The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-26, Page 1• o nit t nal Cornbining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich,Star GOL*RICH, ONTARIO -I -THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2601:19i0 WITH THE AIR FORCE NIINCTIeSECOND XEAR. IsTO. 39 HURON'S GREAT CONTRIBUTION TO CANADA'S WAR EFFORT XI/en Will Train at Sky Harbor to „Britain Win the Mr IOWA : farelehet .tts 1925 GerMartY 'wee training pilots for its attempted air.. kreig o Londoe aild the' Britiels Ieles, eSetnadron 'Leader Ai. 4. SOYeaeur, A,F., told a large audience at*Meae- SSeteng 'Park on-ISunday Atternoon. ;He said that in 1925 •Geimany etarted organizing ivfl tiying clubs as a eneaps of defeating the +provisions a the Vete' Sallies Treaty, 'WWI its significance swas erealized.the idea 13Pread to+ Enge land, then to •Canada lowwith the .restult that today a great number 'who, are fighting .tliesky battles, over Britain and Europe received their iniUal,training at .civilian-QPerat airports. - • " Major Seyenour, vvho is ,president of _ 'the •FlYing_Clubs Association of Canada, was brought to ,,Goderich by .the Huron County Flying Training School; Limited, ,in furtherance of ite eampaign, now in ,progrees, to have the +people ef Huron. County invest 435,000 in the ebanpany to '.previdessworking The ,Project -Explained \ Major ISeyin,our, who went .fully into the details of operation of an aleport. -such, as ISkYstaarberesaittethat itshad been proved. by ,expetienee both..ln•Eng- ltted and In Canada thethe elell management of elementary schools •was best bath in ,pbintecif efficiency and, of feConorny. -The;$35,000 working capital, it was explained, was *needed .to.hridge *.%.,the .carry-over '.between the time of expenditure outlay and the time of - rev-enee-reCeipts from the Government, front which, all LrevertUe came. It was Patriotic ,gesture to subscribe,. „the :•investor •meanwhile receiving ade-• nate reture for the Use o hs money, * the speaker Said. • „ At present there are eight elementary .schcielS -operating under the Common: wealth .Air Training PIan in Canada. Six xnoe, including* 'Sky 'Harbor, would heopened in ',October, and when the plan was tomrileted 'there would e be tWenty-three of these elementary train- ing schools in eperatkin, each tureing out twenty-four pilots every month, or - well over 'six thatisand -a- Year, _ L. E. Cardiff, M.P. If it were not for the grand 'struggle - which the It AF is putting up against great odds 'the Beitish Ilim,pire would - today he In .a Sorry ,plight,bsaid 14 E. Cardiff, *M,P.,„ -.emphasizing •the.need:for the training Of more and more air pilots tio sen(loverseas. Enron ,COunty could make ;no more praetical contribution to pie Winning of the War thari by pro.; Tiding faeilities for this training, said the M.P. `Wee atow•the•Mother Country was waiting for these pibots and it was theduty of al loyal ',Canadians to see• to it that he did .not wait in vain, 'The Field 'Manager ' ltr-‘;1;tougla.s.;:,..Whalk- ap- pointed field -manager et *Sky °Harbor, was introdueee 'to the audience and spoke briefly. Be said he came -to Goderich with a feeling of great good Will and brought greetings from the Kitchener -Waterloo •Cltib, With whieh • he has beep assoeiated. • Mut Risk to Win , J. D. Thomas eentinded the atidience thht those who are not prepared to,tislt anything in this gigarttlesstruggle may , lose everything. Ile',peinted to the present plight, of France, where millions have been eubjeeted to a life worse than slavery because of the eelfislineg s of French people before and tinting the I IIIIR011 COUNTY SENDS T. $10,001:11102,11ED CR,043$ e. Among' the first idtnsatione to be re- eeived by the !Ontario division Of the ,Canadian Red Crows, at. campaign head- quarterat Toronto, was a e1teq4e for $10,000 from the Comity of IluriM, This money was veted ,at the June 'eessien but was reserved, for the present drive. The theque wtte forwarded on Satur- doy,last staassto help get the:Provincial campaign away to a IlYing etart:t' war, lir. Thomas .reviewed shortly the history a Hurt* teountY ;Co- show that it had alWays TaUked high in lightipg valor -and would agate_ be t0Mid in the _trent ranks. ae said that isletorY was being Made in Huron county today, for, if thee had yeller !seen a Sky Harbor there ,never would have been A Port Albert airport. No BoOns for Defeatism Warning ' against. the .adoption of a tlewneast ,attitude and ,,lack of .confi- -'-dence in thisetime-of eseed, -Rev, Gellaglier, of Wingham, urged Can, adieus to week LIS the whole situation .clepended on .themselves., There " WAS ,tdttce for neutrals, in the Christian c.world in o streggle a the present na- ture, far Christianity was at stake, and Britons were placing dependence on the Divine guldink hand to esethe struggle through to victory. 