HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-09-05, Page 1^ a obertcb Combinin The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star NMETY.SECOND TEAR. NO. '80 HOLDINGS ARISING LIKE MAGIC AT PORT ALBERT AIRPORT SITE - ADofti on Several et the New ' Ituildings at–Sky .dieing,hall that • Will. acetellta0- trate 720 airaten.a 011e $itting raptclty taking ghape at Port Albert APPOrt 'Ott sleeping barraeks,' eact xe whiele will take 'Mite of.. 139 altt are now ,up with Note on atv'alt- teterior finish. The Gott .steel for the 11e x 160 foot drill tail was 6Winag into the air, ana 3;ilaced„ positiOn by' a ,iposterfut bleerane Yee- ' :terday afteleto0e. , Maw* and many other things have • takea plate' 'at Port Albert 0.24 Wry Haebok airports since The Signal -Star . 'events are a daily greminder t.o ithe 'people. a Huron County that Canada, where elaetilar developments are go, • ing.,On armee trim, eoast to coast, is to play, a. leading role In the liuge program designed to ba•Ing nikirna viatoryover Hitler - a� 1usofln1, ' At Port Albert, ati told, eighteen • of *e twenty-seven buildlitgs .being L erected by the W 0 Breen.= Con. iracting Co. TAIL, wre nov Under on struetion. Ground hap been broken , for -the e-othere. Only. thettetardr • " arrivat' of in:other and -other itte.teritits preventitag. more. rapid progress, according to a bigle official of the ooMPany, who said yeSterday he would double his -force of 110 carpenters and their' lietpere if he eoutd get the "tuff" to Work with.„ But Canada's -, planing mills tot& „other, , industries are today, taxed as they never Were • ,before . • - " Waiting For Lumber Yestertiiietti4ie °Brennan' - OtincianY, 4 , TI WAIERFRONT--- Tile fait raeleof grain to this Pert IS beginning, fear veSsels having artived witlx eargees within, the past week end two more being due, , The ste. Fort WItioe eame in on Saturday evening with 255,199 bus. of wheat awl. the Priudoe arrived Sett:a- day at. midnight with 142,0tri bus of screenings' and 87,9et8 hue. of wheat. Both cargoes vyere for tbe elevator. The str. City of Witalsor eatte it early Sunday evening from Montreal with 75,000' bus. of torn for the mill. Tbe A, A. Fludscm arrived Monday, afternoon with 22,000 bus. of wheat, 28,887 bus. of rye and 27,307 bus. of reenings-for.,the,Aovatoremult45,009 bus, of wheat for the mill. She -took on 120 tons of salt and cleeted. early Wednesday morning for port Willett. The ,str,. Windec. is due this (Tlitiret day) evening with 266,000 bus. of wheat for the a elevator and the Superior is due on Friday- morning with 'mow bug.- of 'wheat andtecreen- Ingo also" for the elevator. EAST WAWANOSH PICNIC large Gathering 'Enjoys Program At Outingeon Maitland River - Owing to the uncertainty of the weather afternoon sports at the an- nual East Wawariosh picnic had to be eancelled ont 'August,--28tht Hp -W- eyer, the evening peefornignce 'was, ex- Ceptionally .,attended. Reeve Raymond Redmond of East "Oirwa- nosh, as master of. ceremonies; wel- comed all and expressed his regrets at baying to postpone the afternoon per- formance. "At male chorus • of ,twenty- five-voltest-all from-Easte-Wawanosie turiloatte& 'twelve ears of lumber „at opened the progratn by singing "0, ••Menesett So far the company t his un- Canada" and "We'll Never Let the Old loadedeeweet. tYtA,Vft--ectrr-seiat---.ealret' • 1ah". GorgetFaegan, Warden • -but. it ' is • stilt "short. • 'Were-evill need of won County, made fitting' 'remarks; one and a half Miltlionfeet of lumber congratulating the Reeve and ,his Oe. We are through," • 'said the Council upon., carrying out such a efeleial;'and t.hetracker: tee get • it splendid - eirening's, -exitertainnient, lithe sooner. this airport wilt b&:in Maitland -Henry sang "There'll Al- • operation." There are • Plenty of ways a' Me An England," :John -nu- Oilman gave a tumoroue reading and • gooid earpentere 'welting for •jobs, the Harvey: 'McGee favored witk several reporter Was ibid. Scoteh' lumbers, aecompanied by Mrs, Besets, 'the Six 'sleeping tlourraeks and (the drill hall, where steel riggers quartette, Alva, 'John L., and William are Working -in Midealr, construction MeDowell and Maitland Healey, sang, *is well advanced ou' the'etipply.depote atecombanied byt .'efrs, William Me - °facers' mesa, beadquaotere staff"•!:,•1 Dowell. Josephine Weir, of Aiibure, !netieettet__ the hosPital, sand .9,ther: sang Short - speeches •eutiteetge, not .to .mention. the tour were given IV Alexander Porterfield • big tailgate beteg- erected jolin- and L. E. Cp.rdiff, M.P., of Brussels. • 'Sten 'Bros., Brantfited. The singing of 'God Save the King", A neat little building has gone nit brought -the program to a dote, after in the past_fett•elttei to tome the R.C. Which free dancing was enjoyed until • A.F.. ,Witietetittietli.ng staff now located the ,wee: •smit4 hour of Thursday • in the termer Ditkediat• house. Morning, with Arthur's Arthur'e orchestra of --orittelatferelynileins0,.