The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-10-10, Page 1Combining The Goderich Signal ,and The Goderich Star More'.Air Melds for RUI7011 COMItY? Surveyorii in Stanley TownshiP After llirorking in the ist- Amberley Drict, There ts MtU mueh copleeture ars to s, the location of the mooted .third..eir- portiforelleron:-CoeuitYs The auiveYor• . vibe last week were at .Anliaerler .are n'irwin Stanley townstfile sfeuth of' Bayfield. Lase. • week ''.aerfiial photo- • graphers -took photegraihe n .that area and they are reported to have uncovered an ideal location whieb,) ;however, has yet to be proved up by .a• • , land. survey. •It is Said that on .the. s strength of the2hotograplas .the sur- - • Teri:we werriirdired-trere-Mhirerierto- Stanley township.. The $80,000 contratt 'for the-, eon: struction of waterworks 'and. sewage systems at Port Albert was4411-0111leed. on Saturday - and already the work Is - well tinder way. 'Ditchleg Is In .:Ko - „gross and big tiles for the mein: trunk line aresstrung on begronnd, reatlY foraying, the_entireviogh of the camp, Paralleling. the ',Blue Water highway.' frhe outlet wifl be at the :Nine :Mile River, where' sedimentation building Is under eonstruction. All four hangars- at Port Albert .are now nearing 'completion. TW'o heye been completely cloSed in; Some. a the residential building's are completed and one Vs tkMpb;rarlITO-Cenpied-by guards, although no water le as yet ...available, nor heat either. However, the guards are sleepin,g Tand eating eighton the Job, petting up yvith some' inconveilieece4-; but .tiley are .all geed - natured- about it. There ,aate quite a number of AM:clients among these latest arrivals. ' Heavy Pdwer Requirement - Hydro officials testimated early th' week that ;Port -Albert. airport will usa :mere current than; ler' instenee,the town of Clinton, It wea 'stated that one hangar alone would use 50,000 watts. Extra gangs have been rushing, the work. at both airports's: The- sante actiVity is being (Noland by the -Bell Telephone Co., wialcia has seven' gang( 44 five raen each at work earrying lines .to the two airports. ...At ,the start there will be forty telephones at Port _Albert. Twenty merabers -of the It.C.A.F. ar- rived front Camp- Borden eba- army transport on Monday aid eu Tuesday :morning they took up guard duty at 'Sky- Harbor -ands Port' They Inive been ise'ued rifles with baronets and ammunitions- They are stationed ;at the various entrances, and do pnerse duty on -Shifts. Regulationsshave been lightened Sill& their arrival respeeting- entranee to the airPoete. :A thoreugh • check hes been inade of registration 'cards and authority be enter must be sseherrheonealPoceasiense es se, ,- .Centract. to Bampton Firm _ .Among contratesitevarded at Ottawa, .as announced by lion. 0. D.- Howe on „Saturday, was one. fore the - water .eystemseantl sewereat Port Albert Air Gravigatien School, to Armstrong Bras.1 .,Brampton. , The price named was $81-e- -000 and the wo,rk is to be completed • an November.' .A .BIG ..OLEALUP Arta* .Quantities of'Skr*P Retell/611'10 ille4pOr1he,teikppear. • •Goderieltaiontes,reellonderl generouslY to the .epPeal of the AlePle Leaf "Oheaater,I.Q.D.E., for all kinds of egret), to be eold•to dealers •and the .money to beterned overto.the Red Creels Society. - Mao, bags, .Pepers, anagaeines -and all assortment o nietalearticles, including irate bedsteads .and ;gates, were -turned on •Saturday. ,Cars andetruelai shut, fled back .aild,forth-.threngtont ,een. ...the homes and .the.starehouse WL Kingsten., street, MAUI in the.evening the raOhee''.ef Alle•heu'ae were .packed. to :cf41)acity .with the elisused .but ;moneyouttleing ecrep.. The mien:11)6ra of the Chapter, aeelrited byfrleade and Bee Stout% wOrketteirelessly eollectitig, un- loadiug and elregging"artieles .from Abe trucks • and eats to .the,storehoes,e and, seortingethem.eintoetheestiraedleglg...e mated rooms. GODERICII, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1940 Finishing Touches Population of at Sky :Harbor Godericit Shows Plat to Observe Centennial •.Final .Preparations for Opening Increase of 190 tof .the Akikort 'on lionday „jcITOIIENER :RESENTFUL -Doesn't Like” Prefermeht of • Goderich .for .Airport .Site Accardiug to a newspaper despatch sent out this week frem Kitehener, the !removal aerefeky, Harbor .airpert_et the ,Plarff mit :the aKitdheneraWaterloo Club is the cause of considerable woe In the Twin Oitles. _• At the theetIng of .the Kitchener City' •Council on Monday ;night vigorous exception was taken, to ,theenove, ;and It was deckled to:eend a "rstrmeglyewerded":eessolution to „the De- artment of -National .Defenee. 