HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-11-07, Page 3HURON COLINTYIS FOREMOST WEEKLY GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1940 I ,iii-Oectory ; St ilek Stock De siness al I sentenees' are the equivalent of two Revealed in n a( t on .flioraaewhe, pleaded d n Court'erntl, --- guilty to a fraud charge, wee' given a LEGAL" — farther six months and fined 41000; but Perpetraterit Get Stiff Sentence in this caseqhe eenteuee is to run coll- o 041d SeVere LeCtilre etkently, Fraud eharges against Neely. If the fines, are not paid, the !awr,,rd,recpbaroct.; UDLEX la. HOLMES Barrlster, kitc. Ofiite----04urt House, GodericiA. Telenbobe 50. CHARTEREJO ACCOUNTANT MONTEITH, and IXONTE0,114 Oluatered Aceoustants 77 DoWnie St/reet, Stratford TeSonto Otlice; 3d'A BO' Street AUCTIONEEROG Oal.AS GUNDAY.• 13QD"leaR STOOK AND' GENERAL A.UOTIONEN* . ee.;,:eieeleeehosieeellikee.- eeeee .141.0o. attended to enywhere and *eery -effort made to give isittiafgetion. Jrarmers' sale notes diecoUnted. ;77 ON "M. .014Nr.r., 140E'Nes.UP AU(YJNIONEER FOR HURON 00 UNTX . ,satisfactor" y, eOurtemin service or Farm, 13roperty- or Houseildld Rates Reasonable. • . • ' 111ED4Alle • J. It. 'FORSTER IllYE,4414AR, Late 'House ' Surgeon, New Xork. „Ophthabnic and • Aural` ItosPital, as- Aistant blooredeld-Eye- BoolAtaLotnst Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon-. don, England.- * • EYES TESTED, GLASSES - SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo 'Street S Stratford. Telephone 267. Next ,vhdt Bedford Hotel,. eioderich, • \Wednesdee, Noirember kith, .fetera.2 alah. till 5 pen. NOSE, TILUOIT ire= Magistrate.. , elitehell were withdrawn for want of ' torroborative evidence. .Two dAyS after tWO slick -looking men 1° Victims Mostly , ._______ _ • ., Another fitoek Salem -mu Feels the ..,,ateek11:41a17:Yselleirandn whotr of tolleedJaw the law are being g1,'en ebort. Shrift, by Magie- trate Maklus. Last Thursday he fined Angelo Reginald Frain% heavily -built, ewarthy-complexioned Toronto man, . $300 and cots or three hiihethe for calling at the home of Mrs.Vary Ann had .6410, at the heinle of Misie •Ella In all over $12,000 of the worthless Piller Mehl avenue, Ooderleh, With the al. Olbsea of Blyth And inaueed her, *.40cle Was eoid to Unroll end Welitled °Med of • trading in seenrities. Ile to Purchase etkek in Vert Erie 'Teree. eounty Peolde and 'to Hamilton. hrvest. pletieled guilty and:paid his fine. inals Limited, she .eeeaeee !seepieloue, OS. Ta eea4e all (law!: tir nvietines7 eteiNtlissitn;rivialtieeghaolinefox;at:tteeratslteleet bmtialitti, I ,She had given twenty-five ehaees. of '.were WOmen. Goderiele Elevator and 'Transit Seek, . nose Who, gave evidence fer, the nese. The naaxinilhal flue for an offence valued" at 40 a shire, hi. exchange, on, 'Vrown were aligs'al. A. WAllister ef of tills nature. is.% SIND/ jail term the basis of one for -three, The • very Welland:, alre. Lelia 3ohnston,tlf near #11)uaareenPierOav, 1,adednin'oaxt,', wa,s, seigteueo next day the lady received her stock l'''r11"419, 3119'3 51°17'avet `Asilb°11g11- Q1 eertilificate in Fort Erie Terminals ha Hamilton and her . 'sis• ter, Mrs. • Ida to three Moxiths when be pleaded guilty en eevelope eteeeped etaleeeee,, Wilson, Satine,,addreits,'MissJulia Michel- to burglarizing the summer eome of ulee Gebeee theiegteeles wee eteeleeee of F01101111, Ezra Gintheia a creamery Dr. m°14tt of London. at Y,ar411- Heretofore'eshe 'heel elwaye: recei4e 011eratot of Waindeet. tewnellip, Wel- Owing to preaSure of tune three or .elmee eeeiteeeees from tile bea,a etek,e)e eee land' county, who Idst neritly,J6,000; four case: were set over, to November 'the pompany in. sanie large eity. -So she iMstalgrt.hij44.BiGy,Ithes:),Ll'isaell,edee3res'EeletSi*Ge: lhee4th; eaTnileriledweeo*WISngrteoW'ethe Q(),hoTildritniaofs compleined to the