HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-12, Page 1o tritt
• Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderieh Star
.RecreatiOn Centre for AirMen
. ,One of the .Matteis under
Consiaeratiim '-
Expectation of a housiug ellt ortage in
"Goderiels., .the provialext of a •recreation
hall in teem!. 'for stadent airmen •wilio
will ficam be training in -this vicinity,
a eeview , of 'the .tourist Seekers.' just
c.losing, and a eomPlaint regarding
conditions at the tow 's bathing brach
prevoked two bou of discussion,
some a at IlielY, 4 Monday night's
Board of Trade meeting, the avEit to
' be held sinee.3ene .4th: - • '
What the Board ditteeas Oast
a .....„-....---'''Utlfrra-toWnwearthereetheree-barree-heen
• • Instructed the secretary to Write to
,mild "war booms" itt an effort, to find
out how , the -housing, ,Problem was
rJ hlindled.
. .
Paused a „resolutitea .Ple4ging its
whole -hearted eupport to theseetablish-
t anent of an airmanse .recreation centre
in GrOdericli, irreSPective of the au-
epicea. • - . . - .
, -Decided t� send- a glarge- a -delegation
a • as .Possible to the annual mietiug of
! the Blue Water HighWaY Association
at meaford tomorrow (Pricier).
are:Ned advertising and -printiug
billse.totalling 4140. • ' ___
Appointed a' committee, headed hy
Prank• GilleePie, to promote the sale
of war saving e stamps and certiticateS.
Housing Shortage
. ..
The shortage of horaeA, Particularly
small hemes, was hrought to ,the .at-
atention of the meeting in a letter from
• the War Time Oitizees' COmmitteperas.
•was .the "natter of the sale, of -war
stemps.and certificateke • ,"
' CotincilloraP. J. B,yatt told the meet-
ing that the existing shortage. of Small
homes at a rentalwithin the compass
of he- Man's poeleethook was
"very serious." ' He charged that the
cost of building material -,in Goclerich
„ was ;one of . all proportiona to ,prices' in
inany other teems and at the ,presents
scale of rentS' betiding does not war-
rant an ' investment. He said that
rents. in Goderich are now higher than
they have been for thirty years. -It
was true that higher wages ,are neva
being paid at the airports, but this was
,enly teMporary. The _normal scale, of
liagesain Goderiche_heaaelda_ WO. not
Shipment to: Toronto headquertets
September lth, 3940: rSox 168; gloves
karves 12a,saveaters 10; heepital
gown 0; 0; pillow' eases la; compresses
600 ; helfstets -0; mitts -3.; -seamen's sox
4; Vg403, clotliS,57; Priania:s sate'.
cat diesaings, .23(la wipes ,400. For
-evactiees: quilts; ' 10 children's
.dresises; "difeeses; skirts;
3 sweatereas3..pr. pants.; chiltre
sea; 4 baby ,bounets; bootees ;
boys' ethirts.; 1.•child's .pYiamae.,
Red :Cross officials are .anxiisas to
secure the. names and address of as
.increY former ,Goderiehites as:opossible
who are now •in, the.. :United
•States. ' , *•'
Those hantitiegiaet,Yet4eamPai. gn-
for Red Crese funds wrote a number
of .people and a *err' talbstantial
sum of motley in _subscriptions waS ,ee-
ceivea. .More :important tlmn, the
cash, even, were- the many lettexs
which eceorapanied, the subscription§
able to..asaist ?Canada's soldiers in the
neld. It is bellevee .there ,are MallY
%whe -were not reached through the
channels Information .then available
•but who, .if they could be located,
'mild be equally glad to contribute.'
he 'feeling in- the United States
against Hitler an all, 'e - works .is
much keener thiswear than .it was dur-
ing. the last drive • for fundS.-. Many,
such 'people, too; -have o outlet for
thela __anger- and' their desire' to (do-
-sonsethieg. It is believed that the Red
.40toss anapeign ;is one 'WAY: :Which
rlierarroald. beagiatrtir,easpreasethetne
, It is urged that' anyttne knowing the
addieseee of Sueh.people band them in
to Geo. Sehaefer„who has, particular
charge of, getting in touch with them.
...A large 'sine of Money .must be raised'
in Godeateh this year and every avenue
.is to be explared le searching out poss
sible -Seprces of funds. ' •
sconmenaurate with , the cose -of build-
ine homes. Hence .the ehartage.,
sChaer.'K. •Saunders said •there, was
- las reason why the,cost of building ma-
terial in Gotleriebelatoultle.be higher
' than in -other 'towns. He said he was
in a new workman's- home- In Galt,
built under the nationale, housing
rSelierae at, a east of Moo and renting-
- for $19.,4 month. If it coll.1.d. be doge
• -,could..-be-dent hein,„4.1. sea.
Nelson gin said lie had inspected
brand -new modern Jamie .cirt which pays
mente figured but .at $20 Month.
It was decided to write away .and
% fled out how it was being -done.
