The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-10-31, Page 1„tett
Combining The Goderieh Signal and The GoderickStar
it.A.E.Men rrive I
at r A. Airport,I
MexitfOlit All Paxts of Britain
to Act. as Distracters.
at Air &hod
wearh'but etteerfol and With
ebins allt 209 otheets and 'men et the
rieblq` sneelal teitie. at 8 o'clottle last
Saturday men:ling end nott• are sta.
tioned at Port Albeit "Airsttrarigittlen
$011001, - 'Where the areto aet as int
,atrueters in the various binnehee Of
avlatioll training !leder the •Conamen-
Wealth Plan,
The -4014,-,Countttt •• airmen,- inoatlY,
,leretandS loatritetore„ eoniptise beth
-volenteerit and enlieted men. ;Some,
have had three years' service with the
•14-4.V., having volunteered before the
Outbreak of watettSoMe have seen ger-
Jim in „Frame anti Belgium.s Some
were ,at -Dunkirk anda have thrilling
teles to tell.•
putny. ountieg of Old , *g
Englishmen seeakingf lirland, Scots-
;nen, Weitilinieu and rishmen, tnese
'airmen- haveictf reeentmonths been en-
gaged an a raining entton ,the west
'Oust 'of Ithielluld., There are navigat-
e, air gunner,, bombes, observers and
iestritetorti in aeranautice _generaliss
narticidarly night dying, for which the
Pert Albert achoot is sPecially designed.
'These men: from tbe with
ethers who ere to'irriiie, will form the
trelning personnel titeetigh Whose hands
thousands of students ,of the ,aviation
eeteice are to Pasit,..* the fattbeolning
.months and, if neanasary, seats. The
• Ceninamtwealth Plan'eaIls for tire
-graiduatimr-of-eittetheesaed per month,
from all Canada. '
MRve at `.46itikatlatiS Dititarteee' •
The 'men seemectat little bewildered
on their Arrival. ;They had, been two
Weeks. on theft, wayi but svelte:Of the
. train journey from a'StlAwrenee port
to Onderielr as theattosetrylng part of
their trips They totterilled at the great
diatences in this. coUtttrY When told that
taett Were 'far ,,front. being halfway
aero se Canada; • Itiftits..a beentifid dear
and they , were agreeably surprised;
they had been warnd,, they Said, to ex -
Ted eold and anew; '
••The visitors weietiiet at the 0.N.R.
-tftation bY-a fleet of RaCtAtP. motor
transpotts-and whiIed away to the
airport. Abet 'nrealrfttet they made a
survey of the ground, Watching variouo.
operations,`; of ,eonetructien, and
pealed somewhat eUeaptical when told
that entstrnetion tit the Airport had
been commeiicedietkthan.three menthe
Ago. tOtentiteed fer.the beet* of he
day, thetttiteten tattle 0 telerich-for
the afterectin and tevennag and -some
"bive "ghee . been .dallYs 'visitors- They
met telth Matittpeeple from :the gld
Land - aualaanadiarts generally.
• Ilesieed BeeePtlen
They are greatly,: pleased with the•
., reception they itave'neett 'gtveu and te-
peateditt eomment ell the: absence - of
•class distinetion in Canada and the
- tease withs, waitch Canadians Make
friends. They Were taken tate the
lot •
homes �f Goderteli to partake of Itteakt;
and some Were treated to automobile
tides for 41Statiees Up to oThe_hundred
miles. On turelatt 'Many. ' attended
/divine worship In the various ehnrches.
glare” high praise to the bospitality.
Of atiodetieh people. . •
Expressing a, wish that they shoeld
not be quoted, some of tilte newcomers
eipressed,a Akan* to bting, their wives
and familipes tater and establish .homea
In Canada. They asked the pike of
lionteii and of. autornoltilee and, .said
they wanted tottee the entintrit Niagara
ranS waismostsoften-reentioatea,
gave the name of in Canada
who live almost as far away fromlGode-
* licit as is tliefr native land. A fe*,
4nave relatives in, (' Western Ontario
• OAR 01;FX=
Au automobiles at drst thought ! to
have been stolen from South:street 04
Saturday night last Was found on Mait-
land 'read on Tuesday, -afternoon, un-,
harined. When the diecoVerY was re-
rted to the tweet', ft construction
'company executive, be scratched,hie
head' and grinned Sheeplebly. It 300
struck him that he might have left, the
car there and coil* home in another, or
walked home, thus eenfirMing the first
:suitpleione of 'fiergeaat Ross And Traffic
(41leer !Culp., Tile owner had (=lied
the entire town' in astaxi in search of
the eat and advertieect bis 10$S on the
radio before iv woman telephoned to
mtlice that all abandonedearwas ob-
Strueting her 'View -ft -Joni a \vindavir and
asked that .the matt4 be 'Waked into.
