The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-10-24, Page 1INTINETri-SEOOND IMAM NO. 43
bining The Goderieh ,$knal and The Goderieh Star
Council to Assist
Canteen Project
00,1/11, Hilebillit Suggests Harbor
Road Scheme Be Submitted •
to Electors
,On Friday night last it Was to
eXtend aid towards tile inaintenanee
- a recreation centre fOr soldiers, the
. *APIA) 'Leaf 'Chapter of Daughters of
theEMPire having arranged: tor the,
use ot, Mackay hall- tor this purpoele.
r, it• aPPears that Sky,..harbor and
4'04, ..Albert: airPOrtArin ,c9gtiPion_ 'YOPI„
military - ,airporto ihroUghout -the
country, ,are °A -daylight eaVing,
the question Whether , Ooderich also,
.should not go on ",fast". time, was dis-
cussed, ,but. no decision was reaelied.
ATI theemembere were present except
Councillor Craigie. ,
srpPlicetions for buildin.gopermits ine
,clucledrone from. Reg. Burpws for the,
removal:of a, house. on, William street
to Britannia road, and ImprevementS`
thereto. .0ther.applicationa were from
'Andrew 11111Jan, Dr W '.:Galleveand
W. J. Foten for Minor repairs and ime
,provemente. •
restuest.frons j. Naegle for.per.
1ss1on to Place a, ,cement curbing along
his boulevard on $oitIi tret was re-
terred to the -public works consinittee;
A--provosur,trOm the VW -rich Iron
& Brass:Foundry to prirehase an -Old
Upright boiler at the.former Wheel Rigen
ago*, foe, 4100,, war, eent to the In.
di/stria]. ,commiftee.
.& request frOm the ,,Goderich Salt
eSeronpanY forperniresaon to ereet a hang-
ing Sigil outside, their new racea oreCoie
ilorne.etreet was left withe the public
arks 'eammittee.
The* secretary a the leearbratteh 'of
the Cauadian Legion wrote -requesting
that 3ronclay Morning, November 11th,,
to1T o'clock p.m., be declared a, publie
holiday., se that daze/is:may joie in the
.Pubrie .raeraorial serviee to besheld in
;rraur.t Reese Squere. The COUnell was
• eiveted to attend at thieeerelee and also
at the paesele to Knot ehurch on Slue,
day morning, November 1Oth.'
•The invitation was accepteleand it.,
was decided to preeletne the "rteltelielie
day Its .requ,estecL " e
- Committee.Reporta '
The finance Committee reported that
an offer of 83,500 bad been made by the
qgoderich' litunifireTifilet Co. to eetire"
(the Tosiers claimrageinst the ,Oorapany.
'The committee recaramehded that the
offer refused andeproceedingerebe
taken to -collect the amount.Owing the
• TJie committee irepottee that $32,000
are Pitovitnte of IS asfkatchewan bowie due
e:Octobee 1St,. held- in the Ontario West
Shore. Railway-acceunthad been paid
,at mattrity-andsthe amount (applied on
;the '$38,000 ,berierweel from the Bank
'-ofeMentreal ortetlilieatetainte'eleurthete
464000 of Povanc of•Saeliatchewan:
bands due in 1952 had beee tow- at, 90
ad' tecrepe in,terest, and. the aihount
thus teethed plaeed in the 0.W.S.Re
account. .The. $38,000 note had been
, paid off, end, there was now a. credit
bale/see -of .$1,283.98 in the 0.W.S.R.
account. • •
The public works eornmittee re'ported
•• that the dathege elairct of Miss •Julla
Lewis. had been 'handed ever to the
sairance company and' the Town Soli-
kitor. A ,sii-inele seWer' had been con-
strueted frozethe main sewer ou Ox -
.ford street tothe east -side �f the street
` at the corner of Oxford and. Cambridge
streets. - :. •
The, spedIal committee recotnnended
jjatothe'thairman of this cointaittee be
—empowered tor patiehaser a, Wreath- tor
The •Water,, 'light and harbor
tee recoramended that the Public Utile
ties Commissiou be requesta to install
a street light on, Quebet Street half Way
between .Wellesley add! Essex streets
The industrial committee- ree0M-
mended-that the band room on Brock
street be , retained for ,band piirposea.,
- (The BO 'Scouts had askedfor the use
of 'it.) • , '
Missed, That Meeting
-Cotrneillor I:fucking asked Why he had
not been 'informed of the aPpointstent
of . a man to collect dog taxeslie
'thought It etre/we, that he had to 'read
the iaper s to eirid Mg whet was bell*
done in Covell.,
. The- ;Clerk looked up the minutes of
the meeting at which the 'appointment
• Wasentlide, and Come Huelcins remote'.
Weed that he Wee absent that tight.,
' -Airports on Past One
Deputy Reeve Brown said'it had been
brought to his attention that both' Sky
.Als, harbor and Port Albert, airlierts, were
operated on daylight saving time, mill
it Would be a matter for consideration
whether the town Should not go otefast
time te Corresponde. Ile pre -sinned the
reason the airport e were on feet time:
was that ;Ottawa and other centres, *
the Province had daylight saving tiro
andit was desirable thateall airports
elionid; have the 'same time to 'avoid con-
usion, in telephone olio, for instanee,
*nd other eomutunicatiOes.'