Tourist 'Season Disappointing
D: IL Derwnie, publicity secretary,
reported. that the past season had been
a disappointiug one from the stand-
point of the number of American
visiting this country, owing., to -re-
. strictions put on by the United Sta.tes
Government affecting the erosSing of
the-6411er, into Canada. This was
felt particularly In the last two weeks
of July. The number a inquiries be
had .ieiyed feemre,V.S. points this
year slioist a markertedUction--Only.
34 in August or this year as cempareed
,with ell in the same inenth last, year.
Box ,Cara at the Bathing Beath •
Mr. Downie said he .Waa disappointed
with conditions at the bathieg beath
this summer. Every Sunday a string
-tit railway box care marred the en-
, .trance... Mr. Downie said herbed told:
the Town :Council. there was little use
Of spending. good money edvertising•
the beauties of the ba.thipg beach and
then having its surroundings 'smeared
with unsightly -box ears. He urged,
that the Board take- this matter up
. with the 'railway company.
G. L. Parsonsrelied that the pres-
ent had-been--an-abnormal yearsinathe.,
• handling :of grain carte' at the water-
front--emore ,than. double the number
. of bushels of grain, or ten. million 'Mt-
shele, had been transhipped itt the first
eight menths of 1940, and consequently
there had been meek Sunday Work.
G. N. Totter gave it as his.opinion,
that the bathing 'beach was located in
the wrong place. It should .be located
on the north side of the harhor, away
oys Home Soon
fromThanies Valley
Camp Routine Oivets the )!Ailitia-
Men, a, BM
Reports emanating, front anilitary
%district No. l•headquarters at Xeradon
are to the effect that the unit of NY'
ComnanY, Middlesex -Huron Itegitaent,
aT.P.A.M., slew under -canvae at Thames
Valley Camp near London, will, break
.cemp on Sunday along with the other
units now now 'training therer• This would
shorten the training period for the
present group from fourteen days to
twelve clays, as the camp was origmally
Schcduled to continue until next 'rues -
(lay. <Reason ;givers for the thee& is
that , fOurthaetsil Je, .contemplated
(the freieiir one beinCtEe7thrid.)'7at-
Thames Valley for the non -Permanent
unite of Western 'Ontario which <have
not yet had the benefit of two Weeks'
training. The fourth' camp must be
conelnded hefore October ' reit; sear the
compulsory training'scbeme is then to
go into effect.
--- Front all accounts the "C' COmpany
boys are enjeying the present camp,
.although --they are by no meane-beving
an, easy time of it and a glance at their
'time -table gives '.evidenee of this!.
'They roll out of -bed at 5,30!
wash and shave, and then go through
their-'snorning-exerelsee.--elareakfaat Is
served at 7 crelock and the morning
,drill follows. A lecture- is Usually
delivered to the men after bunch by
one of the officers and -then further
drilling or practice on the Title range
occupies the itnen, until '4,30 in the
afternoon. They'aretree to do as they
like titter sapper, Slid most of them
iiitchhike4nto London for a few hours
-in the evening; but they .must be back
, In -camp :Mid le their tent by 10
when "lights out" is sounded. The
.Signal -Star's oviss Bob .Henry is one
of the bugler's at the .caln.P.
the -day after their arrival at camp
and instructions-onhow to handle them
properlY, and rille ,drill soon followed.
:Pdatoon Bentonstralion •
( A. feature of last ThursdaS, afternoon
.was, -a platoon demonstration IV the
'ElgM RegiMent, C.A.S.F., many of the
merabera vvisich are -GBderich boys,
urtder the direction of. Lt. -Col., G. C.
;Ste*.art. The platoon demonstrated
the _peeper equiPment used, the drill
and elementary taettcs of. an infantry'
platoon; while officers' and N.C.Or.s oat,
Allied their function in the platoon ,to
the 'Militia. 'Malta'
Heavy battle dress ,was 'issued to
each unit and authorized for 'weoar at
the begithetog-of any, but for the first
teutioe, "We .will endeavor to aecom-
*bile- most of the work was dene in _
boWever, the bulldozer Met .its match'
Ilght fatigue e.lothing. The cooler and stumps - three and four feet in plish ,the desired purpose at the. earl -
weather of the last few days changed diameter had to be dynamited. The Jest Mr.. Parsons stated.
timber and firewood, plirchased by the Iii a,commUnication from the .Provin-
:the .minds meet et the men along
',--theee'-`,14kes-,-410-wever-F-4'...a-tho--heavaere,-Asreesermer_aoomeaer ese_beingesba, .„cial WdrO-Electric PoWer Conant isaion
ay o , oc o g With regaidatiStherlikbpardrznbeing-of
Salta- are nevi more ,popular. ,
w t ati slertin Blue
Water higiffwaY elle is being-eolde
, Corporal Neil Thompson and Pte. piec-epoleS ou the harbor hill, it was stated
Carl Anderson are untergoing courses Bleat to the highest bidders. Early in that the Commission could. undertake
at Carling 1:Ieights, near London, the week 1000 feet of drainage was. to move the poles ,only on. the arrange -
preparatory to taking; positione at completed by • the Sandy Company... anent already outlined, naniely„ the
Yesterday the land ageht of the Toavn to pay half. the cost of labor:.
