The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-10-03, Page 2PA(11 TWO
(6obrric gnat *tar toz-
THE', for#Praat SIGNA'L AND THE gilol4V,Itiqrt
Pablisted by Sitteal-Stae itess. Limited.
West Street, Goderieh, Ontarto
TIEV38111;A.I'D OrrOltfilit 11919
THE BANDIT TRIO on tomatoes. Too natteh reading of war
gtraOnV, 3Ltalv and. Japan, Inane I
est!ered into tan alliallee With the obete
nft pareelliugeont 1.1nrope, eefrica. and
Asr ie salt themselves. When; and if, 1
'they get throngh. with this j613„they.willi
tie tionbt give their attention to Antal
lexica aud -naistralia. Their plans ea -1
news, perhaps.
sensible etnitrivanve for eyelists
who ride tat night is advertised. it, is. a
belt in the been of whith an. ;et -t
red Jewell that reties% the beadlights
of automobiles and `Spell the' word
Phil °silent Lazy Meadows
BY,113rry tL liege
HEIX Pporaxm
A farm wriest,' in a lettee ttbout
ween age said, "The problem on the
farm at the peesent ante is wheat nhall
I ;
the hived man. wash lus feet A.t first
gimlet. that stasms line a rather foolish
thing to say. ]bats what 1 thought
! when 1 reed ri„.tt but after due eonsidere
1 ation I've v‘noe to the eonelusion that
I it rs a o, is a 1 b .
I My f:ither:tilways useel to say : "There
i are 'two kiwis . of hired men -the
critutoptiv, cement. ird 1W
Current Views on the War
ISOLATIONIST IlYSTERICS 6hosvcol that 60 ner kVkit. Of those von -
At laetctjhe vristi of the great majority inte,favored a f31.49. Tliere elitU reci-
te, temt.iewans .to 1,35.‘,0 mitaitt on ten, son to stinaltlee that a. poll ta_ken„ now,
,short war,, has, fia:'.-Tala-dil invhoev,e;ra,the nature of the baegaln
expreesien I the 'neat to ex.! majoiit;:°,-.11161 -result in an -even blgger
change fifty 'over -age desaro,yers for The, a!onstitutional justification for
leases of nasal and.seaplane basest -in Psesident's ,aetion withoilt the 1Wier
Rawl kleuga to, Europe, euiptio4i.c3liy
eite inetniniosta do tater. No neat anti
vised. anti .foepurpte-ee we saane (Wt. asid &Inn
duet alleglanee. a., begittning lias been
nuele ity 4Cnatela. It, le passible that
tut raria, with ,New , Zealand and the
'nensaeteleal arraugement ean, &-
have to tolerate and ViVti encourage al Will lenln and Mien Beninh enent ten.
weelerna 1 to
The field altos epensored by the.
enhools en the toweshiPOrtW"a real Silva>
neay" gravitatn towtards
the new eonabinntion. A common
dangler Unitea them and a eonnnots re-
nnivn to. maintain • the values •a our
number of Varilibean Islands. Tbere,I consent: of,,COngress position as threatened civilization. We congratu-
* 1 h v been well In this capaCIty it' is his righl and duty demooraeles' should !be "somewhat,
oare many of us who believe that An, corathander-in-ehief of the armed forces. late ourselves that the Englieh-apeaning
erleau interests 13ou d a t
zierre(1.• 1•11 these shins been handed to take the neeessary stelae to seeure Mixed up," ° •
o'er nit to t anY quill Pro quo, consider. 1 the defenve of the eountry, and tnose The nttittesman and Nation (London).
ing the faet that the lehole of our, who agree that the deal with Britain
immense defenee program is predicated i has inereased our "seeurity are in a
on tile daiiger to this country growing: poor position to critic v.e s in .-.
out of a 'British defeat. Nevertheless, , We can:be sure that ban he neglected
• h and the uuwashed." 3lothet
such an opPortunity Republican head -
'‘as " " " the acquisition, of a sexies of pos tins ,
"stoP.•" Roller s4aters ats'o anight weeded, oht, nip uhwashd oue8, settee
these safety belts nere yet, bit Ut) StaterdaY evening she would loot: „,.1.1.1)
deuht they will Appear in due tinae from the supper table' and say, "Ile
.• • , alwaYs take a bath in the weodshed ou
- • • 1P
Saturday evening ,She wouiu Wate
A,S a 'Writer iu The NeW iatt,k-i\Aw 4,14* enpros.
