HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-12, Page 3•
NESTErrit7Sp(30192#t.No. 33
�111,1o:xy litolzums
. Barrhitor, TAW.
Office -Court lionee, ,Gederieb.
Telephone 0.
elIAATERsub oi,C01.1NWANW
monitis ',CONWAY :,
The death occarred, at Kingston on
Saturda,y of Morris M. ConWay, Ham-
ilton district ',manager for the Canada
Dry Ginger Ale Company and on of
Mrs. Conway a London andi the late
• ,Rev."1Villiana Conway. The young man
Was twenty-nine years of age. Ile
leaves a widow, "slaUghter of‘Dea.n J. s
Matheson of gnoonE5 nuivoraty. 3:03..00,aadian legien Me,mbers and bands -
father Was a minister af the Methodist •ss,sn, -representing ten Legion, branehes
now •United) Marchand. had charges and inclauling ten bands, present; the
at Nile and Anburn, in this sliStS14. annual'zone No. -10'Legion "dramhead
, ()bartered Aceowittsta'
77 -Downie Street:Stratford
Toronto Office: 302 "Bay 'Street •
CfllintAr Patriotic
aNt at W1 ntaT D14 TsETNADI " e o n
"Just Holding the
Rally Seafoith Verb *IssUed ,ihort Visit, bnit Rug for mom e
rassPerta Rotiuh'od
Waling of London, slept hanging passport an& visa text), •t01100---rint Man rifled
Persons who are confused the 111,111V,eY Indian, Gets Suspended
'Main Address by , Dr. A. A,
5,000 Present
aattims gceverning visits to the 'United ill Accident Coe,
,StateS:,Stre advised lay 0, 30.'0. Payne',
Seaforth, Sept. 8.---Witis nearly 1,000 Vice•COnsul at Sarnia, that despite the ' 'Admitting that ble WaS In reeeillt a'
reeent annOuncement that 29 -day eards treaty' money 'from the Dominion Glov-
ar-e to be gsued, Canadian passpoits e'rument, ,David, Antoine, Muncey 1u
must, a's ,bef,ere, b4 seeureil from Ot- dian also, adm*tted to Crown AttorileY
Apvarently tbe now xnung i Mobiles in, as Th,ursday's weekly
;United States - immigration departs Magistrate's Court that he patroniSed
anent has misled. people "into thinking ,,the beverage rooms, all of which, does
that the short -terra ' cards obviate the not add up torrectly. - •
"How Would you like to be charged
under the Liquor Act?" asked , the
CrOWn. ,The Indian inst shook his
wom.As -GiniDuz 0.0DVIA,10”.,
TelePlione 119
Ie attended to ,anywhere and
• every 'effort madet� eve. fiatiatactio,11.
Farmers', sale notes diseounted.
editaxYN cat,pim, LaCiGNeED
A satisfactory, *,courteous, service tor
Farm, Property or Household Sales.
Rates -Reasonable. - •
• Late • House.. Surgeon NOW Icol*
Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital; , as-
•sistant at M.Oorefleld Eye Hospital and
GOlden Square Throat BosPital, 'Lbw
'don, ngland. .
,serviceSeorabined with a Huron County
DA)r11), 0 -MOKM10 ' Jeltriotic rally', thisafternoon attracted
The •Salvation :Army lost a ,promans
an. estimated attendande a 0 aee at
ent and valued oflieer When -Lieut. -Col.
Davd C. Moore asaSsed away at Jais Victoria Park here.
Toronto 'residences Tuesday, Angast, The service commenced 'With a par-
Ontario, entering the .A.riny, when -a
was Clin.ton, heingswell .and fg•vartably '".`"44- s". cterla ar e a -in
youeg esah. ,one of las was tharge* ,p,i_nanm,i,edL,shyviits, haul?, ir,:f.rena.‘theil
known and having the respect of „therote cin the parade was lined tiireUgh.s
Whele eennannitY.- •Among other coits out with PeaPle.
