HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-12, Page 8- Nal THE G0t)ERICH SIGNAL -STAR SI4 T. 2t, 194y NEWS OF AUBURN letiteStiltN, Sept. it -Ms _MarS Asquith *ft en Monday to atteud the *awl of Pitaisnaey at Toronto, lii**4 Joan SIK'PPard E,pent, the week- illod With. Miss Phyllis Manning of tondeehoro. Jae le Weir, son a DiS. l'As C. 'Weir, Was called to tile R,C.A.V. last Thure- day. Jack 'is at present statioued at 'the Alannipg Depot at Toronto, engaged In elerieal work,. Mrs. David Shannon of Forest: and "Atr,, wad Mrs. Jobn MacKenzie. of -Sass, wereevisitea• Iaerisreeeirssosltits,Mr, end Mri. de-ire-MIMI, Taylor. Those front 'here who attended the Huron -Presbytetial meethro at the 'Meissen Presbyterian chfrielion Tues.. ..siety were Mss josephint Weir, lIttrs Edgar 'LaWson, Mrs. F. Ross, Mrs. jis. Howitt, MrS. Wesley Ilradnoelc and 5 Mrs, Jolau Wili3On. . Air. Pf'reY Xliegislut, 'Perry MI Douglasi of Oakland, spent Sunday with Mr., and 'Mrs. John "Yunghlute, Recent visen itors with Rev. d Mrs. II. C. Wilson were David Eastman, of Edmonton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gregg and Mrs. Carl Gregg, of •Oorrie. .. ' Mr. and Mrs, T. ,Cayley andHeo leest Port Dover. vislted wM ith r. and Mrs. 1 - Robert Scott. • The monthly meeting of Ihe Women's' Institute will be held in the Foresters' 1. riallean Thursdays September 19th. This ' is Grendnaothers' Pay and the , program will be in charge a the grand- mothere, with Mrs. Her , 1 g convener. Uoll call -"Date of your .. weddings" %I. ' 'Gordon. :Taylor, Mrs, 'VV. T. Robison, 'Mrs. Geo, Beaus- MrS',, O. A Erratt, and Mrs. 'Washingtoie„ 'Will • the ladies please note the ch4nge of date? , , M. Robert" Seott received, painful ins, juries on Friday, at the farm of Herman Duet, where. he hed been showing Mr. Deer how, W Operate a new threshmg. Machine, lie wee bolding a, team of ,300* witeeTter became frightened, •and'r januned-•hire -against a fence. Three ritss were broken.") '1. .; T e local 'prawn of the Red °roes :- elti ' (1-i,thel following- articles to head - 41.1 1 tr:11'40 pair of Socks, 4 scarfs, "ir l'wristlets, 16 Hampton pads, nen 'Janie% jackets, 18' hospital ! ••4' an. ,sone quilt. . i,4 t'l iversary.--:Successful an- sary , erVices were...silted 111 tile tiet ,Chttrch on Sunday; with ,ReV, ' , 4 English Dinner' Sets $14,15 to $45.6 1S'efaThiay be piece )at' uny time, SMITH'S ART 16 GIFT STORE East St Phone 193 „ A. J. Milligan • ox Goderieh as guest speaker. The fioral display Wa5 licau- tifuLineXcellent piece ef art. Rev. A. U. Silver presided at both, serviZes. In the afternoon- Mr. Ililliganeueed his sermon subjeet, "God," while et the, evening service he preached on'"Vhrist, the Silent Knocker," his text beieg from Revelation 3:20. Ties Gospel Male Quartette of Stratford rendered three 'numbers at •each eervlee. Anglican 'Ladies' Angliean LadiesAid held their monthly meeting at the leome of Mrs. Clifford Brown on 111111111111111111111111011010 ONTARIO PLOW '-'jnternationa, OCLATION atch and FARM NIACHINERY DEMONSTRATION ONTARIO HOSPITAL FARM — Just south of '4t. Thomas • OdObck 15, 16, 1.8,1940 T . A. CARROLL---Manager F. S,.';'TilONIA -S---4ecretar7 Parliament Buildings; Toronto Local Corn., St:ThOmas. aissormiumminsmanft, Wednesday. Mre. Gordon Taylor pre- sided. Mrs. ThomaS ,Haggitt Wad the lie ds also a member of the Goderich Seripture