'There is only one .totalitaria.n power in this World, and that it. God," warned the ,.reverend gentleman. * . A Patriotic Investment Flying Officer J. M.Roberts, R.C.A.F., expreseed,, „thee coneletioe that • Britain, would win .thin war because , she was *fighting for a just cause -and ,had .Christianity as an. ally. stressed that aninvestment in Sky Ilarbor, Which he had helped in nurshig along through several - years of trials and 'tribulation, must not •be looked apon AS a "commercial venture, hist a:s it -patriotic movement. Sky Herber-was...a worth- while,project and a •sniall investment in it as. a good inyesbnieut even if not financially proetable. • For if Britain .lest Jthe war Br.itieli. Subjects would lose eVerYthinge-e-all that is worth living „for. Be ,predicted that Sky ,Haebor *Mild bcarry1ng�n long nfter" theTseak was over. • . r A Grand...Opportunity, Cant. Dr. Cargill, medieal offieer with the R.C.A.F. at Landon and for ..yeg's associated With the London Club, said. that he knew from experience that the PeoPle-of Huron County were not being -asked to sup,port.p...wild goose ot affair, but were being given a grand o lerteuitY.,:tcemakefihe .most praetical contribution possible. to -0-anad'a'S7:Witir efecutt. s • .Watden•Georee Feagati acted as ehairmais- of the meeting, which was held in a bush clearing, whet was once the sports field of MeneSetung Park. lust across. the road in full view was Sky Harbor 'airport -ea reminder- -to old-timers that s new and strange day had- dawned: The weather 'was per- fect for an outdoor "gatherleg, The meeting woe well organized: ,,aled an augmented ,staff of traffic, officers hand- led the big crowd in splendid fashion. Clinton ,pipe bend and *Brussels brasS' band provided Arcade. , Work at Airport Nearing Completion Persistent Rain Interferes with :Outdoor Operations Anotbei Contract It hasstahaedtseacatilkatedattateliftiftSf fourteen, ao4 work at both airports in Hum *eotinty has Wen ea' brick, par- , ticularly, the gravelling and pavIng operations at Port Albert', die 'work having been haw Pr as long as three days at a Stretch. , However, the airdrome, at Sky Hai- bor ia rapidly takiug on the aPpeerance, pf. the finisheaamduet and construe - tit** cart:, he Said to the- homteetch. This week „the Arm. strong Cetnitany of Brampton, builders of the landing field, were given con- tracts for the laying of the water and .sewerage systems and the paving of the roadways 1i the beilding-atee, The -Temovaletef twenty-five.acree of bush for clearances 'Was still In the air," it was stated yesterday. - Another ;sign of finishing tou,ches is the erection of the regdlation six-foot fence, with steel posts, enclosing the -banding -area,- apart from the.-airpert- ,proper. Flee of ,the .eight buildings are practically completed and painted, red roofs with greenish -grey sideSeand apple-greetrtrierptmters-tvill-have finished the interiors in a few days. Thegarage whicb was blown down in last Saturday morning's storm is again xeady for its -roof and the • work of „raising the trusses for the big hangar will , be started this week, The order has eone' out that all carpentry work Is to be'finished by October Oth, QxUy .the comPletion 'teethe concrete machiee gets butts - has been hampered" by the weather. e-Ansteouncement was Made 'froth Ot- tawa .this week of the awarding to the -HoWard„Furnace Co.; of Toronto, of th contract for tile various heating system totalling .$13,300. Last week :another. heating eontract of $4,700 was awarded. • At Nit Albert The second of four big hangars to be erected at -Poet Albert is. tiaie• week xie- ing in the. air. These "are the largeSt and most .pretentious ,buildings at the big airport; The big steel drill hall is. „medically closedin and work onneaely a score , of the smaller buildings has reached the stage where men are em- ployed at inside work, unshanspered by Weather conditions. . All ,gravel has now been laid on the runways and ,paving has started. on the Ithiriit1!intt� theSee The 'gravel trucks' aee now pouring their loadttoest the taxi * strips whieh connect • the hangars with ..the runways; that this work is more or less et the mereqf the 'weatherman. It is inipossible to, roll