he • eommanded were Toronto East, Lagese liriteehespartielpatin- 'were
Hamilton and _New Brunswick- Div-Winghans, Kincardine, Goderi4 ,Exe-
isions, Prior to retiring twelve ,years ,ter, Tweedsnauir (1istaaden), BarristOn,
ago, he was sub-territorlal.tommander BrusSels, Listowel, Clinton and Sea -
for New.faundland. Those -who survite „forth.; Bands present included' Wing
to mourn his death are „Mrs, Moore and hara Brass, Lueknow Pipe, Kbacardlne
son and daughter, -Harold and Mildred assess, Exeter Community, Tweedsmuir
'.(Mts. Adjutant 1Clitherce).; Also one .(London) Pipe, Harriston Brass, Brus-
brother, MX.. X.' W. Moor, Gode•rich; 'sea -Brags, ,Llatowel. 'Boys', Clinton
and two sisters', Mrs. Wm. 'Rath and Ripe „and .Settforth IlIghlanders,
Mrs. G.o,vett BlYth. -There is no limit to the victory we
s ' • shall win ii6111±-ii rto the flappiness
• .G•sicutop mATat- • the world we shall seefiXe if we keep
George Mairsa residentof. the Harlan in our minds .the three weapons -the
road almost' life, ,died .at the spade, the pen and the sword," Dr. A.
home of Isis sort,ii,p,011,..,„41, ,?i,04e(), 0111,,,,,, A. Waring, London,- speaker of the
after an illness a .kbolfed ST:ear:' told:the audience that over
ifl hisssixty-fifthyear,..M.r. altar Sowed, Victoria Park into surrounding
was. very active .prior to'7111s illneSS, streets. Dr..Waring, chaplain of the
and Will long he remembered through- •Tweedsmuir (London) branch of the
out this ,eommunita,- .w,here he was so' sCanadlan Legion, spoke in place of
well known as a kind meighbox. Be Major the Rey. Norman Rawson, who
was born an the tith concession of at the last Moment was .preveuted bs
Hallett an April 15th, 1437,5, and, Was illness, from .attending.
known 'assa threther and lineman an • Dr. Waring's Address.
83 Waterloo' Street S., Stratfordwell as""a farmer: 13esides•his Widows "The man with the spade is Close to
Telephone 267: - • • , .the former May "Osbaldeston, :there-mailer...earth," the speaker said, as he
Bedtord;iintee•GOaerieli, _SurYjse..f'431.14 sons, tbarls .ef „missilco; dealt with each of the symbols•in.turn.
. Wednesday, soteeasee 2,,s, from 2 Am. :Stewart of :sarasia.;` soesesSisso's serees "and this makes .hisa truei, -honest and
tan 6. m Ilanaburg, and .James at hcane.,• ,three :sane. There should be a 'demand for
,daughteks, Mrs. Darland G1az1er of complete .and atter •sanity in war and
Toronto; Mrs. Lleyal piectt of Holmes. tine:thins'bthat stand's out is the eternal
ville and Mrs. Jack, -Gilbert .of the -7,th' leVel-headeclness, coolness and sanity
,eoncession' of Geclerichstowriship, A of the lAritisb people."
• funeral serv.iee was Jaeld, at the bora.e „ This, he said, can he contrasted with
fl_IIIROPRAOOR .AND DISLIGLESB iof Mr's. :Jack Olihert '!Satairslay„, the wave after wave of hysteria Which
THERAPIST - -Ang'usts-81, andsinterment wassanatisin-sis-- allied ritit the most ati,serable.-
- Godpricis, Phone 341 ' ,Clinton" cemetery: Pallbearers were skalking.stretch that has ever black
Office .houra---10 • to 12 a.nas 2 to .5 •30tha !Huller, 'John Potter, Harv.ear, •Jkaa- 'eased isistOY's Pages.
and 7 to 8 p.m, TuesdaY. FridaY and kins,• Eldred Yea, John Basariss Asa "The pen is a weapon," Dx. ',Waring
„Edgar Trewartlia.-NewreRsteozd. said„because the thoughts, ideals .and
1‘..8..11tourdso"...12 OnlY' •.9x1:'‘ WednesdAY_ .tu1tu of today. ,are transseiltted unto
`silenday and Thursday aiMitchell. Febp1e dotef g ts---sCtiseatre: to "be tosno • ow just -ass -today wesreap-the
A. N. A.TICIXSON". depressed-theyi Want- . tobeoases._ benefit of the .experience "of our fore,
Os South. St., • tained."-George Raft. "fathers, this has given us faith, faith
- inourselves, "ire our • •empire, in the
Jessistenee Of all is good and great,
. ;in the worldS
Have, we kept .the faith.?" the
speaker asked. "Can we say nn-
ireservedly.•that we have? Have We
• ,IsePthe faith vS4b .those whe defended
necessity' for Passports. That la not
the ease,•
The 'cards are issued only:to persons
'wbo wlU be-vialt,ing-the United-Stateb'.,
for less than' a month. Those contem-
,Plating a stay longer than 'that must"
•Nsecure the standard :United States 'visa
.from Zr.NPayne or Irani, any ef the
border conSulates.; For either eard or
visa, the •passport is still necessary.