pollee, with the et- alleetehat Gee*etellee 'thee:ma:And raver- s°.1i' eame addreee, ' Williata Bean of Supreme Court, *nee H. Uitehelri, Stock salegnian and -etricrwrImitart-eataneelkeidelefe.Po e -- Exeter Ilig 441144,4 _and,:Willia* J. Greenwood, a were taken :into ,enstedy. ost 13,Aday retiredtnalverSitY.prOfesSor, of Mite-hell: termee broker, bah. with ,court secarcls, • • ;DguGLE88 PRA.CTITIONER CianopRACTOR DItp6LESS TWIT? Goderich, PhOne• ;al " morning last, after a trial lasting one -dareand --a-inelee-bothe-wereegivenelre • forneatory terms and:heleVIIY flned. i Miss Gibson'e caie was tyPical often others related in. the Witness box. A:11 'bad parted with feasa or cesh 'securities for Fort Erie Terminals Stock at :piece; ranging' from 25 cents to $3: it share.' 'The Wort Erie :project never got Past the ,bliteprint stage and is praetically !dead today. rich,' that it iwould capture much of the -Buffalo grain . trade beeause It would On two .eh, arges a trading -In seeur- . ities without a license and or calling at not be hampered. 'by American labor troubles .and could be operated branch private homes for the purpose of trasl- More cheaply. ' It was represent,e, d that ink., Thomas and- Mitchell...each were .the:two,million-bushel elevator at Fort and- fined *1,000 and costs or six I .Erie was under eonstruotioe, and also sentenced to six.monthe in reformat,ory that a large feed and cereal.„Mt11, was enopthee-the-sententee,etoeruee-coneecu- t9, be added,s,bbrar-- -- • --.- , Armed with-, •list a shareholders of the Goderich Elevator and Transit John Elliott Writes of Huron County Bridge Collapses eelmoneas-ealdlettelfelleseroliteirethe - Folks He Met at Ninga, Manitoba! Looking baek over this fall, I think. 'citizens of Menitoba. Mr. Ed. deeeA- with pleeSure of atwo weeks' opting' way was intereeted When I 'told, him / to Ningalea wee prairie town of abont• of my firSt attendance at pelitleal 2.00 people, in southe.rn Manitoba, 1t5 meeting, whiCh was In iGoderieh,town- Inlice from 'Winnipeg, betWeen, ship, • eounty ,Iluroe, at Duggan's ney andlloisseVain, with four eleeetors Corner, his fattier being candidate end and . the' Una,/ eacconenanimente "I° 'ehlef sPeseWr* , Western Community life. . • Did time end space permit Mille tell It is . one ..ot the, outposts of The ' varioue lciudeesees shown me by Signal -Star and there fare sone eu'h. IlUren county folk of ithe secone gener. $3, • etiOn. little visit t -o Ur. Jabez Oke epribere Whose week does not begin right unless Monday's Mail brings MOM thir Omierlele paper. - This district,, adjacent to 'Southern ,SeekatelleWan, knows effinething ere)) failures. Four** years age they' -had. nailing; the elevators were ,empty. ThIS year, all are fall and two of r them have „had annexes built to hollee More grain. It was good toeetie. the huge strawstaclee. I have pleasant neememehereeeeembatleenen ,the slopteg side of -one Of these me -Lila -flans Spring of 1939 to Isell 20,000 shares .rf Oki Structure • at-Nerth End of common ,stook of Fort Erie Terminals -• - • • Limited, .allotited in the name 'of A. II. village props into Palmer, vice-president and. engineer of "" • ' Gully . the project, In .nearly fill eases -the victims vie,re,told the saline story --that EXETER, Nov. 3. -The driver Of an Fort Erie Was more central than Gode automobile transport, which dropped into a gully at the-noitlx end of Exeter early Saturday morning, atter a 200 - foot ,bridge on No. 4 highway collaPeed, 11 She :felt :miserable, (draggy:4min *444 .--;•howerissObits. She itaanq thought of her .kidneyit, eatil,i friend .",suggestaill)oddliKid-: ,ney Tills. *once she took...Dego. ' The "washed 'ate' ieeling Office hourg-10 to 12 a.m., 2 ,to vie ,seee.reitheed ;by And 7 to 843.m., TnesdaY, .Friday :and ideu headed mnergr dreithd tato. Saturday. . ;Headache, lackaihe,lassitUde.azin Other „. of fanky,hidneya tdisanyeaied. 