HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-11-07, Page 1r
)11:NEWSSWON0 1LsIsTO. 45
Cornbissing The Goderich Signal and Th Goderieh $t
— GODERICH, (*TASK), VabliSDAY, NO7VilltBEIR 7th, 1940
To ea for Tenders
for Harbor Road
,owtion oeindustriika
#4.404:40,001 th•
09904 .
The ineetini 0 tile TWA COancil,Ou,
loot w** eaurtened by A
UV -Up over the louiedisetiaselk 410,8*
eorth rota te the barber.
olio,* eras la, deesielpet'. to -leave
' • the of. tenders for the eoea
attriletiet* ot the, .read hauds"
titva vole* tata :wa,.tere 4* and
kaftlers.. e•QuWttee0.
• AD the' xnen33)00 of .the-, Council wetIts
t, • •
The *annual meeting of the Goderieli
lied Cross 'Society will be held On
Thureday, November 14th, at Wile In
the lied Oros e reties% roue LibrarY.
Bushiesot will inolnasseleetioa of OftleerS.
The queittien of, resbliShing the AaMes
of the eubeeriberS that; Heda ONO;
etunpaign fund, will Aie yOted on.
ShipMent to TereetO headquarter
NoVember 5th, 1940: 228 sox; 11
pyjamaar 10 esveitterao 1 sheet; 20
mitts; 31 searree.; Pilloweasesi
gloves; 6 00403141410 sox; 23 waish, elothe ;
48 kelmeto; 28 towels; 126 Mall (trees.'
lug luds; 80 Medium dresehor Patlia;
80 large dre88ing`Pads ; 400 wipe; 600
comPreesea; /2 relied bandages' 3" ;
s The -staxs-toliedtorossrePOrtesShoWed_ 00--rol - baltdatiee. 4". e. •
' celleettons for .0ctober at $4602:08: -(iiiiitalVistireseeir-17-soeler-10,mi
• 'Total eollasetionsslanuery let to October ,30 skirts ; 50 nightgOvenos-see •
3144_, $99,620.25a tor the etirse .peried of s Irevateuees: '6 clreesea ; 2 Pullovers ; '2
'Wm,' $98,656,81 -An. increase * this year e,a,rdigaiis; 8 nightgown ; 1 sox.; 19
. f. .44.. . ; . , ' mitts.; 5 gate; 1 \Wart; 3 Parkas 3
. ) ven interments lo„Cfcbober Were. res. men's pullovers; * caps. ---' - - ' '
slaertedmhyet,alre 'sexton a Maitland &me- ,_______.-
' . ' ,-----see------ sTE.Wilegg0-,T0.-mv,HaNtr saNstml
i Thq lifaYor mean an invitatien le the, ' fiSoderich public sehoole will be eleaed.
wo Scholarships 1 APrCer= OPOAXIST OYY TO TIM NOIET
C01116411' floyAer, LRAM_ _ANL,. Maio* meow top mike War too Ole
HIV '44r TON re+0041* 144 NNW 131411110111 Modena Et*
iworviu *low, letti of Itedisoon, The 111Port Of deer-lumtlag evidwatly
AkiMettill Stewart stik4 tb,4 DOA Otakatehowan iota 40001 appointed growing' more PoPular itaiturg tOodericir
ram, aft no fewer Oxon, eiXteen frees
D03111.1d $11/14X0tra , the Ortalithlt au4' ekoirwiter of 141orth town atad dliOtriet ere tryieg their luck
VirteMels. • SOW', 'United ehiirch. Ur. kinkter ts et fthe aesese ,toie rem martoess or the
an asstachstet (it the WorOutio.'0°)20*rviw nitmstodkoliave already etilidit off for ttie
At the nuking - .the e04400s tory or 1,,P040 .40.4 11, `06.11tlikte,'or the tiothent Woes** and two etithere *re
ruslitate )304-14 -Vtio*T oft4m1,0ea 31400, 000°4 of 10$1,4 Doodoiu rfug.k planeing **leave Att the' end sot ,thi$
last, PrineiPal *sett nandetne.pleaaliest land, and, thOOltht QUi itniTyng2tonutAtioutS Titer raw .,eion'sioust
atinearicernent 1100 of, the threes IA* alreadr to Ids
ecYL Oarter Seholarehipo for ninon eoUrde aekievements 4.11 $." orodeilin, Ile 0414nd:eve Thu, Moaner, James Donsilde
this Year had ben eseeersee, to, ertelI. aireadas taken Over flat, detiat son and vecu Attridge left on eieterao
students, , ' POSItion here, We is the Son, of lir, and is '..huisking. in the Bleat bake
,The Ault OarterisehtslaroMpe witka Levi eaYd.er Of ItedliSIOni :flask," tornt- region. hakotheir, Wade up of Everett
value. of $100, _Was' won by Mleta ,4,1se. of .001bot%e tow,S$1410. and 114)lif,A4' Mott., Waltade ("Jekle") MoDeultall,
matte .9tessirit, `datighter of lir. atudio here at the ,isiseae Of Ida "aunt' -Clayton NiYins, Alvin Vroctor .4114
eitewiart sof Dungan -nee. The 'Seeentioltfraeltelleaderatno Waterhais ateeet, ashes .eseacede"). lifelloaget11, lett on
xilter Soo Asinit44 Oar >
„ st, 4 *Wee took*
) • * voodist ist
' • mionisiNiOn* Sam
losoriler .4 Ammo illpgitoril*
oss ihme IOC
Ike tidal bwohal blere. slaYe. Tise
jury delfhomitml three bevy% The
viersIkt releortel •ley See*.