414.. George *Gordon,. Who broached .the •discuesion, asserted the Twin City. liad , been given the "rum -around"' by the (Government, '.The Twin. City "VMS the arstan Canada to donate itsefiying field •Aholusbolus to theeGoverement ,and ,.yet. the lleldiatdloeeddQwn ',Without- officials of either Kitchener or Waterloo even being consulted," awe eleclared. Recalling that the Kitchezier-Water. lee, area kad not bean ehasen far OW ,of.thetionirooneeealth air training fields •"beeauae. the .cofintrY "surroutiling, was not the ;right :type,".°,the ,alderinart de- dlare4 To Inc that is a lanee excuse. 'The eountry surrounding the site .at .Goderieh is greet :more hazardoue.' Asserting :that Waterloo County's governmental representatives' "may have fallen .down. .on the ealr,"- .aad. Gordon urged .an Insteetigation.. "If -we dciWt•get some action and are left'off .the air lines entirely, in :ten seats well' he alke those villages which were left eff declared. AWARDS IN'GO IOH - . !4ctArtrettT,B, Awards tnthe Goderich District Calf :Club. are -announcedi as iellorra ((the miaMe of the aneinber being followed" by his tear* .and the prize awarded) DAIRY SECTION .943- '17:00- 2, ;Chester Beattie - • 937 6.00 3. aVea.,Clu.tto.n 927 '.5.00 4.-1larry Feagan 926 4.00 5. Sandy Bissett 839 ..3.50 tL ..Tim m io Bissett 772 3100 7.: Peter Walter's - 553 .3.00 . BEEF 1. Billy Fisher • 920 4.7100 . Kenneth Me.Millan 911 .6.00 8. Bob Gian .. 910 5.00 sLT' Colin McMillan se 906 .5.00 5. Lem:tarsi Rodges • 4904 4.00 6. 0e0, Ginn 4900 4.04 2. Ross Feagan866 .3.50 8. Murree Oke -845 .3.00 0.,,Bertram Feagan 3.00 : 'The Club's exhibit Was made at the dlayfield Fall Fair. It WaS alinOUTheeit on 'TnesdaY 'ofileere of the Huron County FlYing IrroinIng;Sellool, anitedelthat Air COM - mender U. Edwards, eepresenting the Minister for :Air, ,ajon.* would`oillcially °pee No 12 Elementary Training .Selsool •at • Sky Harbor oh Moinlity afternoon ' (Thanksgiving Day). • , ThecomMittees in charge of the eveut workedlate last might eompletingethe ••• ' VISITING AIR', OFFICIAL 'Mr. 8. D. -Armour, of. the office of the !Deputy Minister for 'Alt et Ottawa, pas in.town for arfew hours on Monday, coming in at noon and leaving on the afternoon C.P.R. train. . He was met ateunellean at Hotel Bedford by several .of those interested in Sky Herbor air- esert, ineluding Warden Feagan, Mayor atrtacEevali, Reeve Turner, . Reeve .3E41a:eke, A. i Erakine, J. D. Thames, W. Is Iiirryte,.J. R. Douglas and Hugh mu: .G.' We'Srhaefet, peesislent ortlie iBoard of Trade, acted us -chairman of the gatherieg and welcomed the visiting 4official and the Warden and'. Mayor also spoke briefly., , Mr., Armante-expressedhis apprecia- tion of the courtesy extended to laina And said he was pielfsed witch Sky Harbor and the progressma.de vvith it. • ."This -is, your most Amportant 4mhistry, the producing end training of flyers,' Ole cad. ; FELLOW-- - At the„,•Dungannon • Pair on Friday /1111 aast W. A. Culbert, well-known farmer -of the diStriet, luId, on exhibition a Shorthorn bull of !unusual -stRe. A prive was offered for the best guess as to its weight, ehances being sold at 10 cents each And the proceeds going to the Red Croess Ao'•If04 guesses Trete void,. the Red Cross teeelved a Sub- stantial contributions MeNtall, ero . guessed the-exaet weight, 3,125 pounds, And won the prize, •$3 lfr'War strvingre • certificates, The animal was awarcleiff the fiat (prize ,in its '''elaes at the fairbeating the entry that took,first prize' at Tees. water., 'Many prominent live stook men have Visited Mr. Culbert's place to eee the,xnoneter bull. L!SCUMB BOYS IN JENGLAND Mr. and Mrs- Donald Liseumb have etiet received word from their sou Victor, who arrived in Faigland itt- Aunt, that he hs been given a posi, as chauffeur to the deputy aesistant provost marshal, 'chief of the Military 'pollee of the Borden area setnewhere in southern Engle -lute -He* 'rresbeen trans, • ferred to Canadian. Prosqlet Corps head-, !quarters. His brother, Gordon, has been sta- tioned at a wireless station en the isoutheaet coast for about six Months. He arrived in England last -December. Both state^ in their letters that they are In good' health and enjoy their work, alto the hospitality of the Eng- Uish people. ' WILSON -ALLAN , " A quiet wedding took, plece at North Street United' church parsonage on Saturday` evening, Octeber 5th, when Rev; W. le Lane solemnized the mar- riage of 'Eunice Irene Allan, daughter of Mreand Mts. Jas. Allan, to Joseph Charley Wilson, son of Mr. and Gill's: Robert; Wilson, Eagla avenue, all of GoderielLt The bride, tinatteeded,, *was etikesse'd ih Air-Fotce blue sheer with e•eorsitge te Sweetheart roses, 733,1041i* blue velvet turban, and beige woollen coat. 