The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-19, Page 24•-* 9 Nan TWO • THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR • • rit$1)4Z al0f. 111 00114HININ - ntiertril iNguat-iikar Ina GOIME41(11 4IGNAX4 ANP '1'11X ,G0DER.unt Published by Sialuali---Slar Veetai. TaItaitedr Wit *Wet, Cioderieh, Onteeto TVIIURSDAY„ IIITTEMBER 10th, 191.0e BRITAIN IS GRATEFUL nt ever 1 WaS tempted to lealulge in mental slut—whieh, I seldom am, being an incurable optimist—I iteeaforth, Kineardirate •litseter 'and .other tire in this dtstriet ere beiug held this tieelt With a preepeet of fine weather. An. Old Country clergyman says he Mkedlately think of what Canada ie eveaue .1i/iv to eel; every bolWe ne ehe *ging' and go'.:*g to do. That is mt:"re' ,Can vOidi the bacon properly and Make' than enough to knookthe. bottom out an appetizing stew at for a ilia,la to any lit 'of ;blues." 1111b .1.1 t4e ex 'e vet. . And We etippoSe, along with thie pression 4..)f 'Herbert Morrison, 'Supplyea- anainatiOn ' of the bride he would NtInister in the British 'Cabinet It is. haVe"SoMe curiosity ,as to whether the . bridegroom could bring home the baeou„. with fiUlderfeet on dealers. Now tind *ply one ot reOent expressions of apt- , lareciation of Canadian eftott, and not . ', ,i, , . , . again 8nen. stop to peck at'sonietliiiig, -on the ground .. ,. . 'always takine care to I During the last warerrhen' War loans Wok, uP and "watch you at frequent but houl , Wily should be gratifying to Canadians were being raised, local committees interlals. . ,e- Sd be a 'Outo rcontinued and ' . efft in of who so Gredually Oils lien* wilt come elosee xrater eOraid of t , • were fOrraed and a house-to-house cant- to where eatu're sitting., Au, insect oh, . , . . . — - ereI„eY eedour istanee add,W-It,niay,...he necessary to adopt a leaf . ,..e'a elltteringentece o'and en' .ass'and are vass_ _ _ ,.4 1ssfrthankfult for it: ' --'''mr".'-'-----,---' -. '--- - ''',--- --- ---,r--- - • - - - i----- -visaist. - li, ,e,,t4some. kind Will .o.t- -. - assase-eseaseseetiatir means toTrLiiSe -iti18ekesii4nlin#, .. .0 -.. ,In, .resione,to.a..'ea!?le messIge from this, tract her. ,The head bows quickly aria; for (4Overnmellt requirements in gracefully, , . . anti the beak flashes. PhilOstfer of Lazy Meadows 0,141* *URNS. Itid you -ever tvatchet elotat of hees? observ.e elle way tee, average, itraisaeo Sit down, eoxne ra on the hetet stoop dem te meet the ehanenge bp eounty. wilt% the hens ere wandering around now. faces.* Ydumust; go out the- prOvietes, into the the back back kitchen door: You'll find it Into oaies eef the Midlande, the tex- as a.musralt; as a thice"rint; elreus' AS tile matte ,of ItancaShire, the Shipyards Current Views on the War ENGIANI) SUIRTSLEMIES- 4grced, po_dicvhwo.,wut round from _ London may,40 the tale of tate Bottise door to door asking workere to report nopihr, the hnienal. Oty °real on Sunday morning. Cyclists deahed Ihritain, but it is not the best place to Intl) e°14litv- uio vs de to round up couples who had goite of en thole bleyeies. An- nOtineetnellte Weke made that night in U. the pubs and daneehalle At 0 akioek sext morning W. Per tent, of the' workers eloek.eal in 'and ;nloat, of them worked straight through until midnieht. • the posters so fiegrantly say, there's of the 114de,,,,,and 'the collieries of Walete There cliak of pick upon bave pledged theniselves to produce an At cole 'Kea:shire, eolliery the men something doing every minute. Theree talwaysr bound to be ,esi in- ecial. the rasinni/ Of the riVetero, and the roar of etachieery which. goes on elle ton per week additiental for„eeerY ether ooa tame. extra per Weelt--almost entsitive One in thee , Perhaps tweet -four houre a day will, tell you Men and boy einplOyed. At a Clyde - she's the esetssip of the hen -house. At more than 'anything else of.the Erifish side611.1)t Yard a stroyet waput into „leaat she minces along with delete* wOrinnan'e determlnation to make geod the water on a WednesdaY, mid ,Iker deh steps, settle", down 'her Clawed *am- the ' iletielenelee