The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-10-31, Page 6SilEPPARDTON !USW). JOJAAt011 and Mre. FranV 4 • kin.% lu 'charge of the> gifts was Mise Oet. awl! leene Feater ainl of the trouseeau Mrs. Atm liarry Ledwr 0 t mitiod wert Norval Anderson, sisters a the bride- Sanday, viaitore at the home of alra, (q•cet* A. °Orden, FitbdOEFitt1' 2i terest to jar. a,ne atre wet, nogie. sa.n. „many friends, was ,t;hp quiet wedding aitY with M. awl Mira. W. Cook, Lee- whieh took ailace at the tome of burn, ' I Agnes V. Foster, Aaltiteld, et 11, o'elock. Mr. and airs. Geo. West.of Midland Satuaday, October gO, when her 41augli- 'Were Sunday visitors with Mr.:and ter. Mabel Elizabeth, became the bride Ates. T. Bogie. of John Tyrie Pitblado, Ottly sou of air. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bogie and fam- and Mi'. John T. Piablade of 'Colborue of Auburn, vi9ited 931 Sunday with township. ,litev. A; A. Malionea of Mr. W.aaaagte„, Lueireow officiated. TO the strains of lete-Umillgial 'Shower...el-0'n Tuesday the Bridal 'Chorus filen Lohengrin, evening,. October 22, about tweutypaye pla,yed *Las Mary Daviama, Ilrusselse Mends gathered at •tlie home Da aftsses the bride entered, the, livbag-roora On' Margaret, 'and Marlon Feater, where 4 , the arra Of her -brother, Ralph roster. *Iteben' shoWer WaS hela in honor of ;,She 'w„a$ beeonlizIOY goulacd • icaist$ whoSe Maria:age rose Silk net, ovet tAffeta, ber finger-tip, ' to MroClifferd gilpatrialt took, place on E' vell falling from a iloralaitalo, tied ear. plaYine Chinese chokers, after which a laird rosea. The bridesmaid, Mies *Irene „ • , • ' s ut ried a cascade bouquet 'of. Lestrit Illb- SaturilaY. The evening waspe in - baSketeef• gifts .was presented to Asa. Foster, sister of tile bride, wore ttit. GODElabtailt TOWNSHIP" Oct 09 — 11.4111.. • TAP; GODERICH SIGNAL,ST M Killed PORT 'ALBERT , visited at tbk )101.04 a her cousiee, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell, Mr. and MrS, WA. Me/Powell and Miss Mildred 'Thornton were Wia4luira visitors on Saturd4/. • Mr. Bert TaylOr was busy last week inAtting the, cement foundation under his bowie. Mrs. Phoebe 'Taylor of 13lyth is visit- ing at the home, of her daughter, Ur's. Albert Walsh, and with other friends. Misses Minnie and Elsie Snell ef Lonaoll spent tleleveek-end with Mr. and Mrs. j. L. RaDo7tfall, Mlad Mas. W. A. Campbell and sou I)onald visited: ever ,the ',week -end at Xhe hon/ke. of their daughter, Mrs, Arthur SPlegelberg of Kitchener, Mrs., J. D. Maley and Mra. J. E. ef MoieSwerth spent part of' last week at Ms v Ellie" home here. OODERICII TONVIstalir miss paqieee,few wages qUoise net over taffeta with wine velvet • • • thanked her friends for the many use. accessories and a corsage of Peerless, 111*" and 31113' 'HarveYa .1c.1111er acc41111" gifta, dainty -bans -II Was 'eeloyed red roSeS. e' Murray laernighan, Palled, the thheral of Mrs. Fuller's by all. The" evening was TOrOPAQ3 was groomsMan. During the aunt, Mrs. Dark, 'to Agincourt on Sun- " on Itrusselaa 'sang "Because.' • Follow- , ,NUSS ...Ulna Jennings and Mrs. G. Har - -wish the shrgiag of The Natiattai signiag, of the register; aliss Edna Davi- I daY, ' , • Anthem. . , larousSeati Tea,.--)irs. Agnes V. ing the ceremony, a buffet luncheon Nvasi, ,‘„, , Weod attended. the concert given by the euioYed by the glleStS^ littils Ell4abe''', s' Orpheus Ohoir,of Stratford in Goderich .britlea Prgaid•adaa5-,1-0e-Priday eveningrea - '- --- ja - -- ---at-aatronsaeaartearron Wedeesday aatere-,*Fosterieaunt. ofathe London. Traffic Officer Culp, Who in eteea efelace, 4.And 'win Ilse conducted by Foster entertained About sixty guests ' 'noon, and evening, October• -23-, iii houor• the tea -table. and Misses Margaret and : .Mr. Tia0S. Edward a London spent Yeatigated,asaida*the-tralleraeuallaker'-a- nee wee--aaewaeae; - , -- -- - - ..