The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-10-10, Page 4THE GODERI011 SIGNALSTAR (vii .'OPER 194' :07,41 TEEW (With apologies to J arses Whitco s. b Riley) Onee there was a... littie .girl wl w Wouldn't brush,iea.teeth•.;,, • And all her f'a?leg& and 'lawny . Said, °•You'll eurely ' orae to girief l" But she . nn ot;ked 'eau and shacked 'ego, - and slat' said she 'didn't care; And now the paiufal tale to Stell, She's in the dentist's chair! +13ITAY 41,M `J.. D� VITYSON o i x�:t"lv i on Mondays 02 the Icahn of i" apt. Hugh Davideerr `Thi ete•"i >o1 the Impeaial OR tanker SumavPAite, Baa his ?easel Wn` travelling downhound in the Well autt Canal. Death ith r+. as the t iaalt of a heart utaela Captain Daellll'on spent his early arena' in Gabe. ;rich with his graatdparclaita,,, the late :lir: and airs. William :`waftielal, otitd at- tended at-tend i ('",rllegiate Institute., He leaves e• widow and, two daughters:, Ruth and Mary, Bring at Toronto. . air. Jos. R. Swafiield aural Mies Jeseie Swat-. Held,' bin Uncle and tutat, other, relatives left here to aattenai the fraier:al ;at• Toronto. MEN IN ACTtVF SERYICE FROM GQIERICU AND n1STRICI Pte. KPa,,1.AAW7•LJ.'ON,. (Ga eriei RA. ?tee S9w - J4ITfJADO1k (Benne:M'rl, 0), Royal ''ana�dian Reglmeutw y Perth RersiMent�a(p�1i q1��. jA�7yy�1� �9cy tuiPtne. '% •iR,�rp�w At.. 'f! RSO , Reyal Can //rte• '•��yjT* a • FN' ID;4'GGla•lo dli an ac iCia $ata{+ eett la ll M Pu an � Q r * 1 1 wen-Neer')Royal Pte. C. , L. PRO(�R; ( TTo�baesrille), Canadian Ass JG'oe, •Royal t"anadlgayn Ordnance (*era•s 1 Pte... .• A. 47vT.V -1's 1Dung naon), Pte. 1). • A lLYKr- S1,/Ali4�j '11.0,0.'6.a mY A Y M.G. Perth Regiment, Sm. . R. W. ?DELL, <oyal. 4Cauadiau. • Pte. \ . R: ,:� J)A.T4L, Perth l e; eat, Psi ivaeers. 3I.G.. �i Pte. J. S. BELL, Royal Canedist;i Pte. W ItA.NDALT., Perth Regia�eeut, w Engineers. - ' Fie. T . RILE ' * tlgii� Reims 1 t. uarA W . Y1T CIIA' . Call ; Pi OdAcer j ilft. ROBERTS ad EmtgianeersR Royal Canadian Air Force.: ls— her teeth were rocs of ,1ear And where er she went slue . proudly told this tale to other girls. SUN OIL' DEMONSTRATION' Dealers Dealer-soof Goder�ich Distract'Addressed by Company Reiwesentatn es „an enthusiastic' group of .k,,tin oil •Com an' .. aeaier -'of• rider elt and dis-N Were *goes is:_at ie • at. thet trtet icer � s Rritisli Exchange 'Hotel eta' Thurslay evening last, at which a denoiastrat°eU of the workings of Motor oil in a modern automobile engine was given, Alpl,yy,lA� *r i9r was_held in order. h ` vel... that ' Stan OW dealers Yshoiild a more eomplete •knowledge of pre4ent- Iday needs in lubrication and may tliere- -.fore be able to serve their customers. !with greater satisfaction. The dealers saw the magic *and of inadern- industrial research waved be. fore them and cane away with a much clearer' idea of the arduous and varied duties a Motor oil must perforin in a modern ai tomobil_ e. el dis- tributor r ceh d Bu of , Mr. Ross Scott• of Sun oil for this district, introduced J. B. Raine, district manager of the company, ; 