'After 'n hortNioney. moon, the yourig eouple tvill reside'.in Galeria', • ..A.11 week long workmen in a great .many trades have been working night and day enplying the finishing, touches !the aport ril preparation- tor the ;Monday. epening. At the' week -end furnishing men, :working .in, ,shifts, .twenty-fourshours day, laid linoleum in the -,reeitlential, buildings and offices. Later furniture of -all deseriritions, all brandsnewiewas being placed .and the 40 isestill in ,progress. The first .telephones over the new lines were put in commieeloe on Wednesday .afternoon and officials. took .their places at their desks ter the first time, •On ond :May afternoon four training •"Planes -arrived -from Kitchener. 81 students came .with thein to fitish their eourses 0 here. These .are .peivate ,students an.d have 'no conneetion with the Commonwealth Air Training Phie. One of the last Ribs et- Sky Barber was 'the laying of .the concrete floor le" •the hanger. This is expected to be ready by Fridey to :receive the sun quota, of „aircraft .to he. located here. • Early ,arrivals at the airport -wete twenty-twe graddates efitle Galt Air- ceaft School. They Will serve with' the grohnd ereyik - Manager Jobe .Dditglas .has not Yet completed his •technical staff, but the ;nucleus of it was eransferred here from"' Eitettener- Watetleo. 01:larvey'l)r(ePherietm is chief :blame:tor. Theelnstruceets are Sews Davison, Keith Hopkinson, Robert Moore, Robert .MeIntere, Larry ;Snider and Kenneth parr. The eughieer is. Eree,et Croceck, who .has an, ,epprentide staff. _ It was -stated histmight by..officlals of the Huron County Flying 'Training,' •Sebocil,VOmPanY, _Malta ,theassinensg of an administrative ,etaff, of twenty-- tlireesethein only,, one...appointment, has •solar beenanade-,that of WV. L. 'Whyte of• 'Sea:forth • as •secr_etary,treasmxer. ,Othr positions % filled are rirtly .tempar- arse it was euerthalized; • Year BoOlx to Be Prepared as , According to the, figiireli% comPiled. by reatnreof the • qelebtritiOri Assessor- MacKay, 'the population of • the east ear b$7 Gotie1tich nereaeed 7 190 to 4074, ae,- eenapared with 4484 a Tear ego. Tine 'figureS represent the population- as in July and therefore :UAW Mot been affected by an infltlx aseweemannesene lerthe establishMent of airpart. 'Onethe other hand, the total aesess- table Valliee show a 011ghtdecrease, frem 42.064,003 in 1039 to $2,008,495 in 1949. The•figetree are . 1940 rim 'Lands' and' " • r lugs f$2,791,910 $2,81$,520 „Redness' , assess-'' .Ment .4.14,481)— Slif,04;^i aneome assessment • 23,225 22,058 Totel assessable • valu-eS (after de- ducting. -exerap- tions) •2008,495- 2,604,058 /retaliation *see,. 4074 4484 The dog population has inereased from 223 in 1039 to 281 this year. :MIS— SION .BAND 'WORK Big Rim of Perch' Still On—Augiers W Here from Many Western Ontario Points hundreds of Out-of-town, fishermen - -have 'flocked to the harbor in the pafit vveek to get in ea the fine strik4 of perch which is, now on, sonie coming from as far As 14031(1011, Ititchkner'Stratford, St Thoinas: and other inland cities. Sunday, saw the largest Crowd, of disher- men on the piers and breakwaters this year. Bert MacDonald was kept busy aU day with the "Innavaae" and "Captain John," shuttling back and. forth between the harbor and the break- waterS with enthusiastle 'anglers. It is estimatedthat close' to two -tons of Ash were taken from 'Rproit's waters liere •on Sunday a1one Individual catches ranged from ten . to over 200 'pounds.. • , • It memo there aro eerrain spots along both the piers and breakeyatih•s-where the fish group and some anglerg wfll 'Wad consideral0 time searching Ar pop. ,()Ace sOlA 'a Spot s(tiScovered — the "finder" Online the territory OS Ins own and will not budge frorn it until he thas pulled ;In his quota of fish. , There was one eiaeption to this. rule a few day S ago. George 1Attle local barber, was tasting off the soutlArealt. water and when he suddenly struck a good spot ha secretly congratulated himself and proceeded 'to "pull them in." After,about.the sixth time of un- hooking a fish and re -baiting his line, he turned to east again, only to en, counter the broad shoulders and shaggy black hair of a six-foot Indian. SOIlle- wizat pAtt out, Gorge ntidged the Indian to one side in an effort to ,regaiik his lost "territory." t.f.'he Indian, nudged back, with interest, and muttered an ominous "If you don't leave me by myself, someone's going to get hurt." George took another long look at the redskin, and set out to lind anothek spot. FINING. TRAINING SCHOOL *PENS airr MONDAY The .oftlelal opening of Sky Harbor, :airport, Heron CountyeFlitigTraining lechorn, will take place -on Monday, !October 14th, at' 2 pna. As this is Nbankegiving Vase and a public -holi- day, It is hoped there ,w111 he a large gatherings at this .important event in the history of the -County of Huron-. Prominent aeallea.ry officers and of - facials of both Dominion and Provincial Governmente will likely be presents tfiere Will also be a large number of !soldiers and .aitmen, as welleas bands. , There willte .no .ebarge for admission -audit will be a splendid" opportunity to teee wbat promises to be one of the .ifinest flying training Schools- On the continent. ' SEAMAN'S EXPERIENCES Subject Stressed at, Presbyterial Meet- ing at (Clintonolthis Week ,An intere,sting Mission Band' con- ference was held hi ,eurniection with ,the fall eitecutive meeting of Iluron Presbyterial a the Presbyterian -'01srurch in !Canada. ?The, Meeting wee held 'in Clinton. Presbyterian charch ,an Tuesday lirs.t.and Was .co.nclueted by the president, airs. 'Hugh jack of Seas forth. 'The, spealter was alr,s. .J. Hill of Ottawa, and elle stressed the importance of Mission Band work if the JehtlreileS, ALTe to have faithful and Interested Workers • in, the Women's Missionary • Soeieties .,itt the future. . "We mast 'teach aur children. the grace of giving," said the ,speaker. "It isn't just the pennies they bring, bet their tithe, attention, and talents ,taking_phr.t. in, the mee.tings, that wilL anake the work Werth while;" !Mrs. ern .gave many helpful. sug- gestions for work meetings, and in the discussion which folleseed, led by 'Mrs. W. siVele . e Preeleyeerial sectary, other sug- gestions were Mate that will be most valualble to, all tre Mission Band leaders atirsell J Lane of Goderich told of the inspiring messages received at the Board * meeting held recently in Tor= onto 4 and urged consecrated givings from now to the end of the year, so the allocation will be rea.ched with - mit fail. !Miss Somerville of Goderich, litera- ture and librarysecretary, reported ehtinge in policy. • Owing to',im- proved eonditions in the West, it will not be necessary to send books teid magazines there next year, so she askedthat all reaclibg Material' suit- able for men be sent lo Goaerjele for the use of the airmen who will he stationed in the distriet --in lerge numbers this 'winter. • e Representatives from S'eaforth, Exe- ter and 'Hensel took part' in the de- votional period, and manyhelpful •eontniente were made by the seers,- taries of the various departments. T,hose attending from Goderieb were Miss E. -Somerville, Miss A. Macdee- aid, Mrs. D. I. Lane, Mrs. 11 Rivers,' and Mrs. A. 'Taelor. ' FOR SKY HARBOR OPENING , MaJor 'D. R. Nairn; accompanied„hy 150 soldiers, ineluding a, bugle band, will arrive' itt Goderich o» Mondity about 1 o'cloek. After parading round the Square,. the detachment will proveed, to Sky Harbor airport, where they will partieipate in 'the opening exercises. They will later return' to town for a 'short cereirtony at the war memorial. TrIE ivEAVIIER Tbe teeiperature for the past week and for the eorresponding week last lyear, as officially recorded, were as Ifollows: . ' 1040 1930 e' , Max. Min. Max, Thurs, Oct. 3 .„,011 ...45 71 45' ilorie Oct. 4. .. . 40 74 49 !Sat., Oct,. 4 . .71 4.2 73, 08 Sun,, Oct. 0 74 00 08 35 41011,, Oct. 7 02 ,54 70 47 Cents., %Oet. 8, 56 43 74 -53 (Wed, ()et. 9 .. .. 