Canardian ',training centre ;NO. • 11,..
4..4)y -eminent was a,, un at 'Menesetung The communicatiOn was .sent to the
arreodsteekr on -the- staffewhicir-wili look a
earele where further clearance rights water, light and harbor coMmittee.
after trainees from this district when,..r.
A resolution from the Liens Club.
the compulsor,y trainbag plan goes into have to be purchased, but no anpounce-
effect early in October. , ruent is available as to the' outcome ea protesting against the permit given for
NEEDED FOR W.AR LOAN Recreation Centre
• At a Me,eting • at..Kitehener
Weeleesday...of-able• :week for the or-
ganization of r,the-auran• County
Fly -
ng .TraOing School. -Limited, pto-
aisicasal. directera, were appointed AS
10110:Ws!' Haack& Geo.. 0a
Felted's, Turners G. '14. 'Parsons
and A.. Erskine, all of Goclerich;
John -R. Douglasraf„ Guel.Phatelds:Wega.
Riess et Kit,chener. ,
The board' -.of directots met andrip-
po.inted .offieers fcillovss: president,.
G. La -Parsons, eiceptesident,
Ilaacke; Secretaxy, Sims.; trea-
surer, al. greltine. • • , •
The ,direettas will meet .again_ next
'Tuesday to arrange' for the securing
of Personnel to get -theichool In Teeth-
ness for operation.
from 11010 mills,. elevators, fiah houses
and boa; cars. a •
The dimeuSsion ended without aetion.
Recreation Room for. Airmen
' When the queStion of au airmen'S
. recreation room for Goderieh was
• brought up, T. D. Thonlas told the
Meeting that it V.M.C.A, representative
was earning t� town to look over ,the
situation. He urged that -town anfl,
township councils place restrictionsrin
the erection of hot -dog stands rra:lial
'Mushroom "halt -way housra," ;along
the route to the airports. _
-Rev. D. L. Lane advocated that an
airmelite rendeavous—just like a home
established in •Goderiela and be
euggested that it vsad'a, matter for, the
' Town Council as a 'body representing
all the people of the town.
At the request of President Schaefer
Councillor Frank 'Bingham reVieWed
tilt visit of Mrs, Itt 0. Hoye and 'Mrs:.
3), E. 'Canipbell, representing Maple
Leaf Chapter, LOAM, to the Town
Connell in eonnection with tide mat-
ter. I -Ie eaid that town eouttells were
forbidden liy law to spend the rate.
paYera' Money on such projects and
he suggested appropriate, action by the
County Council, upon which there was
no suck reStriction, and which bad 4
special, fund for such purposes. f
J. W. Fraser replied that theiTown
Goderich had never lifted a linger
to Promote the establishment of an
Airport in Goderia., ,the other
hand, tilt County had 'spent $13,000
On a .....
4k0r trioney?",anked Councinor
Aingham, sharply, '"The Town of
Ottawa, Sept, lase-Canade,'03 second
*:Wnr -4904 subseriptions have readied
4.044 of $201,949,000, leaving a mar-
gin of more ,thou $98,000,004 before
the 'elkiectlyo. le 'readied. Natienal
subocriptiona from histitutiona and
OW004'841064 1MWO eltursded the total
reached In the first war loan, but Ptt.-
Vat& SUbscriptionS have net yet. as -
sunned propOrtiOnstthat assure some*
for the loan. ...
The Master of Finance ba$ breed*
cast an. appeal to all Canadians to
take their pIalms and support the 100,00'
"Here," he Maid, is an oPPortunitY
for tlui many* to show how they feel
about the few whofie courage IS, win-
nirig the dolor '
• .
Nearly all the names on the dile
,ectorate are remillar to the' people of
Godericli and Anion' county, ,and
should -be :a guarantee that the affairs
or the new organization are in. good
• " •
Four Godelich young Men haire been
called to drat to report for medical
examinatioes and pending the results
svill be .accepted in. the -11.-CatLF:air
kreining School -it • that city.
are William Hoggarth, James-,Ros
Rex_ Duckworth and. Donald Williams.
Other Goderich boys who made appli-
cation to the sehbol. have not yet been
called. It Is believed their aPplleations
may have been sent in -too late. - •
•Another Goderich• bey, • Bob Mac-
Donald, who has been working for the
past .eight months as switchboard
_eperator in the R.O.A.F. teelmical
tritining School, Str-Thoerasiehas made
application as ,a clerle end accountant
in the R.O.A.F.. , •
Fr\tnk Heard, a termer Clinton boy,.
who has fnate Many friends town
in the; past 'two- years -while working
here -as a barber, reported on, Monday
at Toronto, making application for ad-
misaion to the R.:0,,A.F. 'dental corpsi
Proposed for Airmen
Deputation frOm- Maple Leaf
Chapter Submits, Pion
to TOWft Council
Mrs. D. F. Campbell and Mrs. R. C,
Hays, representing the Maple Leaf
Chapter, waited upon the
..T.oWs/ Orlascil et ,ite meetiog on Irri-
day night to :isk assistance in provid-
ing recreation. ,roome, for, the airmen
who are expected to resort to the toWn
in large numbers when the two airports
are opened. Members of the PhaPtee,.