110-spcake a few words of welcome to the dealers and explained what the company had: in mind in putting .on just such clinics all over the province. , ` H, 'C:, White, Sun Oil 'Company auto- five-enginee edescril :,fiat an oil must do in a modern motor and told ho�v Sunoco motor oil- meets, the de- mands, required of it by present high- speed motors. Have You Renewed Your Canadian Pte. "I . A• IIO\i RS,l' (Dungannen), petty Offic=er iS ' GITSS'r Rpyat And every little,; tpoth ` she had cri Out to her in turn, didn't get nay share of milk, or, butter from the-. eliurn." h4 ..hart, • Anal '�heY' �eliec�, ; her' � and they : -i6er, : asci• they, Said; they didn't care, Because the„ way she'd treated them just simply :wasn't, fair! Ahad so she told her dentist kind, e -that--her-teeth, r ---teeth had_snid, _�.1 if they're friends of untie no more, Iplease pull them from my head." 'But he bushed. her and. lie ,told 'her' that 'twas every bit her fault, And if she'd treat them as be said this paha would surely halt. She promised him., with all her • heart to do just as he said, And make` her "teeth- be proud to sav the; lived, inside her head. So 'she cleaned 'em and she brushed '�ein, till they were shining bright, And in the sun all dav she played, and slept Iong hours, at night, She ate green vegetables every, day, and found°how good they are, And fruit • she ate at recess time- ° in place of eatady'ba , She drank tier milk, she ate her greens Subscription? Perth Reglinent 3i.G. Canaduaia;.N,uvy.. ' AktTriii'ti a`i."RIUUi" , Pte< 0. . J3RAI)SUT�.�V, Pte' 3 1'51B A"S� $°1 RJOO ,, Arthur F"urrw • a lifeloni resident (D meat ,G, ,,}, '�• '�. a', ISS1 •J6.P.. 11L'o At oderirli "toWnshi died on Se. readier Aareraaftsmaan H.- Pt CARL SHEA DO N,' R. .0.C. � p e "filth at has'home oars the hath eoncQn, '('aaaadiamai Toroe, .. Sea'eant Jasa SHEARDOWN',; Perth ", Gnr. R. BARN+7'F'S, Royal. Criadiamc Regiment; Mee. in his eilihty'-third year. I�ecea�al was �• a son of Dennis and *Catherine C'antelon C1'en Vii;• we's tillery, ` =Currie o f Goderieh township,, , In June, 4804, he: quarried Elizabeth Ewmer t?i}a Who survives hIxn with wr at Parer, at home, and Howard, of Clinton, and two daughters, Mrs. Charles Switzer of Eippen 'aand:3irs, Harold• Epimerson o,f cihaton. I'. w. Currie of Goderich a.;.. hrothkr.e..gil"'.;,, t. ltd lie :; w.ean. en- thusiastie 'Orangemanand a • ?ember Pte. L. B. SHT)ARDOi'1�7, ` Elan Pte. J. G. BLACK, Royal Calitidtan Regiment, ' Regime#at, N, w ;' J'te. P'. lE, . S'I KARD0WN,. Xr1Sh rte C.. T�OOgIFILLI?. Royal• Can Regiment, '''''X' , adian � �1�-aa7 ��!�i•l -� .<"i�%�"a, i •n--•�'�. a �tY�r��Y-":S1L2"` „ i "°y nq •.w:7aas I;� � v.. Lie ..�.,e�* . , • >�- n ciao c, a Spr. WM. BDJtI�E," Royal a meat. Engiueers." Brander. :L. F 8 4TaP, Royal Can-. Aircraftsman 'P. C. BISSET, (Godes' adian Artillery.•, i rich1t.R, Royal • Qanadiau, Air Aub R.B. s 1), Pte.. K. SCOTT, ( }trn ) � � t Fore... - Divisional Signallers. „•.- " Pte. GEOR BROW , Elgin R- men.: , .., ....Y Cr.