SW000 ferfeelek IMPtevl0/1 1040
son at', the request Jaggeo
Smiley and le skels1PS the gillne ,the
Patter ,SOund teem, Dr, L..51, Mabee 1I1 1
echolarship, with a value Of 440, was' -1-
wOn by Donifid Sheared:Pen, son of Mr. REIrMillat.0031 WARVIOXIS
and Mrs. W_reer. Shears:town, Mbselts . • ;
•Otreeteel'ito died alliee the award was
Wade. The litlirlaehailafettlies-Yedise
$40, was awarded to a student of- t,Ise
011nton Oollegnate Institute.
-The seholarshIP award won by DOn-
ald•Sheardowiesvrtiose sudden death in
`;Septer.O'ber Was Matter Of deeP regret',
• .iiteheehandefiettetie.„44ther —
The Board extended eongratiiiiitraW
heels of .the Oounellefrom the secoe- tomorrow , (roiday)" as the tegebers to the Prineilfaland to the school on the'
are of the Boerd of Trade to attend will be in attenelance. at the convention .0 inning Of tWS0 'Scholarshipe.. „
the ".ritral relations" banquet to be held of SoutteHuronleAdhere at,Hensalls , Repoits of the hispeeters of home
' 011. November 8th.' 'Ilse .invitation was ' - .'eionioniics and of Shop work were Pre-
.fteCepted,onlnetiOn/t Cello. Oraigie. ' ' ' • • - ' 'seated; indlealing that sa'tiottteterr
In, ese)1Y to the Mayor's query as to. ehapterg are to be congratulated upon work Is being done in both depart-
'41nmtigemente for Itelnembranee Day, undertaking this patriotic wereot meats. The .0..ce. girls who took /tart
43oini. Rya said there' Was 'a prospect The 8, bulustrisii Appruisai in the home economies competition at
of getting out the local hand inalinf_,- councillors nuaebas sought inform., the ,Otinaditart National Exhibition were
. Iteleut 'strength ; etherlOsse 4 t4'.414."'''''-'" ation Coneerning the industrial ADD is complimented en the splendid showing
band would. /r°111(1`1**4s'istea. ' - ,ais ropert.--50;icii has been in the- -hanslitie- theY. nl, 'aclee'•wisleali was of Paeticular
laidl4bse jeleoleasasees a the ceunee for same time but, has merit in, reVir <K.. the tact that the
. . Ocher.' stu enre•whe deVete a large por-
"Dolilted to make the ligUres. den et their time to that werk,
'APPlieations , for befitting permits net been made girl$ rermOedng ag4bist vecatleattl
were received as tallowS, _
- :Lean, reroofing warehauseart zeal. of let
ton .tbe Square.; Jas. A. White, improve--
• ',Mentoto•dweilitig slambridgeotreet;
SVnestr• Barmy, xemodellIng dwelling
Buron Toad; Sae. 0.:31010413'.;
oteecoing liaise on Angleeeit streets
. Ontario Department of HigliWays,
alterations.and 4%11room:rime& to garage
' and storage huilding on East street;
B:` 3rite-gele, eiv.- E. Kelly., and Mrs.-
• S. L. -Salkeld, ,repairs and Improve-
•anents.' ,
ceitenunleatien, from the "district
(engineer of the Department Of Higlie'
waya asking Pernalealon to make ,.some
changes at .entranee to' the .building
on Bast street recently taken Over by.
the Department, wag referred 10 the
• public works eaninntttee. ' •
A letter from ',Norman .1naolfate :a -ek-
ing that a catchbasin be pat in opposite
his property,-• to prevent . the trouble
, recur:ring evert- glaring and fall from
:surtax* Water, was eent .to .the publit
Plibliesheforelsthier Qounell gOses out of
existence?" the Ceuneillor .queried.
MayorsMaelifwan-"It is in tb,e hands
of the Coinatil." .• • „
Oosnis Oraigie sold was informed
some -of the' Industrie& had -the figures.
lett on FridaY to Joan party Of MO.,
The annual ehorch ,serelets re. from Galt They are tbunting pear
eia*.taCCOr-thOse-itolteefelissinethos Ttako Niplasing, S. J. Wade Joined..
World war of 19144918 -win be held in 'a wo.ront* 148-.rtYMYfr-migturdaf'sa
Morning,at:11 stare . meniortal service Albert men, AUX* and Lorne 3-143"iligt°n$
1 1
Kin= Presbyterian ;64146 nextSunday hu ting t°11114111°e°c't ""fr Port
will be•held-at-theeeen(itapie inCourt11-sleng vitth' n'arrY 11171439n'. it'Es
1 -louse 'earls at 10.30 O'Cl40k Monday IStiltrnlY la" 'wall 'make-
714li:se"•rtiTriiencesinpg.u.'h.17,i,C:are-iliVit-e-d,..O tivetosCrtui7lisrintite°1elli1111-"zirgeanDi tt:ea7lve'ewff.oilltitree'4*.i.dialnit.y.7anditS?„741-311:14711;417.,
• cLowa4-0 FOR .TifE DA* The elartridge season . for Huron
he coal m'eret- wits °rico__ orich hav.- e 4eoutnttlirnwaeduoncixis,03,1ondloany IsTstiovturcientbei;
.deicided to keep their plares besiness Nove,„mber leth.
Closed, the Whole of Blentlasi,.Itemem- , • . „
brance Day. Customers,running Short THE LADS IN 'UNIFORM
of fuel ,shpuld dell their odealer at once •
•to protect thenagelves, over the weelp.
