The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-26, Page 20 '0, rio Two ,T40_ Gobertr4 iNottut4tar ()I IIIININ'qrTII IVU ANIA. VitbitsittledbySign:a-St:14- West tL•-(et, Golieriob, Ontarzo 1.:1'110.',‘IBEIZ 19W DOWNIIN,A,B19M1Y.i 140 I 1 EDI11'4,)RIAL DT'O'r$ 'rho torpe• tioing +4' a ship brinAing lave tin!, Bea Aiross eauva,,,,,r a ting aliatit the work. there Is to he d.)110, , and 1 find thar quite easy to tlo, and ss,suisees front Itritain, with the loss to: pteasant smite -anti traliettiiite, noire: int oeores oltiltiren, tulds nothing t!). the, ,. • • t41170 rar ,tuo44 ziPPIng l'itlong to Where yo11 happen to la, going, 'destestationt and= eontempt in whiell the canada, has a warn) reeept ,r nut talte Intel,: in the days when I was the littlt.).. war TUEG�JMRWI1' SIGNAL -STAR Phil Ositer ot Lazy Meadows I 11131-ry Jr. ROA) mini,try 112 Poltd ItaR announce d, same ce„ nit per art no, it our that vitamin is to lie, :mitred to PoPulation have been conditioned, to tbe 6017,Wi AWAY': twead. "Fortified" \vas .,'201r. Robert habit of white bread and :tt,4litast(,,,fa)r Curitent Views on the War • TILT iltsi I 'AL 6Ei.)Tvnia,it tmtit, _ pr:stince, fruit, eggs and fre41, veo;etablo-1, Wlien WOcon'iider god Ito alo,:enee 1, two-mi,Vonth. of. a ;let -ammo it:toitiEit Inait.e,i a 417VW4botwot-11. Ir-ITAIIINS T1113 ItINS(11al . brvati wat oquai.1S' available at 010 tinvertain, Itealtit, and an appreciably shorten life, it will be 3Cea that neW Inett!ittre:1 are )104 "stunt." tilthought noran0 times, when the abundance of • the -earth is ours to command, nf,ature, Its variety, • f I'NoiRernAke% *Predate just, . Boothby'ri word;,. When he, ;IS Vtirlia- i brown. It IR. true that the millers .1 brOught them ..ia eonvenieuoe. Taltei 1 nouneed tis• inotorathno lie 6aid, i is also true tit:at that. is the public i 5,' `ustattoiy the simple process of going quite rightly, that it would „la. -hailedi-taste. Another ittt neat MI' Ot t c", g vitamins than the Ministry Of VOnd , . 1 away: Today, it 's4 a matter of Pr'yet- by stsi(ntists all over the world as a! it, 01I1 and, putting a ,b4koi. is,,tuat '3 ean tver he. . t. . "Test 4'41s -wets' on Suvtitilis' ever vet1 leaves the bran iind millers' offal for —Tile 'sitatesman and Nation (zondon). INClit'ASIII IN SAILORS' WAGES .,,ts despateh from Montreal, September ".1.3t,14 ktyst ' ' . Increases in wages averaging there is tun the same hearty ss000lits i thin, on the trip over to Oratidniother's vitamin.- ,MOthers will, now be able, :, first discovered by the 1)Ut0h seientist a month are zranted vat a neW agree, tr 7 than in he mst to I Filimau in 1897 lie noticed th:tt the how much the PasAW--; oT the Yearti- Paw invatary Seeretney to the .sainistry, an; tznainly eNist to 'make white flour, but it ; follow : 14eolaintidi, 4.4,=1 a znoii0i; waEoli„ znan, 1577421,19; wheektin:aat, oor.a. passeg, tirionon, porter, SZtri..;i9; second eanalNi, %Ilia W0,4 tlie'seconsi increass. in wagcs3 1;r:tatted this season by the, compare,eo Involved. , is 0 much move eilleient di pensi 0 , _ . perpetratorS of ,suela -deeds 4tro held, for the eivilized woritl has realized gor sqiiie tinie titat there is no depth to .whiell the Nazi, eonunand will not descend. The foul. mifitinl-''''fia-s—giiitted zvothint?," for those: responsible for -it; bilt it 1--;erves to steel the resolution. of the' British PeoPle4 to annihilate_._the,..that the. ticots got it ,third-liand, thruagh ' letter was Sliinitti into the apron poelcet ,,. force's. whieh are behind suelt,raurder- oUs acts. • , ' - . Neither'does the bombing of -London,. whiek goes on day after day and night . after night, gain anything for the Nazi cause exdept a surer prospect of iritisli'. reVenge. 