I,OliT ALBERT, Sept. 30.-,--Thene
tO the i euartere would 'have held hint atrictly will he no service in -Christ eltureli Illex't
'visage the 'breardaig 1* of the BO Ish ' il uwf.P0-.. NV.Le hAVen't 8(TU WAY OfJet tlw vud of the lirst week. , On whteh -will.'' ada mlogmonslY
ee:rir. and Mrs. C. S.. Vanstosie vented'
int Sunday with nIE and nirn, Rebt.
praitsi:151;itiolisri.eiatirorti;elaift ehr oisg:;;;; otIvIlnaisit8Aes;e:alivt-oir:stnobrui Nuorr.f.
Hazelwood's, brother and his Wife, og
Rrr. firr°.11it°Iazolwooil was,,,,lif London
oneMonday visiting the sic% from this
iAit coasts is ra move for whinh the Presis Thetnractical justification for Ignher• -Mrs. Annie Morrison of Toronto and ary ,Society will hold a convention '
t',)n October 9tla the Wonteies auttlieht,
and !Airs; J. R. r4._()Pg one 3r,..
security, of our Atlantin due Caribbean to account. • Stinday.
Empire „tuni the realuction tee Britain
toci the.piesent stfitus of Prance.,
Hull, ItTuited States
e • o
tql4„. .3 .C.' ...Th. '.1..,?:
Japan has epee playing the game with 1 for the People of Germatis from those r•emoval of the aeteimuleted dust of a
' ' 1 ' , • week she woold continue by seying, "I'll
the three natiails are all of the same ariny luta fought on, foreign' soil and; umbled sometlihig an'd .vsoent on eating,
, 1 '
stripe, equa4 given. over to the apirit 1 the Gerraan Mollie at home have been ihe 'Wouldn't say any more exeept to
of aggren'sion, rathiessukes,. cruelta-a i uffeeted "only indireetly. Now, with •• send Pile of her nicaniug looks at
ieally nothing neW t it -t011 \4. nar conditions' are 41tIneiletterseni showed a ganteneat inteeest itt the
Inermany and Italy for sonSe time. and of f•Planer 1.)ar,S. Hitherto the German i
leave a tower wit for .vou " If he ju,st
t The new ired mail would be.
• l a ntr.
,' baudits in a .world • that. too benlheVn n into ton
over their vonatry paw his week's take
teentteelire_t_tteeteeyteitteeetatighttatanteeetnntiteve, a Loont,Itennather would start Wilzig for a
itaste a War at first-hand,. and from new ti-it'rd.-"rtitlreie-es-titilitreltarteitterrste.-
their rava.ges. Their •present game,
accounts reaching us from elermany (neaning the roam on Memilay morning
evidently, is to keep the 1.7nited StateS
tient deserees the .heartiest applause. t ing eongre.Ss was tlie ,neesttyOr
Allit 111 faet, Most commentators on tbe peed .- We have had too many ex -
deal have eXPreSeed approval, although., ample.s lately of the tendlend of CaPitot
in No many eases partisan considera-; Hill to stallon urgent measures. The
tions•have made it eather grudging; rens': 'may be,
democratic in intent fint are certeinlY
no instruMent Of democratic efficiency,
permit a small Minority to delay action
in a way incompatible with public in-
terest in times of einergeneY. We
should feel anrateful to the ,President
that ultder these circumstances he bhs
not . heSitated to.exercise' hiS powers
under existing law. Asecording to
would have been smarter for him to sit 1"ritzley, on Sunday. They were =e-
on the fence nod leave the responsibil- ried -t 24.
its to Congress.' Mr. Winon he t11 of September
1a isbl' Winkle is being t
reniimeiided- forRile-akin' gr bard -
but impolitie words. Mr. Roosevelt, t -
we think, deserves still more eredit for
bold actions. '
-The Nation (New' York).
