HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-12, Page 5TIVOIRSDAY, REPT llth, IMO
„ FALL TERK — SEPT. 9, 1940
enuraea:-'StrillograPide sud CONinnerchil----SPetbd And Cortes
dome -Vourseo arranged, Applitafiona for ChM Service Luuhu
tou for elerlei Mulat be.ille41 by Sept. 150, 1940'.
Write for infOrnagion--4toneJS
M . A. STONE, CM. SPediait B., F. WARD, 0.A.
Vice=Prin. Principal
.?Gorinell tact en Kentember 3rd *with
LJ the members present. 3finuteg DZ
last regular and SPaCial meetings were
Nad and • apPrOved, Communications
'Irma 'the Melnik Fence Co., OWen
Sound„ te purchase of onow deuce, and
the Navy League a Canada,asking
foi a grant in aid of that institution,
were read and ordered filed., Only ono
tender was received for the CO
struetion,of theIlallahan drain and as
, the tender was eut of all proportion
yo the ‹mgineer's estimate, the letting
a this contract was again laid; over.
'V. Falconer and W. J. Purdon made
application -for a loan Of,ifibrieY to, aid.
in construction of drainage under the •
Prorsions ofthe Tile Drainage Ad.
33.0tb. aInfileationS Were granted and
the Clerk waS ',instructed to arrange
With‘lhe Provincial Treasurer for the
-neevssary debentures in conneetiow'
1114'1'6 -With. • "
A renewal of the roarinburance
'Miley for another year at the ' same
• prenaium of $100 was entemi. into
.With T, H. Wilson a Aubnrn.
After passinv a few ,atconnts•Conn-
ell adjourned to meet again on Tues-
day, October lst. , •
A. • p,IORTERFIELD, Clerk,
Womenis Inslitute.--The September
meeting of the Wergen's Institute was
held last Thursday at the home of
Mrs.. Jas. Little. The roll eall WAS'
'answered yvith canning hints. Two
quilts which were recently enilted. for
the RedSioss Were"on display. It was
decided to buy goods to make .another..
Mrs, • Hugh MacKenzie gale an inter-,
esting paper on •"Ilealth and ,Ohild"
Welfare." 'Other readings were given
by Mrs. Wm. 'MacDonald, Mrs. Frank
'eMeCarthy. and Miss Anna. Mae Par-
, _
,risla. Mrs. Fred MaeGregOr, who has
been in charge of the Red Cross work,,
resigned this position; and this work'
will .now be done by Miss Anna Mae
and Mrs. Lorne Parrish. 1.80 was
, received for the Red ,Cross fund, from
\Dolores and Dorothy Bogie and Sally
and of-Kintatt-who;-
, by themselves, Practised and pat OA
a concert at the rake to raise the
money. After the business meeting
- Was, over, lunch was served. The
Oetober •meeting will he held at the
home of Mrs. Lorne Parrish, when
Mrs.-0Ster of Blyth will he in attend-
ance. •
• .,
TOWN %%ICES $6,000
Town Treasurer Knox announces
that he Town .(4!;exoderich, bdirr•
ection of the *ince columittee o the•
Town 'Council, has taken $6,000 of the
new Dominion of Canada war' loan.
Of 'this amount $$,000 Is froni the
cemetery perpetuity „und and $1,000
is from thee' Robert Macri:ay ceraetery
fund: • ,
t -is of interest to know that the
.Town's eemetery perpetuity fund. lia,s
now reached the substantial 'amotini of
$10,000. The other $$,0i* is invested
in .other issues of Dominion, of Canada
. .
. Drivers inifospital—Ilead-en Collision
• - Near- MeGaw. •
As the result of a head-on .mot6r
collision :near McGaw on Wednesday
morning tvo men, Leslie. ,Mutton of
Goderich toWnship and W. A. Neilson
_of „Brantford, were Seriously injured
and are patients in .Alex'andra, Hospital.
,Mr. Mutton, who firing on the Hilton
toad just out of Goderieh, sustained
a fracturell.-knee:eap, and-mr.,-Nefis
salesman for the Brantford Cordage
Co., had both knees injured by the
-imPact. Both .men suffered many lac-
erations about the head, face and hands
from. eying .glass. .
The accident .took place on the Ben-
nailler-Carlow road, one mile north of
• McGaw. Mr. Mutton, who Was driving
, south, is said by Trainc Officer Norman
Lever to hive been near the crest of
a hill, on the centre of the road, when
*the" 'Neilson car, northbound, suddenly
appeared on the top of the hill. Brakes
were applied, but the collision was in-
evitahle_and_vmsdescilbed by ,,the offi-
cer as "square on," Neither car is
'worth repairing. -*Both are in a. Gode-
rich gsirage.