and Mrs. Wilmer Niehol,son Collegiate Institute - Board and for led in prayer. Letters of thanks were many years Was eleels of the village. received from Mrs. R:', M. Weekes tor On ',their silver wedding anniversary s ge• ssg, Ilaulat gliton and the e Mr. T. •A. liaughton, then of 'Churchill, Out, Except for a Short time epent in Nova Scotia, after their marriage. they have lived here eonetantly. Mr, Asquith foriherly taught school, teaeltiug for live ysrs at .Churehill, also a short time in Saltfoyd. He was in the apple evaporator intsitiessIor some time, but ince 'the searcity of the fruit he baS suceeSsfully, carried on a woodwork shoP- Mr. and Mrs. Asquith are active members of St. Mark's Anglivan church where A.squith bas been eeeretary- treasuree for nearly tWentY-tive Years- Social eVening 5.1teatlaY, 151th, at Kingsbridge Boy AleKenzie's Orcheetra: Adtaission 35e, Far -coat display at Miss M. R. Ma Vie.': store ThursdaY, Sentember 19th. Latest styles. Call and. see them, ' 47 The regular meeting of Kmix eintrch will be held in the lecture room a the church on Tuesday, September 17th, at '3 ‘p.m. Mrs. II. Drekine, leader. -of groats 3, Will have elstarge letters and a gift he 'had received dur-' the celebrants reeeived many beautiful . and the topic from tile study book will lug her recent ilinees' also a leiftand meage of conratulation tter of be given bY Mrs. Rs , thanks from 1.r. B. t1. Weir for the pen The Goderielt „Township North Epd and pencil set given, hire by the Guild •Red Cross Sodety branish will held 111 appreCiation•for keeping the chnrelitheir'nootithly meeting, at the home Of lawn in such , excellent .conditiem. Mr. J. W. SaIkeld, Bayileld read, on Mrs,. James 'Nieholsort ,offered. her home Tuesday, 'Septeinbers 1,7th, at 8 p.m. OBITUARY Mdl4. A. All interested are welcome. T. R. Nesbitt, gave a reading on the 23rd Rundle, Seerelo47- a reading ream' Work 'Means Pro- 2l;t11,121'stnit alg.ea(IllSaatut r0e(iVn'tr$Itseenihrofi Psalm. Mre. Alvin Leatherland gave for the November reeding. Miss, Mary A. native of Gielerich, Mabel' Leuise Henning, wife-, of A. R, B. -HuteltiSen Of bistowele died. in that town on Mon- day, ..S.Wrember 2nd. in. her sixty-, t 'gees, • a... eeeend ye r Sh h d bee a . e 4 Dr: nder auSpices of Central Houle- and 1- -Association. Phone 456 if s town, she spept her early years ' XS" The `• regular nieeting' of the Arthur , vs. Gordop Taylois after *Welt. mach health toe some time daughtezotig ^Was Served by the hostess. - • tile late Mr. and 'William Henningdonations are. to be called fore. 37-$ For Results -, Classiliet Ad _ _ ATERFIIONT, WITH MODERN inenIseee cottage. Water, sewer, light. Or part. CHARLES HEIALE, Bennett St, Goderich. 2.01tf Birthday Celehration.----John 110- oe set Cirele auxiliary -of 'Knox ehurch will Reight celebrated his' , seventy -Arid here and In 1918 was married to Mr. . 