HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-12, Page 7THUINIDAY. srr nth. MO eruch and Ms WHO'S WHO" Business Dire ric Buyers' Guide tory IATA40 AGENCIES AND DEALERS !Pi GODERICH MOTORS STAN. PitEVOTT fao•ntb St • Phone 83' FORD • • 3KEROURVQINZEIUR Sales and Service Used 0arS GEORGE (4...MacEWAN 25 Vietxtria St ". r Phone 234 CirPrirROLET& • -OLDSMOBILE , , , Sales and Serviee • -----Generatitertire- McColl Frontenae Products Firestone Tires MeGEE'S GARAGE . . DODGE & -DESOTO -,- Sales and •Filerylee 65 Hamilton St.' Phone 695 General Repairsto All Makes of •Cars SUNOCO GAS AND OILS ' l'irestone Tires 'Willard Batterie$ PLANTE'S GARAGE .* GrrapERT PL.A.I7E, Prop. Victoria St. Phone 513 ANIRYSLER — • 'PLYMOUTH Sales and Service General Repairs to AilliakeS. -eesseseelesselsesosses UTOMOBILE PARTS: 8z -ACCESSORIES •CANADZATR CORPORATION AssOciate, Store L. 0. wHEipsTom, ugr. Hamilton St, pholie 69* ' TIRES, BATTERIES, ACOESSORTES asimsesessmeissassseses.......sesinessisiossisese BEAUTY PARLORS I BETTY'S BEAUTY SHOPPB. BETTY THOMAS, Prop. 64 Mix! Ave. ". Phone 349 Permanent Waving and all lines of Beauty Culture . DAINTEE WYE - EVEILyN LYMAN, Proi). East, Side of Square • Phone 60 Permanen.t Waving, Finger' Waving, Facials, Manicuring and Haircutting .• REvERAcirp$ QDDERICH•BOTTLING WORKS 0A1IPBELL TW4EDIE; Prop. - 58 Pleton $t . Phone 489 :Authorized Bottler of COCA.-00LA, AND TWEEDIE'S POPULAR DRINKS B . ; A BAKERIES E. U; CLEVELAND 14 West St:, Phone 344 BI�LAD, PIES, BUNS, CAKES; We • Deliver ° _ CURRY'S BAKERY 465 "FOR EVERY SPREAD TJSE.OUBE RR'ir-48- MAPLE LEA r BAKERY N. ZAPKSON & A. FORSTER . 86 SqUare • _ Phone ,pos •Fiesb Bread, Pies, Buns,Oakes Daily Also Groceries • WeDeliver BUILDING & GENERAL CONTRACTORS WILIAM& EDWARDS R.R. 1, GoderIch Plione 931-r-2 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUMDC)N -ALDERATIONS AND ItEPAIRS HOUSE MOVING AND 1 HEAVY raAsinsige A, • BISSET BROIL $6:Itiortrigights Creamery %littera Heights phone 170/ MenufaeturerS sAVionratilggitTat ORRAglaka,q:, X A IIIGII-EST QUALITY C. AtOIS4NW0 & SONS Stanley $t. Phone 35 1!011114E, CREAA, ICE ORiAIK Vieit Our Milk Bar., s•-•,/ F wiasearlawwwwwwimemiasarezewollow - LOVIr,-"FEED—&—SEEDS HARDWARE OARTA leVORSELL Square Phone 283 SUE•RWIN7,WILLIA.MS AND a V. PAINTS, ENA,t,Tpri8 V4MISHFS General klardwarer 01140 alas% Aladdin Lamps, Colem.an Lamps and Stoves,, • Stoves, Plumbing' and fleating HQTELS PAZ tt HOUSE - T.• MeTi,TURNER . West St ' 7 Phone ,685 .A.TTRACTIVE' ROOMS, ; • • "Delkieus Meals Temptingly Served." W, MOLEA# 9 B:ingston St - Phone 350 We earry & complete line of FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS' AND GROCERIES Specializing -Bulk Seeds, Flower an • Vegetable Plants FOlUNPRIES • Gong:Bum'i0NAN1YBUZS FOUNDRY Victoria St. Phone 460W GRAY MON' ()ASTMS 13RASS mop AtamtiNun.CASTDTGS Contractors, Jobbers and Foundry Engineers FlUECDEALER THE. SAULTS, COAL CO. . . , • • „0. 2 ,„„ ,•!7113.931 St . ' Phone 7 L BAXTER 5 . . • , y — • 13esf Grades of Pocobontas Hard Cannel BUILDER, AND CONTRAaTOR, and ft Wond dusty' Agenth for 'Phone 739-1P.C.0. Box 468=22 Albert St " LEHIGH VALLEY ANTABACITE Personal:attentiou to every ,job. JOHN JEFFERY Warren St .Phone 577W GENERA -CONTRACTOR- AND BUILDR . Every Branch of CarPetitei Werk. ROBERT STA.NISISH 62 East St. • - Phone 389-' GENERAL CONTRACYI'OR .AND • Carpentering, Alterations and Xtepairs Also Cabinet Work Estimates Free •EARL 'WESTBROOK ". 