BudJerry's birds caPtured first and,
.secOnd Plac'eS in -the Goderich Homing
pigeon Club'S_ third Meat for young
birds.' The pinds were liberated, at 9_
,o'eleek Sunday morning from George-
town, a distance of 105 airline miles,
and the trst bird landed in its coop
liere•at.3„.40,p.m. The next a.rrival-was-
ot, 2.0 pant and then three birds be-
longing to. WilliamBakercame in at
2.28, 2.28; and 2.36 to capture •the re-
imaining , points, W. Glakerls,.......b
(cleaned up 'most of the points inthe
first' two flightsf which, were held, from
(S'tratford and Kitchener. The next
Aliglit will 'be held' on Suiiday:-troiti Tor-
onto.. •
The 'regular meeting of the WA.
was held in the' guild room. of St
George's church on Tuesday- afternoon)
the president, Mrs. Calderrin the chair, -
There wa a good attendance. .The
Meeting opened with the Scripture
prayer. The 'members are asked to
remember *the half-hour 'seri/ice of in-
tercession and. prayer every • Wednes-
da.k •afternoon in -the cluireh at
o'clock. There will be it Meeting next
Tuesday in the Guild room .for quilt -
Ms. Calder spoke briefly of the
splendid. work done at the church camp
at Kintailsliaring.Augustand also read,
the- niesiage Written by the Primate,
Bishop Owen, in the i"Living^Message"
for A.ugust. The meeting closed with
plaYer, after which, a socialcup of tea
- • 111.14 ,CONTRACT
Among tile many buildings nearing
completion af the Port Albert airport
the maintenance office is of special
interest to. local peoPle, as it is said to
be the only building eontract to be
awarded to a local man. Tilts building
is being erected by Mr. G. L. -Baxter,
who recently *started business in his
own behalf.
Tlielhain,tenance office is 24x24, with
a garage 1.0x18 attached; both are in-
sulated and finished inside like, a high-
class. residence.
Mr. 13.axter* is well known._ to,the
*biallitirig•traire. througb his former cott-
nection *with th,e Goderich Manufac-
turing Co. 'Se isequallywell known.
througho)it the tOwn, and district and
his entry int O the building trade will
be watched with Interest by his
friends, , , ' 37
ItAYEIFILD, Sept. 11,—Mr. J. $
1 wart of dianiiiton spent the week -en
at his' home in the villege. 31,,
Stewart. F-.4 remng for atoll'
tMe. anti MO. A. L., 'Trout and two
eons, of Detroit, were at their eottag
n' the village over the week:ead.
Miss Margaret Nolan ofAiandlton
was the guest of Miss Betty Gairdne
over the weekend. ,
Mrs. Claude Robbins . and littl
(Lite/liter. vvito were visiting her
mother, Mrs. W. A. MeLeod, returned
to Detroit on Stuidak with her hus-
band, who was her,e over the week-
..ft--'and--Ifis.'- ,;Sam' Widt'Prabe of
Virindsor vent the weekend with re-
latives here and in „ .Dungannon.: .
Dr. and Mrs. N. B. Alexander re-
turned to their bora() at London on
LIViontlay o.fter having 'Spent the euMMer
at their eiittage.
Miss V. Armstrong of Brantford is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. 4
Genuer, this week.
Miss DereenIt.alley returned to
iSearboro last'week after' having spent
the suaiMer'.rwith her, 'allele, T 0
Bailey. .'• •• ' • :
Misses C. P, and -I. E. Rankin ree
turned to their 2 home in Mount
pleasant, ,Miele, On Thursday 'last.
Mr, Charles Parker, whet is- sallin„,e
this summer aboard the Captain.O. D.,
Secord, was honae for a few daYs over
Goderich harbor unloading wheat
Bev. I. 'Graham was in London frem
' Xfonday until, Wednesday *attending„, a
meeting of the befaeral Board of
'Religious Education an the Huron
C011ege Alumni. • , -
• ;miss 'Beverley York and. Master Pat
Grah.egts _ Wh.Q.'YollInteered 4(4u ,Tria-,
ity :church Sunday school to write the
9„ 13, It, E. exiamiinations, were pre-
sented with •• certificates from the
Dominion Board by the rector at
raiorning service on Sunday last.
Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit spent
the rweek-eml With her mother.
