HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-05, Page 3NINTITYsSEPOND YEAR. NO. trt HURON cocfNrY s FOREMO GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, IBusiness DiKeetory. ...„.....„------..—.. LEGAL, IFD.LEX 111., UOLIYAUS lisirristraa --•=0111ee-;40nrt House, , Telephone 554' (.10,ARTEREb ACCOUNTANT MONT,EITH and MONTEITH, lls. Chartered 4.ccountalitii 77 Downie Street, Stratford Toront,o ,,Oftice: 802 Bar Street AUCTIONEER 114140MAS GUNDIa, 001YERIOH, LIVE STOOK. AND GENERAL -, I3QTJONEER Telephone 410 ' Sales attended to anyvrhere and every effort made to give satisfaetion. Farmers' sale ,notes disconnteil- IMPORTANT CHURCH GATHARING AT STRATFORD . _ Teronto, Sept. uouso a Blokes of tile. ohnioh, a 'England in Canada will meet in the parish ballet St. James' :church, Stratford, on Sep- teraber prelizuinari-t4- linutial. 'meeting of Atte likiarda of' •Gexieral Synod, which Will •Centlialle; from Septemher '9,to Right Rev. ,Derwyri T. Owen, Primate of 4114 Canada, the House inclades " the Archbishops of Canada,. Ontario, Rup- ert's Land and New Westminster, and i a bi la the d oees n s op . Arcbbishop -Owen, wlio is chairman .of the exeeutive eouneil of General 'Synod, will preside at the subsequent meetings ,of the boards, vrisea the work of the missionary, social service and religious edueations organiaationa of the cluirci'vvill be reported en and reviewed. Of particular interest will be a dis- eussion of the problems, facing the reharchsassa resultof, the war, Theae include the off, 'unavoidable in present circumstances, ,in Support* tfrota the motber churenSin• England, and Tvill Involve considerable care in :apportioning funds . to tne various; GoiRoos GRAIsm lamareED Inisaiona.ry dioceses. A gatistactOrY, .courteons service for present their report en Triesaay, sees M. , AucaloNEnt aultol,1 The Laymen's Council -and the • orsussTY +committee on evangelian are slated to - terser 19, and it is stated that -these Farm Property or Household Saes. w II contain matters of -.vital import- . Bate -,teS Rearionable. lime at his time ' • t . A public service of 'ameseemisaisaie_ssorm, sosomm"-•' witness will be held on'the erening of - MEDICAL - • Wednesday, September • 11. Friday • ---1111L-F:- J. Its-FORSTE,14- EAR, NOSII,THROAT Late House Surgeon New .3rork Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, as- sistant -at Moorefield Eye -Hospital and • Golden Square ThrOat HOoPital, Lon- don, England; ' EYES .TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED • .. - • 53, , Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephrore 257. • . Next *visit 'Bedford Hotel, 'Goderich, Wednesday,. September 25, from 2 p.m. re.paris • 1 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER 011111,0PRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAI'IS't • GOderic.h, Phone 841 offices hours -10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 and 7 tO 8 p.m., Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. • ° 10 to 12 a.m. only On -W-ednesday, Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. A. N. ATKINSON 51 South St. INSURANCE , McKILLOP NEUTUAL 4' . JU SURANCE1 CO. -Perin and; airs lated town filepertripsured. • Officeass--Williana Kniox, President, --AiondehbisroaseWr-sssitiMs .President;*etteora;‘ M A. Reid, Manager and *edietary-Treasurer, Sea - forth. - Direetork,-/Alex. Broadfoot, Sea' feettili;S Jame* Connolly, ,G'snderieh; Chris: Leonharcits -Born-h4lm-r-A144h