The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-19, Page 3NINLrTY:-SE0(00 "OAR, NO..98 HURON COL,NTr$ FOREMOST WEE15,,LY GODERICH„ ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19t11, 1940 L. PARSONS PRESIDENT OF BLUE 1 1ZELDDKXNCQB�ENE Spode Pregraul 0011, Selitentheir 1704 la _ falf.64114 nvmay II. MIMES 47. Barrister" Etc. _ Mee -Court Houma, Gaelic& lelohono 155. Col,. Woodrow RetireS After Twenty Years 40 Bead.• • *J.:Association mrot.00un, 'sei)kt. 3.4., -After twenty 'YearS'Oreontinuous service as president Of ' the, 13lue Water Highway .Associ- ation,Col. 0. S. Woodrow of 'Sarnia announced his resignation -at the twenty-first annual Meeting Of '.the As- eoclation Whieli was held, at Woolard on Friday. G. L. Parsons a Goderich, was elected- President to succeed Col,. Woodrew, , WililainFerguson, who tharractedlir a very capable •secretarY7treasurer for the post eleven years, ;also resigned. Mr. Ferguson, out a committee OT composed, of the retiring' secretary, Col. Woodrow, and William 'Lockhart, was chosen to select the new man, „who Must be a resid.ent of Sarnia. ' Deep „regret at the resignation of two such- w,c,cellent villeerS was exl preSsed by all present.' A vote of thanks to both Col. Woodrow .and.„ Secretaryl Treasurer iFerguson. Was moved and, passed, Anorning4he-entire'- groulf-of visitors senjoyed a few -hours of trolling on the bay. At that time only ;enough visitors had arrited' to •require four securing fish, • all were loud in their enjoy more 'than ,average success In boats Although .the-delegates4lid-noti praise of the outing on the bay .andthe •excellent ,accommodation offered' on the spacioiis launches, •. 4 4tanelean was 'held' at .Paul's Hotel and following'this the ,principal busi .ness session was held in the council ,charnber. Over seventy-five delegates were present .from Orillia and Tober- MOO to Sarnia. • Wiliam Booker of the Meaford Council introduced the -,president, Col, Woodrow, who immediately ,took.charge of the .meeting. • ; ' opening .address' Col.• Woodrow, stated that he had been president". of the association for the past' twenty years. Various reasons flir" -crease in the nuMber of tourists .this ,year were outlined by him. • • "Wfix;" be said, "has slowed up ;travel in all countries. The assochition* is ,carrying on, as usual with all contact being -kept alive, We still irave our bureau serviee at .the border and have' done everytling possible to attract Am- erican visitors. It is impossible to blame the association for the 'decrease tenristsWe did showA, great lin- ProVe.ment in :the liumberc-Fof tourists .• ONTliATH and MONTEITH, • Chartered Ao0onntanta .. 77 Downie stsset,-54au...ord Toronto Offi_ce Bsfy-tftreet 2,44. x W(11451110 GIVIID1tY,000101t10414 LIVE STOCK AND GEN/DRAI,!" • ,AVOTIONSIER, Telephone Iv Sales attended to- anywhere -and . every effort ma(*) ti)4ive satisfaction. •Warmers' sale notes 4UScbtinted.- 4 gallIDON h1 B&hff LICENSED 10.1 A.UOLIONEER VOR ,courteous service- tor •Farm, Property or Iloniehold • ItAtes Boason4ble. R111,1,0,54 .111KOMM fie, •J. IL FORSTER, Ins, Eau, NOSE THROAT- -• . Late Jlouse •Surgeon NOW 1Zork Ophthalmic and. A.nral `Hospital, as-* *Want at Moor eld-,311ye Iloapital and 'Golden Square Throat Eospltal, liOli don, England.- • • " " • - ETES TESTED, GLASSES •• SUPPLIED • 53 Waterloo Street, B., Stratford. Te1ephone•207, -• Next visit 'Belford. Hotel, G-oderich, Wediesclay,„-September 25, troll:2P.= • Am; • DRIXILIAS PRUELILIONIfit CHIROPRACTOR AND -DltbaLESS • . wa111Ual4sT__ Goderiek, Phone $41 - • . • Oltee hours -10 to 12 am., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m., ,Tnesday, Friday and fiattirday.