There is a vecal minority, however,
• whose .denunciations of this effort to
. •
strengthen AMerican defences have
lieen' wildly hysterical. We can afford
to smile when the 'Daily •Worner' ac -
the President- of planning "a
blackout of eenetitutional dencteeracy,",
for we know that good Communists
d_ivideeekhekeeen4eeghee3.between proving
that Stalin is not a ditizror• an asse
ing that Roosevelt is one. I3ut it is
end all the bedding and the tick. would
_ more serious when a newspaper with
-busy -watehing Japan. in the Paelile.and they- don't 'like it And this wa, _ be given geneeohs
r will `
1)4 f01 never wofild tolerate an en'nw:01.,kie the reputation of the St. Louis 'Post-
e, Mother
thus prevent her from giving aid to be Much worse for them
through. Dispalefr'• tomes out with the charge
Greit Britain in the struggle3, with, . hired man.
/bat the President has -committed in
at . a. . But this titiestioil of feet bathing was
1 eet of War" auil has become -Ameriea's
- 'alWaVS a ticklish`
one I'll always re -
Hon. Paul Leduc has resigned the anon: r • ,, • '• . first dictator." We would remind the
.' s taught "unprepered. as were Britain „ . ue -Pinky, as we called him. He '
making portfolio of Mines in the Hepburn editors orthat paper that the first at
and France, but she is rapidly had te girl on the next ceneession and nine dictator is no silence
lip for lost time in the enlarging of her Cabinet to take the position of clerk made a regular nVednesday evening e!').f a'''Y geP'
a ate Supreme Court of Canada. To visit to see her. After supper he would the•,,Pi)0?tionPresse 4110.--thnt, ,-ifs,.)a.
navy and army and in the meantime repair to the woodshed with, the wish catia''''-`p wally controlled this
till his piece in. the ea,14uet lion. 'T, B. -,-1) • ''' count**, they would have had no chance
' ahe is sendinte aircraft and i•essels and asin and we younger members would '
. , MeQuesten 'has- .been- sworn.- hi , as sit arountein fascinatiOn as he removed to publish and broadcast their diatribe.
other equipment to Britain. japtuat The accusation _that Mr. Roosevelt
may de considerable mischief on and! Uinister of Mines, alla he Will 'retain a , coating of sweat and .dust from his has committed on act of war is easily'
off the Coast of Asia befOre she is 1 the Highways portfolio as well. Mr: feet. We were rewarded by sight of his .
Germany and Italy, The United States •
t isposed of. The sale of the destroyers
big toe, which he once had broken -when would only bring this country intothe
checked, hut ;:h.e is piling Op a list a' Leduc has represented Ottawa E.,ast. in 'a horse stepped on it. _He k.ould wriggle war if the Axis powers. chose to regard
. crime,: for which she will ,shine „this,' the tegislatnie. His resignation Makes and ienitort it into the strangest posi- it as.a ci4-tra belli. And that, a long US
have to- pay the penalty,
seven vacancies in that body. An dens. Each ef us vowed that wheu we Britaiu is undefeated, ie unthinkable,
11 f' r Simeoe 'grew up we' -would arrange to have a since their whole'polley, like that of the
oeeu • • ",,,,,,,°- • , . 'similar operation performed by one of . • et ,
, Po -St- ispatch, is to keep America as lish-speakine democracies be told us
1.,,e, etre, tee riding represented ley the horses m the stable. . • .. , . ., • , , - . ,,' • ' , ,-' - • ' '
11. it
'Wm, Hoy of Grey. tqwaship. visited Benmiller Lillie(' c , morn,
with.R. .1r. lioy last .wleek. '... t . lug anti afternoon sesslonS, Dinner
Mr. and Mr$. Wilford Hoy and fain- will, lie served by %tbe Denmifier lacitte3,
ily, of Grey toweaships spent u day with -Mt and Mrs. R- Nr°{)re* 132 .1flockriele
friends here last week. . , . ,,,„ spent Ilunday witli.-.11.,Wititers...ancr,
Mr., W. Of Beatty a DandaS- haS i• Floyd.
finished hiS ditehing contreet at tbe , • \
, . , •
airport and the Sterling .0o are startingat the seavers today. .