Bilyth; Think McGregor, Vinton; Mamas Moylan, Se:aortal; Hugh Alexander, Walton; Wm. Bils:)x, Londesboro;, W. R. Archibald, .Sea,forth. • Agents -E. A. Teo, R.R. 1, Goderich; James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, • R.B. • 1, Brucefield R. it McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Bfod- hag,en. ' , Polley -holders can make all pay - Merits and get their gards receipted at. the Royal Bank, -Clinton Calvin Outt's Grocery,•*Kingston •Street, -Goderich, or J. B. Reld's General' Store;,Bayfield„ STRATFORD GODERICH COACIL IMES Daily 7.30 a.m.,4.25' p.m.--Le,aves Ooderich for Stratford, Toronto, Hamilton; Buffalo, London, Detroit, --Tsvistock and Woodstock. Depots -- Bedford, British and Royal Hotels. Menne .hotels or 305 for: information. will be devotedsto the deliberations of the •execative eq. -mien, Morning, after, norm and evening sessions will be held throughout th.e week. Fatality Due to _ Boy's IllexPerieilge Robert Govier Gets One Month's Sentenee-Ottier pase$ .001.11't Olirrs'insintli in- County 'Jail was" e - ,sentence .given by 51agistrate MakinS 'tii•fi'Tharsday last to; Robert Govier, tne East Wilwan6sh youth „eonvicted ' a week previous .of dangerouss,driving. The cliarge arose (nit of a motor tied - dent on •july 29th laet ell a toWnship road ilve northwe.st of Myth la which Arebie Mason, school enure of Govier's-, was killed. Tbe sentence' was dated baelt, to the time of arrest, • `IOW, accident was due to lack„ of driving experience," said -Prank Don- nelly, defence' *stonnsel, "Tile two boys grew up together ann were school, ehumseand the Mason boy's death is O very severe blow to my, client -This is the first, time he has ever been In court. I's understand that Walter Mason, the -father of the dead 430Y, has asked that leniency. be ex- tended." • "That is true," said 'Crown Attorney 11-olines. "Ur. Masen called on hie and asked that a s light. sentences be ins -1 pew'. also have had letters from others attesting to the good 'chars acter of accused." ,.-Magistrate. .Makins, attributed tbe accident to inexperience (the accused . had his •driling permit only twenty - 11t days). It was a ease of too much ,peed 111 IL light ear mr-a---tretteherhess narrow gravel road, Ills Worship ruled, suspending accused's license Or 'two years. , READ THE CLASSIFIED Aps, ..L". .. ,v iiivillOw r2 Every 1----Oc'- 7 Packet of , / WILSON'S \ , 1 \WILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN \SEVERAL DOLLARS'WORTH OFANY OTHER FLY KRIM FLY PADS Mew, nest of all fly 1"'''" Clean, quick, sure, WHY cheap. AsIc your Drug- P... gist, Grocer or General AY Store. mniRE TH13 WIT:SON FLY PAD CP; "rrtMILTON, ONT. asmotommaterwommo A shopkeeper writing, it debtor Remarked in the tourse of his lebtor That he sehOse to suppose A,Man knows what Ise ose, • And the sooner he pOs it the bebtor. 4 • The tinieand plaee ef the wedding Were kept secret, enly the bride and a few elose friends knowing., When ',Sind 'where.4,yea, te canailian Paper. After'all, what's a frith 'bridegroom? -Humorists ; J. W. Craigie INSURANCE find REAL - ESTATE- _ Get Ow -Automobile Rates° Phisne 24 GoderIch 1 tRRINGTON rowEfts Castle Inn, Pietonsewas the Setting for a pretty wedding on Friday after. noon, August 430th, when Miriam Rosa- daugliter of .Mr. and Mrs. Allison, M. PowerS, Pieten, beraine the bride of. Mr. Roy Franklin Errington, Son of Mr. and Mrs, A. j. Errington, of •(-,'-'*Ibortio•torisasbips Theemmony was performed ,by..:".