HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-12, Page 44e4, THE GODERICH: SIGNAL.STAR AUESTED AT 8A81ATOON Iluron P eshyterial - . THAfti#0,6.2Ye. aitarf. letth, UN* NA.A.A. law= TaRzx XOR WAR GUESTS , St** Ssieroaall Wilated Hat` 901 „ W M Q oit liirkinuoillt No; Inteicwhool Atilleilie CAMiptlitigeS OW Cifuntry Childreo Like resches,, thaw of Theft of Boa& Tr *-41,'"001, 44,A0 ii-vil-.104141-11 to Re Held. Thbo Yew 1 and jeep Create, but Not Corn oit I' autheritiea fgom the Chief Of Police of . ' At the ;Atiatial 'meeting of the Huron the Cab 'I 'Word Wae reeeived by Huron sCeuette •„ , saf4eatoon. that Robert meson, eteek AURilati Van Rally en Tu_esd_ay Aciats'sne Athletie Aestielation, held' at VINT war guest. elli14,elle fOilr of selesman and, feenser lesolser. bed teen Well Attencled-Erteintraging St'afOrth 011 Tneeday afterae021, it wae theitt Oeote lade atid lassies witli a -.„-, -, i1 (1 that, ow ng 71, ' . eireum- liaarao so 'thick it could Lie ent with arrested in. "that eity and wee being . Addresses sued tv‘V months ago. lie is wanteil The annual rally of fiurea reeehy. 6tittaillonmionnfgehiet)ellsotolltebl:mUbera‘,ec°e1"1)4 I the Pvtwerbtal lillier tlIM rlQw ernicd°tt' for alleged thefts involsing nea,r1S terial Womea's MiSsioreary Soeiety, of tlie Aesociation win not be 4elti. "ring ah,l'e,i r,„ located. with the Meet and 1 deughter Of Mr. and Mes. Vitilliain held. A. warrant for his arrest was Is- (etay ineagee eetaies have ye t Ay onw the gresbyt0rian Church in Canada- the t "%Ira ter am es on a roe e se , )1 f. ili IvIteiv ,,fdrolml, olgohdte. Iii liCiOctirr'dokni I.,,lli)issr*. olsaf,inWiaelialtunr;:laisi once had. offices in Kitehener and ."i',IT. ', levb2usr iteltL ill eh,' liensall, ou TaieSday, SePtelne t .),Ir. MeAlpine and. Miss Doly of the 1 -and are feet fitting iuto the 03.11[141mi. • Carmel Preebyferian ' election of officers teak place, aerosS till° Ma,itland . thee:Untai:ettlItItis‘h• Old, office next Year. riela ilea ale ver reach sc'' WI am 0 s • • • .,*re te elate me I Webster a Hamilton. only son of Mr. late "Mrs. WebstsaC 'Given in marriage i000 in, Huron and Perth eountses. . I out. This alleged that Dickeon, towel, was giasen 4. 1k1 by an as Fet uus 'i, her 1.0th, with Morning alui afternoon Mitchell staff were elected prvsfclut way' of liviag. . ' IIV ilel' father the 4.)17/111e wore a (r.edill- a.Certaill issue a 1)4)1 10 of ( anada i W ere 7 II t attentianee I The individual t1 )Ob caw hold their ; Christina .pand Archie Leielaman aged,. Pte. 1.lust:'-',Allitee9,f '11* -al Nue and white I With Mr. and 'alre. Walter are "; • L11 (1 party, with which. to, inirehase ! session% , , ; and ,seeretary, re$pectively. 11 t1 °It i$ alleged •that lie putaitased I a, oewgates „trona Aliburn, payfieta;: track aed field meets at their own di s- I ten anti six respectivelY. Ilitall• Me- liguit'4'etePe';' wini-411"11 1°1" felt hl•t,.. asleflOWere And ilAnt( bonds in VS1eroxeter and. ilIovvick town- , DI..yth, Belg-rave, Goderiela' •raetexe ., eretion. • The, GodericheCollegiate boys' 1 Keel:14i% af,",ed Ida% iS with Mt. and end consage of er Prhytrosebuds. 'Mrs. Kenneth. Salter , a 'smt) in, Ilutnn' and ills Wallace town- i ifefisall and eafo SrthIli.e Visitors and irlat gs' hletie c. scietiee wilt hold 3r% Je is 1m6 Dieset. AU are frOns Glas- wine gr. and grs. Gortiotif Bio. jaindon, sister of the bridroo egm, "a'314 IR said that he never ' delivered the " PNsident et I-leileall t11\111 14.1 and 'the , discussethis subject an nam " set are Agnes MacArthur, aged thir- her attoulant and ar. Kenneth Salter $ ip are . kt i Perth It • were weleomed ha* Mrs.' IL% Ihulaona meetings 'this (Thursday) ,eyealag to ! (VW. peared to parts unknoWn. ' . I the SeafGrth aenior aud Ilarlattea, Kirk- I Thoee eepresentinge tlieile.C.1. at the teen, of GlasaeoWeami Barbara Lancag. Vro, givonismanr . A eception for the oil, ,as statea 14 last \woes signae.star. Fatale:let Hotel' and later Dr . and Mr e. ter, of GriMeby, Eng:leak not Bright- immediate family' followed at the 'King • . . bonds, "however, but instead distil), i t1& (>i0'111 eXerCi5VS Vk'ere in charge ,of . for the slew term. ' . , , .,',,, ' SashatoOla todaY to brluhim to g 4. 