112 , 'Monday .and ThursdAy at Baltehell. _ • rt._ jr • •.• A. N. ATKINSON • mOnCil 51' South St. 4110411•••••••maamimm.01m, INSURANCE 1444, 40Tuas.i., FARB IN; T.)RANC111 00.-Far1u and it3o- Jatecl town Property insured., , .01ficers-W4liinna Knox, President,: toondeshoro ; w R. diithibald, Vicefle.sidexut, .Staferth ; M. A. Reid,. Manager and ecretary-Tre.asur,er, Sea. forth. Directors -Alex. l3roadfoot, Sea - tooth ; Jaceies Connolly, ,Goderieh ; C3Iirise Leonhardt, Bornholm; Alex.' AfeEeeleg, Blyth; McGregor, Clinton; __Ttboonas- aloylan, Seaforth .1Legh Alexander, Walton; Wm. Knok, Londesboro ;W R. Archibald,, Seaforth. Iteo, &R. 1, ,cloclerich; James Watt, Blyth ;:John 111. Pepper, R.It. 1, Br,ucefield; R.. T. ),f,c4ercher, 1, Dublin; • J. F. Fra - ter, Brod.; hagen. . • - ' Policy -holders can make all -pay- ments and get their cards ereceiptedeat the Royal Bank, Clinton; Cutt' Grocery, Itingston Street, Goderich, or - J. H. Reid's General Store, Bayeeld. , • STRATFOpie GIODERICH CQACH 11NES, 1- Daily • 7.30 a.m., 4.25 p.m. -Leaves Goderich for Stratford, Toronto, thiniitoti, Buffalo; London, Detroit, -,;Tavistock and Woodstock. Depots Bedford, British and .Royal . Hotels. Phone* hotels or 305 for Information. intwoommowwwom W. Craigie INSURANCE- and REAL " ESTATE Get Our Automobile Rates Phone 24 , Godeiich . SuspiCion Aroused Miss Gibson of Blyth was one who eitecited ee this. She testified she had written to a niece Fort Erie fora .reporte-----Mhe enleeereeplied ethateefie. could mot find an elevator f any des- cription on the Canadian -side of :the Niagara River. .lifss Gibscita„Said the •,put ois up to accused.. Thee told her, the niece did not look far enough, "up ,theaaver.” They offered her the Gode- rich EleVator stock ,back, hitt. never kept the promise. • • One Of the sales talks used was the oposed amalgamation of over twenty Canadian inland elevators, with a capitalization of many mi'lliOns-of dol - jars. A balance 'sheet of- this mooted company had even been prepared, how- ing enormous PrOfits. "Its just another dream scheme with an Minds 'n' .A.taly pro forma co'nsoli- elated balanee sheet," was, tee continent of Crown Attorney Holmes. G. P, Lynd, auditor ...fOr the Ontario Securities CoMmission, who seized the books of the Fort Mile Terminals aaniited on July. 26, 1940," told • the court that a Dominion charter. was granted, this ecinipany in February of' 1938. It had a. capitalization of $750,- 000. preferred and $112,500 'common stock, the latter being -allotted to the •promoters; the bulk going to R. II. Palmer, engineer. Only five shares of the preferred ever Were sold., Mr. Lyme said the company seeured a lease on a 'Water lot at Fort Erie front the Ontario Government. The rent of $200 a year had, been paid in 1938, but not - Since, although the leas4 was being ex- tended from year to year. It was stated, the total 'receipts of the company during itS• e-xisteitce were $2,454, of which $1000 was 0 loan. Today there were only one or two, dellars in -the treasury. For Crown Attorney Hollnes the in- vestigaThr 'traced the conimon: Steck • Nelson Hilt Fire, 'Accident and Motor Car INSURANCE Office :-Masonie Temple, Weet Street Goderich ',Phone 230, GODERIC4 will be charge& with careless driving, police said tonight. After thousands of persons had flocked, throughout two den to -see theewiecked bridge,; With the tramp° etill sitting Onits floor, the big .truck was freed from the tangle of steel gird- ers., and hauled back to the roadway at 6 o'Cleck tonight.. From 'midday 'Yesterday, Men had been busy,--entfitig"the stet awaywith an acetylene :torch. 