-ItiA•.'N-,;-::-Ii.tsr-..11,0-11aft sishi liSse. IS. Wren of r -Stratford. Miss Ade. laide Powera' plaY4.1, the wedding =isle and the SOloist Was Mr. Harold Itutton. They , ere couSixis tbe The .bride, given in marriage IsY ier 'father, Were an embroidered •silk net .gown'overstaffeta, and 4 ;linger tip tulle veil arranged with a lace eeronet widen bad been, "Worn by her, mother, She carried roses. Miss Ruby Erring- ton, ,twin sister of the greonts, was 'bridesmaid in pale blue AO over taffeta. She, Wore headdresssof Sweetbeart roses and earried a colonial banquet, Mr. George powerssthessbride"s• brother, was best man, and the ashers'sVere Mr. Ted Burley ands•Mr.selsarles. iihencer. , ,At the-reeePtion"wilicii-folleweds"..WeSS PoWers received wearirra-, a figured queen's Ste crepedresa, wine acces- serieS and a -rose corsage. Sne Was asSisted by .1kIrss Erringtorr, in • navy Crete with corsage of, pink roses. The bride was --a -teacher at Leamington .111g11 Sehoel, andthe groom IS a gradu-: sate -of the sUrilversitr a Toronto. - They left by Motor for Muskoka, the 'bride going away in a dusky rose dress and. soldier'blue coat, hat and gloves. ;Tire _couple live in' TOrento, , • Nelson Hill Fire, Accident. and Motor Car INSURANCE 0010:--Masonie TeraPie, West Street, Goderich Phone 230 GODERICH P. J.°RYAN Real Estate aunt, Winne° - - , Office and Residence: 11 Trafalgar Street mmemarrimmommati Phone'. 663 POR SALE-Houses,of all kinds, • ehoice building lots, business • property and severgood farms Let me sr -Jo you some . Teal bargains. Buy now. • • • . CHRISTENSVN-RVAN • . . of-Verenica-Rra , daughter of Mr..and Mrs, P. J. Ryan of Goderichs and William C.. Christen- sens, son of sIVIr. C. K. •Christenseli James Ruddy and William Goodwias. PArhitspolt place Sin Saturday. August London. youths accused set the theft Of tnth, at 0 o'clock in the morning in blankets at, Grand Bend, Were re- ' Saint" Ambrose •!bnpreli, Detroit. roandedto jail Or as further twasPather.-Fraricis Van Antwerp per - weeks. They •alreailys have been in formed the eereuiony Tbe bride was custohy- a fortnight. isThere was no gowned, in white silk illusion mar:. comment. ' . quisette ever satin • with full bishop A Question of Age „ sleeves and bouffant skirt. Her • fin- .. The case of Carl Ludwig, of Lis ger-tip length Veil was secured to towel, proved 'a -poser for the policethfra rif white velret orc-hidis, and her • 41 totakin a ear *flOWers were: white chrysanthemums. from a Colborne township fAin, at Mrs. Russe :Cashing, the Orid-e-ra which he hnd engaged to work, and sister, was her attendant Her ,,gowi driving it to Listowel • withoutthe was of Sky blue faille silk with•fittedS owner's consent.. Ludwig Was arre,Sted. bodice 'and bouffant skirt. She wore at Listowel three days -later. The car fi.• matching Juliet 'Capand carried was found in h hurch shed, damaged tea roseS., • Doctor IS-essell G Cushing tothe extent of $.50was the nest Man, and the ushers were : . -Ona previous appearance before Norman Ryan and George ..13eiltes Magistrate Makins in Listowel yotinw-Mrs. Ryanwere a wine lace dress Ludwig, a big boy, gave his age as with large black and "white hat for sixteen . On hiS Thursday appearance her daughter's ,wedding. Her flowers •he said he was fifteen; bringing him were White gardeilias. under the jurisdiction of tile Juvenile After the ,eeresman, ,, a Wedding .COurt. The .11agistrate remandedthe breakfast was held at