, AIRMEN AT rmusii *ma,
of St. George's Anglican
ehtireb, were hosts to over fifty airmen
from Sky Harbor and Port Albert aira
Polt$at an entertaltonent held in the
parish hall on 'Wednesday evening. Alt
together over ontenttadred young people
took 'part in the Program of games, con-
tests and doming. The hall was color-
fully, decorated tvlthattirlotts Hallowe'en
ornaments,' and s Week and mange
streamer's. , ,47 . •
'The games and contests were engaged.
In with enthuidaerre and the evening
reached its height in hilarity when
several, of the Old Country' airmen sta-
tionedat Port Albert atterapted to tesett
the Canadian members of the gathering
the proper versienst of the "Lambeth
'Walk" and the Valaise Glides" s.
Refreshments consisting of elder,
doughnuts and toffee tipples were sereed,
(luring theseVeningsitThe program wet
In charge, of Pied Whittinghtins Pre-
eident of the A.Y.A.A. The preeteeds
are to go to.,the Dominion A.Y.P.A.
ambulanee fund: •t '
Miss Mary Campbell Urquhart, whose
'mother, the late Mrs. Urquhart,- WAS on
the staff of Goderich Collegiate. Insti-
tute some years ago, Was awarded the
degree of reitis "Inagua eltm hank,"
ou 'graduation from Unice Theological
'Senaltiazy, New York, in may or this
year. She reeeivetisher. B.A. from the
University of Toronto in •1935, and
graduated* from 'the Ueited. "Mutt&
Trainlog School the following year,
Her home is tio* in , Toronto. Her
father was .the late Rev. D. W. S.
Urquhart of Collitigwoed.
, ,OLEVNLAND, • 0.,, t• Oct. 20.—More
then forty friends railed :at, the boxae
of Mts. al. MacLean; . Rocky River,
Ohio, tOctober 2tharit to -say -"happy
birthday'''. to Mts. Wan. aleCreath, who
was eighty-nine Years young. The
dining -roam tablel. was lard with .a
beautiful trocaet table cloth zecently
finish.ed ,by Mrs. Wreath. The,inteet
later .bistittlatt cake was alecotated. in
peach color with filigree baskets Of
lloWers. The flowers on the table and
buffet were in peach -colored bowls with
peach gladioli and Dpbonnet nallY
whom they propose to visit at the iirst
opportunity.. . •
•; "Britain Will Win"
On one thing •the aewcoraers are
agreederthe dete,rminetten and ability
of -Great Britain ,te. .w.M, the war. They
stress ,the belief that -despite •German
bombing Britain is etronge.r
every day. TUei cite man,y instances in
support of their cmiteation, _including
niestaype • 'planes,- but the remerktf
were, of emelt, off the records Some
had seen no bomb damage In langlaad
whatever', . Others from London And
Liverpool had seen plenty.-
British Air' Ine# Becoming Acquainted
with Canadian Terms' and Customs
Citizens of Goderich and dIstriet are
taking tbe English end tScottith airmen
who arrived at Pert Albert Navigation
Schod last Friday to their hearts and
the inen are •warntly returning
the spirit of cordiatity. Melly of the
differences in custenis,itetweee fine boys
from "over there" old us. cauttchs are
rapidly being broken downs but in the
process many =USW* situations bave
occurred, which have tended: to
the airmen still eloiseit to ues,
„ The difference 'between .Englishr and
Canadian currettey etunined tbe majort
Sty of the newcomere And for the first'
few days here thetrInirehafted'artiele0
• about the town on fititletrusting to thee
honet0 or the merchant when , they
allowed Wm' to pick change oite of their
nand in payment for the aeticte.
One man asked. a local metehant
- ettlighten, him as to the litanies used'
for the different „Canadian coins. When,
be had hadsat t`cent," tt"nickel,",*
"dime", and 'quarter" politted Out to
lalm, be dtteriedst:And which a bit?",
When the merehant told (him there ,wsial
etith thing 'as a bit, the airman rns
plied with, "Well, When I botinht cigare,
ettes in a billiarde parlor the man tont,
me they cot two bite,"
One ,of the thin:: whieh strike t
visitors; tie toot amazing Is the immen
sdze of Canada. Thy itiat can't realize
4, that this country etretehas for thoug.
Male of mike from emit to. woe. The*air-
Men thOUght they had travereed most of
Canada in coming there from tot Vaitterif
canionan port. As a matter Of feet,
many of them were lirartly efonifin
when their train pulled int'itere,tha
they were very dose to the Pacifie
Ocean and would be stationed in Van-
ceuver. They were greatly mutprieed to
learn that the dietanee they, had cora
by rail Vat; lees thee onealifth the dile
tairee they Would have to travel to teat
'the Pacifie toast from the pott thei
dises mbarkation.