Quite a number of young men "got
ixotlee to have' their medical examin-
ation before being called up for military
Mr. -George Pritzley and bride, of
Athind Feet
, vetivi bath, aueet with, Dr. Cls'
. Ointment and elm ueltateite
appears. Stroefly entneptie aud pierlieluaL
Dr. Chase's Chasesi'Dlintment
Mr. Churchill is the only orator we I
possess who is capable, in moments of
emotion, of talking the English• that
Gibbon wrote: Tete was a touch, Of .1
this statelrertiquence in the peroration
of his speech of August 20 which dealt
with our .relations with America. But
in the main passage, that described
their development, he lapsed. into a
simple colloquiarphrase. ' The two Eng -
The Torouto Star scores neatly off
„AttorneasGeneral cenant„ The At-
etorney-General, Nene urges Provincial
ematiol.'Of municipal prince, codes
plains that the latter sometimes do not
pro..sectite sta.tutory .tiffehees because
"persons as -sliming an authority they
do, not poSsess tell theni to *lay off.'"
It is highly improper (says the At-
. torney-Veeaeral), and it may even be a
eriminal offence against the sectioti of
the Criminal.- Code having to do with
isolated from European aftairs as PQS- "will have to he somewhat mixed ul
late Dr. L. J. Simp'Son, Minister of This w-ashine Of the feet always ' )
Able. Actually German and's together in some of 'their affairs for
Education'. Dr. 11c..krthur, who has seemed like a sacred duty with the comment on the deal is designed to mutual and general advantage.", -we
taken over the Edircatidn post in the 1 hired - men. It seems like 3esterdo3 1
i prove that it really represents a setback *shall get . no. better definition of the
. elute one of our hired' men shock -ed • fol. Britain. Of course, it may be singular tie that binds us -together
-Cabinet' is the Liberal nominee, and •
Mother 'terribly.° We had a visit frono areued that it and vs Germany is The United State- will enter UO"en-
the.-COnservatiVes have decided mot to the'clergYman and ev-eryone was sitting vicroriouselt will eeall 'Us toe -account tangling alliance." George Washing7
oppose him' in the by-elechan. . 1 on the frontlawn enjoying the evening for our aid ,to Britain. But even the ton warned the weak Federation of his,
1,Veeze when he appeared in the front ,
.. most casual student of polities is aware, .dav, just emerging from its eolonial
WE. FIGHT BARBARITY • door' in his bare feet and tarrying a
bv now that 'Girmany never lacks an status, against any relationship, whieh
tna-el and it basin 'of water. .Sitting excuse for aggression. If Hitler thinks it could not entei as an equal. ' Today
(London Free Press) - ,•down 6the steps he ealmlY planted, lis . his interests t'vill be served by attacking the United States is the first a. the
We fight for our lives againat the most : feet in the basin for soaking and joined its, attacked we shall be, no matter Great Powers, but -a. traditional: &lir of
vicious .weve of terrorism Mid critni41 In the conversation. 'Mother was morti- what we have done to appedse or to an- -being great still restrains it. 'It may
insanity Ithe world has ever knownfied into silence as the party shifted . no . • drift, as it is cluing, into d close work
ks it has long advocated the acquisi- 1 lug partnership with the Domlnious: and
We are not at war in the old sense at from *Windward to leeward of the basin. .. -
. all. We do not fight in -ai'me• but a Still another hired mail had corns. -tion of ,Carribbean bases, the Post-Dis- ' ourselves, but there needbe no formal
4Ile wrote to companies in all parts of Patch' is rather hard 'put to 'criticize , articles of association.
