The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-12, Page 6•
q*��,�{,� (j�m'�}'•��p. ��li+`' I{ �ypy'���^"//iice�
THE Q E I # NA Sc�.A I.
(Intended for last week)
`MSrs, Thos. Dickson, jr., and family ,at
_tended Toronto. Exhibition'over the
ended_ � , _,. _ ._ ..._ the- week -end d the formers'
and also visited
sister, Mrs. Murray Dyer, Eden Mills.
3 iss ° Joyce Cunningham, Carlow;
has been ° visiting her grandmother,
Mrs. C. C. Brown _
Miss Cora Finnigan ” has been off
duty at the telephone centrad::. office,
with illness. Mrs. Melville Culbert, a
One of the World's Gie.alr
Life insurance institutions:
Renowned for Strength,
Service and Security
Since 1871
Itepresentattte'.• minor M. FIORD
former operator, has been supplying
in her absence. -
rich, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCreath,.
Saltford, and Mr. Wilson's ,sister, Mrs.
Freeman, from the West, were visitors
with Mrs. David Sproul- one day last'
• Miss Clara Sproul, Stratford; and
Miss Jean Wilson, ,Goderich, spent the
week -end with Mrs: D. Sproul;
Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Riehardson and
family- spent the week -end in Toronto
' A.SXIFI 'LJ), Sept, ° 10.—Miss Mar-
garet. Wallace of 'Chicago visited with.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M.owier and hen
'brother, Mr. Jas, Wallace, and *rse
Mr. X'.t►�ilip Austin' and daughter, of
Lorraine, Ohio, and . Miss. ' Adeline
O'Keefe, of Chicago, visited a Xew daiys
with' Mr, and Mrs, 'Con..Q'�Keefe.
Notwithstanding the difficulty farm
ers are experiencing in gathering in
their harvest, Mr. Joseph MaeMiitan,
who had seventy aeres, of wheat, has
succeeded in harvesting and threshing
over '4,000 'bushels of wheat in good
condition.. This is, -the waiy to 'keep
the Run away, Joe,
Mr. John Mad.Leod and Mrs. A. A.
J. Simpson' attended ' the funeral of
Ste.: Marie, ,Ont., last week. ,
<... _ u : . inelTaiaily a5'Ttheyye1nbarlfi for 1 ngland
Soldiers of �tlae rSec�ond Canadian fiivision, �'!A,s�,'F., wave �rod lr3e to their h
C. spent the holiday week -end in
return- were accompanied J. �. pe
and on their �
1 h ith
t e
u Gaa
has p.
who had � r
t d
a. , relatives in the city. Douglas Harry, Kenneth and Helen
a. vacation with r�i.__ 1_- Q_� a � �..__--�--� ..�.�-..�,.,o re -
Rev. Mr. Newman and Mrs. NeWillan, Miss Bernice Blake, B.A-., left on
Saturday for London, where ghe was
-to 1:teet three 'lady friends who were
.motoring -north to their schools. Miss
Blake, is teaching this year at Rich-
•ard's Landing, near 'Sault Ste. Marie.
. Miss Lueille Eedy is attending the
Toronto Exhibition this week.
,Mr. Chas. Durnin, Kirkland Lake,
spent the week -end with relatiVes here
have returned from a month s vacation turned home after spending the holi-
1 and from: Toronto was accompanied by.
his sister-in-law, Mrs. Alfred Hefford,
and children; Douglas, Lois and Mel,
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce .McArthur have
removed their hardware and Under-
taking business fro*, here to Monkton
this Week. We understand Mr. Chas.'
Rivett intends to open a restaurant•in
;the stand just vacated.
. Miss Mary Anderson, Kincardine,
spent the ,Labor Day week -end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ander-
Little Arlene 'Ball, .daughter of Rev.