'J ignes, the noted eeonomist, IS Ou6teol as sififigr---= ' 44----170.-Thil-gtititfr artd-jnst-like-thessissuais:-.4-001s,-uss„sstille..d..-Witki. attention ' lint London. is a big place. ...%. million t . - - -.., 7..--.. blueberries ex tept in color. We are Ito- : k other would ,t.;,:ay "Ilimul' and noisily pounds -tvorth of destruetion ,is eustonie )lackberrieS that are red ` strain another saueer of tea-. through d to oasts from Britain; but ? 0 boy. Mother planned for quite some for the moist Old i'.."'ouiti,i'Y' Cliniate theS ;7 t1:11,1111:1,.''.. 11, NINI'l,t•i:. Ita)tilitiltist their eliiitireat : "Nat uP the crust ! fowls at a prison in Javti, Where he was tionat settmen,6= Assoetaltum of`tc,,,anada . molt 'reached toilay betWeen the No -‘--z-v-"-•*-7--,74"-=,_17-f."PlIt-7z----„..__L,-:--"-...--,--7v- 4.----',,•--.__,-,,,,,,•,,t,„1-,7,•wa-t-tilmi for the in. -Wm -an .eitell day, .Sir ,t)rx,An,,,Sit.r.r.„III--tr,-._yeedin,,,, the _P.,,e_oplef_ orni ?f P:itralYs.i.s_tVi.dell resetnah,led Lilo, panies operating %on the !Great:.,La$e.. elltIlaittytts'rtil)fitte. ilgVilaiSt LN:CO.Ia'f,,.5:11 leS8* (1181118 t 4 , , J S'eel4"10 it t\( brought With them. - i. eous*red , quite s'i, distance, She and he It soldier." , 1.110*(111-al ()Meer, suffered front 0 Poe -altar 1 and eight .contracting shippin- cow. • E ' ' ,,,i14.1.N.20igonvogt,,Aitt 4 /114111 ow (roli , a fo riltp., 1e afternoon,. vine idling , lit Wartime," lays emphasis on the im. I Paial-.1-sig la' ..Treli•-ael,l. 2Y0111 wn.loh 1.°0 and tigs.'7W:tawrenee'ltiltels . ' achieved. in this field." in deferenee, the urgently lieetk41 feeding stuns for to the ,Mittistry of Informa•.1 form stoek. Further, the 11 content,of timo which regards "morale" as its Cgrain varies, lott under this system it Protinoc, he did not add, aS bo intight van he scientifically governed. ` bave done. that this is the -morale The importance of vitamin B1 was ---- 05W pla01, Ile ara.b.,41,t sostssueo of ,sts„ sseso 'Iowa pris'OnerS Silirered. It _WAN,-401-iiittPl" The new wages. t-tser stibiTli by (11,s1 -'0V, "1:e‘t'oflicit is t b the highe t pid bithe ' ' of the letttr. iloining to the Ionise, the letige of Was liot 'availahre 1:•11-1;,seneer; bet t e sre . the:Netherlands, •The4talians are ("et,' and 110 amount of persuasion„„was able t 01411.),, .g,•4 etting• tb.emselves in a hole,lon to mak° .114m* tell what '18"11.4 in It. tiwy stiouitbdvaii it golf. '-, . 1 At supper time she would -baud father . 1 -ill the plates dist • and urue him to tat. - . - 00 V. iii ' - 1 !' , ‘,. , , .,- : t... . . r. tt a little. more of this and a little -more - The Thuniins Advance tells of White ! eif that,. and, as lie ladled .0 second ,trOoPs who eztprtillated at Kut were laYers •at the gram Were ,remOved, de- militaisystisalloritieS in the war of 1014- that the 14,111s Weer j'Ik'd riee left lake eonaPanies, With- aninkir exceptions. :over from the pri;val VW. expdri- New -rates, retroactive to, SePtember 1, feeding some with whole grain, some agi half -peeled riee, and saint) on white riee. Those fed on white rioet whieh wati polished so that the, Outer V- and' thert were several striking. in- StaileeS of `the effeet ,of food. on the= .fighting eMcieneyt of our troops. Our own army 15- the East suffered front. laek ,of vitamins in their' rations. The Suffering from. berf-heri' due. to 'the vi-Ooped the . disease, bUt Were • tamed. blueberries growing .15 ' abundance WI ,rngfPigrta of' his faverite desst.rt, She of vitamin 1$1. All outstand- - tl • - - • -1. ad a letter 1 ilelleteheY • when fed on. Whole. rive or half -peeled 'no- characteriStie of this, form of mal- . nee= .' ads, el: him off to the ( st-ow-Y nutrition is =•nervous debility and:leth- That in -the mister layers .of the. grain ,Tr.M.W=Th 0, :, . '„ ---,., te,41044,4,,ohere .wasonte sulistaffee -which- Nvas, wideh ex,presseh• the progressive psy. i the an ti.dao,vi ivrtirmart-rtr-tire.