69 East Et. Phone 487 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION -REPAIRS, Al/rERATIONS, FLOOR, SANDING: HARDWOOD', FLOORING • - Send your donition for the bivs - Overseas to the Red. Cross Roonis at the ,•Public Libraryor to the Legion Rooms, corner of .'North St. and •the Squqe. DAIRIES • BAXTER'SDAIRY _ , Napier St. . Phone 104 Mai CREAIVI Specializing in WHIPPING CREAM • KRIMS0 CHOCOLATE DRINK' GRAPE, ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT • , WESTFTELD • WESTFIDLD-;-Seff; 10. -Mr. Mrs. :Maurice 43osman Werevisitors at • 41Niagara over the week -end. 11,1r. and Mrs. Wm,' McDowell visited • on 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. • ;Reny of WaXton. • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell on iSunday with -MI% Annie • ;Weber of Aubdrn, ' Mr.;,' and '1Virst, Finlay Walsh of Guelph, were recent. visitors at the ihome!. of Mr. • and Mrs. -Albert Walsh. Mi Mildred Thornton visited at4 SS the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sib- . thorpe, Blyth, over the week -end. ; Alias Edna Adams,.R.I.s1.,_spenta-Week with •1tev. 11. C. Wilson and Mrs. Wil - sea, Auburn. ,GueSts last Week athe home_of Mr. land Mrs. W. F, Campbell were Mr; and Mrs. -N, 13. Ford and Buddy, of Bien. - 'helm, and Mr. Ogg, or Coniber. • Mrs, Wilson of 1Clinton spent a few days at the home of her daugfiter, Mrs. ;Wm. Carter. senior quartette, Messrs. Wm. MeDowell, Alva McDowell, J., L. Mc- Dowell and Maitland Henry, vvith Mrs. RADIO stRyicE • piSON'S RADIO SERVICE Montreal 'St. (at Edward Taxi) - Phone 61.0 We are as near as your phone.' REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS • Von ALL iwAirps BERTBAM • uNDAY 7 Widder St. Phone 598 COMPLETE, • STOCK Or PARTS • .pARRIED 90 Day Guarantee -on Alt ,Repair WOrk. Established 10 Years. Amor V1101144 cec, brated seventy-Jilt/I anniversarS' A 4.'oninalttee eitizens„ with J. A. towart as chairman, has been formed 'Seaforth promote the sale of war t3avingi stamps. • IV. J. Greer has sold his shoe store business att.,Winghant to G. DunlOp and is retiring after forty-one yearS 'in businos Wingbani. JI The Centralotele Exeter, has again changed ltands, the new oWner 1?eing 5liss Amelia L. Acheson, Nvhoe grandfather and father at different times conduCted the Place. • A.lbert GoodneW of Stratford,' icho was spending the summer- a Daylleld; died in -Clinton 'Hospital; on Eridaras the result of a heart attack: He waei in, his ,sixty-seventh year. Robert .Allen Diusley, resident; Winghatn, died,August 29th at the home a his niew, Mrs'. W'illiam Kiug,-in his sitty-sixth year. Hp ,had been in poor health for smile, time.' -The'''•,ntaily -friends of Mr. 'Frank Tingland, are very sorry ,tp learn that he is at present in a Toronto hos-'• pital, .undergoing an operation on' his leg, badly injured last March in a car ISTews-Reeord. The death occurred suddenly on oxrday'iirvaXiite- pr-islagrwife'of- Adam Robertson, ,East rWawanosh, her ...,s.eventy,fifth year. Deceased leaves her husband, one son, Alexander, -at- home,- -and three' daughters, Janet and Agnes at home and °Mary of Wing-, ham. Horace T. Diaper Of .Toronto 'an flounces the engagement -a-his daugh- ter, Mary Ellen, to George Stewart 'Black, son of Mrs. William. Black. of ,Seaforth and the late kr. the marriage to take place quietly on Sep- tember 21st. • • •. MarSween-Vineelit The United ehureh Manse, Beigrave, was the scene of. a pretty -wedding M when Edna abel, daughter a Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vineent, pelgrave; be- came the bride of George 'Roderick MacSWeen' of Kincardine. The cere- mony WOO perform#L1 by l Rev. •J, B. Tow'nend. 1 11111111111111111•111111111111111,11101.M.........1111."."." SERVICE .STATIONS CITIES SERVICE STATION CRANSTON {84 HUTCHINS • West St. at Waterlo9 St.'