HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-19, Page 5W(!,.MMMj Sti&YF " t'MmtBICR 1Utb, ;1040 Announeing— THAT WE ARE MAKING Officers' Uniforms FOR AIR —'SFA and LANll FORCES Thereisn't any guess work here, we know measuring, cutting Sind fittrng frem years of experience Fall Materials. Now showing in both': CUSTOM MADE' and SPECIAL., ORDER GLOTNES, restyling, relining;, altering and dry cleaning for your convenience. . • Call.1i7 TAILOR, West St. 4• .w.....,..°i-...•hr.,�e-•"*^> ..�._ e --c- u `-7+a�:rw� ,_�..--�... .-;..srm�; r_�. i:�er-'.=:•:a'�ea�,,..srce<r.==u=::rr^--. 'a- .,.. �- k-� . = r-•"---�...__: —NILE NIILE, Sept, IS.—Mr, n,nd 'Mrs. trs. 'Wheately (nee Mildred 'Cook), of Tor- onto; visited at Mr,_A. W. Young's and Mrs. Ella McPhee's: over the -Week -end, Mrs. Wheately is a niece of Mrs. Young and Mrs, :, PlAee.: The'Women's Association heldr"'ti'teir annual meeting at the home. of Hilda Finnigan, .with Mrs. Brodie, Mrs,Alvin: .Kerr._ .s m1 . Miss __. Hilda 'innigan----a 'hostesses. There was an attendance of thirty. The threshing machine has resumed , operations after a few days' refit. There seems to' be quite a ,large' acreage of fall wheatgoing iii, 'although it is not a, very profitable crop at '52 . cents a bushel .._, Carl Finnigan Ralph Brodie, and Graham McNee' ..are working at the Port Albert airport: They say they have to step; good wages, but you earn it. : . Mrs. Russ Harrison and soii'Doug1as ami Mrs'. -Bertha Wyatt, of Goderich visited at Geo. R.utledge's on Sunday. Mr. Carl,,Finniga'n vislfect at Wiarton on Sunday. :- SIM. ARDTONN ,.: SHE '`ARDTON, , ' � Sept;epi; 1.7,--�Mr. ancl. `irs. Dan 'Mckenzie, Alice and D. A..,. formerly of Port Albert&.:have been, stay- ing ..,. n ay ing with airs. ,MeKenzie's parents, . Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Robt. Bogie. They left this morning for their .,newhome near ,TElytl. ' Mr. and Mrs. Norval Anderson -and Terry, of " :Goder-ieh, -were 'Sun -day visitors with Mrs. A. Foster. Mxs. Robt.`- Bogie spent the week -end. at tKitchener with her sister, Mrs. Eezeau.' ..•Ga Miss ,Marion 'Foster 14 spending •a Week at her home here after having her tonsils removed' in 'the Goderich Hos pital. Signaller Ernest Ralph, of Kingston son of Mr. ' and Mrs. Bala, . Saskatch- ewan, on his last leave spent the week - 'end at the home of his aunt, Mrs. A - Foster; and with . other. relatives. Maes`' Isabella Pollock, Pearl Me- Intyi'e and Margaret. Dickson spent Thursday with . the ;former's. mother, Mrs. Pollock. • ,' .-;— Iiear;GODERICIT �a.WORLD-WIDE . . "Noonday News.... 12U x DAY Presented by KARO CORN SYRUP CKNX :`Your Home Station" ASHF''IELD _ ASBFIELD,' Sept. 17. --Mr. Donald Dunbar of Ethel lipent last week with, his aunt, Mrs. 'Wilfred Francey. Anniversary serviees will be held in Ashfield 'Presbyterian ' church on September 29th,, at 11 a.m. and 7 p,m. Rev. John . 'Flack of -St 7+llimwood ,avenue _church, n,London..