either the crushed gravel or the surfacing material when it is wet, ,Oii .11anday of this week it had (tried. up sufficiently to permit .the eestimpticin peving, Wark, bet Tuesday's and Wed*-• nesday---raitaagainefereeeletheTiPPliPae' tion ofbrakes. iieep Sky Harbor Airport under Huron County Control So that every munielPality In the County of Huron may share in -the control of Sky-llarbore WerdeneGterge reagan„ has iseued the following k statement: ; es, , -Soon -after d landing field was's esteb- lished north 'of Saltfordein*tbe County et °Huron A pageant was held tteraise funds for the ereetton of a hangar. .At that tittle the few citizena„ who had endorsed the projeet had no assurance that the people• of this 'County would support 'aviation. To the suprise of everyene, men, vvonfen 'and children to the estimated urenVer of over forty thousand from all over the County throaged the open fields and roadways. Sposial Once had to be called in order to control traffie Some sixty planes took part in the pageant, coming twin the United States and 'from every flying club in the Province of Ontario e' This publicity ettraeted the 310.tiCe of offiteals of Civil Aviation in Ottawa and a repro- sentatioh Was enade to the Departinent of Transport" of the Federal Govern- ment, The 'Minister assured the dole- ` gates, after he hadonade a personal in- apection and bed° sent a number of ex- perts to make a tompiete report, that * Sky Harbor provided natural facilities for 04 airport, but thatbefore Govern- ment assistance eould be granted the land. would have to be le the name of a municipality. It wes then thet Huron County endorsed the project and level- led some ef the runway& Shortly after the outbreak of war, the Govetn- ment wired our Coupe% asking them it they would be prepared to eonalder Sky Harbor as a training field for Um- pire defenee. A- special ineeting ef CouncillVas tallied and our reply to that telegram was that the County of Ilpron would purchase the field end 'plate it at the disposal of Ilie Majesty the Xing. This patriotie gesture, won the admit- ation of the +Government and, might / add, patriotie organizations from coast to coast, and much' publteity was given to our County by the press of Canada. At that time vve had no knowledge or intimation 58 to What' method the 4(4 overnntent would use in earrying for- ward their operation of the field, but nesunaed 'that it would be condueted by the Department of Aviation with ownsperseenel. ,Und+ereeteXteitish Opmmenwealth Air Training Plan., these various Tying -fields are divided -into categories and Sky Herber was sig,nated as* an_ iElementary,Flytng School for the" trahting of pilots and to be operated by,a civitian company, fol- lowing a plan that had been in operation In Greet Britain Mr three years prior to -the presenewar, The details ofethis plan have already appeared ie some of out . newspapers and further,. inform- ation will beaeailable. $35,000 in eAsh is to 'be raited for the formetion of thisiCompany and it is our plan to maintain the contrel and identity' of Sky Harbor within Huron County. There are -24 municipalities in. nuron •and we have :allotted 0500 to each on of them, ifieorder to make ,available to all citil the opportunity of eweing' stock in t eir 'owe airport. ror, this reason, „shares are being dis, tributed at10 dollars each 'With each ten shares of preferred stock one share of comMoit is given ttea bonus. This is an ,opportunity for yote to keep contrel .of Sky Harbor within. our own County of Iluron, to subseribe to A patriotic venture in helping win the war, and to.make what la considered by business men a sauna investment, yield- ing 5,y6 on preferred shares and eloping distributed amongst the common shares. No. County In Canada has Made a more patriotic gesture in connection avvith aviation than we have, and, by this token, there is no question that had it not been for our fatereet In Sky Harbor, the Pert Albert Navigation School 'would neva have come into existence, This Is an 00 acre tract of , ground on which facilities are being erected to the exteat of approximately one million and a half dollars. We will int-Ve in this County.some 1,400 men for training and instraetion. These young ascii will come from all over the Dominion and Huron welcomes them. Your individual investment need not be large, but Ati Warden of the 1CotintY 1 uPPeal, to you to supply the, eapital from every town, village' and township, north, east and south, that Ilttronie 'eontrol, of aviation mey remain in this County for the duration of"tlae war and as a foundation from Welt to 'Wild a might si industry in the day e to follsoW the final victory. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. en.d.. Mrs. II. J. Sutherland, St, Marys, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Hildajean, to.George Douglas Thompson, son of Mr. and lies. G.A. T.hempsoos, St. Marys, the wedding to take place on October 14 at St. James' church, St. Mare's., - Mr. and MTS. Prank J. Picot, °Med= Dale Farm, (Goderich township, *an nounee the engagement of their eldest daughter, Verna Evelyn, to' Mr. Murray Samuel Pollock, of 'Clinton, eldest son of Mr, and 'Mrs. 'Samuel Polloelt, of Fillmore, Saskatchewan,the "Wedding to. take plaee eaelysin '4:),ctobeas SEPTEMBER, !DAY Come*, sit by theeire and watch the glow, For the noTth wind' leehe.s the land; And the angry surf is churned to a froth. . . As it °roars on the ropky strand. September wind:how .it .shrielts in the• ., field ' -- And batters the corntop's plume - 4h, gone is the perfuthe of flower and Shrub . ; • .". . And blasted the marigold'bloom: • Nay, come with me to the 'top of the bank •• " • • • • And watch the 'scudding cloud, The squall Ofeleet and the angry murk, 'For the wind iplping loud. • f, I RED cgoss ..REPORT •The branCh of the loettl •Ited Cress Soeiety has-. touted over to the -work committee the substantial sum .of $123.50; to • be' used for clothing for etacuated a 'children. During' ' JOY, August and Septentb`er intlivitittal mem- bers ' entertained at teae' and bridge parties, the; score.e being.terned in at the close With the following as prize- winners: MISS 0. Tichborne, Mrs. Geo. MadEwan and lire, Geo. Mathieson. Emergency Cali ' - Word hae been received of the urgent need of 00,000 garments for men,, women and ehildren for refngee,s *ahd eviteueete in Britain., Ontario Division has been asked to make, 250,000 artieles of clothing within the next two mouths. In erdet to divide up the work as satis- factorily as possible, Toronto head- quarters has deckled to give each branch a quota, ,Goderich branch being allotted the following: wseneneenressing Owns, size 14-40; nightgown% size 18-50; socke, eize 1 year -40; Coats, size 40-30; elm 14-10; SiZe 38410; SkiftS, SiZe 14-40; pitilovers. size 14-40; slips, eize 08-25, Meneallndervvear,,- sive 12 year8-20; mitts., 0 years -10; Windbreakers, size 10 years -30. Red Cress work rooms will( be open Tuesdays and Thuradays from 2 to 5 P.10. Sewers are urgently needed , to help the women's work tamamittee con- plete thte quota Within the two months Period, , CIRCULATION eif Canvassers Out in Red Cross Campaign, 1 Everybody Is Asked to Do His I '(.310erich need not tativ hae'k seat, Bit Objective for pet° at.ittioNoitgiouroa ai&t, judging aturyomoththecr , GOdefieb, $6,000 basket of this delicioue fruit that eente iyi uorseaosati;nssi te, The iiigual-Star, ee ou MondaY from thegardene.of Crown Attortitty-D. iif:tafitcealnliosvt:lisaesenidr:tet$,,urtbeassrttta'sentiottiltiliti:CmaXin°beaztiaaannY -411to'il......'"1"Irket,ras the.eet:iTeflexiasoevileferet$ 8vali:LW"e:1141.13rige* iargtst rted" owe eeen 011 com joust oil btheefocreaulvOttso'seelroseta4 attomied.the fruit market this` fall. They are round, of uniform size and of excellent flavor, AS the etaff of The bland -Star ean attest. Two and a -half bushelS ,were, plucked from the sante tree- front which the newspaper sample cameo a 'WAVY yield. The Prewli Attorney le of' the opinion that peacheS, properly --looked-after" tan, be, urolitabikogtetw4 enywitere along the lake shore front LUSCIOUS PEACHES ARE #01/1E.GROW/I - _ BERT IHICRINS Son of Town Cotincillor and Mrs., J. E. IIuckine, who is training for 'radio service with the air force. -Bert was 14 thetradiet class at the Galt aircraft School,. being one,' of those who vl unteered for service vvith the R.A.,V, Nithen the Canadian 'Government called fog_. radio _operators at ;the- request of Great Britain- These operators will go into ethe n,c.,A,P. and later he absorbed by the ,R.A.F„ , Bert has been taking further ing,tatiefient at *Brandon, Man., and .has now been transferred , to calgary, Altat a meeting at headquarters on the tiquAre on the previous Friday evening, when. 