HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-05, Page 8A anstrr THE GODER1CH SIGNAIrSTAR NEWS OF AUBURN Iher way. to. eixorob, where site wit* eholr leader. $he was on one ahle ". the traeir and it hi believed she was AIYIWUN, Sept. 4.--Visitora with Teeswater rital ,Yrank. Waslihrgtoar t hurrriag to ortell 'OP with wine friends Mr. idEdgar Lawaoh, over flirt Ilearat other side art the traek when w-euil -were Mr . and Mrs. EilwOod M. and Mra. !aorta' StaY 814tr:4f 111,),;° ,alraill 11‘-)e,lire4L Silo ilii oeksurr DoWns awl Mr. and Mrs. Magg aral Petty spent tare week-0141 at Tonto. v4vc‘r r's rler iniisoand) aTi.o. 141 her daughtero all of Los Angelee, Calif , Arrnersry ivaServiee$ will be held. tan"' 4'911`11 MeN"1411'°11' (4 M{)1115' ton, near Guelph. The funeral tool.; , Mr. amirlitrs. W. IL ShelrOard, a'Oafl this coming SnodaY, September 8, in ace from her father's home today awl ,Toro, visitti on, Sunday with dr a the BaPtist elaurets Whir guest 'speaker lgoPliard's raotbers, Mrs- E- M. Shell- will be. Boy, A. J. Milligan of 'Goa- ct11-4-esdaY),' wIth iuterinent, in Ortorn canneterre Pusl in h ., lard, filor tBrang40.11. rich and ange w Speeial rill bpre- ' - -.. ' T United Cheireh W.141.S.,----he , Mrs. Bianeh4 Phillw ;Ind Arnold raded by the ;Gospel Male quartette of s Or Knox United church Met Tuesday spent the weeleend ,witlx M. and Mrs. Stratford. The hours of service are afternoOn with Mrar tkarsirarAlkt Guy Durham, of St. George'. On their Tan. and 7.30 p.m. in ettarge. MirrooWagner read the otturn, they - werooracoOmpanied bY Mf. arid Mrs, Walter MOore Of iitt, R,4Yee natal*, who sPent thei stornmer owner aorterorormootrato,r$elater a Script -tire, and led in prayer. Mrs, St George. . Seaforth nd visited last .Week. t -la '°e'tl':t 1404 PM flo; trIald,Ono"',"Ohintar, it and Mr),ari YigirtInan the herald: ,S, ;2.:1184/401404,04.-Att,,Neiliiiiii tala aid, is,tm"t•tigarIzttivfm---,-2-,,- - • ----, MIAffi ltrim ,tzli , rtatervaraship," Mrs, s- N,. L Erie returned to Bowmanville on Sat- Mr. awl Mrs. Gordon "Tiatl'Or, „Mr: "Thonio ;rarotit pea o,,, wen -prepared Ordar after visng Mr. and Mrs. „Air „and Mrs. Thonios Johnston and Misa and liateresfpg. toxo 04 ,,whe, use of fred Asquith. r • s .LaUra Phillips are spending tOdar a Mr.. Lloyd Iferaarty is visiting vela- r(Wednesday) at Toronto. . Our "-PosSessiens.1) ;Mrs.,' Jarnes weeas read. a letter ra Mrs. Longley, a ;Lives at Gull Lake,. Manitoba, ' Mr. arid' Mrs. Gordon Dobie and Mr. missionary , iii.1 hina. This depicted Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robison, sPent and ,Mrs. Darwin Madam spent . the ortir a Aro _zoo- rrrortor ..„,,,,... the latter, part., of last- Week at Tor- week -end at Toronto. „ ia'idng—platOre le,v' gall, '""iir-r7.11.-410-".. ?onto. . , Mi. Charles VV. McCrae of S•ault Stegridge invited 016 W.M.S. to her horae 'Mr.. and, Mrs. Elwin Munro of Marie, Ontario, Mr. -Wm. McCrae, of for the .