which kfitain nOW boilers were in by the follovviog 'Valeta- , „ faeea. , • day, althotigh this ie normally th,ree tremities with the (dare of a hateWatelag The Raitish, wOrlierti have edught the 11,:ekse job, A,een, wener, ago. •tbm Ads spirit of the 'Men in Th4flk1tL T114 War miralty asked the Manager,Of a factory has euddettly assumed personal signific-I -somewhere in Seetiater if he (veld ante "feet them. •They realize that the' produce a large amount Of a certain are:fighting for their livea. They Ittetw article ha three is 'ender ordinary also that it is their brothers, their &ons,f eonditione the order'would have been' Who are 'waiting, anxiouSly for new. irappasible to fill, but the workers or- eqttipraent More important,. perleapsi:'"'gitelzed teams, werlted like doge, and' they feeathat 'the 'Government, and U*ej in twOdays telephoned the Atinilraite to workine.PeoPle at long lest see,thilieq, *Ate thet the order had been doubled. dem the 'same viewpolltheraeses---- Morrison is partteularly,prontleestetWo During theedrst eight months of the exemples. At one Plant altamen work - wee the - worker' =*e•ere eager to pleY ers. 'had -Just > eonle tia the end"- of,,,the their full part. lxi*War production., but seventh. consecutive 101/e-liper dayeseien it was almost impossible to vitt theirithey diseovered that a eertain' vital Weight lute a War, effort which was; piece of work was unfinished. Without directed WY a Government whichany hint from the foremen they, sent interests. and 't onsidered the poeition they could. Work right on until the Joh thought first af 'all a pelvate business a .deputation to the manager to ask if of British labor almost as au after -1 was finishee. At leather faCtory thought__ There_ was no disaffection ; ' large -naval- gun needed an -elaborate the .working people knew clearly what mechanism' before it could be Shipped the war was about, When !Lord Haw- away, Skilled workmen stayed at their HaVir ii his radiorations from Berlin' beechee for thirty-sis7itikare"-s-freighh claimed that the British worker e were until it wee completed.. , -being usettasa-ettenon fodder by a-Wtalioneir 'resent --eursititeneruptions- cratie politicians, . the workers Just that delay their wort. At one 'Royal latighed: 'Mee lead been keady to Ordnettee -Fatty& 'Where we •photoe oaround shepherding the patient hens smash Hitler long before Britain's graphed the production of guns huge in and argued the lawn. • "Tchga Jjpper claesessharitevene thought...of aps 3.7-'ineh and eresincli auti-aircraft guns Tchgaat . . His call sounds out and 'teasing himwere being hoisted • pia flateers. We the hens come running. Sere ehough, There were no Go Slow" movetrieutSphotographed workmen 'ePvering one'of' he found a morsel of food . . . and ha the faetpries. But neither were the guns with a tarpaulin for shipment, they` rally aroued. Tee etvorite wives there voluntary speed-ups, . and the and then asleed-them to repeat the pro - bristle with jealousy. to see to which Patronizing efforts of the'•_Government cess for another pieture,' They - did, one he'll award it . . . but generally he to spur the workers on had no success, but relectantly. When we. had finished, picks it up to fill his own crop. The Mieietry ef leformation's home the wrinkled • old laborer in charge publieity • section plastered the bill boards, the pubs and the factory gates with red posters which warned "Freedom Is in Peril. Defend It with All Your Might," arid "Your Courage; You're -Cheerfulness, Your ' teaolution Jeaaadais Prime-xinister, Bit -141m- W4 -war. --There 'are maw 'people' who Witleu-sidewaes jerk of -hel• head silent peck at it. But in at second the head is up erect "again and 'one eye will look you over from head to foot. ' Watch .lier for in hour end she'll keep on watching you. 'What is it thet makes a heu so distrustful of a hurnae 4 I' i.tckenzieIingtO'Rt. Hon. Winstm .CkureldU, expressive of *Ympathy with the people of the :United Kingdbm in this time of special stress, cannot be readied in arty other way ;than by iersonal solicitation. . • 1 , . This has been-. a rather, uneventful the British Prime Minister cabled ; iyear for Goderich, So far as community I um touched the personal 'kindness of Tour telegram and alL undertakings are eoneerneu. 