-44. when they're green, but white blue- • ehologieill deterioration of these suffer-. ease. ing from this 'dietary glt Was later demonstrated. also frightful fo see. Illit if we were his moustache. to slider a million pounds worth , . . There Would be a dead pause' filled deficiency. °It as the preVentive faetor for the disease., is better to walk than to run; it is This had been. demonstrated some, -of-damage every! night -for a -year,,____' berries _present _a 'neW, color seheme. 1. with "the sound of the • polite stut•ninks's * * * , 0 ver on the front verandah and tee -better 't&-,stantl-than-to -walks- -it -is.- yearS' earlier by an old- sea -captain.-- In. We should nit has'e lost more than eloek elianging gears aS it eame tOIlle better to lie, than to stand ; it is better .1804, as a soeial'inZ4isure, it Was. made ' four per Ont. at •olir buildings ,and ' T . , itc . suggestion conies from . Toronto, with ileur, to r mark.: Then Mother .'youitl add; to, sle,p than to Wake ; it is better to dies compulsory fo supply Norwegian sailors : theirs von.tents, or more than_ we _ o away With 'the imPort :aim i 11-°,n a c.hon 1. sort of way he• wan — than 10 ` live?- reople sneering froni make their life at, of fruits and vegetables% from the to cOine,Over tomorrow'"S: .F4therrst tlisrs even a minor degree of deficiency of sea "more pleasant.Itye flour hati could restore 'in a '-t.touple of years. that, to d While -scores of Britain's merchant vitamin B1 in "their diet have no previously been u.sed. The stubborn t _ ._.. .s tel. tunt„in attempt time would sort .of drone "Yes,"' and United State, in whi . • s , '•-vessels , have. been-r.sunk since. _the... oe-„ stomach, to fie:ht.:is , , s,.. old captain resented the new regnia t tOn be made- to grovi thein in rgoiithersi'Onssli°theri'*enet?nraged IV ' this, would -s-h3, , He also instances the collapse .of the 'add 4tool` -rye' .fliiiir' With him -flit his' ' glutting of the' War, neW •vessels and , Millie will be isome tomorraw." tario muter glass. - The plan Wonid in- - , -linflth," came father's - reply, ".I Italian army' at ,Caporetto in October,• {)Avn ase" The crew on white flour fell ,ships captured from- the enera.y have - - of courSer a prohibitive isistoms as . ser could s.stand that husinua MT.. This was at least partly due to ill With beri-beri and were (sired by , kept the total of British -shipping. 'Ta . . the poor rationing of •the soldiers. . . . biscuits -from—the -captain's- sprivate tariff on such . Wets. What worild hers. 'or above the pre-war level.' .Britain's -Mos . . . ., „ ' 'Mother quick t(i.‘;eize ally adv•intas•e In this War the 'Germans sceordins 'to '81°r°- . ' .----- he the results?.__ There IN:mild be a , .* - ' , t, , . , ' b . . ships today 21 be seven. Aeas, while • NN (mid supply, quick as • a flash, -lle rent)). ts, supplied their troops about to A postscript, to Slisslohn Ori's refer- " ` • ' isn't home this time," and hist pensive go into battle With pure vitamin Ill aS ems? to the Bi. deficiency among the lessened mks of fruits and vesetables German shipping has been chased into - Wale -holes. ,, Italy boasted of its control sort of way would add, "I haven't.seen 1 a eonc'entrated "dope" to give them troops at Kut ,VVas the fact that the because of the increased cOst of Ivo - 'Indian troop who ate wholemeal 'flour duction, with linjurions effects upon Millie for over a year IOW." . . I energy and.courage. . Nothing more W0S Stud !about it,. 