HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-05, Page 2. MON 7111,0
Vaislished by Signal -Star rMs9, 14lilited,
West Streetc, Gederhsh. Outiisle
S'F/7.91.". ;jab, leS le
litnAlt *Vila%
• .
The Nazis ceiebra.ted the close of •
41ss first year tie the prese t vats by
torpedoing a British' Shi'D bringing
.verat thitStrens ,e)21saila.
',IvOrttiffirttely the eit.1,1drett, WeLV 4.1,11
Saved and tatted back. .to a Bridals
port. The ,II/tieri'tea hose reached
smelt a- depth -of alegradatiou-sthat.
110thing they an do, even the killing
•Ut.'innoeent -children,- can lower them
au Y iurther in the estimation,' Of the
The armiiiersary of the deelaration.
Of War was the :Oecaaion for many a'
baekward view altd. eusamineup• of
the results a a year hostilities.
'On. the surface the advantage is all
with the Nazis, who have spread
'their conquests over almost all, ef
*Western Europe; but there is plaids
ss.,--30-Alagiesttes-thsIst • P9'14t-sh,4s
been reached. Hitler gained- his
hlgheSt point of triuro,pla With the .sur-
render ef France,. His air attack
ou tritain „has failed; his threatened
inisasion et the "tight little island'
has not eeme- off, end -every day that
•PaSseS makes it less l41ely to, succeed
-if 'it "eider aetually -attempted. .• - In
the first year of war Germany has. lost
four thousand airplanes to Britain's
Sine tho•asand, and more serions for
-Germany :than 'the loss of mitehin,m_la
that of trained flyers. The C.4erman
navy is detest non-existent, while the
Britiah navy has established, a stiff
bladrade 'which will more and more
eripple the Nazi war operations A
great Part of the French empire still
allied with Vritain; the United States
in ,et-stencling more and more assistance
to 'the British cause and. in the British
don:finials, as well. as in the home Lie
lands 1SfaShioned miglitY ma-.
wae baeltward add the
ttiuriat seasen slow in getting
under *ay. Vlifelluded-filitnere05
to war -time conditions yin'Canada
and 'the dig/cantles eonfronting
visitors were eureent. In many
• scetions theellititetlis States ttnd
been succesSfUlly etinniered by
radio programs sponsored by the
Canadian Droadeasting " ,Corpor-
sour,•regWays a4f.1 other or-
s'sganitzations *ell: 4:4 exteasive
advertising In United States p:er-
iodiettle, These efforte have been ,
augniented by independent 'edi-
torial Comment and direet adver-,
tisings by Uted. States banks, oll
comPanies and others.
As at Julyalst, the natea *tates
Crow,ernment, impOsed • certailt re-
-„strictions on border crossingS; this
necessitated that all visitors front
that eountrY 'lima carry means
hientnication and this naturally
acted as a further deterrent.
These new regulations, on the
other imnd, curtailed travel: Trona.
the restriction by the. Canadian: -
Foreign Exchange e'ontrOt Board.'
in the amounts Allowed for plea -
*sure travel autelde- the country
this season was a most iiiiportatxt
factors in the stabilization -of 'the
--situation. -These- measures - have
combined. to produce a "See Can-
PrOgPlin foF...ma1137
adia.ns who annually have Made '
extended trips into the United
States in past sumMers. Can-
adians are travelling from west to. .
east -and' vice, versa rather, than
from 'north to south. MOre On-
tario cars are reported' on the
highways of Quebec than for -some
years, while ears row. both On;
chine that -poop.er or later wi
. .
Hitler tolls knees • . •
s --....—
- ,,,• ,
The most striking development ' of
- „
thesweele ha's been the eonausion of
the .deal betWeen the-Britisn and the
'dated States Governments, with Can-
ada as lo -between, by which greats
;Britaia receives fifty 'U.S. destroyers
,and, i'etnrn. giants to the United
a' States sites% for naval and air bases
tor the defenee., oft this western hemi,-
. sPhere. • • - • .