- svi11 A -be in.. charge. . Permanent Wave SpeeaIs �orFa Guaranteed Oil- Waves $1.50 and up � All permanents reduced for a - limited time only. .HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY SHOPPE (Next' Capital Theatre) West . • St. Phone L2 AltE YOU LOOKING I'd, BARGAINS?, -NEWAfl USED PARTS FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS TWO HUNDREDUSED TIRE•, �i LL- MAKES AND SIZES P WE SPECIALIZE IN Electric and Acetylene Welding, Distributors for.Seiberli.ng. and General Tires,' COME IN AND PAY US A VISIT, ra 5011 A`) TO WRECKERS HAMILTON STS: L and WINTER COATS Now' is Ur time to select'yohr new Coat and be ready for the -- cold weather when comes. LEADING FALL A.ND WINTER, FASHIONS FOR 1940-41:, combine to- offer you extra, valie. Sizes. for juniors— Misses and Ladies. - A Mils Coati & Coat Setg Sizes 4 -to 14x, all in good warm, cloths, warmly lined and interlined. Shades Blue—Green—Rose—Rust Plain., or fur trimnied., WE ARE GLAD' TO LAY ASIDE YOUR 'CHOICE UNTIL IT IS REQUIRED. turre GEO. W. SCHAEFER, Yaffue PHONE 56 ___THE GODERICH SIGNAT, • UN.NN f'UNCIA °Nt AN,, Sept. i , -_ .Mr- ' Mrr4. J. 1t %N ab, l s@r t.lastw, were day visitor with their eister,in-1 Mrs, J. J. t'ra,wford, Miss Ellen Durnira is visiting her niece, Mrs. Joe Lawson, at Rolf Mrs. Warner Andrews and' ir3 daughter from Gotierieh If a spittlti la been visiting her ,si�stei do -law,, Benson Mole, for a fow days. Mr., and Mrs. 'IL J. L Eesly awl ily on Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Nickel at Stratford. Miss Flora Durnin is this week tending Stratford Fall Fhir and w there is one of the judges. and Mrs. Wm. t,taar}rraangs daughter, front Rochester, visited Wm,, dof�lMe. on Monday. Mil ./� 'I nif?red Swan, Ripley, nisi her siatt r, Mrs. Harvey Mole, over 'week -end. Visitors with -Mr, and Mrs. David Firing ton . en Sued,dy mere .Mr, Mrs, Whit. Stewart, : g a t, Wita�,ham, and and Mrs. Roy Black and Wilfr Lueknow. 'Miss T. McDonald, Iucknow, is v ing lxer sister, Mrs. Everett Harirs. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Swan and Beta, Delmore, visited Mrs. Harvey Mole Sunday; Mrs. B. J. tOra'ford. Lh =r ;word that iter cousin, Mr" �e' 3Xi Detroit, passed away last ' Thurso quite "suddenly. He visited here different 'occasions and will be' rein tiered by many. Interment took p1 in the family p1ot at Port Huron, Misses A.ln:aa ,Anderson and Madel -0a aar keft":laS ilnciart'crbmi year at Stratford Normal School. M ss_,.Franc s Dalton; KIngsbr w__Miss s a Sunday 'visitor at the home Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reed, Remember the'.Red `Cross, when t national ..campaign begins Septem 23rds Y'ourA contributions with `oth will help ' much. ,"Give cheerfully, "a pray for the good it may do. Mr. and Mrs. R. A.MCCauley, Fie erton, visited Mr. and ' Mrs. Don Fowler on Sunday and Mr. and M Fleshertort visited Mr a Mrs. Irwin the ,some day. 'We are sorry' to learn that Mrs. Thompson has been quite 111 again. S w,as visited on Sunday by 'her datight Mrs:, Kitson;, and. Son, Franklin,' of L don,. At time of writing she was `co siderably unproved; ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scruton and Mari visited over the week -end with' Seauton's parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Drennan, Goderich. . Mrs.' Isaac Hetherington, Goderic is the`special Speaker ,at the Women Association meeting on Friday aft noon in- the - United church. The -N1 church and sister. church workers' a invited for €i S special „a.fternoon a program. Mrs. Jas. Cook, • Toronto, was visitor with her friend Mrs, M. J. Ree last week. Wins Scholarship. , =-, Miss Anngt Stewart, daughter of Mr, and iV1'rs._W Stewart, hag completed her high scho ttykies at Goderich Collegiate Institu and has A been. awarded the Stran cholarship, which entitles her to fou ears at University with free tuitio Annetta, who has proved herself' eptionaliy :clever; having in other yeia . on prizes, and is yet but sixteen year f..age, is leaving.at' the end of the wee to begin a University; course at Toronto We eongratiia:te her on her high Su ss and wish her good luck in her ne ndertaking. Busy' ' Dungannoni.