Reeve Turner was of epinloe that
oderieh reould not ,go on daylight
Saving time unless all other Municipal-
' ities in the districteSeaforth, Clinton,
frringliam,,ete.-adepted the same time.
The epeelal eommitee ,was -asked to
look hate the matter .
The North lEton4 '
Councillor Ifinekbas euggested- that.
While large eontracting eqmpanlea had
their ineehinery here for work .at the
airport, tendere should be asked from
them for the construction of the pro-
posed north road to the .haitor. The
queStiOn Inight then be submitted „to the
electorfor a 'decision.
The matter was referred to committee
of the whole. fee-ee,
Corm. Iitieltins also had eomething to
talk about the repot 4)f the Stetling
Appraisal efp. orr industrial aSeeeSmelitS.
Ile thought it should 1* made .available
to the publie and asked, that it be laid
on the table,
After Pone ',discussion, during whirl
the ,opleion was expreesed: thethe
rePort wag a Matter for ,the colirt of'
Widely,known" Citizen of . Clinton
Former Iliarden of lInron
• George Henry Villott, former nea,yor
of Clinton and former warden r)f Huron.
CoUnty, died -suddenly at his ,horne
Clinton ean 'Wednesday morning.: ,Ile
had been troubled for Sonte timewith a
„ heart affection. was in his eixty.
'#*14044d2teit'third year.
Boni at EtiniSitillen, Ireland-, he came
to Canadit when quite: young and settled
with his parents in,Ooderich, township.,
In 1910 he Married Bertha Graham and
twenty Years ago theY'•'Moved to Olin --
ton, *here' Mr. ETlllott wee a widely -
known and' successful auctioneer. He
served in mfmicipal life for -several
years as a member of the Clinton Town
Connell, was reel* for five years and in
1934 was elected warden of -the County.
-Ile was mayoretor-tworyearreel-038 and.
.1939.. Ile Was, at onetime an unsercessful eaudidate in the Conservative
interest for 1.4e South Huron' seat "in
the' Legislature. As seeretary �f the
Clirtton SprhigeStock‘Sh,ow' for massy
years, inspector .of rthe County Home,
a member of the Orange" and „Masonic
orders and' an °facial member ,of On-
tario street United church, he bad, a
, wide connection.
He is survived by his wife, two sons,
Edward andieeerge, atucleuterat Guelph
Agricultural Collegethree- daughters,
Misses Edua, -Pearl and ;Jean ; 'five bro.
therseWilliam, and David, of Clinton;
Edwart4 Orilla; rWUson of Vice
toriaeIB C and John, of Calgary, and
ne Sister4-Mrs. Serafiewtrittinghate•eR,
.el'he funeral service will be held under
Masonic auspices at 2.30•pen, on Satur-
day' at Ontario street Zfrilielt: Inter-
ment will be in. Clinton -cemetery.,
---' HI
-Whee a ease .derven by Orville Zeii
On a ,.r„urve, turned ever and crashed
through a fence op, the Blue Water
highway, half-asmile • south of Peet
Albert, late Tuesday evening, Miss
Verna ,Fowler, Seveeteen-year-old ;Gode-
richrli• eustained a gevereceneuselan,
lacerations about the head and a pos.
'ethic fracture of the nose; 3iiss Fowler
was removeby ambulance to Alex-
andra 1-Ar1tal, where she is reported
Lo be resting criffifortably. The.,driver
and two other oecupants of the ear
eeenped irtjury. Tile four were on. their
way to a darice nt Kbagsbridge. 'The
'car, owned by the Goderiell Motors, was
extensively slamaged about the roof
and- fenderseeTrffic Officer.,Geerc who.*
Investigated, hafeleid a charge of reek-,
-lessedieeingeagainste Selling;
Another Busy Week,
at the Waterfront
SeVeild 01111111, 00,1vgOes 'Arrive
awl Salt Also
- The str SoOdee after lyi)av'e ue her
. _ e • .e._.
for nine (Jaye,' waiting to diseharge'
200,000 bus. of wheat at the elevator;
cleared full cargo ahoard late
last Thursday tifterueone' for Port Me7
Nichol. The Windoe after eleven- dayg.
'is still lyine here with 2$9,000 busof
wheat: aboard. The Prindo.0 arrived
en. Friday Morning from. Duluth with
217,00(Thlis. breetW' 'Afterdiseharging,
hei cargo a.t tl* elevator,Sheelearedr,
light, for Fort tWilliant. on !Saturday
.morting. The Ontadrictame in ou
Friday evening from Fort William with
70,000 bus - of wheat and 44,607 bus.
a ,r3';4, for the eleVatersand clearede)
Sunday enornieg for ,Vort William., The
SuPerior arrived. from Owen Sound late
.Saturday morohm -discharged ' 5,000
bus. of oats and 7,000 bus. a flax at
the elevator and cleared, light, that
•eveeing feer Sarnia. -
The Coalhaven cal* in frora Sane,
dray. late Saturday evening with. 2,200
tong of coal for the mill and left shortly
after noon Sund4y for Sandusky. The
Superior was baelr again on Tuesday
/norniug, toelsren 200 ;tons ef Salt and
eleared thae-eveningefor,,Forte-William.