----- . of her, daughter, Mabel Elizabeth, ! Itaridn Foster and Mrs., 'Clayton Fo.ster the weeleena with Vrs. Jas. Colwell.. ear had no light.' Baker waa literullY ' Corperal 31orriSCraWfOrd•'bf geraara, Catharines, took plaCe ma Saturday. wedding Mrs. Foater- chose British blue! and Mrs Ed. Speiran were in London statinned- at • Petawawa, and ErneSt. ' whose 'marriage to Jobn T. Pitblado, se ' assisted in aervieg. For her daughter's Mr. and Mrs. Percy .Speiran, Eric Pickering and Latta -Jumped to safety Crawford,' crushed to.' death by the imPact, but g I , arpaca crepe: Mrs. Pitblado chose navy recently visiting/Mrs. Ed. 'Speiran; who Just in time. Mr: and Mtg. Patterson aexpplate mechanical -engin-. _ shs; gives pillars eves_on, 014)14e -during ' satin back crepe. Both. wore corsages is in-hospital there. ' e p with i f dal laeerations eei• also of Kenora, Stationed at St. tile. day. Presiding at tile, tea* table, ' Of- 'la ism. u ro, s. Mr. 'and Miss,- ons Fifthly; sove-iiirrg----a . -number of amIss_hosis,..., .., . s. ,, . - _ .. Thoinas, called On aelatives in the cora- 1 - k 'tie tiers su Orted . whieh was PrettY with Plait, white and Pitblado left on a short trip to points friends gathered at the home of Mr.' An inqueSt, Ordered bi 'Coroner Dr. reeerei of -jiiseph Dunbar.—The tmunity on Saturdaylaat.: ' ' be fixed Baker aeaseeaeteoe it funekal of the late ;Tosepb. Dunbar, who I " kilted when struck by- a 01' Y01111g all near Grand Bend rola ALBURT, ()et, raitliur • Bennett of tillicago and Mrs. Edna Joseph Baker Orusb.ed to Death while Making Adjustments on Highway rentlana of Port 'Iluvon were tacen visitors with aelatives in the. commun- ity. Mrs. Clifford era.wford and baby, da.ughterAnn sieved recently tO lug secure the attaclunenits of a trailer CI h where they will spend tile whiter Menthe 'With her another and While standing en the highway' mak- to hia ear, JosePh 'Baker, Youksig,,StePba_en • sisters there. township 'farmer, Was struck from utl* A barn -raising waa field last Satute hind by a ear drieeneby Itay Patterson, day aftemnien, at Mr. *James Young'a, at Grana Bend, awl fatally injured. where he • ie erecting a new barn. Baker's peek was broken and aila Tiventy-six Men were present. , fractured. He 'Wed only a few inanutes. The wild geese are very' acaree in the The accident occUrred on highway district as yet and. .probably. will be so with all these planes flying high and low over the country. . The A.T.P.A. presented their Plan *•Tlie Black Derby," on Tuesday evening of last 'vveek in 'Brussels Town Hall, No. 81, one• and a -quarter pities east a Grand Bend, at CO last Saturday night. Baker an two companions, Pickering peorge Latta, had been and -were returning e borr-owed Cutting- Well over ZOO attended the fowl Supper, and play. • , „ engaged during Saturday at silo -filling box to 'Grand Bend. En route the Im- provised trailer beating the eutting-boX became loose and the three men alighted to make repairs. They were engaged in so doing when Mr. Patterson with his wife, vvliona he had. married just that day, came Along, returning from •••• ••••••••.••••••••1011100411.1. 