'Then a Labatt crane, hitched to another big truck, to, keep it inatlaCe; drew the empty auto- mobile traMP>rt' back lkighway. Authorities Said the transport suffered surpVsingly little damage. AuthoritieS were told that',''irriest Loomis, of Oshawa, formerly of, Park- hill, was driving the truck, and that CliarleSitliteS, of the R.O.A.F., was riding with him. • Treffic Officer Taylor, of Minton, 'Consulted With D. E. Holmes, Crown Attorney, for !Huron 'county, and received inStructions to lay eareless---drivinge-eharge Loomis. 7; It is understood that pollee ere in- vestigating the possibility that the side of the bridge was struck. a .seeond Or, tw6 before- tile tranSport dropped: Neither of the men was hurt.. , w.it Altie•r,Alivisional. engineer Of the Department 'of Illgirivays, stationed at London;.sent axi engineer to Exeter to survey the damage. Mr. Alder said that the bridgei old, With steel* stiper-. structure, but built partly of wood. ..A.',„small creek flows through the gully but %tope ,of the floor of the bridge went under water. Though On estimated 200' feet, in length, it was only about ten feet above the h6ttom of the gully. after a, traxiip oyeretheeprearie etabble, There is plenty for both man and ilieaSt; but the. lack of market outlet , and consequent low prices are a drawhaele 1Vreireletirthe-grzyweralgFut-50-Ten and .one, grower told me of selling choice oats .at,15 cents a 'beshel. And yet there is a theeryspirit 'and nobodY is downhearted or g,rouchy. continue our reminiscences. .This was not my Ilist Ninga. My sister, Mrs. Mary, A. Sperling, one of the seniors here, has fifty yeara continuous eesidenee to her eredit. Her husband, the late Alex. O. Sperling, was preSkeent of the Youpg ;People's Soeiety and member of the choir of Victorleestreet ehurehe Gederiele fifty- flire years age, before he Pioneered in the. Ninga camMunity. • , It was a pleasure to meet some old, of officers for the coining season at a „tAlliVe county people, and- their meethrg-oneMondayenightewhieheteek deseendants who have graven up in the the form of a „soelaPevening and waS West e Frank Boyd lives now in the Iheld ba the 0.Y.O. hall. Dancing and villam one of the Colborne township games were enjoyed and a delightful Boyds; ; a graduate of the Old. school ,,lunch was served during the evening. _section plot Green writes about Harry Babb acted as master of '.cere- he his book "Tfie'bld 1:61-87elfool:"- • • nienieslued had 'the- chair during, the I was glad to chat with.lire. N. Ryan meeting in the absence of William Bar-: (Letitia Edivard), who spent her row, retiring. presideat, whose . work hood days in old SiS. No. 1, and had as kept him from ;attending. 'teaches -Teter 'Strang, rred -Blair and 'Miss Therea Delaney was eleeted Miss Reinhart, all of Whona I knew' in the new president and Is the first young the old daYe, ' lady to hold that offiee.sinee the C.Y.a. It was good to meet Joim Treble and was formed here tVfo- years ago. The his faenily, who had eome over from other Officers: are: Vice-president, _Crystal, City to viola Colhorne to,w2u4hip Joseph O'Brien; secretary, Harry. Mende near Ninga, He is u cousin Bibb''"; treasurer, Marion Webster; - of jObIL Treble, now In Colborne!, and a sten of Lewis Trehle who wenkfrem Godeeich to Manitoba ro.eny years ago.. eSalether_CeeretaleiCity_raiereLI was -pleased to `meet was 'Mr: Ed. Greenway, the C.P.R. agent, son ,of -Thomas Green- way, former PrerdierAof-ManItoba and. In earlier days ,MP. for 'South 'Huron. Mr.. GreenWay located at ICsystal City aft�r letivtng IIttron county and his descendants have been among the best an eighty-year-old „Originale from Chi: berne' township; the senior representee. .tlVe of the Olte families, Was a speeittl event for us both. -Sabe and I had much to talk' (about, looking beck seventy Year*, or mere. We wereboth, ,horn Colborne, -(I was born tirsq. and .we eee beth elow in ' good. health; 'Ncre attended iSc.