The many ileldS lying bare end tin.
peed Which they isawi In theitt Penney
here puzzled 'the time who are ae-
euitomed to Nati every square inch
or eon utilized t in their own Country.
The maple woods are of_couree "apple -
elated by the vieltors-for their besutty
cat this time of year: , They .admit that
the climate pere has eonlepoints on that
of the Old • Ornuttryt yet when the
weather turned rainy and foggy on
Tuesday and Wednesday they. scented
to be happy, saying with a ,emile, "This
is more like home,' ,
One of the 'Sergeant initrpctore in
conversing vvitii a merchant bere re-
vealed his surprise at tbk leek of dee;
diestinetion in this country, but the
hastily added that it was something
Which be admired and he mid that
When the war was over he would bring
his family over there to live.
Another distinctive4feature which the
airmen find abotit Canada is the abund-
ance of feed. They were not ,accustomed
to being 'given the large qUantities of
toed they get in their °meals, at Port
Albertselthough, as a corporal told The
Signal -Star, itis not •that they do net
have the foodtfn .Engiend, but, that in
platting thetaitmets soldiers and sailors
on limited rations they are turtelling
Waste and Annie reserving. their shoes.
Some of the airMen. were under the
inctpression that Canada was still a
waste land with wolvee and other wild
atarnale preying about the eonntry at
will. They were helped along in Oils
linpression by a group of Canadian
•aoldiers etationed 'overseas who, upon
lee/x.1110g that the Engliehmen were em-
barking for this country, warned them
of the wolvett that prowl in the streets.
They didn't realize that the Canadian
boys Ii70e.engeging in the gentle game
of leg pulling
Several of the Men who will be in-
sitetteting At the 'Navigation Sehool swere
engaged in the sbattle of France laSt.
iiIng eff ground Members of the It.A.E.
The earried by these men bear
a stamp with their name, in reeognitiori
Of the 'tterviee whielt they bad given in
Annual. Meeting�f
Hospital Auxiliary
Another Active Year Reviewed
—Mrs„ A. F. Sturdy Resigns
• Treksurerohip
The annual meeting et, the Ooderich
WoMen's, Hospital Auxiliary Was held
at the Public Libra*' on Mouday
Tlie eeeretary, Mrs. 'D. N. teampbelt,
in giving, a report ot th4 tattir's Work,
said that, with Canada at war, the
• •
activities of tht Auxiliary had been,
, y
confined to the peeeteary services. The
hospital staff 'were remembered at
Christnitte as usual, i and flowers. were
ItlattealtorithettiftyStor the fiatleiikt-The
"birthdayPartY" was held. at the hos-
Vital PA May 1.1.14, When many towns-
people took this opportunity oft siting
the. hospital. Tea was served y the
members of the Auxiliary.
Through the kindness of Mr. H. J.
Sutherland, the graduation exercises
:were held in the theatre, whichawas
beautifully decorated b the Nurses'
Alumnae. This event was largely et -
tended by the relatives and friends of
the graduating nurses. The Auxiliary
entertained the graduates- at a dance in
the evening.
• The tag day mite more Proved a popu-
lar method of raising Moneta the P
eeeds from this effort being $142.06. ".
The members were asked to eo-oper-
ate with the Red Cross, Society by at-
tending the bridges held' by .1.hat org
ization, tbe proceeds derived to be
need for war world'
Tile Auxiliary continued its affiliation
with the Loeal Council of Women, Mrs.
Itedelitt represents the Auxiliary on tbe
Cairene' Wartime Committee and at
tbe annual meeting of the Provincial
Hospital Ales Association the Auxiliary
WAS Tep*setitted by ,Stre. Carrie.
Officers .Eleeted
• All the otheer.sof the Auxilia' ry were
returned by acelanaation. They are:
Hon. Presidents, ,-11rs. U. G. Cameron,
•i‘Tew York, Mrs. M. 'Et Felker, Windsor,
Mrs. „C. A. Reld; hon. viee-presideet,
Mrs. Isaac Salkeld; president, Mrst
R. Redditt; vice-nreAdents, MTS. A. D
MeLean, Mrs: G. M. Watson, 'Mrs, A. C.
Calder, Mrs. B. J. Saults; secretary,
Mrs. D. E. Campbell ; treasurer, Miss
E. Satins; *Press eecretestiv. Mrs.
Itfurison ; membership secretary, Mre.
Et R. Wigle; representatIve 011 Hospital
Beare., Mrs Reddlit.
Financial Statement -
The financial statement for thetyear
September 80, 1149, to Septembet 30,
1940, WAS at. foalowsl
• tallielEIP•TS
As the annual meeting, tbe Godes
rieh Bed (tress le beinclield on nut*.
day, November 14th, in the Red Cross
work. rooms, at 8 p.M., the women's,
, work :Committee would eepreelate if
ladtee Who have sewing Ortknittleg out
would return same to the work rooms,
Mt Or before November ,,Stb, ;Otrier
that the books MOW be eiteedi
Hand sewers ere Urgently needed to
hell, with the linlithnig of skirts and.
dresses. We are; aexiciutt ,to eomelete
our quota 'before the etullef November,.