&nUS Ineting. It was de- Orang;erille SPeirttbrr' wegir-ellei with „Spokaue, Wash., and 11r. and Mrs. . cided to. se di a ,fletter of sympathy to MISS Susie Blair. , o ' . Wilfred O'Donnell of London, visited , 3:t ,Tesebers ttegin Falt Work. ---The on Satorday with Miss us* ' elors•eBa4 the Keyes. •ittiniotirs.artsobe itil:piraeyeRrton. r. following teachera. have left for their and Mrs, 11. E. Moore. . araprist joadiare 4ra.--Trie ,Ladies, aehools: 'Ethel WaShington to Picton, Mr and Mrs:, A. j.-Verguron and Aid of .the Baptist .chdreh met In the ,Margaret Ferguson to Parkhill, Beryl :WilsOn, to 'Seaforth, Dorethy Wilson to the 2nd eoncession of West Wawanosh, 11417 Houston to Prosperity, aean. --''''.1tastorr-torOarloW-r-Evelynr.Pla-etzerrrto. Cedar Valley, on the ndl- Concession of Ashileld, Marjorie Artluir to near .011111.0014•111111.01.11111111.110.1minimummor Mr. ,^ and Mrs. Ralph Munro atteridgd the funeral of Mrs. Bert Keyes at ,Morriston on "WednesdaY. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Itaithbaa Grant ...„aud0r.T.ehurjtirithbrvo„.and. Miss Amelia: MeIlwaln visited friends at ing am, and Teeswater on. Saturday. Fifteen to G.C.I.—The following students from:- this rvieinity - are rat-._ tending Goderich 'Collegiate: Mary Munro,- Zeta Munro, Ruth. Arthur, , wian Straughart, ,^Betty Asquith, Margaret Wightman, -.Helen Marsh JHelen Robertson, Lenore .Plaetzer, Nora rMePlate, Reid Sheppard, Donald Ross, Elvin 'Wightmitn, Bill Raithby and Bob 'McClinchey. Killed by Train.—The people of Auburn were_ shocked and deeply grieved to learn of ,the sudden de -oar on Sunday of Mrs. Bert Keyes, of: Parham, twenty nines north of King- ston. Mr. Keyes was a fornier station agent here, leaving Auburn about three years ago. The deceased lady was thirfy-eight years of age. She was killed when Struck by a train while on ANL -See the new shipment-of-thi.n just arrived from England at Smith'i Art Store—heautital English Dinner. Sets, in ROYall Winton—Crosstiteh Old English Sampler—Rosalhad—Bedford Glenmore SuiaShine --- Wayside -Cotfago-- Daveiaport--- Yon just cannot , beat them—sneh patterns, so reasonable in price— all open stock --Come in and get -started on a set. SINTR'S AR1' & RIFT STORE. The Home of English China. .churcla on., Tuesdaal afternoon. • The early part Of theohfternoon Was spent in the yearIy lel an 1 no'. The president, Mrs. ,011aSo: o Ocinr presided. Prayer sl-ott 4 4%, `e„jiro.lEkey. Final:tra ents were made for the I -annive 'Sat 1!4.11i lk,i'i.Oeeting was closed vial) heOil,' mO1ig,,1,. of the National Antrim, -ofte Arpg0h ,a-pot-luek slipper Was : eoloyetli'i.. ONTARIO PLOWION'S, ASSOGIA.TiON. IhterAitional Plowhig IVIatch: and FARM MACHINERY DEMONSTRATION ONTARIO HOSPITAL FARM — Just sou'th of St, Thomas , ' Octoberl5,16, 1711,8--: 1940 r& �RROLL4_MaIagerV. S. T#OMAS-,.:Secretary Toronto Local corns!, St Thomas._ Briefs Millinery in, new Nail StYlea and shades. MISS IL R. MacVICAR, Kingston, St., Bedford Work. 86 The Centra,1 'florae and Seliool Club will meet Tueaday, September 10tb, at '8 pan., at the school. Mr. Eh O. .Beacora will be the guest speaker and t*--401auberi- afillreged be -'ie ott. •LE „Has the 'label on your pawr that comfortable look-- which means that your subscription is Paid in advance? The Ahmeeir Chapter, LO.D.II„ will hold its raonthly meeting at the Public Library' on. Friday, September 6th, a 4' p.m. 