the country for eorn-cures, and indulged this aspect of, the deal. But it rises ' The iiew phase is that Americans
each, es -,ening be it "foet sOakine, and to the occasion with the assertion that have suddenly realized that they .owe
eorit-parine...," spree. ' It. seemed that
_ , leases are valueless and onlY ontrig,ht the security of their ...etlantic see -board
obstructing justice, for any person to nation end a philosophy. We livee not
dictate to any policeman' wharlaws he in the -dignified years of declarations of
should enforce or refrain from en- war, of Red Cross immupity, of priv-
forcing." , , lieges for civilians, bur in a day of
'The Star Arteries : "Did Mr. conatus barbarised in. which nt). etwts. runt We every' time. we had eemPanY elle ef theejeoeereiguty - will ,serve- -Meet-lea's pur-- to- the •Bl4th4.11 navy. They- have-begoin
are striving today hga inst na tioe • -visitors would. bare to mention soxPe- poses.
ever hear of an Attorney -General who ' "What' good -will these leases to lay down the keels ofa second battle-
leftised in exactly that way to enforce
the Canada Temperance Act in,: for
-example, Manitoulin?"
• So far Mi. -Conant has not been heard
froni in reply.
Various reasons .have been advanced
for the comparative slowness with
which the second Canadiati war lean
was taken hp. The comparison is with
:the Arst loan of the present war!, not
with the war loans of the 191448
e -period, for. according to a despatch
from Ottawa, most of the loans of that
period required about eighteen days,
• while the eecond loan of this war was
that believes implieitly that it is the thing aboutfeet. The hired man would be," it whimpers, **if Hitler should ac -1 fleet, since they now perceive that if we•
-masier race" of the world, that . all immediately 'startand leeture on the quire title to these islands by right of , shoulti euffer defeat they Will have two
others are a feeeer bred "wipe worthy -care of the feet, and he generally con- eonquest?" On this Point it-,itas_ been 1 oceans to police. But ships' *Mina
•of the name of men. . • eluded by starting to take off his boot to magnificently answered by t'he St. Louis air -bases • tind fuelling stqtioas Wmild
illustrate his lecture... Father always .Star;Times,', which comments: -There. be worthless. Americans have often
. ...
PORTER'S IIILL -. nianage(r to find some errand for him you have the Whipped -dog attitude that toyed esieh the suggestion that weinight
at the barnwould reduce the -United States to the; meet dile debt to theni,by -.selling the
S §-
. .
`,---1.-5MTtil,"..g'.' HILL, TSW-k•-- 30.-fr•
--,"4-- ' ' ' -,Onei-af the -east hiredeinen yeeelituleeeee-w•iffeDoratittiewiniatitlienuoitses lseateets4tidtestse'T-Im-tnin not-awl:thin-est
Fred Elliott continues much the same
111 Goderich Iloapital„. Little improve-
s „
ment can' be noticed. •
eftitaaMina cooks
a Whole meal at
once ... or you.
can use it for
small baking
jobs, so y o u
. won!t-need to
use the ()Vete -
(WEN. extra4higlop.
. and has ttiro Even- •
Heat elements;.
switch for oven
has three hearsr
baking, hroilhig
and pre -heating.
' 6 different. rno.
deisr including-
- models with
built-in coal or
wotia, heater.'
- -
when' was a by was very shy. ,The cruet necessitv. 'When Hitler acquires/ range of practical politics, but Mr.
-usual question, 3,1otliereisked him Lf he Newfoundland, • Bermuda, and . the! Chuechill has now very wisely offered
was going awaY anY evening. WaS, :, , Bahamas; the .,Tenited States will be 1 to lease to this great Eng,listespeaking
"AN'ould, you like te) ,ss 3 -our feet e at war with Hitler in twenty-four edemoeracy such stations as it in us
Atthemeeting'on Friday evening to ne would, always say.„- ,"I washed them hours, or will hes his vaseal in as inarty 1 need, for the defence of its. Atlantic
garlZePeePle's SegjetY he washed thein _until _one erellinge_'__ SInch more riumerone than the all-out 1 the•-Weet Indian. isla.nds,... This is a
last night". We never did kilbw where ' •
reor the °X.