14'4) our people are cheered' and, fortified to feel that Oanada Is with the inother country heart und soul. The fine Canadian.' divisions 4"'*'---4--wh1elx-areestandingeonaguarriewitlet— ' is will play a notable part should . „ th enerav succeed m setting foot be different next year, when there will Dominion Day celebration, no Rower' show, no fall fair„no town 'heed. If it weren't for the war activities and ,the.-exeiteMent ovei the Airports,,it might be dubbed •Dulltown. It should on our shores. I am .very glad to. have this oP- portunity Of thanking you personal-, ' ly for all you have done for the eommon -cause and especially in promoting a harmony of sentiment throughout the New World. This, . deep understandingwill be a dominant factor in the rescue of Europe from a relapse -into the • Dark Ages. ' • .. On behalf of the 'Government end. - "-people of the United Kingdom r send you heartfelt thanks .for your memorable message. Neteemly Caeada, but Australia, §Outh Africa: and ther parts of the tir-ilung Empire are -rallying mightily to the support, of the mother .country. :Countries deleted to peace all of them are but wnea they are aroused as they now are they are invincible by any. Staualknation. ef Fueltrers and Duces that Europe can produge. FEDERAL .110USING PLAN The cost of building material in - Goderich is a question- at the pre- be hundreds, perhaps thousands,' of eireeetr-t-o-beeentertained. - • The lima estimate a the 1940 wheat crop of Western Canada Is over cigo,o0o,coo bushels. Added rto the carryover from last year, this enemas Canada will have 7'60,000,000 busbels of which only a fraction will be re- eteired for home consumption. Great Brittle is practically the -only market available for the surplus, and,jt can take only about one-third of it for a year supply. Wbat . is to be dene with the ret: of it. is a• problem that is worrying the 'Government, the wheat trade, and, the prairie farmers. = -May I hel.P you with your problem of reorganization- of the personnel"-- shOuld the sentence be ended with an interrogation mark or.a period •,( ? or .) ? This was a question upon which, the Supreme 'Court of the State df New York reentle- handed down 'a thirteen - page opinion. The ,case erose from a being? Perhaps she's read too many oe those continued love stories that We usedqo paste up on the inside of' the henhouse to keep the north wind front blowing in, tiering the winter -time. Another lesson in conceit is the ap- pearance -of-the -rooster. 7 -Strutting -so proudly .with a ruffled neekpiece and a bristling set of tail feathers, he'll march Of course, in considering the matter, one has to admit that the rooster may be taking his cway of giving the hens' a' few lessons. He may be trying to illustrate to them an moral such as "Fowl who cackle• are entitled, to eat shuffled up to us and said, 1.'ea, men probably, died •while .you held us ilia", And he didn't. say it with a smile on his ;face, either, . •• • —The New Republic. (New York). .,•*This was in 'skint before the recent what they find" . . , -or, well, some Will 'Bring Us Victory." But the aver- •air fassaults on London. other fowl philosophy. On the •other1 age Worker,. irritated by thetone of * hand. perhaps I should havespelled! these peetere, einay-tarned theraelete — Tim ,PRICE-OF-VEA,CE"---('-'',--- that "aloe' philosophy:'' - • a proteat against the Chamberlain Gov- The 'Frencheleeders who tortk•Fraace Another interesting thing to watch .erimient, and retorted, "Yee Our Cour out of the war last June imagined that is the marathen contest of endurance age, Our cheerfulness, Out. Resolution their eountry• wand gain more by sur - when you throw a crust of bread to a Will Bring 'Yon Victory • render, and save More from the wreck number Of ,chickens. Some swift footed Inimedtately. The Churchill Labor age,. -than