they said, had looking Into *the
,matter and teund it beyond, their
ability to itintance the eehente, and their
propo,sitiona wag that, if the town
-"ViTO it' sr, teetnes tesif-georave hoar—
or "Reddy" *Donald's big New-
foundland dog Whielt Gods -rich pro-
fessional Man $aiiv ambling down the
I3ayileld road, a feW miles *Stith ,of
Goderieb, the other night? Police to
Whom the incident WaS reported are
wondering. They lean to the tiog
theory, for Reddee dog sometimes goes
to 'llayfield to visit the fishermea hoof
in that. village. Altbetigh he didn't
even likritate to investigate, because
the women folk in, the ear were seared,
the professional man is certain that it
wate•at bear becaus,e of it O peculiar leg
and hip action; but then Iteddy'Saeleg
Is something of a sidewheeler himSelf.
The -Goderichlte warns all and sandry
Grain, Salt,
Make liar
mama -left*,
TO* of OCIalr—Lare
Grail CatirOgi
Withthe. noteadhar 11
Ammer "Victoriour Maw* Ow
“edoriek igloorittor 1 Teas* Ce.
will *eve piiii.d the
bushel 1ne*,,fer imiist gavot ro.
edited since 'the open* of
.1pitininth&s year. TM* le tio Wei
~the leg initiator year* if net
the' COMP.O.Y's s reeeinis 11101
Sentonher nth. While grain bike
been, 'fleiring thr.ugk the
Wats Ire* to0
deneo Of
tittle -are hears , the rampege ate alakilhar for the halineesfef the niseie
08 „„. • the ladies would undertake to leek fil° waterfaih"h4:86°-t-h.
nteuld.paysthe,:reotaofsanitabIeerooms, -
jute', our Opening 'IanfeterpZidsoeikiltertfil of the eundertak. a4d ttYs Illbsequeut event'S be
D *er'
WUI ar
m out and, the laugh will be On the
e a s ove dialiea, and other pollee. „.
Date Approaching „eeessary equipraent.. •
Several assail bi
Heating anti Plumbing Contract u°ne-d-1 inelutling The big 11PstaIrs P:'°111
a e places were men-
odge Sent Up foil
Trial for Murder
Charged- with -Killing -James
Kilpatrick , at, Exeter
on June 20th
sation eeiteen Owing te hioelfed
sallow Oatoirs lt OVerile00 114 airkeZ,
PPlementary storage in Teo&
afloat thle Winter Is the only ,large
faellity available to the Cannolien
grain trade # FoOterts lents to
1- at the Town Ball, which Deputy Reeve accommoclato . an lowee45tleetel
' Awarded., -.40 Be Finished Brown said would be quite.suitable for
!With tbe coatiened "flow Of Wait
, c.arryaover.
,-....„ . _ . No deseision Wai-reaciseil, the matter. i.lito. -this Pert, and the Goderieh ,Fatlt
With the echedeled ()peeing date Mg 'referred to 'eommitteee et - the 'Ooninany- and Western, Mnatla 'Moue
less than a .moath away, eonstruction **.h°10 ()"nens * ' ' - Mills' stocking tip there -coal. yards' ill
operations at No, 12 Eleereatarr Fir- An memberi a Council were present. preparation for the leonerwinter ahead.
ing Training S4001 (Sky Ilarber) are except Councillor Iluckins. things; have been fairly lively et the
madly reacher* the stage ,where the 'The sextets of Maitland 'conetere. re-
-harbor-tbe-paet--week.--.Thie_waa-pare--- -
turfsehaiduyg'thteisl'icill:;•talwenolf tete'llinitYfilnerg fivfe?d, -.PG. rted-tw4I-luterntettks-111.-"gilSti. tieulanly ' demonstrated on Friday ,
was the collector's' report, were $5,360.82.
Tax receipts. in August, aecording to
night last when no fewer than five
and yesterday - the contract
Applications for building permits vessels were in the halter "lit the
tilts wore to be leashed by oetoear Paires Mrs. M. Jo,linstott, Waterloo
ia:tabri.d.ed for .the heating. plant, and,
street ;Harrison, Nefson' street; faneotisly, The t,Sunerior; whielaaahett
%same time; with three of them- earrys
plumbing„ for, the group of buildings, were , all for re -shingling Or. Small re -
hos out -separate aperitifs:me adintufe
arrived on Pridey, Morning from Port
,B. W. Munnings, Victoria street; Wel-
plans also are going on apace for Williann and had IOU -alleged 7a,000
the operation of the aehool by a prir ter, raa.wthorne, Nelsen, street; Miss
hashels of --erlataaarel feett. at the!
vate company, the -Huron County F1Y- litteVicar, Hineks street , a - •
<elevator, .WA loading 100 tons of salt
Jug Training -school,- Limited, Share- A letter fromreirs. T. (.ray, with re-
gard:to:the regneet for the removal of, at the sttlt Sbode.. ,The Windoe, -illicit .