G. H. Banc Harriston, returned home
With-. -her. parents ,on Wednesday_
after • a two weeks' visit with, her
Mrs. Harvey 'Maize, Harold and
Women's Institute met last' Friday -at -
the home of Miss Fern Robb. The
meeting Vvas opened in. the usual way
by all singing the Institute' Ode and
the roll ean was answered,by "Where
I would travel if I could." .11aster J.
<3.. Alton gave two select -Pais on the
Hawaiian, guitar, Mrs. ' R.. Davidson
gave a report on the offieers' rally. held
in the pariSh hall a month ago. The
next meeting will be held at the home'
of -Mrs. Geo. Hodge on September 19th,
one week earlier than usual, owing to
the fact that Mrs. J. D. Richardson is
leaving -and has- resigned her duties as
secretary „Atm" will have the booksi
-audited. befbre her departure- Oetober
lat. Mrs: Wilbur Brown Is scheduled
House Furnishings and" How to ,Corax
bine the Old with the New to Make an
Interesting Home ,
School Again.--,Scheol!re-opened on
TueSday and, the kiddies' all appeared'
to be happy, sun tanned 'and, pleased
to Meet their teachers again apd re-
surae—the. regular, „routine. In the
senior room. there are thirty-seven
puRils_enrolled and lin the junior room
a tetal enrollment of eighty -live in the-
•SMO01. There are twelle beginners,
"-as' follows.:-...lietty Black, Wilmer
Glenn, Mildred Quaid, Meryl. Quaid,
Carleton. 4iStingel, Della Lewis, Carl
Stewart, Elaine Petrie, Fred Ander-
eher..s are Mr. iGraham Pinkney, prin-
cipal, and_Miss Mildred Anderson.:
ST. HELENS, Sept. 9.—Mrs. Gordon
is spending' the week a. guest at the
horde of her brother, Ur. ,r W. Ctrl_
Messrs. F. G; and Toin Todd returned
on- Saturday with their Polled Angus
cattle frOm the Toronto Exhibition,
where they Were awarded many prizes.
Rally Day -will be - observed in the
United church next Sunday at 11 :15
Young People's Union will hold the
first meeting of the fall -season,
Women's Institute. --The September
meeting of the -Women's Institute w
°field, in the Community Hall with Mi s
chair.- The Oil .call was •responded to
with a current event. It was reported
that the' foiloWing ,artiCles - had been
forwarded to the Lueknew ,Red Cross:.
0 doz. gauze handkerchiefs, _7 doz.
a Socks and the „gift of 12 layetteS.
It was,' decided to make an autograph
quilt and also t6 enter a display in the
LueknoW Fall Fair. Mrs. Thom. gave
reading, "Alit Folks." "What Is a
Canadian?" was the subject chosen by
Mrs—Gorden, tonvener of "Canadiani-
hostesses, Mrs. Woods,.-Mrs.'Don- which .coMManded the .regilect a1.141.0 -
aid McDonald and, Mrs. Earl Durnin. miratr 61, all . who, knew him in,
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs,
Austin Quigley. May -+they have --hap.-
piness• and'prosperity.
Mrs, ,Duncan Munn - and: Marion, of
Ripley, called on Ashfield friends, ac-
Q�.._ ef.
r ..'1�`n l
. t :yrs
..companied �by ,• (Dr.)
The Simpson hoys and Joe O'Keefe
visited, the Toronto Ezhi.itiou, , last
Miss Mary Catharine ° MacLean of
Evanston, Xllinois, `las. returned home
aftervisiiting at -'the home `-'of her
uncles, Alex. and Donald MacLean...
Wilson left an Monday for a lengthy
visit° with • her ,daughter, Mrs. Allan.,
Dickson, at --Port Carling, Muskokatt,
and Other relatives,
Threshing is progressing.: slowly on
account of the tangled conditionof
Sheaves and the wet weather, Mr, T.
X, Wilsou` is harvesting his beans.
The Ladies' AUL heldtheir Septem-
ber meeting at the home. of Mrs: U.