43 70 30 }Captain Wang Tells ,of.'Atlantie Voy- . ,age ander the Belgian Flag, S A 0,000 -mile trip throligh,, the sub- marine and mine -infested- watees of the Atlantic Ocean is much preferable to .300smile trip in a caned boat during a bad Great Lakes storrd . • 0 in the opinion of First Mate A. E. Laking of the str.. Soodoeewhich put la here with a grain cargo on Tuesday. "Captain" Laking, at he IS more commonly known, owengto the fact that' he holds ca:pfain's pax*. should know whereof he epealts, is.1i has gone through beth exPeeiencei. For Years the Captain has sailed the Great -Lakes and hasexperienced his share of ems es_Aetet, -spriage she, rere4i4teade As - master of the str. George R. Donovan and -took a -position as third officer on an.ocean-,rboing package freighter, • the Ville de Lamure. The freighter origin- ally belonged to an American Hee but was put under the Belgian, flag when the aet forbidding American ships to trede-within theewer 2one- werrt- int effect., The Ville de Leraure left New York on March 21Sf and arrived hack Oil May 7,th after visiting the parts of Le Have, Antwerp and ,Southampton. The voyage was more or less unevent- ful, -according to the Captain, although he admitted- that one Could eeverallow himself completely to relax and a con- stant watch was kept far, submarines and mines. The freighter.being neutral, as Belgium Wasnot then under German domination, she travelled out of convoy, without mine -detecting devices, un-,. armed and completely ligeted. While the harbors of Le Havre and South- ampton she bed to adhere to the strict blackout regulations, however. 'fbe freighter, in travelling frona Le Havre to Antwerp and then to Southampton', had-fo--' run the -English Channel: in the daytline, With aedouble watch against mines, aid then anchor at night, when therisk of striking a Mine was too great fee"fravel. • A large- eonvoy was sighted one day at dusk, on the Ville de Lamure's eleven -day return trips and the sight of t4 ships zigzagging rrst wee, way and then, another waa a magnificent demon- etratioti of wartime strategy, in the eyes Of the Captain. • • Upon his return, ,Captain Laking transferred te an oil tanker which was to sail for Irranee' under "the Panaman- ian flag. Itowever, on. the day itt june It was to sail, the tanker was ordered to remain in port as Prance was by theirander German •COntroL • Captain ,Laking retiirned to Great Lakes sailing in July. "But I may „teke another creek tit the ocean etext winter, if I get a chance,'" he ptit in with a wishful twinkle in his eyes: At the =outlay :meeting of tile Col- legiate Institute Board, held on VritlaY 'afternoon last, !Mr.' j r Ilunle, secre- eery; reported that netiCe 'had been receieSetriaireellfalk*#41.00-#'*•• ineenee tax, that the Boaede as an employer, must colleet 'monthly from its em- ployees the national defence tax, which is three Per eentof gr*oes salaries for 'unmarried' Meelbers and twe 'per tent. for married - members% reeeiving over $1200 ,per entrain, with a deduction of ,a-eyear'eforsearbeelependentesser. trth present salary rate the amount of this tax to be 'se -collected will be $499 for the aeadergic2W-tir- Tile secretary was-instrueted to Pro- cure lpagazines for the different de- partments 'of the Scheel for use In the e.urrent school .yeav., Owing to the ehange inthe curriculunl for 194041, the princiPal 'etas given permission to .44etease the grant to the' library by *25. - In view of the feet that next year wiul bring the oneshendredth anniver- sary of the establishment a •sec944ary education in Goderiph, it was diteeted that the principal, the staff and stu- dents of the '0611egiate prepare a -fit- ting year book for .the year 1941, as a part. off, the eelebratloe, of the 'im- portant anniversary. The. Board will consider at sehsequent meetings td- ilitionaL features, for observanee- of the"occasion. Sekolarships Presented The principal reported that Cheques' for •the payment Qfvarious scholar- ships in the schoolhad been' issued from their tespective fends and ho been presented at assembly that morn- ing, as follows: Veterees'e memorial in grade I --1st, GlorieeChishoim, daughter'of Mr.. and MTS., Leb Chis, holm,. Goderich township; .$18.; 2nd, Claire Bisset; daughter of .Mr, tnd William iBisset,- $10 ;, Adainspn memorial in grade -1Q---Jilelen Videan, daughter • of alie and Mrs. Charles Videan. $25: Adasnien --Memoriel- in .grade; XII-Jamee On of Mr. and alre.e.lames $2.9; MeKin,1 anentorifil, won in grade XI in 1938 and payment Made on cOmpletion Of upper school -Annetta Stewart, --klaughter -of (Mr. W. A. .Stewart of Dungairkpon, $55.; :McKay scholarship for the highest standing hi grade XIII,. among those attending ueiversity-Lee, ,Seott, son of. Mr. aed. Mrs 4. R. Seott, AC:counts to the amount of over MO were passed, eoneluding the meetieg. --ENGAGElltkNTS‘f•ANNOUNCED- ' Tile.' engagemekt is announced' of Isabel 'Laura, only daughter of Mrs. George Pellock and the late George Pollock of Ashfield, to Clifford Hlliot Kilpatrick, eldest son of )Jr. and Mrs. Milton Kilpatrick of Ashfield; the mar - 'age to_take place -quietly-the-latter part of October. 