- building-torn-doWn • intmedlatelee .Other .firrae. toildiegs are in the process `of „deintilitisna.• The • McGee, touse has been sold to 'Elmer Black, -2nd concession of Ashfield. Mrs. , ,Collinson efeKintalI purcbased the McGee bar.% „ Another, month, or perhaps : five .weeks,' depending on the weather, will eee the corapletien of the rttowettg at Port Albert it Was etatedi by a splikes- GODERICH) ONTARIO, THURSDAY) SEPTEMBER 500 1940 D GODERICI1 COLLEGIATE imoss itspowr I UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS WOMen'ti work committee of the ,Gotleriet, Red -Masa- 10i000,, 1,101.,:.-4700., 'party in the paeota tall of St. George's chureli on !Mara,. day,' .Austtist Tbis '‘ Party, through the kindness of Rev. A: O. and its. Calder ,and tbe wardens of the elturcin wee a groat $nocoss, 'the sum of $03,90 being tealized; The prime for bid ge and ‘WX)" (four war Stamps) were won by Its E. Litt and. tIrt, P. Graf, respectively.* The winning ticket on a tea set waS he'd by Mr. Albert. Shoee, i'gt, and en tte luncheon tact by tars. Bruce •Sinith. The 'draw wee emaditctial lty' Miss A. •c• - The fealawlag-titudents of Goderich Hawthorne, ori Eng coMP. luttittite taie-oebtailied Eng••••TitTWft-tattlf•tVt ' tt-t•-•' - -11ollated, ItoyeeEug. gee , ittaier Settootteetkatii.it• tne *WOO* Mcgie, tjenteeetEnetttetitiltreteA'Engt shown, either by xecommendation the staff or by writing tbe Deliart- Johnston, Paulite--Eng. eotula 11. ileental exandeatien. ' johnietna' ,Williantealing. lit. II, I indleateo 14 per, cent Or oVer; ele II indicates; 99 to 74 per cent.; Lassaline, Armaxid-t-Engt comp.LI zee, jndleateet 00 tte (tee per cent,; • Macdonald, Ewalt -Eng: I,I, el indicates to`50,per exit. et,eoen. trig. 0, 001. tO, Lat, Abell, Jame*---Engt comP. ,0, Eng. autle II, Lat. Mop, Jrt aittle II, lit. 0. , Fr. comp. '' • ° Andersen; Alma --Mg. IL MeNall„ Ohester-Eng, eemp. Anderson, Varl-Alg, II, 'geom. XI, lit, , chem. IL • • • „ e, 'elutro, Mary -Mod. hist. III bet „ , 0 •Wurtele and Airs. E. Evans. - ' ' 'AtOultho Bettye-ealgt 0, trig. III, I, zool, II; :Pr. Otitht 'p. boroe. Mts. Albert Shore Was in atith. 0, 14t. ecielro '0, Pr.'••antio• 0, -.N1001, Thath—g4 ooniiv- lx 'Eng The bridge committo was tont:Posed ,eliem. (3. 'At. ;Win I, Lat. comp. 111, Newcombe, Betty-Alg., I, - point I, of Mts. A. A. Nicol, Airs. Neil McKay, 11r, autit. II, Fe. tomP.'0. ' 1, -et . trig.' II, .zool. C, Lat. 'mitt. II, Let. looked efts the prepaelug of retreat- BaWden, ' SUSanne--U0d- Unit, I, Pfietamer, Grace -40d. 'hitt Of h0- cltarge , et, "";9.0.!! Mrs. F. B. IllleY VA P>P1P. et-- '. ' • lit. IL ' • O* • _11 Mks. E. Dean and Mts. II. B. el.Tich— BarteeloOatherinetalEttg. lit. 111, Lat. comp, 11, Fr.tautle II, FL comp. IL .. t - -nienfatit:Mits:Ww-oaniikelrAia"mir Latratitivellt-Latevorapt-Oo-Frteatttle Cetteeoitelfeetet-tteett•.•- J. ,Barton, conveners, were the *o.- I, Fr., comp. kt : t . 1 Rodger, Leslie -44g, lit. C. . • ' hostesses, assisted by, members: of the . Bisset, Itettod. hist. 0, alg. 0, . Boss, Donald -Eng. lit. 0, Fr. autIL o n's, work committee geom.' 0,, Lat tatithe III; Pr. auth. 0, 0; ''' '• •• . * . r 1 ILI 1 • . R. Phillips at the piano. A male NY Ate, , , Dunlol), .ehairinan of the Fr. gong). O. : Woments work committee, is grateful Blackstone , Relph-GeontetrY11, - to those wit° helped make this affair Physics 21. NiteCei$sl: and for the olendid ,ce-- 'BOurinau,, hist. II, alg. operation received. The tt work- done II, geoei. bet. I, comp.Z. Bradle josephine--E g comp. up tableS was much appreei ted ng. • ,by the Boy Seents in assisting to p t n, y -F! • Burns, WilIiam-Mod. ' Shearclown, •Donald -En. II, alg. NOW IM&JOR D. R. NAIRN 11, geInn" I, bot. II, zool. II, phys4I, geom., 1, trig. I, chem. I, Lat. auth, 11, Goderieh Mitarrir Man IReitelves SPeedY _Calder, Philip -Mod, Ce Lai, Stewart, Aleetta-Eng. eonap. I, Eng, Salkeld, Eititett:Hirettttetititp. alg; II, ge0m. II, teig. II, physics chem. II, Lat. euth. Lat. mote III, FL math. Pr. total). 