1 -The Ministry of Food is not going to. and (111(1 P011 did not have the disease. .. of the Mediterranean, but today the , . health. and P2!01) 11)12 bigger: doctors' 13ritisli ' navy comMands that great - but . we heard voices after we went to adininister a -clape or provide 'us with And in the later stages, .of . the siege waterway from Gibraittir to Suez and bed and knew that Mother WaSpersuad- certain of the British troops recovered. bills to be Paid. Time and energy artilielal courage, butsthrough a Staple would. be diverted to this hothouse ing -Father, against 'his deep-rooted. article of diet, is goingsto ,see !that the fronsheri-beri as a result :of csating the -, the Italian fleet is afraid to come out , growm th that could be used pro- hatred of haying -to get -dressmoraleof the country is .not sapped ed up. Indian supplies when_fl . their own our and fight, ' ' • • When she -eame up to.. tuck us in, she through a deficiency. From what I was finished: During the. 41trisso- fitably in natural channels., And, to • Hitler and Mussolinl still indulge in , would say, 'Better get a g,o(.1. sleep, learn, it is proposed to. add a fifth of a Japanese war there Were 204,000 cases s because your father is taking us over to grainme of ."aneurin," which, is pure 'of 'bed -heti :in . the army but mine in make the whole thing ridiculous,igrows . big •talk of what they are going to do-•,. -lint it the talk ofsbntliess whP..skilOW ers to provide he t& 'for their. green.- ',Grandmother's t6morrow." We usually' crystalline.. BI„,...:.to east' sack of .flour. Ithe "N.Y. The rations ivere sipproxhis- .Ls mpOi coa 1 in t e as . S‘. hal Ilien „ ii th a,telt tfie same,,i7egeept, that The sallOrs' , -7,4. would" i " 't - '-' -I- f -6 ' la 1 1 - a -Ike - f 71---I • hild r•apout !Thai will not affect -the -taste :or . the thei have met their match ' and - are hOos-e. - • tit; ..but always-Aranaged to be° iii, at 4.30 Color of the 'bread.• indeed, We shall diet inctuded 10'; oz; of, whole barleys ' United States, !Canadians should be• doonied. to defeat: • . the next morning as Father'starfed out • • 4 • glad to have; a sourge of . supply of . , to do the• chores: . . wholesome frnits and. vegetables so Everything seemed to suswrong. That elase as the United States and would was the Morning the briille eaw kicked be foolish to put pp bat's.'srgainst it. the milk stool 'away from the head of 'that 'part. of Ontario: --of perfeet flavor 14 • ' ' • •••'..i • • trom Mother today. , e skpuld. all have to rely on the assurance of ..theI 'I- 'minim B1 deficiency does not, how - Miners and the inspectors .that it is ever, have to reach the extreme form there. at. all. • of heri-beri to have a. disabling .etfect. Consider -what a fifth af a sin , sisme 'In its subtler forth. it is 'Manifested in per -sack means. It represents st tiny digestive troubles and in 'heart, strain, the household. . The cat always 'seemed pinchsin 280 lb, of flour 01w:ounce' muPled with a -loss 02 la6ra1e." ' . to pick that night for. upsetting a pan' will vitaminise 13,000 10 i The en- There is no reason why this new ad- , . While governmental action since the of milk in the- milk house, The calves tire population of Greater. LoMlOn. will venture in scientific control of the -in- 'require abont',0 lb: of the vitamin per •diSpensables of diet should not be ex - d ay, A hundredweight-andashalf, will Aended. Ma rga rine is -now s fortified" siipAly the- whole country for a week. with vitamins -A -and 13 to -give. it :the s in the orchard and A! third of an .0usee'willssufflee an in-- vitamin value of good summer butter., kens half tii death. - dividual for 'as whole lifetime. At the The use of bread as the vehicle fbr ailie Winn(' to squeez- moment von -might, It yoivwere- "in the- 'vitamins b.