the Lee Plaza boy for one week in care of tbe gov- •Hotel. A reception, at the home of eimer et thejail te make 'en, investi- Dbetor and Mrs. Russell G. ensiling; gation. sTlie bey never had •a permit, was held -in the -afterrition, after 'whin to drive a var. ' , • - the couple left for a two ' weeks' "I wish . to get a bit, of 'evidence honeymoon- On Mackinac ' Island, Said, Ernest; LaWs, charged:. with They will reside in Detroit • . greeting a-disturbancel in: •a public Mr. and . Mrs, -P.,J. Ryan were at place. The Magistrate., gave him a -Detroit for the wedding, of their week to • summons witnesses .- IR' 'daughter, ann the bridal touple spent pleaded not guilty the holiday week -end, here with them *. S t'A Islisighlfors9luarres- iiir1egaat. a 'nelashbore csnarrel between Mrs7sisnnie -601 and, Mrs. Roy Snazel, for which' the court was Miss Helen McKnight Chrystal, cleared Of fifty -odd spectators, ended daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. (hrys- in., a draw„ Magistrate. Makins •telling ,tal, Regina, became the bride . of Mr. both to go "holies ana. behave - them- Robert I). Walker, son of Mr: and Mrs selves. Mrs. *Tier' announced that she -Rs Walker, Armour, South Dakota, was, removing from the. Snazel neigh- by an 'interesting ceremony performed, borhood • and the court oPined that Saturday, afternoon, August Srd, at the would go a long way to, solving the home of the brides parents, 107 Frank difficulty - , .Apts. Pink and white Sweet peas .' • Roy Snazel was pist on probation t and. gladioli graced.the rooms, forining fend given one Month to get rid ef, a a pretty setting for, the service per- tenenonths-bld Jersey buil which he formed by Rev. 31ry Joyce. The maintained Was as haritileSs,as it kit- brides_gis.ren in marriage by herfather, ten. Neighbors tnoughtsotherwlerant' WaS-..attractis•eixi a gownofheifiai the rourt ruled.,so. blue sm1k fashioned in redingote style. Just ,a Coincidence ' She INv'ke•a. matehittglat and white ac - After a Week in jail Alex. MeDonald, cessories. • Her corsage :Was . of Tailsclihrged with vagrancy, was 'allowed Man roses. Mrs., W. D. Falconer, who to go on his way. He pleaded Ile- was artended, her site as matron of honor, walking- along the highway When .elinsi it goviru, or rosestrilple.:stspseelorwmiedth.. lunch time came. He spied a pretty. Whye aceessories, Yell°vro spot, on the banks of the Nialtland and bath corsage. Mr. Kenneth Goldie 'Was chose it; for the repast.6 That spot groomsman. A reception was held fol - ,just by. chance was once- the location lowing the ceremony, When Mrs s E. C. sof a de luxe hobo efirtes'irow extinet Chrystal received with the bridal but. still under tee _watchful eye of eouple. She wore k dusky rose 9ppindijoat., Chief Poatelethwaitei 'and news of sheand. a. er gown corsage of ue MeDonald's: presenee- soon reached the *roses. The bride's table Was- laid with "law" over' thh, grapethie telegraph; a hrhite-danuisk cloth; 'centred with' the resulting' in McDonald:s arrest. Ile tiered w&lding.eake, embedded in pink there tulle, offset by rosebuds. Mrs. W. ,E; :admitted slicing:. 'SYShen the''eanaP' was in fall bloom, .but -Priiteiterysstsa'fsiind- -Mrs,stts.-D•.----C-hrystalsper-- Was now headed for the 'airport and formed •the honors,. TelegraMs were a Job. , • read from, .1fiss-,Opar -IsieWilliains,• Van - A nninber of traffic ea.ses' were 'pur conver. Mir, and IVIrs. Lorne Onrystal over when it, its learned there,A an wad Sharon, of Kamloops, 13.