hot many were pres•ent owine thethe 1.1* d ULII t
eveeks,'• • coasts, .both in Newfoundland and in
I e
Which some from this section Wok part. with it clean eee4 bag: Fother. •being the end but attack the means Mr 1. With AmeriCan induetry. •
I Pfirther plans 401, organization ,will he *
Quito the diplomth-, mention it, set the tone when he coin- Even more ,far-reacning is the ar-
t -made later. '
. at ier came upon -num ousine ee opponents of the -President's letesede- I -, proof of ,mutuallnist, and it
H I *11 h ch • in •
en the horse trough'and drying them fence move are the critics who favor 'May' also eatie our financial dealings
taken up in twelve' ,business days. i all of Dundalk. '
,Terms of the former period. too, were !* New ,-Elders.-Two elders were ap-
. t . , pointed on Sunday in Grace churele -to
much more favorable to the investor!
till the vacancies -caused .by the death
than those of the recent loans. As 1
- of Mr. Herb. ' Cox and' tile John Mc -
Recent visitors with Mr. and Mr's.
J. Lockhart were Mr.. dnd' Mrs. John
Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. John McConnell
and two daughters Joyie' and Shirley
e compared With 3let per (Tilt interest 1 ('lure. „ The new- -elders ate nfr. Peter PoRT ALBERT; 'Oct. _1 lire
L. entken_on,tne qatentleat in „early A.ugust teetion of Canada against any external
1-OttaWa and W`a.shingtOtt hare, recog-
'saying to 'Mother, "It's better to have . mented that while. the eountry will un- raugemeat at- which Mr. Roosevelt .has
him washing them down there than donbtedly approve of the program, "it , arrived With Mr. Mackenzie • King.
splashing .around the kitchen." ! is regrettable that the President did 1 Vemula and the United States. have
I guess it's an age old problem that not deemeit necessary in connection ' now treated a . permanent joint Board
. will always be with ten on the farm. thiss wine this peoposaI to secure the 'ap-; for Defence. In plain words, they are
washing of -ebe -hired man's feet' . ! proval of Congress or permit public di's- 1 concincting military conversations on a
, mission prior to adoption.- As to aloe footing- that would in the Old World
. ,
4 .
; sqeOnd Point, there lins been no rack of i imply a formal - alliance. This is the
I public, dismission of the preposaI !O.. miter,' eenuence to the President's re -
- sell • the destroyers. and a Gailtip mill cent- echtration, which made the pro -
_s Young. atidanniteinatennteenessa-tsgotenn
-tifk01 0N0 0/1 whether Mtn -rung servicee
period, yielded, five per scent.. or over,
I would be continuerl for anothee month.
and they were exempt from taxation. This carried; as•all feel theyhave been
rwififfriet-effvs.iiiietrt-ttifs-fr. ejle-ti-rtite " -- •tbe- 'ted
enema a concern o e niStates.,
home of Ther daughter. -3-rm.-Peres
' nieed the revolution that air -power has
ELEMENT'S have 50.
.different ,heats --
each one design-
- ed for a certain
cooking task
Mr. and Mrs. GIover Cline: of 'Detroit-. n''*-
I wrought in Military thinking. *Confine
entse are now the natural. units for of defence. In plain English,
if either the Nazis or -the Japanese
It has been sugiested that some l a suceess: ' . 1 visited the"past week at the 'home of
people refrained from investing because Presentation. Wednesday even-- 'the latter'- . sister and brother,- aliss
- in, sixty from Ethel and 13rowfl.
grace church piths
ft was a Liberal Government that made g aNed .
'ered at the home of Mr. and 3fra. RaST '
The W If
the appeal. This suggestion, as The soe to speiaa,,an evening-. with t,hemd m
anenhir ii;on.thIV" W A herd their
meeting 'at" the. home
• S °I' .
Toroilto 'relegram obsel-fe.S.. is aTfinsult , toTwiSh them Miley Years erhannthess-14oentra. Rl• hard Reed onPri ay after
to'Coneervatives. We vannot remember , During the evening 3Ir. and Mrs. Cox noon . inet, with a fairly good a t teed -
were asked to come forward and Glenn ant.* .
that in the fernier period, when loans '
were issued ny the Coneervative Gov- , while Allen Betties and John Torrance! conduct, the eernice ,in .tlie United
ernment that was in office during three presented them with taxi heattlf-Ill '.church next ,Sunday at 3 p.m., as Res.
years of war. it was ever suggested chairs. Bot.ii Ray and Mies, Co' 're- '.
nWm... Newman will be taking the mi-
lled. thanking an for the aift: and ex -
that Liberale turned f1 cold shoulder ,q) ', nivereary services. at Auburn.
