HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-19, Page 8swami. mar NEWS OF AUBURN .1.4MiJMN, Sept, 18, Mr. and Mrs. f 3.ba Gralkm, of Detroit, spextt: the,, issikatrati with MN. F. Rook ¥r. *ad Mrs, Wxa, Downs of Toronto *t,reyieltin`grLw- '!t>c• ;asci Mrs Edgar a ern. �,,. Mr, and Mrs, Pere Gibba. of De, '" Stott we n. visitors wi Mr, � week -end d i,itor's tli , and Mrs. Harvey McGee. I, •'Visitors. with Mrs. Jumes Cartvr en Sunday were Mr.' an4l .Mrs. doe Carter tJ( Port Elgin; Gunner Reg. Carter, N.C.O. of the', 1'xistowel harrael ; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hill, of Ofalericisx. ,and , Bill trill; of thebf�Ry�.G,TA:� f , Letitia, Mrsio U. Fox and 'Letitia, oA, White" church, and Isobel Fox, of Wroxeter, 'started, on, Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. E: •Phillipa. Visitors on Sunday , with Mr, and Mrs, A. J. Vergusort were,Mr. and M. W31S#iO'Neill, Ray O N oxll anti Ars Wedding Gifts r LOVELY =YARIEETk •.. ,.: A c p . Smit � A� Gift Sifire The Home of English Chia, Lyle i'hapasan, of 77tiitr .bill, naafi 1#i Jana'i1udiion, of d.7rouN. week�'. Russ �b»Qent the-llrst ;�f this eek visiting Mr. anti SITS, E. O. Duff, of Leamington., . Mr. and Mrs. John Eerrnedy, of North Bay, arc visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Harvey McGee, and: Mr. McGee, Mr" Charles Scott 7a� bought the house, barn and lot owned by W. T. Riddell:. The house is at present oe- cupiea by irs, Wra. Roble, Miss Amelia Meilwain visited, with friends at Dultgannow on, ? onlay, Misses Iia Craig.and Anay lou are attending Stratford Noi nal School this year. :Miss Iar otic .Arthur, of TcesW ter spent the week -end with Mrs. M. Arthur Mr. and Ir. �� Hk s. Wm. PottixAs sla°u .his week visiting friends at. Windsor. THE Meet%ig. `Lhe 11I'e4bbterian W.M.S. zi*t 'oa "-Thursday afternoon with twenty -arae present,, Miss dose ILiine Weir was in share. Mies games Ilawitt led in. prayer. Mrs. Edgar Io,twaon gave a report of the Presby- terial loaveting at liensall, Atisse Ila and Betty Craig sang a duet. Miss Norma Dae'✓ gave the chapter front the study book. Mrs, "Wesley Ermines' gave the topic. ic.. Josephine Weir offered her home for the'Cfetober meting, Mrs. James Woods closed the meeting with prayer, after which lunch was ,served ioy Mrs. W. T. Robison, Mrs. J. J. Wil- son and Mrs. Wesley Bradnocl:, F renelt—Ue dlee -The wedding took place on Saturday at the Chureh. of the Aseen>liou, Detroit, of Anna M. Beadle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beadle, of Auburn, to Beverley 1`rench. son of Mr. and Mrs.' Sidney French, of 1' 1uierston' ' The ceremony was' performed by Rev. II. 'I . Ridley. The bride, who was.; gowned in a royal with 'brown accessories' WWI a corsage o1 Talisman roses,„was attended by Mrs, Rely Hanson, of De- troit. The groomsman was Mr.:Han- son.' After a wedding trip, Mrs and ✓Mrs.; i'reneh will reside at Detroit. .lEl .P .. ” T'h S g', U m '.