<1„ and Mr. 11() proof of service. ' 1'. Brown of Toronth; Mi. and Mra. Walker left .by motor to spenrt- three haselts at Witsleesin. ansPrince Albert National Park, the.bride a gown of. grey viola:wool !•with duboit- net. trimming and Matching aCcessories.. Tbe rouple will reside in Duncan Blocks Resina Shit-of.;:tewn guests It the wedding were Mr. • and Mrs."' W. E. , thrrystal, ' od Mr, Bin Scott, Rosetcrivrit „ The bride, is aseilece. of Mrs. Lloyd Wright, of Goderieb, and alSo Of ,Messrs, ,jaltles And William MeXnight. of Nile. PloaR Vacation :Ended Kr% !Olt 011itiOit, AND 'TUMOR, GIRLS Back to School mu Unite71—Churtis Raswoer , a Scheel Vamp Site SeOtt Addreiniee %Cie Vorty teensaged girls and thirty-, filtn4eItisii-011e New Teacher feUr junior girls enrolled at the twe + MiStaff eamps oonsored by the Huron OoiTeriell selioalis-- --sr-1104004ss, r 'Girlie -Work , Ikrarsi --at the --Cantrels thristert "Selliiini tamp .and Collegiate-re-or,ened on sruesdav Site north of rsloderielt. Mrs. 'W. 11. , morning>, bringing' the thoughts of Lan° a r°fillieb• was director and bundeedS Of yotingstess back from then ealuP133441/6 "gain' th15 Y(''ar° C'Qurse* :gaiety of. slimmer vacations to the rtrei igvetl:ilsillorBtbri:ntSftoUPI ami Mr. Mut. more or less 'grins realities' of school- Lane; bandieraft, .by Miss Evelyn days. The attitude wiiich ;different Edgar and ',Miss lEvillYn 'Wilson. of youngsters took toward returning to Winghara; first aid. by Miss Caroline of Winghani; draMatIeh bY the "golden. rule days". Varied front Tilesis.A.11nes sThorneloss of Croderieh, !iin sinbidden ,abhorrence of , the end eamperaft by -Miss Ruth Nicel ..teouot to op unsassseesesi ,eagerrress and M4istisPaaeulrintheo,JzolartioswIltonoorf 33Orodaut ,• to get back into the daily routine. 4a: ' ,c arge of recreation and swinaming. their disaPpolutinent that the schoolS Merningswateb, vespers, games end exprc4sed ftrd and ,Miss,''I'auline Johnston had Many Of the yonnger boys a call to should not have remained elosed, until' tamplire were regular featares, and help bring in the barvest • b , but their pers, masquerades and amateur pro- Rev. IL E., Taylor, of ,Wiarton, hair . grams were some of 'the sPeeial at center' the 'paetrate rotests went for naoet pirilt ' . ,., - . • . dents ' filled the assenalnY hall . ro Mhinehaha , • . o. - - and f , land with Mrs Tylor a amily will u care for your eyes yea il repaid throush tbe years. -.1issarieit *OW 43)4 Xo11 Art ez ))614,---440 011,41? --St stime war le other. It Should net be ha make. the right deeleion. MAO you aopolotesomt *orb toy piesolog INA Cer. Filogetou St. so The iiiipniee Gederiels SePtcraber .1,5th thekider hors coaid stoPPY4Vtv5' -Day, -plenice, Imp; NEW :IPAE.Frgit _ _ featuresAt the Collegiate insIitate :the stn. Campers at Senior C'ami);,-.. CAMP 'Bethel l'eutee°/3f41 UlF4413)n' iGaericii4 capadity to hear Principal A'.. Janice "Metealf,, Phyllis Walter, take rip residence tn the house vacated Scott's opening day address, in cora Toronto; `Patricia MeDonell, Lenore by Rev: a S. .Underbilh Mr. 'Taylor,. nection .With -the- war erCort of the students, Mr. Scott expressed the opinion that, astle from selling war savings 'stamps ,and iloing farm labok, the Students eould best .lieli! the nation's cause ny applying' themselsres in earnest to clheir studies. •Be eni- ,ophasized that tile first ..six weeks of , hbTThvorkar-e- of -s -the greatest 1mMalt—TM-tee- -W4isottr---Shu1ey--41ohb$, Betty Pletclier, Iona A.ekert, Menkton; 14n Pord.