-., �. Sergi, CSA�?TON; , Essex"'SeiFt- bf the United Church, Capt; P, P. 0AREY, Elgi n Re ,ameut. • tish Regiment; . The funeral, under the auspices of C,A.SRF,.. ' , Pte. G, tri; SOHWANZ, Elgin Regi- tbe .Orange Order, wits held from the Aircraftsman W. J. CRAyIG, It.:C.A. . ment, C,A,S,'F. •- fanliiy residence on Saturday, Septene Pte. C. C,RAWFORD, Perth Regi- Pte. H. R. ;STODDARP, C.A.S.C. ber 28th, with interment in Clinton meat, M.G. • Pte. VIC. TAYLOR, (Nile),. Perth g the ._ _ - T ..Dun nnon), -- _ .-. - ._ . [eexneter� . Among tie relatives in at- Pte. M. CUItBkIR { ga Regimeh�t, �T:G, TUANIIVJNG DAY SUP?: Monday, October 14th $toaPm,>, BRIDGE HALL gk Concer amoe wit?% .1%.rtlitt..rra Orchestra Adini*On: Adults: •5. +tendanee were Mr. P. W. Currie and Mr. 'Perth Regiment, M.G. Pte, D. THOMPSON, Essex Scottish P. J.:Oantelon of Goderich, the latter Pte. T. CA!RRICK, Perth_1}tegiment, Ret. being a'cousin of :the deceased. 'll.C• Pte. WIL 11. THO iPSON,_2,st Huss_. Pt , H. C,HAM EX, Esser. Scottish sars, A Squadron. 'MRS. FRED ELLIOTT i�egt` Spr. JOE. C. THO1PSON, Royal Mrs. Elizabeth . Elliott, of Goderich Aircraftsman J. I'. S. CALDER, Canadian Engineers. ' Royal, Canadian Air Force. I'te. I3. R, 2lHO PSON (Auburn), township, passed away at le andra` Pte. R. I?R>:31�T�A\T, Perth Regiment. .Elgin 'Regiment. Hospital 'early Monday morning atter M G, a brief illness. Mrs. Elliott was in her Re ?meat 57 ,G. Vie' eg TiR, $LAY; Royal Caa- Pte. Si, DAE.R, Perth g , adian Regiment. .lC'7'Gl, l,)'—LI,.Vu year. She was born in Lee. Bomdr. A B. DOWKER, Royal A:ircraftsnian H. TURNER, Royal • Stanley township the daughter of Mat- Canadian Artillery. thew • Mary 'Johnston,. mored to W. Canadian Air Force. Goderichand township as a girl and spent, Pte. D. DUCRWORTH' Essen Pte. G. VA�NSTONE, Elgin. Regiment, the gr�srt oaf here there. Scottish Regt. Pte. L. `PI7STZ ROOD, Werth Regi- siateen years she resided in Goderich . Pte, , H 'S'V`: �i3CK�'P�ORTH;lg' hien , but mored' back re the townshipto Regiment. • " Pte. N, WARRNOCK, Perth Regiment, Pte. G. EVANS, Perth Regt., Ku. m.G. spend her tater years. - .She was a mem- tended., em- Pte, E. B. FISHER, .Elgin Regiment, Pte. SA C. WILLIAMS, Elgin 'Reg% Regi- ber of the Church of England but at -1 C,AJS.F. menta' • tended -the United- church at 'Porters Pte,. G. C. FISHER, Elgin Regiment, pie. H. T. WrLS(7V, Elgin -Regiment, 11 andAtaol; au active part in its work. Spr, W. G. - FREITH,. 9th Field c A.S°.F. ' " Surviving is a nephev�, Edward (Ted) Coifipany Pie. W. J. WAFT, (Tauch-now R:R. Johnston,. of Toronto, whom :Mrs. Elliott Pte, A, G.IDLE'SPIE, Elgin Regiment. 7),"Perth Regiment, �.G: raised from childhood ; two brothers, f A.R. w; GR+11J NWOOD, +R,C.X. Bar- Pte. E,; J. YUNOBLUT, (Auburn Thomas M. Johnston of Goderich "di racks: - -John---Edward of Toronto; and three? . Ter. IA;N RA,GGETT; 1st Hussars: -_ sisterSS;" Y-S.--Maty'eAnne McElroy alSpr, A. Fa�_Rlr.T4, Royal :Canadian Seaforth, Mrs. Emily Graham of Gode-1 Engineers: • rich and Mrs. Salah Sowerby of Gode Ord. Sig. H. G. HOLSIAN, R.C.N.V.R. rich` township. Mrs. Elliott's husband, Pte. 