. * * *;
Extract front bullettir,recetted from
Toronto lte„ adquartereeat tneamage from
overseas; • ,
get' for the childten, sent by the Can-
adian Red Crete, ate, sbnply marvel-
lous—lovely and .warm and iliet what
the ,children need, Tile jerseys and
the little girl.8" flannel dresses are really
lovely, they are hatch pretty colorsand
SO well made, ten Your
friends Who are working for the Red
Otos bow. welcopie their itelp is, and
With winter eoming on we can't have
too mealy warm undiee and things,"both
for the refugee -children and our, own
out e lete te, ft POP every o
thing, they've got when their homes are
blown up, ' • I can't tell you' tenet a, joy
it is to be able to*lit them, out properly.
It is always a thrill for us when We get
e new batch of clothing and I only wish
iteme" of the people' who. have made
the things &mid see how appreciated
they are!' .
The ..Goderich women's. work cote-
atittee are very grateful to the Wood-
stock Unit, Am‘erieenIted Cress, Wood':
stock, N.Y., .for theloventsbox of knitted
articling received 'front, tltemtthreugh the
kindness of miss Ann lis7nr•tele.
HANDS maims lote noungit,
Another heart-werniing incident in-
dicating the personal syntpathy and gen-
erous „response of our Amerieen friends
Is recorded In thefollowing letter from
the Woodstock Chapter of the American
. Red Cress 'Ulster county, New York':
• "To the Goderich chapter, Canadian
Red Cross. `
' Dear Friends,—The knitted articles
that -miss *Ann Wurtele is bringing to
. you have been made by some of the
meniliere er-the-'woodstoek7Ohapter o
the American Red Cress foni wool.
purchased by thenaselvee and thergend
them to • youwithJciildeat regards' and
hope that they may be enjoyed by
some who are go valiaiatlY upholding
England's traditions. '•
Very (*Slant', •
,M. 1. Toon, Chairman."
'The'following articles were sent and
we•saaestolil3hataQierett.anli be .forth-
coming from time to, time.: 1;„ adult
sent, 1 boy's sweater, 4 paits eland's
mitts, a. pair child's stoeklegst 1pair
man's socks, 4 ;Child's knitted Raps.
Sale Wea.Rbic4.1)6.01115;q4.ta, .4
• 1.441
Donaticals .; - ' 1.91
DOIlatiellS birthday baTtY, ' . 17.75
Proceeds tag ,daY 142.56
Bank interest 4 1.25
,textyttilaxerumss $321.3.3
Alilliatioa fee, 1939 N. •$14. 3.00
Nurses arid Su,pt., Christmas ...; 19.67
Expenses nurses graduation . 22.25
Expenses tag day ••. 4.60
Expenses annual meeting; Tor- t -s,
anto •4.„ , 1.
Membership 'fee -Council of• •
Wcansen ' • 1400
Donation Red Ciross, 2 years ;t 0.00
War donations fund 10.00
,Exesentation ,* ° 3.00
• Balance on hand
, , „ 198.71
'atre. E. it*. -Oarr,ii, delegate to the
Provincialtconvention of Bospltei Aids,
lialereceattirTeltOTOVIV brought an
'interesting atecamt of that meeting, at
whieh trs Cniskeer. Ithettee was again
elected pregident.
„rt was dedded to haveste$100 14.. GOV-
ernment bomb and a donation of $10
wee voted to the overseas parcels 'com-;
mittee of the Citizens' 1Wartime Cern-
mittee; •
The resignation of Ars. A: r. Sturdyf
as breworrer was received With regret
arid Miss Etta Semite...was elected to
the office for the comittg peal!.
Gederich Tovimehlit Auxiliary
" The report of the itioderich TownShIp
Hospital ,Anxillery, ;submitted by the
eeeretary, tars, T. IL Itimdle, was
greeted with applause. Nine regular
meetings were beld. Mame are twenty-
nine members and the average' attend=
once at nieetings was ten. In October
a $100 Dominion of 'Canada hood was
bought, making a total of $600 invested
In Dominion bonds. rIk November the
annual membership eaneas .wae madfet
In Febtualy material was bOlight for
a quilt and when finished this ((alit
was sold for $10. A•sale of baking WaW
held in April and a rurnmage .sale in
JulytnSeptoriber 4 qyard of coppers"
as well act the regular 10e teas brought
additions to the„fundss, Two Mattreas
doyens, six wathelothe and Six hot
water nottle eovers .weite given •for the,
hospital *birthday Party. \Jitney rallied
during the, year was $90.58 and the
anteent now oft head was $154.10. ,It
wasintendeit.tee invest another $100
In Dominion of ,Pantala, bonds, which.
