HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-19, Page 6THE GODERIOR SIGNAVSTAR i.Wious illaCks Liver Complaint ,: J'just:another far * clogged q� liver. I is 1 1 is a ;I ry quickly-. soffi t, but, a% , b. ' -'. r einedied ° l ° stbnula ,- the the; flow of bile. This softens the .- ' out of the system, and the 'Ji, 1121a isownla are 11theria and. rn'I a�►1&,er P11 "Mont1 X*sod enliven the; sluggish liver open.- up every cha.nnel,..by causing a free flow of bile and thus cleansing the liver of tiie clogging impurities. They are small and easy to take. Do not gripe, weaken or sicken. es T. Xilbora Ob.. >eg, 'J,csalk* O. ► aaaaaaaaaw, ,CARLOW, 'Sept. 10.—There There. will be a Yneeting_-of L Red Vzos4 Workers° -in the Township Haring on Thursday night, to arrange for•= -a ' irottWa'anyass of the o n hiorder to raise the $ for w s p in „ rail. $� t10 , , whi�."b we are responsible. • Mr. T. 1.1. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs, Stoll and; Mrs. ]Frank 'Wilson attended the uerlo on hurs(hiy,- atesl r Mildred Jacklia at Rosseau. She had. been ill for sometime, but appeared to be gainingnicely when, ,she suddenly passed -away, -leaving_ -a-sorrow au,, us, band and an infant of three weeks, be- sides her parents, brothers and sisters. Silo filling has commenced, --:Rally Ray. -:.,Rally Day service was observed on Sunday afternoon by a union of •church and Sunday school, The program issued by the Board of Religious Education of the United Church 'was used, the theme being "Serv. ii g 'the Lord with 'Gladness." Associated with the pastor was Mr. Fordyce (lark, superintendent ,of the 'Sunday n ay schoo1.• Mrs, Fordyce, ( lark -told-the1 story of .the little boy ig Testis, Iev.ss0,Hazelwood .ga>e a short adilress,--taI ing as his text .Ps, 146;5, emphasizing three words, in the p � s verse, "help, hope • and happy." • Mrs. 'P; II. Wilson •presided at the organ. ,, ..W T TrALR r'' PORE' ALJDE'RT, Sept. 1O.• -The re- -cent -mins -halted -some Id e--cent--rains.-halted-some--of the work at the airport, but everything is going full speed ahead again. Woodrow 'Hoy spent the week -end at London. Harvest services were held in Christ church on Sunday. Rey: A. A. Maloney took the morning service and Rev. F. C. McRitchie of •Walkerton the evening service. leeemeneemeneweeine • . • Calling out men of certain ge classes, for medical examination, and if fit, to u, dergo military train- •ging: fora period of 30 days 4rithin Canada, or the territorial waters thereof. • PROCLAMATI CANADA , . ATILONE. - [L.S.] GEORGE THE SIXTH,,by the Grace of God: of,Great Britian, Ireland and ' the British Dominions_ beyond the Seas KING, Defender 'of the Faith, Emperor of India. To Au. To. WHOM these Presents shall 'come or whom the same may in __ . . • . __ _._ .. .x^•` k_Tw::'tb.. a-.n'xan_v---:c,.,_ .x a, - ',iwliTtoT1eT�i,REETflif . PROCLAMATION E. MALL, IfHEREAS it is provided by ,The National Acting Deputy Minister Resources Mobilization Act, 1940, that the of Justice, Canada Governor in Council may make from time to time 'such orders and regulations requiring persons to place themselves, their : ery-ices-and--their-property--at the -disposal- of--His=-Majesty- n -the right' of- Canada for. the use. within Canada or the territorial waters thereof, as may be deemed necessary or expedient for securing the public safety, the defence of Canada', the maintenance of public order, or the efficient .posecution of the war, or for maintaining supplies or services essential to the life of the community; • • , AND