0. Scott, toe-Alg.:It geoint'L ttig; ;phys. -II, • °tem, I, „Lat. -With. Lat., comp III Pr auth II Pr. einnta IL client. Litt, comp. I, Fr. mitt. 1, Fr. eomp. Promotion in Elgin Regmeet and well-deserved promotion Jags come promptly to (laptatn, D. It. Nairn, a the Eight ateeenent, C.A.S.P., comp. 0. rank of major. Citizens of Goderleh .0, mod. hist. 0, alg. .geom. Who has just been proinoted to the will learn with' gratification, that the totes. II, chera, 0, FL autt. III,' Fr. Farrant, Gladys --Fr. eaten. C. FergusonioStewert--0,heen. /I.. Plenniket, Williamt-Alg. I, geom. /,` erig. I, phys.,I, chem. I, Lat. authe I; Lat. comp. II, FL a.uth. I, Fr.. comp. I. et • • es eGino phyllig-Eneesomp mod. hiet. II, a1 11, II, 'geom. II, chete..-0,,, Luait: lar comp c!. comp. I/, Fr. anth. ituth. Lat: comp. C. Cooper, Pegge-Eng. comp. C. Craig, 11a -Eng. lit. III, mod. hist. 0, alg. Ce tont. p, Let. auth. III, Lat. comp.' III, Fr. auth. 0, 'FL comp. C. Durnin, Alan -Eng. comp, Eng. ability of their • Towle Solicitor -on - leave -of -absence .tas • been speedily recognized. , _Major Nairn joined the Huro*Regi- iitent in 1023 "as signaller e He re- ceived his commission as lieutenant in 1027 and was prometed to captain' In 1937: -Junk.-1-Sf last lieleined' •Ithe Elgin Regiment, an active service unit, as commander of "Ir Company. On: September int he received iris ma- jority. And now it is Major Douglas R. Nairn. „ Omagratulations. _ attan for !Lite Warren Pavitg iVeLLort-. tractors. Already one .aatethe three runways Ititi been eutlfadede awaiting seaaing Coat, while 'gravelling has been finished on two ofthe runway's. ' (letaber 70 is the offielal date, set for eompletion: of this end of the work. " Heade Congested . At ' the ' holiday' week -end', • wilkn motor .trafAc was partieularly heavy on the itive Water highway and 4th coireeteient, eruckers -complaited- that their operations were seriously ham- pered by the 'steady' stream of sight- • seers. tSrundaY-was a particularly, bad diiy The trueltere issued a Warning that senieone is going to be injured or killed lf soli:letting is not done at on9e to regulate traffic on' the 4tli. ------ez&cessionety tainting all but essential Title , road. le_ partientaris dusty; in, fact, the dust seldom gets a chance. to settle and visibility is • New Telephone Trunk Lines A. One of the most important develop- ' meats of the pest week is the eoin- mencemerit of work by the 33ell: Tele- phone '00, of 'two ueve trunk' lines: frePt. Coderielt to London, to handle' the, extna, loeg.dietabect calls that,already - 111fIT apParent and Wil1?. become much more so. ,With 'the, comPletion 02 ete an0rt Wt Pott •Albert and Sko Har - The Bell Telephone CO. .also 18 ..laying underground table line e to 'Sky leiartier and all the way te Port,Albert. . A ditching iniacbine 'ha e been. at +work on the Blue Water highwayfor see& ral days. The ,servite wires to port _Albert evil be enfficient rte. theedie 309 telephones with a' Ontrale Siitrii01- ..boalrd and ,Operatore at the airport It • 'self. The original proposal to 'use a joint pole lane 'with. the Goderich TtUraI ' rTeleplione Co. has been abandoned, Hydro Busy, Too Title Ontatio ittairo Power Oen- aleo liee bad Many ofileials' on the pound, during the week and gauge are already at work striughig heavy voltage cable' to both airpette. These, of eouree, Will he buried' hi the rteittle thorhood of the flying fielde. A time- ' looter atation is being* ereeted not far ' tefrom OunloVS Tomb, These, two •operatione alOne ate .giving employ- ment 'Wen: great 'Iteny' mete " Poe in- etanee, the Bell Telephone tate two gange operating at. Goderich, one at ;Minton, two at Exeter! and *one at Ducat stringing, the two new trent telea front ttoderieli to London. Operations at Sky Harbor • Vapid rogress also has been Made -011 beildin geolotruetion at Sky liar- bor elemettary airport, Where oil nine buildings lire 'in the mutt* of eteetion , Itive02 these buildings lute/ tI 'toOokenteSintgletingetOeellgeteanneice Despite -the coca,weather ethe 're- freshment bototh operated by Elliott Ilarteliffe, Clinton, and 4. J. Atibiffn, was, eiceptionally. well patio- ' The setting for this picnic was ideal on the Oth concession of East Wawa - hash on the, .fiats of the: -Maitland. River. t C'EST 1.4 GUERRE No '`fewer than three members of The Signal -Star's mechanical staff are away this, week on military duty. So If readers should' notiee any errors or ,omissions in this or succeeding Lewes .of the paper, they will have to charge them to Hitler. • MISS JEAN ' ROBERTSON RESIGNS At the meetlxig of' the .Publie,Sehoel -BoardeoneTuesdayeevetrirtge the -Joel nation of Mies Jean \Robertson as teacher at Central school was received and accepted with tegret. The' r'es eine . nation is to take effect on November 1tt. have roofs 'dotting' the sky line acres the Maitland Bier froni Glederich. The foundationsof the, 'big hangar have jest been completed, and with the arrival' of more lumber and .other balding material the Work. thee taken on a. nett ,tempo. Itere the Aatnasteeng "Cio- .l complete lug its work. 