°1:ich W; JUseaGi' ninTdherslimsbea th8e,Sill'eautefaenr:. Ca,preol; Lois Ames, Marian, Canard, Loraine • Ellis, Mary Campion, St Marys; Zeta Munro, Auburn; Patrieia -Elliott, Parkhill; Naidit:„Pococit, Grace Lawson, Holniesville; 3 Ann Culling- hame, Corona' Her- man,. 101inton; 'Constanee. Thomsen, Detroit. " CainPers_ ,ate:,..JNiudikaowra'.-Camirs- ,CanIP 'Ruth Hess, IPtitarr McDonell, Hen- salli-janhieMeteralf,, Ann -pre', Watters„Toroxit,e-s"-ituths Ingersoll; Alice LaidlawS Barbara and: Norminten, Henson; Emily and Sarah Baker, London; Ariel MeNanglit, Jean Taylor, Jean Wilson, Dorothy 1111(18011,Stratford; Anna. Somerville, jean Tryee, 'Helen Blanehard, Lillian Me - ('lure, Walton; elfyllis Hemingway, Janice Strong, Grace Greer, Gortie; Bernice . Mattbews,-1Vilel MatintY 111- ^ it returned -soldier, has acted as they. lain of the Canadian Legion for tbitt distriet be has just left- and' will be welcomed to Ooderieb, and .vielnity. Ontarueautbraoblieense plates. for „ 1041are tohave' green letters and ngures on it wnite background, .4- p`Ortance to the•studenti and stressed the. fact tbatethe staff will begin.in the lower gradeto leave part of the re- sporisibility for tbiegsson the students notil as- the atudent advances,. he learns to assume his own resporisibilis ties, thus: preparing him'f.to take his place In college or in •busineSs slf you do your workconsistently bere you will have no trouble in get- ting yhtir work at tbe end.of the year," Mr.. Scott promised. • - He expressed pleasure in welcoming the new students t� the schools. The u 1 nig as, seen. n-TTOST-entirely re decorated . and repainted, sand the -Principal tendered his' appreciationsto* the school beard for ..having'the :schOol Mary Rriss, Helen and ,Mary Forbes, Barbaro Roberts, -Helen StiirdysIseslie *:Vize, Wall, !Ruth Lockridge, Wilma* Dork, Mary VorsYth; Marjory' Copes - lead, , Wifighara; Virginia Ann Seott, Muriel Kirby, London ssloans--. and- Iroisna Elliott, Ruth SutherIand,, Parks - hill; Evelyn and Edna Collard, Dor- othy Hunt, Dorothy Dennis; St Marys; Marjory Welsh,'• •Laura and Loraine Little,. Velma Webster, Exeter; Nancy Cameron; Ruth 'Thomas, Brussels; Betty- Craig, Grand Bend. WALRERLCHRVSTAL In stich ' fide' readiness and urged :the colOtieratieri of the studentaAn keep- ing; up the splendid appearaace. • Minglednotes of appreciation and regret were heard in tjie Prineipalls 'reference '410 Mr Twaml y's enlistment for cthe war service. Mr, Scott in- troduced Mr, Twamley's successor,. Mn. A. G. SiMpson, who received a warm weldome in the fern' of hand - clapping from, the students. The 'students enrolled on the e)i).!TI- Ink"' (tar • numbered 20T,- 'a° hernial registration, with InOre likely --to corae in. Siiktudents applied for temporary leave ,of absence to enggge in farm works • • . ,1 The Collegiate. staff Ls 'Romposed as follows: Messrs. A., R. SCott, plias cipal, G. D. Beaumont, G. Paye, Sim gat Mis5es*M", Powell, K. Park, M. Acker - 511011, McNaughton, M. A. Cliar- borinean and M. Lane. Mi. • S'impson, the . newest member of the ..staff, will teach junior science and phrsicalculture, rather than the senior sciences as reported previously. , • F He that wrestles with .us strengthens our nerves, and :Sharpens elm skill. Our .antagonist is mir helper.