001(pl-41t, 310,1440 We have troubles machine troubles and fact that is our busin a own, but we can take over your ey will not add to our worries. In to MACHINERY lig the parts to us; we will do the hen you want it. Stf)- kes IVIA9HINIST jr,Frank 'Willis> fell 04, the cement floor in his barn white he was engaged In fixing a root pen., 'He' was laid up for several days laet week. with a badly bruised hap. Oommuniem service will be held in the 'United church. next Sunday afternoon' s - si • Ha v me. north and east, the bride travelling in a and Mrs. Wm. Westlake and celebrated , P. -O'Dwyer of Zurieh, has been ad- • Gee, Mrs. G. H. Green and "Mrs. W. E. 1 tiiraffir FisqlarimPortett-trieotint's41121-ek shs shssiss--ss if-ssrs-mse-s-ttiwasurtiaa3,71J0 assas _ - SW-sniirass-Wes., - • _ _ . . Foster. They Were assisted ' by Miss accessories and twin silver fox .furs. The men. along the 4th,concession are leaves a wife, and one sm- Bettv Foster, Mrs. Clayton Pater, airs. I On their return they will reside at AI busy this week putting in'asnew brTWAT HOLLYWOOD idge. Street, St. Vatharines- Mr. and Mrs, John Blair have sone to - Her Re Relief for 1, 0 4. . ' . ti A, 11). WESTFIELD oct. 29.—A number oc - I supper and concert at Auburn on Ihurs, mon from I day evening and re -port a good time. 5th thapter of Exodus, "Let my people 1 Mrs. Norman MeDowell was a recent gv." . r 1 visitor at the home of her sister, M. Dies in Michigan.—Miss Alma Jen - 1 Carl Deans of Whighara. ' flings received word on Menday of tbe i-Vans's:fines; whereshe-hasssecureS work. wood of Brown City, _Michigan. Dr. Mr. Norman Rodger has gone to St. death of her uncle, Dr. Thomas Pack- -Goderich for the winter, Mr. James WESTFIELD Blair being in poor health. Rev. Dr. J. H. Barnett of Goderich cupieil the pulpit. at Union church on fr t'his vicinits' attended- the fowl Sunday, preaching an interesting Ser- . pari: - t • By Peggy McEvoy A 'Hollywood pogul who bas never „Newman, eonducted the seavices. The •Ite has manaeed 'pallbearersewere james Tailing, David car beside the United church, on . a ur- day evening, October 3.9th, was held, on Friday *afternoon -last-from the home of his sistera'airs., Harry Ledn,or, Reg. •D J. Lane, of Goderith, and Rev:' W. earn, niaay by signing hie checks with two Martin; John (Iliad, George Richaral4 called him re- S011 Harry and Will Hawkins. Burial 111 f thecrosses. His banker • • - cently. "How about this check, here, took piece in Port 'Albert cemetery. If' s got three cros.ses?" . CILOtt- ORY- , sl , SPIlow much better I -pisillPOSE1 you, feel -when MEDICINE ,sou clear nose of 1.' transient conges4 Araetroanoll ' portant thingh: membranes; (2) soothes irritation; ) helps Rush na- sal passages, cl clogging mucus, relievingtransien.t ngestion.It makes tion at bedtime *I Va-tro-nol does (1) shrinks swoll Having noticed recently a state- Packwood had undergoue a serious ment from Auburn that it was a rare operation in Flint hospital the week thing to see robins around at, this time previous,'but appear • o ra y after - of year, your WestfieldSreporter wonld wards. On December 26, 1904, be mar like Co make note of the fact that we riellsPriscilla Marion Jennings, young-. ave . f year est daughter ot the late Richard and at this time. as well as a nuniter of Mary Ann Prouse Jennings, who sr vivesS with one' daughter, Mrs. Virgil other kinds of 'biras. The' feats on the R. Hassler, of 'Washington, D.C. An - mountain ash berries.•'It as gist within • breathing_ easier, vites sleep. the last few days that they ., have other daughter, Jean; died in 1919. He T4'. cold *luta- ,Ts's ' • ss pr.sneeze helPs "MOM s . STW,t1t 1f1,4 week" wIth her sister, Mrs. Jos. Dawson of Preston. Mrs. Annie. , Steepe of Bemniller and Mrs. Alberta Pis ....... (;.,:don . veopinz. ,,„ A1110 -11s4 mi,„ Fr„„,,,.. cr,ii„ '._1 -of Lomlon Harrison of Saltfo'id are sistees-in-law aaaaaaar"mali"'1","'"aaraa•''=wa""'`""1"1"'"‘"•"""'"'" held. on ,Wednesday at BrOvsts City cemetery. • migrated.. . . is survived also by one, grandchild, ens, Va-fro-nol usedatfirst Sniffle / -, Mrs. jasper . McBrien of Goderich Tommy Hassler, and one nephew, Mr. of the deceased. The funeral will be BrightepsiroUr Fui Brightens, . • just a few drops on, a d ness, marks, etc. Pp • 'dtk, leaving no sticky film ture d an* .name • clat; removes'duli- es quickly hard and catgh the dust. Lea The doctor was vigiting Rastua' wife to deliver her twelfth offspring. Riding • along with Rastaa, he saW a duck in the road. The doctor Asked': "Whose duck is that'?" ,S* 'At ain't no duck, doctuh," said Rastas. " a stork wid his legs wore off." 