LeedinlAirciatenran liernert IfOOdaa
end.' • , ••
Some of the other' Merchants ex-,
peessed willingness rto . keep their
doors closied, for' t'he eatire' day, but
others, preferred to open for business
about 1 o'clock as • Teenier years.
Should the doer. et
Theoseeretar-Yowas. directed . by. the
Board. to *rite the C.N.E. "seutthorities,
1suggesting that. there he made two
erassfeS for the home economies eompeti-
tion-one for vocatienal -sehools, and
the ether for Aeadeniie high schools.
. , •
He thought if some lied .the report all
-should have - • •
• The Mies eaki *hosed% not get the .DOIT'T poiletzrat PARCELS
Agupe4 from am. 'ft Was possible they , .1110Xt VAX ‘.1=0. OVERSEAS'
Vail written itireetles the Appraisal • °
ComPany to•elatain them, - 4 . The ovei,seas osareeLeemmitteeelelsh
COWL . Alan thotightsthere should- be to reuninit Citlien.S1 Once More that
nothing secret about, -the report. Christems Paiieels for ;12toderich boys IA'
- Zneful0 will 1)e Pie/ten:Pa ,Tuesday„
November 1.2th.
Several handsotiae". Onetime /save
been reported by iMigo-D. j. Ione, the
convener, ,particularlY ..00Se frOro. the
'St hoel---ettildreat-,-*no-L.isalgomedeoreal
$tterniees: to eentrilinte'leaSho About a
Oren halit-peinidliailtroslres have been
rdedged and . it is,e4tioeticl'•that seven
more willbefortheongtot nextoTtes-
. 'Reeve Turner -The question is, d
the aPPraiSai betome public proper
until -it is .'adoeited Writhe Coutell?
Mayor -It does not.
Come Baker-lothenght When---We_gfit
the appraisal it was :for the anforanatton
of the Court of ,Revision. •' 1/4 -*
The liarber :R0441.**Y•
-- The •subieet. was, •deellijede and next
was •anotiols. har Cuimei44001 nuelons a3.
Werke eomsnittee., • • ' •', , and Baia* "that tenders for the 4'ews',.: The ` conimittee •treete:' that 'lipase -
A letterfrom the ornate of the sdselsts struttien. of the 'proposed,. roadway ktr wivos, during ereiroraereeeenrance Day
.ant Provincial 4Secretary at Toronto the neilt.h. side'eg° the ,hartter, be •called on worti.4., not will, eeeg
;, with regard to the etuf,P,Plfttgoet, -nials .tor, said .tendees-to ,he closed, on the irinow.th mho. auctit444gezierous con-
' adage register Co a. Ideal. elergY 'man Was'
:referred to eonunitteeasif the .
A letter from P. ditictiLiet
znaVager of the Bell Telephone Co.,•
' ..„'. wae as followe:
"For, ,some time ,Pastt our 4COmpany
' has agreed' to various arrangements
for -giving:Taie and„,police service
in a :number of atunicipelities. With
theadeent of the dial etysteso the above
serfirice camiot continued where the
.4equipment is in operiltiOn, and,
.although it might, be Spine time before
anyeonversion made, we are drawing
Allis to your atten.tion. esio that'in any
.change you may be tontesiepiatieg in the
sear future ytou ta.ke this este consider-
atick., •
"If we can assist Ton In AAY wAX 311
advising the various methods of
handling thit,servf.16e, pleate • feel free
to 'mil on us. <
. The letter was filed, 4 snerahr re-
marking that he did not eraisiclef the
dini ekstem Would be an inOn-ovemeet,
Commiltee Reports • , •
The finance committee reporte,d. that
.from Septeniber 17th to October gra
112 deg rags had been sold. The total
of ,taes sold this year to date was 162.
• Th; public Works coeulnittee reesare
monied that the re,quegt a J. IL
Naegele' for Permieetoi. to "place a
comet eurbieg along the boulevard in
front of his house on South. etteset be
granted, the _wok to be done uuder
the •supereisiart ef the ehailtiha a this
eolamittee„ Perm -lesion had been granted
te, the Goderich Balt Company' for the
,111F erection of a sige over the sidewalk
, their office. on Colborne street.
The special committee reported, that
a- Wreath had been 'ordered „from the
Veterans' Association io„be played on
the soldiers' memorial Mt liementbrenee
Day, and recommended that tte netion
be tak.en at the Present time .on the
matter of chenging to .tlaylight saviiig
• „ time. (The airports, it learned: ate
using standard time)
Tee cemetere and Parks committee
.reported that the lease the •Park
House would expire at the end of this
year and ree,onnoended that the cons-
, mittee look int6 the matter of a re?
newel. -
e The fire eominittee recommended that
four firemen attend any call for the
fire truck fothe airport, the remaining,
iireinen to stand by :for a Call In town;
id that the committee be empowered
purchase, if they can obtele,, two
x$ tires mid ;Inner tubes for the Rea
Bee beide •
The industrial eonemittee mien-
; mended no action on the offeieoe $100
freei the Goderieh Iron and Brass
, Fa, undry for the upright heating boiler
• tit the Art Oraft faetory, and thetethe
' committee be empowered to Met in a
neW floor at the weighscale building at
elie market.
,20tex _of November." -
D.ep,uty Reeve Itio•vvn atoonce en
qUiredi s'llow on eaeth cen we pass a.
Motion. like that? Where is .theroad to
go.? We haven't a right of ma's We
htiven't the Priviletge troesieg the
C.N.R. track. We 'caul. ,tisk for tenders
for a reed 'until we lospw whe're the
road, els .to go." '
Ooim. iluckins xetorted - that the
Deputy`,ReeSe had voted foot :the purr
chase of property for ihe roadwaY.
