The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-10-03, Page 1CI)
Niuvivy-seclowv, xian. Na 40
Chief Supeisng. Offieeealla
ABlilataritt Already Ileree--
Flilhniehialfra ArriVO
The taking over of Ski; Harbor air -
ort as aunit in the Comnionwealth
Air Training Plan will be marked by
formal opening progralfl on,-/ther after-
noon ef Thanksgiving DO, it Was an-
,pouncedttodzy by .tas.'"
preeklent of Hawn, Countyr
/Flying Training 'School, , Limited. So
far only the rough .edges of the program
• have heen 'struck, but a Meeting.or the
directors is being held on Friday :eight,
, when the real aye& of drafting the
program. will . be Undertaken. .
• Mer,pereeper,s•Ard the opening would
ibe county -wide le eharreter aii:d-WOrtr
take in everybody from the oldest
eirizee to eehool children. „The . air-
port will he thrown open to the nubile
for the afternaon and the speakers; if
Passible, -Will be headed- by a- Cabinet
Minister from Ottawa. •There will be a
band or bands` present the object- bin'g
to make the occasion a memorable one
for Huron 'County, marking the succees,
tri/i.1/ _cult:441.409ns of a ,..YeQFof eute?
Paige and hard 'Work'
• Officere Arrive • . .
This week Flight -Lieut. O. T. StedveS,
of Halifax, and Pilot Officer O. Farrell,
of Montreal, reported to 'Sky Harbor.
. They are to hold the positions of chief
supervising officer and assistant, re-
spectively/1 D.
and are answerible. to the Dungannon Mourns
R.C,A.F. They earn& here from, Tren- . .,, ..
ton airport. Might -Lieut. Steeves is a a Brave Young Life
veteran of the 191448 war aud since
hes had a wide flying experience in --
different parts of the world. He is re- Pte, W. A, Bowers Killed in. Road
, ported to be a real live wire. •
Rig Catches of irerch Being Made from
Piers and Itreakivaters' •
The piers and ibreakwatere at this
port were Well-nopalated places en. SUn-
day aS hundreds ef Oat -of -fawn maple
flocked here to try their luck`at
i$e, V,
14414_1W raL 4X, geWpAitilf "erge'
'Oatehes were recorded in the past week,"
the largest being that • of a retired,
London 'firenian on •Wednesday. The
Loedoner, well Up layears, pulled. in
close to 2$0 of the Army creature; off
the north breakwater.. „ •
Commercial /fishing has not been ear-
/9Po (
ald Puts it, the boy e are lucky to make
enough out of the /fish to pay for the
gasoline their boats consume in shut-
tling to the nets, three or four miles
The :Sillier:10r Was the only grain
vessel 111 port the- past week. $he
arrived on Friday evening from Fort
Vifliarn with 4,380 bus. of oats 35 -
588, bus. of barley, 20,992 bus. of feed°
and 7,219 ,_bus, of fax for the -elevator.
She, cleared light for :Sarnia on Saar -
(lay afternoon and returned cm Tuesday.
•morning for • a Cargo. of Salt, clearing
forrarrort ear-luestlay after-
• Azeident VAN Riding
Two earloads furnishingi and , .
in. Military Truck
' other effects arrived on “Tuesda.y at •
(Sky flarbor. Linoleuni is being laid in
...the residences ;prDUNGANNON, Sept. 0. -This com-
eparatory toe:loving
that gifts • ef smell artieles, rtt
_iake news of he tragicedearthe-efr-Private-
thingT more'4-homey" for. the trainees
illlam Alan. Bdwers, of the Pertly
and permanent Staff would be accepted
• from the public when. the time coxnes.
• • Some ef the flying instruction • per-
aonnel has 'already arrived in-Goderiehr
On Monday tlte'first batch of nine train.'
„ „ing 'plants flown here.
• • Landing Field Seeded
This, week the landing field of 135
acres is being seeded down with rye and
. grass seed. Coniraerciar fertilizer _is,
being used liberally -600 pounds td' the
acre.- Seed drills are . being used for
the fertilizerand rye seed, but not for.
• the grass seed. ..- • •
Sense of the airmen to reach here in
•recent driee speak Very highly of the
appointments of Sky Harbors particul-
arly of its-newnesSand up-to-dateness.
They say it Is ther"la•test thing" .in ele-
mentary sehools, musuperior
eli to the
elder ones. • '
•The boys must /havertheir joke. One
tofficer tOok a stroll over the runways
ronerarterningrrthierareekar -11e, •
sighted eight 'deer in •the bush to the
north of Menesetung Park: An ardent
nintrocl, he thinks the deer should be
shot e
hots a. menacto. navigation.