The Coalha.ven tame in late WecinerdaY
eveningefrom SalelbskYeand began die:
barging another large cargo of oral at
the miu The.(Saskadoe arrived; early
this (Thursday) inoreing from. Chicago
-With 254;700- bue. of eorn for the
.elevator. The 104111(11am arrived thig
morning from the lower lakes and
began loadieg salt. e
The Maxitadoc, is expected this even-,
i•ng from Foie William with 10_2;020 Vas.
of, barley lied 641,257 bus. of 'wheat for
:the elevatae.r '
The perch are still running at the
harbor, but. the poor weather over the
'ei-eek-end kept the fishers away. Tim
Improvement 'en the weather tide .w.eek
is expected, to bring another flock of
anglers ' to the harbor at the weeleeed,
for arlast fling at the popular sport.
.MIselionary Endeavor the; Sign of the
Church Unti7004
An address by Aliss Laura K..Polton,
liOraotion,,wOretary of the
Women's Missionary Society Of the
Preehyterian Myr,* li. Oanalla, . was,
the main feature Of the annual thank-,
v et -eh -last wee1414t44' ,.**441.4' °t 1.Cn"
"Do not be too 'modest poet your
eccomplishanentss articulate your faith
in missionary work," the speaker urged.
The Christian prayer for onenese has
in a Measure been fulelled, and Christ's
ehureh is really a `universal one The
machinery is now set up tor the expres-
sten of the living Power Of Christ, as at
the Madras eonfereece when ell
oanaer.hcov eince onntaunioatednivithli
. In Japan the church' is having 11,
difficult arbitrary governMett cOmpulSion-but there is a church'
in -japan is -The virliercharactersofr the
ehurch of Christ is -evident in the west-
ward Movement in China, and,raission-
'ars opportunity willepe neater, the
speaker declared. In th; past Year
three bundled thousand Christians have
been added to the church la. India.
High caste. Brahmins are now itslting
"what hag brought abont•the improved
changes. • There ' -half a, Million
Cieristians In Sumatra and in. FIJI. the
whole community have become Ch'elst-
A UniVersel Cleerell
• Missionary work .is the one force in
1 the world which has the drawing force
of the love of Christ: New,' more than
at any other time, people need, to 'be
impressed with the fact that Chelet's
ehurch is universal and that it is en•,•
tjoying fellowship evee though there are
diabolical •ideologiets threiving ,these
Workman fnjured :When Shoring. Gives
Way -Shoulder rftrained
• While engaged in laying, sewer pipe
at, Sky Barbel...airport on Monday after-
noon, John Christeff, aged forty-seven,
of 'R.R.' 1, Walsingham, was injured
when shoring gave way and a large lump
of esteth retrolarhis right ehoelder as, he
was stooped over cementing 'the j'oints
of sewer pipe's at the' batten( et the
Taken to Alexandra Hospital in the
new 'airport ambulance, used for the
first time,eChrietoff was .attended 1)y
1)r. Norman Jackson, :whir', said -the
workman had sustained a badly
sprainedeshouldee and was suffering
from shock. lire also had been given
first-aid' attention by Capt. W. P. EtoWn,
^M.O. at the airport, at -the emergency
hospital. First reports .that the maers
chest had been crushed were deniede
'A. spokesman for Armstrong Bros.,
contractors for whom Clsristoff worked,
statedthat sharing or Sewer trenches
at "Sky Harbor had been made most
_•difficult by• the presence of euicksittd.
He said that every precaution had been
taken to avoid accidents of this -nature.
A large number of friends from Gede-
rich and elistriet were °present aL the
funeral of Res' ,McWhinneg, young
truck driver who was killed in a high.
WrO*aecident ea.rly Tuesclay morning of
last week. The funeral service *tie held
on Thursday at the home of the young
Man's father, William IfeWhinney,
Wolfe street, Rev. C. L. )3rown officiat-
ing. Floral wreaths and boueliete, *bleb
surrounded the casket in great abund-
anee, Wereevidence of the popularity of
the young n2a0. The' iloivers were
borne from the house by 'Art liatkell,
Beg, Bell, Iteg. Jewell, Jam-Pitblado
Jack Collinson, r Arvin Collinson and
Bert MeWhinney. The. pallbearers
were Jaek Cook, Len Crawford, Carl
Co*, William Clark, 'Stanley Crawford
axid. 'James' itudcloek. Interment Was
In 'Colberne.eemetery. '
Charged with the theft of cidthing
and other articles from the residence
of :Or. 'Moffat, Varna, two weeks ago,
Eli 'Seeica, Muncey Indian, was ar-
rested by fOonstables Jennings ahd
Rutherferat pear , Aijsa. 'Craig list Sat-
urday and lodged in jail here to await
trial. With other" Indians he has been
• .
flax for farmers in the Varna
Mr, ' and Mrs. 0. M. reeberteon pi-
/1ounce the engagement of their deugli-
ter, jean Grace., to lit- Donald' A..
Croft, of Brantford., son of Mr. aAd
Mrs. 8. D. Croft,,Of London; the mar.
riaele to take place early in November.
revision, the debate was adjourned to
-committee of the whole.
In eonantittee it wan decided to refer
the appraisal 'report t4;:i the Town
solicitor Ana ale& to have the solicitor
represent the Town on all appeals at
the ',sittings of the tourt of rerision.
Will Assist Canteen .Projeet
In committee also it was deeided that
in addition to it grant of $100 to the
Maple Leaf Chapter, towards
the heatifig of 3Aitieltay Hall the Council
.will guarantee an aneateat ui to $100
If its found that the Chapter is operat-
ing the soldiers' canteen at a idso, The
Town will also install it sink and
shelving in the hall as reiluested.