holders aml. • ,preepective officers • in also:had. ceme in that t'aiorning trona
trees froin fte front 'of the servicf
Goderieh and vicinity held eeverai itt. two
Port Willies's, twits 'unloading 241,814 '
formal meetings Lt the week -end. and ''tatiQ'll '0 Vici()ria street bvvned'''bY hei
;syeaterda3„,aeome„meat_ataasatalaaaer to and occupied by _ cYril nehjnsen? WitS: :bushelS of wheat. at the elevator, and
-teferred to the-put/Ire:works andv(k-19,F,s- -.more, aita,ator Itgoate...0. the ..„„aasseaer %-the DiamoraleArlerft, <whieh beevarrieede„
eonfer with Irrespective' shareholders
in that. eity., ivhich. is peoviding the in- :teenimitteos jointly. . 4
Oetirber'1.6th tbe purpose, • • •
wee this; morning committee for ;tree
in a higher %court by Magistrate
Makies for the axe murder of jaanes
-Kilpatrick., eixty-eeven-year-o14 farmer,
in the Dodge hens% one mile west of
Ifteter, on the 'night of Jane 20 last.
The trial will be held at the'fall as-
sizes early. in Ntseembers
Dodge, a amember of the "Wander-
ing Ottldwelis,",is.not attached to any
reserve, bat is recognized by, the Can-
adian keivernment He .Waa defended
by Jae McRae, •Stratiiroy, for tne De;
pertinent of „Indian Affairs. A. D.
g.r,0"d crew A request ,from•the Navy League for
structitmal flyipg and
" ' mittee.
eonnel. So far .nothing Is -known .of a grant vvaa sent to the finance cora-
, "Bulldozer's" Work -Finished A' request from the district office of.
the Bell Telephone .do. for permission
-Today (Thursday) .ermatrong Bros.
toaopen a trench to --carry cable a ,die -
of /Brampton,..the firm that built the
tance ot about 1.25 feet on, Napier.
flying field for the Sandy Machinery
street, from the southeast corner of
and Construction Co a thaishecl its lob
with the stilumIng and levelling off .of Napier and Victfiria streets, was left
t'vexitY- acres of Wtat,..fornier1y was with. the Public "Work§re6nil'al=tree: -
In a communication from 'the presi-
rush at the north end of the airport.
_And .granting tor ,days,„_up .rting_ axd in reply,to a complaint, regardine dust
dent of , the Goclerich Elevator Co.
:'`A big" "inilld0Zer" iias been snorting
fronistite- 'elevator; Mr. Parsons stated
pushipg' otter the atunips, which were
that •the matter of. dust disposal had
hauled away by caterpillars and teams
of borsesetordrpekhed into -a fifty -foot Presented ' problem and was
,gliuy. on mom than one ,oeene. being give'n' the 'compels's 4W -test at-
Goderich 'eentriliuted $1500 Of that
"And twenty-three other municipal-
itiee inallurou County paid, pro rata to
their assessment," replied Mr. Fraser.
"Who is getting the benefit of these
airports ' if it isn'trGederich?" ,
Several speakers said it would be
"feelish" to • approach' the Coerity
Council on the gaestion of it recreation'
Courfelllor Bingham said that if he
had thought. for a moment be was
going to he put "on the spot" he4tould
not have spoken. However, as an
elected. repretentatiee, of the people
he had taken an oath to obey the law,
and the law prohibited Connell from
esakieg any Patriotic grants:
New Mapitat Theatre
xneetiug was informed that the
Capital 'Theatre on West .street would
soon be available as a reereetiou cen-
trea the owners .having deeided to begin
the construction of a new one on 0e-
tober 1st. 'Lloyd's, building also was
mentioned, aind Carey's, officea in the
**.A.fasOnic Temple.
astaeKay also was mentioned,
but was temporarily 'ruled out when
the meeting Wal informed that danc-
ing was prohibited in this blinding and
that Setae Were Milled to tilt) floor,.
Otherwise the building was thought to
be an ideal place and had the advert-
tage of being heated;. -
The meeting eoneluded by pasSitig a
resolution pledging its support to the
establishment of an airmeles recreation
ef ntre in Goderich.
. a "midway:" at Victoria. Park this sum -
his visit. Beth the Bell Telephone Co.
and Hydro are busily engaged. build_ mer, was sent to the special committee
. - ,
Mg their lines underground to serve without comment: . .
thl, new . airport
A. note was' received from L E.
rienabers.of the local company of the he seeding down or SkY Harbor Dancey, LC., 'acknowledging his ap-
Iltruomro_n_etuat,,„ats, 'nonsperminnednoL.,.,iii„tia,weekh.enomcei fly:in
g field., halted on. R.C.A.F. In- '
polatment as acting town solicitor.- '
aeave, marvelled , at °the- manner.. ei eatructione-some weekseargtraiseastilease --seseeseXittlecorrs
matter of cobjecture. -A . considerable The -finance-committee passed' a
whieh tb,eir a.C.va Lieut . -Col. ' H. C.