°S. No. 2, BenniilleY • School; together' under Master Arthur 0101110.1101rnullwillii•PiIMPOOPOPONNOMallit Xoleswortli, the Crialean 'War veteran. • ieftilf-iGOrli6-1M-evrtuturd- ck Far too many persons miss Many of the beauties of nature because they are unable to see i things as they ATtu.., That may once have 4),ceu exeilsible. -.To- day it is not at ell tweeeieeafy. "Mit.4e yOur tipPointaing eady by phoning SW. . , Or., IiingstoolCSS., on lbe Square 00dOrklo ' enry Pete Fisher belong to tile same period. TAW myself, ulso-had a- turn at - the old No. 3, or .-Young's school, and drank ftone the Well. across the roe(' frometheeschool,..$11ed-inewith,„.teztei from which a little strewn 011ee trickled away:. Pethaps he will revisit Ontario and his,,boyhood haunts, that we MAY I could -fill eolumns with stories about' that' INinga visit, bat these personal touches must suffice. ' JOHN E1,114I,OTT. London, Ont. OFFIPERS ,Tlae Catholic Youth organization of St. Peter's parish brought in a new slate Driving north ou highway No, 21, „ mgir Dunlop,' last -Friday night -Connie- Woods, of Kiutardine, 'stopped to Se - • Pure a rattling front humPer, Wbfle burning his his ear was ramtroed:from behind by , another driven by Donald MeLenhan, of 101 Eighth street, Oharleraie Pa. Mr.. Woods' Oatter and mother, In„the rear 'Seat botb. received head it:Juries and a, severe tehakiAgenp, and 'damage to the two eare totalled $450, A charge of careless driving was• laid against Mammal], ley Traffic. Of - fleet Culp,. who investigated 11c1.0exi- nom posted a, bond foxehie appearance. , GOOD SPANKING ORDER A merchant' on the 'Square looked _ront,othis.storemlndoer last rridlti to- s,ee a five -year -Cold boyehanemering the sold front R. LI Palmer, the Promoter-. engineer, to L. 11. Mitchell, thence to the inveetor. It wae Palmer's, own stock that Wassdld and. transfers; were made as. sales took "place. ' `file -sale of this - stock was never 'approved by the On- ' tarie Securities , COMinisMori,, the wit - nes? said. , In the prosecution of the case Mr. names 'had the asstslance ,of Joseph 7M4ther,- solkaar—for_the Oommtsion m Frank Donnelly aefen ded ' -Th.dinaS -had- counsel. He. said he could not afford one. Magistrate Doesn't Mince Words 'Kissing •sen tenee Magistrate M'akins referred to 'Mitchell and Thomtis as, "vermin,7 going around the Country Preying on innocent wOinen whO didnot understand thetr^triliguage., !Vhey told , a fantastic, story to these .people. They showed impressive wash drawings of elevators shooting into the sky:, They hidtheifeoperations by not banking their 'financial ireturns. - -They worked among good., honest people who saved their. money for their declining' years, 'who lived quiet lives and gave what they eould to their church and. to ,sneh worthy objects as the lied Cross. I feel very strongly in this case. .These men Should be severely punished. They. are vermin and both aro in the same boat.": the Magistrate said. . , • 8ecurities Commission knew in 1939 that this stock was being sold. Why was acflon.not taken then?' inter- jeeted ,Thomas. Tears were rolling' down his eheeks. "Your word is not good With inc,' 'the Magistrate said, proceeding to pass Sen ten ce. , • Thorriasi is sixty-two years- of age, Mitchell forty. The Crown Attorney , road from, record's that Nlitchell. former 'Toronto broker. trading:as Mitchell. & Mea ill and L TT. Mitchell & had been senteneeil to fool- years in King- ston when eonvieted Of ,nneketing." Thomas also had served, a term for illegal trading. ATTEMPTED'IROBBERIt ' Robbers Ittifmritott unsuccessfully to rob ithe sato of tha Shell 011°00. at the -waterfront n.Sunday night or early Monday ini)-tning. Provincial ,police found entrance had bee:o galbeq by breaking a window -pane. The safe had bon battered with a sledge .hanimer, but apparently the robbers were scared away before they could eomplete their job. It is thought to be the work of nil»itetirs., • P • P.