The contractors, / the- Tope Congtruc
tion • .0o., has started to sheet -in • the
large hangar, the last building to rise
in the air. There are still thonsands
k f odds. and ends to be taken care of,
particular]- the wiring, plumbing and
heating jobs, but a:ugreerrted gangs are
at work on these. ,•
• -
• in the furniture. . It was said y terday MunitY was Wrecked and grieved by
"C", Company- Engages In Battle on
• Goderieh Township l'oni
On' Sunday afternoon f`C" comnanY,
1VI1dd1eseX-Huron Regiment, carried .out
their first field manoeuvres, or so -Called.
"scheineirs,,, since brea•leinx. eater/ at
Thames Talley. Over- eightysamen, toOk-
• part In the manoeuvres, which were'
held on " George Laithwalte's farm on
'the Huron road, Goderich .tewnship.
, The company fooled at the armories
In two platoons and.marched cob:Irian
of threes V> the "battle ground:" There,
under the copamand of Lieut.. B. •E.
1TwanileY alialled-Lieutr jr.P, S-• Calder,
the .platoone were drawn up In battle
position and dosed in on an imaginary
. enemy from, two sides, According to
the officers in ;charge of refereeing, on
siz platoon. was • sueceeeful in breaking
'411, thrOugh the enemy's ranks, while the
. other was annihilated in the attempt.
•, After completing •the exereises the
men were treated by Mr. ,Laithwalte to
„several baskets of ^pears, Their . host
. aiso'spolce a few Words to tlae eompany,
„terming it a rndvilege to be able to give
(the, uke of his grounds for armr train-
ing. - ' .
'IVIovine Pictbiee Shown
Movingpictureg, taken hyPte;R6hert
.amnrr when the second contingent Of
. ear Company was at vamp, in Septem-
ber, were •shown at the armories on
.Tdeeclay night after drill. Many 'intl.
mate and ,antusing glimpses of army
camp life, were reVealed on the sereeti,'
Among them were. a shot of Sergeant-
Major Harold 'Allen catching a few
neon -day snatches of "sleep; 'Sergeant
George 'Curren einconseionsir demon-
strating a limper army yawn at 3:30
a.m.; and Pte. Ivan Papernick Carrying
*tit one of the early morning choreS
asSociated with all camp life•,
aiost of the reels were hi technicolor
'and the results produced On the sereen
were both beautiful and natural, it was
agreed. •
. ,
Jim Smith; eldest ,on of 'Mr. and
Mrs, Jayne G. •Sikiitho 'Wellington street,
has enlisted with the Royal Canadian
Nairy as a first-clase stoker, eorresporad.
Ing to the rank of alloo-eonitais.sioned
officer in. the army, Jim left on Mon -
slay afternoon for Halifax, where he
will .go into barracks for a gliort
Ile has had conelderable experience in
boiler work at the Western 'Canada
Flour Mills, where he 'worked for the
laststWo years, raid -eXpected to
stand him. in good stead 'in the engineer-
ing department of the navy. Jim lias
made many friends in town, particular-
ly among the yew* people, in the /Omit,
tithe he hag lived here. ' • •
'Machine Gun. Regimeht, , who
' I
Wes killed ou Thursday ,afternoon last
While en route from Stratford tq Camp
Borden in a military truek. On: the 1
previous day the Regiment had been the
guests of the City of Stratford and the
men were returning when the
accident, occurred on a. eurve near
Fergus. The truck' in some manner
got out of caritiol and went into the
ditch, where it struck a tree and over-
turned. 'Pte. Beereea Wag nintied uirdet
the trick and received internal 'injuries
froni which he died while being taken
to the Guelph hospital. Six of his
coninanlons were Injured and were
taken to the hospital.' . -
/Pte. Bowers was in his nineteenth
year, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
13owers, of West Witwanorh, near Dun-
The Goderich Signal and The-Goderieh Star
Iriformation hae been reeeived freM
Mrs. flainea IlaNtere- Onteria.
Toronto, to the effect that the. steady
flow a supplies to our overseas ware.
houses in,England was More than suStir
bed (Turley, these past two weeks and
:stating° that the following t ablegram
was McIvedi
r' at Canaan /Red Creee Na -
As thairarrearadrinaal of toR,19-P1S-, ,gr °an-
tional, Headquarters from Mr, 13.
ired relief forces '•'
• "I cannot think of evert. interrupted
ret without asking the Canadian Red
Cross to send 'to the peeple of Canada
rn e*pression of our heartfelt gratitude
for -the/goods which they sent throtigh
their !Red Cressto. liundreda rendered
honielese by barbarous ends wicked at-
gap you had 'already eupplied several
tholusand blankets, which we, lied dis-
tribited to ouffi
r eces in district centres,.
a blessing so greet that the peeple of
Canada can 'never- realize -its ,intlaort-
ance wheu we were able to eupPly thoae
fat-11111Ra rendered hamelesg in the first,
raids. With contlitioas steadily grole-
ing worse Government shelters, Stocked
only, with bully beef and bread; could
not 'supply- blankets, -clothing:or food
to the hun;dreds besieging Jellef centres.