shipment of fertilizer has long been large number of accounts, including
Dunlop, was 'taking' the 'route
on the Property. • . , $41.08 for relief. The statethent in
marehea. Men of his comptuia of one -
A despatch from Ottawa yesterday •
- ' 'connection. with grandstand receipts at
third his age were laid up with sore carried. the information that the con. the civic holiday race meet • showed
feet and greatly 'fatigued after two- 'tract, for the heating system a-sky22.75,_ being aone-half ofrthe_net, re-
andaa-half and five -mile marches from • Harbor'airport buildings, inclu,ding ins •ceipts, owing to the .Goderich Trotting
the train to the camp and to the rifle etallation. and equipment, had been and Pacing Association. It was re-'
ranges, but not the Colonel. The awarded to the firm .of Kelly. e: -drack- commended that the town solieitor be
veteran' also -ta.kese,his -"Pee" every nen, Toronto, at a priee of $4;700. instaucted to proceed with the eoi-
morning at 7 o'clock 'with his men.
At Port Albert Malian of bonus loan arrears owing
There are eearly 00 of the Ma
At Port Albert practically every hY the Goderiebr Meaufacturing Co.
' idle- .
'0 , _
sex -Hurons at'Thames Valley and all -building is now in the course of _con- and that the committee leek into the
told 3,000 ander CanvasItsstruction. Maily of them havereached matter of putting dog taxes on the tax
. '. reveille
the point where work has be on roll hereafter:- ' •••••• .
at 5.45, P.T. at 6, breakfast at 7, parade
the interiOr.. Today a gan°. f the !The public works. eoramittee reported
•p8.mto. 11.45' a.M. and ,f,rOm
"..0 to 4. 30 •SarnBridge Co. corapleted tho e e steel ,...' A
that 'the:dump ground oe M
- rte. sATwald--Nfceoxtne'a
ll-sys-he---Plg-Hvrork-on- the- Ittrgeedrill 'Shnrs
ed. They ---rhad-jheen-rele:an-e4 " andwas
on four potutds thefitst week hi camp
were,here Just eleven days. The work being regularly attended to etiCli 'aa--.
' ,
and as evidence points out that ter the on Tuesday and Wednesday was con- With reference, to the 'Sheardown
:. the • workere, developed the m 'dardage action, the committees recome
mendedthat the town solicitor be asked
first time in ,his adult lire he no longer tinued in eold, dirty weather. One of
weare•suspenders. •a . • ainups
Pte. Ivan Papernielt, accustomed to, 'while here a His ease ,was promptly fee an opinion as to the advisabilitY-of
'selling ladies' frock's and otherfinery, isolated by the 'health authorities. appealing the Judgment given Inathis
Is said by his feilew-men' to be the 'Canadian products are being used .eese;' also that the solicitor Procure a
life,of the party." He and others fell to the fullest possibleextent in the detailed' and itemized statement of ac -
victim% to Sore feet the &at- day', A construction of these ,airport buildings count ,for -010.55 costsagainst ' the
blistering hot- one, but treatment and at Port Albert. Many Of them are to Town in connection with - this case.
an issue of army socks, le place of the be sided with British ,Colurabla cedar Other reeommentiationa were that the
the arriving. These are laid, .Over . heavy ,Western Canada Fleur 'Mills Company
be requested to move posts on the old
silk ones, soon fixed things up. Ivan shingles, great quantities of which are
says he netsse's .ble orange .Juice in
Morning, but uo more than anyone else., paper . 'and the bitildingg" inside *are Water -lathe street.; that the Are hall
, Pte. Jackie Bell, batman for Col. lined ' with -wall board, this coin, tower be repaired and painted; that no
Dunlop, has been all over the earate bination making a warns 'building. approval be given to any alterations
rules,,or,no Oiler, and has seeu more of ,The exteriore are to be sprayed With, 411 th present layott of the plan of
London and its environa than the rest a fire -retarding paintaas are the' in.: the.Supertest station at the corner of
-of the company combined. Despite a ' teriers 61 'the hangarfr `', The painting Hamilton and Victoria street, as Ilie
check-up anent reniaining within his coetraet; awarded' to -Toronto and using ef all the sidewalk in front of
own lines; the dinrinutive Jackie some- Brantford firms, is- klaid..to Tun Over the station as- a roadway would be
how or other got over to tlie Essex$10goo
Scottish and was paraded home '' in Grastelling of ' the runways The special committrecommended
at Port ''
style by an
i ,'- ,.
escort Th
The soldiers 'are Albert is now in itsalast stages and .dangerous to the pedestrian public.
that' no aetion'be taken on the proee saying that if .Jackie ever gets as tax haiabsurfacing is over half done. The .posal from the Windsor City Connell
as grtgland he% be over to Paris aud-Warren (o. expecta to complete this '
With reference to a provision for sole
Berlin on it tour the first week-eed. . job: by the first week in Octobere, It ..11
diets' voting at -manielPal elections.