'final inkruetionss were received from campaign offieials. It was pointed out that it wOuld li Oecessary ttoeellect everageoefo$5, per :faintly, _Ile the. town' if the ob'ective Of '$0,000 Was to 'be secured. Irst reperts indicated reattetainee. president et, a Hays of real thing to back op ,hie tontention. wee Godetieh sonth. Ile has produced 'the that this average was being PrettY the -local 'braneh of. the Soeiety reports That:Ike" that there is a marked demand -for the publishing of at list of lames,of all sub- EARLY MORNING ARRESTS scribers, together with the amounts -of 1, — their donations, after the completion of All-night /Search for Pair Charged with the -campaign. This is being taken 'Attempted Robbery A eubduedeeigarette cough, emanat- ing from an'osttbuilding in the east sec- tion of . Goderich, early on. Saturday morning 'led to the arrests of. Caswell Hackett and James Drennan, of 'Ash. - field, township, on charges of attempted obbeakio_sam . The arrests were made just before daybreak, juet when an - oall-night Search by Constables Oldfield, Ruther- ford and Jennings was about to be given up. Only -Constable Jennings, re- litaitted when the tell-tale epugh, was heard.- turned- and made straight for the smallbuilding. He kicked in the door and there were the two men he- was looking for, He .ifandeuffed them together arid marched them afoot to jail. Shortly after mianiglit Friday ,police received et .eall from the farm of Wil- under consideration bv the executive; Headquarters for the drive ere loc,ated in the, store on the f'quare Othied by Mrall. J. -*Sutherlandand are decorated with a wide sign across the top of the store and a nine -toot thee-, eefteeints+ from day to day. This has attracted a great deal of attentiofl and interest, many people' stopping to find the latest -figures, The windows of headquarters are filled with examples ,of the work done by local ladies under the leader-, ship of Mrs H 0. ,Dunlop. Woollen goods ,sucla as socks, scarves, svaeaters, etc„ fill one window, while the other contains samples of bandages,aellreVal dressings, hospital; gowns and *many other items, all products- of the skillful eeedles of the women. of. Gederich. How Money Is Used. 4%1:milli ATDRILL QinekiS '4it "0, company* Busy Four Nights!a Week Nights are being' well taken up for .the Staff of MO" Company, MiddlesexHuron ,Itegimeet; with four 'Mitts of the week given ever to thetrainingof the Zotipany. The large Gialerfelt group of over 180 irten has been s,pliteip into tKvo groups, one to receive training, an Thursday evenings and the other on Friday eyee- ings. They train es one.group on Tues- day nights and .the staff journey to Clin- ton on slionday evenings to drill the Clietonotaiemb.ers of "0" Comilah.Y. Results of army ;promotion examM- atione, written in London recently., Were announced in mnlitia orders for this diStriet last Frideystmd included in the list was thename Of J. F. A. Calder, pi "0"; 001111411Y; who, qualified for the rank of 'lleuteuant aloag , with -four other Misidlesex-HurOn junior officers. Previously 2nd. Lieut. ,Calder had ,held the rank, of "aeting 'Lieutenant." Capt. P. F. iCarey is now at Tharaes Valley camp, Loudon, with the fourth mllitia eam,p and is acting as quatter- enasteree • Major A. F. Sturdy, eergeint George Curren, .Corporal Neil Thompson and Pte. Cari,,Ande.rson were hoine over the --"WS'ekeetter ftein. "Catliegeeleightseewheee they have been taking courses pre- paratory to filling positions on the staff at military training qqarterS No. 11, Woodetoek; which will instruct 'trainees, from this district under the_national military *aiming plan. The men will move to -Woodstock 'next Alonday to prepaze for the opening of the first training. period on October -9th, 3,Iany Red Cross products already liam Meyer, near Sheppardton. They . hare...been put to actual use' 10 _the were ,eteatettaattoyeapietetatteeet beartutt bombed city of London. After the first, the barn. :When *police arrived the violent air reid had levelled homeesand Then were ii6Where to be seen.* The factories there, the _director of reliefi barn door/ was open .end there were called on the Canadian -flied •Cross awl other indicetions, the `barn had been at one0, quantities., of ICattasilan 1tel entered. An 'automobile, -unoceupied, Cross supplies were 011 their way fro was parked on the ioad in front of the Wareh.ouses to the stricken districts. 