'Good-bye Summer, good-bye, good-bye, is I happened to be at the dentist's that Pi& sorry I missed you, but this,, You came, you remember, withont morning. • warning; • why— • 0, • . • L. • - 1111, • 01P,TU,ANY MRS, J pox TWA:Nat/EY" Mrs. John Twaitileaia mother of Lieut. Bruce ' Twariaey, Middlesex -Huron Regiment, passed away iter bone ha: Elnia township, Perth county, on Tiles - day, :October 22nd, in her seventy-fourth ;veer. She had been a. senai-invalid:fer several ,yearA butaUlatnta Wed „e lively andelleerfill, Interest in, her family', her home life and her surreundinga. Born lie,Ehna townsbiP, she h,ad 'lived, there all' her life with the exception of twenty fur years spent in ,ListoWel, Sh,e was a: member ,of the Chureh ,ef Engiand. ISurvivineare her husband, five eons, and two da,ughtersa WUIThrn Twamley, Stratford; Miss ,Erauces ,IlavaaPala-aat-at, *nate aalProldeanear,- Ps"" towel, >George, At home ; Bert, Of •Thn- mins; Mrs; Harold Burrows, of Harris - ton, and Briace, of 'Goderleh, The funeral was -held from the family residence,on Friday last, with a•publie service OnTist church and interment in 'Fairview cemetet . Rev. 'Herbert Nay•lor 'officiated, an the pallbearers were the five sons and the son-in-laW. • W. E. FQRBBS aaly wife has social ambitions," ex- ,Last rites for Wesley Ealvviu Farbes, plained • the moeul. "She thinks I 286 'Geneva avenue, prominent business • PENMILLEI. should have a middle name." man, Mason and Rotarian,- were held at BENMILLDR, Oct. 20. -1 -Miss Irene Hill and Miss B. Straughan spent the week-endlia-Terentaa — -•- • Mrs, Jervis and Mary, of Holinesvalle, "Sure—he's a good • egg," agreed, •Floyd.. . spent Sunday with Mrs. Walters and Buster. ••I had Mill last.year•."- , -s . T • • . 4, _......_ Mr. and Mrs. C. A., Vanstonvvisited • C. Fields bought a ranch in Cali- ' with Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Steverby,aGode- fornia, gave'orders that before he set , rich township, on Sunday. ' foot on the place he Wanted' it con2plete- Mr. and, Mrs. Weason and. Mi. and Mrs.*R. afillion and 'fa,mily, .of 'Stafford? V planted with everything full grown— -dile; 'spent the week -end with Mr. and no waiting around for nature to do her - stuff. 1 : On Wednesday eVening the ' Nile 1Vars. R. Moore I The day of his initial visit,. he in young people invited the Benmiller Y. duced Director Gregor- LeCava to ac- company him. ,i.Everything waa Just as P.U. to their meeting and social thne. The p.enmiller young people topducted the comedian ordered. The, groves were 4)aprt,hig. oranges. and lemolls,. the the devotional period, while Nile •enter- floWers were in. full bloom.' • tained with games. and lunch. A good time -was enjoyed: The foreman conducting them 'around 1.' On Monday evening the BenmillefiY. led them finally to the rose, garden. The t P.U.