•are held de the endlietment of, the
Goderieh 'Towatehip ward le the
hospital. 4 ,
Atteetion is called to the request in
our advertising aiming for information
as to actommodetion in the district for
the wives and fernlike of ofileers and
men on the staff of Port -Albert Mr
Navigation School. we are informed
that some 150 of, thee men have Made
application for the transfer of their
wivee and families here for the duration
of the war, and the prOpect is that a
eoileiderable number of them may make
their permanent reeldenee here. It is
•to meet, in SOMO 'degree' at least, the
needs of these families for accommoda-
nee that -the Goderieh Board of Trade
atiking that anebedy, itt total or the
dititriet, who cart Trevide aecommodit-
tion WM etimmunleate . with Mr.
Wilke*, ()tithe Signal -Star, giving
aultabie partieulare. ,
. one of the most acceptable donations
to -the local branch- of the Red Crest
was Teeeived a few days ago from Mrs.
Adam Foter, who sent in, $50.* This
sum was realized from the sale of an
eiderdown quilt which Mrs. Foster had
made with the ashlatanee of her sister,
Mrs. Cook. After the quilt was iinished,
Mrs. Evans displayed it iar one ;of the
windows of he,r fancy goods' store and
alsotatsistecr in the sale of tickets. The
efforts of these three ladles in behalf
of the'Red Cross are greatly eta
preciateel by fhe executive.,
Mist Jean Robertson, teacher at
Central iih�ol, who is resigning her
portion and whose marriage willtake
place early In November, was the_guest
or honor at a 'presentation glien, by the
teaching staffs of Central and. Vietotta
public, schools at the bome. of Mr. and.
NITS. Frank Kershaw, hrook Street, on
Pride' evening. •Garne,e and contests
were enjoyed early in the evening, after
which Principal H. M.• Shackleton of
Central. School, on behalf a the staffs,
made the presentation a two pretty
boudoir lamps aed doylies. Miss
Roberton• gracefully expressed het
•thanks for the gifts. Refreshments
were served' by the hostess rind her
frinster, 'Miss 'Gladys McDowell, of tbe,
Central schottlittaff.. The house was
prettily decorated with rosee, and ,ehr,y-
Word has beet* teeeleed that Hon.
Ferguson on his visit to Goderich
on Friday, November Sth; wilt probably
be aecompanied by at. A. .Stapells, past
president of the Teronto Board of
Trade. . The former Ontario Premier is
to giVe. An address at the banquet to be
held that evening in the lecture room of
Knox 'church under the auspiees. of the
Goderich Board of Trade.
,Some a the men at the Port Albert
atrport find themselves'. at a 'toss /or
reeding matter for leisure boors, and
anyone 'who ean spare old magazines or
books for the intrinise le invited to leave
them at Sehitefertt store or Jane's ser-
vice station, whence they win be sent
balite airport.
•Mr. Clarke Wallace 'Ploody, son ‘• of
Mr. and 'Mee W. E. •FlOody, Iteonto,
formerly of Clinton, hag gone to Bran-
don, Mao., to `train for the Royal Air
Pere* as a pilot. :
The temperatures for tbe past week
and for the torresponditig week last
year, as officially recorded, were as
followe: .
.1940 ,1939
• Max. Min, Max. min.
Thurs., Oct. 35 • 58 52
rl Oet. 25 59 45 59 87
Sat., (kt 20 38 37, co 52
Sun., Oet. 27' 59 30 05 tf2
Mort, Oet. 29 58 35 52, 32
Tues., Ott 26 42 31 50 32
()et 30 47 30 49 42
intereeting event of twit week waft
the wedding of Mary Phyllis Achetote
'younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Acheson of Goderieh- to John Stuart
Henry, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M.
Henry of Toronto and Godertch, Which
took placeat the Church. Of at. John.
the Evangelist, London, ,Ont, on Thum -
day afternoon lad. The ceremony was
Performed by Rev. T. 3, Finlay, The
Wile, given in marriage by, her father,
ICUS lovely An a going -away emit 01 rose
Mt) trimmed with brown squirrel and
brownsselfirstel I'm' hat, with hiown ket,
cessories. .She waste a eeritage of white
gardenias. Her sister, Mrs. J: Meredith
Graham of 'Ociderich, was her only at-
tendant, gowned in a teat iblue wool
suit, trimmed Vitt brown squirrel,
• . . •
*hcies4,, .
witla brown 'hat and aeees4or1es aed
corsage of yellow' root's- , Tite groonlat
man was Stitart Herm', Jr., of Toronto,
brother of the bridegroom. Onty im-
mediate members of the -family were
1)MM/it- The "church was beautifully
decorated for the oecasion with ferns
and white Chryeanthentinte.