The destroyers, while' butts tweritY
in0.-.) y:c ars ago,' wiii be -of • in -
estimate e 't;alue", to Brisssie ;4:cording
san.' Admiralty hettilS not only for
- ecorting convoys, but also far psis,
„ the coasts of, Britain. from
pOssihle Avasion. The .destroyers are
tai be Seat ,by the Unit al states to
eanadiat Ports with their pres,ent serves.
crews. and will there be taken over by •
ii Ositer of Lazy Meadow
B) 'tarry J. Hoge
Current Views on the War
et •
GENEKA11) K111.11iS1' ADDIRIESS - -tile rr,yiu.' latttNimq to
The Sauth Afriaan trosasi nOW 'in ii1W dark house and erying, as.
Kenya are the ativattee ga3rd. OE 3 Mneb, t/m.by walt;„ r,'Tweive. oleloek' and
the ttationi w3s) n'A; tiUrPrIs'
frig. Dut, the gratHieation over their
reaetiou. was mow Than 'doubled hy the'
way in. whZeit the Arab,' oa spsaestime
ravaged by No.v.i Vatwiq prop3-
gmad3 titot4.'la 'they IAA been, oupported
the teata,50 BrItaiss •
HARVEST HELP larger SoutleAftleatt •army whieh is to MI' viell st I This spirit, ntoreover, was not
wo,s thin ,anct but as .follow. dep&rtiare •ad the expetilie. sons and danghWE's 6talult Widauntc", dtitigVd, iu merely in the hope of g.ltvor*
s her
a t'qicet 4111 JulY 14 Gelteral %veil beeause the tO1 U? of coluo ;' and it endured all through the
be essesea geese ss-stry•tittiettary ferce, fro the 1„Tition was' kePt a final minapart to the. rnittle5s foe.
I it hiva 'lt the station. was smuts atic,63th, . tt,i 2 t - • • 1ong' Moutheqmpartative Macao in
a a "4? Part' e ! (haucer, of ,1i -pea, ?y. Illton, Velvets,
There was not one Arab but knew the
had, pulled troops' in the largest training email) sf Keats, opeoples of land
f ,beeees., of eip
w t
the o
late "I'sv.:7tvliiittitrt ttlittltdi tsitt:t1t:11
1;:1:111)1:attorili ha oee•asion for it Was Delville 'Wood Day. James translation of the Sisriptures, suh. cas •tletehoslolal
vaa and Abyssinia,
Union. It was a most allyrePriate wally -sou, of .Barrie, of the King e f once fret. S
the Inhuman tatattnen
and indistinct front the 6hadea, green fer,aitnmn. ever It.e the tongue of an euslaset. Aud
strabs in Libya was a wound which
duskiness, and hi, face. was blutre
vtisv :sous. ssesesotellvtoeee4gks_ststessiewtwe bisller, of Drake, of Raleigh, ot CrOln- maale bleed anew int eVery Artth heart,
'it he were on -aonieS-new adventure.] Wo-Ot1.-- /1-t:131-11114)1!,74.)tf".:Nelt3t3111# he The -peoples• Of. tile...Holy Land there -
T1IUWIPX ciL 100,
, rtineara liars tteen conlin;th NAZI'
F.35CiSt onslaUght, The' 1C,350iti'.4. .of she
Alqssirtiaa war have harm leatited., Not;
' for nothing ha it .that Utitiopian priests-
itt Jerusalem now deelare that the time
of t he ilelivclatuce of their „country
lth)fll ivshand.
.the '"jarring seetts”
ralieS tinet one, -but there is a eonlra011.
tiupplieatioa. now. 1S*Phit,* front. eitursis,
1 mosque, ,and 'synagogue. namelys Vass
the eVil pretensions of .N"azis,Germarty
• and Fasct-st Italy shall be throivn down,
•-to .disappear as, .finally a.s 4114 ..40410111
1, the- I/ead Sea.
!. and Gomorrah beneath t , •
(lesiva by the British. Minlatry oe
tiii.0_,Tneeic..Ii.:nneet1w:Iivillislan; "to' s.
