The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-10-31, Page 8Housrs OR ROO non or Clinton by officers for themselves; also -their :Ragland but intending to if suitable aceommodation quarters must be within je There are doubtless Iluron wlio never thought homes, but the presence of in the County,, and More t * dition and householders a 40e0enodation for these fa, , Any persons who can, themselves/arrange to rent for the above purposes, a wrifing, to A Gederich, for subtaissiOx t state, if a raan_and wife, wi n Goderich, Auburn, Dungan- nd men at Port Albert Airport ives and faMiliesat presextt in me to Canada for the duration an be soured, Some of the onable distanee of schoobs. lay people in the County pg, of renting any Part- of their Ittrge number of Airmen •viritb. come, has created a new con. urged to consider the matter of dies asa war questiOn. yen if at some inconvenience to he whole or part i).f theii house§ asked to forward fullpar!. WILSrf The Signal -Start the people concerned,' Please or without children, preferred, ° G. W„ SCHABFER, President oard of Trade, ' iiean church, on Sunday owing tot) anniversary SerVICVS hiPreaby- teelan church. _ • Keith Artha Ur, Weodstoek military earner* sPent Sunday witis Dire. M. Arthur. ° Mr, James, Ileury aud WaYeis: of -Galt; iDen't miss the and. Mr. Milton MeLa.ughlio, ,Of Liss auspices of ,MeGilliv towel,'Spent the weekend with. Mr. and in the lecture, reom Mrs. Chas. Seat. on 'Saturday, 11/4Tev Mr. aud Mr. Mogridge were to 5 p.m. Admiealou week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gormley ThoutPeon, of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. iDurnie. Phillips of St. Helens yisited with Mr, and eirss R. J. Phillips. on Friday. ' Annivereary ServieesseeRnex Presby, terian ellurcle Auburn, will observe its eightieth Auriversary On Suuday, NOvember 3rd9 with eerviees at ix ext Wednewiayt $OVeraber 'Op At, pen. •'n1 7,36 P.m, tend:acted by Rev, SOMUe.1.,- The,aseistant hostesses wilt be Mrs. G. iotie tea under y Alissloo 'Band Ketox eleiree Oth, from „ 3 r ^ 0 vents. 44-0 Keep in "mind the ot se supper in victoria street Uuited e reh, Xtuder the auspiceOf the W.A., o ThUrsdaY, November 7tb, from 0 to 8, dults andreu 25e. .% 424 The, Ladies' Aid of Zion church and the lied Crow or Taylor's Verner will meet et the home of Mrs. Austin Sturdy Kerr or Brussels. Special music will be given by the ehoir 'And at the even- ing serviceby the Ilensali,Ladies' Quer- 'tette. , Itis hoped there Will be a lerge, attendance At both siervieese The'VOwl SuPper.-.& iarge number attended the,rowl supper at the United church on Thursday evening, when 476 1 tickets were. sold. After the supper a high-class concert was given in , the Foresters' ' Hall by the Owen Sound Variety , goncejf ,Coinpany, lueludizig Mr. J. C. Blackstone, clarinetist, MISS- Queenie ',caning, reader, Miss Davidson, violinist, 'lir, W. R. eolquette, soloist, and 'Mrs. W. 4, Colquette, aecompanist, Death of Clinton Lansing, -Word has been received here Or •the deathof a former Hellett toweehip resident,Clins ton. A Lansing, brother' of Mrs, John ItaithbY and the late Frank 'Lansing. .