ertivate Bell, by the Way, complains has developed "Into 4 rate with the •''' -
he report. also etatitained an ex -
that his name was omitted tram. the weatherman. ,, pressio:a of appreelation' of. tbe two
Signal -Star last week, and he feels glee thingii tup, hazard a guess that '
view Sunday by. the Stratford 1.05"8'
Teservea -wee at Mr. IMelltste's side. r 'that afternoon from -Sandusky, wag
.diseharging 11,000 tone of COaI at the)
Goderich Self Omapanyse ried. !The
Immense °Diamond, a self-
-gar:loader, whieb elischerges the eoal
at the rate of 1,'Roct tots an Ulna'
blocked the ,barber entrance eo, that
the 'steamer CaPtain Secord and the
tow bergek Krupp,. from Port WitliaM
-with grain for the elevator, had to
tie up alongside the squat pier. The
eteTn 'et the barges. eitended almost to
the outer, end of the pier,
. 6
. The 1.auperror eleeree with her salt
cargo shortly after midnight for girt
•Vrilliam and the Diamond Alkali.'
rfollewed a short while leter, bottled..
tbatia te Sandusky. The Windoe
eleaTeil, light -on .Saturday ,afternoo*
for Fort William. The ,Oaptain,
.0ounty'Constable john. Ferguson,- Of
Exeter, told ot finding the lifeless, body.
of Kilitiatriel?, in tt poet. of blood, 'on
the living -vim floor, on the night of
the crime; 'Dodge was found kneeling
On a pillaV at a bed in an adjoining
oom. There were bloodstains on his
shirt. He held two shingle Pails in
his left hand and was it:Otte-ring' 'some-
-thing and groping 'for *bat he later
said WitS a hammer, In .the woodshed
an astee [with blood •aud-hairs on its
blade, .1,Va found,. also wine
jug, nearly empty, and e. quart wine
(bottle nearly full. Veitness said Dodge
was etupidly drunk and that no c0-
herent, replies were a -Pee -teed' from -111m
le ans-wer to gmetions. ' •
In a signed %statement admitted, in ,
evadence, giyen ato pollee next day; 'cord, 340,000 busbele of wheat,
bodge; !related that he -remembered
athistottratiseasetioiee .110 .-„rtted.
Witte ariIpatrielt leant 'London with the
wine' akt noon on lune 20 until. he
"came to?' in Exeter jail the same
da Y- at 10 p.m: : '
Coroner Dr. W. _E. W-efakee,. or Sax-
eter, attributed death to cerebral hem-
orrhages caused by.blows on the left
temple from both the blunt and sharp
ends ,of a eteel instrument. The nose
was broken • and there were severe
bruises on thercheeks, caused by fiats,
he thought.
MisCtspiellint Mutch, who entered the
',t111-titlielfriritfifiir at .. Kingston- -assa
nurse-in-trainieg . this week, wait -the
• sliest .of honor at several functions
during the two ' weeks preceding her
departure. These ineluded a shower
given by Miss Irene Fellow and Mrs.
Stanley "Snider at -the 'home of • Miss
Pellow and a shxdlar party given. by
Mrs. Reg. Castle and Mrs. Gus Worthy
at Mrs: Castle's home. On each:oc-
cason .miss Muteh* was the recipient
of many beautiful gifts.. Mrs.' J. E.
Mutch also entertained for her daugh-
ter. Miss Muteb. was active in -war
work- and will be greatly missed ib the
circles in which she lute been de-
servedly popular. e
conspany personnel published in The Some of the bosses, in it position to aoncerts given in 1Godericroon the pre-
• V
in AbOnt it An. investigation is the big eirpert will be in operation, or The market eommittee reported that
u» occurred. 'the approaehes to the market scales
Others state •thig estimate is entirely bad boa reoeirad and were tow le
too optimietie. No official announce- good ondaam.
anent lias been Made.
being, held to find out where the tslip- partial operation, by NOVOInher
The temperatures for the past week
and for the correoonding week last
year, as officially worded, Were ase
• ss Max. Min. Max. Min.
_ _ 1940 -1939
Thure., Sept. 5....75 68 03
Fri., Sept. :a ' 73, 55 60 45
Sato Sent 7 74 50 .$0 54
Sim, Sept. 8 ,72 03 70 93 offieees and, dimetors for 1941. The
Mon., Sept. 9 07 38 , 60 0 epeaker at the evenifig 'banquet will be
TIle9.; Sent. 1004 50 rre 37 liAr. ItogeraAndreWe, of the Blue I,Vater
Wfd" Sept, 11.-t4 ft2 irail Asaeelallen, Menaininaa, mieb,
The cemetery and 'parks eotersittee
sLitm WATER HIGHWAY tetiorted -that Abeeletterieg on the. sol-'
diers" meinerial had been refinished at
,ANnAt ist-EETxNa rOrt, of
These reports 'were all adopted with
'The__ annual meeting of! the .11lue out discuasion: -
Vater Highway Assoelation will benreve TUrner said he had been ton -
held a.t Meaford on Friday el title 'eulted by Mr. J. B. Ueynolda regarding
week. An ali-day program has-been the 41,uriang pr the Meek on the, east
arraeged, intruding the election4 of side of Colborne streetibetwelet the
Square .and 'Cleat:eh, Street. This was
reterreil to the pablie works -eommits
tee, •
Bylaw No. 14, authorizing the eale
of lot 478, $t. George's Cresceet;
Mrs. 1-111da Leggett for .000, Was
paksed; and .t•he Council went jilta
eommittee „at 9 o'elbek.