Fisher, The president was in the
eh�air. , There 'was a large A;ttenda . ce
of members and after the devotional
period they quilted a quilt for the Red
Cross, At the Close a dainty lunch wa4s the hostess axnd�a local hour •
No. 1 school'had an addition of seven
beginners last week: Annette Young,
Wilson, Alma 10hisholm, James Clark
Phil' L
randassaline. Thin is an un-
_ �_ •_ __ _ _ _..___.T.,
usually- large class of beginners for -far �
country. section. We wish Miss Jean
Houston, success with hear new pupils.,
Mrs. A. Il."ErringtQal and 'Miss Ruby
'Errington -attended the' :marriage:.:-.;_,„mx. ,-
Mr. Roy P. Errington and Miss Marian
R. Allison at' Picton, Prince Edward
_county, • .
An interesting gathering. ,was held
on Monday night ,at- the home of Miss,
Helen. Clark, when, her grand -niece,
Maar. siret Frances, younger. daughter
ObitUaary.—The death occurred at of Mr. and Mrs...FordYee M• Clark, waS
Walkerton gospital on August 80p, 'baptized by Rev. Alexander MaeMil- °
assisted '-by Rev. Gordon
of Alexander `Macaonald, son of Jan, WI,
the late , Mr, and . Mrs, Donald Hazelwood,' paster of the United
"Straight" . MaCDOnald, one of the e'bureb-
original pioneer families .to Settle, at Rev. Dr. McMillan at Smit16 Hilt--
Kt:nut: oi lin. e' Aeliegtryde7re awrsa sa gb oarnonaet; of a
Fah,. The sixty-eighth' anniversary .0e the
Smith's. Hill church Was obseried, Oa.
Sunday last when; Rev. Alexande
family of nine ebildren, _ '.A.' brother,
'Robert- MacDonald, of - the 3,6te eon. ;MacMillan, DO., of Toronto, oecunie
ceisien of ,Ashfield, is the . only sur- the pulpit at morning and evening ser-
vices. In the ixtorning',Dr. MacMillan •
'p-tisshi.lfiticted;sovesrtaslwixarfeot tBetHaoltsecwanals
viving member of this faintly.
'oswtneleTillifng three hundred Ponfids• ° He .not always, a gopd. thing," he said, "to
3Ch:le2_,se iaTshhisis onteox,,,itutihneg wIorddos.„ o f „IP:at
was one ' of • Huron County„!$, towns pursue only one thing to tie exclusion
tug -&-_,war ' team that pulled „in that of others ---such as monek, selfish plea -
famous '`long draw" at' the Caledonian
.games in Lucknow. 'His death was for- Christ brings enlargement. in _
due to a heart "condition. For a num- every way." For the evening service
her of years Alexander lived with his "his. subject Was 'lb° Head
Stone" (Ps. 118':',22). He illustrated
brother 'Finlay and sister Flora on the
Tyndall—who were great stones that
house. to' their friends and 'neighbors, rejected in their tinte,' but the
whom. they dearly loved to entertain. • were
greatest is Christ, our • Saviour, ' . re -
He had elate years resided in Ripley.
jeeted Still by many but the "living
Auburn and his ehoir .assisted in the
evening. -service and' the Benmiller
choir artlie morning serviee: 'It will.'
be fifty-three yea'rs-on ihe 24th of Sep-
tember since Rev. Dr. MacMillan was
Tested Recipes -
citizen of Berlin, fed to the teeth
with Hitlerism, decided to eemmit
suicide. The best way. to die, he ar-
gued, Was tO drink hiraself to death.
So he drank three bottles of gin, Ant
it was ersatz (Synthetic subs -Muth)
He ,bought a rope 'and tried to hang
'himself. But it was ersafz rope; and
broke ; so- lie didn't die.