- , W ,to 32 , only-kton Wednesday, ' Monday and -Thursday at AlitchelL. A. N. A.TKINSON, • 51: South .St. -111elilLLOP • MUTU.AL EiHtE -ng SURANCE CO.-Farniandiso- lated town property insured. _ Mom --,-Kncx4p,----fitalmident4,- '.' 1Dondlesbcir0; W 11Archibald, Vice - President, Sentorthl U. A. Reid, idanager and. SecretarY-Treasurer, Sea- fOrth. ' • - • Directors -Alex. BroadfOot, • Sea - With ; James Connolly, Goderich Chris. Lonlhardt, • Bornholm; Alex. lifelDwing, 'Myth.; /tank IdeGtegor, Clinton ; Ttlrotuas ttloylan, Seatorttif • Hugh Alexander, Walton; ,WAn. Knox., Londesboro; W. R. Arehibald, Seatorth, .Agents -LE, A. Teo, Ital. 1 Goderie.h ; James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, R.& 1, Brucefteld ; IL F kfc.Kercher, Rat. 1, Dublin, 3. P. phrter; Brod-• bargoe11114-holders Call * make all •••pay - 'rants and get their cards receipted rt the Royal Bank, Clinton; Car -Vin Cutt's Grocery,. Kingston Street, Gederich, or J. E. Reld's General' Store Ba.Vileld Craigie .INSURANCE and. REAL ' ESTkTE— Get Our Aukimobile Rates Ifliope 24 • • ,Goderki Nelson Hill Fire, Aecident and Motor :Car- , 114.SURANCE •Oftice:-Masonic Temple, -Weet •• -. Street, Goderich • , , Phone 230 : GODERICH , STRATFORD, • COACH iliNES• Daily 7.34 a.m.'4.25, p.m. --Leaves -Goderich' for Stratford,—Toront Elainiltoir' Buffalo,. London, Detroit, ,Tavistockand Woodstock. Depots Bedford, British and °Royal, 'Hotels. .lflione hotels or 305 . for information. ,ationsamtommiriererrolons RANDS FAR Jfijt.jr. The ItoYal 'Canadian . Air 'Force will, aaave shortly' a .ininaberf of bands . throughout Canada • to lead marching feet of R.O.A.V. recruits. The eentral band in ,Ottawa will provide a training, vsehootfor nIl hands to come, It has al- ready deserved high praise. otwimmiinstoitim.mitrimprooromar RYAN Real--Estate=a' no ---insurance Office 'and •Residence: • • II 'Trafalgar Street • ',bane 663' . • , FOR, SA -Houses, Lots . and Farms. TO RENT -One 5 -roomed • furnished apartment;,, one 6 - roomed .unfurnished apartment; west Alde,„near lake. • • tints;41141.S.sosismst Nssaismiumumiwousammassasmay Aismamisseisamminorw PlioNt, ' - 47 AT-- CAPITAL THEATRE Now -Lie "Velez in ‘1104ican Spitfire" & Roy Rogers in . Days of Jesse James" *MON. TUES. & )VED. ‘,‘NVILSE, crAvgj4" 'Otie of history'strUly great figures the nurse wbo cheerfiilly aeeepted Death as the price of aiding humanity, &Stern dictate* of War, its injustictqj `awl brutalities. , tp• Anima' Neagle-.Edna, May Oliver -George Sanders.i.:-.Ma Hobson aud Zasu Pitts THUlt. Fitlf. & SAT. Virginia Bruce -Wayne Alorrisfine Wyman & Dennis Morgan .Aiilthe CasanoVas•-•,roMateing atewar4legsep and experimt;ntal aviation. An exciting adventure pursues romance into the clouds. following the slackening of restrictions at the border dining •Angust." • ;Secretary Yerguson'S BepOrt 'SecretarY-treagurer Williana Fergu- son 'stated " "This is our twenty.first annual meet- ing- Our assoelation is mow of age. Twenty-one years ago we knew very little, if anything, ,about :the linpo,rtance of tourist business. A few automobiles were beginning to -ramble through, the • 'country and tind their way into new territory.' These ,primitive tourists, or travellers, found it necessary then, as now, to buy gasoline nieM luxuries ,as ,they ,went along from Pao,' to ,f)la.ce. This new -money eoming Into the villages, toWns and eities started 7-the'alert-laisittess:rnan4Walit,..JPw.: ,ean we ; attract theSe'spenders into'iMr locality?, J. -lave we something to offer these people ,that they have mot at home? And iso the touristbusiness, began. , •• - We .inight .have all_the ,attractions under, heaven, but if the people who ,are willing to pay for these attractions are not told about them • we eannot expect to get very much of their money. ,people .along the shores, of Lake liurturawd Ge"orgialrBay-were-quiek •to- sense..the ,possibilities that would be dived from, building .a foundation for th tourist' trade, and .immediately er --.ganized-the--Arst-tourist-associatien in Canada. • 'what ra6ticity" Rao Done „ "To say -this venture. ba S been a sue - teas ,is vitt-lug it very mildly_ indeed. Tiventy-one years ago the 'Lake Huron. and Georgian Bay shores were scarcely 'known by our own Canadian People. 'Today the Blue Water highway is ,knoyv.n from coast to coast. Every State in the Union haS received our literature .year .after .year, And in re- .tUrn we. have Seen cars from every 'State passing over our highway. Not only this, but many of the distant States, as.well as all :the Mearby)States• are represented by cottage -owners along our shores. , "Early in. the spring we ,all had hopes of thiS being the banner year in our history., .and, it would have been had not the U.S. Government regula- tions been clamped on just -,7 -at the. ,ctitical time of the tourist season. When the first of -July came along the Blue Wtte7bridge:randth ,.mare like a .iliorgue than a place for traffic., . rarneibeihguplaza looked uresge "We,Opened our .information booth• at the bridge on June 20, and of coarse were very much disappointed IS cora- pared with last .year. We felt, how- ever, that We Must carry on and do the best we co:hid under the circumstances. The resulj,„. was ,thatwilen vire. 44:?..$0.the • -booth, on Labor Day we had 3,0d5 cars step at the booth for information, with thirty-three percent. of these going up the irighway., as compared with 9,363 .and 29 percent. last year,. This repre- --a-lossiofAi,VarstopPing,-_,--at_ our booth and an increase of four per cent. of the ears Stopped going '.up the Bine Wa.ter-hig.hwayr "It is very encouraging to note that in 1934 the percentage was twenty-three percent. • and - ,this year one-thirof the ears coming over the bridge were find- ing their way up the Blue Water high- way countr.y., regardlesS of the condition,, of the roads. This, ef eburse, ean only be done by continuing our efforts as an. association to advertise and hammer at the doors Of the Department of High- ways until the route is eompletely • paved. When this is 'done it would be easyto predict that this percentage will increaseto forty per eent. immediately. "There is no-li'ving nian ean make any prediction for next year. We know not what lies ahead of us at this time, The American people are just as anx- touw as they -ever were,s;, ahd- even with the severe regula- tions at the border, and the unfavorable publielty....we,got-TdiirhtgtheLsninutiri=we still have the 'attractions that will bring tourists to Our shores." Asseciation Finances • The complete •'financial statement given by. Mr. Ferguson read as fellows: Receipts-LGoderich, $200; Kincardine, $125; Orillia, $100; Tiverton, $25; Huron Township, $15; Plympton Town- ship, $50; Miss M. McIntyre, Highland Glen, $1; St iEdinands Twp, 1004 Forest,0; Sareia Twp, $50; Bog- anquet Twp:, $50; Bayfield and TOWn- 'oh, of Stanley, $50; ttrapd 13endi4100; Sarnia, $300; Southampton, ,$1.00; Bruce Coutity, $80; Wiarton, $190 ; Michigan State iiritige Commission., 000 ; Port 'Elgin, '.