Afterwardssat,receptton svasateltesa
the Surrey, where Mts. Acheson, mother
of the bride, facetted wearing a blaelr
gown and net with corsage ef orchldit,
'Mrs Henry, mother of the bridegroom,
also was in black, with eorsage of pink
• toeesand-steeet peas. stAfter-atweddhig
trip to Quebec, tbe young "couple will
reside at Brendan, Mans Where Mr.
Henry' is With. the R.,C U The bride
is a graduate of Se JOseph's. Hospital
Training ;School at Lendon.
Elevator.and, Mill
Receive Cargoes
Makes'.. improiement
- In Ocal, Yard—Perch •
----Rim Finished_
The Coalhaveu *areli," iight, for
Sandusky last Thursday' afternoon
after diecharging 2,000 tong of eoal at
the mill: ..Thetstr. Canadian cleared the
same afternoon' with .200 tons, 0 salt
and headed down the t lakes. The
,Saskadoc, after discharging 254,700
bug.,,et' corn- sat the 'elevettitt "cleared
light on Thursdey afternoan for Fort
Wllflazki .The Mentadoe, arrived last
Thursday evening ficansFort Wtlliarn
wlth 402,020 busof barley and 36,000
bus. • of wheat for the elevator and
• 70,000 bus, of wheat for the Mill. She
eleared on Friday evening for Fort
• Williaixe The A. A. litelsonseame in
from Fort William on Studay morning
with 101,385 bitsof wheat and 21,707
bus. a oats for the mill. The str. Ven-
dor arrived from Duluth on Monday
afternoon with 257,000 bus. of cern,
and cleared on Tuesday afternoon up
the hike_ -The tanker Imperoyal 'came
in late ,Monday evening from Sarnia
With oil for be Imperial Oil Cowan,
and left again for Sarnia at noon Tues-
day *
• The A. A. Hudson loaded 400 -tone of
Rah and cleared for the lower lakes on
'Monday evening. She arrived ha&
again' this (Thursday) morning to take
on another cargo of salt •
The Western Canada Flour Mills Coal
pile le reaching huge proportiOns as the
mill -lays in ito supply of coal for the
longt-winteraateettd. Over 6,000 tons
have been unloaded In the last three
weeks. Tn previous years the fence
Which surrounds, the pile, and whit%
checks': the coal from spilling Over the
premises, bulged tinder the weight of
the 'coal and often a section of the
fence, gave way, resulting tia a break
through. , Thie year 'nothing of that
sort will occur, owing to the erection of
a strong fence during the summer. In
place 0 wooden Poets, large concrete
pinats have been eunk•at ten foot
valg. The pillars exteed six 'feet into,
the p-elnid and eights feet Above the
surface. Two-inch Wei .plaas have
then been fastened to ittae pillars, mak-
ing a barricade which "COuld stand twice
the amount a .pressure it will be
called !volt to bear. ei •
frhe perch finally seem to have run
out here and for the lag few days few
eatchee been reported. Sunday
was the • last good day, with over , a
hundred anglers tiyings tbeir hick and
being successful from7 the piers and
Ooranteeelal fishing o4 this. port' has
been verY, poor this fall. The largest
single haul of the pas.3 week was the
McKay Ores,' eatch Of 000 lbeof trout
on Monday.
. Over eighty airmen from Sky Harbor
and Port Albert airporte were guests a
the Yougg people a North street United
eburch • at an entertainment in the
church eanooltroOra on Tuesday evening.
Singetangslind iialloVvesen games fea-
tured, the everilligaThe. gnegs were
welcomed .ny Rev. W. P. Lane, pastor a
the ehiireiwand bylitiessre. Prank Icor.
ehaw, 'A. It. Scott, W. J. Hodge eta
P. (Walkout, Sandtvieltes, pumplin pie.
and coffee, provided by the members
of the Evening Auxiliary, were tented.
The •rornia was gat, , with Hallowe'en
decorations. Janie' ,IackaOn, president
of the ;Young Peopie's Society, had
charge ott the arrangenients,
T. ManjUriS, of the, Venus Itestaur-
ant, is keenly letereettel itt the,'gtruggle
in whielt the poop), of • hie native
eetiltry are engaged with the Italian
invaders, Ile says if Britein tan spare
a, couple of 'hundred airplanes for the
aid of the {Greek armit,Mussolini's men
tvtil be on therun hi Elliott order.
eous:iruction Work to Be Continued
• Through the Winter
The big airmen's 'nest hall tit Port
Albert airport, planned to seat oyeA
eight- hundred „at ene ,sitting, is no*
ready for use and; the .job of tdating,
the furnitureis in ptogreti. Pending
its cpmpletion the officett/ and N.C:O.'s"
dining Italia have, been used, the Men
eating in rehtet,
Construction work • will be continued,
at the navigation airport throughont
the mtinteri outside Whenever possible
Thi' week work was commented on a
big ground instrnetion 'echael, east of
the drill bell, wbith itself ntes.requires
only 'a ,few days to ?finish. The,ground
Instruction school was net, included
the original plane.