In . despair, the Citizen -decided to
live. To cheer himself up he went out
and had a vvhaeking good meal at the
nearest cafe. it was ersatz food, and
he died!
tiniate y. The 'funeral: service held at
Peach season is here akain. -There is
n& -better dessert than ripe peaches
either raw er cooked. '•
The fellowing 'recipes are sUggested
by the Consumer Section, Marketing
Service, Dominion Department of Agri -
Baked reac' hes
% cup sugary,
Select large perfect peaches (do not
peel). Place peaehes in ba.king dish,
add' water and sprinkle with sugar.
Bake 1/2 hour. Serve hot or cold.
Escalloped Peaches
% cup sugar`
Cinnamon •
peachea. Arrange_ in
layers. S.prinkle eaeh layer 'with
crumbs, sugar and cinnamon. , Dot top
with butter. Bake 1/2 hour.
-" Peach Fritters
11/2 teaspbons, baking powder •
1 egg
. tablespoon -melted -butter
,a'nd sift dry ingredients. Beat
egg and iuld milk . and melted butter.
Add slowly to dry ingredients. Peel
and slice Peaches. Add to.batter. Drop
batter by 'spoofibils in deepgfat .at 365°
F. ,,,,When browned and cocked, drain,
'with powdered . sugar and
/Peach and Meloti *Compotp
.`4 eups direct peaches
2 'tablespoons
2 . tablespoons' ginger syrup
Boil sugar, water and ginger Syrup
minutes. Add thin. Cobk until
slightly clear.. Remove fruit. non
syrup 5' minutes. Add ging,tr. :Pour
over fruit. Chill.
Peach MousSe
1 cup fresh Reach pulp
14 etip eold water
'1 eup heavy ere=
Rub fruit through' siev(:;.' Soak' gela,
tine in water. Dissolve over hoping
water. Add topeacbpulp.' Add Sugar.
Cooi until slightly thickened. Whip
cream until very stiff. Fold in fruit
' mixture. Turwinto mould, Chill,
Johnston's' fUnera,1 parlor on. 'Monday
Was -conducted .by Rev. :Reynolds Esier,
assisted bY Rev"TX. AlIFCculliell* ' In' inducted ,in this churcliby the Huron
terment was in the ..Kintail ,cemetery, ,
Presbytery into the charge of .Man-
cheiler and Smith's Hilt The church
'Ed. Sennett. and -Harry MacDonald act- for the annivergary and there were
large congregations at both SerVices.
"How did you learn to walk a
rope. I Jfist pick it up yeurself?"
ing as pallbearers. •
ton, -who has been staying for some-
time with her daughter, Mrs. R.
Mason, at their' at' clarnarvon,
has now retUrned to the home of her
son, Mr. Hamilton. Glutton. '
Mr. Jack McQuarrie mcitored to Tor-
onto on 'Menday, accompanied by his
mother te try an examination en Tues-
day. iVe -vvish.ilim success.
Church Notes.—The pastor will be
here to gondnet the service in, lee' burn
church next Sunday. Sunday school
Will be held atter the church. seryice.
...,.,..The ladies of this eongregatien
and .others are hivited to hold their
"September -missionary meeting at the
week" Let.. us keep in mind .the
sixtieth anniversary .seryiees of our
church, te be observed on October 6th.
'Of modern design—Finest Mater-
ial and Workmanship.
Cunningharn'tftiya •
Phone 41. Tuesday & Satprday-
diced preserved
. and Peter really knew her lioiee!"
!That's the real thrill of Long Distance.
'Voices COMO' clear And disiinet. Calls
coMpleted quickly. With rates so low
(particularljr after 7 p.m. and all day
Sunday),. why wait for an excuse to
eall — there must be someone who
would hue to hear your voice to.night?
1;;00,1410v,s..° At
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Your tiokt yisit to
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'Easy,, Parking Facilities
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Maples Leal 'Gardens,
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A. M. POwELL, Ossenerut*
J. It. Wheeler
funerat Director and Embalmer
ealls promptly attended to
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prices. before buying. CemeterY
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All work go.ranteed.
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17 lifoittreal St. Plione 390'