All's well bemuse the 'blood of Fro- Italian participation in the war has
svas' sometidne Parading.hefore the alepartatre were the
Jafter a short religious Sit r.Vietv,. tu116 ,".14
kinda anxious to get out on 1
light pouring out from, the operator's front in 1010, Illtudeeds of the troops
farta," he said, "ttnd that s whts' 1 !
41. eral Smuts addressed the trOOPs. to keep Britain free, -eau never course ing the Altledscausestte•-best tilos* Ssitilita
• thrinigh. tini 'seine or an enslaved Yo 'the various {hides (011 4M1(41. with
rrote to set.l. 5.•ou w.anted help To! "I 'express, to you fite said) 'the ,
civil defenee, to the intuelfold • re -trio.
Airs well btestuse the Passion. for tions which in so eomplieated a sosciety
the hai4e-st. rve never been on tle., griatihtleE1,(e,holvtia'Oyo;P:ohlOalsaveofiii'34toattlioAcifrtiht'ae Y " e•
hum 111 iliberty an' 41 ImMan rights that ss seet of whites setiestbsels essai)oo,
farm before, but t'll stare do 111),;:::ts: 1 Is°4vii:ce xou ayroeuxpreetizirlyt:0 offIcoornyoaur lt 4 i..,w4tpi.(
re the men of Runnynnqie, that were inevitable, to the unavoidabie dia-
1 ' g°I quite all' 4114Paud. WS. 1•4e4hg 11 "Ii'i1oeplittlett.sl?Ill•sit'l of yPur own choice. . No fIe 114. til tame. the hearts `).i men • W110 location in commeree, to Increased tax-
' ation, and So forth, the .peoPles of'
Yon don't need to bother about
Martha 1 comPulsion of laW.has been laid on you. (etd 1.1C/,r -all
rushed, that 24)144 ti democrac - ) '
that 14 111114 should la,
said, I'd eat more than I was. worth. t
You go forth as free men; ail(' serve . ever , , . . s I ti 11114 11 4414(1 with eager 'so -opera -
to take a lot 'to fete' me. Aunt
Bet I'll try my best I m no 4_7.. •
, . ttle-not since the Ottoulatiss were
ireasion of any Master • ----
tario and Quebee are said to be
more numerous in the Maritime
Provinces; Similarly -visitors from
the east -are enjoying the many
attraetimia. available in the Pro-
vince of Ontario in greatly in-
creased numbees. • It is officially
estimated that some $74 million
which would etherwise have beefy
spent outside of Canada 'will
ssetrael'vell 1
more intensive prosecution• Of the .
war and the *procuring much
• needed matexial front the United
States. Moreover, 2the in:tangible
gains in the increase& knowledge
of their, country'', that Canadians
will thus secure and the advan-
tages aof „7eateF intimacy with
. fellow -countrymen other parts
of, the Dominion must noehe over-
looked. .
_ere was d,AaPPoint,ment 4n Gode-
rich at the beginning of the season
I our coUntry in that highest duty' of • to n4reh on. sule by side and step time
(It work." . .
see4t the citizens -Vs defend his country even by step with ethe growth of emPire, Of a, tradition of disciplinethey hail
r.rhe old 'ear rattled ,a s ta neeessarY':
tt I . "f ileVer he quenched under the oft- ii •
the road then and in the pale light
frem the dash j: eould see hint an ,
iously peering out ttt the slueIowy bulk
ejected in 1018 had the Arabs been
knew wiaat ,,War means-SeVen Mis• well- M. Betide *causetile, coestripted, and, thseJewish eommunity
years of my life have been sPent. 111 emotion people are aroused because .was inonouneedly individualistic -but
; war. They are aieneg -the hardest tsrom the ordinary, average people,
ofthe farinhouses, anal the times. Years of my life, but they' were also f
-After a ,while' as we turneh t -,es *I front who'll ItInglund's ,greateet, have
freely they altered their lives in -order
the better to defend the integrity of
Iiisorders grew feer and fewer, •and
which. had the honor of being sent to
France all Palestinians ashili- pride, some
seeing. in. It a„PorteutS1 " ' s
. Several Arabs, who before September
had been regarded .as among 13ritain's
bitterest enemies; were allowed to re-
turn, to show that exile -had not .sottrell
them, nor, marred their* a.baity to dis-
tinguish fundamental right fronsfunda-
mental, "wrong.