� M� " et >� e Sunday evening ,with Harold Reid in ehai g Frank Rn:ithkiy"'11act charge of the davetional s`perio . Marie Ras y ,read Arlie r ripture. " Misses Betty anti Ila Craigs tsrnn anet R h .y opic, Mrs, Earl McKnight gave a- reading,' after which George Raithby dismissed the meeting with prayer. ` The, election of ofieers took place, and resulted as follows: Presi-. ,dent, Bill •Raithby ; vice-president, Mrs. Earl. 310M:tight ; secretary -treasurer, Harold _ ' Reid.; pianist,... Mrs. R. J. Phillips. f Miss Margaret aret Ferguson of Earkh iii ahnere.Stewart, Ferson Tottenham were week -end, visitors their hort e Mr. and °llrs. R. J. Phillips and Mr, aid 'yrs 'Th -o nas : Johnston Were- 'at 'I' London and o er Sts Th was^'=® x n Tli� x`sday... Mr. . Stanley Mighton° ^ a-nd 1Siss , r ,4 c Da of Overholt of W o s a d i11 �.Pri a . Wit ...rS. john,,.. d y h 'kiss.aath'by. Work h sbegun n the sec " a o e tion of a ' oncrete building, 60 by 4Q feet, to be . use h d by t e tC+a:�,,un ty roads department as a machine shop.. The new 'building is being e'reeted on the ground bought:by _the County recently -fr m-ChrisBeadle, Ir. The Goderich Township school fair takes place at IZolnresville Friday of his.. week. ONTARIO ' PL WMEi� S ASST LI TION International—Plowing and FAR1V, MACHINERY DEMONSTRATION ONTARIO HOSPITAL FARM=' Just sour of St. Thomas October 15, 16, .17, 1940 J. A. CARROLL- II/t nager F. S. THOMAS—Secretary Parliament Buildings, Toronto Local Com., St. Thomas L " ones ACTIVE—SERVICE AND HOME ° Defence in Canada isnot YET affected by the present war clause ACT. NOW Have Life Insurance Protec- tion ,with the present -liberal war clause. ; IL M. FORD Insurance ' and Real Estate 3 Hamilton . St. TeL 268w Savin w Everyday nces Campbell d Tomato palms; Mcg uen's PEARS Dessert •SPINACH 2 s Squat , , x W: �19c LOBSTER 'Canada Brand a-' •, 27c �Ils. w c PRUNESA-80�� Q3 ` -LARD SUNNYFIELD' 3;Ts Pkgs. 15 Tin ib. OLD CHEESE r M ! ib• 23c MILD CHEESE .. .la, MATCHESMaple Leaf 3 At MAC. ar SPAG 2 lbs, PEAS Jona 4 Sieve 3 tit 25c EVAP. MIK A & P "3- `22.c BLENDIES : OGILVIE'S 2 PI * * 19c OATS OGILVIE'S • lit 19c SO * HEINZ Asst. . , > KLES. ' ROSEDALE . w AJSINS BULK REEN , BEANS AX BEANSIona ui zo-bz. CTib 8 C Iona 'Cut 2Q -oz. Tin -01 IR FLOUR A• & P' Choice Golden Bantam Aunt Jemima Pancake SYRUP Old -Colony, Maple Syrup ' Pint• A. Ble d ndia - Pk, 30C •Pkg UFFLES Marava, 2 lbs. 29 AMMONIASNOWFLAKE'Mg' c Zi1N111iillNfllflllN plIIMIlli 111llUltf l)llllllllllUlllilllUl.{IIIIL({jllI II IlfliljJf111J111111111111 11111(I111111i1111111111111Ni 1111I11611111{IIiIUNIHIIfiga Cash . for-Chajrities Get Details At A&P • Stores ' 8 � CriSCO-�'im' C 23 47c Domestic or Easifirst Shorteping ' 2 lbs 4. KETCHUP .HEINZ r, 5C iB . .SALMON .CLOVERLE4E.. An ARMALAIaata Oran,or Grapefruit .3 Jar, JUICE - GIIAPEFR1JIT 2 .241%. FLovRSUNNYFIELD PASTRY'S 4b. 24-1b. LIPTON' TEA atv37c Alt OLD ENCLISH WAX 414. OLD ENGLISH NO -RUB NORTHERN TISSUE 3 "lis. FLOUR ROYAL HOUSEHOLD 28c 214" FLOOR WAX =ANLIN' 2 -ib. .Tin. . • �+7;�1k1r1 � �,is14Pi;;l;;;I�t4Lltilif;{C4i11i1l1n111(11.11tl;l{{{lfflii111111111111i'" Fresh Fruits. and Vegetables APPLES COIIN OIfImN5 Ib0niestic Grade Ontario Wealthy Yotrn. • Teiniler Sweet Evergreen • D0z, Ontario No. 1 x11-1 b• 23c Vellum cooking d fir; KING OP SWEt T , r'OTATOES YAMS tz 2165.11x CAt xrnitxtn vLAMt 'OKAY elite es CpliPES 2lbt.1 CALIFORNIA, LEMONS *tidy Doz. sac mem 1sor Pcoserr;ngi Famous Elhert No* Being Rustled '1'a AAP xl tri: Owes." seal operated by The Great Atiaatic & :Pacific Tta, Co, Ltd. CcrPSo p: Canty Toilet Soap Cake Wrappers and ,Carton Tops Mean °' Cash 'For . Charities! Ila{IIIII31111 I{11111111iflllniiilili11011111111111111.1111111111111111N11111111I111111N{11111111iUIiII11111i1NIP 1 ODER1CH SIGNAL#STAR Briefs Rummage saie, Saturilil'ls, September ,�l stp at 1.3u p.m., at Central school, ander auopiees of Central Home and School Association. 