� =What has th 'n. y god:;K,b�megau# gannenisem iy `a .,--f raffle, noise, -strangers,- rush to'Matin ousel? Night 'and day the burg live... If you were used to the ruing o a. street car at intervals through th you mar`'now--hear a heavy grave ruck. If. you come from the city an ek a quiet place to rest better omewhere else. If you 'de come, yo an't say the place is dead, nor any= n it for a ?long time --:the undertake as left town l ` Badly Stung by Bee.—On Tuesda r. Tommy Rivett with his truck an tiIr. Wilbur ,Johnston were assistin r. ,George Harris at Cransford move bees, when one �aittaeked Tommy nd_.a"fe , _m.inaites later to trod•Walbu ere driving, home. On' reaching th and .home; Tommy •became u. nscious. Medical aid was summons d a special serum, such as given fo nake�bites,-etc.,. was -administered: H llied. in about an hour, and there were bad . after-effects,' but he • was ad sed by his medical attendant to'keep ear of bees. If one sting caused such jury, what might more do? The bee d stung a veiny causin, more, di. ur6ance-ifiai usual. Mr. Rivett' had somewhat similar experience a few ears ago, and he says,, if -there's any- ' g_ sz f-al�out -bees,let---thein.-s , in their disposition. ,Tial,., awn with , pa `�ta pant av(a• firs. . at - Idle Land 31r. ted the S. and Mr. •ed, Lsit-. of oat .561,11 les,' gni- ace ins' eX . d of he bei, ens nd sh- ald; rs, net W m. he er, Lo Mari Mrs, T. h, r - le re nd a d to m: 61 to n r ex- rs : c- tre e is le he 1 g u r a 0 he' n d r. He • s c w 0 ce u h a of t se s c 2 M M a w vi eco an s no C in ha Y thin it CHURCH NVRES Whe Knox church Ladies' -4.1d will meet in:. the church parlors on Friday, September 27thi, at 3 p.m. :On SundaY evening at Victoria chureh Rev. C. .L. BrOwn ireach on "Hitler and the Hound of Heaven." A good attendance is requested 'at the first fall meettng .of the WA:mina's As- eOciation of North street United church, trhunsilay, ,September 2Iltif, at 3 pane in the ehurch: Rev. It. A. Brook, of Ilenstill, Geo. S. lloward, of Exeter, are attend- ing the i,General 'Council of theeUnited ef 'Huron Presbytery. . The regular- Meeting Of the Etlrelth clask".ef Victoria street United church was , held at the home of Mrs. West- brook, with seventeen meinbers present. of the meeting. It was 'decided to hold a rummage sale at MaoKay Ifall, The meeting was 'dosed. with the singing ef the' NatiOnal Antbein. Lunch was served by the Iiiistess end a sward half- hour spent. , Vietoria 'Helpers' (less of Vie- monthlY meeting at the home Of Mrs. Rail% Deinniller, 'The Meeting opened • with a Scripture reading by MrseIamay MeLeall. Mrs. E. Cranston. then read the Apoetles! Creed. Ws, M.