'Semite on the twenty „acres of bush removed at, the north end of the ,fiela are now being bowled over like ten -phis tape a pore -eau) "bulitiozeet and drawn • away . by caterpillars and dumped, in' a nearby fifty foot, gutty.. A sawing outfit Is euttine the mailer 'Wilbert -Into four- , e foot leogths, is being draWn away', bot a eonaiderable, amount of merchantable timber find Its way to the , The drainage scheme is stlU under way. illuth quiCktand eneountered Old has eleWet1 doWn the work. The.* wire fencing Job te.nettely tfirdsted, but the tett:n- ate fate of LVIeneeetting Pack 'ig stiU hanging in the balance. The 't eporter vets told 'that negotiatioue for clear.- •Onfe right' in this area are dead- locked on „the question) of 'values. - • , EverYttliere one goes be hears ex preesions of gratification, that in Huron eaunty today is to be found practieal. evidence of .0anteltee '?iea.t effort, par- tieulaely so le a biteneh 02 ithe serelee that is now plaYing a vital Part in the.e,truggle and play an. ewe' more vitel, part in the future. Impossible An oetogena.rinti grandfather who re- sides' with hie married.daughter aeross the road erota the,. Port Albert air- port wee taken ol a• tour the other day. ' • "Collie 'along, Grandpa, and.111 allow you, a mettliiee that temples in inebee "litf eed and automatica.11e loads inte moving truck, a ton every *testy eeeonds," ,eaid tseort. • *1 ',do/A bellete it X wontt- go, Grandpa, definitely.: ,, .._-.... . . Wilson MeCreath, who semetime ago made application to joie the R.C.A.F. as an electrician, eported at Toronto on Monday of week.' ' '-7—it r ' ' - . Frank Warnock, a G oderich boy .tes been ' Working at the Hollinger Meet rginn,ninS/ has ,i,line4 the Royal Canadian .Navy as a 'stoker. He was , home.at• the '.'•Week -end • .vlsittiat hie' ithildrea's t Aid ' Sotiette The ` two. parents, leaving' for Ilallfax to join girls, Agnes ela,&ertlear, aged four - his boat.. Frank sailed ,for years on •teen,' of Glasgow, Scotland, and Bar - the Great t Lakes. •' hare •Lancaster, aged thirteen, .of • --•..t. • Brighton, England, wereinemeditttely .,, FOR THEMENOVERSEAS • ' located and ,_ m .. , ade conatortable in tteGoderichtepeople -sail-tare eholdieg- te-geitee-e--eeteeeroot ate-. rM,"----1h,st-klit-Ax-- lit. I, mod. hist. I, al& I, geom. I, clime I, Lat auth. Lat. comp. I, Fr. autia. I, fr. comp, IL Thorneloo, ,Mary -Eng. comp. 111, Eng. lit. 0. ' Toll, Amy -Eng. lit 111, mod. hist. ,o, gig. II, geom. I, bot I, zool. I, Fr. auth. III, Pr. Comp, . Tyndall, Ruth ---Eng. lit. '0, mod. :hist,. 0, Fr. auth. 0, Fr. comp. C. Videttet • 11fildred--Eng. comP. II, Eng. lit, °I. • , Vincent, Ray -Eng comp. C. , Watsoe, Staart-Alg. C, geom. II, trig. 11, phys.4J, Lat.auth C, Lat• . ponant Wightman, Elvin -Eng. comp. Eng. lit. II. • WAR wogilt .0.Ratry$ Two Girls foil Ohl COuntry..Reae- h New Home at ‘saitford Heights The first' children from Great Bri- tain to arrive in Huron county poder e evacuatiott plan reached Goderich late .eaturday afternoon under tfie•care _Mrs:- Mary Chaffee, secial service W.Otkett Heron, County their war -time home at Sanford • to TRANI:SOWING DAY OCTOBER 14th Monday, October 14th, has Wen owed A* Z,luttiloigletegelltgee ena annotintetatetIO from Ottalwa BAND CONCERTO PROVED Two Buono* Orptairatione ‘romi •kitratterfl Visit Ctederieh •The visit of tiot Stratford Boyar Band ) to Goilerielt oo Sunday was greatly eltpreciated. by. the toivnapeople, large number e of veliton tUrned out- to hear the bays. • • • The 'hand, Oeer tweeeore etrong, ine• der the direction 'Banda:teeter II M. Brett, geve, progeam at Harbor Park the 'tiftetnoon amitanethet in Court Hi:taw , Park in the peening. Tatrietie and other' airs and t:sued masic weie -Mingled in the programa and were played with elm Preeltion audetexpressionoteTbettiargetteudieneet at the park in the evening gave