. Phone 717 ENERAL. MERCIIANTS •J: *.G. MONTGOMERY • SALITORP Phone 680 • GROCes.RIES - MEATS - FRUITS- VEGETABLES- DRY GOODS - • HARDWARE - GAS -- OIL • CITIES 'SERVICE PRODUbTS COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SEAVICE RQOPE'S,SEii,VIdE *STATION Bayfield Rd, - Phone 085 Frame, and Wheel 'Alignment Service. Machine .Work -Acetylene Welding-. Bieyeles-s•Tires-Batteries ' 'Lawn '3,/owers Sharpened Why burn. a; Coal that you take out of your fu.rnace or stove 38 much ashes and unburned coal , (which Is Slate) as you pain,. when. You can buy for the same price, a coal that is free 'Tram slate and, elitikersl Prove this for your. self, •43it ordering ".85 11 Odne-Cleaned ANTERA.CITE COAL, POCAHONTAS or COIcE. , TRY RED tiACXET Coal for your filiplace, furnace • and stove. ' Vor PLUMI3ING, HEATING, give tag a call. and IIAIWWARE, Chas. ee COAINAIM and; Honitrinz STORE At the' Harbor Phones—Store 22 ,-Stunset, 643 •• Henee 11.2 GROCERIES & 'MEATS- • DOMINIONliTURES LIMITED SUNKIST BRANDS HITS THE TOP • We Specialize in •• SUNKIST ORANGES • SUNKIST LEMONS • SUNKIST „GRAPEFRUIT WE DELI'VER , PHONE 461 •NORMAN'S• -. (Formerly, MeMalan.'s) East Side of .Square-----•: - - For Prompt ..Delivery and Courteous ••Service Phone 164 or 165 -GROCERIES, FRUITS AND VEGE-. • TABLES - COOKED MEATS FRED. R. PRICE dROCtRY - North -Side of Square • . Phone 248 GROCERIES - VEGETABLES • FRUITS, • • 1 Free Delivery* Service PoSt-I;Owell , 'At :the ,home of Mi. and Mrs. 3. Willis •PoWell, Exeter, ort Saturday,' August 31st, • their only daughter, , Marion Gertrude„ was united in mar- riage_ to William_ Gerald' PoSt, eldest son_ of Mr, and Mrs, Frederick Post, of • Windser. Rev. F. ' E. 0104SdareT-ofif: elated. The young couple 'Will reside at Windsor. • Lawless-Breinner • At the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bremner, 'Grey OwnshiP, .oft August •31St, 'their youngest'daughter, Kathleen Pearson, VMS' , in marriage to L.-Bdr. John Franklin Lawless, 16th - 43rd Battery, R:O.A., !Guelph, son of Vr. and Mrs. Williain Lawless, Moore - The ceremony-was-per2ormed-14 Rev. Harold "Snell of Ethel. ,Unitel Vance-, will LL.L'L 'Kirkland Iatkv. Englialt---Beeker At Knox. Prvsbyteriaii. Phureis inetsi-ton, on Saturday, Augtist 3ist, dosephine 'Xhompson Booker, daUghter of Mr. Lind Mrs. Alex. Beoker, 'Palmer, eton, WL James Winfred English of Wingbam, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Jameo English ,of Palineriton, were united in Marriage by Rev. in.. fli After a reception at the honie of the bride's parents;, Ur. alia- Sre$,Eng- Usti left for a brief honeymoon trip be, fore se,ttling in their , home at Witw- ham. 7 Bedard -Weld° Alit 104'M:4011i; nuptial evoit took plat'' at Zurich On Monday, September 2nd, when Dorothy Mary Wehlo, aaugWr of Weido, beeante the bride of Lawrence LOUIS 19I41111 SOU „of Mr. and Mrs- Deunis Bedard of Zurich. The., cerentetty Was performed at St., Bonitaw RJ. ehureb. by Rev. L. W. Power. The, haPPy couple left for a wedding trip by ,motor before making their home at Zurich. Dr. G. F. Rogers a, Fortner ' Principal:of Seaforth C, IL Dr, George F. ItogerS, who has been '41)11Ointed, Deputy Minister of Edn- 40, ass. Is in the a fraetated arse cad •ther lijoilia u automobile ea:46W liael--uses., usw-bx, were four others, WOW,' tor tiro a Lloyd, Cho eve harts* sit MS te aillVlial *be Toronto Exhibitlee. A aft ana 4 quarter rut of abedualfteara they 411113V 111kUtl two trucks parked at lie right -baud side of the read. and Just Ail, they were about te ppm am of the trucks, driven by Maw Pollock of Blyth, beggn to pull •out toward tee centre of. the road. Another ear wai approaching and Thomas Hers, who wioc drivipeg the sborne car. AM*/ tia smash into the rear of the trueltatW standing by the road rether than