$75.;.. Meaford, $7.54 Owen Sound, $200. Total $2,146. Disbursements :-Prititing • booklets, , 10; distributing booklets, postage and express, 036.53; labor, labels; Paper, twine, $3:82; Printing and stationery, V.02; cuts' and engravings,. $43.28; travel and aenual meetie,,,or ex-. pensee, $200; cost of qperating booth, salaries, $1115.58; office expenses, 1200; Sitlars for ,seereta*- for 1049, ;$600; • (Contintied on page 6), , 11144,e of Sebeel rittr • At a Meeting of school trustoS and teachers held at Carlow Asome time ago, it 'was •dechleAl,to hold a field day for the schools Of Colborne township, Instead of the school fair. , ThiS field (Jai will, be heht o)1. Friday, September Stlt, at geith•Gardner,s. farm, 4th eon - cession, the Program to begin, at O'clock. , Pupils will be divided bite classes ac- cording to age t -juniors ten Sea.t$ anti under, seniors eleven years and older.. Boys and girls will compete separately. The events will ineludeTrifiining high Jintip, running broad jump, standing high Jump, standing broad jump, 70 -yd. dash, ttop,• step- and juniP, pole vault (boys), ball -throwing , (girls), relay aeL:( teteins of four). • Two entries from eaCh scliool ratrwaveor each event; and ribbons will be awarded to the 'first Ave eaeh event. Instead a cups and medals. for the-thamplorls, war savings Stamps will -be awarded (it•IS phume(l to award about _$1•5 'worth of these stamps).., The T. eaten Co. Is donating book prizes for the .highest boy 'and -highest girlin points, • • !* There will be a booth on the grounds, i'ionducted !by the Colborne Bed Cross. •"'OrtliF grounds, committee, .atd.. the program, conunittee includes Miss 'Dorothy Wil- son, Mr. Jas. Feagan, 31r. Harry Mc- Vreath-,-.)11-svVera-Illickson-,-Mr, ran Wilson and Mi. Harvey Bryans.•• "TO HOLD FBATIT iffrOlir" , COnnty Pruitt Growers' Association to Sponsor Exhibition on November 22n1 At a meeting of the 'executive of the Huron County 'Fruit Growers' A.ssocia- , Owl; held In the agricultural _office itt Clinton, it was decided to hold a county fruit show in the 'Clinton Town Hall on Friday. November 22nd.• tither business -transacted included the dona- tion of $10 to each .,of the following Red'Cross Societies: ;Brussels, Clinton, Goderieli, Schoolr• ;Sections 1 and 2, tOoderich tewnship, LucknovV, "Middle - ton's, •Porter's Hill and Taylor's Cor- ners„ a'. total Of O. Committees for • the fruit show Were named as ;fellows: ]?rise list, Clayton -Laithwaite, Wesley , joynt, Mrs. , D. ,Smith, R. 3, . Mc- Laughlin ; Program and publicity', J. C. Shearer, D. J. Lassaline, George Sower - by, George 'Johnston; hall • arrange- .mentsreSteykarlItiddleton-Jas. IL Stir- ling, George Laithwalt,e, T. J. Salkeld. An invitation is t� be extended to the Huron Beekeepers' Association' to put on a „display ,of 'honey ..at. the show„. , .• • 'EAGLE-1113NT • A, quietwedding took place at 3.30 • o'clock Saturday afternoon, September Ith, at the home of theebride, at Harnul ton, When Ida Jeart.difunt ;and Lieut. Gordon Eeten, Eagle were United- in mariiage., IRev.. °N. D. MaeDonald, D.D., Conducted the ceremony in the presence of the -immediate 'families. The bride eoUisttewooi chiffon With navy blue accessories and corsage :bouquet of Talisman roses. Miss Alice Hunt, Wearing a, soldier blue dress and hat with torsage bouquet of Sweetheart roses, Wa$ her, sister's only attendant. The greonAman was Mr. Fred Eagle, brother .of the groom, • The wedding music was played by Miss Hilda Bor- man •,and, daring the signing of the register,* Mr. ' Howard Vaughn sang rBecange." After the reception Lieuten- ant and Mrs. Eagle lett for a motor • trip, the bride travelling in a navy blue tailored suit with matching acces- sories. ' The bridegroom is the youngest • son of ,Mr. and Mrg. Fred G. Dagle of vvell.known in Goderich. READ ,THE CLASSIFIED ADS curs COSTS WAYS Seieii for • payment a $49 towards restitution, an the balance in live inOnths. 