Lockhart read a nicely worded address, Rev. H. C. Wilsi'm of Auburn will
pressing their pleasure- in having them '„ Farmers --who leave beans! have been
to the *appeal oh partisan arounds. and'
visit their home, artd inviting all to
busy this week getting them pitIlen and
it is not to be held that conaereatives. coine agaill 'at any 'Unit". Lunen was , ,.t4. .,1 Ay. a machine from Zueich.
oiauld Win a footing an.Ywhere on -either
eoest of, this henileptere, the setairitte
a 41i. its twenty-one repiablies and of
Canada would be tnreatened. Defence
s, *aaainat such. enenties cannot be impro.
A vised, and the ° United States is en-
. -i deavoring, both through this•ABoard
which links it witieCanada and through
the Pan-American Union, . to organize
the • 'whole continent.. It understands
Mat the. modern contasptimi or "total
war" prepares by economic and political's, •
penetration for the 'final armed attack. 1
We do not know whether 'eta -nada is
- eonsillering her .attitude TOWIxrds' the.
VaS.r 'earlei for. the marketing Of all .
American primary ° produce, that Wash- ,,'• •
. ington is trying to construq, It would
not he easy to. eontrol whnat, if she :
•, stood aleon
' i
• 'goober -or. later- Vairadians will- have
to retamsider their attitude towards the 1
are less ready than Liberals to, put" served aed the gathering dispersen. Mr. John licKenzie harveeted ISO "
aside party considerations at. such a
It is recalled that in the fortner war- • D. A.. have, moved recently ,to their
time lo al tenurnittees were formed '• AgLoW, Thit.Clark- is nein home near Myth. 'We are neery
conduct the4eanvass for loan-Subscrip-, VCP.t4 a hadIs Infected 1(T:a " to) lose them from the COMItallttitr. but
. le‘*eheieee'lltel%, 17(1'wIll e A (* vrieh them continued happiness in. their
thinsand it. might be -well for the
' bushels off eight acres of land.
A Farewell Gift, --Mr. and Mrs. Van e
;.MeXenzie and two children. Anat. and
new homB
e. 'efore leaving Men Me-
onnateenment 'when lea:ulna fature loans irs'.' t net.) Conn 0. Young and Mins vn.
nezie wals presente'd with ,an eleetile
° -- sense 0. -the country's IlleNi Of failalS ' . , ' • ' .`, of the Lnited church -
coutrol permits, you
to put a whole meal
in. the oven, go out
for the afternoon. and
when you return jt is
perfectly' °poked!
, Other A'cbrantages:
Cabinet" alL-porceLain
-inside ana ogt
High-speed broiler;
warming ti,;awer
_Utensil. drawers
Heavy oven insulation
Thrifto-Matic switches
for automatic cookipg,
Automatic TumSl
Andi'many °tilers- 1
L. H. ZINN, GodericO, Ont.
41111M11111111111110111111111111.1111 .M111.1111111111k.
no, follow this plan. In thee way .a Lana niaeLeere, of Toronto,. spent the " tame /amp by the ladies, of the Wets e
- Week -end with Mrs -Tait Clerk and • -
. can be brOtight home to 'People who Friday wasi a gala day for the pupfla .
- . ,
otherwise might. -considel- nnat their of 'Colborne puleie sehoon who met
nontributions Were not required or in- for field. snorts at, .1.,:.,eith,041-roloor*.s, on ,
IK)/ificalstructure of the n'ew. World.