- iCransten took over 41110 businees part of the meeting' In *Well It was derided to have theyOrpheus Choir from Strat- ford at a later date. Afterwards -a Chineq, elieekera, Miss 'Hazel Hawkins being the winner. A dainty lurteh„ WAS served by the hostess. . , Mrs. Wm. Mgr! and Atm Gerald Stattnto*iof Toronto are gueste of Mr. and WS. D. Downie. .. ' BAYFIELD BAY -151E11). t$ iat> 1h,-- L. and Mrs, T. Willett tt and family, 'of Leadoff, were the sweets of Ursi Nautili's mother, 11x+0. <I. Ifavii.u, veer ,lac; weed enol. lir. anis, 31rs. Jim Ferguson of bony d on spent the �q�wije week -end with the for`ii - is lnotifer, Mrs. J. lierguson. The hayfield fall Fairy is bang Held .8optombLe 27)t;27)th and 2 th. The Rol Cross S'oelety is speirTbriaag a dance after the concert .in the 'Town Hall on Sec, tensbcr 20th, " Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Quarry sPent the cele -end in Windsor. Mr. 5ed, .Mrs. "Sam Wideonlbe of 'Windsor spent the weel: end with 3.1r.. aaml Mrs. C. Widcoaa be. • . ars. L. M. Day and the Males' Mc- Adam returned to Detroit on Monday r after having 0100 the foranerscottagab, p n ,a Il.i to forthe 'season, Pte. , Walter Tohnaton oftCarop Borden spent the week -ono at his hoarse' here. ," ...Ube Jennie Grant is the guest of Mrs. S. A . Holley at her summer Isolate; here, Mr. and. Mrs. P. 0, Rogers of Hamil- ton ' were at their cottage over the week -end. • . Mr, and, Mrs. J. Ilamilton and Mrs. J, Danner and daughter Josephine re.- •turned to roiador ' MohcTay, ,laving' • `' ties 11,11 �y h�eir_ eatt'ip � : r'. �(;1ic`�,sStalker, Mr. and Airs, W. Lovejoy' .and . two children, of -Zill- waukee, finch., spent 'tile week -end ,with, Mrs, F. Genaeinhardt. 'Mr' and Mrs. ,Chas. Will of London and Mrs, Waters of Windsor returned to ' their respective homes on Wednes y having spen' hek'au nhor ' lel summer horo.e here. ,1 r,. and Mrs -T. II, Erwin who spent "he summer with Mr. •J�;; rwin, f for their home in Akron, Ohio, on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. E. Kendall," who Spent the past week -with -Mr. and "WS; R. Jewett, .returned„ to their home in Elmira on Sunday. : "- Mr:. and Mrs, .. V,_t.._.and family, of London .spent the. week -end with Mr. ..and Mrs. Fred Baler, Rem Id. Currie returned to-°the'village- on Sunday after having spent a fort- night Odds home in Lambeth..' Dr. and 'Mrs. Corrigan returned to their home in ,S;trathroy .Aon Wednesday after having visited with Misses A: M. -and E. J, Stirling. Mrs. a. Stewart'returned to her home in Hamilton .on. Sunday..„ --with Mr. Stewart, who was .here over the week- end. . . SAVED BY HEROIC SWIMMER, 1llen-Adrift,at i .S oop-nrt-Lake;.,.Huron" - Bi ought Safely' to Bayfield BAYFIELD, Sept.w12.=-After drifting helplessly in Lake an—router Mere than two. and a Half, days with its engine stalled and `a heavy gale ^blowing, the 35 -foot sleep The Ketch," of Wyan- dotte,_Mieh.x was picked up by a rescue party of Bayfield fishermen this after- noon after a member of the 'sloop's crew had swum a mile to shore to call for help. The crew member, Gilbert' Hocking, of Wyandotte,, . with a lifebelt buckled, about him, left the 'sloop this morning, and Tionght his 'Way t 'ough . the. heavy sea to shore, abot�t four miles north of Grand Bend; From a farm house there, he teleplibned .to Bayfield for aid for his boat, which iiad ,,eft Port .Huron upbound on Tuesday. Without food for the' last . twenty- four hours, the ship'k owner, James • naskie,,E 0f,, W,VAn(Yens!