Toronto 'Team Gets 10:0' 1i -rubbing in
"Setond Game of Champiates-bils.S.etieS-e
The •HP..nsitill base:bail team,. champ-
ions of the rieron-Pirtrf -League, ad-
ministered -a thick, coat of whitewash
to the Columbus ',Grads of 'Merritt° in
tile second game of the series for the
intermediate "II" champlonshie, of On-
tario. The game was pleyed,at.ilensall
on Weditesdei before a large crowd of
interested spectators., *
The first 'game of the series, played at
'Toronto, October 12th, 'resulted in a
win for the 'Grads with an 814 score.
Yesterday's was all Berman's, the
score being 16-0. "Farmer" Kerslake
did ithe hurling or the home tenrn,
going therwhole route, -while the visitors
uSed three Pitchers,. .
The deciding game *ill be played at
Waterloo on .Saturday afternoon.
Autumn ;flowers and foliage in at-
tractrie arrasigement. rn Oeitee Tinned
cburch, Porter's hill, formed the setting
for the wedding on Saturday afternoon
of•Beatrice Irene, daughter Of Mr. an()
Mrs. Milton 'Woods, Goderich township,
'and James Charles Durnin, ,DondOn, Son
of Victor Durein, Lucknow, and the late
Mrs: Durnin. Revh.:Currie, pastor of
the ehurch, offieiated. The bride looked
thermilig in a gown of aeriabblue crepe
and 'carried, Briareliffe roses. ' As she
entered the churth on the arm of her
father, who gave herrie marriage, laet
aunt,' airs. Yeo, 'organist,
played the wedding mitreli from Lohen-
grin. )(lies leobeI 'Woods, sister of the
bride, was bridesmaid, wearing a dress
of. British navy and carrying Talisman
roses. Xr. Roland Deacon, LondOes
was best man. A reeeption was held at
the lieme of the ibrides parents, where
autumn flowers formed attractive door-
atiOns. The guests were the immediate
famlliea cif the bride and bridegroom'.
Atter ti Phort; motor trip, Mrand lirs.
Durnin will reside at 35S Pieeadilly
street, London.
The temperatures for the past week
and .for the eOrreeponding week laS't
year, as olliciallY recordedi, were an
. • - 1940 1039
Max. Mire Max. Min.
Thurs., Oct. 17 ...A 39 • GO 35
Fri.-, Oct. 18 49 '30 52 32
itat.,'Oet. 10 .....,30 29 01 zio
Sun., .0et. 20 42 $3 59 48
Mon., 0(1..21 47 SO em, 42
Ttic3., art.. 22, '3
- 5
WO,/ Oct. 23 02 39 55 34
Miss 'Pelton Baia that salaries and
eotenunications were cut off itt a
single night from missiciearies of the
Christian 'eherelies le (Denmark aid
-other European countnies. itw11l have
e tremendous effect on the church in
Europe If Canadian arid United States
ehuiehes accept the ehallertge to arSoroe
;their burdens. Thus, the ;Christians, in
the world will be SG unitsd that the day
will come when •Ohrietiae nations can
Settle their differeneee it a peaceful
way e ^thee righteoueneseeeinstieeeeerl
mercy shall reign, and all that is dia-
bolical be stamped ord.
Mrs. D. J. Lane presided and ex -
the thanke.of •tbehanxillary to
the speaker: Mrs. ,Robert Bisset read
Psalni 145, and prayers were offered
by Mrs. T. Wardlaw Taylor_...ande.Dr.
J. H. Barnett. The responsive reading
waS led by. MI'S. Barnett. A stile was
' sung beautifully by MererraVrrF.
41-N11141:ser.ttseiie MaCVlear, *1"e;11 dc-
itay, Mrs.. A: H. Erskine and Mrs. R.
Bisset were named a committee to
select an -assistant leader for the Mis.
elms Bane'. *
The tliankofferirif-WaS $147.0.0.. The
meeting elbsed with the Natiohal An.
and the benecliction: prtmouneed.
by 1. Wardlaw Taylor. A
social half-hour was enjoyed after the
.Jos. thinbar Victim 'HON. Cl. HOWARD rratirsor Students Ex
of Road Accident at Port Albert
• owleriebt is to have a, frvm lion,
Succumbs, to Injuries Received
wheu. EltrUcic by Motor 'Oar '
Saturday ;Night
Still another fatal automobile ac-;
cident Was recorded in this district last
Saturday night, about 0 o'clock, when
Joseph X)unbar, ' aged sittpuine, et '
near Port -.41abert, Teas,. strutk down as
be wtflked, north, atonibighway islo! '4
near Port Albert United church, lie
died in.Alexandra%oepital early Wed-
eesday morning as a result - a hie
itiJurieew-Both,legs-were, broken -and
his pelvie fracturedfIre alSo Offered'
eevere1/4.4ead 'ireluries.,
•Traill?.. 'Officer James Culp told The
•Signel.Star that Mr. ,Dunbar had been
lelariting on Saturdaf for JaMeS Young
on, the Lake range and was returning to
his own' place, one mlle north. It was
his custom to eut through the ifierdsrbut
owing- to, heavy rains on ,Saturday he
-chose the road
For some unknown reason, $aid the
traffic officer, rrir. Dunbarehose to w,alk
.near the eentreof the highway, facing
the 'traffic. Ile was ten, feet from the
easterly edge of the travelled portion
wheu Struck, measurements showe,d.