'wt t,t 014Y, WT, 5th 1W0 For Results A Cia The Signal -Star sells for $2 to any address in Oanada and is worth more. Look at.your label; it will show the date up to which your subscription is paid, .........agrammarrorormarmaiarmaa Aucutiiv sAut ArrOITIQN StarrEl:— (?1*) KEN -I TO RENT.---4SWAIIIIM) IIOUSE on B,ayllfrld road. APply HAIN & 'JAYS, Barristers, Goderieli. acritf TO ItOLINE STATION, and Grocery Store; in g, Q tiOn,; rent very reasonable. APPlY 44. Si&I'WiatliWtalask 444 RENT.—SOLID BRICK 1ESI- DEN011, East street. Three bedrooms,' bathreuM'atorrripirrairtr- sun room; dininglOom, Parlor, and kitchen. Double garage 'and, gar(ien. L I), THOMAS, Phone 069. , . -35 Auction sale a household effects of liroaSarnIrel,Lobbroliingr'StarOlintm, 9n SATURDA.Y, SEPT. 7th at 1.30 m' Furniture, organ, radio, stoves, rugs,' earPPutersi -shoemakers' and -painter -at tools; silverware and dishes (all Eng- lish ware), r '29 'Chevrolet sedan; Ad sArj ISALI.1.--;01101TING MITAL IN Village of Tivertou ; goOd tefritOr.Y. Apply EMERSON HOWE, Tivertoo, Out. ' 34-6x _ ATERVUONT, WITH MODERN furnished. cottage., 'Water, sewer, ViTAT.E1)^ MAID VOA 1101184. • light. Or part. OIIAlli&E$fljA1,1J, WORK ; • famillY of two O good Ooderle ?„44 , 'Write P. 13ox _157, Gode- ' WAN'rrin • AN WANTED for Itawleigh Route. -Real opportunity for right IlittU, We help you get started. Write Raw, lrept. Ker- No. ritte21040-4, Montreal, Vanoda, 30 W'ANTED. A maid; one who ran. sleep out MILS. 0. 14 11.81tSONA, 04 West $t. 36, : VAnearly newC,9rs'IGINTe".kestrAit'''' a'.1“TANprirx::,:e3,11:1); FOR GI:MEIA, • ,:':7:-.71i1311fieSIVOrklliaulrailk-111411nel coAotk!sTslAeen:t: p; out -Write Itox 42, 11 NSIG- JL 'ANtYPeVvr)ri)—TOItr:irOT. w("0"kinitrIOTrrie ot ifilloe Call SIGNAL -STAR. 30 'WANTED. --r- 'AT ONCE, BOY,' " abont 16 or 18 years of age, AtTHE SIGNAL -STAR* 36, smx.,,,,usirrbm i)goats.. IL LASHBROOK, 30 Nitidder treet, Britannia, ,itoad, Goderich, 30 To RENT.-4IALF OR 'WHOLE VOR SALE. ---40,401t ._.,,FARM, 'TWO . . . .., , a. . , house; good furhate and all con- miles "east of DinigannOn„ Cheap, verdences. Apply 'SIGNAL-STAIL -;i5 for cash, or part eakill on terms. Ap. ply to MIL VD. BOWIliRS, Dungannon, or. AIRS. MAX HOFFMAN; 12 ellegt- nut Street, St. ThomaS. ' 30.7ir IVO RENT. --AT ONCE A PA.BT OF s .a. the, home at "Glengowan," Cobourg street, Goderieh; furnished , or un- furnished. A.pply immediate, lY to MRS. T. D. ATAlINGIIAM,- ,'"Glengowan," Cobourg street, Gedefich. 36x TO RE4T.--APART1,11:MT OVER ':--Agnerv-Surpass shoe, store; also large store room, Apply to W. HORN. Telepladne 43, R, SALE.