Procedure 110c9 is as follows: First,
.get a passport -application blank from
,the postoffice, send that and $1 and,
three- full -face photographs, about 2
by 3 inches, to the Passport Officer,
MePartment„, •of 'External .Affairs, ,Ots
tawa. ,
When the passport arrives, -write
Mr. Payne, or the most convenient
,consular officer, for aa appointmen
,(-If you go witisout-sast---aPPoin,tmoilt,
osols'113.l1kelY sit for six or eight hours.),
In the cons -Mar office you will get a
'card for visits less •than a .month, .and.
When l40arus Ninham, 'another 'In-
dian, pleaded guilty. to in'todeation, the
exam], Attorney, remarked :'"Somebody1/4
is supplying these Indians with, beer;
din, that, there:had been complaint:4
of chicken thieving at Blyth, where a
band of redski4 is engaged in pulling
•Antoine was eharged with having
been found In posseSsion ef a. Meter
rug stolen'from an automobile on Col-
borne street, ,Gocierieli, on the night of
August. 31.st.i. He advanced the dine -
Wes% excuse that he had been 'drinking
and: that a.mysterious stranger -a man
,Whom he had never seen before and
never :e-xpected tr aeo again -31
plaecd, the rug In his hands as he stood
an the corner, asking him to hold itfor
a while. While standing there the
our fingerprint will be taken. If owner of the rug aecosted him and
your visit is to last more than
- shortly after Sergeent Rog's appeared
month, "you will secure the regular
on the scene and I placed bun under
view". of the fact that Antoine had
spent five days in„jall, and the rug had
been restored to its owner, Magistrate
Makins granted suspended sentence.
,• Wendell. Kille, of Flint, Mich., driver
•of the car in which two persons. Were
injured in an accident, at Baytield early
•Staiday morning, September 1st, was
fined $10 and. costs for -.careless driv
mg Bis wife is in -Alexandra Hospis
tal with a 'fractured 14 and a friend,
at Duncan McDonald, also of Flint, at
. eorge ,s thought: to be seriously #•Jure(I
,is now out of danger and making„ good
•visaTATfhis the United ,States re -
,quires three' phatographs, a% inches
Square, slinilar to those -you-, sent to
Ottawa. •'• •
, There, is no charge for either •the'
.29 -day card or the visa, but, remember,
.a Canadian passport is still necessary
.whether you're going to say one hour
or one .years
• •
suiANOl1C0.-:-Farm and iso-
Offieens--William rie4client.
• bondeshore; W. Archibald, • Vice-.
President, &affords; Id. As- Reid,
' Manager and.,`Secretary-Treasurer, Seas
Direetora-ssilex$ Broadfoot, be -A -
.00%11h; Jaques Connolly, Goderich;
Chris. Leonhardt, ,Bornholras, Alex.
.111019Wing, Blytb.; 13trank eGnegor,
401Intorn; Thomas aloylan, Seaforth;
3110 Alexander, Walton; Wm. Knox,
, Londesboro ; .W. R. Archibald, Settforth.
. Agents -E. .A. Iteo;„ R.R. 1, Gederich-;
Jamete Watt, Blyth; John 10. Pepper,
• R.R. 1; Brumfield r it. P. McKercher,
-gtit. Dublin..; J F Prueter, Bred-
hagen.r •
Pelley-holders'. .can Triple all Pay-
mentS and g4 their cards receipted at
, the Rgyal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Outt's
Grocery, Kington Atreet, GoderIch, or
Beid's General:Store; Bayfield.
• 1.
Daily 7.3.0 Am.. 125. ,p.In..---Leaves
Goderich • for • Stratfor.d, 'Toronto,
Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit,
Tavistock and Woodstock Depots
Bedford, British and Royal Hotels.