d on the f
. t e ri hest experien that 112e can eyes (seise there, Still arises that
neession and I."1014. that this
give. would not exchange ray war
le 'window as • If trying to meiiiiii•Vel
the last' Great War for all the gold of
e roadside,
'Yo're not mad because I'm smalll the Rand. "You are going to face danger, hard -
are you?" Ile ventured •timidlY.a ship, and sacrifice perhaps death. Itself
'Son,' I said in :all sincerity, "out -sea -n -0s its nesse forms. But through
ere on the farm we don't base every- ! it 011
You will gather that experience,
hag ..„011 slZ* J4oine of the best farm- lg. life _IInfi enrichment .of_characte
rs -of the 'district are little nien 11 51 wiliest is More valuable than g4ld.4 or
01 Your .7,31.2e or your experience ' • precious stoneS. You will come back as.
at ratilertsehether -,yeisteVant to ,woritsi blinders of your own. nationrof its best
yon with us.
I traditions, of.- its -lofty' spirit, f it
r not rates "
Ile siNhed in a sort of relieved Way I, natimar pride. Your children. will' be
determination, --that', bullslog, stubborn;
cannot live enslaved.
The wisest seers among men cannot
say what yet is to come. ,,But this all
mensmay know: 'There is a. very levely
'heart Or civilization -and of freedom:
threatened by an obscene force, an in-
&vent- return to savagery sparked ,by
untanoral ambition. The shadow to-
day lies over 2111 atitacqlt and a noble
1:10. It darkens the graves of poets
and PlalosoPliers and- martyrs. . cosismesopoi6lan' nature of , O-ivIng to, 'the -Teri,- -
its population,
nd wentback tp starino- out the car hangs threatening, over the very --
1 , proud of you. A nation es never Dread is no easy &Unary to .prepare for war-
vindow until we turned up into the I • - birthplitee • of human liberty . and
of its hand uppers its rence-Sitters its
he yellow rectangle a light from •
reserve our respect ittei
t an iridelo • b' ••• -
green -fields and stately th
The Vultures soar •over England's
.1 ligion_aand___theeprivileges of religious
possibly, because of tiles claims of re -
aneWay and came to step in, front 'of 'players for_sa7fety.' We South AfriCan-s-
itchen ' dotp. • He hopped out and 1
• en ers,. for those who go alt out ; who . swoop upon the humble cots and commupities, thee is no country so
difileult But . the 'task has been
quiet hills:
rasped his small .bundles- and timidly 1 Mite their life in their own hands fpr
tayed back as•Mrs. Phil, was freined ' their country and their people.
n the doorway. 1 "In the years to coine your ' Service
' Her friendli•ness relieved him. 1*{_ I will forge links betweeu the north and
at on the edge of the •ehair quietly, the south which will brevittibly open up
but I eould see his eyes taking la the wider horizons and establish larger
ooem as ,we exchangedgossip
a little
1 interests for South Africans. From
f the village. • ' I every previous war South Africa has
"Are you hungry?" Mrs. Phil , asked. I
-emerged a greater country, and this spectacle of a people arising as one, to sudd,torn
i$ stors that sometunes nertake
over ,the absence .of the Usual number_
,cif visitors from the -.tnited States'.