par- ticitlarly hearty applause- to. a eortet .solo by Jack Davis and a baritone solo Playee by jack Bellavel. Bandmaster Brett .aiso was wareelY entail:tided when, addressing the audience, be ex- preesed appreelettoan,_.,of the reception, given Ilia band arid biti hope that they woad he able -to visit GoOerteli next Year earlier In the season. • , •• Salvation Army Band • Goderich `hada visit also froM the 'Stretford Salvation Army Band over the week -end, This - 'excellent eitgani- zatitm gave a program in the 'Square on ,Saturday night which was much en- joyed. Tte presentation of a leather billfold and. keyetise combine was made to Bandmaster Vietor, Who is leaving to go to Ititlgetoven, Bandsman Ted Coul- ter taking, his place., The • band took part in the regular Sunday morning service at- the, citadel and spent the afternoon at Benmiller .,and Anbfina. After the evening service at the cita- del. the band went to Werth :street United church,;wliere their,. program was heard by an appreciative audience. • ENGAGEMENTS ANNOVNGED Mr. ancletfrs.Arthur Berr of Blyth amount* the engegement of their daughter, Annie Sarah, to George Kitchener Flunigan, 'son of , Mr. and Mrs. Ittehard Finnigan of West Wee wanoslat The marriage to take place in September. , • - Mr: and Mrs. Will Crawford,' Port --Alberet-announce•-the engageoaeut their eoungest daughter, Margaret • Grace, to Mr. Robert Oleo son of Mr. and Mrs.. 'Richard -Oke of 'Godetict ; the marriage to take .place the letter part of September. • Mk. and MrS,.-John Whitten, Eldon' street, . wish to announce the 'engage- einententetheir obteeteemreittereeE beth, to -William Westbrook, thir4 son eat Mr. and Mrs. Geotge.. Westbrook, Trafalgar . street. The marriage, will take place on Friday, ..September 20. ' The engagement is announced ' of Jessie Elizabeth, eldest daughter. of Mrs. II. E. Schaef and;the lete Dr. H. E. Schaef,.4.ff London, to Lieut. Alfred Buxton Sturdy, 'only son of' Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. StUnly, of Goderich, the wedding to take Place quietly. on Saturday, September 7. back on their . contributions , towards snail ehildren who are to be gneAs Of parcelsas. of good thinhad gs tor the men the Bisset brothers and their wlves overseFew Items tieell re-- ceiVed at any of the stores which have agreed tol accept them, Y to Wednes-' day 'evening. One dohation of *5 in cash was ' reported by Mrs. Walter -Newcentbe, secretary of the overseat parcels eoramittee, but more than that will be,required to pay the postage alone, if people are as generoug at is hoped andsupply enough of such art tides as laalf-pound 'fruit bakes, fruit juice in ,cans, Coffee, chocolate-, bars and the ether little luxerieg which are lieted in all shops in town. , - The next" shipment iS planned. for Monday, September lath, if possible. eitikens are •urged' to remember the boys when doing their Othopping. As small an outlay as fifteen cents made by -each houkvvife during 'her egular-shOpping would More than fill all of the eleven paicela' wtich the committee Wishes tot send this month: Schaefer% • MadViear's, Dunlop's and Herb Sine's placei of business are willing to look after the purchases ,if they -are left or sent there. and Mr. and' Mrs. P. Walter. Agnes and Barbara, ,after their long ocean, rail and motor trips froaaa Great Britain' to Goderick were tired. Shy, a tittle bit ,..frightened -and hungry- . r when they reaelted here, ihey man- aged a wan smile and seemed greatly pleased that they were at the end of their journey. . No, they didn't see or hear of any submarines. But • they had seen many thousands of strange 'faces. and mewl new scenery in o etew. World. . • . • , • "They are just real nice girls," was the continent oe Mrs. Chaffee, after the motor trip from Toronto. Other chile dreerwere 'to Come, but were una tale :tcp dd so • because eufficient, time had not -expired after typhoid inoculation. H. T. Edwdeds, • Children's Aid In, Spector, said one hundred Liuron. tounty tomes ° tad so far been approved for ' evacuee chiblren. Fifty more homes were aWaling inspection. Mr. Edwards said Went) tdeeotheie More ehildren Weald-arrlre..