'Phone 450 if donations are,to'bo sailed fir. 37.8 , Rummage sale will be held in Mac- Kay Ilali, Oetober, cith, at 1 o'clock, under the auspices of I ureka Class ,of Victoria, street ehurch. " • 38-1 Group i 3 of the Ladies' Aid of•'1i.nox churelt will hold a rummage sale, October 5t11, at the Oddfellews' Hall. Doors open at 1 p.iu. 88-9 Would any of ' the ladies holding; scores of bridge and "'500 .for the sum.- mer games pleawsend therm to Airs. I1, °1). Mooney, before 'September 21st? The regular meeting of the 'Goderich, Women's :Hospital ,Auxiliary will • be_ held at the Public Library, Monthly; ,,. September- 23rd, at 4'p• n. A full at- tendance .,is requested. , • Movie travelogue, talkies; ,Victoria s tre t United c u rch, Thursday, 'September 26th, under the auspices of W.M S., at 8 -,p.m. Silver offering. -38 Tite„ Eveifing Auxiliary' of North street United church will. `hold a pot- lucks supper in the church,' Tuesday, 'September 240, at61.30 pan. A. social .'ev• e`ii n g ; The.' Signal -Star • se11s for $« ',to -any address in :`Canada'. and is worth more.' Look ' at your label; it will show the dittefi, up to which your subscription is paid, .The moutlily meeting of the Saltford, no. Cross will be held at the, home of Mrs.' Mci. Jewell ozi'"Tiiiirsday, Septem- ber "20th, aat 2 .pan. Please bring your t.imblres. At, , ,Kingsbridge 1iall, Tuesday, September 24th,. at 10 p,m.,Reg;. Mc Michael' a his• chestra. Concert num rs ,afteInUncli hour. New and old-time dancing, Admission 35c. 38 The Red ',()ross Work` rooms will be Opened olf Tuesdays for work and on t Thursday for packing and giving out wool and material. BIRTHS DIfiJKSON.- --At Alexandra Hospital, = .(•loderich;'on'' September X8th, to Mr. and • Mrs. Melvin . Dickson, R.R. 1, •Dun; ancon, 'a son. - ' !NAYLOR, ,�--= Dn.,.concession, 9, East s;aWawanosh on Tuesday, August 217th, to Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Naylor' (nee Jessie Mbss), a son, George Fred- erick; 1VMARRUED . EAGLE-111.11,NT.—At Hamiitbn, on. �S.iturday, '''eptenrber 7, 1940, Ida '.Jean, daughter of Mrs. Hunt and the late Mr. C. F. Hunt, to Lieut. Gordon Esten Eagle, son` of Mr. and Mrs. P. G, Eagle, Rev. N. D. Mac- Donald officiated, ROSS ANDREWS. --- On September 24, 1939, at Sarnia, Ont., by Rev. J. M. YMaeGillivray, -Presbyterian .min- ister,' Jean Andrews; daughter of Mrs; J. 'io ;garth andthe late John Andrews, to 'George Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Ross, all ,of Goderich. • CARDS OF THANKS RS.'. +(J. MUNNINGS AND FAM- ILY wish -to thank their friends for the kindness shown .them in their recent bereavement. „.