Another bunclingsyet to be started is
the recreation, -hall, for wnich fcemda,
dons have been laid. Another Ur the
hespital, foie which--ceneretee's.taeleg.
. poured this 'week on the .uncompleted
sections of the foandation.
, It is, estimated that there are over
font hundred civilian workera engaged
at,,Port Albert, but with- the completion
cif tbe last hangar and,the installation
of the big 1300-pottpd folding doors On
all four hangars, now under way, at
least one hundred eien will be •released.
Everything depends on the weather
these days. On Monday , it was much
too windy for the roofers. te worlett,On-
Tuetday and Wednesday itsrained. Last
week ideal weather prevailed all week,
Although steam, water', and lighttagt
services are available in Birrfailis;
they are by no means complete and
inrieh_work remains to :be done.
struCtionw sewer8 is oneof the biggest
Jobe and as a result workmen and air-
men alike are walking tiroutal alinoSt
ankle deep in med. • -
-Reinembrance Day4wi1l. soon be With
• Us again and With it comes -our annual
poppy campaign. This yeer, even more
thadirt the past, • eause te re-
member theteignificance of, the `,Poitnies
' that grow in Flanders /3:le1ds,"Im
mortalized by the late Colonel John ¥c
Orae We realize that time has not
healed entirely the searsi 01 the last
war, and there are those who are suf-
fering as the result of that 'eintfliet and
who need our aid. °••
This; aid eon best be extended In n
•tangilate way through the medium a
our annuel poppy campaign; the snecess
oftwhieh depends on youe leterest and
Since the inception of the .'Ioeal
branch a the 'Canadian legion B.E.S.
L., in 1927, we havcappealed annually
to the public fof funds' through the
sale 4 poppies and wreathstwhidit are
made by disabled, veterans in military
hospitals. The money realized itt, this
way has been spent in assikting needy
veterans and their families, in supply-
ing clothing, ,groceties, school hooks,
ete., also in providing meant for *OM.-
ans passing throughttowe le eearett of
The present war has brought with 11
new easponsibilitiee and added demands
on our funds, such as 'twisting D30/1
With fainilies, who had eitlieted aud
later were diseharged "te nitaically un-
fit, utitil such thee as they again be -
'Come reteetablistied,
We have also eoetributed to the
varloas drives for funds, such, at,'4 114
Cross, rSalvation Army, Y.M.C.A. and
Canadian Legion, War Services.
Saturday, Novemtt?r Oth, will be
PopPy Dar, and the town will 1*, can-
vassed house to houte by the, Boy
Seolft Give as genettitis a • eentribn-
tion as you tant.knowing your rnoney
Win be gratefully received and carefully
expended in helping needy Veterans.
Wateli the poster s for Remembrance
Day Week.end activities. -
Full List for Next
Week's Assizes
*uM�r .04 Xsailsarkter 004011 •
end Three Mill Actions
, for Douses
,The 'busiest fall assisee and *Iwo*
Court sittings in eome years is sae-
duled to open here ort Montley next it
2 p.m. before Illetiee G & Urdtittarta
recent appointee- to the Supreme Omit
tbenen of Oetarle, who will pay his first
outdo, visit to %ioderieb.
A =artier, end a raip
Make,. Up the criutluaT
three jury *Owls all arising out, Of
'motor saceidentscamon the etiv*-Mokts -
Per the criminal eases W. It. COOmon,
K.0., a lite Attorneyteueral'e Depart
anent, will he special crown prosecutor.
Ile wOl be assisted by 1)„ 0. names
Crown Attoritett for Uurn, .
Samuel Dodge, forty -two-year-old
Indian, a meniher of a band
the-"Waudering Caldwells," is eluirded "
With the murder of jateee 'Xiitettrletra
agedsixt•yeightsa bachelor barn -framer
a the. Exeter dietrict.. It is elieged
that the crime was eommitted on the
night a Julie 20 laee ite.Dodge'n
a short diStanee west of Exeter, during
a drinking orgy, , Dodgela alleged tit
have killed Kilpatrickt with an axe;
Thesevidenee to-tbespteseneedsbysthe.-
Chown. will be c'ircumetantial andsitat
Presentation bas been 'made difficint by
the death �f P Ea' 3feCo3r, Proithiciat
constable, whothadt the' ease1 bane
when he (lied suddenly in July. irtank
itrirrne-*Lli°rdinriedotnei-wf oh"ge.arged-
that he didt wtthin 'County etHuron, on or about' the 7th day et
July, 1940, commit manslangbter by
Ming Betty Edwards:and Ida Ritchie,,
Gtorrie. • -
Jardine was thedriverOf an intorno
bile in which 'the two deceesedtginis and
others were p ,ssengers,-the ear striking
the railing of, ii*eridge a short dleteiace -
north of ,C4or " . while the party Was re-
tureing from a dance, resulting in.katai...
injury to the_ Uls,seS „ rerlivirda. and '
:Ritchie ante -4100y to others. 3'.erdinoi .