'mother.% of whoa* over twenty were preseet. • les. W. F. H. Price presided: over a pro, am 'of community ,Singing, a vocal.duet,by Verna Miller and Lulu ar, piano solo by Verna.Miller and a reading by Mrs, O. Ginn. A ,knitting contest and e "grandmothers /flower garden" contest were other fea- tures_ a an enjoyable, program. Articles for the sunshineebaskets. 'were received; also flowers for the sick. LAKE LEVELS: Level of the St. Lawrence Itieer• in Montreakharbor clueing September was 2% inches lower than Angeet,,,and 2% inches higher than September, .1930. Level of Lake Superior at Port Arthur was 11/2 inebes lower than August and 714 iaches lower than September last year; Lake Huron at Goderich'34,incb higher than August aud 0% inches lower than September, 1039; Lake Erie tt Poet Colborne unchanged from August and 14 inches higher than September last year; liake Ontario at Kingston 41/e. inehea lower than Auguet and 1% hackies higher than' Septets -abets 1939. •. The engagement is announced of Mabel 'Elizabeth, daughter, of Mrs. Foster and the late Bert roster of Sheppardton, to Jahn Tyrie Pitblado, St. Vetharines, otile, son of Sir. and Ars.. John T. Pitblado of Colborne township. The Marriage will taite place the latter Part ors October. • WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The meeting a the Wornenks Inetitute ion' Thitesday afternoon last, in Mac- Kay Hall, was in honor of the. grande AT THE NY:ATERIZONT' The str. A. A. Hudson arrived Saturd aY Moraines frem Fort, William With 2011- bus 4 of -Wheat, 23,239 bus. ot,oats,,.,14,140 busof feed', 17,872 bus. "of,fiax aad 10.124 bus. Of rye for the elevator. • She Wok on 299 tees of salt 411w:foiolltru4whteW:a2,11:levuitiolad'ineb.1,411,4.01;:Th.Y.oe';:liwvaalaeroarntirkorfta:ftleoNiv:1158,30411111:::n bus: of barley for the elevator end cleared light early TuesdaY aftereoon. back to Vert Willie -1u; The Saekadec came hi. On Monday evening ftom, Fort Williani with 2,52,300 bus, sat yellow. corn for the elevator and elea.red-earlY, Wednesday m.orniegs The; Soodee ars t%ived en Tuesday afternoon froro. Fort illiiiirielfr2(70;0991Aire-tri Vire:it-for the elevators but hes been:unable to discharge its cargo, :owing to the fact thattirte *eater is filled to ea.pacity.. The .Soodoe is tied up near the end of the piers awialtingsa ehanee to unload.. There was considerable excitement at the barbet en Saturday whee „the tug Iona Ross, captained by Peter Mac- Donald-, wellsknoren Goderiela meaner, put lie early in the peening,- towing Another tug, the Davis, with the repot theta new partly -steel scow was adrift semewhereeon'the lake. Captain. Mee - Donald; and hie crew bad set out •that morning from Sarnia with the Iona Ross,. towing the tug ;Davis along with tlie scow. The Thiele was being talten to Kanca,rdine for :repairs, :rad the Iona - Ross, svith the, scow, `was, to proceed. : to Cedar Post, up the lake. With a heavy ,sea running, the Davis began to make water and list badly.' The pumps of the Iona Ross had to be brought hips use topump the waterfrom the dis- abled Davis, but after inhour of tbis the crew of tee' Iona Ross saw they were getting nowhere in the heavy seas itn&swithefuel running -49w they -east the scew adrift arel, with the lessened burden, proceeded --te Make for Gode- Apia— • , • , Ataleolin Graham_ Set out fromshere with his fishing launch around neon lnan attempe to Baal the drifting Scow and with good fortune succeeded in eighting, -it within a shOrt, tinae. Pox' live hours Malcolm fought .the .attenwting, to tow`.the scow' n6ar this port, but: the fishing latineb was too light for t13.e job. It was late in the afternoon when the Iona Ross, refueled' and with the 'Davis' repair& against the heavy seas, took over frem• Malcolm, afterbeing direeted;t6'the-sieet by Bert MacDonald, The two tugs, and scows proceeded' On to Kincardine, still bats teings heavy "NOT: *ANT VODERICH , gixty-five."Young p" efeuders;','. fro'm • -see-- • . • This Riding Gysto Woodetoelt omen from the Federal Tiding of North Huron Aleft their Various oeciipatiens and on Wednesday. morning entered a thirty -day „period of military training at traleing centre :No. 41, -Woodstock, under the National Mobilization Act. -two` 7Goderieheyofitbe . were in - •(elided in the gr4up. That so few Went from here is explained by the fact that most ofthe. twenty -one -year- olds in town had previously joined the non -permanent aetive militia. Notices adv,ising