„TlieTdefeasedwas nr--,--son---of•-----tho-late. David Lansing , and 'Melissa Mills, Ploeeer residents of ''Hullett townsialp. He was born near Pieten eeeenty-live years ago and came to lluliett, with his pareets and resided , on. the farra now oceapied by • Mr. •and . Mrs.- Sidney -Lensing. He attendee " No, 9 school, Hullett. In early manhood he returned to Prince Edward County, :where be worked at his trade as blacksmith, and carriage -maker until his health failed AUBURN, 'Oct. W. -Anniversary kr- pniUmenia jackets, 12 Hampton peds vices- will be leeld in Knox Presbyterian chinch the combig Sueday, November 3r4, . at 11 amis end 7.30 p.m. Ilov. .Samuel Kerr of leresesels will be guest - 'Speaker. Tbe regedaseettoir will lead. the service of praise, 041140°4°63g service, and at the evening serviee the Jlensafl Ledies" Quartette will furnielt ape -dal music; and thieeervwill hp iee-Mrse J. `W, Bonthron, also of Hensall, 12 ndixerchiefs 80 pair socks, scars, 2 pair Mitts, 2 'pair half -mitts, Mrs. James 11e,witt alai returned , • 'home after visiting relatives At Seas forth and Londesboro. • Mrs. F. Ross and Donald, attended on Thursday,' the golden weddlug cele- stratiort-of-Mreand-Mes. JameeMeNain of AmberleY, Miss Margaret, 'Ferguson,. of Park - Newton and Mrs., IC Holiness The roll Oen will be Metered with the Scrip- tural use of the Word! "hely."' Remember the rumse sale a, the t D Maple Lela Chapter*, -.E., in, Mac- Kay Ball, on Saturd , November 2,, I.O.D.E. Maple Lea Chapter rege- lar ThouthlY 'meeting will be held on Thursday,. Nov. 7th, in the „library board d.rOom at four. e'clOclise, Please a „ - eome years ago. The funeral Was held on Wednesday' afternoon and was con- ducted by , Rev. * J..:-.. F. " Reyeraft, pastor - of the United • church,: of -width- -tiles :departed,. -man.. -Wee_ _A - valued member. . The renrains guest eoloietest. Were laid to rent in Grreenwoodeemeteres . .. Norman Riordan, of Preston, spent i hill, was a week -end visitor at her pieton., Deceased. is survived by. his the week -end with his Parelitifltr- and ' tome hero. ' ` ' - - I wife, one son, Herbert, of Oshawa, and Mrs. He C. R.lortlan. , s .. I Bill. Hill, of the R.C.A.F., Trenton, one sister, Mrs: John Ralteby, Adblien. 1.. ': ,' , -- Mrs. Edgar LA, on and Bernice, "Ansel visited on Sunday with magrand* Three brothers and twosisters have. . - •Sad*•Vartert t sse/siseldihre Weir mother, Mrs. Janieso Carter. - passed on. Amongtbase attending the spent Saturdi Word. , ' Harold 'Assinith left on 'Saturday for funeral were '514ga John-Raithby, .Mrs.: • T.he local Res/ cross shipped the.folei South porcupine, where he. has secured ‘Frauk Lansing,. reir.• and Mrs. Sidney , lowing articles. to. Toronto: 16 hospital a job. •-- - _ .. Lansing, Mrs. Ed. Ball, Mts. Stanley riwne;40 pair pyjsmas,,s1 bedsjacker 7 . %%ere will be no,service In St. Mark's Johnston, Earl,and Flank Raithby, and- s ts McDougall -- Toll. - Knox United serve you personall Friday, Nov. 1st, at Miss'. M. 'R. ee'Vicar's store, 44 e - Roy MeKenz Orchestra at Kings- bridge try evening. Admis- sion 115e. 4264. Meat pie sup'will he -beide: Orange Hall, 4th ncession, Goderich Towiteltip,,esTnes _Neyseosber 50, Supper served fr 6.30-16--67-7az mission, adults , children 20e. Everybody (we' 44 The sdetode „Tessalbile ',North Brandi Red 1Society will hold A progressive e Lite party at Mr: .and Mrs. Leo Oh olm'es „kialfield. road, on. Friday ev Ing, November 8th, at .8 ...p.m. Mini ion 26e. Proceeds for Patriotic 13. 