7. Mrs. V. A. Edwards 'returned ihorae
on Thursday last after having visited
On. Friday night, September 20, the
Western Tra.ii 631azers are "-giving -an-
old-time dance- at the town hall in
Bayteld, with music by old-time and
:modern. Orehestrat of - Detroit. -.Tim
Lindsay, old-time -violin player 'and
contest winner, will alsoplay. -Ad-
mission 35 °Oita. -Everybody Welcome.
, Clarence L. Walker, son '8f Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Walker, who began* his
hranch of .the Royal Bank, now has
the post of assistant, manager of the
second largest branch of the bank in
the city of Montreal. After some time
on the inspection staff of the bank in
Toronto he was placed in the credit
department at Montreal and four
months ,ago Was sent to inspect the
branch- at Nassau, in the Bahamas,
reaching that .point by flying from
FlOrida. • Clarenee's many
friends in Goderich will be pleased to
learn of his consistent and ,rapid ad-
. Mr. D. 3. Curry is retinperating at
:his home on Quebec street..froni
juries sustained in a• fall on Friday
afternoon at 'the farm of his son-in-
law, D. McDougall, in Goderich town -
Ship. Mr. 'Curry -fell from the *fop a
o loaded wagon,- 'assisting in the
,harvesting, breaking his rightwrist in
,tWo places and wrenching his. kneecap
is 'brought to Alexandra
'Hospital, where the wrist was set and
'the badly swollen Imee attended to.
,This is th-e third time in the last three
years that Mr. Curry, a very active
man for his age, hasbroken his right
?wrist._ •
' Tough?
dethey call. this cpurselece
de re'sistance'?" •
' "Just wait WW1 yon try it ';
'*" 6
Designed.hY. the Perley Co. of Montreal.
. ON •
Thursday,- Sept. 19th'.
,Bedford, Block '
Kingston $
AR,..****, •
Every Machine Needs
I .
perhaps only anew screw or a bolt, but rogueing it at the
proper UM° and in the proper way may save a serious break.
Should. you have a break, bring your troubles to us. If it
is repairable we can repair it.
Geo. W. Stokes
1Vischnust ZASTL
PHONE 2061.
for a few days in Kitchener.
Little Mary „Ellen gine, , who was
the -guest Of Mr. and Mrs. V. C
Quarrie after- the anotor accident in
whichher mother" was •seriously in-
jured, returned .to Flint,' Mich., with,
her father on Thursday last. •
Mi!Yand Mrs. S. D. Merner and
family, of Buffalo, ,spent Sunday with
the former's sister, Mrs. E. I, Sturgeon,
•and Mr. Sturgeon. .,
Mr Jack MurraY-- has one sailing
joined the Ship' at •IGoderich ,on 'rues -
'day. - ,
. 'Messrs. Jack Stewart and Jack
Walker of London are thw guests of
'Bill Tillman at the Tillman cottage.
G. Stogdill and two child -
Ten, cwho, spent the ..suminter at their
cottage, "The Hut," returned • to
Toironto on Sunday Fin) Dr. ,StOgdill.
'11/11S,S 111/1aTiOn* MerKeehnie was their
,guest over the week -end:
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kendall of El-
mirfe.are .spending.this week ,with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Dr. and Mrs.0 W. j. Tiliman, Miss
(Margaret and Peter Tillanan returned
to their horn. in .I.Aondon last week
after having spent some time at 'their
cottage. Mrs. J. E„ Brent, who was
With then for the • month olf• August.
--ietuirnedetkee_Montreal,---en.: Thursday
with her hushand,'who also was -here
fon a isihortviSit. •
Mr. Illoyd flotigins•of Toronto Cs at
his' eottage on the Terrace this week„
'Mrs. MieTague, jaek and Bo • Me-
Taone, who were.visiting at the home
of •IVIr*:•and iltrs. V. (0. Quarrie for the
roast few Weeks, returned -to their
home in Toronto on 'Monday with
Hon. justice Meringue. who was with
them over the, week -end. •
Miss Bettv Quarrie,, the new 4lielber
of Kingsbridge, visited •her- uncle, Mr.
V. C. Quarrie, over the. week-encl.
We have a ntunber of. lat-
est style Chesterfield Suites
in stock, that were purchased
at the, just past furniture
shows, and just before the
last price rise in this line.
If you are interested in a
suite, see theioe promptly.
We caii •prollaiSe YOU WO
won't have then). very 'wig
at, the price we aslg.
ranst on's
Phone 399
17 Montreal $t.
voonal,kuS 0QRES,SoptI,'•
MISS • Isabel' ..,TanaiesOn of LueknoW
spent a eoupie of days last week with,
1iferafitie,-14188--Teat+-Sain4eso .