Is deteeded hys catipbell 'Giant, et
Walltkitont tt .. '
ts sat- ' ittril7A, atieheatt — -
Leetie. tfeWe, laborer, of Toronto, la '
siiing,,Aletanlier Martz, of Xitehener, .
for .t2090! (*oaf* for injuries re -
meted: in as meter accident on highway -
No.:* two; nillea *est of Hohnesville,
on luguse25., 1940t -. when,' ears .ovirant
by the litigants. Were 411 a thead-on eol- ,
lige& . rtintaigence lied exceselite speed, .
with other things; are etted. ,Martx,
the defendant, Is counteracialistieg to
*3009: ' ',14,'V, 1)a , H,C., tor,Plattitiff,
'Sim; .-MeTnteall, lione,ld . and . Siat‘ a .
leitchenet, for Plaintiff; , r. - t 1
BasilStruthers, ferteer,'a the town-
ship of Grey, ' is plaintiff .in an adios: ,
for $16•000 againet.!Gteig Hamilton and
Wilfred GortfiniTtitick driver." of At:
wood. . This; too, Is si. Motor damage
caseThe accident Occurred 0/1,,MAY
4, 1940, near Ethel, when Mrs:. Mabel
Elizabeth Struthers Wife -of the plain-
tir4.was fatally injilire. when allegedb -
struck by defendants':vellicle . as she
was standing or Walking on the public '
highway; Prank Donnelly for Otaintiff;:
Campbell Grant. Walkerton, for the •
Still Another $10,000 meter idamage
case to be- heard is. that Of ...Gem:tie:3X
Cameron, bus driver, of Goderich„ Who
Ts -Suing Lorne McKenzie, garage man
a - Dungannon, Thornton Ptedy, ',met-
ehant of the same village, and Heber Jt
IS Duly, his son, now With the RJC.Aelf
The accident in, question took place' at .,.,.
2.30 tun: on January 19, 1940, 'duriarg
one of the first blizzards or the Winter,
between . the villages s of Dungannon
and Nile. ., Plaintiff wassa passenger an. t ,
.the .motor ear of. Stephen Ilele.sic, a
Goderich, which ,becante stuck le .as
snowdrift three Miles south a Date
-gannon. He „ClObaS he was, , eetiousla
injured when the cat in which he waste
passenger :,was rammed in , the rear by
the .. automobile owned by: either -Me- '
Kenzie or Heber J. L. Eetita or both,
and driven by Thornton Eedy. piontis
.eioilos $10.000 general damages, $1,000
for pain and Suffering, $750 for lose Of .
time •and $500 for Medical and AosPital
expeoset, • Prank Donnelly for the
; laintiff i Campbell' Grant , for , Lori*
NiciKenzie; Ps R. Darrow for Thornton .
dy and -Heber' I. L. Deity. .,
4 • ,.t.,t
A'--'-vnSPEOIAL Dumm:DAI
TAM, Moira Donnelly, slaughter Or
tr. and Mrs. Frank Donnelly, St. Vint '
t street, was UP, and armed again"
a is (Thursday) morning just in time to
oelebrate her eighth birtbzlay. • It is
considered by het parents and the'
family doctor almost a miracle that
she is able to walk'on her birthday,
atter a nalsbap which °Centred to her
ten'days ego. , Aloyra was riding 'in. her
faraily's car, en route to her eraridt • .
parents' home at Pinkerton; when tem
door of the "car blew open, tumbling
:S103,ra, who had been leaning ageing
tbe door, to axe road. Tlie little girt
was pleked up by tier anxious *needs,
mail rushed to a doctor at Lueitotont,
Alit miles away, where it watt:fettled
that she Was suftering from *finis%
serapes and • shade but nothing a a
Intim terious nature. Iler tbarikftil
parents{ are, unable to. understand how .
She eouid have escaped without any
broken bones, as the tar was travelling
et fi. speedrof forty -live miles an hour
telien the accident oeeurred. Morre
returned to her home here that
afternoon and tied been eordbled to het'
'bed until title morning, Mien her (betties '
considerieg it a very tatitable birthden
pretent, allowed her to take a walk
Mr. and \fret thigh 11111 anneunse
the iengagement of their (laughter, DOtle
,ftelma, to Mr. Clarence 3 Parton, et
Zoronto, eon of Mrs. Parton and the
late Mr. B. Parton: the marriage tit
take place itt Tor011tec eariy
(5 '0