Conditions improved; however,'
August. A. serious' adeterrent :to tour-
ist. traffic to this district from the
nelghheriage:States is -the condition • of
the Blue Water -highway. Municipal
Counetle, Beards ef., Trade and oth4r-
bodies M the district should make a
-concerted effort to.have the, Provincial
Department Of Highways give to 'this.
road the attention. its importance de-
We on this side eau know little of , The exact role of Palestine is difficult
the one factor that must, in the final • to ,predict, but it will be an important
accouating, decide the issue. That• one. ..
is, the spirit, of a people awakened and There' are in • Palestine •fercesse Jong
determiaed." -There niuSt be a mar- thought to be Immobilised, winch -will
venous /story, being told on the pages ne, _
given an opportunity of "demonstrat,-
of history, in Britain today. .The ing their striking qualities, and, like the
achieved.' , •
the Cali .1.11 his hands a - i war -will prove. no. exception. .Your
HIS hilinds. -twitched nervouslY
and he mutterell work Will carry further the tradition
something_but started (ciging,
the table. -71 . • -.- ' ----:'''' 'llictirklf-tir..thiS'-:vrat---w
towards 1 of Britonsand Boer alike; , ' •
A St'aek of fresh,,...crusty br.ead . •. I are not ' *merely defending ourse 'es,.
light. • cushiony biscuits s . :fresh', [our ,
(14 11 clover honety . •
-wo ' shim-- Standing by our friends in ihe CpMM.On- 1
ol.intry, our future. 'We are iso -1 his petulant ',lint' ridiculous complaint
loyalty Which the British EraPire . Can
which is another . Indieation of the
wealth nations in all•loyalty and good that n -home guard's" van.. be only, Mo.-
thering fried , eggs • •• . stem:in ing, 1
faith 115 we know .they will stand 1.!3- 14. lators of the „ code:, of " warojtA I, he. shot
But we are doing more; We are also ••
tigainst a *All .when captureli?.' The
,fra.graat.. tea' . .. • . • and- his , eyes •
lighted up iis he slipped. into the chair,. I ,
safeguarding that larger traditio
There was ; soniething about the hungri-• n of world ' has never witnessed ,s4eh ab-
eurd 4.4frontery al .a11 appeal by this
defend • to death the land they hold. so
, those lands, they- will not be denied:
dear, must be a tremendous thing' to The presence in Palestine of the
watch. ' . • • . Australian troops has had a prefonnd
-Even 1111.1ers-liti-sesheethsaw•etl.- ,l'iltat. effe-C.-COTC2 -AralS mentality. -The, trOoTT
other interpretatiOn- can be put' upon have been .greeted With .in enthusiasm
ness of that boy that made a strange
.feeling swell up inside of me. .,
"Do do . . you have stuff
As its shareg of tli bargain the
* United States is to have tl.,4 right to
` construct a string of .naval and air
bases . extending -froin Newfoundland
to British Guiana, on the fioitbetst
'coast of South America... This will tie
wit.b the scheme of ciefe'rice to which
the Washington Government, in eon-
sulta tion with the Qttaivn., Govern
Aleut, is giving its resoluteettention.
PresidentRoosevelt can 'Justify the
deal' to the American ,peopit. from two
poirtts of view,: In turning the de-
eStrOyers over to Britain he is
the BritiSh defence wiiieh, so long aS
it is suecess.ful, win keep the war, from
American shores. In securin,.. def.unsa
basee In Newfoitntliand, Bermud*,
tiamalea, Trinidad:eau-I it other AtiIantle
he tis strengthening
United- States defence should . his
country over .be involved" in war with
'a Etiropean power.. ;
guin r ,
troolis in. England it says: "They are f9rill n aux 1 ar ; of .
•• • •froxn all Walks of life-:ProfeSsional
the NAP. store, and here the auxiliary
-Recent reports' indieate !" says the Men, cowboys and Iodian,4."
Ailgilk letter of the Royal Bank. of W entertained, the boys ;And Tae.11
Canada, "that lihe net balance accruing Hon. h, tram;on, In 'an address wheriever 're(1124'ihSted
from the tourist ..trade. this year will at the Toronto Exhibition on Labor to .have some place ready for the en-
• My.suggestiott rt. Mr. „Snider's desire
"Buy bonds to beat barbarism."
• s s • ts
One of the. 'least desirable jobs in
the world, we should say; is: that of
the, King- of Roumania at the. present
time , .