44 The War. el I° Committee of the Lions .01xit will It A binge party in the Masonie Flail the, leeening of Saturday, Noyem Oth., Door Prizes --$15 War Sla, s'• Certificates., 5c blitg#,And_Other- ga s. Proceeeds Will be Used lor-107041:" services:' Keefe the'date open. • -44 Fon Jam. Rooms, Emit keeptag. Heated honk. ..A.ddrese OFFICE. WO FURNISHED le for light house- lights, phew le t SIGNAL-STAlt 44x — 11ATATERFRON'I, ITU MODERN ' furnished cottag Water, sewer. light. Or part. 011 'LES REALE, 11206 -84th Ave., RI mond Hill, New York City. VANTM. MAID for ,ply 1 Kingston WANTED, .day sleep I Apply ' CHERRY' .;,isser• dtreet. . APPLICATIONS TWIN of Ceretels Public Library, muet to It 11TATIL, S .Noverober 8t11, 10444 et exPeriegee. CiOMPETElsiT eral housework. Alls treet. 44-tf. JrcB RAUL- BALIDWINS- apples, doinestie delivere& 3OI oodorieb, evenings. T,ANTI'I'Y OF SPY'S, •ISALOMES, Winter ado, 16e per bueliel ,SOWICRtUlt, 11.1t. 32 on 907, noon or 44.-6 Fort Kau. Plelt ANGUS BULL. TAM; R.11,. 0, t4e low 0133. S. AYLMER ,CATELLI ' . llc A & P.. 325.oz 25c WHITE -CLOVER 2 H. 23, , ;4.; 39 %-lb. b 34, e be' 'kg, ion* Cut • 20 oz 25, . . Green or Wax This -• • - • ,,.Aylmer T%rre oor Veg., 2'oi7 Tt,15 p., Color, Pectin Brad, Choice ,I.'erifentiTtrtir church manse, Auburn, was the scene or, a quiet but pretty wedding on Stittir- $t• dayNeeember , In the meet -day merning, Oetober 26thseat liege next Tues, 6 • --room-could room . furnished Write Box fle, rich.. 1 YCIU ARE, U Present -'why nol Dealer? 'Easy and Sell two hundred n teaveottee-in,exeins day trial without specials for cons 31TO, 1435 Montea 41-44 . The Women's 111 -regular meeting In MiteKay Hall on Thurpday, Nevember 7th, at 3 -p.m, Mrs. jCi. Stewart will give an Address on "SCAnadiardiatiori.” ,Areport of the dieteigt eoniention held receittlY at London will be given. * THE rosi- of the' Goderielt. bent in writhlg, tary, before tins salary' apd 43-4 ons; sAvp _nape as bed sitting ns_e; ,Of" NAL:STAR, Gode- . 441: WANTED. -T and dead for intuit f FRED_ MBE Phone 908' r for. MPLOYED AT becoiite a . jito prolitalyle work.: essities ineluding' district. •Thirty risk Diareating erse Inquire at f Montreal. Bin 01e, HORSES tleile, unlit be suitable removed promptly T, R.R. 2, Hayfield , Clintoe. Calls paid 18-tr MEM 'FAMIre7 11110C1K)STIOP"' these *rho . Were, their recent .bere *h� loaned ears butes, o'clock, when. Marjorie Laurette, elder daughter of Mr. and Mtn.' Fred W. Tell of East Wawanoih, iseeame the beide of Kennefit-3 Meflougall. of Auburn, 8011 o,f Mrs. McDougall and the late Henry McDougall, .formerly of Mount Forest. Rev. 11. C. yffilsoiA ciated.