WHEREAS pursuant to the powers therein contained, and the pro- w: visions of The War Measures -Act, our Governor in Council did on the • 27th day. of August, 1940, make regulations to provide a system for calling out men for military training within C nada and the territorial waters { thereof, such regulations being known as^the'National• War Services Regu- ori ,949; AND WHEREAS pursuant to and in accordance with the said Regula- tions, it has been decided to call out for military training, as. aforesaid, - -every' male British Subject who' is or has been at any time -subsequent to the first day of September, 1939, ordinarily resident in Canada and who, on the first day of July; 1940, had reached the age of twenty-one years but „-„had not yet reached the age on that date of twenty-two years or had reached the ageof twienty-two years but had not yet reached the age --on that date of twenty-three years, or who had reached the age of twenty-three years but had trot -yet reached the age on that date of twenty -fobs years, or'wbo. Y had reached the age of twenty-four years, but` had not yet reached the age on that date of twenty-five years and who was on the fifteenth day of July, 1940, uninarried1'or a widower without child or children; Now THEREFORE Know YE that pursuant to The National Resources Mobilization Act, 1940, and: the War Measures Act, •and pursuant to a in accordance with the National War 'Services Regulations, 1940, ,pramtil- gated under *the provisions of the Said. Acts, we do hereby call out the aforesaid classes of men to subifnt themselves for medical examination and to undergo military training for a period of thirty days within Canada or the territorial waters thereof, and to report at such places and times and in suchtmanner and to ,such authorities or persons as may be notified to them. respectively by, a Divisional Registrar of an Administrative "Divi- ssionra-ppointed by the Governor in Council 'pursuant to the above men- tioned regulations. ,° OF ALL or WHICH "Our Loving Subjects and all others whoa these Presents may concern; are hereby required to - take notice, .. " IN TESTIiiiO w WHEREOF, We have caused these Our Letters to be made • Patent, and the Great Seal of Canada to be -hereunto affixed. WrristE5 ; ,Our Dear,ti''ncle,' Our Right Trusty and Right Well Beloved Cousin end Counsellor, ALEXANDER AUGUSTUS' rREDERICK GEORGE, Earl, of .Athlone, Knight of Our Most Noble' Order°of the Garter, Member of Our 'Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Grand Master"r. of Our Most 1 is- tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cress of Our Royal Victorian Order, Companion of Our Distinguished Service Order, Colonel in Our Army -.(retired), having the honorary":., raulk of Major-General, One of Our Personal Aides -de -Camp', Gover'- nor General and Commander in Chief of.Our' Dominion of Canada. lt,:,Our Government House,,in Our City of Ottawa; this eleventh day of ; epte1hber, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred, cad forty,and in the fourth year of Our Reign. By Command, E. H. COI, +'MAN, UndereSecretary of State 'OR'.R'S, HILL ti P 1WWi' d+t"S I l l!1 J Sept.' 17. ----On 'Sunda'y Rally Pay was observed in A3ii°a e eleor.eb, the t aindaay sebeol and a"l1a>treli servive belong ; cae bined, Rev. Ilaarold furry, who had been en holi- day,. for two weeks, war back, and de- livered red as splendid SerMon on "l)ridge � a.fldl g" eon paring life ,:rep ca bridge that nation builds *lila another, and one -soul with another. A good number were out