Canadian-itirmen ....are„,,,,AgAilLt-f as -4T
the last war, making- a name for them-
selves.. in one action they brought tan on his cheeks . . and his 'belt
dovVn twelve German airplanes with, edged out another notch or so. Sallie:
out losing any of their own. how, we're not regretting. • at Lazy
. Sfrleomadotethse -telliat;.-W,e have "harvest elp"
s• * • .
.........•• il
Goderich People ,, enjoyed their ' —.
double treat of band music over the 4 GOOD SUGGESTIONi ,.
vveeksend: - Some arrangement mut 11
ibe made, for another year .7o that .11:e- I'A
ljblteolli•r ri:Nhiem.StigunitaGirS-ta.Ar. "
letter lie' aded
town Will not be,.iacking. in one of the -Y.M.C.A. for Goderieh" written by
cant muiriltes---0 -,,, ordist. re.„rt.. ..._...),1r,...j., A Snider „is the., reason for. my
letter. . , T..
Even the erudite MancheSter Guar-,' In the dav8 of the late Mr, 10, G.
Blair, one of -Goderiehlt enterprising
(nen doesn't quite know Its Canada. citizens, there was Started a Y.M.C.A.
". be Of ladies to
to eat like this all the time?" he sa d .!
-- i 1 h.istoty by the Nazi -menace. We have
as Mrs, Phil- edged a pitcher of milk! fought for our freedom in the, paSt.
closer to his plates , • - ! We :now go forth as crusaders, As
Perhaps he won't be Such a, help children of the Cross, to_fight for free -
in the way . . and i woUldn't. be
lid:ve thaestiN.'so'n6rgkr- '.Iight that Poi" has aven .11-1111' 'T./*
Maybe he'll, be
the. free choice of the human individual
to shape his own life according. to the
doin itself, freedom of.,hiiinan.sPirtt,. Of
with the farnt-worit.
sfeasrtperrisedmysi:if eto:t1dI
idea that we'll never 'think of .it in world • cause of freedom is, also our
that way. , cause, and we shall wage this war for that', no invader can staY alive on Eng- i
afnd he's fiercely jealous of his st y - orovrns,..the end... -
Among the ' lish soil so long as One Englishman re-
lie'S small . . but he wiry • • 1 human freedOm until). God's victory
ing as a nian . . bUt he's also Mtn-
- . -110'1Mgrett"Irli-a7"t"In -thel-Wiiiiii'Wocto-haii'neerS'; iven:'
he trolits Were men from all
table and wrinkled pale-cheeked grill I .known bithirtess men, and an abundance
as hesaid.,"Ggsh, I must of ate ,a lot. of sportsmen who have won the Spring -
I'll have to work pretty hard to make hoic colors on the playin.g fields. Every This, royal throne of „kings, this
province and almost every town in the sceptred isle, ,
Up for all I, eat."
Tomorrow he going to r find what a ' This earth of majesty, ' this seat
'Union is represented in the forces.*
strange, new world this, farm really ._,_...._
aln thea "TWELVE O'CLOCK,- - - • This other 'Eden,- demi-Paradisel
of Mars, _
'As; He'll -discover chickens
coops in the orchard . . ducks wird- I ANI ALL'S WELL!"
. . • This fortress, built lly Nature for
There must be, today, millions of , ,
clang out :in the brisk, morning 'air, 1
cutting a swath in the. dewy grass like spirits that walk bravely 'across the AgabaSt infection and the band of
torpedo' ---boats . . and he'll *be length and breadth of beleaguered ', war, a .
human freedom of 'conscience, freedom
of thought, freedom of religion, vvhich.
is today threatened as never before in
man to any code of war. He, und
Germany, a all races, have_ InQs- t 1 the world drama from the ' wingl.