4.14. The eSerial president Mrs, , R. Speet, A. G. Simpapia boys' athaeale The esVo laSt-naraed are enrolled at the trehsteeleft bY raOtor ' fGr the Thou - Provincial Conatable Oidaeld left for , Man eVening auXiliaries. ': .: i Seafortle meeting were Principal A.. rich to fae;e, trial. .., • ' .1 Hugh Jaels of Seafoetle, gave a splendid . director, Miss M. 'Lanes' giiis' athletic Collegiate Institute, the reenahlIng eand Tama district, Tho maple will addre$$ based 8n. tb,e Message given," director, 'MISs Betty , Westbrook ' and tlirea at 'Saltford piiblie school; , ' live at ll.19 alain':streef E'ast. Medi- , 1 by God Jo Josieha, "Be strong and a tTerry Costello, 'Clinton, ea r , Little Areine Leishman ` had just ton. - Weddiags Ail )1E At'etif• „Paure., Presteetenizisa Church. Tovonto, 1;y IZQN. ^,MeDerniiii..4114. ,Saturday, September 7th, Lllise Jean Forrest Laidlaw of ill'aupliton, only The Treasurette .95 Elisabeth Arden's gay pink. and -gold: beauty 4est contains no le�s ths4 7 of her Essentials for Loveliness. A perfectly valid gift for a birthday, a bridge, or' an *miiversary. Special! NEWS, erk:Pants- mu, a cat. Nworateda, dark checks and stripes. Five pockets, belt,t093.Ti, and cuff ''bottonx. • White Of Chatham are awaY-011 a three a good eourege, and the Lard, He it is ter, Hensall and Mitchell also were started te Sehool a Year ago, hUt the ' the Maritime Previtices, "This ia, as verse we, all need todaYit.' 1 e ,..s, . _ " ,,,_;„ ' ....,a'a e.g.. g 'AIG,Ies Ife VOSter is 'visiting this week , said. the' spea.ker. *"We ueed •Iti as a ' '` ,DIYISIODic CuvRT RESuraES' otil°1! G148g°1v ehildven haVe seen ;Wilson, 'Gladstone aye ; Tb .. . wih, Bev . J. II. and airs, Geogliegau i. nation, as individual% and as a. branch • ' .--- "e '.` , I nothingaster , of the Wag, but Barbaea Lan- daughter of ..Mree WiLson and th 11104. titer Litsf_Of Cases for First Sitting, e ditei TailitiOir- 's '7- -'"• •11100ett---,#P,Ines geOnlIne, Pla_nes near .englian, . of TAM kton, bia... of Al has .$een Where borabs Were john 'E' Wilson to- 4.11111,14.4.11111,14. IS r yastalawhileetheresIS411 -1)e.--,-.0f-- the- clioreh-ofek,hrist.--Joslutaseand 1 a innipbelits..tsiltt I51Ile wedding of Rev , L , jhis men , needed this message The fi t ,DI I$1 *on. ' Court; Sitting in T GrinIsbY °lid tile (lanlage'llie'Y NvrCfught;' '3•11"i71.-S.-N.--nernighans..-foeneer __, • Patterson. - , 1 wereabout to enter the land of Canaan • weeks' meter' trip through. Quebec and that doth 'go before thee."0' , ', 1 tepresented. ' •• ' exigencies of war 'resulted ill the dis- . RERNIGHAN-'WiLSON ,. bandin of his elass. Ile and the .., The 014.4.113 4. of Muriel ;Margaret Mr. and, M.rs. joku Mavoy 'Gatlield „and. they knew it would be lie easy !* ; rs v , -, he five guest children, Who llevei Ooderich and' 'Colborne thwashi rp;i;t'ro ao-en , atool w '• ,..a t route, e late 'of Windsor viiited receutly with Miss i task, yet they Went forward, knowing .1 Goderich since the lone su -miner 1 b f ' l' d o ' a. farm had never seen - eAtietallii"trirt V Rev. given ill marriage -by John W.- Dbralled;;; $ i.69, Robins Ltd. APENT TIP: Toe, TA.