if they continued the war little hetis ili dart in and pull it out Party combination took control, the from colonial :soila They are now dis- from,Under the very beak of a waddling, attitude of the workers chanced. Clem covering:how little they can' save: The lazy -like Buff Orpington, , There's all Atlee, Greenwood, Herbert ° Morrison MinistrY of Finance at •Vichy has an. the difference in speed of a feat little (the tough little cockney petit -lea' boss nouneed that the (Alicia cost ,of th4 torpedo boat. and a slow -gaited rolling who became, Mehister. of ,SePpiy), end German occupation is 400;000,000 francs 4 ' aircraft carrier Ernie Bevan (the berry kiss of 800,000 -a day, Or almost hay of the daily cost of The little hen will dart along like transport workers wile took on the the war while France was e water snake on the smooth, surface job of Minister of Labor and National This colossal figueeeloee not Include -the of the Maitland River. Thinking' that Service) all speak the workers' expenditures of German soldiers and she has outgalted all her rivals, she'll .language. The personal spurt British visitors., who pay for their f.`purchasesS -(eattetaneeltert tie is be7onddoubt a eiviI 'seta -ice -eketniliatiPti ii '..'whieh stop 0-'010 her Morsel: Just ,ahoilt. workers haveput on to Meet theneeeein paper eattrks. Ie does not include serious ...shortage Of houses of the seventeen.persons whe fayored the the time that :she has laid it down set by this new Government hes been the ceaseless requisitiPningeof French !melte; class:The Dominion Housing! interrogation Mark were held to . catefully, and snaked a peck along the ainazing. _From, all over Ileitahl ceme foodstuffs end other suPPlies, nor the o _sbe side . . a., White Leghorn,. white and `ateriee of eletoet euperhunme effort te Ad, effective. as ,revised of and froMI,weong. and 'Subsequently' petitionet-awm, will bear down leenat-it •up "get oe alith;athe Ole', Of producing lanuary. 1st,. 1940, etplains that it IS against the lolling, The learned judges and set off. By • this tune the slower badly needed inteittiOns and suppliee hnpp °SOW' to sset figures , that eoeld found that the petitioners were right, members the dock will have caught :On Saterday afternoon, June 16, the „_ureto the party awl they will set off in directors.of several textile mins in Otte • apply to the whole of Canade, owing, that the Sentence celled' for an inter:, a dogged Ind determined receleed ' to. "geographical tondition§, trahsportael "ration maric:; but how they managed . the one carrying the crust. Morrison's" office way after Lancashire town asking thecalls from m to keep ,se Sim(' Wage rates building- codes, and to occupy thirteen'. pages with- their. This game Of "drop the crust" will going over Sunday and for seveir days munaCipai laws Figureseareegevenaodecfsioes we ease oelyagueeseellow_elers sheenoulle.forefrefwe- sWesev‘ingeleteed* amvateekethereattertseeeestereaseetweaera; h forth across the back yard, one of the pleyees had already knocked off for owever, to show that if a:persoe has a thirteen pages from a Supreme. Court . • fleetest -footed meMbers of the flock the week -end, but the directors prompt - tot, or can provide -$500, the Dominion' should settle the. matter, even if coin: will finally. pick if tip and set off fir will advance $2000 to enable that Mon sense did not. s.* • s • the barn. The strange collection will person to build a home at a :cost of 12,500.. ,Suclt a loan would be repay.- Medical scientists unearth some queer able in monthly instalments Of $17.25, things. The latest—so far es we have of Which $12.08 Would be applied:on heard—is. that "a deficiency of vitamin the lean the balance, 4 17, being Bl, and not alcohol, is the ettuse of estimateeletesseaseerataxes.