-• The -bride looked lovely in a go esbleeletriple slicer; with gold and- ite and tarried a. bouquet 1 of pink. Briar- clifte roses. She was accompanied by her parents and the bridegroonee _mother, Mrs. Toll wearing black sheer with Corsage of roses, ane Mrs. Me; Dougall gowned in royal blue :sheer with corsage Of ropes; After the cere- inony, the wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents to immediate relatives, the dining -room being decorated with pink and white streamers and white Wedding bell. The table was prettily arranged with pink and white- streamers, rose bowls of pink rosebuds and centred with the weddhie cake. Miss, Amy Tell, sister of the bride, Mies Margaret Vincent ,of West- field and Mrs, L. Hutton of Leinleebore, friends of the bride; Were assistants. For travelling Mrs. McDougall donned a black Hat And coat with Persian lamb trimmings and accessories to Match. Shealso Wore a spray of pink roses and fern. , After a short boriesenomi trip Mr. and MTS. MeDougall will reside in East WaWanosile • • • :Red Cross lifeeting.ee•A Meeting of -the Red CrOSS was held in the Foresters' Oetober 22nd, with, the presidents Mrs. Mogridge, Presiding. The ,secie- taree report showed that the following articiee'had,been 'sent to headquarters in the year eliding in September 263 pairs socks, 24 abdominal binders, 7 hot Water bag eovers,' 36 T bandages', 40, slinger28,1ce pack covers, 77 -Hanp- • bit )eads, 7 dressing. pone, 59 pairs pyjamas, *18 scarfs, 48 pairs wristlets, 6 relies 'half -mitts, 3 Pairs mitts, 11 helmets, OrPpneumoniaejackete, 16 „boss Guild - root- Mreersilmer. wili_ ave. charge of the program and tea, Will be- sierved., , The subject for the morning sermon at„the.Baptist church eget -Sunday will - be: "The !Sovereignty ,God." This will be the first in .a series on import- ant Christian 'doctrines. The ,erening*, sermon will be a: study Of "Nicodetiese • The October meeting 6-f tbe Knox church Ladies' ,Ald' WAS 'opened With,a bytio. Mrs. Newcombe read the Scrip- ture, followed by•preYercby Mrs. 3.4 B. 'MacKay. t VfePhAil gave an hair!" esting Paper ori '0Oblitese. Women." A duet by Mrs. W. Maed0flald and Mrs. N. Hill; Mrs. Fraser accompanying, was much enjoyed. ` 'Arrarigemeres were made...fee the Beard of Trade banquet on November Stle'alee for theetenivers- ary- supper. Mrs.,clutiebers closed the meeting with prayer. THE .30010B " the late Jes. ' thank their raany for the issmipath reemit .ead bereft doctors, nurses a Hospital, Bev. D P. Newman. -THE LATE MRS. Slreteselberik - all kind to ethem in ement ; also -those d "Rent tri.- ' 441 poiisimsL oArrfrA)., f,aso two so Tele -77r10es ,s-•- • TOWN 00 ,GO ERICH Take notice- that tit c.Court of nevi. - Sion or, the TOM). of '0 Ierich will bole its iirst sitting in ,the uncil Chamber` Town Hare Goderich, pr the learpoo4- hearbm a0eal8 ag bier the asses* `tOf Goderiell for on Tuesday, 8 &tie& in the d are reqUeSted .meat roll for the Tow 41j-Xl) PoCILEP the year 10404941 APPle" • ISAAC November 1940, a leiseue Car- evenings', 44x All Parties' interest to attend; if• Goderieli, Octeber,23r , ' :ems AND AARON C. Goderieh. Phone 4/ 25 OHOICE' FEEDING "eteterd and Durham; CECIL JOHNSTON: dee; phone Dungannon 44 ND -HAND sCAlt, '82 model, Pri- for euick sale. 44x FOR SAM -e- " in A.1 eonditio vote owner. Oh Phone 89 in eve r- • stwima 1114 DITION; re m.aeliiiie (We -AA -- month, $2.00. -Cash or terms. ann.. , Phone 83. ' ISAIX,-Q11101 liret-elass condition can be used for lived, for water