16th, MreesAlhert Taylor, will besthe guest speaker. NUS', George MaCEwan, will give the report of the Presbyterial rally held.atHensel'. All the mem- hers are asked to be presept. as there is important business to be discussed: bittliday last Thursday end a surprise reesecieson, ie ussese ;sask , su e VAS ft be held on Menday evening; SePtember 'party Was beld-in his honor at his home sse.eideitt:tif -1.01SIOWe1 Ir -the /eat 'WV, that ei-enine". Mr. Manight was born teen years. Beside*, her husband, one. at Nile, being thesson of Mi. and Mrs, brother and two sisters survive: Wm. McKnight. At the age of eighteen Hares- „Henning, • of Indian. Head, lie learned thecarpenter trade. Forty Sask. ; M. It A. Anderson, of TAM - years ago he atarned Mmnie Steele, 1„does ontesand :Mrse.F.' a Smythe, +of to Auburn. The guest of 'Slitenor was at Listowel Wednessclay of last week a bake sale Saturday, -,September 14th, . Ahraeek Chapter, lap win hold 111(1 thirty-six years ago theY -moved %Calgary, Alfas- illse funeral toek. Place mail courier for some tune before the 0. Ps -R. line carne 'through .Auburn, ,He* has two brothers, William'of Nile' awl James -or Goderich, and,three sis- ters, Mrs. Charles Chrystal (Sarah), of Regina, Mrs. W. Scott (Belle) ef Rosetown, Sask.„ and Mrs. David John- ston (Agnes) of Nile. A beautiful -Rake adorneft-the- table, -itebeing-sthe gift, of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Carrick of•Goderich. Those present or the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd Fer- guson, Bill and 'Lois, of Clinton; Mr.,1 an:id Mrs. Chas. , Love, Shirley and Marylite Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Love and Edna; Mr. and..2Ars. Carrick, all of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kniglite-Dersisetijaelsie sand ESIrtle. the 'village. Silver Wedding. -Mind Mrs. Chas. •Asquith celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on. Friday, Angust 30. AINks:' Asquith was formerly Ardy =Haughton, daughter of Mrs. tkad was attended by g 1u.mber of Goderieh friends. MRS. -WM. 0(RILINSON Leaving 'Phd Mend i and neighbors to •mourn their loss, Mrs. Collinson, • widow .02 the late William Obllinson, passed to her eternal rest on September 4th at her home in Goderivh. She had been in, failing° health for some time, 1 on' Thursday, September 10th, a but, although age brought on increas- • The regular meeting 02 Victoria at 1 p.m. in O'Brien'a meat store. Pro- ceeds to. be donated to • the Navy League. •s "The vvill meet on Tuesday, Septeinher 17th, at Mrs R. T. Phillips, East street at 3 pon. It is hoped all the members will be present. • The regular meeting of the Gotlerich *wnships-Uospital -Auxiliary' will. b held at the honze of the,Misses Curwen frailness, It Old not dim her mem- ory, and hersconversation to the last revealed an itetive mind: Born in 1855, of Seottish parents, deeeased be- fore her marriage was Catherine Mc-: s Leech, She, ;Yves , steers:led- some sixty, theee years -ago- and she and, her hus- band, who died Afteen years ago, spent mes.t ofetheir lives on •their farm in Colborne township. Sne leaves ;Me son, and three daughters, joists. and. -Mary at home, Mrs. Sant :Mitchell. of Colborne tovens.hipesind Mrs. Albert- aegele 9f Thorndale; also six gre.nd: children and four great-grandchildren. Two sisters, Mrs. Hogarth and Mrs. Roberts ef Detroit, also survive. funeral serviee at her late home was conducted by Rev. A. •C. Calder of St. George's 'Anglican -church. The re- • mains were interred in the fstmily plot in Colborne 'cemetery, the pallbearers bg-snither Allin ,Fred Mugford, Charles yidean and Conrad Bissett. , uIEODDEXPEISE 'D'o YOUR expenses threaten tO pull oose‘firom their tmoortngs and soar away like Captive balloon's in a gale? Fear Not! Your our Food Stores, best friend to many' q budget, his a way Of CusOuiring' food prices to earth! Just