the •physically fit .young men of this 'cla'ss to report to 11 training centre were received on Saturday, and 'Monday, Travelling warrants were reeeired- on, Tuesday and these were turned Over for rail- way "tickets on Wednesday Morning, permitting thV youps free 'travel to • Woodstock. ' , life will be made as pleasant as pessible Tor eaniadas young de- fenders," and /while they will neces- sarily • hayplenty of training they ,will also have their share of the lighter eitle of military, life, sueli as sports and social functions. Visitors will be welcorried at No. 11 on ,Saturday end !Sunday afternoons from 2 until 5 paue, but there Will be no "Week -end leaves" fer the ,men to visit their hippies during the month. • NORTH STRBET..W.M.S. Tbe W.M.S. of North street United chureli met, •on ',Monday tiftertiooir in the church. The National Anthem was sung at the'opeeing of the meeting and Mrs. C. F. Cfaelte, president, ledin prayer. Mrs. W. Naftel Presided over the prOgiem. Miss A. Jenkins read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Jae. Ilamil- ton discrusied the last two chapters of the studbook, "The %Christian Church in. India" and "Facing the Future Task." Mrs. W, P. Lane rendered the solo, "I Shall Not Pass This Way Again." Miss Eva Somerville Will be ,theguest speakee at the thank-offeting Meeting. • Mrs. jae. iloward„ Miss Thnhlle Duehanan and '.Sirs. C. M. Robertsou were appointed .delegates to the Presbytery meeting beld on Wed, needey of this week atileramiller lYnited clatirch. And Orestes a Ofticials--,Brongh frora 011icsogo Rooms Open Saturday Evening • The people, of, Goderich have responded tO the Dominion Red Cross cam- paign in their traditional patriotic manner.' The objective. of .$6(J00 has been passed 'by the Town alone. 'While the objective was set at a minimum of $0000.00, yet we as an exeetitive feel that most people want to glee; to, their utmoet, and for that reaSon, the .rocims which we have oceupied on the Squaeo during the campaign 'will be open on Saturday evening next, October 12th; for the purpose of reveiving any further donations. As our eanvassers were ell bueiness men or *omen and voluntarily devoted their tinie to the Bed Cross, it cannot be expected- that they, eouid always fiti4 people holni, whet they, called. If any 'persons were so left uneelled ezpen and',Niro to athsertho, it would be greatly' appreciated If they ‘wOuld make arrangements to leave their 'donations at the roOms on Saturday evening. • • The executive, wish td thank alr. Donald Campbell for his untiring efforts aa enmpaign an:Mager. Mr. tE., Dimedas Brown a4,1reaserer, Mi r n, .(Stither- land, who -so" generously donated the -roonte, and all the relivassees and others .who assisted. The campaign wag -undertaken by that energetic group., the Citleens' Wartime Coaitinttee, Immediately after the Wes are closed the donors' mint4S with :Amounts of ono dollar and -over will be pulylished. If any errors or omissions should arise, 1 respectfully ask `that Mr. Douglas Brown be so advised and correctiolA wifi be Made in the newspaper the $ellowing wek , Yonrs sincerelY, 1t. C.. HAYS, VretJdeht A prim?: IsTetberlanits merchase tfreightele. the Vane is, the object of ninelt curloeityke ' Ins it Itied lap in the harbor here awaiting the ere ,rivej,,of Otererninent 1napeetor tro 00itwe, to. straighten Out a taugle.er internatiOnel complicatiente The veeeel, 2,800 -ten, 250-foet lesar :Dels,01,engined craft, left Chicago 0. Toyer:ley r,vith eoriginer crew ei eighteen Hollanders virtual.' Prilrorrerri entleeeeritemteleekessW,6941Yea$A.WeCialte- nt 4 o'elock, flying only the Dutclemer- . chant marine enSign. She had. born Anchored at Chicago sinee June -270 when the'entlre creeetswith the-eXeelr- tion of the captain ana steward, refused to eel' baele to Europe on an einarMed Merchant" Ship. The Hollanders were not perreitted to go aSbore all the time they Were at Ohicages because the/. were .gliens without payees allowinge OM to land l'n 'the United States. Fourteen seamen; firora Montreal were furnished under an agreement 'between 11140thraewirCAas tnLineshae71.„2goasCv4:nextevrs74wo:If eotnhutrobOaungatdh.t and: ship bere. . Officials Puzzled . Shortie- after its arrivarhere, a crowd began to. Other at the harbor to view the ocean. -going vessel ,whicia has caused So erech controversy .