In committee the Council considered,
but took no action08the request -of
the Maple. Leaf Chapter dePutation.
'it Was agreed to aecept the Proposition
of the IMP.0, with regard. to the ioat
of moving poles On th.e harbor hill.
commenced unloarling at the' elevator
.enSetatalay fetere94)e and the,Krupp
Rowed on -.Monday
bashele of -wheat.' Their kom,bitied
)Ca,rp "of 541,000 bushels asra..?a the
largest single shipment received here
this year. - Captain John Pelker; '
former iGoderieh 1)0Y, eomniande the
Captain -Secord., The big freighter,
towing the barge, cleared,' light„. for .
Fort on Tuesday afternoon.
The A.„ A. Illudeon arrivedon 7aere
day . afternoon; from Port 'William.
with 20,138. bushels of oate,, 17,777
bushels of 'Varier, 66,313 bushels Of
'Wheat and 1,O27 butetele of nye for
the elevator r' She took on 240 tons .of
arolcartads for---53T4larebuMeeeea
early Thursday -esornhig.
The Coulhaven 'came in -from San-'
tTuesdaY evening with 2,200
tons of coal for the mill and <reared
early !Wednesday "morning for San-
- Three Goderieb boys, ',Harold 'Cham-
bers, Benson Sanders and Bill. Thorap-
son, are. back in town atter a. ettsot.
or eailing on 'the passenger , boat,
;Georgian, Which is now tier up at
The steamer Vietorloue, from Du-
luth, 14 due this afternoon .1witit
000 bushels, 'Canadian wheat. ,
Bulletin No. 14, 'twin the Ontario
Department of Municipal. Affairs, dated
.0elober'25tla, 1030, says:
.• "It bar corile to the attention of the
Department of 'Municipal Affairs that
iv:comber of Ontario municipal coun-
cils have!„beetemalting grants that are
not authorized under •atsctioe. 404-A of
the Municipal Act.'
• "This, section, dealing with patriotic
grants, was enacted- at the Sneelal
1on of the Ontario Legislature in Sep-
tember Met, the •changes then enaCted
being duly called to the attention. -.of
all municipal comicils in Bulletin No,
13 of this 'Department. -
''Under the amended Act, althority
to make graaite for eertain patriotic
purpoaee le, in Organized territory,
vested in the counells of citiett sepat.
ated towns and eguntiee ouly
"Briefly, the Statutes do not now
permit tot:tuella of towns, villagee and
townships, comprised in toanties, to
nitrite grants .for patrietie purposes.
"It has been lield by the courts that
members' of councils who etre, irt
favor of bylaws oe reaolutions to, .eay
money out of the general funds of a
corporation for neruthoriaid IrlrIvreS
are personally responsible for the cote
potation for the money so ernentled.
"Sine° it is the duty of the Depart -
molt to insiat nixie AtIberenee to the
Provieeial Statutes, the 00 -operation
of all teueicipal offiebtie is requested."
earnival in aid Of the Red Croat/
campaign will 'be held at the. Weat
street rink on. Wednesday evening of
next Week under the a,aspicea of .the
Liens -Club.. Bingo and other gamma
will provide amusement, and everybody
in Wttendancerwill have it ehance
tiae door prizes of $25, 05 and $10 in
War savings „eertilleetee. A. number
Will be given With each admissiost
ticket and the draw for prizes will. take
place later in the evening. ,Admissit*
will be only 10c.
In. a' letter' to .itie parents, Mr. 'utak
Mrs. Walter Kingswell, Colboarie tory*-
ship, Pte. Ralph Eingswell, now With
the R.0.1t.'s irt, England, says lie *
enamoured with the beaut-y of that
country i'and since be has seen. it be is
More than ever colivinced It le worth •
fighting forbe writeeeIle luse 'beet
in England, 'for two mentha.,
Pte. 'William Erskine, of " the
It.C:Ma's, London, Spent a few days
18 Goderielt this week with his brother„,
A 11 Erskine, Northeteeet •
' Pte. Murky Sheardown, 0.A.S.Oe
is in Goderich visiting his Wife and hie
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam -Sheardoert.
Kelso J. aoluiSton, son of Mr. ant .
Mrs. (sleerge Johnston, flow beide the
rank of paye4ergeant with the Oita
and StraeOe Forester, stationed et
Clanua ',Borden.' Pay-Serpi:est John-
ston'e regimental number is 11-48001,
Arthur DOWker and Robert Me^
Oodeilelt boys with the <Royal OSA-
adian Artillere, etationed at Wilma**.
reeently received; remotion to time
rank of eccentl lieutenant Itoth yogi*
men Joined the foree at the ontbreolt
of the "tar ag bombardiers.