`3'8x. E FAMILY . -OF THE LATE George Lamprey is sincerely grate- •ful: to all. those, 'Gvho':w�ere so kind to xece nt bereavem eat e especially, those R vwho sent cars for the funeral. COFFEEII `VIGOROUS& . wn1 r Bokar r 39c MILD de, MELL W • 8 O'Clock Lib. 35g RICH & FULL-BODIED •• Red Circle 31c. : iu+Illil{li111111II11111P{I{{`pi lar + L{' tr,' ,.' ; +' "+,llil3 illlll(If IIIC.111i111111IlIIlIIlllllllllu, SVNIV Yb'1L'LIl TOASTED • -" , '=,iz,. 'I'IWi'' , AT • ' 2 CPls415c .IY.+MEii` PORK AND 2Tin ,ifaiNz PAGHvrrx 2 viz' 23c i riiT'lt's CLASste CLEANSERCLEIIIVSER via. 5c +l>ul+ilei Cii111h' Et 1lilliii+l7e, iul:iiiilll+1:11111111ii111111iifHi iIN11HNi1111{lHIfi11N111!' BREj Si feed or thisliotii /tori lags White 'tole Wheat Cracked Wheat Preparations for • ' (Continued from page 1) thanks to the local merchants; the Boy Scouts, the Girl 'Guides, and the gentle- men who assisted with , packing and cartage. " In conclusion Mrs. Dunlop expressed her regret at Mrs. A. F. Sturdy's leav- ing the work committee after a year of helpful work. Mrs. :Sturdy; is taking over the supervision. of her husband's coal business while lie is on military. duty as se¢end.in'command ,at.,t a&n g centre No. 11, Woodstock. D. k:. Campbell,' chairman, of the canvass committee, was 'of the belief that.what the Canadian Red Cross has been asked to raise' is a small amount for Such a rich country as Canada. in Godercrl, where there are approximate- ly 1ZuO ramifies, it will mean that an average of $5,0o must. be raised from each`family, he explained. ' he. favored • a` coxnmtlnity drive for ,a"11 camp igiW- , whereby about 4500 would have to be raised. This would then be split among the lied Cross Society, which wo'uid re- ceive the greater share; the Salvation Army and toe Y.m.0 k ... Hc.:,announcecl 'that headq:uarterspf the Red ,Cross far the drive will be in the vacant store on, the Square formerly used as a recruit- •lr'inaneiat Statement ing office. 'Inc nnaneial statement of the Godo - rich branch of the Red Cross Society as from October 1st, ssts,39,• to Septcnxber' 10th, 1940, is'as follows: 11,1301)1 .CS torn canvass, town of • Gode- ' - rich ,,.,. •e $3670.00 From. pledges Collected ...." .407.50 :From Colborne township .. 29:i:34 �j Froyn !Goderich,w ton,� ship +.:.. ,,9.77 Froin Red Cross Ladies' .Work • Comini ttee 403.17 From 1.0,x). +'. 'Chapters 'Miscellaneous donations by in- • dividuals'and organizations 430,17° DISBURSEMENTS Materials for workers ' $3702,41 liquipMent and -repairs 194.33 Fuel * 52.45 Telephone, rent and t,011,' 32,05 vision' , 1000.00 300.00 Balance o hand 274,19 Call Stan PrSvett, Ford Sales and SerViee, When you're turning in your ear. Ile bag all pukes and Models in used ears and titteks. GODERICII 3101*OltM, South ffittOet, Phone 81 38 For Results . A Classified Ad FtillYFiZ DAY, SE , EMH;ER .19th, 14th. • Mg snua WANTED ATh VRoNT, W'IT1i MODERN g t • ffurnishedfurnished'cOttll�,0• Water, sewer* light. Or part-. CUTARLPS IXEALEI, 2$tf Bennett St., Goderich., OR S A` L L — CHILD'S" CRIB, g in lame size, also rocking horse. Call MRS.' Ix. ',K'NE'Oi1TEL, Brock strut. r- s 38 SEWING MACIIINIE, 'IlitFIX '.L' c�0iv- 1 " n i.)ITIC)�.; ,real bargain.have dour machine overhauled; special for one month, $2.00. New or used machines, cash or terms. Liberal trade-in allow- 4,,, + x lRY Singer Store, ance,; P" STD1 r 3 38x P,t►one 33. ' • OR SALE. CUT ,�,� - �,� " a k f YT„Sues! y ch xl�: gladioli” and dahlias ._. Delivered anywhere in town, . FRE D BARKER, �`PalrterSton street, Phone 38-9 41'73. , Chit SALE,✓ --NAVY : RLtl1 PRAM in good condition; .complete with. runners, • re • s nable. A ply BOX '01, a__ o p . SIGNA USTAB. a ," -38 SALE. ---- ,,RUBB'ER GOODS; PlaiSn• uxdri s e e , na te d p os tp ad ,ha• sealed wrapper. 