Earl slealeyena 1, Selkirk, Ont.,* driver
of.the tar proceeding -north 'behind. Mr.
Dunbar, told the traffic °freer that he
MOS 'SO hlitdedeby etrong lights of ears
he was meeting thathe did not see the
pedestrian until he was almost on him.
He said he swerved ,bis ear. sharply,
but the right front fender taught lie
unfortunate Man across both' legs,
throwing him-- violently to the road.
Daley, wes not held.
-- Mn. Dtinbar was brought _to hospital%
br SgteJ. E. Beatty and other it.C.A.F.
raen Who were coining to Goderich from
Port Albert at the time of the accident
Coron,er Dr. W. F. ,Gallovv coneucted.
.an investigation yesterday aed,:decided
-that an inquest was not necessary. He
found that 'Daley, the driver, ' was in
no manner to blame end said relatives
of the „deceaeed agreed that death was
accidental. As a result no action will
be taken against the driver. ,
The late Joseph Dunbar,: a baelrelor,
i was born ln Asitfield, a son' of thelate
lir. and Mrs.-JamesrDenbar. and -lived
there all his life. Ile farracreage and warked for other faretera
oed a small
and.; was well Iceown threughoute the
cram:nullity. He As eurvived, by two
brethere,. Janice and Alex„ and one
sister, Mrs: Henry Lednor, 2m1 conces-
sion Of Ashfield, from whose hcime the
funeral -will be held on Friday after.
Aeon- at .2 o'clock. The services will.
. be conducted by Bev. D: J. Lane. Inter,
ment .rWill . benade ' -Me -Port • 'Albert
cemetery. , ,
1 -Fifteen Members of.'" -C -CO.' -'-under Ifl-
1 sfruetione--Ndtes from Militia Quarters
,Eleven' Goderichi and four Clinton
members of "C" Company, eliddlesex.
Hertel Regiment, are taking non-com.
missibned officers' courees. They are:
Me Hetherington, B. :Thompson, J. Me -
Kinnon,, v.,. Elliott, J. O'Brien, D.
Worthy, H. ;Shackleton, T. Plante, II.
Pollock, R' -Truss and G., "McManus of
Goderich' and O. Ward, G. Lawson, W.
Aikenrand C. Mizell of Clinton.
Instructions' in the course are re-
eeived on 'Wednesday and Friday nights
rt-tuder-the ttitelage of the "C" Company
staff. ,
Arillbig at the Rink
The , Tuesday and Thursday night
trhining SO,SSI0118 for the- entire group
ferrecletichemembere of eit",Company,.
aiciiow being held at the West street
, rii.e spatiourness of the riiiii.
makes it much more adequate for in-
door training- than the armories, 'end
beettese.of itedryness it is preferable to.
an Mitdoor place. e'' •
Th rt company foems. ranks. at the
armories and marches around - the
Square to the rink, where the two-hour
training period .is carried out. The
, •
company returns to tbe armories for
dismissal. i •
' Lieut. Twamley, Bereaved
Lieut. B.' E. Twamley left for Lis-
towel On Wednesday morning upon
being informed of the death of his
mother. He will remain there nettl the
funeral takes plige at the entl of the
Standing of Huron Junior 'Farmers itt
Guelph Competitions:
,0therITON, Get., 23.--J. C. Shearer,
agricultural"representative for Huron,
hes received the report of the liveeterie
judging competition at the Westeke
Junior, Fair, Guelph. The boys from
Huron and their , scores aret'.. V. S.
Mitten, Goderich, 252; James A. Out-
eGedeeleh, 4,90;,:Sendreese,Alserietf.e.
'Goderich, 245; •Gtordorri=Sfoire, e..e7Mirr
249 :„ Roes Retiree LeeknoWr 272e Ken-
neth- Weight Wroeeter. 250 Eldred
Cathers, Wroxeter; 250; Blake Gibson,
Fordwich, 249.
-Junior. club conspetitems": Holstein,
William i. Clutton and Jainee A. Clut-
ton .were first and -second for individual
Animal and le group competition the
Huron Calf- Crith was first. In the
:Swine 'Clete showing class 2, Huron
elebr had outstanding success. For in-
dividual animals -Ross Henry, Lecknow,
won first- place; Russel Reid,. Ripley,
was second ; Philip John, . Exeter,
fourth, and Blake Gibson., 'Fordwich,
seventh, Forpair, the Huron winners
were, Ross Henry, • Lucerne*, 'first;
PleiliP Johns, Exeter, fourth; Stuart
Tribner, Exeter, 'fifth, and Blake Gib-
son, Forewleh, seventh. For group
rrhowleg, the Lueknow SWITI:0 Club,
Bruce county, was firk ; Lucknow
gwtne Club, Huron, seeond Exeter
Swine Club,- third, and llowlek Swine
Club, fourth. For ehowinanehip, Roes
Henry, • Lucknow, wen erst places
A wedding of intfl*At took place in
the parsonage North street united
church this (Thursday T morning at
11 o'Clock, when 'Mildred ylohi
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
WiIrson, Elgin ave., war United in
Marriaee t� Donald !Hector MeKly,
son of Mr. ana Mrs. John ,MeRey, Me -
Donald street. Rev. W. P. Lexie per-
formed the ceremony. rir. and Mrs.