Phone hoteht.nr, 205 for Infarniation.
Nelson Hill
• Fire, Aceide0 and Motor car
Office :-;•-masonie Teinple, 'Weet
• Street, Goder),Ch • •
• Phone 230 GODERICH
us m 191.4-191821 •• •
iare too prone to.regard the Empire as
something from which -to ;derive -bow'
fits rather than in tetras of what/67.e
OW it • •' • !
- 'num back from the ISMS t tyklays•
of Drake, Ila,wkins and Whepaagtoli,
days that made this Exanir,;---•what it
is," the Speaker urgeL
•• The final symbol Dr. Waringreferred
to was the sword. •
„ 'Right is ,raight ,and • we are too
Prone to feel that Wes:feed not do anys
thing about It. One has to be awake
and armed against. aggression. ,Teo
Often have we ° compromised with
• wrong, paltered with eternal truth,"
• warned the speaker. •
• Zone Representative R. E. Pooley,
•of Exeter; Was chairman of the service
- and weleomed- the audience on behalf
of ,thesLegion. Mkt.-Yior John. J...Cluff,
Sea'forth, ,extended a welcome on
behalf ,Of the* •.•
• The Hur n Airports •
Huron County Warden •George,
Meagan, spokesof the airports now in
proeeS,V Of construction at Goderich
and l'ort Albert.
, 'Sky Harbor Airport, which is an
elementary training school in the 13r1-
tisb. Empire 'training scheme, is the
,"only airPort in Canada whiela has
bOers-sdonated..ssby_a..., munici
-(Vcrardeit .reagaii deelared. Ile ' asked
the co-operation of the citizens of the
county during the next three ,,,weeks
iwhen ai private tomPany to handle its
operation will. be organlied, • „ '
George.D. Ferguson, Seaforth•Legion
president, •spoke briefly and led tbe
antlience in the oath of allegiance.
Capt. Rev. Father T. P, Hussey, Sea -
forth Legion chaplain, led the audience
ill the Lord's •Prayer' and» pronounced
„the benediction.
, The brief program • • also Included
selestiOns by the massed bands and
community singing. It coneludecrwith
the .' niacinof et , wreath on the
Soldiers!, monument In the park' •bY
„the 2444 representative. • Last Post and
Iteveille Were sounded bk' Bandmaster
,E. IL (lose, of Seaforth, who also led
„the massed battds
'• Two minutes'silenee' was observed
„ 'ha) the audience,. salute from • the
snatelling N'eterans NVICS taken by 001,
lleaman, neting mayor of, London, as
ttre.pstaarialdien;reptpuirtinted from ` the Park to
•t •
lffave Yotc Renewed Your Sukseriptieni
• Real Estate and Insurance •
• Office- and Residenee:
•'1,1---Trafalgs4 Rrtreet
Phorie 803 '
, FOR SADE-Ilouses, Lots
• and Farms. • ••
TO IIRNT--One 5sroomed
'furnished alitertMent; one, Cs
roomed unfurnished apartment• ,
west side, tear lake, .
The eight-year:old daughter'Wai.used
to hearing her parents talk shop,. °' Her
father was, andher mother had been,
In the advertising business, •A • -
One Sunday she 'brought home from
----Sunday sehool an illtuninated text
Wer mother asked. her what it was.
" 00h, only . an advert. about fHeaven,"
was the ,reply„,
'NOW-LAURE & HARDY in their *latest hit "FLYING DEUCES
"The Hunchback of
Notre Dame?"
Big beyond ',worths! beyond belief sMagnificent beyond
oomparlson! Victor lingo's medieval, liorror-story 1)olt153red by a
.superb cast. ' -
Sir Cedric ilardwiek-Thottias Mitchell..Matuten O'Hara and
Edit -loud O'Brien
TIZUR 1RI & SAT. ; • Doulde Feature Program
Roy Rogers -Pauline Moore-rred Burns. & Donald Ilitrry
',11Sbioroughly .entertaining western lis„sed on the further ad*en-
tdrar a it notorious Outlaw.' Recommended' for all who like action
Also -A ritilecially selected added attraction -
, Coming-"Nurst Edith Cavoll".starring Anna Nagle.