and title flowers were beautiful. On Sunday; N pternber two beautiful baskets of flowers were can the pulpit in memory of Mr. Fred l°Alliiott, who passed away a year ago. One basket was plae(si by his wife, the other by A friend. Alvin, 'Betties and friend went to Niagara for a 'load of peaebes. Ile i`eports the Crap damaged with so vaYwch Wet . weather.On Sunday : u terrific -rain and hail storm• visited th.tt part, ".further ` damaging {aging. the `fruit erop. ITOmatoes in particular are suffering .from so mueli ra,ln and so :little sari - shine. We eeimplain in these parts atbout the rain, but what if our erops were rotting? One man reports seeing a 1arge field. of wheat at stooks that was sollatrmia Lit°had!to be burned.....„.. Mr, and Mrs, MeDonaidand six child- ren- have- ' fefl; ,,the 'Maitland concession into the house at the eorner formerly occupled by Mr, and Mrs.. Ernie Betl, q ' CrossWork—On Q rk: OoMonti*, ,night t iast-t}hes-Septeybir lii ^ithrley Cross was held. Not a great.- many were out, t, as the threshiing machine is in the district, and this keeps nearly everyone, in the house or out, occupied. T 'Lawson an I rs. ounter of Clinton- were present to pack the bale. Unfortunately none of the pack- -ins; conunittee, was present, but the ladies went ahead undaunted and did : the packing: . 36 pair -socks, 20 sheets M. handkerchiefs;- 48 roller bandages, 12 towels, 2 quilts, 1 sweater. Two' hundred yards of gauze were ordered for next meeting, .so be present to help make it into "pad$; wi s end bandages, -D1ON1NTYBROOK. DO,NNYBILOOI Sept. 17.—Anniver- sary 7.---Anniver-sary services will be held in Donny- brook United church • on . • Sunday, September 29th. • The. `Women's Institute held their September meeting at tile home of Miss Mary A. Brrophey. The program was in charge of Mrs.- Jas. Craig, con- vener of the committee -on. legislation. Splen id-.papers--aver-'e- given by Mrs. Uiaig, Miss Lucy Thompson and..Mrs. Gus Kinahan: AVMS. Meeting. -=The W.'M.& mete on Thursday, at the Mine • of Mrs.. Jas. .I ones, with Miss Jean .Robinson pre- siding, .over the following program: Singing of the National" Anthem ; re- peating the Lord's Pra.pr in unison; Bible readings, Mrs. Jefferson, Sr., Mrs. J. C. Robinson and Mrs, II. Jefferson ; prayer by Mrs. Cunningham ; 'solo by • Mrs. Taylor ; Study book, Mrs. Naylor ; readings, Mrs. (Campbell, Miss Pearl Jones and Mrs. 'Taylor. The meeting was closed with; the Mizpah •benediction. • ROUND TRIP Raillares_ Sept. *1 GODERIOR. to TORONTO . $ 3.25y" Belleville $ 6.10 Hamilton . $ 4.35. ' Owen:- .-Sound _ - --$ ..6:25 Peterboro - - : `'$ 5.20 Schreiber - $20.10 - Smith Falls - • $8.45' For return limits, train service etc., Consallt ;Agents --Procure Handbill. • G. E. SMITH, Uptown' Agent Canadian Pacific ar P44 The above lit verbatim coo" of Proclar a . talon eppea;rfnQ ° i t TJw Canada Casette, loomsNo. 25, Vol: , septenilkt J3tla, 1940. Published for the information of those concerned `by the Authority and courtesy of -- HONOURABLE JAMES G. 