- au- effective way -of- reach - know," manage to buy. mire vitamin ing just that section of the community 131 at about 13 .agramine wholesale— which needs them most. ' The poorseat -about i13.60 a. lb. But .the. cost will thesnost bread and they an least afford hu• WitO WILL.WIN? With the United States elections less than six weeks 'away, the prognosticat-' ors are busy, with advance notices of the, . results. The Winkle boosii: -Which' was sti!onglrin evidence forsOme time after the RePublicara noinination has suffered , _and _Roosevelt'tOpportets are shOwing more confidence than they dici for a while; but,-eVents of the next •Te.tiv---weeks, particularly. ha connection with theT,progress. Of the . War, may' thr,oW.all present predictiOns awry and the ',wise man: iS not cloing-tVO ditch talking about what will happen on .November "oth. newspaper support is that of The New York Times,. which backed him old -boy, by the way—to bring rentals , in 1932 and19{6but has announced -its 'tinder ssontrol;.---There is_sless excuse support of Mr; Willkieln this election' , for raislIsig rentals thau for an increase The Times is One of the leacling news- in sprice4.,,of products; .or at -least of 'papers, of .the World, and it wields a some products. War Conditions may great.influence in United -States politics, make it difficult and eisPensive ,to pro - Whether its influence, with that of sure some ingredients,. yid production other balterS from the Demmer:Ai& sae, may consequently be at a greater eost. ,will swing . the., election '1.0 the Re. I In- the ease of rentIt44 the owners are. publican .eandidate remains -to 'be seen.1 simpls' taking advantage of a scarcity , some vdters are influeneed by !' of houses or other buildiss-s-. no extra the, :'ery "dictator" ...again.st Mr, expenditure on the part of -She owners Roosevelt's bid for a third terns others is involyed. Will 'rentienfifer the old* saying about - . s.tions. . None of them is warth 0 )lugged the • danger -a swapping horses whi16 beginning of the War has been effective in preventing univarranted increases itt pries products, there have been coMpIaints of abnormal increase*. In entals in .centres Where war activities By the time trig Father into a stiff collar, he was have resulted in large popniation gains. red-fae.ed. a' neisv s'ort ot vvay. ' N'Ve ilailfax is a case in point, the.popnia- generally Managed to keep out of his tion Of that 'city having doubled of way. His parting shot, 'as he went to. be Aothing like as great as that. A 'the expensive, protective foods-,37-mi1k, always seemed to break out and get in the garden . . . and aur billigerent Berkshire spent the night in uprooting. the chicken 1 chasing the trebled within the -.past year, with a corresponding .soaring of .rentals, 111 response to numerous scamplainq from hitch the team of drivers up, wass. factory is behig established for 'its manufacture; and in mass-productiOn the cost will °diminish rapidly. • . The irony; of it is that we should pay. such centres,. • qttaWa! appointed serves, and- Father kicked the lane' • the Millers -Millions, a year to take sisystk,ess-W-ss-liss-Martins-ssrlsesssask.silefiee:PosLinstsstarsemphaSissss,..--s-sks,i-tlississsm-soss sts-otsours,fireasfsseisti,stifffi - When. it seemed that -nothing 'else pay them millions- more in. 