look at these low prkes! And r my! What delisioimthiyigtyiucimat-low A&P prices! sThes:yery sight of them will make you ,rav"enOUiri-lhiii7407.;:tOni4;•Saire CLARKS c061),11 ethsties osonerlErever SOUPS koivIA,TO , CIAltIVS PORK 61. BEANS, TAOS'S. . IRISH SIEW 11 cIu,SPA.GOETTI $ • MEATS EVAK MILK A P 3 22t ,SOLEX LAMPS 254 -INZE 60. eit' 20t WAXBEANSiona• Cut217c. ac GREENBEANS Iona, 20-onz. 8c LOBSTER.'extatt--- ffit 27c, SALMON 15t 2it OLD DUTCH TOMATOES seeelee, rirezeis A & P COFFEE viGo*Otis AND WIWI: BOICAR, urf.0 AND blE/idW • 8. O'Clock1-1b* 35 a- RicAxn-roLt-tiontErrag• ited.Circle _ SOAP -CHIPS sulk . 4-1b. RAISINS- fluk 1[0c LARD S1innytie-14--- 'ib '8c lack ANN PAGE Peanut Butter Shortening ctv Cleanser Iona This'19t 2 28 -oz 21 •Tins. C OLD CHEESE •Th. 23t MILD CHEESE the 19t 3 MINUTE OATS 21t SPORK. Tin 30t SOAP Wodky' 2 cake,150 SOAP 'wait. 3 cake. 14t. CRISCO 18 4 47t CORNED BEEF "I 16c CORN 3 2lifirs. 25c PEAS, Atte 321* •2St A&P,BREAD Me.. or otkokiid • ANN PAGE WHITE" -- WHOLE WHEAT OR CRACKED WHEAT Lyon's Tea, :,BLACK 011ie • 1/24b. • 39 Label Pkg. C Yellow • 4,4b. . Labe! Pkg. • lbs' 23c mccoontews - CHURCHILI. ,CREAMS 7c CAKE FLOUR sw—dmi kg 23c SARDINES csgatlin Tin 1 1 c Luncheon Loaf liediunks CHOWDER - Twit Fish Flakes CHILI .•001I CAME INFANT. FOODS... FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES. , APPLES GRAPES ONIONS pomestk: Giade nutheos tat 25c . adiforma 2 ibs,194 mink Tako • ytalfl*crot4 Pc LEMONS 147116fti Doz. 130 11411411 COMM •° CABBA011 kw 9c rum czar CELERY HEARTS P SEILF-SERVICE FOOD STORE Alta 021444.1116 it! TM 4111344M know VACHIC '1114 CO 4 tam. mai rlt 1111111CT 101C112.$ 24 • MRS: .TESSIE STIVEN ,KERR •Thes death_ Of e„Mre. sJeSsie „Stiven Kerr, in her ninetieth year, occurre,d at her home on Elgin avenue on Wed-- nesday.mornhig, September 4th. Mrs. • Home and School Club will be held on Thursday, September 19th, at $ 'Ante* iand4a speeial invitation is extended to Ithe parents of tillskindergarten pupils ,Rev. C.' L. Brown will be the speaker; iiIIS—sulajec,ti "Astronomy." .44, inter- esting" 'Musical program- has been ar- ,ranged, and a good attendance rs hoped The Signal -Star eells for $2 to any • address in •Canada and ie worth more, Look at yourslabel'; it will show the 'date up to vvisich 'Your subserhstion• is paid. To REasn.--sum,r, FURNISHED 'APARTMENT. Garage if (*eked. M. W. IIOWETae 37-tf. It SALE. BARIMEr.ET pmito. NOTICE U P. LASHDROOK, 30' Wielder street, Britannia, Road,. Clederlehs 30, LAURA • M. ,TACKSON', ' ' - Teacher of. Piano and Theoryof haiDungannon les eakitCheap, MR. DD. 130WEItS, Dungannon 37-8 ' or una, MAX HOFFMAN, 12 Chee-E-e nut Street, St ThomaS. 364x FOR sALE.-410-A01111 FAUM, TWO . Gesteei• for 'ccts ply toash, or part cash on terms. Britannia RdAps NE,ARBY ROUTE OPIThiestinduetrions Man - eau earn better than average isteome. Sales way • up this year. Complete line household neossIties establiSbed 00 years. Permanent— No experience needed. *Write ellAWLEIGH"S, Dept, Kess:No. ML02104, MOutreal, Canada. 37x ;essessesesessesemeaseasieWiloseeelessaies• , . • CLEARINO AUCTION SALE AliCTTON SALE oF HOUSE NX�J.NGS_AND, OTHER. _sale TILES, •We are instructed by Ure. M. War - rack to eell by public auctien at her home, corner of -Quebec and Essex - streets, on I • TITESDAPiT'SliPZ. WORK- Mivo idss-staralsly Pod , commeneing at 2 o'clock: ' Wages. RefereneertgiUsired. 