--kLOT 730, VAST IlAIN north side -Trafalgar street. Apply MRS. JAS. 13001114 10 Trafalgar 'at': 36x PAr' Flow) Posousox switExt 86 orier S—itndf!ynciemAeiftveathee su, trpriselela at our allowance on your old car ',oDealer, Exeter, Phon 04., 85-0 r' BORN VIIRRELL.s-At Alexandra Hospita-KOOMEDhouse, equIP- ld r Po. • RAM OR, ItENT, -- TEN - 1 C,kolerich, On Ailgust 28tb,an- • furnishedi Mrs. Geo, Correll, "Goderich, a ped with hydro; hard and soft water; n r . • 7 . 5 acres of land ; good bank barn; room IIARVE,Kr--rAt Alexandra -*-HO-spit.. orrANYttr-Pcroonsos-andrhel'Is--; •- Goderich, • an raoirtember ist,situated ono'ertMaty 'highway, within - 'and Mrs Sidney Harvey Goderich- seven miles of Goderieb, Call •SIGNAL - a son. . . STAB.. ' . 34f.f• •Sept.4.—Our schools, No. 5 xid No. 9, riopened after the holidays',on Tuesda.' Both have new teachers' ,AlEiss, ,M145.* from, .near Ben- 4tr,No:'5, and Miss Lockhart _ gom, Blyth at No. 9. We welcome th4m to our neighborhood. .There will be no church service here on Sunday, as anniversary servicesare bring beld at Oarlow; church. Miss Margaret Ann Fitzpatrick has 1111 t 1 11 i un- vertienee$;,-Stib ed,t-Ito.,re*:" 1314* e TP1131S.---eash. SA.,114)EIL LOMB, Proprietor GORDON GRANT, Anctionte vemimunsapi CLEARING AUCTION SALE— CLUARING AUCTION SALV , Of frarni Stock and Implements, on spending lot 5 and 6, concession Ashheid town - returned to Toronto after holidays with Mr. Arch llorten and shill. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Horton. Misses Edith and Lizzie Horton re- turned home Monday evening from „Stratford, where they Spent a few days with relatives • - Miss Ruth 'Shaw returned to Tor- -onto -on Saturday after her holidays. Mrs. Maud Horton of Exeter and her -daughter and 'granddaughter from. Goderieh visited relatives here on Labor. Day. • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Horton of Nia- gara .Palls were visitors here on Labor Day. PARAMOUN T , ' PARAMOUNT, Sept. 3.—Miss lliary MacLean, Ashfield,.. Miss Mary 0. MC - Lean, from Chicago,. Miss Betty Wey- gand, fronC,Detroit, ,and,Miss !Margaret Murray spent. a day recently WithliTss Xargaret Henderson a,nd Mrs. John Koss. J. -Cook from Toronto and Mrs. - Rot. Hamilton, sr., spent last Week yvith Mr: and 'airs. Arthur pook, . Master (Nile Itetchabaw has returned . to _his honie,;4t Galt_ after spending 1 the holidays wiiiimis grlifidroolhe'r; , Mrs. A: Ketchabaw. . • . ' Many from here attended the re- ception in Carnegie Hall, Lucknow; in honor 'of 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank "King (nee Rachel MacDonald). Mrs. A. Ketchabawi, Mr. "Vilia: Ketch- abaw- and; Mr. Cameron- 0001,, were recent visitors with friends in Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sanders& have returned to New Brunswick after spending holidays with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McDen- aid,' and other -friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson and: Isabelle were recent visitors with . ,.........--orroo. friends at Caledon, and visited the C. N. Er- : ,. • r _.: - .. . TWO ENTERPRISING GIRO, . The funds of the Red 'Cross Society have been enlarged by the effort of two young girls, Helen Wilson, aged twelve, daughter of Mr,. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Hincks street, ando-Itobena Grant, thirteen, daughter of Mr. an Mrs. Gordon Grant, 'Huron road.. The girls eaph investhd 50 centa in sugar, E -made maple -cream aid -Sold, it, With a 'pr'ofit of $3.16, vvhich was turned over to Mr. A. M. Robertson, treasurer ' of the Goderichobrancli of the Red Crogs Society. ' EL Shortening LOBSTER CANADA BRAND ,Tra BLENNaA1161A ib 30 MOTOR OIL SUPER BODY PORK a BEANS LIBBY'S CHICKEN AYLMER BONELESS CORN FLAKES KELLOGG'S SUNLIGHT SOAP-- I LIFE:0110Y SOAP RINSO tv 45. LIIX FLAKES LUX SOAP CATSUP AYLMER LARD- 1.itsiNYFIELD OLD CHEESE .MILD CRUSE CRISCO 41 18 6 -oz; Tin -pkg. 5 .3. -lb. v -0..99c 2. CAmPFIRE MARSH- MALLOWS Pkg. Bats PICKLES ROSEDACE: PRUNES 70 or 80's 2 ROLLED OATS. 3.1118' Fresh Fruits And Vei etables ,4444.,t4 BANANAS Golden, Alpo APPLEp GroN6 • . ONIONS No. 1 Grade ORANGES Oal. Val. Sweet and Juicy BLUE BERRIES Nova Scotia . 3 lbs. . 6 qt. bski.. 101b. bag 250 252's 29e qt. box 210 A&P COFFEE VIGORMIS and WiNgt Dakar 14c. 3 nett 9 140160 mu% 1.01,Low O'tlock la 35 inen Mitt llart.ISOMEO Red Cht 3 'VP BREAD 131ACEO or tiNsuczo PAGE WHO= WEitAT CMCIKrto WiltAt t4,4w, 1 Vir*OPed %Awes *Wok ItOOD,STO Owned nd Operst#4 oe Meat Ati,otte P.:4ine loft ew, • TIIUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th, • at 1,o'cloelr sharp. 1orses-1 geltling, 2 years old; 1 aged nahre ; 1 aged mare and, colt. Cattle—d. Durham cow, 0 years old, 431.pposed to calve 'February •251h; 1 Darhain eow, yearsold, supposed to calve, March 25th; 1 Darhani COW, .; Years old, supribsed tri calve May lath; 'Durham' cow, 8 years old,supposed to ealve October 1st; 1 lhirlitini cow, '5 years old,. supposed to calve March 26th; 4 Calves; 2. heifers, 1 year old; 1:steer,1 year old. Sheep -9 ewes, one year old, Ples.--44 chunks. 60White Leghorn, hens; 35 White Leghorn pul- lets; 30 White Leghorn roosters. Im- pleraents--4 'wagon mand hay• rack'; 1 UcCorraick-Deering fertilizer drill (11 <lige) ; 1 McCormickrDeering mower,. 6 ft: cdt 1/assetearrif--bilider, 6 fte Cut;" 1 Massey-alarris by loader; .1 -21aaseyalarris seed 'drill (11 -hoe) ; -1 Massey -Harris enitivator; 1 14 -plate Bissel dise; 1 21. 'Fleury. riding -plow ; 1 Ne, 7 Massey -Harris Walking plough; 1 set 4-sect1on diamond hark6wsi 1 sulky rake"; 1 -Set of Sreighs"; 1 cutter, 1 seuffier rse�t wagon wheels; 1 set _or double harness; 1 Malotte eream roeparatorr '-irolnettbalwr-Irr--brooder'r. othei articles too minferOus to Mention: ." Terms—All sums under 'ten 'dollars; cash, over ,that amount, 6 months' credit will be„ given on furnishing ap- proved. joint notes, with interest at 0% -per. annum. . Everything. advertised must -be, sold; as proprietor is retiring:from:farm: 9,111.03TAS DICKSON; -Proprietor'. T. GUNDRY I& SON, I' Auctioneers: 1444t.44.,444.44. WANTED.—WOMAV FOR G 'MAL ,.):Eousework willing to, to Toronto, Call at residence. of 0, GA.!101.0W, North: street, Goderich. 