Robert Wilson, Jr., of ,Goderielf attended
'the eettple, The Amide looked' chanting-
gewn Of 'soldier bine with roe port
coat and ece'essories, With it Corsage of
Talisman roses,
Atter a brief wedding trip lir. and
Mrs. Megay will reside' on the Baylield
• CARS ' COLLI1913
Oars driven by DS; J. A. Orabase and
T. W. Sprottlee 3309 Yonge street, "for,
onto, einehed-on Hamilton street on
Tuesday night about 0 o'eloelt.
Sproule was driving west on Hamilton
street intending to pull up in front of
the Chineee' laundry, and Dr. -Graham,
turned , off St. Andrew's, street on te,
Hamilton, intending to park hia 4)ar
in front of his °thee only,o few •yards
away.' With doors of one side of the
Grahani ear.were stove itt 0110 fender
of the +Sproule ear was -damaged. Pollee One might add, has charge of tlx feed.
irreestigation dieelosfd that beth nien ing of the , sate of the 31441 Osnaclisn
were insured .with the eaiiie eompany. Infantry. a.,•
• „ ,
Says High Morale. of British People Is
Amazing •
The following is from The Itityal
Leamington Spa Courier and Wiiiivick.
shire Standard Of aeSeptember date:
Sergt. A. E. Ireereton, of the 3rd
Canadian Infantry, has been on it few.
days leave to Leamington, where he has,
viSited his grand/bather, MI'S. Small-.
Wood, aged 95, of 2, Clare/1(1On Creseent.
and his aunt, M. Glass.
burinft, the last , war „Serge Brereton
served 11 the Royal N'avy at Porte -
mouth. • ', . •
Chattleg With a "Courierl,representa.-
five, Seigt. „13rereton tonsil:tented on the
amazingly high morale of the Britleb
people. The morale of the WOMell lie
thought was rabsolutely marvellous."
The Canadians,' he added, were fell of
admiration for the 11.A.F.,"whieh they
regarded as being largely responsible
for the "good health" of the old country.
"We 'are glad' to 'be .over here, and
to be of what service,we ean," he said
"but jfidging frau/ 'the look of every-
where la England, and the normal Way nuelcSteP, ig Myth, and a sister, Mis.
itt whiell everybody goes on, with dailW G Mingos,ofSt. Louis, Mo. lier
"work, it ie ditlicult to realizethat a husband, spent his early eears with the
war is in pro,eress. I have written to British ermy in foreign lands and 'after -
tell the ,folks• itt home that they need ward was a well-kaown eitieen of
have no fear about the food , situation qoderich Until hie death many yamre
in England. Food le plentiful.",
0. howard FerguSon,„ former .Prepaier pre arations for Their Arrtra/
ot 'Ontario, On Fride,Y, .Noverahers 8th. Being:Hastertett-sotes
Mr;;:rergusou 'i5 c4orim-i to''ialdreSs a
banquet und,er the auspices of frol3r the AirPOrtal
lenox. chueeb, with suiVer at ,''oew ' 1)1e t Wig sok
mtheee tlbrivosde:moibrieb:111w110,00.1000.00.'ard i:liTIrtiardeer,00,41Tr. b.Let, , ././1.4,40d
for the reception of two hundred R.0.
preptirittionti are being ado
1011,T:4112:go boxrf.onovweerdiubsyQui,stie.,:fiardoirerctim„, ....e. erneen.s at Port -Al
end, the first ,contiegent of over.***
Tickets'i et0 cents, may be,,obtained at handred stfidents who will Orentteall7
any of tile three:banksor from me
of the Board of Trade exetutive. . ' be stationed atIlie 'Navigation School. '
.. rabers
,This will be another "rural 1 elatienS thl M6/114413t. last "4°161 en age
tendekl to 'inembere of the forniing emu- Were instrueted ' to double their )04441
„ 14414:itt,:::{11:inspe:541:1 I ,Ifv_iv :i _SA, : .1011.IS ex., ..iii,in all hwroarrie.. th:Se etsxfpetlieeteb4Uell, dal:: tar:.1:
F. OBITILTAItY - ' ' 1.1•11-'g1"(1*
of 'students, who, it is said, are 'from!
Already, men of the Canadian A
_see-. rniar
itoinmfaiAam.,4LNT• ,i .,'„ , SerVice Corps from London are ',en the,.
The:death Of titehert -Merchant., in.his. ligra°1111:claindPrsePtoaerkl,u.inge31411:111/bell$esartind ladrinng
eighty-sixtle year, ,oecurred 'he Alex- ation for .their task of feeding the Men,
andra hospital ..on Thursday ,evening Work of furnishing the reSidential bar -
last, after a short illness.• Deceased reeks hag., 'been under, way for some
was born, in Fulthani,, England, the son time in, contemplation of tally and .
of Robert aml, liyra Marehazit, 'and partial occupatioae, _
carie to Goderieh thirty-two years.- He Last week saw the completion of 'the,
was. for 'somes'timie r au *emploYee e -5f tlie ' runways =Id- taxi strips -and the'eani*
Godeeich . Organ Factory. Surviving ;Inept Of the . contractors, the . Warren
are two daughters, Mrseaolin Haley and Paving Co:, has; been moved to another
Mrs. Alice Oram, both of Toronto, and job.« Asmall.„foree was left behind for
one in England.; three sons are also in touching, up purposes. '''I'lle runways
England, and 'one in Cineinnatihtsare now in ahnost daily use by °facial
wife predeeeased him lout years ago.: visiting Planes, and training shipe freer
The funeral was held from BkoPheY'S: Sky 'Harbor.