"'Why did he do this when he didn't
know, where the road wee to go?'
The Com:tell had had an eligineex ,here
several times' to report on the:locetion
of the road, • • ,
tifbutioos ..ieTto at One of the
four • el:tees" ibuolosi ,Whieli have
consented to se#e' ifeeplientioa points,
noinely, IhinieVerssAbiaefer'S,' Mac-
Viettee and Heeboron'eo:se'.
There are titeear.,eanen,,In all from
.Goderich and the:sinsMedlate vicinity
serving overseas eetisleiss the hope of
the. eommittet"thael,011X-istmas will be
definitely hrighten-eC.fsir all of them
by the rentembrait'oeSsOf their friends
.at home. ; ' -I •
..aereSsaf.„,Mr... Anct Mrs. 'Joseph Moody, ,.. The tale:Assizes anthe
Market street, who is taking a ,pilot's SuPreme Court for Hurn counts'. got '•at hi° 11°531° almilt 9 eel°e1 en
eourse in the It.C.A.F., is now stationed undemay on Mooday afternoon at 1.30, night of the erime. WS. Dodge was
at .the Service PlYing Training SChool the ,chief business of the atter/100e eXelted and erYlug and wanted witnea0
at. Ottawa. ' Herbert received his call being the ehaage of Justice. utauhaat to drive her to 'Leueau. to see relatives.
be closed on 3tOndaY afternoon, the -subseenently stationed at the Manning' against • Samuel Dodge Of Exeter and '474*s; -""•ge-htuir°44-"-------------rs(-1-le-s- .
and- was stos-the-grand-JurYetuothe einreersage ..afeor:v,,,,i'was- nbt Pe41113Ltt uli,..ed" te-ter bat •--
favoriteestore to -theeR.O.A:F. -early he Jule
'desire for a few hours' eXtra relaxation Pool it Torent°, ' the Initial „'Xraining that of mansiengete-r against Lorne the woman, be. said, 1PUt not before
will explain the situation. " . ' Stbool at Regina and the Elementarr Jardse' e' Of Ethel. • e. PooilleThrbe and abdAoetmAor were noti,tied tO .
* 'I . - 'rills S
* . Trai g chop'. at -Fort William- Be 1Shortly after the -grand, jury - had, re- --.---- ----• .
' Announcement, Is made'of the promo:. a pilot's; course isithe R.C.A.F. dietments the vourt ' di ed r°ad r'4)31313°4ge' said' he twice saw .
tired tor consideration of these la- - EVal0-.Grlfzkas who lives across! the - - ,
1414611T tAUT., ROBE4Te . is one a the few Goderich boys taking
411 I
TM putt tarY at thO aie3os0N.
Tneadey sees* 140;1111101101,00 bilt" ila
telsio 0 bon* leotheie
dustiest with 'swaSoloinidheeraxl�i
of a motor siostiewet hi, whit*tW
Ctorrie girl* *Me we Jelly la*
''''repert reeeessammtlag te
tbe Interior of the Nett Bow* voii*'
made by the ii;rost PIM' 3400340* '
that tile Malt toads no* *nein go -
notating, "elareistllyo tke, Veksiellesela
beive hoginstrow 00:0044“ . rre*iii0A of a, wits...room la k
,teld Dodge kora reeemmended by- removing the waste
blase 1E Oink iolo *Wee • revel on the isesaraid, floor to tke biome '
* keels. en the eello meat. • The Crown' Attorney's ...Oleo
of tido'. lOnat or. needs deterating,' it wee regoOrtted.
(ehrnp' Y‘frbst made In poet. iseep • everathing at the 00*Intr Jell iiva41
„feeed in. good. order. 'Mere* pristaler.
.. ;reel,* g* were-fete—iv elbteldeeand----wee
As Dodge 40101001 out • of the -.were received,
prkon&' box b...embrated sod_ • • ,
• Tsigialitttre-011-aeveraI reeeiPta for 00$01 ' •
kissed, * *wife $10, tear loang • .
he had VOA the dead Van for raisiog a. .
harass: _ _ • _ _
, sev' enteen-Year-eld 'flamed
Gilbert, wbo worke her Wide'iPg0111-
eral store in Clandeboye, told a wodore
and Kilpatriek 'teraing into. Store
on the morning of the day oftthe trime.
She had knOwn,''Dodge for some time -
and said that on -this, day he wise tins
usually „talkative. ". -
Lyman B. Moore, 'who lives a 0°0
distance Troia; the Dodge home, testified
. to seeing Mess Dodge and her childrest
2.thildreok._00, io.met slue.
He Amok hinds '11, thanked
his counsel, jell• **Verner And con-.
stablee Whe.issive boon ids attend-,
matte All the time he w
. banner. stalleeseal-be$ left the •eourt
' rooms with his Itsitallb the'Yeungest
baby in his *rms. •
And so another • urele county
murder nmy remain Ofteelved far
all ,
eittings of the
'Lion if Flying Officer J. M. Robertsto'Aireraftanian -Garnet ("Bud") until 10 o'clock Tuesday iy,Lorning. the ledian draped Over the. radiator 0
• ins ear- parked front of the Dodge
k Was a • ourn
,the rank of flight lleutenan.t. Flight
,Mathieson; who IS at present stationed 'The graed jury is coiniposed of
at St: Thomas, *visited with relatives 'Minna -h. Bests. Hoosier: ;,.:Yirillianz J. Bell,
and friends here over the week -end. • Tuckereinttlt; Edwin Bolton, Herrick;
rich beys training' at the G -alt aircraft Cleave, Stanley; William J.' Coulter, , constable Ferguson, sumniooed
2°111' was not to be seen. . Jim Rosa', and Bill Thompson, Godes. James D. ;Carmichael', Grey;
/treat Roberts, the formee County Amok
home, 'during the- late' afternoon Oa •
of ...Hue*, is recruiting officer for the eatiar evertiege,The .door. of 'awes,'
Royal Canadian Air Fore at London.; Dodge. lieuee
. -T
ers Urged .tikrlikee• Every Preean-
"Tensper "cent. of 0 the people donSt „ tion sltgalist!t*Iiisease • .