'Meyer farm. A long *di ance telephone It is prol'table that blankets, warm call to Toronto eoou Jitonght the in- elothing and hospital supplies donated formation that the ca lotged to Cas - or Made right here in Csoderich were Well Hackett and the seereh took the among those supplied. , ' , officers ta the home of a friend of Mee - At present the local ladies are en- nail's in Goderlch; where the arrests gaged in filling: ae urgent order from were eventually„effected• England for vvonien's wearing things, Later on Saturday Hackett was ads especially nightgowne „end, dresees, I mieted to ,$500. bail peoeitied, by his is to buy the materials for all of these mother. DretimianIs still in jail. - The article so urgently required by these pair, familiar to police, will appear for whonile defending Cantel1atts'e4 ,far trial taday" ftom 0'nada that the Money is beingi Colleeted this week. DONATIONS TO SHELTER. The campaignwill continue until October 5th, although it is hoped. that if Donations to iChildren's.Shelter since ay, , S ,' will be possible to flnish most of it this Jnuar1940afollowsare grate- fully acknowledged : Mr. Wm. Dickson, people u4Tairkee plyr braebsipeont that t omf oseis t o oft Port 'Albert, turnips, apples.; • Mrs; the work. will be finishedePefereeneg..slierry Lednor,sesPort---Albeeeseemeate en•Seentirtts theee*Areetboseew„ ht” patilOeSt- aaked canvassers to come at the end of the moeth. A pleasing feature of the campaige to date is the receipt, without solicita- turnips ; Knox chureh. Y.P.S., valen- tines;- Mr: Clarence 'Morels, -skates, shoes, aster candy; Mr. 3..3, McEwee, ly, dozen bananas; Mr. H. Blackstone, tion, of contribefions.from fernier nerade- toy% rolls.; St *Peter'e YOUnc, People, rich people now living in the United sendwiehes ; Mr. IT; II: Hock14, 1 gal. States. Mr. -Wm. Christian, of De- maple syrup; Mr. D. Morris; turnips, Ytro°rikt', -baontdh hlailvses an sejleitsubT:tamtitiaolf dNoneaw- paranips, . onions, bulbss mushrooms ; apples, corn ; Mr. H. T. Edwards, fish, ENLISTED tions with which to start off the drive. .W. Roope, lawn meiwer repaired ; The team captains a"s announced by Mr. J. II: Rvin, apPlee; Mee. HarveY D. E. Campbell, campaign mattager, are Trelettven, ehild's clothes ; Mrs. Bert Two .more Godericli young Men; 'Bill McWhinney; maple syrup; Knox church McInnis and Bill Tit -omit -son, have been assf&lowge „Subdivision No. 1, Howard MeNee; No. 2, Stanley Prevett ; No. 8, garden social, biscuits, )es e Presby - accepted at the R.C.A.F. air training Clarence Robertson; No. • 4, Fred teritte and '4 United churches; Carlow, school nt Galt. Both- boys reported to the ,school for medical examination last week'and were declaxed medically fit and allowed to come heme for their eltirney ; No. a,, Hare poed, , equatiwiches, cake ; Saltforcl S;S. pienie, • Frank Saunders; No. 7, ,Douglasisandwiehes, tomatoes ; Miss Beth Tay- lor, dolls, dell carriage, toys; Mr. Lloyd Holman; pears ; Mrs., Geo. Bowra, apples, -peare ; Bisset Bros., .ice eteam; Miss Florence McKay, apples; Mrs. L. ° Parsons, clothes; Mr. Wm; Proctor, pears ;"Miss Whitely, pears ;Mr; Bown, tomatoes. uNTER AGAINST COUNTY Gordon efulvev, Robert Inglis and M Gordon undell., of Howlek,i_i have 'ene tered elalekeegainst the County of Huron for unstated. damages as the re- sult of an% accident west of Belmore, on Monday, Septeniber 9th. They claim the road has nbt been nrt iaietaied in proper manner.. The County has Insur- ance to cover such eases. All three men were injured and the -ear was badly smashed when ,it struck a tree. — Meoney; No. 8, Hkin Harvey ErseerNo. 9, IV personal belongings on ,Saturday. Tiles rN0.:.A1.1C 1,om,i1Nth,uorsptw; kNeo;,i,120i6,n :ieist: Hill ; rjiest are among the second class of three Geeeee. se • hundred young men 'who have been . • , .enrolled at fhe Galt school. Hitherto treinedeateone thaw at Galt, but the " • echool has been expanded to accom- medete A class of six hundred: Three otber -G-oderich, boys, Rex Duckworth, Bill ' Ilogga-r•thesande-41ine sto,$gr—were- called ep ',in the first class, two we ago, makitg five Goderich boys tral ing as aircraftemen at Galt „at •the lpresent time: If13-1t1L'itelleTrsenPs°anhdISs takingg' his elase in three moist the Royal ICanastian be the third sono Thompson, Quebec the active service. t ts only ,, three hundred boys have be.en HIS IilIDAY TODAY ecessfel in actuates with s' Aline to join ir Force, he will and-SfrS.