'Box 44,- * 1 extension -dining table, 2 wicker SIGNA.L-STAR. • 37z chairs, 1 eideboard, 2 lewn chairs, 6 dieing hairs, 2. oak rockers, 1 splendid •library table, 1S -good, weinnt dresser,sie good walnut chiffonier, 1 Wilton rug, 1 A'xadneter nog, 1 single day bed, 1- Quebec cook stove and pipes (Sa- say is 1 Quebeeheeter, 1 set At sprbigS,. books, pictures, diahes, ,glassware, jem jars and numereus other articles: • Everything a.dvertised, will be paid, as Mrs. •Warrack is. leaving Goderich. TERMS -Cash. •' 37 T. OUNDRY & • SON, Auctioneers. • FOR SALE .p)R ALE-STOREII :seSELVTAG, counters, tables and cash register. Apply -to M. ROBINS, Goderich. 37 • CLEARING AUCTION SAL7 CLEARING ATJCTiON SALE OF FARM STOOK; IMPLEMENTS, ETC. - • ' At-Waikerburn, two miles' south of Kerr bad been 'ii declining hbalth for . Aubuiie on . , the last few years,. but wily on Sunday SATURDAY 'SEPT 14th - did her condition become • serious. ' ' - Deceased born. M 'Arbroath, c'mmeneing at 1•30-.Thm* - ‘Sfisess-Willis We-e-S13.—erbrifIred-' 'X"ssislYle'em., als-its--J, -4-2ga•Zgsssn, filAsstr man Who bore the same name as lie • r -"' ; -. -a-e- ag-"' naaTe• .•-• -'2.1.'"' - father',- William Stiven, and from this " Cattle. ---;r1 Hereford cow aged 7, bred marriage came 'ft -son , who also wes July 26th ;. 1 black cow 9 years old, named William. She came- to this bred May' 31st ; 1 Polled Angus ow 9 country with her husband in MS awl, years old, bred • June 8th ;1_ Hereford ,settled, in Goderich, where she had cow 5 years old, bred dune 10th; 1 -Hol - lived ever since. Some time after her stein cow 7 years old, bred dune 12th.; first husbapd's death she married 1 ,blue eoW 6 years old, bred Aug. 151 Robert Kerr, and he also predeceased 1 _Holstein cow -6 years old, just fresh - her. The only surviving relative is enedT1 Hereford cow 5 yeaTS, and ,calf her son, •Williara, who has been living 8' months old, sucking; 1 Hereford cow ,with his mother and taking care of her age 4 years, bred July 1.2th ; 1 white cow age 0 years old, bred July 23rd; for a number of years. 1 red now age 12 years, bred. July 18th ; A private funeral service was held. ' 1 white cow age 5 years, bred July, at the home . of the deceased lady on 30th ; 3 steers, 2 years .old; 9 steers Friday, afternoon tied Was conducted rising 2 years old; 7 calves 4 months by Rev. D. J. Lane. The pellbearers James smei., .olel ; 1 purebred registered Scotch were -MiChael ' Ohler, .'"'" shorthorn 'heifer, due. Dec. 248.1940, at Joseph Ssvatheld, •Charles ' Gooier, Da- ' age 2 years and seven monthg old; vid Munre.; and. Thomas Anderson: In 1, Durham caw 3 years •eld, Ate to terment was in Maitland cemetery. ' ' Scotland, the drhter a Mr. and. Horses. -1 bro• wn-hOrs,e • 6 years old, 'Fon sArraq..---,sywkNo umanNE,‘ peyeeer eondition; real bargain. Machine overhauled; special for one • month, $2.00, New or Used machines, caSh or terms.. •Liberal trade-in. alloWs once. P. STUBBY, •Singer Store. Motto' 33.37x” FoiiTsALE._GatkvoL, lasQ. P0Airs APP1-$:s4c.:4*._44440"T'' 4, Godexech, , ' YYPT411) VOR GIVM11,2410-:- housework in' family of three; Plain. cook; •sleep out.. 'Write Bess 42, SIGs NAL -STAR.. • 36-t4 ANITD.--,MAI9bs Mat ROUSE - SALE BY. TENDER . SALE • BY TENDER --PROPERTY OF LATE JOSEPH DALTON. WAA.ID NTED.