Wont the road and if. they haw their ' _An 0.01kieuk*O,!Inik 'cleOlere in the
way we'll neirei!gett it," Continued; Colin, southern cOuntie Western Ontario
Hugleins rather heatedly. He de-' has reached suCh rtiong that .the
utanded plelligeite on the. question t'r"blei0 Del)40* t af Agriculture
an' d; 'with the apprtoval of per, is *warning- feria*/ throughent the
Proitneeof the 4itngex involved, in the
cent. of ithel people, he said, they would
further Spreader/41:0 disease.
go to the 781a4lwee Beard and deniand
What they wanted. " ' There is' no , eholera in Huron,
_ , lout "an ounce eif.,1,preventioii, ,Vworth
The inaTIor Bald :they should .have a
pretty flair idea of .what the road Was a. pound of' Cieieee faemers are
tirod toi read theoverning 'published in
to wet when they Du the question10
the people. . „ our adiereisies; ,beltimus this week
+Coen. Raker eeked. if 'there had been (*Page 5)` and takethe-Precauttons there
any deelsiou ee to What kind of road .41°74861- - 1) •
shoitid be .'builteogrevel,, hard 'surf -ate' •• in ',March last there' were some cases
or what. He thought the toad Was a .of Itog Choleot an Huron county; far the
neeosay, aud shank' ha,ae' been built .first time in IfoetY,yearg, but the disease
long ago; but it hail been.. sidetraelted • wan StamPect out by the co-
at every wait. operation of tuo- farmers with the
. ,
. .
• edd
, .11111 I. n"Ne
HT - • s
A a
STEWART-e-MtlikEimg •
Mr. ana Mrs. John A.-11-areirzie-rot
Dungannon announce the -Marriage of
their daughter, Kathleen Mary, to,
Harold Leroy Stewart, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Stettort ofsDengannon, on.
!Saturday, November 2..;s1940.• .
- a Ct111151016110.30Us•- ,.- .,-; • At
At the parsonage of Nerth. street
United 'ehureh on Saturday evening
last; Rev. W: P. Leneeperforraed't,he
'marriage ceremony uniting Pearl ,Gee -
trade .Hugill, daughter a Mr.'. and Mrs,'
Jlonathan • Ilagill of- Tuckerknith,. and,
Free* Joseph Cummings, . son of Mr,
and Mrs: Edward • Otitinnings, 131Yth.
The young conple will reeide on the
bridegrOoneg farm itt Morrie township.
1 ------- oo • - call to the ,11,.C.X.F.. early this summer
. ' NICH01.;•--DE7LTER„ ' as a pilot and was gtatioried at the
. ,
On '' Prides* . morning October. Eglinton Hunt Club for his initial
2.;:ath,..Iliss Mildred Dexter,' 'daughter of training.. He received his elexnentary
Mrs. ,Laura Deter, Goderich, became dying training at Crutalin, but instead
•the brttle of Alfred Nicbol of Brussels,' .of proceeding to train as e pilot at a
the marriage, ceremony being.Performed i service ;flying wheel he transferred to
, by Rev. R. M. Weekes at tbe Anglicae a navigation course and Will graduate
reetory,,,l3lyth. The tede, who was at.: as a pilot obseeve,r, being able to take'
-tended her mother, was dressed in his place either as a pilot oe as an
soldier Ilse oritb hat to apatch. Her
going -away cogturae. wabs5f wine color
with grey trilming. The wedding
dinner wee served -at the home of the , ment, visited his perenteshere early
bride's mother In Goderioh, arid aftir_ ; thisBitymweebakrd.
ier Ned . S' ale of 'tile 917th -
wards the young couple left oh a trip !
Esse They will reside on the groora's ,
Harrow coutify of 1100th Battery, stationed .et Petawaw'a,
and aers.seale are visitirtg at the home
to Leamington and Ha
fooin in MorriS townehip. . , of Mrs. Sale's Mother, Mrs. G. M. Wats
son, St. George's Crescent, oirsi two
school,were home.et the. week -end. Turnberry; Garnet 'Ferrier, West Constable 'lobo ferguson was "having • k
'Cpl. • Neil Thompson and Pte. -Carl wawanosh; L. P. Hopper, Morris; a rasp, .of tea in eeettsurant with -
Anderson, who are on the instructional Elmore •KlopP, Hay;. Alex, McGowan
Constables MeCoy and Retherford when.
s•taie of NO. 11 training 'centre, Woods aoremanyt 'East wawagavote; Ezva''' word came to go to theVedge home' he
etock, were home over the week -end. Webb, Ste1/11"1; Ebner ' 'testified. 'He was the nest to.enter the
Aircraftsman Horsed • Turner re-
Turned- do -Friday -to -Jervis, wherehe
is stationed at the Bombing and Gun -
eery School, after. enjoying a two
weeks', vacation at his home here.