-- ----reflehtrasemensetesallbeemedieals,:ftniie For a $3000 home, the total mmithlyi.ing is that alcohol taken 1n Mtge „. payment would be $20.69,- divided as !enanttties over a prolortged period follows: $15.69 on loan and $51or taxescauses loss of aPpetite, and the. loss .of e. Higher -priced' houses - are 'figured on appetite results in a relative food loss the same scale, but no house under the with attending defieiency- of vitamin Act ierellowedee cost More than $4,000,1B1—aite then the de's. But did the •• which ineldides the twenty per centmedidal scientists ever hear of a person - equity, or $900 supplied by the bor- t starving.from any other cause than tor, /twee , • . • rauch alcohol who saw the pink Any house bent under the provisions elephants and other phenomena that af.the Doniinion Housing Act must be are ,said to accompany ehronie alcohol , eonstrueted accerdin' g to working ewe_ ism? UnlesS they can produee such • hip furnished by n the Department a eese, their latest. disePeery amouete „These drawings, or plans, are aid to be ' to nothing,. and- it Is still true that • eomplete and will enable a *competent !alcobol is the Cause of delirienit tremens- - —feetlitiete—atetkateiy-ThS-ei the; starved condition be,ing onier an again'" Before the battle flags :are various- quaistitiee:Of 'Material requVed • for any, of the different prieed • • • . only Europe, but Africa and. Asia, in. ; - houses.. * . The Signal Star does not pretend to The Church of England „in, Canada, the vat -loos cainintignsfor the rooting ' express any (minket as to the eost ef by resolution at the meeting of t4 out. of the elerneets thathave brought !., ' building niaietial in •Goderich in coie. • ebtireh heads. at Stratford last wear. the world to itspresent state'Even , • parison with other towns somewhat has taken. a step whieh 10trill.relieee the afer hostilities ceasethere Will be a almilarly*situated, though at the m,eet- Mother church in • England. of annual lot of Police work to be done, and all • ' ,-•uig of the Board of Trade held on the contributions to the Canadian chureh, this will take years., atPireep of nearly 2,000,000 Fee lt men, womeit and Children, Wiusse hoe** prisoners ha Germeny. It doeta not anal tenements had been destroyed, were I.aegin t& netude the humiliation that clothed ane fed, For Stic1& tiee13 tie must be burning the liearta and -sande these the Red erarea Wale Ineuey. Geier of millions: of "Frenchmen sieve the - est ablisiament of the Petain regime. Can any rifueliman now say- that France tele wod.1 "peaCe"? Can he feel sum that her fate is More tolerable beause her elosternment surrendered? , • e--Nery 'Xork Thews. When Germany's •blitzlarieg struck the TIritish Isle, the importance of *Canada's -contribetion to Red Cross be- eame fully seen. • More than five rnU- lion ranging from ainbulances to clothing, had been shipped to Britain, ready for the demands whit+, dlooded British relief wprkers. Thousand* of , when yon are aaked. and give mere their you can Spare. • a`"'"/ . • t),,'.11 e Table Changes Effective SUNDAY', 8EPTEMBER29, 1940 s Fill ititoiliatien. from .Agents adian----NOtion01 Railways r ' strength, pure... thanks wrapper ' MAO! IN " CANADA • a ' "....••••• la. generally disappear wider a bunch of Iturdecks at the end of the barn . . . ,or else slip into the square hole in the hen -house door; and another sideshow of the appearance has been concluded. For. general amusement -on the. farm an !Mite- wit ttletteeefle)reLefoixens-Inee' tew—rivalS-77-"'-`7 - , Regular shipments -i of - woollens, medical su Plies and other materials are sent to Canada's sOldiers who are , on guard at one of the outposts of the Empire, the strategically located island of Iceland. To relieve the burden .on sVoilsers .in Britten, where the . air at!. -tacks ,ba've- ereatedetremendotteeneeds, the Canadian Red Cross is assigned the task Of stipplying Iceland's needs.' ' To keep up this Work, and the countless other. duties plated on the Red, Cross, :money is needed. '"When the -appeal le made .to you, give, and give atoreet.iferr you an spare. ,,,e; - intermediary stage. furled, Canadian soldiers may see not - 0 9th instthe cost of Material, locally, antothating to about e230,000. 