'GARDINER,' Minister ,of National ` lVart Seevk.tr G. L. PARSONSO 18 PRESIIWNT (Continued from page 3) telegraph . exehauge, $l ,0 ; ' total, $2,1t;>,70. Xteeonciliaation , Balance, 1030, $10.70; receipts as above.',$201.4.0 ; dis- bursements as above, $2,1Q9.ey'2 balance Sept. 13th, 1040, $•7"'.Ei7 ; petty alaSh �Dn band, 878.57; accounts, outstanding-- salaries' utstanding -•salaries' for secretary for 1034),. :14;. deficit, $&10.43, . `.Che fact 'that' many of 'Ithe -towns and townships had failed to pay their contributions, as agreed, has left •the association with arydeficit. It was sug- gested that a second appeal he made to they towns to donate. ("ol, Woodrow said that when he was• elected president of the association 'twenty years ago colleetiohs for •the •route amounted •to - over 0,000 each year without •ciif fieulty..' Now, hesaid, when 'the dis triets ,have• secured the benefit of the increased business, ` it is Passible to collect only slightly- over $2,000, Highway • Neglee . - . Cr*. L. Parsons of Goderieli during the. general discussion told of the madeconcerning pro- testshad convex the he ten- (Miensof -the -highway between in- cardia ,, a ort9hi -which he des- cribed as dangerous,. Communications carried 'on With the Department from, trine to time were given by Mr. Parsons. :. It was :suggested that more revenue' 9914 secs .e..Ji. x%rt Y.space= were sold in the .booklet. -We are °not an advertising agency, never -have beep since. 'have beenn president and 1 hope we never will," Col. Woodrow - stated: "We have - a wonderful district to advertise and; all ,we want is to put every town and village in our booklet and let them pay what they can afford. The value of the 'booklet to. the ,,Georgian Bay' f and _-La ke a Huron districts cannot be measured. We had cars carrying our booklets from all States in the Un- ion," 'Col. 'Woodrow, --who was still in the' chair, stated. Evening- Baaiquet In the evening a banquet was held in the Paul's Hotel, Roger Andrews,. president of the Blue Water Trail As- sociation, Michigan, who . was to be present, was unable to attend. H. G. Hopkins, president of the Port Huron Chamber Of Oo merce, addressed the., meeting on the great advantage of the friendly relations between the U. sS. aiad ' •Canada, which offered' praetica'ly free The -Blue Water Highway Association was congratulated . for its excellent efforts ip tbringing the body to the place of importance it now holds. In his opening address, 4.• L. {'arsons of Goderich, the' new president, stated that be would give. unsparingly of his time to assure the continued success of the body. To Conserve At jaet4ons The importance of the rehabilitation of the soldiers when they return from the war and :the need of conserving our forests for the beauty of the coun- try *as stressed. After a short ad- dress concerning the obligation of the country to -the soldiers who are now offering their 'lives for their country, the following; resolution,_ _which. :was moved by J. • D. Thomas• qt. Goderich, was 'seconded by -Dr. Norman K. "Doug- •las• of 'Owen Sounfl "That we the` members of the Blue Water Highway Assooiation • endorse the resolutions of the Ontario 'Reforest- ation and Conservation Association that ;e`lra'bilrlttidn -tar the -returned soldiers be provided through the medium • of a civilian> conservation corps for the planting of trees, restocking our streams and providing :natural protec- tion for ,our. wild • 1i -e. '"We as a tourist association recognize the immense value{_ of-preser-vn --our scenic, attiactions and suggest that this subject, be brought to__the attention of all tourist associations in Ontario." " " Dr. Norman K. Douglas in seconding the motion remarked s "Itis true that we -owe most of all our tourist attrac- tions to.our forests.° Without forests we would have no cover for our game; no source of- water supply for our game fish; no clear water tobeautify our lakes and streams and no ibeadty of the forests themselves. In truth, with- out trees, our entire inland !Ontario would be an eroded barren desert. c. ise.