- "ELE0111tICi" .WIN 1? -9 Luchnoviball Team _Defeated in • . Return Game on Labor Day Skipper MateDonaId's "Illlectrics"• maee" it two etralght victories atter Lueknow softballers when they . de - fettled the Scotsmen by a 13(-0 scoreut Victoria Park on Labor. Lett?' morning in' 'a Wile -tailings, contest before a goodly crowd ',of spectators. Lacknow were without a pitcher when time for the game arrived, but they were al-. hawed le use hie Al. Pieter, the Salte ford tpeedballer,, and later. _Newt Mack, n Goderich bey. The visitors took a tve.o-run lead in the first in- nings, but the Eleetrics soon wiped It out with five .riiret, of their own ane were 'never 'headedi, from then to the end of the game. t • The batteries. wertit: .,Eleetriese-: W. MacDonald, A, .Doak, W. Westbrook and W. Webb; Lue ' vv -A. Fisher, N. Black and rinlayso 'WAR GVEST FOR G ON TORPEDO • ,yEsszt, A war palest -a boy from Greenock, Scotland -who was eeming to the tome of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith of town was on the ship that was torpedoed by Germttiestibmarine last Friday might etible.was reeeived from the fetter yesterday that the boy had beet taken back safely to his home at Greenock; Mr. and Mrs. Smith do not know( whether another attempt will be made to eend him to Canada or not. PATRIOTIC RALLY AT SIDAFORTII The Canadian, Legion and the, Iltiron ()minty Connell are co-operating in a drumhead eerviee and patriotic, rally to be held Seaforth on Sunday aft ternoon next.„ Major the Itev. N,orman Rawsela Ilatellton will he one of the epeakers. Arrangemente tine beeti made for the beldieg of the Pete -lee in. doore case Of ram. 01.4001WIFIELD-L41ORRISON A quiet' wedding was selenanized , on Saturday, 1August 81st, at ftbStawa, Ont., when Doreen Elaine tforrison, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Morrison, became the bride of Russell xittlerick 'Bloomfield son of Mr land . • Mrs.' Wm, Bloomfield, of Goderich. ,The oftiotatine. minis,ter was Rev. George Telford', of $t Andrew's Mafia- ehurch. The bride woreea grey tail- ored suit with navy blue and vtbite caecesserks," and corsage of Talisman. roses. •• The atteudantg were Mr. and *Mrs. °C. W. Morrison, uncle o.hd aunt a the bride. Mrs. tforrisen was gowned In heaven htue crepe, with matching, accessories, and corsage of .Atnerican Beauty roses. Guests at the wedding included Mrs. Je A. Mine risme mad Mr. G, E. Morrison_ tik Oshawa, and Miss' Olive V. Morrisen, ot Midland. After a short motor telp,, ,Mr. and Mrs. Atom -Afield will reside . apartment 4, 33Y2 -Simcoe, $t. N., ,Osittwa. • •• 1 GODERICH BABY FIRST . At the mammoth baby show held at Queen's -Park; London, oa Labor Day, Jerry Wayne Anderson, eon,,of MX, and Mrs. °Norval Anderson,. iceay street, Goderich, was the Winner of first prize in the,boys'elass, three to tvvelve months, and was awarded the silver cup trophy donated by Notional Cab of London. IVIANY SHOWERS Several Gatherings in Honor of Miss Josephine Bradley' • Miss Josephine. Bradley, daughter. of Mr. and. Mrs.. Ed. Brad/ey, left on Monday to enter theeStrattore Gen,eral Hospital *hi'a1 nurseein training. Be- fore her departure she was the guest. of honor at several gatherings. . On Wednesday of last .week abmit twenty friends ,were ptetentt at the japer of' Mit. T. D.tLiscumb for a sur- priseabirthday party in tenor of Miss Itrzfae. Many- useful and beautiful gifts were cerrted in a gaily -dressed basket deeerated with a miniature Red ,creset nurse. Mies liredlev thanked her friends for their surprise and gifts. Games lied contests were' enjoyed and' a delightful lunch Was served by the hostess, assisted by Mr. Ilotve, the table being centred, 'with a White birth ..4-* mice with Phak eandles. The re- meindereoftehe .evening Was speot in old-fastioted -Square :dancing, after which the gathering was bought to a close 'with the singing of the National 0 . CRASH AT SAY.FIE0 ligured Michigan, People Brought • " Alexandra" Hospital • A' 4e -degree' turn at the southerly entrance -to Barfield, on the Blue Water 'highway, wit- the scene of a serious motor accident about 2 o'clock: Sunday meriting Whet a car, driven 'by Weeded 1U1e, 910 Southampton street, Panto afich„ missed the tura and plowed -into a big maple tree in , , Clan Grtp Square, t wtth serious consequen Dtinean nald, »er0it street, 'Flint, •' a passenger in the front seat, sustained a badly -eruShed cliest a.nd fractured skull Ile waS reported In a critical condition in lAlexandra Hospital. Mrs. Sale; wife of the driver, sustained a fractured femur and head injuriesShe, too, is a patteritt4t daughter, Mary (Ellen, aged teverve, in the rear seat with her -mother, was un- injured. •-• She was cared for by 4. Baytleld -.citizen,' awakened by the crash. A. charge of tlangerous driving was lalde by Traffic Officer James