front. BARBI= SHOPel8 W 555W.. S AND %sit* OF 3. DIMbar wish: to riendYeand neighbors shown them in their • ent; especielle the d. 613aft of Alexandra 3. Lane and Rev. W. ' s44 FARM FOR S OLM LOAM, estate of the late lot 5, concession- 5, ship of Colborne. house, also good su n -ply perionally,te A or 11.0WAR1) *pita goes, 228 gauze haedleercbiefe, 18, hed jackets, 40 pilloweasee, fece masks, 3 sweaters, 46 qeiltse V blankets, also a bale of secondshend clothing; The treaeurer gave her re- port' for the year ending in September showing: • • , RECO:VMS Big Night' Concerts ', CADAMISS Quilt A 1 A Ilk Itummage sale - Teas; • Other receipts • I, , PERFECT CON - bargain. Have your edT *dal'for fl or used .cinaehines, iliertte trade-in alloys; • Agee Singer .Store • 40tf FOR stApo.. . Parte of lots N -3ideeoneessioneetet feodetich, conteini lees. This proper chiefly with herd 'one Nock or • Wel • Also lot 28, -To Township. This I. acres of good lend bank barn:sabot* KAI*. These properties purpose of cloebag A. Cox, (leceattede further', 'MRS. sMA.BEIr Bayfield, Ontarle; _Rifts 1, Godericll,. longieg the illitin•-'stthaughan, oe the Town - Good 'barn and ir. of water; 'Ap- :.,.STRAUGHAN • In; execetoris • 44-7 'ANYTERS' T NOTIas? ' TS, 1940, MUNICIs. es THE- --- • OrTNTY OP HURON, Notice..is he complied witis Lists Act and at my office rich, on the 12 the llst -of all in the said na elections, an there for ins And IL here take immedia MATER, IN 1, any .errors or' cheap for gash, ; ", cording to "'esti, el or oil; fitted/ being the 2nd d HARRISON'S . L. Isb street; phone Clerk et t 44142-4 y given that I have time 13 or the Voters', hat I have posted up. the, Town Hell, Gede- day of October, 1940, reonssentitledeleevotes--ese icipality at municipal ats such list remains ion. e all upon all voters to, proeeeldinge to have lesion*, 'corrected ac- e last; day of 'appeal • of NOvember, 1040., KNOX,' Tevro of ' Gotterieb. s 31 and 32, in the the Townebb_eof 69 acres more or le belt/illy wooded, °oil. Will sell in essiort 9, Goderieh Consists of eighty On which stands a 50. Never failing re offered for the the estate of John deniers eppiy , to MX, R.R.'NO. 2, rid Alei3EBT 'COX, nt. • ' 44 $ 298.11 138.57 201.80 197.06 81.16 53.25 178.98 48.83 85.06 • $129242 EXPDIsTDITURES • Big Night $ 61.87 Concerts 41.26 Forwarded to 'headquarters 126.00 119.87 8.05 7.00 227.09 • 811,40 44.3 350.08 CLEARING *Peri of horse Ittenishie Ur. Exley, iSpeleen„ at street; Goderich, on ' SATURDAY, NO • Living-roone dining -r • kitchen furniture, dis All tote sold, as Mr, up housekeepiiige Te T.(1 44-5 Dances Rummage vales e Teas Wool Sewing material Other expenses Balance bn hand ' Notice' is bereby giv having any claire 'age Robert Mittehant, late Goderich, who died - 17th.' day -of Oetober, .1 to the Undereigned;4 before the 15tb, day tad after that date th SAXE , • it i Win 'proceed to sn and effects, for ot the assetis of the sa is hewer -Wilco regard- only to the el • Dated at Goderieh 31(13'1)R. gt--• '' October, A.D. 1040. h ne bedroom and B. O. HAYS, •Go , garden to011e -Solicitorfor the Este Iran eigiving , Oashe ' 1101TX514,T9 CREDITORS. 