'Most of * ,was said to be high. ° this money has been used for mission- . Prospeetile builders Who are in e ary, work in Weeterp and Northwestern. ' Position, to 'provide a toe or oneaftfth Cenada, and the Missionary 'Satiety of of the total coat, Might find the monthly the Canadian church now pledges itself lhaelnent plan an accePtable:. Way of to raise within 'Canada the amota Procuring a, homewhich has been „relittgelehed. This ... The 'fit-Titre:4 given above covei A splendid action of the Church orEngee twenty ear perioat Should the bor. 'land in Canada will relieve the hard - rower be able to increase his monthly l'Preesed people of the niother coutery etihymente In Order to clear, off` the :tilt ties time of etnergency, and While enetimbrance hi lest; that) twenty years, enlargingthe responsibilitien of the he eart ef coutse do so. In,the xnean,;,thurch in 'this' coentry will give it in time he can .live itt .a house of which 'cr•eased stature as 'a aelf-suppertieg ife12 prantieelly the owner, but should • hoda'a It Is a great anti Memorable step, . - lie be .overtaken, by adveree eircum- in the IlletorY of the Cliureb. etanees; Ite, has not been paying more s* „ * • than.a normal 'rent. , If anyone la building' upon the idea a abort war, he ehould get rid of • EDITORiAT. NOTES- the idea and elter his plans accordingly. ',So far de the Itritiall Empire La cons r. • SePtemher hes reformed- '1 (*rued, tie war so far le only in lie • * preparatory a stage. . The invasion a 4)Id London is seerred !int not scared. Europe 1y Itritiall troller; cannot be • e , undertaken before next y'ear, "and it Japanese air raiders. Ilac damaged will' be a lekag, hard straetigle before several mission hospitals lid China. The the Nazio give up the (gbt As I)efence Nipponese are apt MmHg of the German Minister Hatton aald the otiler dee, !marauders. „. 4`47ana'da and her ;allies ere determined not '.only to win, the war bat aloe to q'bis ie the weok we givglitt be: bovine,' ',Neat' up 'the whole European •eituation the 4.;4rotlerielt Insluetrial Exhibition. Go that St1(°11 wt sr will net happen "WilitNIN6- NEW FRIEN05 EVERY PAY" WHITE ROSE MOTOR OIL •' / CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES, . LIMITED 1:7 id no* °get JUST. LIKE niionisa NO POLISHING Simply pour *little Hawes' Flair Gloss an lineleuntortlsoaspread lightly with cloth or Ilaniehandied*PPbee-t t twenty minutes it will ;Weaving &beautiful wear resisting polish. H AWES 7toodz _cco:;; „. Round Trip Bargain Fares:, . , . SEPT. 2743 from -GODERICH , To Stationenishavra and East to Cornwall inclesive, Uxbridge, ' • ' Lindsay, Peterboro, Oampbellford, Newmarket; Collingwood, Mee-. ford, Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and 'West . . • to Beardmore. as. Also to Brantford, Otertham, Goderieh, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound,' 'St. earthier/ties, , st. Marys, Oarala, Stratford, Stra,throy, wo.odstoek., • . •, J .p.m.78,irs septa 27_ TRAI.NS Sept. 28 . To TORONTO • SEE , HANDBILLS POR COMP.I.JEOI LIST OF DESTINATIONiii. . • . For, Fates; Returns Limits, Train In/forma/Uwe .Tiekette , • . cites iConsult nearest Agent ••T f)71 • -ea-, NADI N NAT1ONAL n a 1 oI Idays ' • • • • , . . . • • • • • • .• 1. s when HYDRO servants do the work ...Labor Day beta gone its .way—iracatiOn time's OVel* for another year—bui, the smart Hydro houses Wife cad still take time out every day for a•holidey from old.fashioned, toil. Ibi her spotless, mociern kitchen, A 'flanieless Eleetrie Range cooks the automatically while she relaxes . . Again, , she has a -coniplete. electrical latmdry. to tub and . • • iron the .weekly 'washa-a illYdxo Water Heater for • everyday a!elerfra-tieanceds . • All though the house, convenient, work -saving electrical servants do her bidding at the snip ,Of a switch! Is this lucky lady rkla? Not a bit of it! Ther4 dozens . like her on nearly aery street—smart worneu who have wakened up to the real economy of using ail the Hydro .trower they can, Take their tip study the chart at left . ;the more end use rlydro St more you get for your money/ H0.41 THE NYD 0 -ELECTRIC POWER OONMISSION OF ONTARIO • 9' • •