-held• a nalloWe'en,-, social in the reses-sweressarilys-in---budisss-Scowling t . atiren. Abbitstwenty-one were spr fiercely, Fields stalked through the rose. bushes, sltishingsst them with his cane, sent and all repok a, fine time. "- Anniversary Services will. be con - barking : ,--,13loonis damn you, bloom!" . , _•; dsuuentdeady.,inNoBeveranmbeillrer3. II.R,enitedv. Ac.linsrincheitanr Mae West, who writes her own sereen of .Blsst,la will. be the 'speaker. Special plays,. handed her -produeer the Script- music will be furnished by the local for a picture co-starring Victor' Mc- choir at the morning service, and in Lag -len and herself. The producer read the evening the' Holniesville ehoir will it and went sereaining to the telephone. - contribute the music. The soloists for ••Mae!" he: wailed. , **.You've killed', the morning service Will be Mr, IS. j, off your co-star in The second reel' You .1trown of Crediton And krs. Priest ,of can't do that'" , s.s . , Colborne. A special appeal la rctade `Why not?" asked She in deadly (mita. • , • • - alles your eo-star !" he shouted again, "All great anthers let their prin- cipals live longer than .that. Why even in Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare let. Romeo Jive until the last act." ' HOLMESVILDE, Oct 29.—Mr. Bill -.Yeah?" drawled Mae. ,IVell, Shake- Herbert,", of, Iferritton, Was renewing 3 e'clock • Monday .afternoon • in the •"Hew doeyou-like-your-uew fa-ther?"- CroOyeafeetnery, at 13808 asked Buster of his pal. Woodward avenue. Itev.- Adatas "On, he's all right, I guess." of ' Palnaer Park Presbyterian church officiated, the services being conducted under 'the- auspices -of Highland, Park Commandery No. 58, Knights Templar. Burial, was in _Acacia park cemetery. •' 'Forbes died suddenly on Fild'al While'engaged' on a building isnsiect at 2330 'Vinewood. "He was born -June 14, 1883, in illyde Parki-Ont, and had lived in Bighland Park for twenty. -four yeers. He wtie in businessfor •himself as' an electrical engineer. In addation -to beingaa Member of the High- land Park Commandery, he belonged. to Highland Park '1.1odge-cl•To. 468, "F. & A.M.; Highland Park Ohapter No. 160, EMM.; 'MoslemaTenipleaShrine and the Highland Park Rotary Club. •. , •• _Surviving are his, Wife,' jenny ; three-, daughters, Mrs.- 'Geo. •Kirsch, .• Oharies Rose and Mable Forbes; and, two sons, Robert -P. and 'Jack Forbes. o for ta400 to clear 'off the debt, on the •church. HOLMESVILLE • spare liad, his technique and I have old acquaintances here on Sunday. mine." , , week -end Visitors with the latter's par - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce were - To the. fourteen -year-old son of a eats', Mr. and airs. Thos. Anderson, friend, Hedy Lamarr gave her photo- Mafeking. ° graphi and -signed it "To Johnny, with Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Cud- love:'1 Later, when Hedy visited her. .more on 'Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. friend the picture had gone from Jelin- Sydney Brown, Crediton, and Miss Beta ny's room. Hedy was surprised. The Cudmore, Kincardine• ., - s . • apologetic raother explained : "I've only The many friends of Mrs. Fred Ilop-' just found out that Johnny rented your kins are very ' sorry le learn she els picture for $2 over Zundayeteeanother seribusly ill at her home here. boy called Johnny." UM Cross Social —A number of thoge" t, r ,, —The Reader's Digest. interested gathered on Friday evening ,e, ., at the home of mi. and, Mr. E. A. Yeo, Well Reasoned where a social. for the benefit of the. "Well, my 'dear," said; he, as he was Red Cross> was held. After a business dressing. "I s'pose you were right .meeting in charge a the president, Mrs. when you told me last night that there Yeo, a few hours were enjoyably passed were burglars in the house." • 'playing'various games. Aftex a sumptu- "Why ?" ' ' " . . ous Innen /musical -numbers were con-, "Because all the money that was in tributed. It is to be hoped that larger my pocket who), I went to bed is gone. groups will be able to attend the future "Well, if you'd been brave and got Red Cross socials and so lend support to upand shot. the wretch you'd have had this .worthy cause. your money this morning." ' w • ..,.. .