lilt the approaching ear. • Ail five emu, pants of the 'fern ear were inlured, but all except Lloyd were able to re- turn home after utedleal treetnent. Their car wateleelly *reeked end Hue rear of the truek wa slightly detracted. FREE SERVICE �LOOISAOCED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE re,oveci promptlyand efficiently. Simply pigtoe'"COLLECT" eation for Ontario, was principal of the Seaforth Collegiate Iestlinte.4.40,- • LIAM, 5147-1:1TICe--poaf Of Deputy Minister ' "• UMITIED vv-as-affacle vacant by the elevation of • pm:mt. - INGERSOLL eaobnin. ep_L tr.afterzthseimdpesao.tnh, uMinisterooff• "601- nClinteet„ " Education. Di. R6gers „had been scilluceiwA:. lef_ltispector of secondary seliools Roo ,FFaallta"ifrtoomwthanif Man John Addison Hingston of 'Wingham •reeeiyed fatal injuries on Saturday when he 'fell fifteen feet from the roof of the kitchen of his .home, which he _wnR engagisLin shingling._ He. died_ort •Monday. Hingston, who was in his seventy-third year, is survived by his wife, two sons and three dingliteis. For thirty years he was bandmaster of the Wingham Band and he ,was for some time foreman of- the Western 'Fonndry in that town. , Dr, Dunean, McArthiir to the Provincial TAILORS YOUR PALL CLOTHES Get theim cleaned, repaired '• Lind dn OD. tidy pressed!. ' ••We know how. • ' TAILOR •' - West St. Pall 317 meeting to be.held shortly at Benmiller. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. .1• L. AcDoWell, .the roll call to be answered -With a verse' of Scripture •containing the word "prayer." .The members .of the group in charge served lunch, •• Obituary. -It is our sad duty this week to 'chronicle •the death. of Miss Elizabeth Jones, who passed away On Saturday, September Vh, In her, sixty, (Win. ITeDewell its accompanist, assis• ted seventh year. Miss Jones was born at lin the anniversary Services •ab Walton -:- Eden, in'-'esborne township, and was P11 Suhday. •the daughter of Thaddeus ?Ones and . Mr. and Mrs, Walter Cook were -Mary _Kellansi._ She mine ' to, this guests •on SuirdaY at the home of ifr. vicinity twenty eight years ago and re and Mrs. Albert 'Nethery, Hamilton. sided with her sister, Mrs. Albert Mi . -Baiter and Mr. Alex, .Anderson of Toronto visited recently vtu Mr. Govier, on their •farm on the roth con - ,W. Ili Campbell. cession of .1flast Wawanosh, For the past six • years Miss Jones had been an i .Ifr, Harkness -of Edmonton. visiled invalid, but bore ,her feerhigpatjat,.. jut week at the-Aftffne -of his niece, ly and cheerf011y. I -Ter father prede- Mrs. H. 0. Wilson. ° Mrs, Tipling Wingham is visiting tat the home of , Mr. and Mrs, John ,Buchanan and With other friends. . Mr. and Mrs. Marvin MeDOwell. aVere guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs . • ,Frank, Kershaw of Goderich. -.Mr. and. Mrs, Ed. Kurschin§ki and children and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gothier iof. Detroit tisited on Saturday with mrs. Douglas Campbell. -• Mr. and Mrs. J. L. 'MeDowell and Gordeir and Mr. and Mrs. Alfa Mc- Dowell and family Visited. on 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ItellY of Wal - -1V.111.,S0 Meeting. ---The monthly Meeting Of •the ,W.S1.S. was held on, Wednesday Afternoon at the home of :qrs. • win. McDowell. TwentY-iive ladies answered the roll call with a verse of Scripture. ITen of!the young ladies of the congregation aliso .were present. Mrs. 'Norman MeDowell• wag In eharge of the devotional progriltri. Mrs. Wm. 3,1eDowell gave the opening Prayer. Readings, were given" by Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs.. Iloward• Campbell, Mrs.. Maurice Bosman and Mrs. 