' Mr. and Mrs, Wm. ,Bray orDetroit
_visited, 'on Monday' at the.home etUr.
and Mrse RObert NelS011e -* •
Mr. and Mrs. JOhn" HartVvick and
famfly,,of, 'Kincardine, were Sunday
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. john
-Lucknow High Scheel re -opened on
Monday.withPearl—Iamieson,- Ocean
Nelsen,, EvelYn, 'Little, Grant F,arrish
and Robert Boak 'attending from -this
NI,LEy Sept. 11.—Rev, G. Hazelwood
,will occupy the pulpit of •Nlie church
Sunday afternoon next instead of in
the evening, it -being RallY SundiIy
There will be a 'combined service with
the Sunday school. .
'Some of the farmers In these part§
are getting.pretty- anxious about their
crops that. are still out, waiting for
the threshing machine to "stook
thrahh." as, some- of the barns are full.
has to operations for
; Mr. and Mrs, By Girvin Wive quite
OM -addition tirtheir family:L-The three
• little children •of Warner Andrews are
' staving *`Itli filen a &hot time.
e Fart."Alberf alit/6 ttiThOE graver
pit are ()Atte • a drawing card- these
days: Visiters bY the hundreds ero on
Sundays to s(le the work progressing
Some take their 'lives in their hands
ify motoring on tile 4th concession of
'Aslifield. • " • ,
visit the
Sherbourne St.. at. Carhop..
One Hundred Modern Rooms
with private baths, showers and
private telephoneg.
Rooms`, single, from $2.00 to V.50
Rooms, tlotible, from $3.00 to $3.50.
• and $4.00
Good. Food served at, moderate
Dancing nightly; no toyer Oftrge
PORr2 ALBERT, Sept, 11.—WIrs,
Gray and miss itawki•ns are visiting
their b,rcother, Rev. W. 13. Hawkins, at
Forest - • •
Harvest festival services will be held
next SundaY, Sel/tem'her*I.5th, in 0hri8t
chureb. Rev. A. A.., Maloney will take
the .morning settle° at 11 o'clock and
in the evening, at 140, Rev. 3,1r. Mac -
Ritchie Of Walkerton will- be the prem.'
cher. •
Nut tioueraily Hoard, XvorIM sd.
Until After DooloroLlou of War
IAN few
Nue.; whi4-li will invoae eileuee ou a
group of alight Rob reveltors Mod bring
even the most flippant -minded itl-i
feet; but this is one of the, tributes
ealied forth by "'what i, rapidly becom,
ing the aecepted war s.ong a ltritisher
everywhere, "There'll Always ,13e an
The words of this moving battle
bYtan are simple and heartfelt, 39 wit-
nt excerfit:
".Therell always be an England
While there's a -country lane;
Wherever there's a eottage small
Beside a lield of grain.
There'll Always be an England,
And, England shall be free,
If England Means as much to yoU
As England means to inc." •
And, to show liew much England
Means to him, the author of these
words, dtoss Parker, is now ligltting
with the British arniy. The composer,
Ifur„hle ,charies, also is engaged in
defence work in
In the 'intervals, they continue ti)
give lyrical and muSical expression,' to
their • patriotioiro and their love qf
'country. Their latest, "The Navy's
Here," haa mode an immediate appeal,
and its ,popularity grows' steadily 44,..
the importance of the. senior service -
becomes more and mere apparent,
the Empire, ,
It is Curious now to learn that
'"There'll Always .33e An flglaild"
uh-Trmie—ror urairy-iratiltritat
was wiitten at a time when the war
clouds had not become lowering; when
,Britain * hoped that the -condict might
be averted,. Published in April, 103Q,
It was not until the war was declared
in September tbut it began to be,gen-
,erally ,heardreven in England,
overnight, it sprang into popu-
larity. In little more than a Month,
its sales totalled over 300,000 in Eng-
land algae, introduced in Canada, it
sold 60,000 °copies in record time and
is top .seller on_.11i11- 'ecmpfer4 today::
,Its Canadian publisher, . Gordon V.
Thompson; declared Its reeeption' by
the public a record, for recent years.
There can- be little doubt that , the
secret Of the power Of "There'll Always'
13e An England". is that it ,expresses
.1n,everyday , language the faith and
belief of millions of 13ritislf,' people
-throughout the 'world.
• - • .
REAR THE ,cLAss*Len: Ans.