funeral chapel on 'Saturday erternoon, . Water Tank b*talled _
Rev, A, 0, Calder Condieting the ser. Water, has been 'quite a problem at '
viceS. ,The pallbearers were ,Col. It. C. Port Albert, teniporarile. 'Pump In-'
, Dunlop, Thomas Gundry, Sarre Farstallation' has net yet been eempleted
;rant and Albert Shore. Burial took at the:site of the 200 -foot well recently
plate In Maitland. cereetcery. • . ' -,stiele and- Water le being,,brought,seeeby
' .-;-- • , - t Ala ffiinr as far „aw y as Goderi li. .
JsmEs .G. ormuK - This week 'a 000,000:gallon storage tank .
. . , , . ,
re celli"ve.dA*1\vlotivd Mth'etKirhe°rf ' s'isatfe°rr,t11.-:Milras. awiarPs'oi:rtn!llea .a.t t.lie. nt4th e'lld' r Cit' the '
James . 0. °leer, mare Ann); bad • In fact, week:on' the sewerage and
:pessed away-On:October 12th, at the, waterworks sestems"constitutes the big _
age of seventy-seven -yeers•, leer ,her.• Jebe- ar the airport juSt now. The
diherabvoyetars , groene loft the beaten paths bai- .heen
it a quagmire asr a result of frequeni'.
Pacific Electric RA. of :140s Angeles; laiiisr but the werk is 'well up ' to
California. She leaves three soneeRoyr seliedule.
of -Sandals-se Earl, at lionie, and Ralph, Folding' doors for the hangars, each'
of Manilla, end 'a granddaughter,, Marx weighing"13;7;0 JAMMU, are being°aWtin, g
falarl; also liverbrothere, -3 ohe,•Charlee intopliree this week. Three of the four
and .Norman Bailie, of Lee ' Angeles, , hangars are now almost completed. -
.t.81).-aer-i;i8u-eoal ";Gtd.OBE CoallinieMlerVhee° eisf -Aar4lejekralt,IlaZif-fl-stTehree -pililtunierbeWrrsvcr'el(ec)°otaln'her, •
has been going on twenty-four. •
'..jblaenatehsr,BWailliliefiaerd'7-BCrtasulg:rYCree,'i"ele.°etshsejr htk'realliress a day„ tenspearY, lighting having
,PC:iacels8eerdieh474$37120°L,earVetew:lsyee.atwrt sarsGterins; 'btleAee'n• drirtrlYilloda,epelld:onlia7blilr'vagnence°e'rxn:lt t46d7r:e in .
asrs. Bert Franklin'. (Minerva) and ' '
All -told; Port Albert airport iS about ,
waihrrsee. Ao,ntdhreerw
sisiterSK„pfrikedeocet a‘.Sesedaf°hretril; :threeepiarters tonipleted. . lime more
atr4. Re B-elliinree et 13uffaler-lirs:-Jre.-Illorliegi4 '....w.ere - eloSed ,in-Mis Week. -
. , . , .
Xmaaeinr.optrtrzreo,„eoffIrwleithgh, aandm. s airs. Rebeet_ ',rive., h4vg- not 'Y'et ' rRssed tb.-. -,rounda, s .
time Stage, but these are net essential
The funeral :took piece on Tuesday, to an opening and partial operatiorer A .'
.tery fro7ii"..A the , church of the Little, id
October 15th, to the; Los Angeles. cense- is npre9grattpasie-eifetr4tihawte.etraihks :toolraeltilltuat ,
..was originally planned, alt4ough, some
Flower, and was largely attended:. - 4- .
- , - - incoevemencearwill, hax.e__. to. .i pifti,up
William- Blf;ekford passed
weeeir;Am Diam.,F0,R,±) with for a short time. Similar eon- „
away at sehere hasn't been a 'squawk ' ''.
• diti,ons prevailed at Sky Harbor Ande
- ler- --
Alexandra 'Hospital on Friday eening The Bell Telephone Co., 1;aving coose':,"
after a lengthy illness. He had been in pleted the job of installine a switehe '
[poor health for eeVeral years and had board at Sky Harbor, co/meeting sixteen
beee in the hospital, for over a monthtelephones with the.outside world, has
A resident of ,•Goderich all his life, de- now t,a.ekled a sithilar but higger task at
teased was been here In 1871, the son Port Albert, where a forty-line.switch-
ovfMr.ahtdo this Mrs.coeuIitirliyafmr014131Eacnkgrarnt make ikis
board is to iee'instelled forthwith. TO
Possible near% twe hundred
and lived for mans' years on the Herorr 'miles
of aerial cable has beedstrung, to,
road. An, exceptionally strong lean London.. In addition ten miles of
while in hie prime, deceased was kno. evn underground cable has laid to,Pert
for many sears
as One of . the best Albert and nearly a mile at Skyharbor.
lacrosse players in the county. Before, Seven crews,
a total of forty men., eiree•I
the -turn Of the century he played oil been engaged on the Goderith old alone..
several Goderich district championship Die 3.13-..11alurchy, of Kingston, has.