-iptAN,Ets Phone 384 ,The Square Drug Sto Carrie O'Neil: Ws. Gatfield VMS that Ged Was with them as fie. had , vacat'On was held by Cestellosen i.or eaten corn 04); the eob before, ,coming piresyterian ,ehui411, 1,4141 Ale,. -_ e ore we n , place on Thur,sdas laat .in., Dov formerly Miss ',Beatrice La.ssaline and proinised. We, too, are meeting tasks' Er,iday, -with tweistystvio cases' and I. to k.)anaela. TheY are nuanlInceis M. ;Greer, Newmarket laseisted b is -well known in GoderielL tliat-arg hard during these trying dayS,1. eight judgment summonses listed. . saying they de not like it. But they R ,e lehe Phone 90 .2....i.00,......ow Mrs: 'George Johnston, Stanley street, at will leave en Monday for Toronto to ` attend ICentral Technical School,, where! he', will. take .a course in aircraft me- ! thanks. . . - • e ' - 1 • Mr. and 'Mr% Cassius MCOorinick and. children, Allen, • Audrey and I Archie, have returned to their home at Muncie, Indiana, Tafter-v-tisi -inesaathels lady** patents, Mr. and Mrs.. Ben i -Allen. „ . ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thompson and i Mies Bella Green. ± sons Martin and Timothy returned to I e• Miss Margaret Strang of 'Termite is Peterborougb. on MOnday after spend- I lapending holidays with. her sister, Miss jog a ethree weeks' vacation with Mr. ,34abe1 Strang.. • ' and *ars: Frank li. , Martini Mrs. i Dr. 'Douglas Clarke and Mrs. Clarke, Thompson's parents. , L mus o a of Ottawa, are guests ot Rev. C.. F. Messrs. John A, Mooney and George ! and the Empire of WhiCh NW form abi Division COurt, but when' trial time ' aind 1TrS. Clarke. • . . R. Mooney, of Regina, Sask.,ewith sone I part, but we must still put the churelie came they announced they hed Shaken Atiss.'Florenee Mooney has returned) - Malcom and John; Visited in town with 1 first, even though it may mean eacri- I hands and called it a clay, etich paying' to toWn after spending the surelaer sea- their brother, D. D., Mooney, North i tieing something else that is less im- l his -own costs: - on itt Port Min. street and ' sister; Mrs. George John- e portant. Prayer and self-denial a.re ; Of the twenty two cases set down for MiSs Orate Boggarth of POrt 111.1,5011 Ston, Stanley street, the past week. I needed today as; never before ; may , hearing judgment was ,given. :in four *fent the Week -end, rat the home of . d ea r , eon of IR We go forward with new allegiance to ' and reserved in one. Two were settled 'Mrs. Thos. 'HawkinarBaYlield 1.ond.-..-:' I G. `G: . Meg:lardy, ,Anglesea street, With I Mr. Dave Easson, who has been his wife and two friends,. from RiffOnj • opending,biS siuxthaers in ,Goderich for Rouge, Lae speat last week ' visitMg 1 alfe, past twelve 'years, returned to his Mr. and Mrs. G... G.. McHardy, retirn-1 home at New Orleans on the 3rd inst. ing on the 7111 inst. via Niagara FalLe, ' 1,,, tiss Clifford,,,sofegttaesa,,aatormer , New York and. Washington. • I On Thuraday' laat the Maple Leaf inember of the G.C.I. stair, vras ' hit Rowan Rey, Tortola, British Virgin' during the remaining part of the year - town this week visiting frplis. 'Islands, is spending a few days With 1 to make sure that the allocation will , e f Chapter, t.O.D.E., held. its monthly acise,„Valeen O'Brien• turned to Mrs. John Seeiebefore leaving to attend he reached in December. • Brantford on, 'Sunday to resume her a - .Sch I, at Lakeffeld . teaChing duties at 'St. Basil's School Ont. Bowan, who has been attending there.