ruthlessly and .heartlessly scorned, the . Henceforth they may be In -the lime -
codes of war, of honor, of humanity,1 light ; and they do not , *shrink from
of human decency, wherever it eerved rase prospect. .,
their foulpurpose• ,vorfive years -the- iasfern Mediter-
- .. 1 - 1 -.,
Hitler- cannot t
ca,nnhtot uicosntaci,spruerAtiI7t.hien,. ,p':;,i.e
and the mewling of British •civilization,
we ,who know the cenrage Ihat arms
her people, Ave .w.hd know the love of
country that fills their souls, kriow
minium -up.
lt is trae to say that the Whole Arab
World hopes for the discomfiture! of
Germany nil& Italy. 'For- .moilths the
Arabs have, so to speak, been watehing,
an W‘,
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houses clean.and odorless by destrdying
the contents of the closet' . . how it
performs dozens of tasks. Send for a
free copy to $tandard Brands Ltd.,
Fraser-. iteve.--and -Liberty Street„
.Toranto, Ont.
mains alive to strike „a blow for free-
te •,_ „ • • L
• There can Ise-Titit oriViliffeetbiesaisheir -
the British people have -arisen; moved
by a singleimpulse, to defend
amazed and ,thrilled by the morning
'res-eille sounded by Ethiopia Mir
champion black rooster frOm the ridge,
pole of. the„.)a •
He'll come- to like the farm , . . 1-
- 11141
human ,liberty is laid upon Iser hands
" <Ter clAigatibh.'about it..isgood to' tifinitlitati aniong- those.
'spirifd, walk the ancient 'watchmen of
this country- of ours-tremendouslyliu-
creased . and with freckles' and . •
Britain. The spirits of those men of
the ancient rod who gave to her the
greatness Thilt• he:knowing miraculous
•resil4,refice as„,,-tonce more, • the „fate of
• 0.11,‘. vv,,t0101*,- •• 1101 g° anckkagot,ts7Taad con.rawe....wm
- * * *
which •I was the
and he Induced *
Recording the arrival .02 Canadian
first president. . This auxiliary furn-
ished three. rooms over what is now
net be aa disappoint'iug as feared I)ay, belittled the steps- taken- jointly
This 'happy breed of men, this
little , world,
-This precious Stone set in the
silver sea, ' .
, Which serves it in the office of a
• wall •
Or as a. moat defensive to a.
Against' the envy of' less haPpier. <,
land- -
This blessed plot, this earth, this,
This England. .
, The vultures gather, but still the
spirit •of the ancient watchman walks 1
in England and still his brave voice re-
assures, , •
"Twelve o'clock and all's well!"..
-The oeustitption, Atlanta,' Ga.
make flarmees
- good risks .for
ance, and our
- the farmer thd,.
vantage of lower
rates-andwe give
him extra -good,
extra -fast service.
Writing selected riiks la—Automobile, Fire, Plate Glass, Burglary,
Public ',lability, and other general insurance. Bead Office, Toronto.
_ . - • _ '
tertainment of the influx of men of
earlier 111 111* seaSOny bat tkiat final re- b.Y Canada. and the United States to. liik; Majesty's forces is that the 'Mac -
sults Will show very, litiTe diminution Kay 1101 he stised for this ,purpoSe.
„:„.... . , ,
1,‘ from: thas.e achievedithe the donor tha it hOtild
last Was it siot t original intention of
) fesi'r Years when the fa.durng vorable bttlance sgather-
ing,. and recrea.tion place, for the boys
a,veratted t -.about, $10-5 million. Trite, of the town? I ',would further sug-
gest that the, oversight of araatigement
• , and entertainment Ile intrusted to the
svaids stelading a defence poliesfor
North." America, "Window dressing"
was tile term...he used to describe the
*negalations carried on. by Prime. Min -
the nutaber • of automobiles. entering lister Kim.; with President Itoosevelt
Qin:Ada this §eaS00 is €01nteWhat smal- and' Ins insinuated that Mr. King• was
ler, , but the &Cline is largely pontinted 4u, bit' too ready to „ keep in step with
10, entrieg for visits. 410t eXceeding 'WasiOgton. The usuallY• flisereqt
forty-eight hours. Expenditures under ConserVative leader Must have been
this head art naturally lower than conferring With Tortulty . Church or
When the visits ore more piotraeted. some other, Toronto ilreleater's before
Furthermore, expenditures bY Can; he Made ,stieh.; rental -RS. The Toronto
adins mn. the United States are great.' bqiir said his address Was unworthy
, ly restricted this season and this t, )2 a martwhose addresses are usually
change should far in offsetting any I a high calibre." The Globe and
• decline in the expenditures of visitotrA MatI ald 'his speech was "dantlerous
from the United k;tates. To view oei.in substance, besideg being ill-advised
the urgent need .for the protection Of 418 to rime and place." Labor leaders
our exchange ,position with the 'hated did not illte Mr. Ifanson's making a
StatcA itt every way posaibie, the re- political address on a day which, in
6u1ts aehiked 4re Indeed reassuring."' their view, should be devoted cto the
The letter goes en ttNsay: (huge, of labor, And, amusingly, The
• Iteturns are not yet available Toronto Telegram, witich:nexer misses
for the months ut July awl August au opportunity to take a eraek at Mr.