--trees-are so ;important---ta-en tourist- attractions 1, am honored , to second the motion as proposed by •Mr., Thomas. 'of Goderich." Ofeer ..Elected' The complete new slateof officers for 1946.41 is as follows : on. president, C. s: Woodrow, Sarnia slon..vice.presis dent, -Williazn. Ferguson, Sarnia.; presi- dent, •G. L. Parsons, !Goderich; 1st vice= president, GarfieldlleaSe, (?wen Sound -;- 2nd vice-president, -Bruce Bossenberr, 'Grand Bend ; eommittee to name the new secretary -treasurer, Col. C. S. Woodrow, William Ferguson and : Wil- Ilam 'I.oc1thart,-all of Sarnia ;, •directors —Sarnia, lore st William m `Lougheed ; Grand Bend, ,Bruce Iossen- berry ; Bayfield; G. Ferguson.; Goderich,' • Lee; Kincardine, G. Lampton , Ti xten, Reeve ' Alex. "McFarland; Brie • County, Kenzie Foster ; Port Eigin,4'lteeve W. A. Fenton ; Southamp- ton,' R. Hurlburt; Wiarton,' Franjc .Watt, Collip ;wood, Vi► tlilam Bot�rriex.; 'Wasaga Heaeb, J,; 11 Lawrenee,'Pene- tang, presidentaof• the hoard of Trade; Midland, .Victor. Edwards; Orillia, W, G. Anderson; Sauble Beach,.I. -R. Davidso*, =Lion's illead, {'red Brown ; Tobermory,•alertGolding;-Owen Sound, Harold .Moffat; Oliphant, T, 11. ;Mc• Kenzie; Meaford, 'Reeve, W. F. Riley; :3t, • Vincent, Reeve John Kingston ; ht Throu CLOGGING -0IRT Tut/. use ` Gillet* - Pure Flake J Lye regularly r •' ..and you'll keep sunk drains Clean and 'run- ning freely.' It Will not haat enamel or plumbing. Banishes Unpleasant odors as it cleans: -rillett's Lye makes light work of dozens of hard -cleaning tasks saves you hours of drudgery. Keep a tin always! onnd! FREE BOOKLET..- The (3ifktt'+ tri Booklet dogged teltthow thitppowerfulll de/miler deem Sed drains . . r, keep. out- houses clean and od"xkaa by destroying the **stint* of the closet ..,. how it performs dolmas of ,trakt. for a free copy to Standard Brands Ltd., Ave . Street, Toronto, Ont. ¶V11 .1tS1fAY, F7R NF sill MHJV 1. lith. 1 PROTECT PRICELESS A, OLD FAMILY ak4G16A ANG RECIPES POWDER WITH MAGIC .� RRK We have troubles xeofour0_w�, 1t wecan "take Over your r machinetrouble and they - - • a ... h y w],ll„n4t -Add to our worries. ,'In K='q'%••tad ihat iF} Tur NR��yxas�.nr._ TQn. ffil ess REP AIMACIIINERY . All you need do is blink the arts to °us • we win do' t e rest and have - it ready when you want it. Ge�. PHONE aosJ Stokes MACHINIST . -. EAST ST. GODERICH .TOWNSEIP " ()Intended for last week) Gor RICH TOWNSHIP, 'Sept, 9.— Mr. .`Mr. and Mrs. -Clarence )Seibert and Dorothy, • of " Buffalo, N.Y., visited last week with Mrs, J. B. Orr.;_ Mr, and Mrs. Claire Quick and fain-'- '11y, ame'1y, of Sault °Ste. Marie,, visited last~ week with the lady's grandmother,. Mrs.,' ,;ktei t• McI14t'ain, Sr. .Mr. Gerald Orr is Visiting . in .Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. -Brock, Orr. ' . •. Mrs. M. McDonald, Miss Agnes Griffin and .Mrs, oltobt.:MeIlwain, sr., visited re- eently at time ` home of Mr. Daniel Reuger, 10th concession, home 'of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. I,.assaline, Mrs. John Johnston and Mrs. G. Har- wood visioted' on (Wednesday at St. Joseph with Mrs Denomme. The .farmers are feeeling keenly the scarcity of help. In many cases the women are-•aasisting- with ,file harvest and threshing. • ' Union ..Church ,Notes, --The �.iregular meeting of the Y.P.U. 'was held in the church •oil Thursday evening. Esther •:licllwain conducted `the meeting and the >Scripture-les son. :•(tfebrewve 11:1.10j was read, by Marion Colwell. ''Rev. C. L. Brown offered (prayer. A poem, "I FSihre-atTl �Nof ahse.s rA. M a_ nl wTahni .ss,,wY , w s rs: ar- wood .'