- • , • • school In Scotland the past 'five years, Mr. and Mis. Slimes Webber of Mid- left Scotland in June for Jamaica ; land. visited 'friends in Goderich on from there he flew- to the Virgin Is- ,Toeedaye While on.. a holiday trill tatlands, where he spent five weeks•with. Sarnia. -, " his parents, lion. and. Mi•i: W. MIMI)- . Miss Isabelle TYndall, R.N., left on .bell Roy. Saturday for Oshawa, where she has Angus MacKenzie, who recently a *Sinai'. with ,the Department of suffered painful injuries to his hands , Publie alealth. , owhile working aboard the S.S.. Fort Miss'eM. Campbell; was a guest at, Wildoe, visited with his ' father,- 'Mr. • the- Eagle4Hunt wedding- on Saturday Kenneth. MacKenzie. Wilson street, at Hamilton. The groom is a nephew over the week -end: , This is Angus's, Of "the •Miepea Campbell. - • first visit home sificie the accident, ee -VjeitOrseatetheehomesof Mrs :Ind.:Mrs. ,whieh , took. two fineers .of tits left ' G. Q. Mel:lardy; Auglesea -street, last hand. He has been ree-uperating-al . week were Miss O'Keefe.„. of Chicago, the home of , his sister,. Mrs.. George - and -Mr. PhiliP Austhe of Moraine, , Wilsonr of 1,Temilton, and had to return Miss:, Florence Mooney, Miss Rose there On Monday, as he is still under Aitken' Mrs J Lee of town and Mrs. .the care of a doctor in that city. Billy Joe Johnstone 8011 of Mr. and , awl we need the courage and strength! Two antomehlie dama'e action$ were are *verae-foud of. Canadian,. peaches* rgliSONAL' 1VMNTiON' Mrs. T. M. Johnston visited relatives in ;Hamilton over the week -e1141 - Mr, and Mrs. Will Marsh, of Toledo, Ohio visited friends town iweek. • ' - and Mrs, Hbrace Snider, of Sault •Ste. Marie,- are visiting with that -come from elose conunitnion with; disposed'. of. Walter /fern, Goderich, I which they also ha.ve eaten for the ehose white -bengaline taffeta, made on Ged.. Next year is' to be `girls' year in : who sued John Armetrong, :Rae. 2, first time sinee,coming here. They all our Wemen's Missionary Society, ler • Auburn, for - $93:50, was as 1..are fond of .oatmeal porridge for break- Queen IFfil?laheth line% finer-tia veil with e . coronet of pearl' and a itou- 11-$. pray that all 'the leaders in this $70.22. The ' accident ,, occurred , on ; fast, but they do not use Sugar en. it. part of our works May be able to leelP : APril 17th of tilts Year a short dietance However, they, are Very fond of fillet of roseS and bouvardia. iS ii S S ' the girls to find for themselves 'the ; north, of BlYth. . ' "sweeties,"ethe. name they give candy. Velma •I'ringle. consIn of the bride, 1 $ource of trife strength and courage- ! The action of William Lyman, saw. Ice cream, which at Saltford -Heights was' bridesmaid,, Stewart ' Dimcan- Jesus ChriSt. 'As they go out into the , filer, 'Goderich, and David , Churchill, is literally spoken of in tons, goes over best man and William Herd and Mur - world -they.- will etteedecouragee- to live, Clinton, cndedeeineea thaw--Isymaa in a big way with the visiting children. was.. held_at_liadidon Hall.', inhere the ray Priltgle the-uShers. A reception honeatly, live simply, and to speak'? claimed $104.05 damages and Churchill 'While prayers for peacessegre-heinge frankly against the thing's that would counter -claimed for $116.05. Early ine offered in. the Churches of the Empire bride's, mother and the groonN harm the soul and spoil the character. I August!ears: arlven 63' the two men Gn Sunday. merning last, the overseas 1 mother reeelved. For a 'motor trip to of the organ. plaYing.softly durhig the eadded-toesthe attractiveness a the 'service; and, gladioli, in paetel: haes also ceremony. Tiirbnkwregiveneelneaul4rease... of OLtawa, riage by her 'brother, George Sehaef, wore a.Smart street -length. dress of plummage green crepe, , cut , with side *drape and three-quarter " -sleeves. .A. small gray hat gray ac- . ,pleted the -ensembles She was attended' kessories and a bouquet of rosea eons. - by her sister, -Miss, Jamet Schaef; Who, quwiltitaencttrimbia,calc bwloarcek 'bhltet'wictrhepae red. aCcessories: She carried red roses. - Major Douglas Nairn was best man. A reception for extembers of the Ira-, mediate families at The Surrey fel: How cau we le 1 9" ' - 1 s • l'OW.a. -I .