'J. HORNER, Canadian Army Ali their" ills, squeals. and squawks, eliminated. - the 1ctric. adio ospit,a; . j deep regret tO all. Thought i to be an $ , ' " ship. while Working at a threshing. Enemeers— "41::: 'C' a ' n- a- d-1 a a' stricken with -a heart seizure- in thei Casnpadr:il, -r „LkdAtTit,,,,,,,zee.-T- lie- died alone in the granary, and gor_B. P., LAWS. Royal. Canadian wee; found by a fellow -worker. Her- Engineers. . ' . k bert Lamprey. The bay hud ,lieen in Pte. E. LYNN, Elgin Regiment. Aircraftsman T. S. MATHIESON, Pte. F. .11111ZO, Elgin Regiment. student •and •all through his deademie- Elgin Regiment. . career bad won high scholastic. honors. Pte. 3. B. 31iLLION, Elgin Regiment • Wilfred Elliett, predeceased her less, Service Corps. meat, M.G."" than a year. ' - Pte.' T. IIU:SSEY,. R.C.A.S. Pte. L. SILLS. Perth Regiment, M.G. The funeral service was held' at St, `Aircraftsman J. B. HUGHES, Royal Pte. "G: S. TAYLOR; Perth Regiment, George's Anglican church on Wednes- Canadian Air Force. M.G. , day afternoon, Rev, A. C. Calder of- „bleat. K. J.,HUNTraft, Essex Scottish Pte. W. J. WATT, Elgin Regiment ,C,A. S. F. It is requested that -link corrections or additions to this list be left with The Signal -Star, or with Geo. W. Schaefer. secretary,' Branch 199. Can- adian' Legion, • B;E,S.L., Goderieh. R.R.),• 1st Divisional" Signallers. ENLISTED AND '•"' DISU'ARGED MMEDICALLt UNF I i T; Pte.. W. BARKER, Perth Regiment, M.G. Pte. R. PENXrNGTON, Perth Regi- liciating. The pallbearers were Thomas Regiment. So"werbs, Reg. Johnston, Reginald '• Spr. T. H. INKSTER,; Royal Can- -Maitland cemetery..• , went, M.G. er, • - ---- .. R: L"SCK, Elgin Regiment, DONALD. LiHEARJ O'F C.A S.F. The sudden passing of Donald Bomdr. P. F. KELLY, Royal Can- Shea;rdown, eighteen -year-old ' son a adian Artillery. • 31r.• and Liirr. Wren :Sheardown, on Pte. R. M. KLNGSWELL, Royal 'Can, Friday ,nl'orning •last, eame 'as a pro- adian Regiment.• ••. . -�- found .. :. _ e,:.- .r•,• i' T.Clif'lLla+'12.L?`. R'0'43-8' ?0:1C - Most expert Radio Repalr'Work in Western Dealers for WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS,' RANGES, REFRIGERATORS, WASHERS a.ind All Small APpliances ornish Bros. the -granary only fiee minutee, but when found by Mr. Lamprey, life had passed from hini. Donald was born hi Goderich, and had only reeently celebrated. his He graduated from Central Schooll' Pte. A. R. MOHRING, Elgin nee - with the Robert Park • memorial 'ine-dal meat C.A.S.F. • and at the Collegiate Inetitute won pte. 'S. NIOHRING, Elgin Regi- tbe Adamson Memorial seholarship 113 mega, C.A..SI.F. his eeeptui year. Last June he matri- 'AIrcraftsman, G. H. MOODY, R.C. Phone 141. BUT ew Revolutionary Idca With:Sunshine • Here Its a -new idea in Coats, rFversible,. that should be . on your must list. Itis a miracle of creation, light as a,. feather,, and yet protects yOu against wind.ind.rain. They come in tweeds, cheeks and plaids. Priced $11.95 and up subjects. • seeond-elass