11tatinees Wett Sat and holid$414 at 3. ODE
'Shop of Keewatin
()itta.Yiva, Sept. 10. ---Air training will
be earried on dtiring the winter across
'Canada almost„at4 effeetiVely as iu the
1•3711puner, James S. Dunean, Deputy
Minister for Air, Said he The -days
will' be ($14orter, but on the other band
4tir- emiditioicta tend to be 'mere uniform
In the winter/ he
One proposal has reached Ottawa
that training be tranSferred from Van«
ado, to Florida, gr. Duncan added, but
besaidsueb a step never had been con-
sidered by the Air Ministry. the en-
tire British Commonwealth air training
plan bas been 'developed with the idea
that cold weather Would not interfere
with 1ylug. • ,
In the last war some itanadian fliers
•trained, -Southern -States- „after the.
United States becante,a belligerent; but •
sinothen, with the use of skis, winter,
fiing-,has become cemm.on in Canada.
No overtures 'have been made to
United States to permit training in
that ,eonntrY. '
Vora time to time there have' been,
reportS in Washington that indleated
that severaLleaders itt SOuthern States
had expressed a desire to help Can-
ada's war 5effort by mak/0> IlYing”,
• facilities there .available for teaching
young ''Canadians to My where the
cllniete would be less sovere
Before au examination & Omen
eau know very little *bout Ws.
yes. • flew he sees or wkat
, believes about hi* sight bin* xis
value as evideboe. ror your
own good you should Aetre use
Make Yew oppeuttaaerst toorly
ping 055J.
Cor. Rbitston St. Oa The
F. Goderith
T Armstrong
,orrompms.r.. •
wednesday 4 uteUmw
Canada's' Illirditable National Re.
sources ,Should Be Used
-in tGod's Service .
'"We welcome with ,affectionate re-
gard the (Rt. Rev, Joseph Lofts, Lord -
Bishop of the Dloqese of,Keew.atin,
;whois with.,as _this snorniM"..Said
Bev. ;A. ,C. 'Calder, rector of ,St. George's
Anglican church, at the morningsser-
,vice Sunday., •
s His LordShip had Came east from
Ids western diocese to attend the an-
nual meetings of. the Boase Of Bishops,
the executive council of the .General
,Syniad .and the General 'Missionary
Boards of the Church of ngland
„Canada:which are being held this week
'twenty-seven dioceses in Canada and
the twenty-seven.Bishops Were preach -
41.,g In the different Anglican churches
of this section of Ontario on .Santiay.
The meetings of the above bodies are
!being held this year sins Stratford in
Amor of the fact that the parish of
,St. James in that city is celebrating its
The prayers on Sunday were ,of a
'special intercessional nature for a just
And lasting„peace and were offered at
the request of Bis Majesty. the King.
•The eholr rendered an appropriate
esin, • with .Miss. Ann Wurtele sas
• In addition to reading the two ,les-
sons, His Lordship preached the morn-
ing sermon en Sunday in St. George's
ehurch and in the evening he preached
in the Anglican -church at •Seafosths
• In the, course of 'his Morning sermon
ithe 'Bishop gave a .brief outline of' hiS
'Work in •the Diocese of Keewatin,
which covers an area of 255,000 square
miles., 'A person' cannot cress „the
Dominion of Canada," he 8aid, ."with-
ont'crossing the District tit Keewatin',
lint he can travel from the northern
'boundary of the State of Missouri t�
the Iludson Bay Without crossing any
ether part of the Dominion of Canada.'
from which unlimited wealth is being
taken and that wealth is becoming an,
• important faetor in the economic life
of Canada. '••
•We . may be a little boastful at
times," he added, "about the unlimited
,natural resources of the Dominion, but
if those resources are applied towards
• the promotion of the Kingdom of God
they, will h ef' untold value; .not only•
,to our own eitriens but to all those
peoples who'believe andtrast in Him.
With all these resources are we justi-
fied tifilep present eonditions insate-
eepting large slims annually from the
mother claire% in England for missions
lit this country?'" he asked., "Let US'
'rather look upon ou,r • ressouices as a
sacreV stewardship and by working
together with God prove Worthy of the
'heritage lle..1rits,given us."