„_'yin -tet 1Gr nth crew member, 'Paul Sibbins, also of Wyandotte, were taken.. off the sloop only when it was towed. into port. The heavy • sea had prevented the rescue boats getting close to the sloop, but they were able tti throw a ,tory line to the crippled 'sailing vessel. It was about 11 a.m, when the ' call was received•from Gilbert,oasking,,aid be sent. The "Helen MacLeod' IY,” with Capt. Lewis Ma Leod& and his .sons, Bob and Mack, ah Brew,. and,the 'Don- ald Mac," with _Capt. John. McLeod,. jr., and Willard and Newton Sturgeon as crew, set out down the lake to. the point where the boat -was reported:" They located .'tie boat, but -experi- enced'" difficulty in picking it up and brought it to port at 5 p.m. The two men on the boat were hungry, but -had been able to get shelter from the storm in the cabin of the sloop. _ They re - Ported the engines had goqe dead as they were heading up the American shore and the high wind gradually , carried them across the lake. • They said that they had seen• the. lights of Goderich harbor last night as they drift* -but were -unable to pull their craft northward in the face of the northwest gale blowiing ' Sailors here said that the.sa.1 on the r. sloop. was intact, but had not been put up by the boat grew • • It is believed they feared the 'sloop would ' capsize with the :sail in the heavy blow. - Russel 'Hill, Colborne township, had a fine young steer killed by lightning last week -end:• Call Stan Prevett, Ford„ Sales. and Service, when. you're turning -in your ear. has all makes and Models iii :411:YrOltS, South strypet,, Phone 83, 38' Whew in TORONTO visit the Reps Hotel Sherbourne, St. 'at "Carlton, 'One Hundred II,todern • Operas with private baths's; showers and private telephones. Eooms, single, from $2.00 to $2.30 Roans, douldejrtun 3.0() $3.50 Good Food 'served at moderate price, Dancing.nightly; no eater charge, MMODt, W' LL, 1 PEES SUDDENLY WA* IlidoPendeot Cauditletoler Norex iu 1937 �. ,fl people cif S.'nin 'Inr .0 were tliotalfcs;i zap lite; riPWii • 1' the Nat.igenl ausi @rtiP%ig.'tt2.aa1 tik'a.tn Of .1 he .A1essaaader Moir of Ii eased, On Thursday last. ;t Dr. Moir had, appeared to he in his @A9ai:. gold health and hada been, in Hensel!, about a mile frtaarl his home, in tlie mornings 'pon returning ;ii -,n1' he went to his room, to restfor a,few minutes before heaving dinner and when 1 leis IVlfe went'to ('Rill him she found him dead. Ihr, Moir was .si ;tye .-igllt years of age Aral, lived his xv130le fit's in thl Ifeaisall -Community with alae exception' of.ei t a�' r �' a s spent :iii Western Canada. Ile lattended alsd 1xod eri1 High School and Ailotterich Model School, Harbord poi• legia;te Institute, Toronto, Denver: Normal Seltocil and .Manitoba Coliege. He practised his profession for many years et IIeusall, and eight years, ago established the Huron Sprines Sanas torivan, a private hospital ora highway No. 4 'south. of lllensall, where he specialized in radium treatment. He was a practical philanthropist. and at the :last meeting of the Huron Collar Councii `he offered ._ a haven' for ;British children brought to Canada and in addition offered. , his p,"'trofesr�stss. tonal ,services , free for these war In the Provincial election of i.037'Dr. Moir, contested :South Huron''as an in, 'dependent temperance . candidate and,_ athougilr t'�lte stantial vote. He wail aft active 'nem- I ger- of Hensel" United ehureh: . Tie is survived by his wife, whom he married. in, Manitoba,'' a brother,` . Robert, "of alensall, and a sister,' Mrs. CoMe`Gill, of; ,fanitoba.: Tliline'- ,funeral took place oh Monday afternoon, with a large attendance from the_dis,trict and beyond. The services a" the house and at the graveside in Hensel' Uiien; cemetery ery were conducted 11 Rev. 