46. ,
BUY- yaor
Miss Peggy Parsons
Telephone 231
Royal Seeuritie:# corporation, Limited
KINGS:MIDGE, Sept. 10.--;-"P1iel1a3
entitled "What' a Night," put on in
Kingsbridge hall by Members of- the
DramaticClub of the students of
Ifuronla 'Summer School, ,,Was much
enjoyed and greatly appreciated by a
• full house each 'night of the Perform-
ance; ° . •
Mrs; Iteproids, Mr. and Mr. Itar
'Dalton and little son visited in Barrio
over the week -end. They aeeompaided
Master Clare Simms that far as he re-'
. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vassella
family -aro. moving this- weekto-their
new Iionie some •tvitonilies northof
Kintail. They have lived in this
vicinity for five or..six years and„ we
are very sorry to lose them. We 7ish
them every suCcesS and haPPhless in
their new home.
Mr.- Walter Dalton and daughter
:Mary Ann, of Detroit, made a hurried
visit among their friends here last
week as Mr. Dalton was here selling
his heavy-ea,ttleewhich,were on pasture
- Mr, Bill Dalton and daughters spent
the week -end at .1.11r. Thos. Garvey's
as they -came to take .his sone Eugene
and Mark back to their college life in
Sandwich. mie Dolores, who has
been visiting in Detroit with her father -
and Sister, is now Tione to commence
school there.
Mrs. Vogt and daughter returned
Detroit last week.
• *-
Mrs. A. Hebert and
turn. to Detroit today.
4:nirsummer visitors are fast di*
appearing' and 'by the feel of the woo,.
ther today they are not getting out
any too soOn.
1.4bor Day vi;Vek-eini this year
brought many vislto.rstD Ringebridge.
The uSual :large number were here .
from Detroit, several fromOhicatel.
and Hamilton, Wingham and other
points were well repreaetited by 'friends ,
regewhwold acquaintances iit the burg.'
Wedding, --The marriage of Allathi
ankleyand Mabel Midi:aware( took_
Place in St --Yokiiiffs."-ernee h—at-0
o'clock -Monday morning, Rev. Vatiter
Quigley ollielating. The- attendants
,were Mr Jack Austin, nephew of the
bride, and ,Sliss Bowler of Stratford,
niece of the groom. We take Newt*
in wishing Mr. and.Mrs, Quigley much
joy and happiness through a long
wedded life.
, Prayers for Peace.r?-1111.e universal
prayer for peace was responded to
again on Sunday, September 8th, by,
the congregation of Kingsbridge, -the
majority of the parish attending first
Mass ;and receiving holy communion
with extra and special prayers led by
their pastor, Bev. Father Quigley, and
again /attending holy tour in the after.
noon ;with benediction of • the Blessed
41 bear ,yonr,-boy. friend wants to
'"twt.°Nfteld11), whne sa dot 4)awngooadhsragret.." I. gave
him the -.ate today."
— -
The Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to anrzowe
the offering of a loan' to be issued for cash in the following terms:
, 3 Per Cent Bonds due October 1,1952
Callable on or after 'October' 1, 1949 : •
Issue_Priee: 98.75%_and_ixeruedinferest
Yielding 3.125%10 maturity „,,-,.."' • -
Denominations of Bearer Bonds: $100, $500,
The proceeds w' ill be used by th.e- Government to finance expenditures for war purboses.
Pajlnent l'to be made it full agairstdeliVery ol-interinteellifiLates on or after Octob& 14940. -
*Principal and interest will be payable in lawful money of ,Canada. Interest will be payable
without charge'semi-annually at any branch in Canada, of any chartemd Vank. The Bonds Will.
be, dated -October 1, 1940:,
In accordance with the announcement made' by the Minister of Finance on August 18,
1940, the Bank Of Canada has been further a,uthothed to announce that applications will be°
received to eonvert Dbmtnaan of Canada' PA Bonds due September 1, .1940, which have not
yet been, presented for pecyment, into an equal par value.of additional bonds of the'above issue.
The .0% Bonds accepted for con,vei.sion, (with, final coupon detached) will be valued at 160.25'Vo
and the resultant cash adjustnient in favour of the ,applicant will be made at the time of
, -
delivery' of the new Voids, on or after October 1, 1040. •
, .
Cash subscriptions and conversion applications may be made through tiny approved in,,,
. 4 vestment .dealer Or ,stock broker or through any branch. in Canada of any chartered bank, from.
whom *copies of the official prospectus containing complote details-. of the ,issue may
The Minister of Finance reserves the right to allot cash subserip'tions itt full oi n patt.
The lists for cash, subscriptions and conversion applications. will openat the Bank of
Canada, Ottawa, at 9 amt., E.D.T., on Monday, September 9, 1940, and may be clOsed at any ,
..time at the diser'etion of the Minister of Finance, With or wawa notice', •
'OTTA,104 Septeinbqr 6, 1946.
a an