. gave a paper on "The Assurance of Faith," from 'Ste Luke 4:62, and Mr. Brown gave an interesting 'talk on the same subject. Plans were made for a corn roast tobe held at the home of Mr. and firs. Wileman Johnston on -,Friday, September 2Gth. -The-meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction... There was a fair-sized congregation at Union . on Sunday, the national .day of pra}yer.The pastor, Rev. C. L. frown, ,,delivered a splendid sermon on "God'sCandle,'-' from the text "The spirit of Man is the candle 'of the Lord" ('Proverbs..20;27). • The progressive euchre party held on Friday evening at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Reg. Johnston was a complete 'success. ' About forty-five persons were present, eleven tables of ;euchre being • Painful oils. Bad Blood the Cause When boils start, to break out on different parts of the body it is an evidence thattheblood is loaded up with Zunpuritie . • Tnet when.- youthink you are rid of oite, another crops up to ta'.e its place and prolongj►our nasery. All the lancing and poulticing you ado. will not Atop more coming. 'L.y Why not giro that old, reliable y blood purifying medielne Burdoelt a Blood Bitters a chance to banish the bobs' Thousandi have used It for this purpose during the past tai �►. Take , .nit. *nil gait ria of the btu blond ata( the boils too. *Mew allitatve lye in hot Water. Th. Ott * sfthe be 'toll heat* the water. Inst T. Wawa os., 4&, Two** Oat. a 4 r - •-a Thornbury; ,Mayor Fred •V. Parinson ; Clarksburg, Clayton ',,Hartman. Goderich Mien Attending - Those from Goderich attendings the meeting were Mayor H. J. A. Mac- Fwan,_ G. L. Parsons, C. V. Tree, . G. W. Schae r, 7" f, Thoirias, ii.V"Videan apt, Prtn'k__Curry,. Amwastararimproximsrmisar Time Table'Changes Effective" SUNDAY, Ps`TE S MBER2� E 1'940 Full information from Agents -1 Canadian 1 ac fi� It Wheeler Funeral ,»irecto'r and .Embalmer ,All calls ;inaptly attended ' to day or night'. • AMBULNCE SERVICE:-- 6' r Phones. Store 335d Res. 55W. Hamilton .Street,, Goderieh played. High honors went to 'Mrs. Harvey Fuller and fir. Earl Cowper. onsolation prizeswere awarded to las. Doris ,Chambers and Mr. Art. Tichborne. Lunch was served by mem- ,bers of the executive. Twenty-one dollars was realized. The next even-. , iitg's entertainment will be held'at the PILES with'a reasard of 5Q 3412"6"1 a most !ati.- factory treatment for inlet or hamonboids. . yu;can positively depend.on Dr,. Char's Ointment • • CEMETERY MEMORIALS Of modern. design Finest 3l1.te r='. •ial and Workmanship. gde+�Comma hn �P.i� _ .T•- • h —EXETER• SEAFORTH Phone 41 Tuesday" tic• Saturday Monurnents;--: To ,'those - contemplatitng build- ing 'a Monument . Get my `prices :before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. ,JOHN GRANT_ CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton " - Ontario 'Successor --£o Rail &,&apfe - FUNERAL SERVICE (Establisl R 1875 TRADITIONAL SINCERITY AND • EXPERIENCE Prompt - Ambulance- Service Phone ' 120 FLOYD M:. LODGE, : Director Sympathetic -and: Sincere Service Thgnidecl,but Lot Expensive THE R. F. CRANSTON i UNE AL +MO 24-hour` Invalid Cu. te!c z 17 Montreal St. Phone 339 ' siommeimaimimemoimmorsommumemommar Monuments p W NO 'ADVANCE IN 14140ES Zmrge foreign granite ,,toe to clleoee ,from. A post(ea , w";: brills us to yotir home.' IPrc'ee transportation to our office, Williarns- & Son Granite Works 147 St. ratolek St. none 1055, snwtroRR