honors in two Pte. A. MURRAY, (Port, Albert), Regunent M.G. return to the -Collegiate Institute 011 Perth Regiment, M.G. -Monday to take a commercial course. • Pte. S. E. licALLISTER, Elgin Regi - .He was a ereat reader and Was. well /Rent, C.A.S.F., -posted on '''iiiatters of national and' Pte. B. Y. MeCREATIT,...E1g.infeRegi- subjects and third-class hon6rs in pe iurvivinge beside's, his sorrowing, Pte.. S. J. McGRA.TTEN, Elgin Regi- parents,- are a sister, Merle. nur;ie-in-1 meet . . , training at Alexandrq Hospital, and, , Pte. 3. T. MeGRAW, Elgin Regiment. three brothers. • all in the C.A.&F.----1 Pte. E. McLEOD, Perth- Regiment, Regiment ; • Sgt.' James, of thef Perth' Spr. D. D. Mel1ILLAN, Royal Ca.n- M.G.. Regiment. a•ini Pte. 'Leonard. oft adian Engi,rieers. - the, Elgin Regiment. The first twol Spr'. 51: 'N. M.cDONALD, Royal Can - are stationed at (tamp Borden and adian Engineers. ,Leopard is at Loadon. All' were houie Set*. .T 4.. McDONALD, Royal for the funeral, which. was held frinn -Canadian liege .day afternoon. The funeral' *as. one A. R. NITTXDAY,.A.B., R.QN.V.R. ef th'e 'most largely attended ritreecent Capt. p..11. INTAIltN, Elgin Regiment, of life, paid tribute to the youth who Lanaesepl. 0, OKE, Elgin Regiment. had been plucked so suddenly from Pte. E. PIGOTT, Perth Regiment, ducted •ty, Rev. W. P. lemee.of North ;:treet rnited church, 'of which Donald .waa a -member. .The room in ' which the remains lay was filled -With. Ifloral iil which the boy waa held ea. of the -deep empathy aroueed by his un- timely death. Besides; Igo many fioval 'tributes from individuals • and groups of 'friendie there were bouquets froni 1 "D", e_onaPany of the *Elgin Regiment,' ' the eergeants of the Perth 'Regiment. thee Toronto :Malt Club, the Totnce the Collegiate Institute staff. the istafe itetreining at Alexandra Hospital. „ The' ilowere were ltorne film the home I ,Sby young friends of Donald. among whom. were. several „sohliers. The niken. 'Stuart 'Watson „rind caor11.1 O'Brien. friends and fellow-ettidents of• the deceaeed boy. The funeral i ••torteae. many 'Works in length. formed 4 ill ft1Mt Of the 11011110 and tnovefi At the . 'regular ,aseetublY of • the Collegiate Institvite students AM. "Slott- 'i,<IitOreillet74. who was e student at the ' voinc;!...9to, for Vie east five venre and IF your dtild Ha NAS 'WEAR CORNFIELD'S WAItE AND SLIM omr, SHOP 'WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO, 6110P.• Phone #8 The Square Ulu; Notire—This,store Will he closed Saturd2ty„ Ott .4Z, 1910, until 4,1/0 p.m. *rad will reopen for the evening. 1 faom this vicinity attended the Tt% water Fair on Wednesday. October 2nd, end the Diingennon- Fair on Fri - fairs in thhe district for this year, - Threshing and corn -tenting were held up by the all-night rain on Sun-. day: but the work is going on again. ,talost of the fall wheat is sown and -mueli of it up and showing nice and even. lalr. Donald [MacLean and Miss Mary IL Reed and daughter Ruth, at •Gode- rich. were visitors with xtr. Max. Young on 'Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson visited. Ladies' Aid.