&-'ST-S-chaetewho-wore orchid_ Ls gioeing the speaker . referred to I hill. on the Clinton -Bayfield ,„ read. crepe, was assisted in receiving by . sideswiped at -flight 0)3. the hrOW of a visitors were attendine clivin,e worship Eastern (lanada, the bride wore an airs, 'Sturdy, the groom's MOtber;who • the nOtter of .giving. "There are', Lyman was prosecuted for careless of Miles from 'the ecene. of coallict, 1 hair brown aecessories• and- a.' stone couple, left on: a triP to, Algonquin many calls foe mieney today, and we ', driving gut the eharge was dismissed. f " t ' The • then' carried theft* dispute to They have written their next of kin Marten flee- gift of the gleam. On Park; the , -bride travelling in.a soldier 11 w and about Canada and Canadians. at KnoX church, _#__._., Goeerich, thousands I Indian earth enseanble of rabhirf; were a navy ensemble. The bridal about this and tobl them many' nice their return Mr. and 3,/frs. Kernighan blue ensemble With black accessorie% things of their reception, their hOStS Wilt live 111 Toronto. . , , raoRp FIREARavis- . .... . ,,A pretty- wedding was. solemnimd Saturday affahoote sSeptember Pah, at STURDY-SCHARF They will reside in London. Chief Postelethwaite Sends for Third St. .George's PresbYterian church; Rally Day will be celebrated at•Vie- CITURCii* NOTES Geti; who will never leave nor forsakei out of court. The rest were lAid. over. Su ply of Registration Forms ciatino., When Jessie Elizabeth Scliaef, The. London, Ont., Rev. Donald McKay. offi- ,toria street church on Sunday next.. The Pmsbyterial treasnrer," Ilis. -T. I ti.A.Plat 'LEAF' CHAPTER- ,haveeleeen. regiStereCiYitli :chief re ose .late Dr. H.• E;Schael, Duffeein avehtlef eldesCdatighter of Mrs, "Schaef and the tpart.in the morning service and in the Sunday ,school members will take - us.. . , - Two hundred rilles and, shotguns. •been reeelied to . date and urged that War Activities the Chief - Subject , . at telethwaite in cenformity with -De-. 'London, 'became WO -bride if prieutt. >foetere,yearss.a......Sunday sehool superb: - evening. alr. E. J. Smith, of Stratford, each. auxiliary make a; special, effort 1 lionthily meeting . , partment of Defence requirement,s, but Alfred Burton Sturdy, Only son of 311r, tendent, will.speak, Miss Nora Borth - forms and is not in. a Position to reg- Mrs. J: H, Stevens was at the console special soloist. ister an additional forty . Weapons once again the Chief has run out of and Mrs H. 0. 'Sturdy, of Goderich. aviele of the Orpheus Choir Will he the amammaimee Swan Smith, reported that $1,100 had I - • which have since been. presented by Asimp;mmillumg;.0mowimpoimminwilimmilmoimilmenrieri their owners. The 'Chief is doing the 'next best thing to registering the fire - The---rrott call was answered by -the i meeting at the Pulslic Library:. Mrs. response of each auxiliary to the clues- I Donald. "Campbell, -ifce-regent, pre,: tion, "What are you doing to increase .1 'sided. . , - areas. He is taking the names of the Glad Tidings subscriptions?" and sev- i Plans for the collecting of used ma.. owners and is holding the rifles and 1 this department of the, work. I discussed, •but things are at a .standarrivelie - shotguaa at his office until 'new! forms . Neill then notify the own- ers!. helpful' suggestions were given for 1 terials for war purposes are still 'being 1 ThilelSe remarks by the secretaries t still Until a suitable roomcan. be fauna ers, who will bealiletregiater-the of the various departments. were en- 1.for storage , and sorting before it is fitearinS at his elk* before the Satur- '. 