50 ,Cents in Ifsborno "The alternative will be siX Case against Toronto Rroduce Dealen • Pinball °antes ' The survey now being conducted in• Huron county by the 1uq0.U.1). brought Mr. and rs John Applebeek, natives of Germany; to the Magistrate's 'CoUrt last Thursday of charges of failing to register as enemy aliens. The law now requires all citizens of enenay or enemy - held' eountries,,, who •werc not natural- ized -prior to' -•1922, to register. Almost in unison the yOung eonPle, wile conduct a bakery !business in Bay- itelti In the sununer months, 'answered Ike charge; "I am 'very* sorry, but I didn't know." r -Fire4trAirIlir-and-costr'eatit- we levied by Magistrate Maletus, and two weeks' time to pay was extended when the court hardo,lirt47sortold g tha ot ple•ae.Settirlglg againre h A,pplebeck protested that the Ones were too stiff, but Crown Attorney Holmes lost no time in telling him that he and his wife were liable to a ranch larger fine or Oen a jail term. oiliffy7-- Sratirtly-dressed4aineslir‘Hasi . Toronto stocesalesman quietly pleaded y to the_theft...oLtett-shares_of Wright -Hargreaves stock, va.lued at $69;80, from Mrs. Alma Borand, Tucker - smith township. ; 41 am s,atisiled that suspended sent- ence will meet the ends of justice in this case, provided -that restitution Is made and court Costs paid," said, Crown At- torney Holmes. , T. L. Monahan, JC.O, Toronto, said his client was prepared to make a down rout Next Visit to ToRONTO Try HOTEL WAVERLEY Located on Wide, Spadina Ave. • at College St. - - Easy Parking Faollities 'Convenient to' Highways •- $1.n to St 51 Rates. Doable : - S2.50 to UM Four to Rpm, $5.01 to $1.10 4 ' ClOse to the University, Parliament euildings, Maple Leaf Gardens, Theatres, Hospitals, VVheTesale Holism, and the . Pauli tOnabre: Retail •.ShOpping District. A. M. POWILL.. Pnittiormr In jail," added the Magistrate. Clitticeos, bir CeberiSe After 'Waring some astounding evidenee-ineeltief and eross-examinatio a Mrs. Emma Beevers, 51)111114 tiSbOnl township farmer's wife, His - peremptorily Adisatissed the hieken- thieving charges againSt AION. Level* George Swadron, • young Jewish produce buyerS'freni' Toronto. It was a strange tale that Mrs. lieevert4 told of aeeused's visit to the Usborne farm on the,. 12th. of August last. They came while her, hrisband was werking in the harvest lieldS and she was- alone with her , baby. --She claimed that Levene uSed various ruses te oecuPY her tim.e and to distract her attention while Swadron, unnotieed by her, leaded twenty-one' ehiekens into a truck., Reeve* said there Was „a_artat flutter while elilekens- were belncaugiit that"a pig was let lease and had to be reunded UP, and that in the midst of it all the' baby in the heuSe started to cry: But when Mrs. Beevers admitted - signing asales slip diSposin; of Seven of her chickenS or a total of _fifty cents the Magistrate looked askance. "The charges • are dismissed," His definite evidence than Veratitirilifehee counsel, produced a sales slip to show that twe1ve-4not seven -"culls" were purchased from Mrs. Beevers, who re- plied that the number had been. altered_ sine she last saw it. "'Why did you accept such a ridicu- lous sum for even seven chickens?" shg Was asked. . "I• was glad to get rid of them I would hav4 'taken anything," was the reply. . • " *- Pleading. guilty to cominitting an ' indeeeat act,. Henri. Tiderman; Grand Bend youth, was given suspended ken- tence on' ,payment of 'costs, or „twenty days in jail: ' A Legal Arginnent jaines M.P.P., speaker of the iLegislature, . acting for Winters,- Clinton.