Culp against Kille, the driver; who was ad- mitted to bail on Sunday afternoen. The party were on their way to Owen. _ Sound: •• - Traffic 'Officer Culp told Tee Signal - Star. that; apparently travelling, .at a high speed, saw the turn too late. A large checkerboard sign, •after much clamoring, was placed at the turn by the Department of, lligh- sWaysonly two weeks- ago. Strangely, elere had been other aceidento at this turn before this' sign was placed there, but none as serious as this. . , Latest report from the bospital is thet McDonald is improving. to 0411601,1421011 OWL Thium WO -two Met !ma Gedimielk wed Clinton UM" far -....0,-04.0*Imp ?molar Niaety.two 2i1e411 lucludiut gde up the unit 02 -on * Middlesex-III/rust Iteglinent, totblehe eatrttioed, for London *WV Tueiiidity morning and is Dow mkt eauvati at Thomee Valley 0***Ite Eighty per tent. of the isett are bona Moderic1i and diStriet and an - palmier from Clinton ' and digtrlet. The rank* InelUtte Mete from sill walks, ' of life, mercltuts, bankers, carpeatoVer oface workers, clerks, tali -drivers, ffw ton' entPleYees., printers and gauge atteuelauts. All in all there As de- linite deplettoa, in the untieber Of YOU** 4111011 to bo soon about the •Nuare md AV dance Ixellteat night. The personnel •of the •unit now at ,Tliumet; Valley Carat) to as folloiegt *Lreiffeittitett-St- rretteettrateyet •CirritPsott rtt Sergeant-Major da. J. Alexi; St Shawl; Sergeant O. E. $ateh; Lance -Sergeant A. V. Bo'vvn,; Cor- porals ttf. Giblean$, J. II. 'Murphy.; Lance-CorPoral W. W. Retie Itelvates X. W. Edwards, J. J. Jerre', tik-'1ftet Ponnell, W. it. Bell, IX J. Blatt, M. teJJridle,, C.. D. Itoltinsan, 1.100Per, W. It Paperntelo. N, Itaeehler, J. E. Neftel, Lawson, G. A. Walker, U. E. flivka J. N. maintlou., A. X. Weisser. (4, U. XOY*, Steett•D; B. Kennedy, Iloyt G. T. Lawrence, W. N. Aosta Wet Initley, IV, 1). Lyman,' U. D. Par- tratt, IL J. Webster, W. It. Legg,A J. Grist, D. W. Oatmick, T. W. OttaPmane 11. W. Itarneet° -IC. O. Elliott, Adams,K. O.' Cutts C. „S. Carter, K. Cutt, W...4. 'Plante, W. Vt. Riley, G. E. Lodge, W. U. MacKay, J. Shore, 0:.11. Gardner, A. II. Purdy, W. E. Westbrook, D. A. Deek, W. 0.« Needham, C. H. JEdward, 11. W. Pole tock,. W. J. Westbrook,, L. E. X.. 0; MacPbee, W. W. Boas; Graham, R. T. Ilenry, W. Green, •It; C. 11. ,.0smond,' 0, F. Durgte J. 11.-Titylor, B. Boyesie J. Meaty - Manus, M. E. Bloomfield, D. R. Bittiet0 •W. A. Moneings, E. 0. Anstay, W. G.• Doak, IL A. Robb. R. It. G, "Truss; XL R. Wieland, C. T. Sheardtriftt *11-13- •VIV•41rt • eell,'"0. A. Bezel, Aiken; A. Anthem. Abouttliiiy friends gathered at the home, ef Mrs, B. Munday on Friday evening for a ehower in honor of Miss Ilradley. The nutty lovely gifts were arrangeda. on a white' satin umbrella -decorated in blue and white and' pre-. eented the guest of honor, Who.ilt- ,tingly expressed her appreelatiou. Games and dancing were enjoyed Or- ing the evening and refreslinaente ,were served by the tostess, assisted by Mrs. 'Brownlee and Miss Evelyn tftiiittay, Another delightful shower wee given at the home of Mrs. -James Johnston, Etsex street,. where some fifteen girl friends were present to enjoy ,an even - lug 02gamee and dancing. Many susefid gifts, Were presented and Miss .Bradley eePressed appreciation of the thonghtfuhlegs„ shoWn by her friends. 'Refreelmaente were served by Mrs. johnstonle•tiesisted •by- Margery and 'Glenna. gellio virZtinunt, . The temperatures for tile past week and for the eorresponding week lett year, p,i offieially -recorded, were as follewe ; 1910 19* Max. Mixt. Max. Min. Thurs., Aug. 2•9471; 62 70 62 Fele Aug. 30(.79 67 ' 62 Sat., Aug, . . ... ..78 90 73 40 Stitli, Sept. 1 110 50 82 58 Moil., 4ept."2 .. , .. .100 att 8i ae Tues., Sept. 3 '73 . 81)i- 69 Weil., Sept. 4 73 tit; 70 65 PUBLIC MEETING It. 'C. Hays, ,X;(1., president of the Otoderich linnet of the Red Cross, Society, mementos a public meeting to be held. in MaeKay Iran on Thuettlay evening next, September it2th, tetitear reports of the past Oeatte week and to discuss plena for the -coming year. Beelike the eltizentoof Goderle4 resit dents, of 'Colborne find etodetieli town ships and of other communities"of the distrtet are urgently invited to, Attend this Meeting, , FIRST MEETING OF SEASON ' A meeting 'of the Gederich Board of Trade will be held in the TOW13, 1001121t eil Chamber at 8 o'cloek (ni Monday evening 'text, Septeinber -tith, when kveral matters of special interest to the town- and dietrlet will be -discussed., It Is hoped every membeit will make a point of' being en hand. LOOK FOR A SHOWER OF LEAFLETS In eonnection with the Dominien War Loan campaign, it is planned to drop leaflets from airplante flying over the Province on •Monday next. It will be peeeeful bombardment, not Ilitler's Inklete• N. 