-MF•011, :GENERAL __ housework, in , family of three; plein coolt., 'Plsone S67,- 444 WANTED. -A GooD poox GEN- • BEAL; to go to Ha,milton; farnily or three; housentaidlteptlegoodewages; 'references required. Apply staling age and experience to Bok 49, SIG- NAL -STAR, Goderich; •37 Sealed' tenders, addressed to the undereigned, Mrselgice Dalton, for the sale of the farm property of :the rate - Joseph P, Dalton, being tomposed of the 'north part of lot seven in the 'seventh -toncession and the southeast quarter of lot seven in the eighth coneeSSion ' • ur the Township • of • Ashfield, in the County of Huron, con- taining 95 acres more or less, will be ,received until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. en tne 23ed day of September, 1940. Conditions of sale and :terms of sale cen, be bad on applicatiop. The high- esctojAn.y other tender not nece. ssarily acet5 5 Dated , this 3rd. day , of !Septembers 1• • mitS. °ALICE' 'DA-41E0N, 'R:liss Port Lambton, Ontario: 37-8 freshen Jan. 5 ; 1 Durham cow 3 years • __. . _ • , ,sold, with -calf born MayslOtle-sucking MRS. OHATeriES HUNT cow; 1 Durham cow 4 years old, velth The detail Of Elizabeth Grace' John- calf bens Aug. 16th, sucking cow; 1. sten, wile of Charles Hunt, occurred -eau born Aug. 6, 1040; 1 ,calf born at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto; on Dec. 24th, 1039; 2 sows, due lat .-of November ; 1 sow due before sale; 100_ Saturday, August 31st, after a lengthy illness. Mrs. • 'Hunt had - been in White Leghorn hentie 1 year eld., theihospital for ever a month following 1 ielisleP,1 ebnieu buggy, eiter,w s' -Sot tillehItigsoth;wagoncad.ttt- a •stroke. • She"--Wae 1:1cl -6rn in Goderich 1:)ox, root pultser, riang plow. (one 'wes_maariletishere. She moved to TOT- Saines Johnston and Ellen Fowler, and sixty-three years ago, the daughter of 'furrow), mite twenty-four years ago and , isa.d • lived there ever since.. She was very • CHARMS S. SCOTT, ' PEROY' YIN- tultivators, fanning. mill: (Clintens,, seed- drill.---Iss- ' TERMS -,Cash. hariess, • double and si,.e_g.,1e,,.. active in the .naisSiOnary work 'of the CENT, PropriebOrs. , .. . :- tag I 6s, t dhure.h, both here and in Tor- . T. GUNDRY & SON, AuctiPneers. Surviving; besides her husband, are 3u4 A seven children, Mrs. George Rainshaw ' (Laura); of Winnipeg, Mrs. Percy NeVaid (Grace), Mrs. Gordon Fraser • (Ivy), Elizhbeth, James, Ernest and 0411, all living in Toronto, and three brothers, Geprge ahd. William Joloseton of Goderich and dames Of St Cath- arines. Her eldest son,: -Roy, •was killed in action in the laSt war, twenty- two yeal% to the day before hi's mother was bit21ed:1 The funeral 'service was held on Tuesday and was tenducted by Rev. A. Linton, Baskets and 'wreaths of beautifal ,ficavere surrounded the eas- ket and Hied the Walla of the funeral thapel: in 'great 'abundance. The pall- bearers Were 4a -tees, .Ernest and Earl Hunt, sons of deeeesed, ad Percy Nayard, Gordon Fraser , and :William Cochrane, all of.. l'erohtti, ' Interment was in. Park Lawn eemetery, Toronto, Among -those Attending the funeral from Godericli• Were Mr:' Fred Ilunt, Mr. and Mrs, George Johnston' and Mk. and Mrs. William Johnston. • IN CANADA ACTIVE SERVICE AND HOME. . Defence in Canada is not 'VET affected by the present war cialase ACT NOW Have Life Insurance PrOtee- • tion 'with the present liberal war • dense. H. M. FORD fusurinet and PAM 16tate 3 Iliamiltotit 'Tel. 268w. KIIJPATRIOK.