- poolroom, keeper, argted at length and cited nunierous , references ' to silo*, that q,„municipal: licensing of pinball „games was ultra vires... • • - • . In February of this year Clinton Passed a byllaw putting a $50 license on such contrivances. Winters was re - Notedly warned by Chief Fremlin to take one out, but never did. The muni- ..ciptility decided to make a test ease of it. - - Mr. Clark' said that identical bylaws had be quashed in 9shaiea, and.; fluntSville by :,Justices Greene and Roach and the decisions had • been up- held by the Appellate Court. ° 'It LS only a thinly disguised attempt to Iticense. personal property and Is therefore'ultra vires," said lefr, Clark. is not the propertY, but the. oper- ator who is licensed:" •replied Crown AttOrney Holmes, who said that pin- , If everyone, everywhere, e'hotikt sotoutt to 'Prolecr eye Nervier* the benefit to individuaue and bent* •to the eionntry, Nvould be beyond , would 4')e helped. Mike your • by• 150,1, Cor. Itinisten F. itrinstrong OPT01116TRIST Wednesday stt 4.4404144444ssissimmousimmossaMms, L1gE4-41110VEY 141r;, --and ;Mrs. -402.-A. -Lees of - Stuart Florida, announce the marriage „Of their son, James 'A-., to Miss Ada T. M-Clir,tri, of 71liand, The wedding took place 4 .Miami, on August 22nd, and was a, -i.eiy-,ifiref--thie,;--°dW*ItiirtsuirtZ'Oe- lliithOraW-felati,Ms: 7 Tite-bridege6001 is a nephew of MISS' Annie HaY Plymouth, Mieh., formerly of Goderick - -a.nd-inent-TFOixie of his elilid11004 Irearat ' Goderich and attended Victoria school. The 'con& will' Make their home in Miami, . • ball machines were in the Sante CategOgr as bagatelle ,gairtes, Ana thereforecame under the same section of the Muttleipla Aet,. wh'ieli permits lieensing, Magistrate Makins said he would ro,. 'serve judgment for two weeks. ,•••••717,71 Another Badflight old Getio ' •To the •thetiaSnds 'who t'oar, nig% after night, on' sleepless. beda and tie Vase eyea limber will not To time loio steepin $ kind but -.whoso,. reit is broken liy bftdArearall 11.71d414IIIIITC11. To those who vrake:';.up, in- the morning as tired as en,going to bed, we -offer. in- lalbunt's 11.04th.siol. Nerie I'M a -rphocly to heki soaks and calm the 31eiVell and bring titem back; to a ,perfect condition, 'ma. When is done there should, bo mere 'sloepieis nughts due to 'tered nerve& Tus T. lima= 0..u4., Maria* Oak CHALLENGE TO CANADIANS "FLIGHT ANGELS" OUR liEN GIVE ALL .. , fireside, family, friends, careere. They hold" . nothing back. Unasked, but stirred withm by the urge of.manhood • and pride of race, they go forth bravely to face hardship, lonelinesS and danger, to risk life itself, in a great cause. •• Conant.= Fay' Uttinter in "IbiacYleinfl• - , Matinees Wed. Sat; and holidays at 3 p. \ READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW THEM/ 4'iN EXACTLY/ \• \\ 064,:ttni.:7007, 117* -7A*v7 0, Each pad will kill files *11day stud every day for three weeks. ,23 pads in 'eitth paket; 10 CENTS PER l'ACKUT at Ortiggiata, 'Grown," Cefterni Morisse Van) PAY MORE?, 41114WILS014 MY PAID CO, tiansittoottabs • Emergency Call for $5,000,000 your Calla° for which tb,ey fight, You are not asked -to give your qwn life :---but you can help to save one: The Red, gross, of glorious tradition) . unchallenged in' purpooe, needs your help so that it can answer tanks with ambulances, bombs With beds, horrors with hospitals, cruelty with mercy: Those of Ili at home will not be less loyal, less generous than our fighting men. We can remind them daily of our gratitude and our devotion, through the Red Cross. CA OADHIA...