'ae- i .couraging, and will lead to greater i.shipped to the manufaeturersday midnight deadline. ' interest and efficieticy in the Work of 1 It Ivas 'suggested that the Chapter , The registration forms for shotguns ., Rev. Hugh Jack of•Seaforth brought,' in the near future, the proceeds , heeemd- have- a kOIG party Some time and rifles require information es to the of 3 make' and type of gun, calibre, serial the Presbytermf.' - - ''' 7 1 greetings front- the PreshYtery of Hu ,i which would. be used for the 'Chapter's number, Owners namer. owner's (weft 1 ron and closed the morning . session. funds. • - • A pation, use made .ef gun, and the own - with Wiser. . ' . - - 1 Boxee tor oVietseas are, to be packed er's and registree8 signatures. • ,OIVIZIMANSTITUTE IA delightful lunch was served_ by 1. at the end of the week and ,menibers ° '•-• tIle=1earairafdiefrol'al---%1-11-nu•-lbe` laweressienrindettestuatalmeet- heire-contrie 1 afteruoon session was opened with a I butions. as soon as. possible. ' Pound 1,call to worship and the singing of the 1 ea.ke andaecoffee were suggested ai. 1 National Anthem, the devotional -ester- I being- popular offerings 1Goderich Womers Institute was held .1 cises being in eharge of. the Arthur 1 The pos$ibllity of establishing a :Mrs. Victor Sniith of Toronto, first 1 the nwill .. goon be in town • was wl . . r vice-president of the -Onta.rio Provincial I discussed . with much interest. The the reteent tag day held in GOderieli W.M.S., ,w.as. introduced by Mr,s. De J.1 chief difficulty lies in obtain*: a'hsuit- in aid of the Ca n ad ka n Nat io na 1 Lane, and gave a splen.did address or able building for the purpose. Mrs. Institutes .for the Blind svgs. given ; an inspirational character. i D. Campbell and Mrs. R. C.'ellays Were the proceeds amounted to $L9.90, ..,,,,,**"2677o -fa:Me...questions Nee.eseeetewietel,, emnehated , to see If it were possible to The president asked the members I everywhere today," said the speaker, . rent uletraireriiiiratati,.alsii, to, ask t0 donations for the overseas boxes- "is,- why do' the wicked prosper? It I the co-operation of the Lions Club in te 11*1:4ekett IhYel".'In the Ilitattli7 * ' Isn't a new question.; all through the! this venture. • ' The Inetitu.te evas divided in groups The SePtemlber meeting of the in. MacKay Hit 1 on Thursdey lest, CI ele of Goderieh 'The guest speaker canteen for the benefit of the Air Force th a fair attendanee. A sreport of Oxydol. ' QUICK QUAKER ()A LG -1G 21c 4mo- 4NANG,sr, 0110c. -• MALLOW .Biscuits LB. 17c - "NIBLETS" CORN. i4 -�z. TINS 25c wituAM,6" BLENDED annalade IXE lb. 90" JAR hAtri, ‘`LAWRASON'S" Snowflake AMMONIA, ri Special Food Values For the Week READICITT lylACARONI - BLUE Bar COFFEE ..1b. 35c Chipso Sugar and Crean) tit. With Glass All for' eo P'artd-G-SOAP 6 -bars -'25c Old English FLOOR WAX 1.1b. 5gc GILLETT'S LYE . . . , Tin 120 .`‘CROSVN" BRAND Z lb.. 5 lb. CoritSyrup.m 21e . 43e QVAKER; IVIIIFFETS Pkg. 10e A. 3; PANCAKE FLOUR 170 ' Gittiti GIANT PAS tin 15e Royal York CHEESE pkg.,15c 13RUNSWICX SARDINES . Go "CASCADE! FANCY PINK salmon lb. Tin Ile 1-1b. Tin 17 CLASSIC CLEANSER ... Tin 5c LAWItASON,'S Fix:3110 „, Tin 210 • HILLOREST PURE LARD lb. 10e . Gtiht DROPS ... lb. 15e Salado, Tea VELUM LABEL 4 37c BROWN LA17..WL lb* 39e "GARDEN 16 oz. Tin PATC1 NAP _Luc AEROXON PLY COILS .... 2 for 50 PARAWAX - ... 