I turned. the Canadian, Red Cross in
MIA country.. I want the people of
Oa to know -that within -two -hours -
of our appeal you had started deliver-
ing lOrry loads of food, elothiug .and
blankets, and these were unloaded dur-
ing the most terrific air raids. ?For two
(Jaye we have worked like deck laborers
and llae sCapeclian soldiers who de-
livered your goods worked alongside tts„
refusing toAake cover or Cease work as.
Guinan .planes soothed overhead.. I
wish the wemen of Canada could have
seen the incidents which . alone would
convey terall.Canadians the. greatness of
your gifts and •the neceSsitY of them,
A father whose home lied/ been de-
stroyed and Who. left his wif•e and ehild-
ren to seek warm covering for them
atooned and kissed' the bundle of four
blankets gim:. ven hiOne of the child-
ren, lit another 'centre, clad only in
night clothing, elutehed her bundleof
warm gernients and 'wiped her tears as:
she crieds"Look, Mummr, theY're new."
ShiPment to Toronto headquarters,
September 28th: Sox 48; helmets 12;
relied bandages 90; scarves 12; pillows..
6. For evacuees7 quilts; 3 boa's'
shits; 1 nightie; blooniel•s; 2 skirts ;.
14 children's dresses; 5 •eweaters; I
bootees.; 3 ehild's.sox;.2arbaisy bonnets r.
0 child's caps; 2 woollen. slips; 2 child's
storkings. •
Canvassers for Red Cross Meeting with
. Fair SOccesS
The Red- Cress campaign entered its
galleon. He enlisted at Stratford .•on second week with many canvassers still
rOetaberaathelaarsesreevAlieelifterstlwr 4'40-0434-"raudrs'rePe`rting-falY""" el'ess
outbreak of war; Surviving; besides 'Latest reports from local .campaign
his parents, are two younger' brothers, lieadquarters indicated • that the field
Edward and Gordon, at homer- quota of $6,000 had not yet been
Funeral Services reached, but it was pointed out that the
- The remains were brought ashis_ caMpirign would not end until October
home on Friday and a private service
was conducted at -the home by Rev. W. Many requests bY people in all walk§
J. Newman on Sunday afternoon. This of life have impelled the executive
Was followed by a pablic service at the committee ' ta decide • to publish the
United church, •with ' jr. Newman and names, of all contributors, This was
Capt. the Rev. Norman alaelCay, chap- announced • by R. C. Hays, K.C., the
lain of the Perth Regiment officiatingpresident, on Thursdays'
The crowded church could not hold A feature of the campaiga which
• all who Attended to pay the last tribute pleased the c,oram1ttee in charge was
to the young soldier. • 'Mr. /Newman the generous response from American
tocik as the text of his addreas •the sources, in...Spite of the fact that Red
words of H Samuel 12-rBut now he is Cross and other. easapaigns Of a similar
dead, ;wherefore should 1 fast? Can I nature are in progilress in many States
bring him back again9 r shall go to of the Union. It was taken as evidence
mea, that former Goderichitea, not only httd
hint but ale • shall not return. to/
not forgotten. the old home town, but jsneke in terms/of deepest sYmpathy
were - willings4o-seateifiee. --t� she
for the bereaved ones.
their interest in ,Canada'e war.
Captain Mackay spoke in behalf of
It was announced that headquarters
the officers aad men of the Perth Regi-
on the 'Square would not be open •on
.ment, paying tribute to the popidarity
Thursclerrorr-Friday nights, as the
�f the departed oldier. The traee
. he said, was deeply felt by tal, arid he campaign treasurer, • E. 'D. Brown,
compared. it to the pluckinet'by the wobe attending Council sessionsns on
Master Of a choice flower in abeautiful these nights;
4grtien_ .• ; Headquarters wills be epen• for the
-11,st time on, Satei•cley, (acteber
While officers and comrades formed a
both afternoon and evening. D. /E.
guard on , either Ode, ,the flag -draped
Campbell, campaign.. chilirman, askscasket was borne into and from the
hurCilbert,PteARavett; it that all captains and canvassers try. to
trille c,eh by Sergt, V . Hicks , Pte .' Mel -
bring, in' all remaining 'colleetions on
„ . . e:
. ,
Pitblado, Pte. J. Million and Lance-
Qorpotal H:SVIurrity. At the .graveside
in Dungannon cemetery "Last Post' ' G.C.I. GIRLS AT 0:N.B.
Was sounded by Corporal A. Akiwenzie '
as the soldiers- stood on guard' about Make Good Showing in Home Econ.
the. grave.- „ omicS-Tops in Personal Appearance
"Greater love 'bath no man than this, Three girl students Eleanore Mac.
that he ' lay down his life for his Ewan, Lucille Patterson and DorothY
friends." c' . Ginn, represented the honie eConomics
— department of -.Goderich Collegiate 111
ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Stitute it the Canadian,'National Ex.
' Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Nilson, Elgin. hibition at Toronto this year, and
avenite, announce the engagement' ol thangli they were not among the prize -
Melt elcleat daughter, Mildred Virdar, winning teams they made a very eredit-
Reg. IsT, td Donald Hector MacKay, ables•e•howing, They were tenthon-the
eldest son of Mr. "ttad Mrs. John Mac.. list, being only two points .behind one
Kay, Goderich; the, wedding to take of the pril*-Wanning teams, and six of
place the latter part of October. ' the nine teeing Who scored ahead of
'Mr. and Mrs, ,1111tOn•Woods,(Ciederich them- were from 'city technieai 4ehools
township', attieniuge -the engagement ofi -which-have special faellities in equip -
their elder daughter, Beittriee Irene; to 'menta and • trebling: Li theinafter of
James C. Duluth. of London, son of Mr., personal appearance the ,G.C.L girls.
Victor_ Durnin of leteknow; the mar- were rightat the top, /being given 4,
/twee to take place quietly on October perfeet, scoring in this -respect '•They
1,9th at .Graee" United &lira, Porter's were dressed in the scbool colors of blue
11111. . ./ ane white-blae dress with white apron
Mr. and Mrs. Normals/McPhail. 'War- and eaP, '
Ten streety Goderigh, announce the eil- As a memento of the event each
gagement of their second eldest daughmember of the resell Is to receive a pin, I
ter, Eva McIver, to Cyril Robinson, on engraved with. .the recipient's name..
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Itobineon, Wolfe These pins, which are being provided
street, ,Goderich, the Wedding to take by the Exhibition .authorities, will be
place :October 12th. •presented to the girls at a morning
assembly when they are received. ,
The temperatures toethe past Week COMMITTED POO TRIAL
and for the. corresponding week hist At •Witigham on Friday la,st Lorne
year,• officially reeordedi Were . as Jardine, of EthelwaS eon/flitted by
follows: - Magistrate J. A. Makins for trial on a
" 1940 , 1939 eharge of manslaughter arising from an
Mn. d1n. Max*, )1111. •accident on July 7111, lett in wrath Ida
Thurs., 'Sept. 26 i7 37 • 56 • 41 Ititehie and Iletty Edwards of. Gorrie
were killed. A car, of Which Jardine
Was mild to be the driver, crashed into
a bridge as a party of young -people
were returning tiro% a dance at Lis-
torvel. The ease will eon& before the
assizes• in Goderieh on .November 4th.
'Fri., Sept. 27 64 48 55 '• 40
Sat., Sept. 28 67 43 71 41
Sun., Sept, 29 68 47 78 •55
Mon., Sept. 30 69 • 42 55 41
`Nes., Oct. 1 67 41 rfre 33
Wed., Oct. 2 • 01 40 . 00 . 36
• on No. 8 Highway
Five People in Hospital* Result
of Sunday Morning Crash
Charge Laid
tqrrii a one hundred per Cent, ease e
cutting in:on is hill," said 'rraffie ()Meer
James/ Culp„ dieeriesing the gaiiw •of
tile motor eollision early Su lay Morns
in that plat Ave people in Alexandra
aPitar Sliffering from. severe cut%
brnisee' and shock. ,
• ,
rour men in the ear driven by Sera
man Gross, ttged thirty-five, of gtcb
ener, were Coming to -Gotierich for the
day .,,to °fish. The Other car, driven. by
Mies Muriel Stopford, was going east
to 'Han:1114in, MW$ $tOPTOrd'S home., •
„Pre-7-CrAK-WhililrEPTATM-Ilo,r y
after 8 o'clock In the morning at a' Point
a shart dietance eaSt-of Taylor's Corner,
opposite Alex. Stirling% farm, was rala
legedly Caused, -.0y,:the- attror-Groga in
attempting to pass a truck7 driven by
'Robert R•odges, R. R. Croderich, on
the approach to the trest of a hill.
Just as he was in the 'aet c,xf• passing,
• Miss Stanford's ear hove into view,
lieaded straight at 'him.-- There- was --no
. escape, no time even - to (hike to the
ditch. The cars met with. terrific force
and with their occupants were spilled
•-alleover theshighwaY, filially-, taking- to
'the dials and, overturning. `i•;;:-.;.- •
•'Gross, the ariver of the Kitchener
car, suffered severely from shock and
• lacerationsra's did his three_ eompan-
IoUs;* Hoary Meecher.sustained severe
head and facial liteeratiOns; as did Otte
• Schnell° and •George Boesy, the, latter
receiving a particularly deep -cut above
the left eye. miss, Stonford's upper
lip was badly cut and she had Several
teeth knockedS out. 'The injured. were
removed to hospital passine motor,
ists ' . • .
It Wa.s.the wort motor smash in this
dietriet thie aetteeait.,• Howeyer, thelog-
pital,r-eports• that all patients are dolng
4as well •as. can be expeetea." The
cars are damaged beyond repair. • A
slimgeroua driving charge bag been laid
against Gross. •
Will Succeed Miss Jean Robertson at
-Central School -.