'subsidy to atchewan 'Court of Appeal—a Huron • could happen, as we travelled clown the put. it back. For the richest, source' of road *bout. a 'mile from our front gate, this vitamin is the bran and germ of wholemeal. Under the Govermnent scheme, 'however, wholemeal and whites Why don't year people conie over here some,. time?" But Mother calmly • went on packing a few jars of -Special pre-. and Father. wag beginning to relass and notice the ebnditihn of the fields' . sine. of us *would took back. Sure enough; there was the brown snare's colt . . loping ahing .,a happy.-gos lucky sort of 'ways What happened , then is; ,letter not suffice it to say that after the:mit was put in :the stable., it took five miles of Mother's art of Making. conversation to make Father relax his face and quit complaining about the - trip. ' FOR ' "IiINCARDILNE.:, MAD . fgekA. We endanger onrselves by doing "GODERIC11", . crosSing, asst.:ream, and.. one '. considers:1s ' .so, aalki..we Idaelcon ;Mr own character , 'ation may balanee the other in theto boot. '..-sflovermitentissearrsire mos , (Kincardine N qcs) , Not. so many Itlaivs 1440 ninety per ingenious in...finding sysIsss rounds.slif-- general reSult. Just why a third term cent. of the 1.10Mes in sit:Cardillo and- liculties .winsir flit% watt- to find them; - should incretse the danger df dietator- , vieinity wtsre flooded vitb copies of and. this is a easis sin which Canada d t I the fall andsivintifis eat ognessof li hat 4ex:or-else .-some 01R-gliliktuil....-aud-, • .. • • . = . . I mail order houses . 0110 of them lias find good reiti40112 to snip supplying wait for a third term, totlaumb. himself t . ..,. `.... 1 , i no fewer than...AU pager, coverhig ail ;Japan 'with inaterial with ',which to , 1 as a dictator; one term wiMenough for 1 types ,of meisshandise. . .destroy the 'Chinese people. . , him. Tn ,fact, to ,Cdnadiang who re- 1 ',0150 inereitants, Shim tire arrival of ' - ' ,_ - eleet their political leaders as often as 1 1110 - ' los• s .'- s . , cats „ueyliase licen djmnIng mail , $9,617 in Gifts in One Week \,, ,.... _ I order, lidlistis and bieing their finger: • 1 ree-will offerings, to help (_'1,anallIff.- they Wish, the fear' of a third term • nails: in ehagrin. at the Increased coin- earr,r on her ' wde, effort continue to ° 1 seonis rather fantastic, but across the Petition presented, by the' arrival, of the pour into the. Dominion Treasury. l' line it appears to be very real as a mall p24r. house sales b ok, During the course of the past. week There is' a way to Mee this competi- $0,(117 were sent in by individuals and ' Political consideration. - film, Mr. Merchant, 11 i , found in the assoeititions. ' . ' sl. local n:ewsnaper; and ti e local nevvs-. rths, U.8.- otrtsus' .. PaPeg oily, It ,ff,r6 al ,,,epfinnany good inediuni f ir the ()Cal linsiness ,, .. man to -get his . tory bef re the people The d ' finial census of the .United of Kincardine: at (1. distri( 1. That is all States 11 4:14005 4"?omplete4l and reveals the mail order firms ha 'e !done. . a popula, 'Ion (on April ist- last) of By starting, rip -,ht. aw ? to Jet the public; know how he is.eq lipped to -meet . 131,409, „L 'rids. was a gain Of seven outside competition, the oeal -merchant per cent, ot.:er the 1930 figurel, the can offset the advantage gained br the' 'smallest increase in any decade of otit-of-town firm In preseintlins its stOry to the people., - t ' _ 4 7 ' united, Skates history. = t. `Most people want to 'tidy at 'home; but ' An itilitlYS18, of the figures shovvs a . . 