-18A°tR•Nthe Private Pas . tint' Pavilions Toronto Western .Hospital, Friday, September 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick Ore Eunice Long),' a son, Brian William- SMIIP1-1.-At 1,1f Hamilton Hospital, Hanailton, on Augutte 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. J. .A.. Synith (nee Thelma Allen), ,a daughter (Sharon Stine). WALTER.• --At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday, September 8th; •to Mr.' -and Mrs, Barrie Walter, Mit. 10 ICIOdor104, -Have You,Iteneweil Yonr Subscription? IN MEMORIAIVI 4 . GILDDRS.-In iovingnlemory of a ''sntet-WItiiiiisliWaierfUlitsrestivineletssed-• • away one year ago; September. 14th, ' 1039. The depth of'sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so wells And tebile he sleeps - a peaceful sleep . Hie.memory- we shall always keep. remerabered by' .Wife, Sops • and Daughters. • 37x CA1iD OF THANKS I WISH WO THANK ALL THOSE FRIENDS who so kindly came to my, aseistance- during the illness and at the time of the death of my mother. I also extend grateful, thanks to all those who sent ilowirs, or loaned cars for the ftmeral. . • 37 •WILLIAM STIVEN. ELP WANTED.,--AMI3ITIOUS • AN on WOMAN _needed to take charge of profitable route in Goderiehs Business established. credit for repeat orders. Commission and bonus average $1,50 per hour. Write propipte ly DEPT. C.M.S:, 2177 --Massen rSt Montreal. • - ,, • WANTED. --TO 'BUY OLD 11011§ES and dead•.-cattlelwinust be snitable :for mink feed; removed- promptly. . FREI) "GILI3k1t17; MIL 2, Bayfielli Phone 908 r 22, Clinton. Calls paid Lor . • 18-tf. tt ' , AUCTION SALE A:UOTION SBLE or-.GooD FARM.. • Convenient to Goderich,. Te be sold at tbe premises,' lot 7, con. 1(Y, W. D. Colborne, on - • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd coinmencing at 2 p.m. ' The- property consists of 100 -acres • 'of 'good clay loam, with a Comfortable house of seveirrooms axe1 summetelcits• elven; large bank barn with cement stabling ; straw shed and driving' shed; a young oreharil ; drilled well; wind- mill; hard ahd soft water in.tiseAiouse and .water in- the barn. Is 'situated ;_irealsneighb.911,49,9.4, 0,-9-4 six miles from Goderich. - • 'TERMS. -Ten per cent. Of purchase price on day of sale; a farther 20 per cent.' within -3 . days; i-,;alance caa be left on mortgage. • - • Further partiehlars may be had from FRANK DONNELLY, . Barrister, etc., Goderich, ar • T. GUNDRY & SON; Auctioneers, 37-8 • • c4. 41D otTuAivgis TOE FAMILY Or THE LATE ims. COLLINSON wish to thank allthase • who were .so kind to them in their re-'. cent bereavement; alsei Rev. A. C. • Calder, and those who 'sent flowers and loafted ears. . 4o• ross tarniva SPONSORED BY' THE GODERICH LIONS CLUB 111 -WEST STREET RINK Wednesday, September 18th BINGO GAMES — FROLIC — REFRESHMENTS Door.Piize—War Savings Certificates ADMISSION 106 , - r With each admission ticket a number wir!,. be given. A draw will be madelAter, in the evening, 1st PRIZE -425.00 War Savings Certificati, 2nd PRIZE—$15.00 War &Wings •Certifteate 3rd PRIZE—$10.00 . War Savings Certificate' Ford Tractor'with Ferguson System losmoNsTRATIoN TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON • SEPT. 17 and 18' at Roy—Itu'n' dIes Farm, R.R. No, 1, Goderich Q •Come and ttee this new Equipment sin opeation: Goderich Ford Sales and Service Motors PHONE 83 ,B0trilf BT