'Sinclair of Sixth, it_ °ruler pester at IlenSallraSSISted ev. David Moir of -Hamilton and Mr. ST. AUGUSTINE ' ST. IIIGUSTINE, Sept. 16,—Miss INgrine Kinahan left on Monday to at- tend the Normal Sehool At London. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leddy and famiry visited at the home of Joe Lane, Sea - forth, on SInclay. ' Miss Bernadette Boyle left" last vveek for London, where she wili attend a Miss Grace Moir has returned after Visiting friends at, London and Ted - water last Week. o The death occurred at Toronto re cently of Mrs. Louise 'Geraldine Pair R. -13. J. Stanbilry, formerly Clinton. Mrs. Stanbury was born never, and as Fay Morgan w a popular concert" singer; touring 'the Province. For the IaSt fortY-five Yeais she had been resident of Toronto. A. daugh- ter, Freda,. ofi Toronto, arid a son, Douglas Stanbury, of New York, sur - GEORGE LA'MPREY The death of ,George 4,44teprey„,,,re -lifed-arlaViThis-S-eventy:eiglith year occurred at his home on Newgate street: on , Saturday afternoon. `Mr.. Lamprey 'had been in poor health for the last two years, but with his last illness had been confined to bed only since Wedneg- day.- -He was born in Colborne.- town- ship, the- son of 'William Lamprey and Ann. MacRitchie. When he was. three years old lie moved with his parents to G,oderich townShip,' where he was brought up and where he farmed until his retirement. Ile moved to town in -1025' and had lived here since. . He was not married, and 'llerbert Lamprey of Goderieh township, a 'brother, is, the only survivieg relative. The funeral was_ held from the heine of deceased on Netvgate street on' Mon- day aftertmon, the services- being con - bearer§ were Charles Whitely; E., T, Sowerby, Oswald Ginn and Roy Rundle. , Interment was in Maitland cemetery. Men's Blank Dregs Oxton Mel'* Tau and Brown Dry Oxfords . . $335,4150 Boys' Calf ce Oxfords • P•► $1 964.4335 Ken's Sturdy Work Boots o o► a o ♦ v n• . ryry .19.44.95 Women's New Pali SialeGoren; ►••$24 v B 4® P v �7�Puu�Band Ties � �d Suede `Wcnen'sCalf Service Oxfords 4 Women's G n $hoes Mises' PatentStraps Misses' Calf OxfOrds — 410.40 0.411.1T1 0 4. $1 P..69—$2.95p bA0 g 6 $1.95—$2..95 WOMEN'S PHANTON 7 $1.00 t. let1h1111 Sitoe Store (formerly Willard's rfoot Shop) teecIAMOS protracted ilinesa. Mrs. Atero was born in Hay township seirenty-five 3,Tars ,ago and' was married to Mr; Mero In. 18$7. They' lived in Hay township for a num- ber pl:years and then moved :to th Huron road west, Of Seaforth, anti fo the last eighteen years bad resided in the town of Seaforth, Besides he husband, Mrs. Mero leaves -three sons an& eight daughters': Albert, of, ,Gode Icitehenee; Mrs. Charles Andrews, o ort Colborne; Mrs. Wm, Littake• of.. has volunteered and.been accepted for Mich.