.• At, a ,meeting of the Public School
Board • on , Monday' afternoon, Miss.
Jessie -Hr Ma thieSee . -of 'eaten' W, aap-
pointed to succeed Mies Jean Robert-
son, resighed, on the 'staff 'ef •C'eetral
school, her duties to begin Nsivemher
'ath. Miss • Mathieson is at present
teliching.near Ripley. . . •
-Central school reported d 2011 pupileen-
rolled in 'September ;• •'average attend-
ance, 193, or 08/8 per cent.. Penuy
aniirelepositsereakens ---isear-serese,
At:Victoria schop1,328 wereenrolied ;
Average •-atteedance, 309, or 94.07 per
cent. • Penny Benk deposits, $93.118.
Victoria Hothe and Scbool Club asked
• permission to..plate rell of honor in
Vittoria School with the tames of all
.fornier etudentg who have enlitted for
• active service _inscribed thereon. An-
other suggestion was that the punilsor
the• school be 'asked to contribute one
cent per week 'to. help provide parcels
for soldiers overseae. _ It was felt that
seeing hthe. names would kaiulate the
pirit af patriotism in the. pupils and
• that they would vvant tb help.
The Board decided to extend per-
• Mission to both Victoria and Central
• school e to place, suth hOnor- rolls, if
they t desire, and alsotto permit the
placing of a box in each echool io re-
ceive voluntary contribetioes for the
•-sending of parcels OVO rsfqt-4- •
• .A memorandum of newregulations ef
the Department of Education was re-
ceived frora Inspector Beacom, and the
Board adopted •a motion ,asking that
the Department send .notice of all new
regulations to the Board.
• It was decided to slipenee, with the
hplding Of a schobl• conceit -I -hie, year,
but to -ask the school management com-
mittee to arrange with Mr. Anderton f�r
the preparation of „musical ,ilimbers to
be. given by pupils at -meetings of the
Wine and School Clubs.
Miss Driver, truce street, has re-
ceived word that her niece, Miss
Patricia Quinn of Blind River Ontario,
has been awarded ,the Victoria College
(Toronto) Moses. /Henry Alkins scholar-
ship, for general aireficieney, The
award Is of the value of $100, with free
tuition for four years kind a total Dos,
sable valte of $750. "
FOR C.A.S,F. MEN Ling Runways
at Port Albert
Another supply of bilIfoltis has been „sr. ,
reCeiVed by the Town. for illen from •=00t Lammas. *uucurigi Are
Goderich enlisting In the En- Being ,Ritslied to
siat Who' have not already re- '•
ceived one are invited to present them-
eelves / at the Town Clerk's ellice.
• . This- , week Illigli Lehman, genera
superintendent of the Warren pea;
aulet wedding was soloanized in Ccfr" P414 Otte 44 1114 Periedh41 vhdt's
. ,,to Port Albert airport, where his firer
by Canon 4'W. Townsheed. coasia of the Cm"' '''"- a"'""•a"•rw'rsr8-eis . eet aeka
alalaviiaturdaYe•-iSe•P440ber. 28tni ,s.theaa4goetrstian..a.Norrsys 4,wouici ,beas e.saomp
bride, wlwn Beasie Isabel, driught•er of thie week, probably •by,` Friday night
the late 3.1r4 and ,Mrs., John, Watso•n,
one week to ten days behind echedules. '
of Bayfielde Was united in marriage to (Wing to 00 matteh rain having fallen •
Rennie Erman, sou of, Mra.,"4„ Gillard, durpg the eonstruction per104, Weather ,
and the late. 31r. ,J"... Gillard of, St* permitting; he !Sao, the taxi tatrisis, the
Thomas: The bride were a navy blue foundations for whieli are new bele";
euat with matchidg: tteceesories, and ft
a- /laid, wOuld be paved in one week's time.
corsage of Talisraan roses. The bride $'' The third big hangar is now uuder '
attendant was Mies. Olive SheardownT'r
--6"rtqieriehrrtieer-e't-thtrl)tttie-'''Whrr 'le'rie.
arrtre1911rerita•Xiiii9g141Zot9Illiettrief r1"11The ‘-- -
sories• /and a. coraage of tea roses The
were a beige 'Caettime with tan' acees" Siding/4n of _One of the big structures is -
• well under avay, • _ " '' ' •
groomsman was jesePhIGillard, of $t -
Buildings most tes-Ssentlal to an early
• Thomaii.„ brother of the %room.' 'Alter `
' ARTHUla DOWEER the cerehrony a reception was held at (Opening at Port Albert are reeeiving
(special attention from the W. .0. Brea -
who enlisted in the Willer, a few the 'home of Mrs, .B. Smith, sister of nen Construetiaa Co., which has the
daye after the outbreak ef Dewar, and the groom, after which/ the bridal couple
has since qualiPed for a .commission: left by .naotor for a short. trip. • They C'entraet , for all builcilinsa except the
He Is the eldesri. Kin of Mr. 'Gr. N. will reside at St, Thoraag. hangers. The. heating, wiring and
plumbing operations tire being Pushed
Dowiterof ta0derielir WhOge Wont' son; ' - r - .• '•-• • • ' -- . - .: - - --: -- - •
George, is now in the- Air Force at and some of he residences. and clime,- ,
. "/ • • SLAVIN,.--SOELTON' halls are nearly ready for occunatiera
Brandon. , • - The home of • Mrs.. Laura' SheltOn, On the otherhand,•other buildings have ,
Good. Et hibition . , '• - - - . - -
olt gala Elitabeth, daughter' Of Airs. lug in of the /betiding area, a slieeld
Arthur street, was the acene of a pretty not rieenrmuch aboVeitheir foundation.