-,purke. AT CAPITAL THEATItE THE Crosby & Gloria Jeatt!n'Ir F I HAD yff WA Walt Disney's Latest Sensation! • MON. TUES. & WED. PINNOC1I.1.0" ,.tirpagsing in effect and entertainment 'alt pre- vious offorits, ote tilts master of the animated cartoon. 1* ..17151 REGISTilqiii: IN irpitcd-PE#TH RIDING Regigtratioas in the Huron -Perth riding numbered ;17,151. 'By municis paIities they W0 as. folios -Os % ' , .1' '1240 Fallarton HilybertITsborne s k 1249 1235 , Hay . et...es Stephen ', 2599 Tuekersmith ' 'a , .t•4 : , 1368584 millet t +.... *'Sta1110 • ' ' ' ' 1434 ‘23(1. McKilloll , • p si:St:nen:8:i triitlh „. 530 .: 1 reltUlt, 1iU& SAT. STAN LAUREI., and 01AVE1, HARDY The funniest 'Arturo In their slunilisd000le le:Inver sets a• new hiei Mork in half-witted thila.rity. JilAN CVIAIRICRIL Ag-VAStR, "The FLYING DEUCES' 17,1•M , .The lnrgest registration in any one SO -division wits at No. 9, Stephen Township (Grand Bend), while sum- mer visitors swelled the total to COD, more than three times the number of names an the voters' list for that sub- division. Rastus----"Ahrs sure advanced in de pas' coUple oh years." Moses,--"HoW's •dat?" Rastits----"Well, two years ago Al was called it lazy loafer, and now Ah's called, an unfortunate victim oh the unemployment sitebeeyashnix.'„' Coming-Alharles Laughton as "The Hunchback of i'ot.ire Dane Matinees Wed. Sat. and holidays at 3 juit ; Are we really grateful for the good .already receivedl Then we shall avail. ourselves of the b1e1mg4 we have, and thug be fitted to receive more.- Mary Baker Eddy. Help To Those Past Middle Age When men to women get pest niddle age their energy.and activity, In many inettoices begin to decline, . and their geners;evitality is on the wane. ,lielmetsses ana ailments seera .harder to shake off , than formerly, and, here und there, evidences of a . breakdown begin to appear. ' .*Now 1 The time *lien *those who - • wish to maintain their health and vigor, and .retain their energy un- impair'ed should 'take a course of Milburn's Health and NerveP11b3, 'They braee up end invigorate the l• oysters, and help stall off the decrepi- tude of advancing years. Tlie Minim (.1e, Th4, Toronto, 911i, •ssesseeessamiela Many people never seem ft, get aCtood night's; relit:lirerturissnd-tossiawake,. and count sheep. . Often they blame it on f'nerves" when it may be their kidneys: Healthy kidneys 61ter poisons from the blood. If they are faulty' and fail, Poisons stayinthe system and sleeplessness, head- ache, backache often follow. If you ,don't ENJOY ITS GENUINE MINT FLAVOR "Ever, day millions find real enjoyment inthe long-lasting flavor of WRIGLE,r SPEARMINT .O.UM- . blended, from fresh garden mint. It's toed for you, too- hels keep teeth -bright . and'attractive, DentittO recommend it. - GET SOME TODAY! odern MANUFACTUillsIG.by mass prodetc- • 'don brings the products of Science and inven- tion to every in the community. Prices are lowered, -so that millions enjoy cOrriforts and luxuties their forefathers riever knew. . The Dank of Montreal' has co-operated with4he • manufacturers:of Canada from' the simple wayS. of 1817 to the Modern operations,of 1940. yens Of thousands of workers in rnanufacturing plant* ad her ithe banking rvice they need. Seroing'Canadians and their industries ig ev‘ ery seetioiz of tke eottAtentiiy, we invite you to disdiss YotAt Maing rep/rano:0 'with us. NK 01'' 11,10t1TRE 11NX "VIIIEttVpMALlt: ACCOMITtl At,Z vott.00stno Goderich Branch: A. A. Nxeor„ Manager Ig1tINI,'Xir11tItNC1111.11ANICING txtvzfcr .0. Me Tstrioxi 2 Yews' ceessfot Ocor414*