„ been e widower." . ' come off eaaily?" Coametics Clerk -- 'Girl CUstomer--`1)oes, this lipstick • "Possibly, but . then 1 ghould have She gave him back half of the money.: `Not if you put up a good fight!" EAST OT: • axasaaleameemia, thought of tbankegiving and praiSe, Mrs.• Donald Meckende read 0, paper *4Thanic$,Iiving to God" 41nd Miss. Sadie Vanish an apeount of the rife or Dr, Margaret (Mara, Mrs, Louis, Taylor read a Poem, ''',Ale -as Nanle," and Mrs. Franoey a poem, 'Thanksgiving," -composed by Mr; Wllilaxn Rockingham, Mrs, John Roes led in praYee. alembers were urged -te send in thesaltseriptions to Glad tidings as XbOi. as possible to Visg MayMe Joameton. The meeting waa eloaied with prayer by Mrs, SameS Macdonald, after which the hostess served a dainty lunch. • • The foregoing is from The Highland Parker, el allighland Park, Mich., of October 24th. Mrs. Forbes was Rainer - 13a of 'Godericla-aaliss Jenny Proudfoot, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J. M. Proud - foot, who were/residents thig town for many years. ST. IIELEN ST. HELENS, Oct. -,Rev. G. A. Barnard, Mrs. Barnard and 3.disw Win- nie are spending the. Week with Rev. John and Mas. Barnard near Sarnia. The Y.P.U. of the United church met Sunday night with Mr. Rice, the presi- dent, in eharge. Mr. 'Earl Durnin gaae an interesting account of the life and work of James Evans from "Birch Bark Talking." Dorothy sfiller also gave an article on James Evans. • Visitors in the corandunity included. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hynes and Miss Mary Wallace of Walkerton with 'Mr. and Mrs,'W. A, Miller; Misses Mary and Elizabeth Salkeld ef Goderleh, Mr. john Salkeld 'of 'Gerald,Sask., and Mr. _Ernest Salkeld of Vancouve03..C., with Mrs. Gordon. - Miss Florence INIcQuillinvIt.N., of .they Winghani hospital • staff, is making favorable recovery after an appendix operation in the hospital last Thursday. •Frank, MeQuillin. and Allan Miller, who represented tae Lucknow Swine Olub in the inter club contest lieldat Guelph on Friday, were Successful in winning '• eighth• prize., There were nineteen entries in this dass from all over Ontario. Huron-iCounty Wong. also: . won ninth and twelfth prizes, Elk Think of a fuel 'that burns evenl)?, dependably and economic. ' ally youp' home with a healthful, Uniform warmth, and giving you a11 -rind heating, ilatisfaetion 'that makes it t,he 'greatest heating value money an buy. .Phone for a ton of "blue coal today., .'Ask also about the new, low cost 'blue goal! Automatic Heat tegulator which,keeps your home, at a steady, even temperature stight and day., Saves fuel too l ,.„ Could Not Oa- a Sleep Becaus Wife—John,. la It true -that money 4 talks? • Husband—So they say, detIP • Valfe---Wellal_wiah. you'd leaVe me a little to talk toaduring the day, get so lonely. a Barber (shaving a customer) you have anything on yoUr face when I've finished? [Customer : don't know, but I hope you'll at least leave ray nese. • • Also ' ,Suffered With Stomach • Pains, Gastritis.,, Acidity, Dizky Spells and Headaches. , "Feels : rine Now," - • • All. around US Ltre grateful men and women who have taken Syetona and found it to 1)e Just what they needed to pnt new energy i11. their rundown systems -and to relieve &minion ailments, of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, Syntena prodtices these resnits by cleansing the aystem of exeess acids awl polkonons WUSte Matter 'and by i roinoting proper 'assimilation of food O hand strong, healthy nerves and ,. ottgb.jklies. The following report of Mr.4',2%lilliam Shearer, 448 Victoria, street, London, Ontario, is a typical, "4a , ifil 1 4 .or years I hardlykneW What it was to get .4, t)' d.o5),,-, hight"g sleep, because I had to rlior-So, often to relieve my kid- , It(' f ruanni(locillf.!1(d:Siab•e'aet°oinnteaelli7,1tIootsitewravamirr it.