4- 11 is up to_ the local 111 '(15025 man to .definite soutkward trend ot-population. invite thenti to (11) 20. Southern States gaineel While Northern - „, ......... . States tVither aetually lost or recorded' S1110P IT • stnaller'-' Inereases. Cattfornla , had the (Winnipeg' Free 'rests) it a time metalro- - , largest inerease '122 actual.,.numberwhen'onr w vile"s, - in the Briptish 1,i90,137,v while Florida, 'made the ; Ilrc!al nealiVi)1,' '1,1r(i' v.7(t-1( rts it is sur - largest percentage inerease, 27.0 per i prising to lel arn fro- he Vatieouver cent; •• '.Sun that in British Colin ibia mines' are ,86-ventoen. eftle.5, of 100,000 or more,,,q111 prodouelng metals D r shipment to . at /I. ,' ss, , s sinhabitants which,showed gains of- ten . It 18 trite we do nb-t-lw(int (I-c,,to-, per cent, or more are nearly ail In the, war with Japan. -We have- no thought Southern States, "Alain' heading the list of attackiitg her if iiite 101tes us' alone, witli:_a gni'', of,54.4 per 7tent.,„ wlim of We should only 51(3' that 'wa. will not, supply her witli the Materials which t " wentY-olle eitie.4 'of 1004)001004)00or °ver Mahe her- stronger . to 4attitelc. us anti . which' reeordell actual 100r4 -ase of one otheri4qtee-loving pe0p1044 per 0e10, oi. more every one is in she No parliamentary logic will excuse I North. . - , our present pal cy. No -evasion of the t faets will- help us in the tonf. The !Me , twelve large'eitie,.4.. of , the 'whole lqlson of the lasi: five years is i 8tateo, With their 1940 P0151211111121, ar'e: that in the end thedizoi-al lavv,-, Of the , New york, 4480,,,s0; chleago, 3,38_1, UttiNtbrEf. des owork iii, human affairo i' rzie. Iliiividelphil . i 040 . nf,troit1 and that erime brings its . = .= certain penal- ! • = = ==, .-- = . ,. 4 ,d'. ,,,,,.. 12.'. .122121111'-) erinatt.t are Oain. Our con- t .1,41S;49: to.. Ang4?14':, 4,`"1,6"4'; 111,1711111T itt. t1l1111 N Plillitily plain• IIty,v-` 4 1 (1012411111d, S7S,:n4*;i ; MiliiMOrOp 844444 : 10211 will it continue? , fit. Loui,To 813,114-; .110ston, `-441;9,3-.2,0; 'Nilo plain speaLing is i,tittply justified 1 1,i,„Ar2zrgh, (siss,si,... wassisg,s0s, sss,ss hY tile fasts, We Ithists listened for . 1 .t/eafs--; to all the tootellealt revono for Rem erg lve II IttRY M. l'ORD i'5a,,, San Frant--i,.1t-o, f329„W. soiling War /taptpile-: to rApm,-...',:ig.' it;irf 0111 CHUM 49 Confedercition. fLi e As,iociation SIONst,S•,•••• .s, ?nstS' . • • .4,4.... 222 Drive out ACM ES * The Frigidaire "Cold -Wall" is,13.04 on entirely new principle that saves foods' vitamins, freshness and flavor amazingly longer. tim don't have to keep foods covered or wrapped. Come in -See a demonstration of the Frigidaire vCol4-Wal14 lodaY! s.11 0 ...0.0•••■•°' mad Datqadoo# . ‘74eowee IDA RA Big Twin -Unit Oven bakes' and roasts 10 uniform perfec- tion. Speed Heat surfaceele- s s rnents-with 5 cooking speeds . a prastical speed for every Jadtd. 6zens 11€ ,oth es big convenience and economy features. See the beautiful new Frigidaire Electric Ranges'. "•:` . . .... - hie range oi Frigtdaire Refrigeratort and Frigidaire Electric . Ranges -Far oVery home and budget'. 1 'I E If• PAYMENT TERM .S A.16A A..2134 .0SSS IVI MO ..11IERE IS ONLY II,E0:9111E BRAND ANTI FREEZE tA94SE In 0 V. 4/re, 20 .• For 'fourteen years, Canadian motorists. in ever-increasing numbers have learned to place complete reliance on Prestone" Anti -Freeze. For this antkreeze is guaranteed in writing to give protection against freeze -ups all winter long. Evenon the mildest winter day there is no evaporation or bpil-away. Special ingredients proiect the cooling system against rust and Corrosion. Especially.this year protect the lire of your car. Take no chance's I Insist on the proven anti -freeze —.sold by more than15,000 dealers in Canada. Despite increasing coannodity costs, the price remains the same! Canadian National Carbon Co., Limited 144w motre.TIORONwTiOnnipe, Malcouver You too- WO SERVE.by SAVING BUYINAll SAVINGS sTAMps. STON E RrwrI — REEZE 14,