0% less than retail. Write `for, mail-order'catalo gue. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 01, 1lamiltoh, Ont, 38-45 NOTICE ss ANd..CD. —EXPERIENCED CURL for e'alady counter and waitress. Apply VENUS RESTAURANT, Boat 707, Goderieh.8 FLAN() WANTTL+"D• ,MEDIidA SIZE plain case. Would prefer a well- lutown nnake. I.teply at once, giving description of piano. I30XX 195, Exeter,, .3S Ont. ANTE D. - . YOUNG WOMAN between ages 25 to 4.0, to represent large Canadian. Life Insur n p g a C'e , Con- way. paay. Splendid opportunity, We give: you 'special sales training. Must be ambitious, • Write for ,an apppolntmeut, l0S3:'. -- -. IN P111] VICINITY 0J' Hedge's 'Bill, ne€lr Dur, annon, a Ford wheel and tire, Finder please o n to C nllntl ica with t the.der n si ed 11 . Reward. A. E. DROWN, Port Albert,. ;Phone Dungannon 22 r 12. 38x 11AN WANTED, FOR RAW 1i I AT AN of 800-I families. Write today.: RAWLEIGII'S, Dept. Key No. ML 216- - ral-. n AMontreal-,-Canada.,-'- ANTED. re . -aCa ad 1� i ANr.0 D, O T�'V' OR , THii;E; �r E boarders. in 'private home.. 'Write BOX 52, SIGNAL -SITAR. 38x NTED. - :M'ODJYRN 3-ROdMED apartment near the Square, at once, Apply NIRS. GEORGE BROWN,' LAURA 12`JACKSON, Ar.C:M. 105 Elgin ve.•38g Teacher of Piano `;and Theory of AN.TE_D---MA.Ti) P Music.housework; three in fa mGiElyN: Write Goderich RQ__�!S!ALSTAR' 38 Britannia Rd. : = 37-8 1\TANT�ED.—A. GOOD COOK GEN - vs ; .to --go to Hamilton , family of three; housemaid kept ;; good wages; re erences ' required. Appy stating age and experience to .Box 49, SIG - .NAL -STAR, Goderich, 37 'NOTICE 'IOTI'CE 0!13' APPLICATION TION FOR GUA.RDI'ANS'HIP. IN THE SURROGATE 'COU'RT OF ' TM -COUNTY Or HURON • In the matter of the guardianship of William D. Swiger, the infant child. of Margaret J. Swiger, deceased: NOTICE is hereby given that after twenty days from- the date hereof, Tena Johnston, of ,the Town of Gode- rich in. the 0ountysof Huron, married Woman, will make application to the Surrogate Court of - the County of Huron to he appointed guardian,ok-the. person and estate of the said William E. Swiger, the infant son of Margaret. 3, Swiger, •late,of the Town of Goderich in, the • County 9E Huron, widow, who, ' died on ar about the 17th day. of August; 1940, testate, without havingappointed a guardian -for the' said infant, the. said Tena T'ohnston being the lawful aunt- ' of the said infant: DATED at +Goderich this 18th day of • September, A.D. 1940; '.• ' - By. R. C. HAYS, Solicitor for the said , . 