„71 f diso*red condition and I suffered' let' e eto,0''every meal with awful pains, sas 1111) 1 ,s01.1.4 heartburn. 'Gas would kiln and 11„' crordi.jsrio my chest so badlY I could It' -hardiVdraW a ftill breath, and there ur alwayo seemed to he A Imp in my °,,'''' throat, 1 an fufbjeet. to (lfzZy gpelh3 tm• and at ac of negfalgia in my head ;that w ta.t0t days, • ee' l'illt' illiatd at 0 many so-calli4 cures benefits ,titt.kt i bad bee°J -'iU I, awl I may never have ediSynt , had it not. been, that my- .if4 itoitt me three bottles and got It i tartpl) taking it. Weii, that was do t TIIE J. B. MUST RD COAL CO. RRLIHEth C ON GODERICH Xbonr 01S 11 14 OS * • 4*▪ $.20 +CKCO• TOW 0000 0.0“ Night's of 'Weak Kidneys ASHigirLD WAS. Meeting.—The October meet- ing Of the W.M.S., was ,held last week atthe home of Mrs. John MacRae, with the president, Mrs. Earl Howes, in charge. ' After the opening Psalm, Mrs. SIMI/Sell led in prayer. Miss Mary' MacLean read the 'Scripture lesson and • eommeet. *The roll tau was answered with verses of Scripture containing the- . ,Pimpiis Kill --- any al Romance %is lives 'ofrliany yongiple 117thIlleadtreoulll:leeioileotbysoili:uchbreakingiart, out o1lea Ori, the face. • cal pain, but it ia the mental suffer- ing caused b tlaa embarrassing die- liguremed of t1C face which very tiften Makes tteu.fforer ashamed to go out in comp The 'quickest ay to get rid, ,of pimples is to .* prove the general heath by a though e,leansing of pis blood of its purities. • Burdock Moo Bitters ,cleans and .pmilies the lood — Get rid of pimple. by B.B.B. • 741111:0144 Tema* Oat. cEmEir rKY MORI LS Of modern designs- lV ial and Workma thifp,a..ter. Cunningham & Pryde 1 'EXETEg SEAV Phone 44 .Tuesday & atnrday .Funeral Director• , All calls promp day o :77,4MBIJLANCE11 Phones: Store 3'16 Hamilton Str Mit. WILLIAM SIIPARBit pr to fo nest present 1 ever got, for before d finished the arat bottle I wan IS better. Now, after taking a few hottle 1 eau nleep the, whole through, for the firat time in I got relief from those awful aches, and dizzy t4el1s and my aeh deenn't trouble me like it u9ed *gy friondl remark about the anent in my health and I am glad y that Syntona, has done all this you live in,tioderich or vicinity Campbell's• Drug Store and get f s treatment of Syntona. It helped hundreda here and may same tar tem eeler. d EMbilmet attended to ight • SERVICE— , Res. 355W, t, Goderich • . . . , MonArn ts! To those co plating build- ing a lilonnun t . . Get My prices before yin,. Cemetery Lettering a alty, .' '• All. work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT: CLINTON- - -- ----1-' :- & 'iLE' . - -,:— • TE WORKS - Clinton 7 , Ontario , Successor:0! Ball &..Zapfe Amivirm:rairmelorissuimmommlrommemmeamrimoismaz t 1 ss A BROP EY S •FUNERA SERVICE (Establis 1875) TRADITIONAL SINCERIT AND „ EXPERIENCE • Pr pt • . Ambu!an4 Service Plum A20 * rit,cyyD M. L DGE, Director oimmillsoralii4sarerniririonmarlimovionft. Syrnpat tie an • SI. nceeService Dig.111111e1, b4 1..ot Expensive E. E C PIINER 244iour iniv "11 Yentreal, t,1 ANSTON -HOKE d Car S011ite " Phone 399 As the dark evenings dos your FltANK orter Britannia and Ba AN EX properly. Tdaced turns dar • Let uslook over your h We will do the work an in, our h.omes needmore.light. RA. LAM? es into brightness. • e, oilice or• place of business. supply everything electric, to-, satisfaction. eARTI1Ult Road •Phone 82 • 01 ••