.1 They have never joined the PAn-Atuat
entean I7nion, and their abziofneAs may
1 in part account for its somewhat dis
appointing;• record. The balance.; of
Power* within ft is so overwhelmingly
-faCs.or of the rnited States thetethel
'elnatiu itepubliea Jealously 'resist any
!atoll -nit to tuen'it into a working real-
ity. NVere.tettiada inemhef,' the hal-
amie of p6wer would be less hoPelessly
Uneven. The ditlicults• would be ti).1
I re4.onelle Paitada's obligations to the;
British kt!oinmonwealth with her atatna
the American hemisphere as an in -
:dependent poyk-er.. A constitutional 7
pedant mighttroise the saint, .objection
to her participation in this new toard
for mutual defence. Logic and tawyers,,;
may be baffled; but Cominon sense Will
not be deterred frona going forward:
under tbe spurof a coniinoif danget.
It may. pass the foresight of the
shrewdest prophet to foresee tlie kind •,
of• organization for peace und' economic
I cooperatiOn that will emerge from this
war. turotie 1 for some pUrpies a
natural unit, but its empires, great and
small, bestride other continents. Some
;common concerns. notably land defenee,
I could best be dealt with on a turapean
footing„ ()tiler vital matters, such' as 1
tlae teintrol nf raw material9. demand I
World.wide organization.;:- if
the 4th 'coneessiou. There was e large isastaptensa, tattes1.--Mr. Earl BegicY,
turnout of nompetitors aed interested i from a:11(11)11ra'. -spent a' few (lays with
parent4 --and friend,s. The booth in aid hie wife's parents,. Sr and lira. Winn}
e'of Red Cross, work svas welI patrdiezed,e seenanitee, men sagnt. fAhetwouit am
and there wase a gootily um to hand other relatives.
over to the treasurer. *Nfr. and lfrsncriteS eaMPbell
is still time to make a .eon- The learirs Supper was obeeryed out v. son Harold spent last Sunday with her
. Sand*: afternoon ,by the eonaretanion . aunt. Mra. Andy Ciilltert, and lir. Call -
of the rnited chureh. The irlistor, 1 bert, and leer grandmother. Mra, John !I
, Rev. Gordon Hazelwood, ql(bSQ fOr his 3O1uastonN near fLothian.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton, Clayton and
trihntion to tile Red Cress.
r. • * •
Gerinany einldren ao
luay tiiinat• only to rieto serton subject "The Life. More Aburid.
sise ant 'There will be ne eervien Ilent Alvin .,ipput Sunday at the anniversary
f too= g,ehool. The restriction Is Sal ally. •
serviws trie eburele and' svith
te the use of ribber, whieh is Mrs. Thomas H. 'Wilson. Who • liadA Mr. and Mrs. Dick .1teed. near Port
stavee German, /Tow would Can. hem with ter sister, Niles, Rose einioe en
sdian youngsters like to live in that
*. •
The war zm spirit appeto have in-
vgided spoes this year. At (..7te1eland
the 'Detroit Tigers were boMparded
with vegeZabIes mai-fruit, including
ben-frtiit, mud the other day at Itrcimp-
!NM thetaitingtaoro...,..F.e teen), from St.
. ,Ortth*ritie:s, wai received with it loarrag
Parhill,ttfor a wet
ea d ' home (M' 1 '* Gr'Hirt* and Mr` and 3its'. rereY
, aham, near Shappardton. '
Suraday. Meta Amos lees been ill for •
(tome 41ime, . . .
'The bright, warm weather liaa been
of great value to the farmers. and the
threshina machine' is very busy, al4so
the comhine on the fleMs. Porn
has started. too. The barer has
done much datini2e in mosi of the
Iltunc;r iu 1beba:mc..7.v heart,
--Douglas jetraid.
, A
FQ chance of getting stuck when you have
ssntatienal new Firestone Studded
Ground Grip tires on your wheels: Off the
highway in mild or snow they take bold anym
where and pull through the worst 'condition*
possible. But on the pavement they are
quiet, smooth -riding and longawearing. We
have a complete stock foi cars ma trucks.
Let us put them on your car bow*
, •
GitouNn °
GEO. MacEIVAN, Victoria St., Phone 01
H. ANA Colborne St., Phoue 45.4
11.41.M4OP, namilton at, Ph(i'n'a