Pte. -Leonard Westbrook of the Perth
Regiment,. Stationed at Camp Borden,
visited hie'Pirevit4 Mr. rind Mrs.,G.eorge
-Wegtbrook, on S-atuldaY.
.Ta.ck Gaff, a former. .Gederrelr boy
Winghania sWalter Hodge, .Goderich.
Vine of the,thirteen,•Are far*iers" one
a •michiniSt,,Ow+estieeletteper,--one-
decotater and;Pieartelephoneonaeager:
His 'Loedship instructed that at this
court there.be no inspections Of public,
buildings other than of the Court Heise
and th ..Cousity",Jaile.• ,,, ' .4 ...., ,, -- - - , , Ett--rovwstopitii- -but • I iinellyearonoe4.""--e-e. ee
'41' Ask this , on the grounds of sh. •
at. Be reached With hie hands across ' • . . . • ,
. economy. To should finish your work • -
the bed. tile had two shingle nails In
. .
who is now withthe Royal Canadian in one • afternoon. There should be no , a
bis f =and and be Said be was reitehing .
Regiment, visited with his sister, Mrs. delay, as public Moneys areneededfor 'f.
Roy Breckenridge, Cameron street, , at the prosecution of the Nva.,4'1 for a hammer. . • ,
the week -end. . , a ' - added. - ' s. - - .,-; Meer; "He couldn't answer questions,
.:It: was • "He. was drunks .stupid,". said the .
- Leading Aircraftsman Jack Calder, - For she qrcoen W. Botanomon, nese,'but he didn't stagger. , He complained
son , of Rev.' and Mrs. A. C. -Calder of Asked IliateethLelangerouS, driving : a sore knee' and .asked for powder- . , ,
St. 'George's- chump, is now stationed charge against A. ,Garen, 'knitting foe- t pitt on it." • • • 4,
at- Melton, where he is taking a coarse tory manager, ,Olinton, • he .traversed "Who . is this Man?" (meaning KAI--
in air navigation. Jack received his to "the December Sessions. Mr. Garen s
Paoriek) the oanstable said he 'asked •
had elected, 'Wall, by judge and jury. aceus• so • - •
The ,case arises out of an 'automobile "He never xite *ever •let on he heard Inc. He '
kept talking about his gore knee," added _
accident -on /To. .4 highway,. during ot
blinding "MarCh Snowstorm, in which witness. ".1- asked him three' times."
Prank Fingland, K.C., of Clinton, was Constable Ferguson said Constable
injured. '
The reporte were all adopted without
Poi Soldiers' Entertainment
Deputy Reeve Brown, reported. that
the ,two, elmilterg of the Daughters of
the Empire had undertaken the re-
sponsiffility of conducting an Air Vorce
ebb UsfeiCay 'fall for the duration
Of the war. The mating in the hall had
been •reteov,ed, a refrigerator and a
rediO and other furnieldnge proeuretl,•
and the club would 'soon be in oper-
"This pill fill a mi n 't" odd the
Deputy Reeye, " arol then*
trAe erayee thought wawa: have Federaleveterenkriane. Huron has the
to be a., geavel road. Engineer Archie third highest production of hop emong
bald's Plasserould.be used as a •basis the counties of.eatarie, and, it is of the
tea fenqers. - • , greatest imploetenee that disease be
kept out of the 6anntr'
•Ciouir: Oraigie.•said that when. the pro- "
*see was perehasea tram tee Raman It le esrengly urgeclsthat the utmost
Cath011e Church. it ontheiiiidere '1001eYed- ICOP Thiren-
etamling that it was to be need for the • hogs Lind all live eteck. dear a disease.
building of the toad, and he weeld not oss'
like te set the project dropPed after "'June liAr• essayeeer Awe 1447,1"
obtaining the property on this, basis. ' Mr. IL • Barker,: se., of Palmerston
Reeve Turner said; he was in taxa, stteet, has only recently received word
where they, were going to rot Athur Barker of London, England,
Dodge home. it Poste darkness. .
the aid of flashlights, be saw the body
er,-Keteetrickeetheehead Lying in-....4Pc"4
of blood the ,size of a eross-seetion — --
-a Pumpkin. •
" "I found Dodge *the northeast beds
room kneeling at the bed. I shoolchine.
of the road, but they should ,Itxtow Of the death ' Of his Sister -hi -law, Mrs.
motion Atli*" 1 , . ,‘ wthhe, WBarsitis,a hvicetaimpitottfithoenfi.,rt*thealuri7hitd allot
The motion was amended aid as 'Marten 31st last. Suffering a "heart
adopted was as follows: "That ,tenders attack while the raid was hi progress,
for the eonstruction of the .proposed Mrs.. Barker, , who Vvrts eeventy-two
roadway to. the north side of the harbor yearg of age, failed to recover. ' Sare
he called for, and that this Witter be viving are a son end datighter in
'left in the bands of the pubilic works London, Enke and. a ss on. and daughter
,awnds..yeater, light and harbor commit- in winuipeel Man. ,
faeilities, in view of the peoliable large - - -------'-7--LTHE 'WEATHER 'e
. The nfaller of nroviding public •toilet .
The temperatures for the past week
of the
,additivm Ito the. number sof people In
'town' by next spring or summers, was ,
referred to the public works and eetne.
tery and parks.coinnsitteee Tor a ttepoet
Poole iittekino asked; aboat the Pro -
Weed meeting with the Public ,Utilities
Connelesion on Hydro aftlairs.