„IferrirrOsst,9,11.ns aneLr.(v4.r for one Year 4 .beeerer,..21)0Intea- =Meal-90,er ateDri-eeee
'Member a the faneruerffeefoter-Bereee--- Aesseee
al-U4ees.--tereedy.em .,
lacrosse team. He worked at various
trades dining his lifetime, and for sev-
eral years was an .employee of the
IYOnlitdOn Road Machinery Company.
A bachelor, he is survived by a sister,
ries. Jessie Roush of Detroit. The
funeral service was held at Brophey's
funeral chapel on Mondrarl afternoon,
Rev. A. C. caldex. officiating. Among
'those who attended the funeral were
many old friends ond lacrosse • team-
mates from the surrounding district.'
The pallbearers .were Harold Murney,
Noble Young, William Doak, Wiliaib
Drew, , Archteerdehnsten and George
NiUmby. Interim -al was in • -Maitland
cemetery. ' '
rrtre.le STEP
The • death of, Jane Cook, widow 'of
the late Thomae Pleckstep, which oc-
cerredeort 'Monday evening at the homd,. e
porte_ • „
At Sky ,Eraibor'
Aa additional residential barracks to
house the inereasedenuraber, of students
assigned to SkY Harbor, under the stes
eelerated tOonimonwealth Training Plan,
is to be eonstructed forthvvith, Manager
'John R. Douglas told The .SigualeStar
last night.'" He said the ittMOr that a
seeond.,hangar was . to be built Itn-
mediatelY .*tio`1"only suP6ositient.l.
Manager Degiiglas said that, thanks
to prevailing ere weather, the flying
schedule set for the school war beingmaintained, as is the groend insteuctio;
Plyine Officer Sleeves and Adjutant
Jordan, R.C.A.F: siMprilsOtS, Mire il."6147
taken up 'residence af the camp., Water- r -
weriss and sewerage systems have been •
completed "and are now itt nse in. all
.building.s. The heating system. else has
ofher • sonin-laweir.
beet* placed in commands
ission ` -, •lJames rie.'
Craeken, Victoria street, removed one
of the town'e' oldest citizens.. Mrs.
_lineketeli was in her ninety-first year,
having eelebrated her ninetieth birth-
day anniverstiry on September- .13th.
She was born in Colborne township, the
daughter of James Cook and his wife
eren Hall, and lived there until at the
age of fourteen years.; she moved into
Goderiele She. 11:1(1 since resided here,
with the exception of fourteen years-
sPent in St, Lonis, Missouri. • She, re-
turned to Goderieli oyer two years ago
in a poor state of liValth and .had einee
Heed: with her daughter, Mrs. Mc-
Cracken. Although in failing health
since returning here, her„eondition did
mit 'beeome serious entil a feW^ days
before her death. Many people in town
had come' to know the kiedly old lade
intimatIoly and news of her death will be
received with regret hy all. She is
survived by her daughter, Mrs. Janice
MeCraeleen, of town e it son, James
Serge Brereton, Who enlisted at C:11.
gory, le the son-in-law Of Mr. -and Mrs.
It. J: Doak oftown and Mre. 'Breret0i
(formerly' Miss `Mabel Doak) is now
with her Parente. here. Serge Iteereton;
The funeral took place thie (Thurs-
day) afterimon from the home of Mr.
Merraelten, Victoria street, Iles'. W. le
Lane, el,,,Xoetli street ITnited 'ehureh,
Conducting the wrvice. The i)alibear.
ere werti Frank (hambere, William
Choanbere, Jt. M.,ItoleTteon, John Mae,
Donald, Neil :AiaeI)onald ttla Ed. tersa.
interment was in,Colhorne eerrie.tery...
finietiorene, satisfeetorily. Only the .
hanar, nciivie use after ebrapIetion of
the installation the, big folding doors,....,
now remains uuheated. This work is
being, rufshed. The painters will have
completed their Contraet. this week. .-
Roaa tonetruetion• in the eamp, One
, of the last jobs to be undertaken, is
now inl piregrese The sideroaditi the
airport entramte is, to. use the expres-
sion of Manager Douglas, "liorrilae.,"
The Arthur- Circle of Knoe Presby-
terian (lurch met oe Tuesday evening." •
Mies Dolma Bell geaie the SeriptUre °
reading and Mrs. Watter Newcombe, led
In .prayer, Mrs. IL Rivers, the presi-
dent, disc/1*d ne topim of business
and filial arrangements were made for,
the bazaar. A trio eendered by Misej
Betty !Smith,' Eileen Bogie and Marjorie
Gillespie, accompanied. by Miss
Snider, was inucli -enioyetl. Lantern
slides were shown of "'Women in the
New Teetament," as W011 as pieturee of
foreign missionaries and of several of
The presidents of the 'Women's afissiou-
ary Society. Miss Mary NiacVicar gave ,
a resume of the life of Miss Anne Jud,
eon, missionary to India, and Mtg.
llaroldi Nfad'hee told of the °rigida of
the closingliyinu, "'What it Friend We
Have in Jesue."
alre. tr,ltriell, -And fan yeti tell whelk
your iron is too hot when doing the
laundry? Neve niaid-e0h, ye,
The elethee always begin to burn an41
turn brown when /Os too hot,