. • ,
s.. \
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N. k \ \ S. .-
lit A .1" Prif IL N1 -' fel
'Po i:116,N "ACK 'AC H IL
ttlh 1,4, clit
•• •' t'rat41 Tr400
progress. •
Murdei Trial to -Proceed Today
"Have you engaged a lawyer yet?"
asked -Crown- Attorney alolmes of San'
Dodge, charged with murder. •
"I have one lawyer and ran Waiting
on another," replied Dodge. •
, 'Who is the one?'
"Mr. McRae. I've no way of noti-
fybas the 'other _lawyer, -.because I am
in j;,11," Dodge added. - •
Magistrate Makins ruled the prelim-
inary hearing would proceed On Thurs-
day, September 12, at 10.80 a.m., tome
what may.
• Bruce Teicleman, red -beaded Grand
Bend youth, who has been in juvenile
court several times, was remanded on
ibail.1.11 care of his father on a nominal
charge of vagrancy. Ile face S` a mere
serious Charge. •,
Thereswere the- usual iadjourninents,
Ball was renewed for L H Mitchell
and G. �X, Thomas, stock salesmen fay-
ing fraud charges, because the Securi-
ties Commission 'pas not • completed
its inVestigation. Chicken -thieving
charges against •• Alex. Levine and
'George Swa.dron, ,Toronto prodiice
buyers, were adjourned one week by_
arrangement Accused are on bail,
, A charge 'of operating a pin -ball -
game at Clinton. w-l't_hout a license
would be aired at Seaforth.on.Septera-
ber 10th, it was anno,uneed.
Does Your Food
Cause YOU Distress? -
Ttie impairment of the stomach is
often of serious conseiaeneesi for
iiy'byiffe.iperly digested food Is the
ilysSora nourished and sustained.
Tundock Blood 13i.'tters is a ros
liable remedy for stow/telt disorders -
Awl) as dyspepsia, indigestion, sour
etonia,e11, belching of gas, headaehess
ete., .
It helps to stiraulate the secretieg
of saliva and gastric juiee, tito
main fetor in digestion, neutralizes
acidity, tonesup the lining mem-
branes of the stomach, and sestet*
.the (natural, ' healthy pro** of
tO' x tgP" Pe 81 your . to enjoy
t e40howr .4; yiiht b free rntilfrtin a
digestive troubles. -.
Tlie. W. Milburn Oc. Ltd.,ram* 011-
Alaiwanstraiminirk isliallseemesamomite
Western Canada Speciatilargani.xcursion.
GOING DAILY SEPT'. 13.27,. 1946 indlugie
Beturn"..Liroit — 45 dayg.
1001611(ZS AT FARES APPROXEM,A.TCEIGY. 14?ite per mile ,
TOURIST 'Sleeping Cars at fares alpproxitatately 1-%e per Mile
.sITANDARD .Sleeping,,,,Cars.at fares approximately, .1.--Wesper„croile,
Oast of aecomodation in sleeping ears additionat:
isAiGGIAGE 011ECKED.' 'Stopovers at all pointe-eniroiste, going and return:Ws
Siiar'Exeursion9 C00% Western to Eaatern !Canada. During Saone Perla*.
Tickets; Sleeping -Car Reservations ancl all information" fromalsY agent.
- •
One pad kills files all day tied every
day for 2 or $ week. 3 pads in each
packet. No 6proing, no stickiness,
no bad odor., Ask, yeur Druggist,'.
G'reeery er General Store. •f
8*-11---r1sAy on?
• neom the shores of our Motherland *Imes an appal for help whi °
go true Canadian can fail to heed, While iwe live m Comfort., death
drops on that embattled island. The 'need for Red Cross assistance
is urgent. Our Sons and brothers are over there. On land, at sea,
rn the air, they face death daily. We must be prepared to help therm
when they are sick or wounded. •
Red. Cross help is needed on behalf of soldier and
Hospitals and .hospital equipMent, surgical:supplies and dressin
ambulances ,id X -Ray equipment will, be needed. Overnight tlie
need may become so urgent that lives may be sanficdif help
cannot be sent at one •
Never before has there been so great a need for Red Cioos assistance.
This challenge to humanity must be answered. Give to the Red
Cross. Give to the utmost NOW!
• tfiltROENCY CALL POR Sg,000,000.-COMPIWNCES StPt 23