wedding oe Saturday afternoon, When. ,ThiS. Week Contrareters firdehed the
. at. Bayfi.eld Fair Was =lied In marriage to Herbert fencing in of /the entire airport property
Shelton and the late Richard 'Sheltins, lob in • itself. The Ontract for the
- Stuart Slavin of Kippeu; Son "of 'Mr. has •beee. awarded to the same people
Livestock a. Pro_....,mjne t ' Feature Wiliam Stettin of Tuckersmith and the that did the sirailar job at Sky Harbor,
--0001 Weather ects---7 late Mrs..Slavin. Rev. D. J: Lane of Flare path lights are at presentheing
Knox Presbyterian church• conducted ,iestalled en the runways. ' They are
Attendance the /ceremony awl. the riegani$4, was nsed_for nierlit dying, lightingthe landr
•Miss Alice -McGraw., Miss Jean:Meore, dug- strips like , a pathi a ,snow, 'rays'
The Bayfield Fall Fair, .held on Wed- of Bervie°/, a cousin of the bride, . was being thrown aeross the pavement from.
nesday and .Thursday of last week, en- (bridesmaid; iind the groomsman was eithercaide close to, the surface. :.
countered cool weather and the. attend; Charles Shelton:of towp; brother of the , 'Accidents at the Airport
anee was below the mark, ,.bUt there bride.; John W. Moore, of Bervie, an Ae though to register. its disgriet.for •
was. the usual excellent 'display in the , uncle, gaterhebride in Marriage. .Slhe-. inechaiiical motive -power, a -bore% in
Varian§ .departments. . • . '• . was gotihned • in, `a:floorzlength, white the best And Her Name Was Maid" ,.
In the live stock. apartment the satin dress with iloar-length, veil and faghlen, kicked a crane operatoi; on the
roadster class Was. -prominent • J. J. Carried a bouquet of Talisman roses ' leg at Port, Albert Tuesday just as he
Miller of Muverton. brotight six,earriage The bridesmaid' wore a floor -length alighted frern his Seat to the group&
and road horse% vvhich woke Mudh. ad- dress of pale blue satin with corsage 02 alongside the hangar for which he was
Mired. Special. featiaes were the com. Talignian roses. .A:t the reception' taa- aifting- trusses .into position -wi his
petitions of the Huron County Helstein lowing the 'ceremony guests. were re," powerfdl crane.
A.ssociation and the GOderich District iceived by Mrs. iSlieltonrwearing'a navy Noeone .c.,an 'offer a satisfactory, -ex-
'Calf Club. In the, school ehildren's blue dress with white accessories and a planation ae to why' the horse, kicked ,
.section gix. Stanley township seheole corsage of White roses, and •Mrs:' 'John the man. The animal was one , of a - -
had creditable displays. . . aloore'Of Berrie. the bride's auet, wear- team working- alongside the hangar at .
• In the evening the Brunswick Concert- (big naa* and white. Mr. and Mrs. the time. • Old Dobbin failed in, his
Company haaira large audience in the Slavin Jeft."on Saturday evening on an objective, however, for Dr. W. P., Gals
,Tow r Balla' and the preceedings con- extended Motor trip the bride travel- low, who attended the crane oPerater, • -
dirtied with a dance .111 aid ef the Red 'Hug in a 'navy blue Suit With, red fox Elmer Campbell, at Brantford, Said that _
Cross- funds-. ---- ',aaeket. Thor :-Will'reelde at'Kippen.-- •fhe man% leg r while" eve-relr bruised....-/.
The ilast Ora prizewinners will • he ,,,,,..„, r, . ____. . was not broken and he re
found onsnitge'Ol'•&•thie'VaPer. '•Inh'ad- ' ELDERs-TIJRNER
dition are the following special 'awards.:
'.1 1 . SPegialts . • . . place at 'St.--sGeorge's Anglican ehisteh
Best heavy 'horse on grounds-Einier A* wedding Of general interegt *took _:17:4tialtnieng,g1.1.bisootnhin.:ththiaeene deonsa,.orriTAtueee,dthf:eebAisie,tiodsa;epetri.raitrinietriaiee,n7giti. :
on Saturday, merning, when Madge but enlY °ire leg.