- .1. RYAN Real Estate) and Insuranee „. Office and Residence: . 11 Trafalgar Street Phone 663 FOR tSALE-e-Rduses' of ail kinds, • choice building its, business property and several good farms. Let me show you some teal bargains. Buy now.. OU PAY LESS YOU USE LESS SURER RESULTS EASY OPENING TIN - CANNOT SPILL N(ei;, PlAyink-Edward G. Robinson ak,"BROTHEIt ORCHID" Mon. Tues. and Wed. "WHEN 111F DALTONS RODE" Randolph Scott -Kay Francis -Brian Donlevy-Andy Devmue- George 'Erwin -Mary Gordon -L. ; Broderiek Cra,wfOrd and Frank Albtrtsen A thrilling -epic" of the .West,emasterfally produced and portrayed �y an exeeptional east. Thur., pri. and Sat. James,- blame and Russell Gleason-Itarry Davenport -- Lois Ranson: -Arturo tledey, and "Maxie'Itosenideom The hilerloas Higgins Family strikes 0 rich vein in hilarious enter- tahonent u they revive tei old ghost teWn. )0 .1* VI) - 10 Coming -4'90w courageous Dr. Christian" and "Millionaire -Playboy". Matinees Wed.; "Sate and holidays at 3 p.m. DOUBLE -ACTING BAKING POWDER -•••••••',O. Achiad Feet A warm bath anoint with Dr. Chime* Ointment and, tie 'slinging, irritation dis- appear. ' Strongly antieePti • and medicinal. soothes and b. Dr. Chase's Ointment , -1 - fender of the merchant s -Shiny new automobile with a::$tee.1, hammer The boy ran, the portly merchant in pur- Suit, alongthestreet and up, the stairs where aptirtnientriffe Ioeated.-- boy, cornered in the hall, 'was asked What about it -what tlae idea Was. "I wanna play the band," he replied. The , lad had slugged quite a few fender 'along the etreel, dinging, some ,and knockin-, ° some paint and Much mud off others. Be wasreported to, pOlice,, whom he was not a stranger. ' ' ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED MT. and ,MTS: 1.1hoe. G. Elliott ,Gode- rich township, announce the, engagement of theit youngest daughter, Phyle, lie, to".Col-ephiall-Stee-eart ,Mimetilials, ' Woodstock, son of Mrs. if Beadle, Clin- ton, and the late Edwin- S'atoenbals; the marriage to take place early- in 1 November. 'Have yoti renewed your ubscrIPtiOn? , ' " Lawyer; "Then your Wish:1)04 take i!4 elderly'oL_ (Tent: -Elderly? he's,,soo1 c get e winded play.p: Ina 'atom" Playfoot-Ater heart niu,st be as hard 1 . as glitas. I ean't even make an hapres- sion on It& Pulltast-lIaveyou tried ',, an extra largo diamond? r. HAT unrey?' Why—the money in the banks!' The .money care- fully put atvay by you and your neighbours:4n savings accounts. The Anoney you coati have spent today but wanted to 0keep safely against some Ilium need. The businessman's money for use in his normal operationt. There *at e more than 4,846,000 batik deposit accounts, savings and current; Within these. two .gasses the great majority of deposits are small or of moderate .amount. But you'd be wrong if you assumed from this,that the ,rest of the dOposits are owned by the few r Quite the contrary! The railways, foi instance, have deposits in the chartered banks — and that indirectly includes thewhole population of the ,Dominion'. The trade Unions have deposits., Millions of policy -holders share in the ownership of insurance companies' deposits. 41. And don't overlook the deposits of "wheat pools, farm cd-operatfves; churches; municipalities and municipal hydro Commissions, ,school districts; school children's. penny bank savings • deposited with the chartered banks; and commercial and mining corpora- tions with very wide lists of shareholders, large and small, all over Canada. Truly, money on deposit in Canada's chartered banks is owned; in fait, by you and your fellow -Canadians. In war, as in peace, Canada's Chartered Banks inaintain, uninter- fumed, their useful services safeguarding depositors' funds; feofitating the nation's busisiesz; — looking forward to peace with free6oitn as the only sure basis of enduring prosperity. THE CHARTERED BANKS OF CANADA