'VC`111. AttNatti. Mrs., Mervin McDowell gave a Well-prepared paper on Stewardship. A sal() was rendered by Mrs. Stanley Cook. Mrs. 3teVittle paid tribute to the memory. of Mrs. John Cook, who WaS a valued member of the It was decided to make a special ean. • vass fat nioneY instead of having a sup. Mrs. Stanley Cook, Mrs. Fred 41ook and Mts. Norman Mel)owell are in charge of.the drive. Mrs. Nornaan • McDowell and Mrs. Charles Smith were appointed delegates to the sectional • ceased her •thirty years' ago and her Katherine., (la lighter of Mr.•and ' Mrs. church. _ . •. Fahner-Finkbeiner The marriage of -Norma .Irenec'' daughter a Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fink"-• beiner, to, Harold H. Fa.hner, -son • of Mr, and Mrs. iAlbert Fahner, all of Crediton, was solemnized by, Rev. A. E2•Pletch in the Crediton Evang.,etical -.eturfrtt- bridegrommleft, >afterwards for a motor trip to Mus- koka Lakes, Ottawa and the Thousand Islands. - Forrest -Kerr The marriage Of Jean, daughter Of • Mrs. 'Mary Kerr, .Petrolia, and the late G. E. .Kerr, to William Lawrence For- rest, only Son -of John Forrest, Tucker - • and the late - Mrs. Forrest, took place at the United ,ehurch parsonage, P•etrolia, on August 31st, Rev. F. Stride officiating.- The Young. couple will re- side on the groom's farm in tueker- -T9i.911,1--- Goy-1111undeil • The marriage of Margaret Ge•ttv, daughter,of Mr. and Mrs. Wihliath H. Mundell of Wingham, to John, Rennie •Goy, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Goy of•Wingham, was solemnized by Rev. W. D. Clark at the United chureh, • Beimore, On, Saturday, August alst•-. 'After a .motor trip to the Muskoka dis- trict, Mr. and Mrs. Goy will reside 1:11 Wingham. Robertson -Stevens A recent 'wedding was that of Mary Stevens, daughter of Mr. and. Mr4. Richard HavvkinS Of Anderson, to, Angus C. pohertson, son of the •late, Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson of Hen - • The ceremony was performed .it Brussels-United-chureh-parsonage by - Rev'. ('.'L. Lewis, Mr, and Mrs. Rob- ertson Will reside on the bfidegroom farm hear Hensall.. Fleisphauer-Thiel In a ceremony performed by Rev: E. Turkheim at the Lutheran parsonage, Zurich, on• Angust 31st,•Gertrude' Wingham Fire Chief •' • Dies of injuries Vire Chief Albert Louttit, of Wiag- ham, who was injured in an antorno- bilelaccident on No. 4 highway, north of W114114111, Augnst 31st, died in tbe Winghad Hospital on the fpilow- ing Tuesday-. eVening. 'Two- other pc-, clipitiitg of 'the car were leSS"-getiotiSly iniftred. Mr. Louttle was in his sixty- 'siXth year and had been a resident of Wingbam for forty years. For some years he conducted,a-butcher basiness, but latterly he Ita.0 been employed at the Pry 8r, Blaek ail factory. Besides' his wife, he leaves a son, Clyde Avon, druggist at. Long Branch., and a aciaolie-Kidneys ry fir Help Mother five years ago. Mrs. Albert Gorier is the only surviVing Member of the • family. The :funeral service, which. Inas 'held at her late home, took • Place on Monday afternoon with Rev. R. V. 'Wilson officiating; The hymns sung were "Nearer; My God, to Thee," !`The, Ora Rugged Crossi and "What Friend', We Have in Je:SUs." Inter- •ment was made in Westfield cemeferY, the •pallbearers, being •Gordon Snell, WI1hlizn,Govier, James wow, Vins, cent, WITI.. Walden and Leonard Cook. The sympathy Of the community is' ex- tended to the 'bereaved friends. AUGUSTINE , • ST. A.IT(GUSTNIii, Sept. 10. --Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Morrison of 'Parkhill visited friends here last'week and 'were ,accompattledhack by Miss A,gile;3 Devereaux-• ' , Mrs..Frank: ,Carral und little (laugh- ter Mary motored' this week o Kir- ,cheier, where they intend