Webster, Harvey Turner. 4
seems, ean get by with one leg. . A horse
Gertrude' only daughter of Reeve n.. '
. B6gt , showing of .horses-Iiarver sr/ Turner and Mrs. Terner, Was United .must have four, so that :Mr. Campbell
Turner, J. J. Miller, • can give his. attacker the proverbial
pest, fseeparnoeeanaresand.foale- sareraerarersssrrames.Eads...f: .:ersarer, - all rge,„lau r-------,,-
in 'marriage to Jahn W, Elder, SOU of
There was another accident on Tues-
• .EStielith'c°onl; - under one ear -Thos Miss.Lillian Elder, graduate
t - ollineeejaAte.d. C.: Calder, rector Of the churelf,k
day of a more, serious natures • John
Snowden.a Collinscm, who lives on the Huron road,
nurse Of Grace HOspital, Toronto,
Gocierieb, tell from ,a ladder, twenty
Best colt on halter by boy fifteen or sister of the gr • bridesmaid'''
groom was,
under -Bob Rathwell. feet high, at one of the hangars, • and
and Roy Turner, brother of the bride,
broken left legr, near the
Beet,wagon horse Ben, Rathwell. , . Wes the groom's assistant. Mr. A. W. 'suffered a;
'Best road ho'isc J. Ja Miller. • Anderton was at the organ'. The bride t ' -a eruSlied ebests-arm 44141-8-imid- -
Best beef herd -Wm.. Oestricher. Collinson Is sixty-five years of
was prettily gowned in a dress of royal er• *r•
age. 'He is being attended by Dr. Gal -
Best heifer calf---,BruceaKey& blue crepe with navy blue accessories
Best 'flock of sheep-e.A.. D. Steeper and carried a bouquet of Talisman low at Alexandra 'Hospital.
(Ansa Craig). . - roses. The bridesmaid wore dusky James Gordon, a carpenter, also was
' • • 6
Best six utility pullets -40. Battler. 'rose crepe. with navy blue accessories . injured wile° he received a gash an his
. Best goose -Thos. Snowdeit.
Best collection vegetables -F: Barker. ehrysanthemums. ' The groom pre_ which came Without warning from. a '
roof-tOp. He- will be off 'work a few
sented the bridesinaid, with a
SCHOLARSHIP ' AWARD hypoderthie set, the, groomsman with„a ' ( [7s...'
University Announces Winner of H. t a smokjng case.
leather billfeld,•and air. A.nderton with
, ,Strang Memorial • - ' ,
At ,the reception held at the bride's- ' ' ••i
On Thuredey last the University -of
Toronto announced the awarding of the.
,I.J, ugh Innis. Saranerrrmeeeirial. seholue
Ship of"Tids25-in Chah and ,a -ii allowance
of the same amount on •the fees each
year for four years to Miss Anetta
Stewart, a pupil of form V in Goderich
Collegiate last year. '
• "'Miss Stewart, is a "daughter of Mr.
W. A. Stewart of Dungannon ancl came
to Godericii Collegiate in September,
1.937-;hirving aoin 'Pletell -Ma-yen% of
secondary school work. at 'Dungannon,
She was awarded the McKinr .scholar-
ship for generalsproficiency in form III
in June, .4938, and the Peter Ademson
memorial scholarship 'ba forin-IV in
1989; „Miss Stewart hite registered in
the honor course in English language
and literature at the University .of
Toronto: - ,
and earried a • bouquet of golden
head from a. piece of felling scantlings
Goclerich public schools -will be elbsed
on Friday, as the tetichere will be af
London attending a regional conference
of teachers of Huron and other West:
•ern Optario counties,
Nofiee t� the Contributor
to the Red Cross Campaign Fund
' •Orving to the largmber 02 individuals .who felt titit the
name g of the contributors to the Red Cross toad should be published
in the local paper,, our loeal. Red' Cross Executive have decided th:a
immediately after the campaign the names of all who contributed
one dollar or morewill be published with the' amount of tlieir- total
individual contributions.
It was with some hesitancy that the EXecutive decided on 'this
course, but as so many people felt tharafter all it wo,14' public money "
that was being subscribed, they boziIt1 Vettst,liaouae__knowledge
of the amounts contributed. , • .