'Perdue, A. A. Wbeeleet* Bartltft, Murcia R., N. Weston, *T. u; dY, E. Doak, N. , " •The Goderieb contingentreeetveds. kfiendid, send -oft ,O the, station.ttn Tuesday . morning. Over sixty ' ,reladVes- and .friends arose eatiot Ole see them off and short addresses were delivered :-from theepintfeenoilkY L,. Cardiff, M.P., 'Warden George negate, Mr. J. D., Thonotst! President of the •• 0itizenst° War -time Committee, and Me. G. W. Schaefer. president of Nag 109, Canadian. Leatton. , The •Meralters of "C" CempanY whop hive either u.ttlergone. their tWO NeekeY-14:--taMk-tra*hm`otettereenttet. able to leave their worlato attenti thits" camp, timbering iteet Gode- rich and over twenty in Clinton, .are receiving their tegula.r two -nights -a -- week training at thele • respective centres, The 'etodetich men are bag their in Court House Park; , as the arinories are closed present. Lieut. J. Salkeld geld SergeantsA. KirkeY and fit. L. ticEitnon are titet strueting the men. ' BEexISTERING "IRONS" ' Authorities made a Poor -guess when they sent to 1Goderich only fifty form* fert-othe -registrationeof firearm's by Chief PostelethWatte. These were° used up in a few days and 1,50 more have been sent for Some 'Of our ar- dent ninirode had six` guns to Vegletert provincial Constable Oldfield state* thatelt is now coinentleory, to secure permit to purchase -or transfer .04 - guns or riftee. The Permits may be secured from him. ' „ 0 • THE FLAG FLIES :AGAIN ' The County ..flagpole`in Court House Square, which met disaster in the windstorm of Apkil 3rd, is again in use with a new 39-2t. cedar fop,making a total height of abont '19 feet ' Cottiltit Officer George_ James flew the, Hew again 031 'September 3rd, just 'five months after the pole was put Out Or eontmission. The Saults Coal Co. wish to .1*- nounee -that during the absence or Mr. 'A, P. Sturdy the business will bo 'carried on as Usual. 'Jr. John . Platt, who is an experienced teat iniavi, will be pleased' to look after the"Waattl of the customers. Incidents of• the Week -end ass Work at the Airports Progresses Last Felafte, s morning was the second half-day lost on aecount •-of Weather, at both Sky Harbor and Port Albert airports, which is considered a remarkablytgeod ie. cord in view of the fact that in, eounties to the peat it rained every day last week. There was a downpour all Thursday night antl part of Friday. meeting, Gravel trucks continued veark etall they be- came Mired on the soft spots ofi, the airport 'field and had to be hailed out by trettors. Wokk on the tunwaye was tailed oft all day Priday, but at noon ..carpentere . and ground workers resumed operations. On Saturday it bright pew 1,2x10 - foot sign, tetanal to 'that at Sky Har- bor, was erected at Port Albert by the 11 0.A.P. It Is lorated.iiiiciWati in the balding area fiteinit West and markt what will bellietnialli Trucks Wrecked Oii Tbeitttley night or early on Fri- day, Morning' a '1014.led grog truck, atteMpting to olakeetlte V4tirtt from the 4th eoneeseiou on tos the .-Ithitt Water biglivtiiy, took' t� the tenth end ploWedi Into the fenee. The lett „, • both lind wheels, its. box 'made loatt What is , reported to have 'hem *4 head-on crash oectirred on the, Dine- ganzion-Nile road _in the rain tittle' tee Friday morning. 'A gravel trot* driven ,by 'Wesley Brewer Was dam- aged gad towed to a garage for ree pairs, t•A. late model passenger car which tad just been pureliased the day before by Len Caldwell of Lon-. desboro was deitiolishett and sold tO, tlie wrecker. Brewer escaped too. injured, 'Caldwell vvith. a bruleed ant tut face. Roth atten are truek-iirivent at tlae Port Albert' airport, Sight-seeing Spectators. On Sunday a Steady' tereant of eat* • plied tip atd down the Blue Water highway, their 'occtipants bent on Pee- ing the airport tinder tonstructiOn sot Port Albert „ There were tlaeusantle or TiOltors ,trom all over Xuron eeinity and beyond, and water expressione of eurprise at the mew- aaltiade of the undertaking were heard, They saw six s1e3fing barreeketeriebag as if by Magic., Ilnildingtt whieh twit only foundations and floors laid oat Sattiolay Were nearly Teed,' for thit roofs by tlantlfir eet