30 - HEARD.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, On September 2m1, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Heard, Goderieh, a -SOIL YOUNGBILUT.—At Alexandra Hospi- tal, Goderich, on September fithr „to Mr.' and Mrs. 'Major Youngblut, Auburn; twin sons. ' DIED OOLLINSION.—In Goderieh, on Wed- nesda.t, September 4th, Catharine McLeod; widow 'of the late WM. Oollinson, -in her 85th. year. . • Funeral from. residence, Huron road, on Saturday, September 7th, at 2 p.m. Interment ha Colborne 'cemetery. HUNT.—On Saturday, 'August 31, at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, Eliza- beth Grace, wife, of Charles Hunt, 29 Carling arienue, ;Toronto, in her 64th year. ,CHURCH—NOTES— ,Rev. 1 3. Lane oceupied the pulpit of Knox -church on Sunday after a - Month's vacation. The Vit.crik.S. of North street United ehurch will hold its regular meeting CLEARING AUCTION SAM CLL'AlliNGAil'OTTO1C-,•-zSA-L2- -0 ' FARM STOOK, impLiEmiwrs, ETC. ' NOTICE -7 - VOTERS" LASTS NOTICE. _ -VOTERS' -LISTSo-1940,-MUNIOIPA-Lo 'TY OF THE 'TOWNSHIP OP COLBORNE, COUNTY OF H'UlION. Notice is herb' given that I have complied. With section 7 of the 'Peters' Lists Act and that1 have posted up at my. office in the Township of ;Col- borne,„ on the.26th day of August, 1940; the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there, for: inspection. o• • And I hereby tail 'upon all voters to take ,immediate proceedings to have any -errors-rorromisSions. correstedr 0aof-' cording tola:vr;' the last day for appeal being the 16th day OVSeptember11940. .Dated:: this '26th' day or -Augu4, 194Q, WM. !SALLOWS; Clerk of the Town - 35 -6 At. Walkerburn, two miles south of Auburn, on , SATURDAY, SEPT. 14th commencing at 1.30 p.m. , Horses.--.1-brown horre,-6 Years old; a Clyde mare, 14 years old; 1 sucking colt; 1 black aged mare. ' Cattle. -1 IlerefOrri cow aged .7, bred July 26th; 1 black cow 9 years old, bred May 31st; 1 Polled...Angus cow 9 years old, bred Jame 8th; 1 Hereford eovv 5 years oldobredjaine 10th Hol:: steM.eow 7 years old, bred June 12th; 1 blue cow 6 years old, .bred Aug. 15; -1-1161-Stein cow 6 -years old,- )11St fresh- ened': 1 Ilereflard cow 5 years, arid calf months old, sucking.; 1.0eref4ird cow age 4 years, bred July 12th; 1 vvhite cow age 9 years old, bred, July 23rd; 1 red cow age 12 years, bred July 18th ; 1 white eow age 5 years, bred /111Y September 9th, at 3 P.M. Mrs.,OPth; steers, 2 years old; 9 steers Monday, JamesHamilton will have rising 2 -years Old; 7 'calves 4 months '. ebargi' the study hook. 