38-0 Tena 3ohnston. SALE' BY '.FENDER . SALE BY. TENDER--PIhOPEBmY OF LATE • SOSE'FH F. DALTON.' -Sealed tenders • addressed to •. the undersigned, - Mrs.. Alice Dalton,• for the sale of the farm property of• the late ' Joseph ' P. Dalton,_ being composed of ,the: nort-::.par-t._ _•of-lot,+vi seventh concession and the southeast quarter of lot seven In the eighth concession • of ' the. Township of Ashfield, in the' County of Huron, eon- taining 05. acres more or less, will be received -Until 5 o'clock,in the afternoon on the 23rd day of Septembers '1944:. Conditions of sale and terms of sale can -be had on application. The high- est ox any other tender not necessarily accepted, • - • Dated this 3rd day of !September, 1940: ARS: ALICE DAIMON, R.R. 1, Port • Lambton, -Ontario. 37-8. IN ,MEMORIAM G• RAYs--In loving memory of my dear grandsm Thonias E. -Gray, who passed away iine year ago,' September 24th. 'Deep in my -heart lies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest. In memory's frame I shall keep it, „ Because he Was one of the best. —Ever remembered by Grandma. 38x AN OR WOMAN° needed to take Business established. Pull, credit for repeat orders. CommisSion and bonus average 41.50 per hour. ',Write prompt - Montreal. '87-9 WANTED. ---SECOND-HAND BA.Sis _NET in good condition. Anyone having Same in possesSion; please notify WOmiN, GIRLS WANTED, -:-EARN „ from. $10. to $X5. weekly selling PAMILDX HIGH QUALITY GOODS to relatives and established :clientele. Everyone, spendi anoney on household ::and toilet articles, etc. EverY VAMs Work 5 or Chours per day, Profit by our experience, and you will succeed. .NQ RISK—gaod -earnings assured to workers. Let us help you. . Write at once to mISs ST: GEORGE, WO St. Clement street; Montreal. 38-42 WANTED. ----TO BUY °OLD HORSES and dead' cattle; must be:, suitable for Mint feeds° .removed promptly. Phone 908: r Clinton., Calls paid AVCTION SALE Con,venlen.t to Goderich- To be sold Colborne, on MONDAY,, SEPTEMBER 29rd commencing at 2 p.m. - The properti consists of 100 acres 62 good clay loam, vvith a ,comfortable house of seven roomi and summer kit- chen; large bank barn with cement stabling ;'straw shed and driving shed; a young orchard; drilled -Well; wind- mill; hard and sOft water in the house and water in the, barn. Is situated.. in a good, neighborhood, ihout six miles • TERMS.—Ten per cent..of purchase price -on day a §alt; a further 20 per cent. within. 3 days; balance ean Further particulars may be had from. PRAN'K' DONNELLY, "Barrister, etc, T. GUM:Ma & SON, Auctioneers. 87-8 READ THE CLASS.IFIED ADS CLEARING AUCTION HAI)) Al"�t`T11)'" SAL Of Town Property of Edith. M, TmasIs, lay, (oderielt, Out; earrwr of be;,t 3 412(.1 Raglan streets, 7.liTE SI:AY, OCTOBER 1st, at X, pC1).0 , Alt eight-rooroaed cottage with all eon, vniene >. There arts two loN plenli garden with choice fruit trees . Th18 Property. has . as good foundation, and 38 conveniently situated to schools and Square. it also has sidewalks, on both sides. Terms -20% of price to -be paid at time of sale; 'balance within 30 days, ar terms may be arranged for a portion of the balance at reasonable gate of interest. On 'same date' there will be 'offered for sale: A large two • - story frame house (ten rooms), situ- ated on corner South and Rlake streets, a 'short distance from .cottage.' `1CJzere. are two lots; The house is comfortable and . has lights;, water, toilet;- ete ,Herod . ;cellar,, chicken house, and wire 'enclosed run, beth ooms. �.x�i ,. :,;'; r and 'i1oors,P`lilished,' , Terms, ;cash. Also following effects will be offered . for ' sale: Quantity •,of secondhand lu mbe r , " etc., quantity of farm wire fencing; awn mower; her Ifence c stretcher; n st e 1 e iia, t r cow bell, several green window Blinds, r. number sap spiles, 'b -gallon crock ,.t allne'`l oa of lenone gallon can, stone dash chin' one wood dash churn, butter bowl. and' ladlesa. also it' number ,of •frui,r. :sealers,: two iron'' white bedsteads chest ' .,, t nP drawers, washstand ,and toilet sets • several other articles. Terms, cash. T . 3OS. GUNDR''Ss SON, 38 Auctioneers.. SUCTION 'SALE AUCTION SAL Of farms, farm stock and implements -of -the -iJAMBS HARRISON ESTATE at Porter's Hili, Goderich Township•, an FRIDAY, !OC,,i1OtB t 4th, at 1.30' p.m. 1 team of work horses ; 1 Durham ,, co -supposes t¢.be-with ealL,.young cows due about Nov. 20; 1 Holsteia.cow third calf due Dec, ;1 ; 1 part' Jersey due in March ; 2 steers, 1 year old ; Me:+ OorinickADeering 10-20 tractor ; 3 -fur- row Oliver tractor plow, nearly new; Case'" tractor,' double disk, new last year, .with power lift' and . road car- riage; fertiliter drill, Carbaick Deer- ing, 11. -disk ; Coekshutt manure-spfeads er;: \lcCormickkDeering - hayloader;` Massey-Marris Butting, box, Rliza rd ,No. 3; Ms 11. hay rake; 3 sections drag ,harrows; M. ••ILspring tooth cultivat- or ; ,McCormick -Deering 6 -foot: 'mower,. ail 'Oath ; I:H.C:. power binder,; wanting 'plow, farm wagon.; sloop sleighs; -balls bearing. Lister cream separator , with electric Motor; set of :2000-1b, scales; steel land `roller, circular sawing -ma- chines walking scuffler, 'buggy, root pulper, 'wood rack .tor Wagon, set of double' harness, about 30 tons hay, inixed.grain, hayfork, 'rope and pulleys. At the same trine- and -place the farms. lots 25 and 26, concession 5, Goderich Township, will be' offered for sale. !•oth 80 acres of good land with never - failing. spring creeks. The former has good buildings, drilled well and Hydro installed. ' 96 acres on lots parts 73 and 74• on- Bayfield- concession will also be' ...- offered. for sale:' 40 acres tillable, and the balance second growth bush, es'tim= ated at 2500 cord. : Terms of the sale :. Chattels—cash. Land --1.0% cash, balance•. in 30 days. Land sold subject to reserve bid, ' R. -G. THOMPS'ON, R:R: 2, Clinton, -. Executor. FRA'N'K DONNELLY, • _r ici'tifie GiklefiCit.— T. GUNDRY &0N'-- 38.9 Auctioneers. FARM yoit SALE FOR, SALE.-67-AORE FARM OF the late William 0. Dunbar on highway No. 4; in Morris Townslaip, south of Belgrave ; frame bank barn, frame driveshed and frame house and aboyt five acres of bush. Terms very, reasonable. Apply to 3, W: BUSH - DIEM, Wingha]xt, Ontario. -68• NOTICE and white 'steer- weighing- about 1150 lbs., dehorned, disappeared from "Melvin Sturdy's farm, 8th concession,. Goderich township, about September 10th. Anyone knowing the wherea.bouts of _this sts.e.r..pleaae. notify MELVIN t 884 Reasonable Offer Refused Buy now While Prices are Low All ntilices and models to choose from Sep;esuber 20th to 30th STAN'. PREVETT ford Sales and Service Motors sons st •