—The Ladies' Add met on Tuesday, October •lst, at the home of Mrs. Frank acealwain. As the Pre4dent Was absent, Mrs, W. 'Cant- well, vice-president, . was in charge. Mrs. Jarvis McBride-read--therip- ture lesson and Mrs. Marsh led in prayer. The men business was ar- ranging for missionary and'Red Cross quilts. At the olose of the meeting. tlie hostess served afternoon tea and a so -1 OM hour was enjoyed by all. 7,-kERSONAL Jack Barton, , of Ilaanailton, was home for •a visit. -over tile -week -end, -Terr,,,Iry rr-stud en - at Westervelt Sr:11ool,, t -Loudon, 'was 'home at the week -end. Miss Betty Newcombe, who is wo rk- ing in L,ondon,. spent 'the' week -end at,. tier home here. firs:. ._ L.: Taylor and. -daugh els,: o€ Clifford„' are guests with Mr. and Mira,_ H. R. Long, 'and other friends; Mr. „William Ylitea ande on • Harry, of Toronto, spent the week -end . in C -oder ieli, visiting -with friends.. Aircraftsman Colon Austerberry,. of the Galt Aircraft School, - spent the week -end with his.. ,parents,. °Mr_ and Mrs. C. Austerberry., a • Mese-re. •'Fred and John- Belfry of Toronto visited last week with SLr. aaiidstreetfi_ . +R,,itrs. Needham;• 31c -Donald ,firs. E. Wa Currie is in. Tomato this . eel?-ntteudiii,l; the auuual t, of 'Provincial !Hospital Auxiliaries being held in the Royal York Hotel,. Pte. Harland 'Premblaaf. of Camp, Borden-) is at his hone on . two weeks'-' furlough. , Mrs. Fi'iite Trembiaty Polite of the C..W.S.F.;, Toronto,. also was a guest of her mother for the week-en`l. Willard Legg,,. who recently jciinctl the 'R;C.A.F. as an accountant, was • homey from: Toronto over the week -e ad. Henlav ' air Of Toronto,, -,44414 the week -end witll friends here. IMrs. 'Wm. •kiirnie, East street, Was called to Clinton on Tuesdey by the sFeagus-erioillness of her -sister, Mrs. Clara an.. Among those tteed ing , the funeral, of.. the late Robt. E. Wilson were Mrs. O. H. Curtis. Mrs. M. Stonehouse, Mrs. S. Reeve; ^ind Mr.' and” :Firs: R. J. Johnston, of Chaftham. Prof. H. Grant •Ro'bertson and daughters, . Mary and* 'Helen. were here from Toronto for the week -end and on their returi were aeconipu•uied by: Miss Margaret Robertson, aho will visit her relatives in the city. Mrs. Wesley- Logan of Winnipeg, and' Mrs. May Walond• of Guelph attended the funeral .• of their brother, the late Robt. E. Wilson, aecompanied,_. by - Corporal Robert . Logan of Camp • MAFEKING, Oet. Sr—Misses' Jean tended the teachers convention- fit Mr. and Mrs. F4nest Blake 4visitedi London last Friday, with their .daughter Muriel in .London . over the week -end. Messrs. •Gordon Andersort and Har-, ing this 'week for' Kitchener, wilco*. they . will undergo their. thirty • flaYs' Militair training fay home defence. Haryey, who bee, -working for the past filve weeks af Port Albert airport, °doing carpenter work. was obliged to give up his job for this cause. ' Mr. and Mr's. Charles Pearce of tHoltnesville spent -Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Thos. Andersbn. , A number attended Dungannon fair last Friday afternoon, also file eon- eeft in the evening. * Relies* the Irmo Rub chest, throat and tack thor- oughly with Vicks VapoRub bedtime. Right away,l/OpoRub VapoRub acts on the skirt ' .a warming stimulating poultice. the'sanfte Hine it giyesutfmedi- cinal vapoms that are breathed direct into irritated 4ir passages. • This direct, doubk action contin- ues for hours after restful sleep, cones. Ofteif by morning Most ofthemis` ery is gone. 'Why risk inerosed discoin- ticAbsing”" ICKS relieve . HURON'. cottsrrY, JUNIORS The 91Turon County 'Juniors Asso- eia.tion. of Toronto is opening, its fall activities tvith a bowling' party on Saturday, October 10th, at 8.30 pan., at tineCentral Bowling and Recie•ation Club, Shepherd street, All •Hur- onites in Toronto or• visitors from Huron county are ordially invited. Many , pleasant reunions have taken phere -at these get-togethers. 'The triet or town mepresentative,s 'for the next year will be appointed at a short business eeSglOn; °Mere wa'S to be a christening party, in the home of farmer. Before th, ceremony the minister took the proud father aside and inquired, "Excuee'nfte, Sandy, bid are you prepared for. tills Soleum event?' "Aye', Indeed," said' the fanner, 'I've got two hamS. a beefsteak pie, "No, no." interrupted the iminis3ter. "WWI, It think go. Minister," ponded the farmer, heart/IN'. "MO gal galtion of whisky, a ease of grab and a, err 7Wi�rSd r'1'1,,. �1 Borden, neiil%�w Visitors at the .;ltonae• of %Ir. J. P. 'ITainae and- Miss Esther Hume' over the week -end w 're : Dr. and llv[rs. Hilliard and 3Liss t lernent,' sistoi of Imre: altaliard-, of H * a erd oo,,nnly,3i ss - • Ueli�n dau g hter of Dr. and ht .Hilliarei, g Mrs. 'Hilliard, who is honiae oil fur= lough from India. where she is. assist- ing in medical •ntlssionary work. • "Eternity . is -Angle te rnitvast--who can 3* comprehend it?" said the speaker. ' A. rhaps.�-saiQ a little man in the .back. row, ._.yaam neverbottght anything on- the monthly payment plan." Mr. Jasper—Now I suppose you will threaten to go home-, to your mother. after this scrap. Mrs. Jasper --I'll do nothing so foolish. I'm going to invite. her to come here.._ eoial FOR WEEK END MEN S HEAVY tUIVIBO Sweater -Coats - Shawl collar, button style, knitted cuffs. Warm, com- fortable for outdoor work. Sizes 3844 Price 2.45 AtrENT TIP TOP TAILORS ' Phone 384 , -The Square DOMINION TIAN,I5EisALE • PUMPKIN Excellent 'for pies or 25c CRANBERRY JELLY 12 -oz. jar 24c 144EW' CROP CRANBERRIES 24c. SUNKIST Brand SUNKIST Brand ORANGES med size doz.,23c LEMONS lge size doz. 23c Fidl of juice New crop PICNIC BRAND, SWEET A*) "TINDER 16-02, Tin Clo• OUR .BEST OVALLY'S,' MINCEMEAT TIN OR Bali2 'se 25c FAMOUS DOMINION,. BACON SLICED SIDE • 27c 1 .B'ig and juicy Nice size Domestic Shortn'g 2 lbs. 25e Magie tin 280 White Satin Soap 90 Soaii —2 bars lla Peanut' Etttter 25 -oz. jar 2,3a Jelly. Powder. .Punapkhi races Siow, 1ge box 23o Opokies ..1b; 19e,, • DOM111410N