when the tourist 44•4on VI at its /ow, devot,ed It
height. Many' observers, however, skodingedidorlalo
ncouraging increat4ethe issue which contained an extendive
report -es: in
thenumbetravelling during report of Str..Ilianson.4 2441V4 4.i .t0
„ r
these ng any claim that Mr. Xing
My0144 hadt :t° he pleb ' eelliti coimiderd a "3uPer diplomat"
this year. ba the firsthe.
members of o'er Women's. Institute4f
-whose.. Motto is 'rroh..1Ionie an
•Country." s
Respeetfully yours,
ISA:11EL ItS.S..al If Tar fltN.
Goderich• Sept. 2, .1040'. •
Joe; "Have you noticed how reluctant
the young men of today are to Marry
and settle dovvitr Jim "Yes, I believe
you're Tight." 30e.: "They seem to fear
saarriege. Why, before I was married
didn't kisser the ineaping of- fear."
.• • „
TI N -
rtay's entry into 'the War mode,
Palestine a potential target for attaclq
a pOtential theatre of:war. • •
The new situation found* Palestine
prepared and armed, both niateriallY
and morally. 'The story of that ihoral.
preparedness js inspiring.
, Palestine, but lately the scene), of
bitter strife 'within itself, is today corns
Pletelremitedin eager support of Bri-
tain mid 'opposition to her enotaleS.
'Both Nazis and Paseiste hoped for
mitch from the dissensions in Palestine,
Their, hopes, have heen•frustrated. True,
the oittbreak of war last.Septendier did
notquell/ the Arabs' rebellion-that•had
quietened down previously -but it did
produce a• spirit which surprised even
the most optimistic observer at. th
,Allied side, •
• That the ETews shauld rally to the
Side of ti* phvvers which were not pre-
pared to treat Jewssass outeasts ameng
oethat he had done anything remark -
I the President ,.to agree
getting i
to the establishmentof • the joint
board • fordefence. rilhe Telegram
asks if anybody in his right hertS'es
I could fail to'belleve that "the PreS1-
dent would lavetaken a similar
eourse-if 2L IL- Mullett or pr. Manion
or It. '”;,, Hatton had been the Prime
Minister,"- On the whole, Ur. Ilanson
will hardly consider the Toronto ad.
of bis major slums:Ai.
sip That Tube is As
Montt of, Any Tire
Por topaervice from
new tires be sure to.
for greater, non-skid safety, ou
all roads, in any weather.
'lietWeen-tread and tire -body for
greater strength0.1onier war.
`" EVERY PLY for greater blowout
protection, longer service.
'for longer mileage at lower.cot
• Don't get the Idea that price
on deprive you of fully, guaran-
teed- Goodyear's .for your car.
Goodyears cost far los than you
imagine . 4. we have them at ail
prices and every one contains the
essentials fel long, safe, econotota
eat service. Play Wel- Drive in
and choose the tires you need
kom Our big stook today! Melt
save you money!
Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills
Ortc, every wck
Copt Itiniston. and Victoria, Ma,