It Ino been the, desire of the Red Cross Executive to reveal at
all reasonable times a full detailed statement Of the receipts and
,disbursetnents.' This can be obtained at any tune from the Sec. ,
retary-Treasurer. AS there Will be considerable expense intuited
in the application of Aid) it is deented advisable 'under the dream.' I
Stalieca tb publish the nanies of persons Who gave $1O0or more„:
Tours sincerely,
n. C. HAVS,
President goderieli Red CroSs
home after the • wedding •ceremony, But Perhaps County Judge afay Take '-
guests were received by Mrs, Turner,
• a Different •
' gewarecr. in aaa,ey Becatiee ,they hed allowed .tenrarea:rass.....
blue sheer With navy blde-aCceStiOrics, and iii6re-tO go by without applying for --r-
end Mrs. Elder„. motherof the bride- (Canadian (citizenship papers, •Judge •Fe
"groom, in navy blue crepe With' navY W. .Clement said in Tuesday's County
blue accessories. Both wore corsages, Court that he did not feel inclined to
of -red roses, Thehem° was prettily recommend two Czechoslovakians fir
decorated In Pink and white with silver naturalizatite now that a war is
trimmings and with a 'profusion of progress. The applicants wereslohn T.
autiennel flowers. •. • Marcin and Joseph Peeko, laborers, both
lof_the Centralia district.
-Why wait ee long? Why come now?
The Secretary of State hag •enough to
do these busy days without bothering
with fellows like you;” His (Honor coin-
mented. •
Both °seeks said, "1" didn't think,"
or something mse.thing to„th7t eM
seet, in broken
It because a war.has broken,...orte,rr
that you now want to beeomerrektr—
sallans?" pursued the:, bench. ° Ne
Port Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1 answer.
Elder, Mae, and Mrs. Bernard Martell, IR:la:ever,. the bench mellowed. Ile
and air. and Mrs. Ernest 'Davis, •°_of then said : "If 1 were'the judge of thia'
Straford ; 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bisset, eointy I might grant your request, but.
Vi an IfThiio1d NeWeembe, Mrin a eourt of rotation such as this I
and 1.1rS,-.John Newcombe, Mrand don't feel 'like naturalieing mem yrho
altar:Fred- Ttlrher, Mice. Edgar . rottirt have" secured their papers 'earr
ough, Miss 011ene Lloyd aid Miss'Annalago.” - • h " •
Matsrrall „of • • His Honor instructed the Court Clerk
Mr. and Mrs, Elder left: on a weading ,to keep the applications on file and
trip to Toronto •and Niagara 'PallS on adTviiisreerl the applicants to apply to the
nts,rb(ri. lidylieeafternoon,aet:ria, efgeor• n,teirroIteiwiel nal tIghi 11, Master in Chambers at a future date.
e Suitwitsot y. Up() one
teya seeo set
dowii Lor
The • iemple will reside it ,Stratford, (li,:duriritii;(,;;sateassteg.o.axh/roaf
Willard. a Hensel' truck driVer, seed
Mielmel Murray and William Dever.
etturrTuekersmith drovers, for $56890,
wilieh he claimed/ Was the balanee eons -
Ing to him for truckles cattle for dee
fondants to the Toronto market over a'
period of Six years, at $13 per trip.
Alotli parties were- haphazard books .
keepers, marking:things down on /serape
•Gueats-"dt----thesreeeption. -were ' Mrer
Mary aladge Of ,„ Stanley township,
•ninety -eight-year-old great-aunt of the
bride, Robert Turner, gr., of Port
Elgin, "grandfather a the bride; Mrs.
Martha Newcombe of town, giand-
mother of the blade; Aireraftsman Har-
old Turner of Jarels, , Ont., brother of
the bride; Bete A. C. Calder; Mr. and
Mrs. George /Campbell and Mr. and
Mrs. John Turner, of •Stanley township'',
• Mr. 'and Mrs.' Freekleton, of
where Mr. Elder is employed witlr the
Whvte Packing Company. The trifle
was dental assistant to Dr. J. A.
Graham for the last three yeere.
During the days preceding the wed-
ding the bride-to-be was the recipient of
army beautifill and /weeded gifta at
showers , tendered in her honor. On
•Wednesday evenieg, Septenther 18th.
ehe *as the guest of honor at a kitehen
shower at the home of Miss 011ene of paper and pocket.size books. The
Lloy(1,,Eigin ave., and on the following .tedious checking Proreaa.. of a galaxY
Friday evening Mrs:, J. A, Harrison, of four lawyers, E. Halmes, X. T.
Vietoria street, with her daughters, McLean, Prank Donnelly and •Glen
`MISS ritley and Mrs,. Ernest Davis of Rays, diseloted a number of diRerepo
Stratford, tendered a shower of granite. 4Inele3. Payments had been admittedly
ware. On Wednesday, September, 25th, made but not credited. An interesting
the A.Y.P.A. of St: George's church a anglaeooffthseevecnatho.tw4S .srteliaart8,1):vreyrelittaurx,a
held soainn
cial evening and miscellaneous
shower In Miss Turner's ,honor ih the of bearing, denied the existence of any
ehurch hall, PartuerAlP with Murray. Ile said he
c>iniply purchased, the Cattle and that
Goderieh Doy Scouts will have the Murray banked all the money and
annum, .4;11)1)k day" on ,laturdays, Niguel, all cheeks himeelf.
October 12th, when rogy SleIntosh Reds Jud g,e Clement remerred judgroont
'Will be ,old to. replenirAi the f,•lcout pending receipt of Atritten argument
by counsel.