- 7Nelii street, to enlist in e brother, Donald, Is in England With the Essex Scottish Regiment, tied another rother, Nell, Is at present taking a corpeeetes course at Carling 'Heights, London, and will go' to Woodstoelcon the staff', which will 'train „young men frons thee district under the Malonei training l'elan. Hector Kingswell and 11111 4t3el1, the fOrrIler A Colborne tqVVIIShip y011ig mali and the letter from Goderleh, have' begun welding courses at the It.C..A.F, air training school, Galt, . Willard Legg„ son of Mr. anal eir.s. Thoinee Legg, has been accepted as ate accountant in the administration de., partnient of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Virillard, left on Wednesday ,morning to report to the, Manning Pool, Toronto. Robert McManus, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Clif. MeManus, applied' tit Toronto Ni.,',e(ineoday for aceeptance into the dentul corps of - . BASS FISHING GOOD Black bees fishing has been unusually good at the harbor and 14 the mouth of. the Nittitland River' this month.. „Local anglers have caught three, four ,and five ia a few hours, from boats, ,but it refrained for Reeve 11. il..ashbrook of Itodney, last year Warden of Ifigha County t and his friend, A. Ma ' soen of Dutton, to set A mark at whichto shoot foi some time. Casting off the breakwater on 'Saturday ' last they pulled in eitalif, ,Ate fish averaging well over three poue`to. The landing net had to be used for 1,toet of them. Reeve Lashbrook is editor of The Itodney Sun. Ile lute been fishing *t (troderieli on tn1 ot for over fifty years. EIGHTY-EIGHT YkAIIS YOUNG,. 'Mr, 4.1eutniler -Young, a the 8th coneession pf Colborne township, is today celebrating', the eighty-eighth an- niversary of his birthday, having been liven in:the same township on Septeme la 20th, 1852. Mrs- "toting -Is , well kit wit throughout the entity, having beeiS. prominent in muuleipal and church Alfa rs during-, a long eareer.Ilis friends wish him eontinued health and eornfi rt *as he begine his eighty-ninth year. THE WEATHER The temperatures for the past week and for \the eorresponding week last year, as \officially reCorded, were as follows: 1040 ' 1030 Min. Max. Min. 10,.'2 51. ,07 42 -.80 63 07 - 47 -.75 02 (14 42 -.70 62 70 43 -.72 48 07 52 -07 4768 30 Wed., Kept. 23' 42 03 47 The rainfall from Tuesday, Septem. her 10th, to 'W-etinesklay, September Thum., Sept. Sept. 2 Sat., 'Sept. 2 Sun., 'Sept.- 22 Mon., Sept. 23 Tues., Sept, 24 25th, inelusive, tv 0.0 Inches. IAT THE WATERFRONT . ard of Trade Backs Airport Plan Fixot Stock Certificate to Go to Stratford 'Itoard as Goodwill, Gesture Ao a good -neighbor geodure towards the Bekaa of Trade of the City ot Stratford, the first otoelt eertificate t• be lofted by the ItUron 'Couuty 1,Arain1ng School 'wiil be presented to that Board at the expense of the Gode. rich Hoard:of Trade. Title was agreed upon at Monday night'S meeting of the Board in recognition of Stratford's aseitetance in vonnectiou vvith the %Ital.). ik?-huitatt'or Sky-Uarhotaiirpera send --- that eity's eb.oPeratton in itite tourist traffic' advertising in whieb. Goderielt ead, Stratford each gave the other 4. certain amount of space in their liter- ature. _row •ropues received by the seete- Cary of the Goderiela Board it was learned. that Hamilton had Wilt hundreds of houses' under the Dominiou Ileueing Plan; that Kitchener as a municipality had not adopted the Phan' but ,13$ building ,Perzitits had been issued within' the last fevi week, that (trait had 'constructed 225' houses, nearly all under the Deminien Housing Plan, aWle 1etter7freffiaZitiiiloh-PiaetiqUe- building Operations in London and trict sinee .the plan was organized at, "nearly a million." -The ..likyort Plan -)1onday's meeting wan yelled to eon- sider what* steps, if any, the Board was , prepared to take towards aselitte ing, in the Sale of tb.e Stock of the 'Huron County` Flying Trainiog School. Limited, Reeve Robert*E„'Turner„ at the re- quest of Mr; G. W.. Schaefer, the pre- sident, outlined the details in ',comets- tibn with The ,sale of the stock up 1» the ' present, and thanked thea -Board of Trade, •for the assistanee whichit had -met different' aoccaeionstegtVen Ur- tbess County !Council. It is now necessary for the residentb .of this -County to eetige $8.;')',000 so that theradministration of the training schoeI Mar:re•maie this county" he said if we -hadn't established !Sky Harbor airporti,we wouldn't have,the airport at: . Port Albert," • aecording to Mr. J, .Thomas, ehairthan or the 'finatielal ad- visory board, The $35,000 most be available by October 14th" he, said, but the zero 'hour Will be some days before that" "Sky Harbor airport must be operate/a by an organized elubt and Use -there' was not ,oue. 'here e two/. Kitchener Men :were prepared to Put in the eequired .$30,000 and *assume' con - trot. After the anthorities at Ottawa had been interviewed, it waSa arranged to -give the people of Hurour st.t. least an opportunity to subseribe for thg- stock and it `was a patriotic Investment , thatdeserved general support. 