 2 ined., tins 25c Vassirmiwo. med. lge Tea Bisk pkg 19c pkg 350 Lux sm. Pkg. Flakes. McLaren's ',Telly, Powders 4 p)rgs 19c Alisiownwirwar 1/1110 Boy Black Tea JA -lb. pkg.. no • " Awls "Old English" Floor Wax la. tin . . . 490 No Rubbing Wax.... — * a • . pt. tin 400 J. CALVIN COTT PHONE 116 . 4.4.1. 84 4601000.1.00101! J., J. McEWEN •MONE46 ,