to make their fttture home. , The Misses ;Mary /Mahan. Ada and 'Nana l'iropify and Rita -Boyle, a the Wingham High 'Sehool, were home for the week.end. • . Mr,„ Wilfrid Itinallan and Norine potored to London otOitottday. •number front here ate employed at ithe Port Albert airport. , Master thigeneAlebert, Who was ,holidaying for the summer at the Inoue tof Gos Klualian, has retnrtied With his pother a.na little George to Detroit. Most people tell to ree,ognize-t,he meriousness of a bad back. The stitches, twitches, and twinges 'are,bad-aingh. and cause. great ! end the equhe of it. au is. the 4,07- ordered''kidrieys *crying out a warn-. ing through the back. A pate t,he back the Mange', • ery for help, Go •to their assistance.. ;Get a box of Doan's Kidney. Pins. ' A remedy. for bac.kaehe and sick Iddeleys._ _ "Deanr are put up in an ' oblong grey box with our trade !mark a "Naple Leaf" on the , • wrapper. _ _ • ' if * Ne ver dissolve iye in hot svatert The • &Pee flebetitates• Get action of the lye itself heats the spates*. 341/"Fil. MOUT SCOURING 0 need for hard rubbi.ng and scrUbhing when, you use a • solution of, crillett's Pure Flake L3.te, It cuts right through grease, clears clogged drains, keeps opt - houses sanitary. and odorless,, scours pots and pans, tct4s the hard workout heavy'eleaning. Keep a tin always handy, , FREE BOOKLET Tho Gilletea 140 • Booklet tells how this powerful cleanser ' clears clogged drains keeps out: • houses clean and odorless by destroying L • the contents. of the closet . how it performs- dozens of tasks. Send for a free copy to Standard 13nkrids Ltd. Fraser Ave. and ' Liberty Street, • Toronto. Ont " • — • William Thiel, Zurich. was united tn marriage: to Norman Fleisehauer, son of the late gr. and Mrs. IL 'Viet- schauer, Zurich. The eouple left on a motor trip to OntariO points' before taking uP yesidenee in Zurich, Vance -Box , On ' Wednesday afternoon, Septemiler 4th, Seaforth Presbyterian &ant was the setting, for the marriage of Leona Mae, only daughter of Mr: and Ernest L: I3ox of Seaforth, to araham• Stevenson' Vance of Kirkland take, son •of Mr. and Mrs. joint A. Vallee of Lk- • towel. The, ceremony was performed ,by NOV. Hugh Jack.' Mr. and „MPS, , The dance that was held here on Friday night was a goixl success. ' • Mr. and Mrs, Joe Carrol and Mary ,Inotolvd to 'St. • Marys on Sunday to Xisit friends there. •- Mr. and Mrs., Terry Allison of She, eoe visited friends here on Sunday. 'They Were talking, about coint denceS. • „ • , -"The most amazing thing of the kind that happened to inc'," said 0110, "VMS at Newpfarket last year. It was the 'eleventh "day of the eleventh. tnonth; MY boy was eleven that day, Ntie live& at' a, house numbered eleven; and 80 .baeked the eleventh horse on the card In the big race." "And it won?" "No, the •darned ''th1114 c eleventh." ,onompirt NO AD,14N0W1144ii1iiGES Large foreign granite stock to eho'os- e from. A postea _yr.% brieg , , us to your hoine. Free transportation to our office. illiams & Son Granite Works 147 St. 'Patrick Si. Phone 1955:STRATFORD My electrical supply busies's is now located,-a,t the, cm:1'1[er of Britannia and Bayfield Roads, where I am carry -- Mg everything in the electrical lines. All wiring, repairing and installations done without delay. •• 1 fresiamirstrib, FRANK MeARTIWR Phalle' 62 • Wo didn't ask for cooler weather, but it's here, and with it comes the Cum for " STOVES and PIPES Beds and Mattresses • alums, TA Ls 00T.1011:ES and CUPBOARDS . If we haven't:got the -particular piece of furnitqe you want, we can get it at once. • Nu.freezer" Ice Cream Candies—Cigarettes 00 illacksitone's THE BROADWAY OP GIODERI(IV) Pho\ne 240 • We Deliver