The Mayer said he had brought the
wetter UP at the •lost meeting of , the
Commisaion, but nothing .wast deeided
iion.lie Would try to arrange to
have the Council present at 'the. next
meeting of the COmmessiou.
Connell. Protests
The Connell then 'went into committee
of the whole and eonsidered the letter
froos The office of the Assistant Pro-
vincial ISeeretary .at Toronto with
referenee to a marriage register. It
was decided to purehttee register for
observer, depending upon the require-
ment. • ,
.Pte. Leslie Riley, of the Elgin Regi-
• On Sunday night lost the members
of St. Georgese Ohurch choir eotertained
softie seventr airmensfrom•Port.Albert
after fhb service. s
The gatbering was heldsinformally in
the parish hall, and the Men were wel-
comed by the rector, Rev. A. C. 'Calder,
and by Mrs J. D. Thomas, ler, E. D.
Brown and the choikmaster, Mr. A, W
Anderton. • - • • ,
Miss 'Airy King, violinist, accompan-
ied -by Miss-V..Wheeiee, both of Wing -
ham, -at the piano, -played seyeral: selec-
tions which were greatly appreciated.
As Ivell as,Playing solo, tthey iteebni-
Periled the singsong in. *which the
visitors sang many faniiliar •aire.' and
'Were introdueed to po.few of olir Ceti-
aditin and- American folk songs. -
_During the course of the eveniug Mrs.
Ven WYek, also 7 of Winghane con-
, te'llyeted to sueseis of the entertain.
.mentibrbee eloeutionsboth serious and
At the•conelesian of the prograM, the,
ehoir serVed refreshmentg and the. re-
mainder of the .evening was epent In
friendly discouese; •
tend for the Corregponding week last
y.ear, aa officially retorded, were es
follows; :0 4 • , •
1040 ; 1636
' 'Wax. Min. Max. Min.
Thure, Oct 31 -.50 37 • . ;10 315
Fri., Nov. 1 -412, 34 . 37 32
•Nov. 2 40 48 • 33
'Suns Nov. 3 '63 47 43t 31'
Mon., Nov. 4 ...... - 47 48 29
Tues., Nov. ; 49 34
Wed., Nov. 6 48%, 32 -4,1 32
Late yesterday afternoon during a
snowetorm lerge arapbiblan plane
owned and ileivec by Gar Wood, the
fameus •&peed boat .king, made an
emergency la,nding at Port .Albert air-
port. 114r. Wood took oft this mornirte
the loeal elergynlan coneerned, bat on. a du& hunting trip on the, north
to write to Toroeto in protest against
Puttiug the municipality to
eapenge or eemethiaig tha.t Is not of
teunielpal goneere.
shore at .1SitteGiegor Bay, where he
owne A ledge. The Matliine was the
object of 'rent interest to the airinen at
•Dort Albert. , ' ,
iltiliding On Eat Street Haig "Tilted
for Garage and Storehouse
The Provincial Department. of High-
ways Ita8 purchased the brick building
an East streets near Knox church, as a
garage and storehouse for graders told
other machines, used on. the Provincial
wade in this diStriet The building week -end and through to this week ex.
is now undergOing alterations to fit it ceptionally large hath have been made,
for its. new parposse. The front Is being several people making eatchee of ,100
rebuilt with dolor 16 feet wide by 1014 pounds in a few hours. The pewit,
feet high to give +Martin& for large run this seasoe lits been extraordinar-
machines.; the door atthe rear also is ily good and, one of the loneest an
:being enlarged; more ,,wlndows are being record; •
pet hi, and a heating*plant installed,
The former owner of the building was' ' 'MACH SAILOR'S REMOVED.
Pred Datvis, now of Calgary. it Was. The Dutch , toilers, taken off the
originall* a livery stable,' Wink Jaa. Notleivands freighter Prh1s 111
nays and later .1onlithan. Miller, both at Goderielt harbor four weeks ago and
now deceaeed, proprietom It *has since held in the County Sail here were
been a 1,0mile-sale ,grocery warehouse, an removed on 'Saturday afternori ander
atitemobile gtuage it tlairy, an auto It.C.M.T. mord, They lett here by
perte vvarelioescie and an auto rePair railWay, their destination presuroably,
weeks' furlough.
Eddie Jenner, son, of Mr. and. Mrs
GetiegeJenner, has been accepted in the
R.O.A.F: as a. gunner and is now Sta-
tioned at Brandon, ?tan." ,
Over 727,009 bus. of American corn
beep discharged ae the elevators
here in the past -week. No other grain
1 •
McCoy had 'called him to the woodshed
The civil case of Howe versus Martz, door 1414 pointed out an axe leaning, up . , , .
ae aut4Mobile„„damage action, wast se
, against a wall. , ,, •
over to the next ass17,es by order of the The axe, wrapped in cellophane, -was
Local Maeter, -Two other accident at this Iodine entered as an exhibit __
damage eaSeg twill not be taken up until . • , •A mysterious utter . • ,
- True BM in Dodge Case went" to the home of a •Mrs. Carrick,
On August .8, the WitnesS said, he
- ..
after the criminal cases di
are sposed of, •
was reported by ithe grand jury at the west of . the Dodge place. The lady
living on the Dashwood• road two miles.
' ktrue bill in the Dodge murder case
opening of Tuthday morning's session had summoned him by telephone., She
and the trial was, immediatels- pro- gave hin a mud -stained letter she had
eeeded with' "`-- - ' - found In a lanewaye --Here witness was -- - o
WBCbmreonKand RE
stopped by Mr. 'Currae; who objeetesk *
. . . ;, .C.. '. . .. .z.