2 lbs. 27c 911EINV Pork *ndi3eans 2 'It 'I"' 25c J. CALVIN COTT PHONE 116 . McEWER PHONE 46 • Old and New Testaments, we meet I . Piper's Dam Was chosen as ,the site for the piirpoee of raising funds, with with it, and people have tried Co find i for a picnic to be held on Thursday 'be two captains for each group, namely' the answer. When Jesus came He 1 this week. Group 1, Mrs G. Young and . Mrs. $4 didn't have life niade easy for Him:; 1 . • '' Greenslade; group 2, Mrs. C. Wor- he was despised and rejected, of men] RIPLEY' TAKES 0.B.A., JUNIOR sell and airs. W. Price; group 13, in spite of all the good He had done, 'Mrs. G. Bieset and...Mrs. G. Mathieson. "B" CHANIPIONsmp . A paper on Curreni Events was - yet He eriumphed through . all the . suffering. When HisesdiseiPtles -hegani _,.. .given by Mre N. ThompsOlaefollowed to carry on the work, they too met with Ripley Junior's. are the new 0.B.A. •by a quartette by Mesdames ,C6 John-, ..„., perseeution, and for a time it. 8eeined 1 "Tn. nior 13" champions, having defeated ston, .Ellia,, Wilkin and Hollend tic - terribly •discouragineebh.t....relying on, 1 sehesleY in three straight games in the eam.panied on the iplano esr.alrs. C. final playoff round for the title. ' ThOmas. ' The ladies sang "Siensol God for strength they went forward i . and the erly church prospered ha 1 Ripley beat out the GlOderich. Lions Days," and wore costumes accord - h - Bruce League sOuthern division inglya . 'one q all who tried to hinder. St.! 111 the ; eemi-finals in .a. rousing threes -games The guest s'peaker for the 'day was Paul said, 'If we suffer Witb. Him, we which the Lions won the first Mr% A . J. Milligan. Whose subject shall. also reign. with Him,' and the , seriesin , smile message comes to us today frinn1 gamwas e here only to. lose the next two ; 'ms for Teen:age Children." 'those 4.0 whom Christ 1801 In all. In "ectsvay frmo• h9nle- - - ' ' The -address was--both-interesting.aml. many of ' them. are tarnine to Chris (ton in a • three•garaes series for the ,instruative and many- suggestions Ripley went op to eliminath" Walker - China with its suffering millions, ?then met' and defeated Chesley, north- "were given for the selection of proper for the Bruce reading foe children of different ages. southern di„yi.sion championship and tie.nity, as the only thing that ean , League_ and ,O.B.A. Junior "B" tttles. dAoredhearty vote of thaalts was ten - give them help and conifor't. Let us . 1 Ripley has a hustling", hard-hitting Mrs. Milligan, after which a , hold fast our faith in God, which alone 1 'tern divisien winner", face the days that lie ahead.41" great team spirit,' and _social lialf-hour was spent at the' tea can give us strength ,aciad . cograge to 1 ' , The prekddent expressed the thanks 1- tenni wan 4 ,table, Where lunclawas -served aer 'aim welcomed Mrs; Larkin, a 'former Pres- W: Price and her- aesistant boetese,ee i for the .day. aline to's 'congratulate- the new chem. . SALE OF FARM STOCK •Goderieh Lions will be among' the • of the memhers to Mrs. Smith, and 't.he byterial president and a worker in the • Presbyterial for twenty-seven years Mrs. Larkin expres8ed her pleasure in being able to attend the meeting, and congratulated the members oii the splendid work they were doing. „ A delightful solo was sung by airs. W. A. MaeLaren, followed 6y prayers by Mrs.A. 1. Boyle , of Myth, Mrs. A, Porterfield of Selgral,ta and Mrs J. IL, Barnett of Goderichea Miss Laura Ieckelt of pxeter brought the repot of the resolutions committee, thankiag all who had assisted in 'Making the meeting et SUCeeSS, and exprese ainsein- e! - pathy to those who had suffered. reavement. A musical number by six members Ofthe Mission Italia was much enjoyed and the meeting closed with prayer by :Sirs, Pelt. Itedditt. • _ ENGAGEMENTS 'ANNOUNCED " Mrs. Mee. OabaldeStOn, Godericbe announces the, engagement of • her .yourteer tleugeter. Allaerta Treat", to