3( & SON,' .11 - Of Farms, Househol(1 late 0, A. ORIDAY, The Ivo lot 2;„ eon Townside Godericha station. A ing room, room, Palstr woodshed ee 70, House and water PIM& supply. --67 cesiien borne. Ag timber, • three; 8 with calf; InS P104 ri setter, pen or harrows, Separator, b sleigh, lon forks, it q Jeff theirs, 12 a rugs, (Ilse to all pereins the estate .of the Town of or about .the ; to send same • proven, on or October, as on execetor bete - e distribution estetehaving s Med: _ iron, tottste Is 29t11 day -01 hold artielele Tamp, Cesih, • T. '0,XJN,DIPX' Se6; ' yearook, Insplements and ects, the property of the BERTSON, M.P.P., on, ITI31BE11. 8th, at 1.80 pen. tlea- consist of 100 acres,. ion 6, of the W.D. of ',the • iColhoree, s.6 mike from one mile from MeC4aw oodfemme. honse., 'with liv- ing' room, :kitchen, wash- . 4 bed rooms, bath 'room, basement. , A bank barn, lement shed and garage.. rxelighted by lit.ydro,• and . o both. A conetant, water notes, part efiet 6,, eon- . of the ToWseshilk 440o1 - pasture farm with some- estocle--1 gelding rising. . cb tens, mooed. to be ealf; 35 hens., Implee binder, ItaY rake, 1 walk - nig Plow, gartgplow, cultl- , maoure spreader, 2 sets- . oiler, fanning mill, cream - :4, gutter, 2 wagons, bob- sleigh, trailer, iierisern, malt, of hieree-Honaelield •.dressers, tables, 'etfittees„ tique). jaedipieree, stoves,. Pictures, electric radio, ,aucl mews other house - Auctioneers. sNotiee is lier ba,ving elainlo 'Stanley James TOWlighip Of of Unroll, ,fa the eetae duly signed on or b „ November, 1940, e walnut sofa, oms,administrator tack several walnut bete the said Me; cbairs and side- sons entitled t tables - and claire only to the cla.1 Amide, iron end wood sear have had n • 0, toilet sets, linoleum not be liable fo tugs, and numerous estate so .dietrib A UCTION !SALE OP HOUSE AMIN- -"IiSINNGS nd EFFECTS. At Mrs. e sees store, Hamiltonstreet, Gal -cires2 -on Saturday, November 2n There are several antique pieces, hicludieg seven -drawee walnut ' bete fashiOned . Vft chairs, dining board, ' kitche dressers, was beds and 'spri and eongoleu other eiseful Sale • colneue Tetn15 eanb. 44 T. 013 .rmiN;11•01001.•,100,110.6;0,1owilsolemoserowisissimm*, 'BORN 011,JeNSTON.--At Alexandra .11ospital, Goderieli, October ,20th, '1040, 30 Mr, and Ore Herbert !Ortieeton; Goderich, a daughter. - • MIIDDLETONt, Alexander 110S - ratite :Goderich, .Oetober 28th, 1340,, to Mr. and We terteash leilddleton, 'Ooderich, a eon. MeDONALD.-At.,Aleiiindra Hospital, . • Goderieli, Oetober 27th, t Mr.and Mrs. IsiOriXii111 'MODenald, Goderich, $1292.82 Mrs. Lawson then took the clesie for the 'election of olfteere, which resulted as follows: Presidelite-Mrie Herb :Meg - ridge e vice-president, Mr. las. Weeds; secretary, Mrs. Fred ROSS; treasurer, 'Miss Josephine Welt; knitting commits. tee, Mrs. J. Taylor (convener), Mrs. Chas. Howson,: Mrs; -Ezekiel Phillips; hospital committee, Mrs. 11. 0.:Wileon "(Convener); Mee. Arebie Robioson, Miss Sadie Career; buyeng committee, Mrs, efogridge. -(eonveixer), , Wire. Ross, Josephine Weir; teltting cotanalttee, Mrs. Arthur (convener); Mrs. J. 'Yung - hint, etre 3. O. GlerkeMiss Mae Fergu- son; sewing. committee, Mrs. 