-since It entered these inland- waters -last ,Inne, ifta,-• tvincial police, eustoms oflicials and .the harbormaster were in, conference with Capt. W..1):: O. Tielstlihgen for over in ithaour, ,atteemllptiloninecgtito straighten igt:newo ou.stde llipo;_ entry here, The customs' offielals„)taket • eonapletelys by snrpttee by the shiP7* ' einSchedued arrival, wired Ottawa to . take. ithe Mix-up off ,their hands and , pet it in these of the proper aiithotifies: . , Ten members of, the Pinkerton deteetive. ,ageecy are nt. peesental, ercling the. (cg strikers The Hellander are allOwed, to .come on deek an this mem- '. lug, under the Watehfut .eye of two :- detectives, *were getting rekeat einjoyl'e- . ment out of percb fishing from the eter* e of•the ship while they whistled modern -4,merican• t jairs. nfounded slum).o • - 'rs . Reimers .fiews thick and .fast eeound e tOWn on I Wednesday eveleing to -the eire'et that the "rebellious" crew was in . irons, that - --(4"%.men stood over them With, raachine-guris,. •earatesan armored careful" of 'Royal .Cseeediankesunted.. Police- was'cOming here from Toronto to take the crew away for internment , and even ono report wa.s current 'thee ehe ship.,„motinted • a. s„ix.•:inelk,gun, al_it.E. Stern.' , - ••• :-- ''''' „. . It ,is a. utitter of oonjeeture as la - just What wM happen. to .boths shire and mei', but it is considered likely that the' Nessel will be taken. over by the *British merchant marine, a.ne Captein HeIsdingen Is of the opinion ' that If the, ereweenembere -have Mit changed their minds about winking- by their they will be infetned soiuewheze' in Canada. F., cis. IttimB' ALI; DEAD • Prominent ei' tize--:'n„of London Had Busi- ness 'connection with •Goderiek ' Frederick ,G. Itumbiill, who died, at • London on Octobet 1st, in his eight seventh Year, was _connected for some years -with the industrial life. of Gode- rich as owner of the Kensington Furni- ture Compa:nre Which was in operation • here from 1896 until the faeter.y _wee destroyed, by fire about -twenty yeare , later. His son, John A, Rumball, way enrearnio. adger, of the frs ector•. for moat of thie Mr. Rumball was born in this county,.. but spent the great part ofehis lite le 4 London, where he was prominent as an, inclustrirnist and latterly as a whole- saleslumber dealer, Ile was .inaeor of Condon for treo years, 1000 and 1901.. fife Was eresely identified with the 1;iberai party in London and was twice the ca.ndidate ofethe party, in Provincial elections,. He is Survived by his widow; the 'former 'Millie Shannoni of Walkerton, 'and two ehilde•en, J. A.. Rumball elf ke:ligoanit-yo:ifid Miss Lorna Rumball or rr Thil-huresdfanylast. :took place at Londoirn .o NOnc'E RE 1.0.D.x.rinteTon 1i3AGs Call Mrs, Mooney, ;phone 250,:, tar COI- leqtion. Pleaee empty bags, sore and tie all contents; 'flatten hossee; leave 01 :boulevard for collectron. , Mr,s. j. 'AV.' Sinith has eetureed le her apartment at 1 Kingston street after a three weeks' visit in Toil:tete \with' her daughter, Mrs, 1. G. Beatty, and Mr. Beatty, . end also with tele- - flees at sr„vhoinberg arid Irond Heart $35,000 Stock of liuron County Flying School Ltd. All Sold in Iluron • When the subscription lists of Huron County Flying Training Selmol, Limited Were eloAld'WCIdneday nOon it Was an- nounced .by J. ----Phomas,--catnimign manager, that the full quota of $35,000 had bedn soleto nearly four hundred shareholders in liuronCcounty,'after a short, vigorous campaign. • On Monday S. D. Armour, acting for tbe Deputy Minister for Air, Ottawa, Inspeeted Sky Harbor and at a luncheon tendered by the Board of Trade lie ex- -pressed hio sdtisfaction with arrange - molts that Were being Made for the operation of the t.thool. , 'It is -most encouraging to us in Ot- tawa to know that the' People. of Huron 'County have rallied so splendidly to the support of thiRpharieef the British Ilnipire "Air ,...Vrairling et..0.t1 Mr. ArmoUr. ;Mr. Thixams said yesterday that every share of .preferred etock had been sold and Wag held entirely wiplai thie - county, The Campaign was,begun. -oti September 17t11 and was carriedrto a successful conclusion; despite the ray. that Government war loan fin(t Reil• Cross campaigns were in progress nt the same time., It was pointed out that Ilowick leve*. tship, farthest removed from the airport, had oversnbeeribeil its quota. In thanking everybody who Partici- pated dn the fainimign Mr. Titor'18$8 ,stres.sed the nafnes of Thotnallyde Exeter, `Hugh 11111 of lborne, W. 14• W'hYltO, of Ileaforth, James C. Skaffa' of Olinton, Warden George Vesgan mid ez-Warden Wilmot Iltaa(-ke, all of .rhood, were elomely agsoclated with hint