Mr. John Carl 'Dean% of Wingham, Only eon of MO, T. t Smith and the late Mr. Peter 1)eane of Winghani; the ,marriage to tate plaee 111 GOderieh ,Baptiet elittreh in the latter • part of ,Steptember, . ' Mt. and Mrs. Wm. thitblado,of Goae. rieh announee the engagement of their daughter. Dorothy Evelyn, tO , Mr. j Clayton Pett, son of Ur. and Mr.S...1rOlut rettS of Ilyth. The wedding will take i place this month. s "Ifo:w did you foam to walk a tight l'ust pick' it up yourself?" "No, it has to be taut." ,GOLF Vic Ellliott defeated Judge T. M. Costello in the serni-finals of the -Gar - row :trophy play on Sunday, Vic:will • nowraeet 1.11sS Ruth Nicol in the fin- als. . , miss NIeo1 is also in the, final reind of the rose bowl play and will, meet apse Roberta Johnston. ,., Check Discharges From the BowelsDove1 trouble, although happen- ing at any. OM :la of the year, aro more prvealvtianurtgeatts. hot • sum- merlitannerarPlu is one. of the Worst troubles, but diarrhoea, dysenterY,.. colic, cramps and pane in, the in- re testineat or any looseness of the 1r bowels shouldhoe imniedia." te at 'e tations. The action. of Dr. rowler V..xtract of Wild. Strawberry is pleasant .rapid, reliable and effectual.in help- ing ,to ,eheek the unnatural ,di - charges. . It has been on the market for the past 94 *111111, SO why experiment with new awl untried renteditai Get "tor., Fowler Pa and feel safe. The %tabu* Cloa Ltd,. termite. Oat. . Good Prices Realized at Dan Mac- . ltenzie's Auction Good prices were realized at Dan Mackenzie's, anction sale, at the siteeof the Port Albert alrport, on Wednesday of last weey. Cows sold >from$38 to $70 each, Nineteea young heifers brought about nine mute a poundon the hoof. and growing pigs brc•ught ten cents. • , AlletiOTWer ThoninS Guladry said after' tile sale that the trend of the' tiniea on. the farm today was to buy growing stoek that will commune 'a lot of feed, of which, there is a' super- abundance. . The sale Was one of a fe* in the past ten years at yvhich approved joint notes, bearing six, per cent. interest, were accepted'. Over one thousand dollars of these notes were 'taken by a North Ituron farmer bet 'spring. They all have fallen due. All Wkr0 paid -call except three dollars and that is owned by a relative, accordie, to *Ur. Gundry, who inn.4t have his little -joke. _ TOVITN'SIIIP at,“ Mr. tarl MeAllister left uMonday to eminence a ten Weeks' eourse In eleettie weldingat the Galt Aireraft School. - Mr. Earl MeAllistd, Miss Willa. Pickard and Mr. find Mrs. It. NfeAllster were guts %on Sunday with Mr. and Mr. W. lianditori, at Auburn. The quick popularity obtained by the is a latVering recognition of the service we are giving. We are determined to serve nothing but the Vest; and this Applies to meats, frits, vegetables, and pastry.: Special - - See our Spotless kitchen; it will Please you. - • FRANK LANG Phone 272 , at Side of Square 011 e intereste In our list of specia,l, prices for the week 13th to 20th-- Sept-, inclusive Fruit Jar Rings, Corks, Para - wax, Alum, Preserving 'Powder, Parke's 'Catsup flavor. Wilson's Fly Pads 10e 'Ply Coils 5 for 1.0e' Ply Swatters 10e New Valet , Auto Strap Razor with five blades "i9e Buy British 'Certified Tooth BruShes, Four Styles 25e Rat Poison Common Sense '..33e • at RNip 33e1') Rough on Rats. 33C' Mouse Seed ... Kleenex' 20 for 13c, - 2 for 25,c 500 29e Wemit's Dental Cream • 49e llercurioclikome Ilandi-Tape Wet Proof, 25e VITAL'S. Stimulatse the scidp -Dresses the hair 500-$1.004 Schick Injector' Razor - 12 blades -.-Leatherette Case • $1.00 Cameras, Vitals, DeVelopittg,- rrinthig hour service DUNLOP CAMPBELL LAUDER WIGLE ,Phone 1 Phone 90 Phone 19 Phone 45 ow:muter( »RUGGZSTS