* Mrs., B. Hamilton, of Toronto; meees servio Forces, Toronto., read after vacationing- at the home ef their uncle and 'aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Russell O'Neill and Miss Marion prey, here on Monday. They also - Mrs, Herbert Lampreyelluron road. laffine Tremblay Pont, daughter' of t the late 'Wm. Tremblay anti Mre- El. .1- M. Tremblay South street; Goderieli Kitchener ; Mrs. John Klein, of Pontiae, war service with*, the Canadian. Wo - Mrs. Marie Hickey, of Seafortb; Mrs. .• Elmer Itoi.ssmiSel, of Pontiac; Mrs Emily GivinS, of 'London, and- Mise. Al berta, Hamilton. ;She is surVived also by three brothers and three sisters Jopeph Bedard, Znrich,; William Bed ant Windsor; Edward BeArd, Frank Jeffrey andMrs. ,jobn_Gravelle, Goderich. The funeral took° plate on Saturday morning from St Jellies% MO. church, was largely attended,. deceased being ' highly respected wherever she was known. , The meinbers of stile family were all present, with relatives and. friends from Clinton, Drysdale, (lode- riCh ,andeother places. Relatives at- tending from ,Goderieb. were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mere, Mr. and Mrs: Prank Jeffrey and Mr, and Mrs. John Gravelle. • The 'death .Of Statilda ltedar,d, tvife of Joseph Mero, occurred on TlitirsdaY. last at lier:hb-friglirSeafortli after a 111r. H. N. Livens, of Louden, 748'in ,Miss Louise, Gordon, a London, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs„ Alex Dr. J. .BOYSter and Mrs. SoiSter, of per's, visited, friends in town at the few days last 'week with ,friende Private Harland iTremblay earne up' from Camp Borden for the week -end to visit his mother. . Mrs. Reg. Needham, McDonald street, visited recently at Hannon with *her uncle and aunt, -Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Pte. Fralicis J. Mere, of the Elea Regiment, C.A.S.F., spent the week -end With his patents; Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Mr. Mel. Cruickshank of Ktncaidine is' in charge.of the Gledhill shoe store this week while. Mr. W. Needham is en 'ter, Miss Margaret Warren,. of Toronto, have been s.pending a few days with friends in 0oderich. see— MeSsrs. 4'13111" aad Martin Malley or Windsor, Ivliss Agnes Ellis; 3t. Henry troit, were Week -end guests of Mrs._ Joseph Craig, . Miss Bernice Moore, Reg• N., of have returned to their hOine on I -Inv% Call ;Stan. Prevett, Pprd Sales and •Service, -when you're turning 'in your car. He has all makes and models fa used cars and. trucks. GODEICIO4 _3IOTORS, South street. Phone 83. 38 sow MADAME cORNELIL The well-known EnroPean voyant *Psychologist is at. room ONE wpEK ONLY PhOne 001 fer appointments ADVICE ON ALL AFFAIRS OF , Private Reading—Win Entertain ,at Parties sioniamier voninionnameiutw- WAY ;.NOT AIDE• THE - BICYCLE 4\ .r.,,,,,..........!,....:, , e a • Service Station Bayfield Rd. Phone 688 • Grocery Bargains or The Week PEAS 216..!z. piNgi5c JAIME 2-11): JA:E 25c PRINCESS FLAKES One large pkg.. and. one 'reg. Pkg- • • 'All -for 3.6a DIntHAIVI CORN 'STARCH BEEEIVE CORN SYRUP 2•1b. Tin 216 A 5-1b. Tin 430 TI1,s1 25c "AYLMER" TOMATO CATSUP. LARGE 12 -oz. 'EOT. PORK and BEANS 20.oz. TIN 9c Heavy Rubber kings ... -. , Ilea,vy Zinc Rings. :doz. 25c Paravvax ...1.4b. print 14c PT -TEE VINEGAR AND .SPICES . Tin 12c SOHNSON FLOOR.' WAX . 1.1.b. Tin 59c "CALVIN::01ITT •PHONg-116 J. J. MoEWEN PRONE 46 •