'Gee. Dew-, eon (convener), etre, A. J. Ferguson, Met Alma Yungbitit, Miee Mae Ferree. son ; inspection comMittee, Mrs. Arthur (convenor), Mrs. Wm. betide' sr., Mrs. Clark, Mrs. ilueton, Sewing, Wae givert.out for refugee Work..? " s at 1.30 sharp. • have been reeei le11. DATtek & SON, Auctioneers Solicitor for the 44-6 eirrefireee all Persons, gainst the estate of Orser,, late- of 7 eite apOsh,, in the county. e, deceased, to pend, • ided ". to. ,the uodere re the.1-21StesdaY of fter which,date the 1 'Proceed tk,distrl- !it6 'among the per- • reto, bevine regard s ef wbieb he then lee,: and that :lie will the proceeds of the d any person of e ;share not by then • • .0'6de:ride,- 'Ware), itutieistrator. EIPIN4RIAN ANNI8 BV Sc mall Atiiinal,,Practitioner. 6 Blyth; Ont. • An Amerleares advice to after-dinner 'eppititere: "If you don't strike oil In the firet two minutes, you'd' better stop Wring.'" it 1*NTLAND.-At Alexandra 110ePital, . Gedericle Oetober.-27tii, 1040,, to Mr. , and Meg. 'Frank Pentlahd, R.R. 6, , aodeileh, a *Ilanghter.. PETRIE. ---- At Alexandra Hospital, Goderiele Oetober *26tb, 1010, to gr. end Mee. Chas. retriei Dungannon., 'A daughter. , • .**RIVO• , '11ElsIter ACIIIESON. - in London, Ontario; on Thursday, 'October 24th, 1940, at the. Chareh Of 'Sts johe the Evengeliet, by 'the Bev. T. J. Finlay; Nferyf,detighter of Mr. ,euid -,..‘Mts. It. J.. A.eliteon of Godeticli, Ontario, to John Stitert nenre, 11.0. A,.F., sou of Mr. and Mis. Stuart M. Henry of Toronto, Ont. • 10110 Fs,r (ltANSTON.-At Alexandra elospitel, Godericlie Oetober 29th, 1940, Infant daughter of Mr. and MrSe Herbert Craostort. ACTIVE $ Detente i *Netted by t Have L den with t ' dense. . Imogene 3 litamilton VIM AND 1101WE Canada is net VET preeient war Clam* NOW - Inettrant* rretee- pre** Moil ever Cannibal Islands inhlS kindest tones, "wAs. your buoness before you were captured by my men at was a terra- paPerman,” answered the captive.. 'An editor?" "No, merely ..an assistant editor." "Cheer Up; young man', Pro- motion awaito you. Ater dinner ,yOU .shall be editor-in-ebier t" • 1'0R SALE. Sundriee, • etc plain, Sealed wr retail. Write -to NOV-ROBBEIt Ont, ROBBER GOODS, mailed postpaid in per. t, ti0% less than eil-arder tatalogile. BoX 91, Thinallten, 08-45 .11tMOir 00 • The next , Huron Nun '! held. in the Gout bus Meneing on. 12th, 194% .Afl-aceo'' • pitations .requiring t ,Council shout ‘-of the ,Coun ,.than Saturd 40ae lay•comm. niteaip.g7 of the- 'Cobneil.• will be mien Chambers, Goderich, eon. esciax, Noymber , • le notices of de - other bines etteritiOn. : of be in the hands Clerk not 4af,er November 9th, / 1).ti311g.--Itt Colborne teeenehip, be Fri- day, Oetober 25th,- Mary Ann .Bogie, widow of the late John T. Park, of Agincourt, Ont.., in her goat $ottr. . • . V IitSMORIIAM, . ItEADCE.----4n lovi Memory of Our deaf snother,l#T_ . 'hate Beadle, who e pieseed away N' ber 3r41, 1936. ' Davi of esattetele 0 tome o'er us, Tears in ellenee tee flow; For mbniory eteepe Though you pa *SO. ssetver pelt101:04 fatelly. Ott over rieer xis asvae fOur year's, by hisbaesi and •.44 HAVE YOU rautti • MAY Introducing a new COMORE BR.IQUIC .are the beat you ever' or Canntore Brio. Pocahontas `4 Alberta, Ogg $ :Anthracite, P Slack Why Pity *or. IlUCKINS