Counsel; Prank H. Curran, of London .; Mr. Common said the letter was tu__-_.
Holmeg were introduced as Crown ,
with Ian. eltieRae, of Strathroy, and signed and illegible, but experts had •
3. Lorne Daersole of London, tfor the be
a good. photostet copys which,
he producedas he did typewritten
defence. t• 4 • coke. •, . •••
twelve -were finally *selected. Eighteen This letter Is so unusual, so agteund-
Thirty • jurors were, called 'before .,.
were either challenged or asked to IU -g, that it Might be of Mare benefit to •
the defenee than to the Crown. I feel ,
stand ..aside. Thedefence cnollenged it my duty to endeavor to put it
ten,' ,All witnesses•swere excluded. explained Crown counsel.
:sir. Conamon' reviewed the' cese in' , 'at is more or less irrelevant, --but
brief for the jury, telling of the eir- 'there are[ no eblections I will admit
cutiastances surrounding the finding of ,it." renAirked 1114 Lords14.: .
the deed body of James. Kilpatriek, in, After a conference of counsel it wee
Dodge's home near Exeter oil the night agreed to admit the letter, but it WAS
not read to the inry; Peedieggdentificke .
tion by experts ;who made the photostat ,
'Ciipies. • •
cargoes ha,ve arrived in that Dine. .'lhe ofJine '20,' and of, diseovering Dodge
wheat bins, in the elevator are filled to
capacity at present and the str. Windoc
Is still lying here with a full cargo. of ,
wheat. She has been Waiting over three
weeks to discharge her lead.
The str. Monroe 0. Smith arrived
kneeling at the bed in an adjoining
, bedroom in a praying -position. He
Spoke in high terms of the late Con,..
stable f: E. MeCoss'who died on jalas
10•of this year..
' "With \Mateloy died the valuable re -
from' Chicago. on Friday morning with suits' of several weeks Of investigatioe,"
225,e00; bus, a eGin 'and, el:eared,'llght aid Crown couttsel.
on Saturday morning. ' • ' • "Yoe will hear a piece of Astonishing
The Sitekadoc came in on Katurdg evidence, ' he eontinued. "On Atiguet.
morning from Dujuth with 248,500 bus. 7th, several weeks after the murder, a
of corn and cleated, 'light, early Sunday letter was handed to Ooristable Fermi
morning. • „ soir. It was foundin a laneway two,
The FortoWildoc arrived on Munday mules "West of the ;Dodge honie. It 14
afternoon with 258 800 bus. 01 corn and hots red herring. Attach•what weight,
,eleared, light, on, Monday .evening. you like to it." _
Perch Fishing 'Still Good Plans, elieleteg, and ethotographe of
It appears that this paper was a bit the exterioe and interior of the "Dodge
"too soon" In stating lttet Week that home, some of them reconstructing the
the Perch season had ren out, The crime scene; were identified respective -
pet& were not bitingfrom Monday lv by...T. IL PattersonA. ,Paweett of
until Thursday of last week,' but on -.Exeter' and Gordon fleiereini.-
Thursday afternoon the anglers: still Liquor Purchasedat London
trying their luck off the piers began Perrin Potter, store nianaper of Lon
pulling the finny creatures 'in in great don Winery, testified to the ptirchase iby
trumbers. From then on over the •Kilpetriek on, lune 20 of ane gallon and
-two forty-ounee bottles o "Westminster
White," theapeet Cailediert wine, eos1.
ing in all $3.10. It bad a prof spirits;
content of 28 to 30 per cent., lie et-
plained, .stating it was "fairly strong
The bottleo, prodtteed at (Ms' etage,
showed thaf nearly all 'of the gallon
lug and half of one of the bottlee had
beer ,consuoted. on, the afternoon eed
'early evening o`f 3rune 20. e
Kilpotriels'e signature, on the order
slip for this wine was identified by 1
Peynerliandwriting expert of Beanie-
Georde ( eaean, Warden of Huron
being an in'ternment Oamee. Couuty, alSo identified Itileatrickos
. •
Constable Lorne Illitherford'seVid-
ence corroborated much of ()Astable-
Ferguson's. Ilesteo, told, of finding ..
everything topey-turvy in the Dodge
home. He had been Placed 'in ;charge • •
of the prisoner audefound blood on Ida
halide iand faee alid on his shirt eleeVe, ' •
"Ile twee roe teo clrenk' to roll up. .
his pent leg and show me' -hi e injured
knee.H was not too drunk to, late
his own boots. Ile triode several at-
tempts tO leave the, rooin pd I hail to -
et6P him," said witness..
'Dodge had got a glimpse of the bOdY
lying on thelloor. • '
• Is that le he burt had?'
Dodge Asked; • •
The constable said be conid get no
satisfaetion as to whof"Jini" was. No
one kheWs at that ,tinie. Dodge fetal ,
svitnese Ite codidiet renteinber 'last •
When, Constable Itutbeeford gtarted
to tell of ',conversations he had with
Dodge Mr. Curran - obJected on the
ground that lacensed had not been
The jury Was asked to retire while ,
counsel argued the poiut after the
testimony -'was given. His Lordship
et'e� iliS decision. •
There vete tattoo -1 exhibits, chiefly
of blood-stained' artielea ,Of clothing
and towels, filed during the day.
Court w'ae adjourned at !3..30 11.01
until 0.30 -Wednesday morning:
Wedneeday's *abort
The first 'witnes. Wielneeds,
morning 'wag Arthur Delerline, of
Eseter, who meld he. bad known botk
(Oontinued on page 4)