'With shares at $10 each they were within the -; reach a nearly everyone in the ceunty, ..untiannietiiito-orseindivialusie - would ,be allowed to get control. In the meantime nobody ituew how the stackwas going to beereeelved, but he hoped each person would subscribe for as much as he was capable of investing. .On the suggestion of Mr. Thomas the Board of Trade will subscribe foe :One share of the stock and present --it to the, Stratford Boatd . of Trade .as a good- will. gesture. . • After 'the War • ' 'Replying to a query by Mayor Mae-. . E4an, Mr. Thomas stated that after the . war the company would "be:dissolved and there was every poesibility that the 4riginal investment would be returned, with five per cent. dleidend on the pre- ferred,*aed the earningion the eommon';* In the mealtime, -the Government would ' send $23,000 per month to the echools atifsthesnemey eomeetroni- the-outifide,-. it will disappeaewith the peoplefrom the outslde, and we will be left with a barren field, but if We raise the money within the county, it Will be carried on , as a commercial airport together with - the airport at Port Albert." ' "Who will ewie the buildings?" asked , Mr- IL „We Blackstone. 4 "They' will belong to the -Government, • hseet will likeat be sold, to the • Flyine Club et a nontinalprice.,, The staff win number about ninety and no charge will :b,e- made against the students who will be there for seven weeks' special ine struction. If you people would read your Signal -Star more, carefully,, yott • Would understand more about thie pro- position, facetiously ' commented Mr% Thomas, , The Board endorsed, the propositioe and appointed it cominittee • composed. of J. ,W. Fraser, Iteeve 11 E. Turner, 'Nelson Hill and C. C. Lee to, assist in the sa4.e.'"of the etoek. - "etenvassers will be asked to conene theft' lefrorta as nearly as possible to their ewn munielpalities to prevent overlapPing, and I want the People, fe, leitev those men who are giving' theft lime and energy to this ,propoSition are doing it,without Pars there fs no ten or fifteen per cent. belie; Paid to any Person. This is a,,eoonty enterprise and deserves our best efforts," remarked Mr. leug•h Hill as* the Meeting ad- journed. THAT NARROW lilt:MOB AT BAYPIELD The fall run of perch has begun off this port aud local fishermen are laying thele nets with increasing euccess, al- thoegh-to date no reary large hauls have been made, Bert MacDonald's ferry business from „the piers to the breakwaters is picking up as • anglers he.ar the 11eWS. of tile h e, run. ;Te. pas, epring was a Poor one foraperch fishing, but local commercial fishermen are helms that the rue will Make up for the poor luck they had then. The- etre Vendee Cleared, bight; an Friday . afternoon after discharging 204,000 bus:, of corn at the elevators. She headed back up the lake. The Ontadoc arrived last Thursday evening from Fort William with, 75,705 bus. of oats an4t132,003 bus. of wheat for- the elevator and cleared, light, on.Saturday evening for' Fort'William. The str, Algorail cattle in from Fort William on 'alathrday evening. with 182,- 470 ba. of wheat for the elevator and eleaped, light, early Monday morning for Fort William. The tanker Aeatlialite wee in earl my Monday morning from -Sarnia with gasoline for ,the Imperial Oil !Company. She° cleered just before 'loon Monday, back to Sarnia. • • ' The Lethbridge arrived from Mon- treal early this (Thursday) meriting and took- on 125 tons a salt. -Sire cleared shortly after noon for Montreal. oThe A. A. Hudson came in from Fort William at 10X10 and began. loading 200 tons of ,$lalt. She will clear this (Thursday) cirog tor Vert driterg esCAPeot Vt'ith a Pbakille 11111. • .Tthere are just a few inehes to spare - and it can be done, ,htii seldom ,i'sAt tempted, said Traffic Officer James etilp; referring to the possibility of two auto. mobiles passing' eafely, ett the nerrovr bridge over the .11aefield Itiver juet noath of the village;. 'Maurice Masse of Dryedale and. John vre,Leod of Ilayfield tried the OW lest weekend. -failed mit** ably, With rather disastrous result. Maests, driving north, WAS within a ear length of leaving the bridge when Me- airiviog south, entertel on the bridge. Them Was A virtial heari-oat collisiou. The Meese. eer, eald Troth: 'Officer \Culp, had eome to a halt, witb brakes on. It wee driven hat* throe feet by the impett, The two ear* mow damaged twthe Ctfent. altr 4WD