'old; 1 purebred registhred Scotch * • Right Joseph Loftus shorthoritheifer, due Dec. 24, 1040, at ., Bishop of the great missionary ' 0.1)., Diocese age 2 years and seven months old; , of Keewatin, will be 411'6 sPeeittr" l..eDuernill.5 manc°7 13years old, due to Durtiam cow ear .preacher at St., George's ehure4 •at fi.sh old, with calf born May 10th, sucking a.m. 0*Sunday next, September Eith. cow.; 1 Durham cow 4 years old, with The 'Mittr6w6Inen'g Guild met' 4»I calf born Adg. 16t11, sucking ,cow; Tuesday in the Guild room, Minissonyi; calf bora Aug, 6, 1940; 1 calf born E. :Salkeld' presiding. Next Dec.. Zith, 1930; 2 SOW8) due lirt of, 41 t4, there Will be a short program and- tea will be served. Sunday lastthe thilld :November; 1 sow due before sale; 100. • ., had lovely fiovvers on' the altar in mem-I•Viklmli'etemaegnht6s..mroshotse,' 3.'hruitserh6oliad' art. ory Of departed- Guild inemberS. Ides ; buggy, 'cutter,* wagon, wagon box, root 1)1111)04 riding plqw (one 'furrow), harness, double And single; cultivators, fanning . mill (Clinton), seed drill. TERMS -s-, Cash. CHARLES S. SCOTT, PERCY VIN- CENT, Proprietors. T. 'WINDILY & SON, Auctioneers. 341.7. ' WANTED, --TO BUY OW HORSES - and dead cattle rpust be suitable otorerrakraleedlrarreraoyealtroprconetlyi,---, FRED G%BERT, R.R. 2, Baylield. plione 008, r 22, Clinton, Calls paid for. 184. „ • . EXECUTOR'S SALE wX x or wArx.4 The Exeeutof of the Estate Of • Wil- fred H. Elliott will offer for sale by public auction, on September:0.th, 1940, itt thelitoor of &o'clock the afternoon,: 'at the premises; LOTS NIMMER- TWENTY-FOUB and TWENTY-FIVE In the 4th Concession, Salle and except four acres off the S. corner Of Lot 25, Township of Goderich, containing - 159 acres of land, more. or less. The property will be sold subject to a re. se bid. 20% of purchase price to be d at time of sale and the balance within 30 days. r_ - Dated at oGoderich this 20th August, A.D. 1940.. . Fer furthi,r particulars apply to . THOS. GUNCORY, & SON/ -' Auctioneers, . Goderieh, OntariOr or to IL C. HAYS/ .. Barrister; etc, Solicitor for "the Ketate, READ THE possum:I) , ship. ef Colborne. orimarmoromair.....:airrommarraiimr aa;ormaraorr• marromorimanik. • .•fl4 MEMORIAM WEIR —In loving memory f Fred G. Weir, lost Ari the inking of the "Atlienia," ,Septeinber 3, 1930. "Blessed: are ,.tlie dead rv`hich die in the-Lord" —Inserted by hia sorrowing wife and son. . 36x issilloiellall11111.116.01.111411.111161111111111.1111111111111.1111110•110 HYDRO POWEli WILL. BE Orr , ON UNDAY, SEPTEMBER Sth from 1.30. to 4.30 p.m. IN CANADA Active SESVICH" AND 1101V10 Defence 10 Canada is not UT affected by th&present war clause . ACT NOW lia.ve Life Instwance Pratte. Hon with tht Pfe'Aent liberal war elauge. it M. FORD Insnralartk,and Scat Mate Ihotilton St. Tel. 2038w tdpits*timeiWoodA11....rrMit.waioohtaomoiol000t.t.WNWt.tiootp...i.ktMrda*. 3'16 ana in theinterests of the Ian Goderich Branch IN a ursday, e eniber 8 p.m. , To hear re48-its_6T ralfreatrwork and to das- cuss plansfor the 6thriiiv year,c Goderich and-. vi :einify` bo-..equirectto raise ificrease'd sums of "money for this:- greatwork. during the • NATIONAL .CAMPAICA.N commencing 'SEPTEMBER 23.. Residents of Colborne Township, God.erich: .Township, BenTnillr,.. Auburn. and -other ad,,,'• , . . )acent cOrtiniunities are, invitod to.attend this .rneeting, Alt patriotic citizens o be present. oderich are urged to 'I 4 AY S, President God Save the King