HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-29, Page 8US* ZIO HT esset NEWS OF AUBURN AVIAIIN„ Aug- aie--Mise 11.e1ist 1 latibertsen has MA Ilini'd home, otter sestudiug lite euuseaer with friteide at Hunieville. Mise Betty Asquith, who was visitiae ittieuds in Toronto, has returned. home. Mr. and Mrs. Ila.rry Anderson gif Lueknow, Mrs. Albert Xing of Goderien *ad Mr. and. airs. Wm. Mir. 'and daughter 'Erma of lIullett visited with lire. Thos. Doyle and Miss Margaret Xing en .Sunday. Donald Ross is visiting friends in Toronto this week. Rev. and Mrs. lib, le. Wilsen, Ruth and John Wilson have returned liome .444eir 41. „naossatle aioltday. at ' k twit. vottege* et Tobermory. Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Yunglaut, 31r. *lid Mrs. ,Iveaalfusalltiffrl'Ilitit*santeMit00 . ea,„aetanieteall of Zurieb, _visited, a ee. arevistatelesete ega're,t Arthur. 4int Preet,of Ilruseele is visitints, nis brother, Robert PreSt i. , s 1 Bob Arthur has ret itneil' 'after a eteek's visit with fiitetd at Zurich. Visitors with Mrs. l'n RUss and •INIe Jae, Medd On Sunday were Mr. at -a0 Mrs, Eraeet PIM Ray Puff and Misees Blauelii, Buell, Edith ;Rpnal era Whoa, freil Piekle, all of lieamiugton. Mess. 001 -don Dade wad Darwin Madam ot Fergus speut the weelt-eral at their homes here. Mr. and Mre. Ezekiel Phillips, and M. Thomas Johnston and A1iS3 4,o gietration was (tarried out entootto Laura Phillips spent . Sunday in Tor- ' ly and it is believea that the figures represent pretty nearly 1.00 per cent. of those emning within the regulations. The figures for Aehlield inelude quite a number of' ram working at the air- port and aee therefore somewhat larger than might be expected. Enlisted men , Ilring in those 'Alec photos your friends' have given' you• -:-- also the pictures you hive put Way* and have them ritaMed They wifl work wOader'S ifl Ottf` proviiig yentoattelinst -tee-es-ft roOralivithout tificttires is Iikr .& hause„withOut riCtUre Framing is , our SMITH'S ART- to 6IFT SDRE THE GODERldil SIGNAL -STAR Registrations in North Huron Ninnber 19,539-Goderich lias 3,626 Registrars Eari teorbett FordwiOil awkty front now eeeistered where thy ud 1I„ v. Maclean of Wingliaps have were stationed at tne tline. The lane - released the tabelated liguree of the est xegistrathei in the riding of cOure'air national registration in North limo% was in Goderiele where 3',020 ear& ehowing that 10,/,539 persons were were issued—nearly one-fiftis of itlte xeglstered iu -thia viding, The work total for the; riding. 'onto visiting Mr. Phillips nephew, UAW Phillips,- of Yellowgrass, Sask., wbe has enlisted 'in the4R.C.A.P, as eleric accountant -and will be statioped at Toronto for a shert time. His bro- ther, Harry Phillips, also is eerving la Warw.:a a:C=04n 3.14,1R1)lar -T-11(7 ere eons of 'Mr. and 3re:'3 Ulm 11l1no4 former residents of West Wawanoeli neW - it'antir,31r. .4;4t. Munro sand -Zeta vlailaS1 on umy witn the lady's sister, Mrs. Wnie Stre sea and Mr. Strasser of Sebdatsville. Miss Mary Isiunro, who bad been ,visiting' there; returned lieme wilth• thee. Miss Helen Merrill of Toronto is visiting Mr. aiei Mrs. Wm. Roberton. Speelal music will he provided by the junior choir. ItteiK-es.:.M'ilson will he the message.; ' • 'Rev, and Mrs. H: 04Wilson, Ruth and John and Reid Sheppard are sPendlag a few days in Toronto this* week and attending- then Exhibition. • „ . liVonieu's Distitute.—The Aubern Women's Institute were entertained on Thursday afternoon by the eisildren of ikira: Jelin Veianight and lioie Fergie- the coMmunitsta • The .president, Mrs, son 'Waite ;eetOrned,lionte from Waseaga, ,Etletar 14amon,4 presided and *Petted pea0; • :1 • Edgar' •1,awsou visiting her Mother, iNtrs.,!,8Clater, at Seaforth. IA 41404ig ef., the local Red Cross was hela In the Foresters' Hall on Tuesday, #_4(4-`t110,1004dent, Mrs. II. Mistreat" jas-deeided to send boxes to the boys overseas. 'Tle-Viere; tary was histrected to send for MOM material, also yarn for socks:. Marks Anglican church Will hold itesitervice at 7.30 p.m. next 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. 'P. Robisen are spending a few days at Stratford and Taranto. There will be serviteart elatex-lanited- 'church nextaStithlay morning- at 10.30 ratford:Boys -13and , .IN00DEition SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER ist By. arrangement with • the Town,. Council this splendide,„ musical organization, over 50, strong, will give two outdoor concerts in Goderich on Sunday next. " Afternoon'program at Harbor Park. 'Zvening program in •crolitt-Trouse-PaxX -!ircFybody invited to enjoy this m,USieaa treat. • staette 8IP LOW tliviRYDAY OBSTER Canada Brand DOMESTIC 11• g:hoe ERNSXualle NeTV Pack Or Easifirst Shortening' PRICES 61-g; ic ms, 23p 27c 8.c • oft okx . EMS Cut Green 24:4 8, lona New Pack' INZ SOUPS,. Assorted 14:1::. 25C WAIVE RASPBEIIIIIES KINNET'S 4-0:27c STORES CLOSED •,LABOR DAY , MONDAY SEPT. 2ND. - LARD SUNNYFIELD ••Ib. 8c OLD CHEESE IL 23c •MILD CHEESE lb 19c HIGH 'QUALII:Y BONELESS 'SMOKED oat; Shouldeirs. EATS •Bacot". etners Cell! Wrapped la LB. PKG. • the meeting with the InStitute nOde." Marie Baithby favored with a pitino institimental ; Betty Yungblut gave a recitation; Marguerite Killough a. solo,, George Ilaggitt, a r,eeltatiort, Tom Step - pard and Jack 3.1c1night, a ellset. Other numbers vivre; Reeitatien, Jean Lae -a' far ;'-atiiii7111Try-CraiTgrpiteronduetrafee ------'----------40DerRICH--e----,-- Clinchey brothers; reeitatioe, Eddie Division No. 1 Tal Nicholson; solos, Doris and- Garth Mc- Itniglit ; recitation, Vlelet Nevins ; solo,. Roberta Mcarittie ; recitation, Lillian Nevins ; solo, Billy McClincheY e aci"t?1,- taote-Al. Madam; recitationealargaret Jackson; 'duet, Emma wed - Shirley 'Reberteort e moutborgan-, eeleetionaJac Squid; reeitation, June Beadle; solo, John- Killough; recitations, . gen and 10 315 Ted. Turner; soletatEvelyn Raithby; 11 256 recitation, Douglas Mach= ; duet, Mary 12.,. ....„ 358 and Margaret Nesbit; solo, sJewel Me- 18 175 Can:whey; -solorealLerion TaylorA hearty vote of thanks was exteaded to , • - - - --36 the entertainers and to, Mrs. a It. a'. HOWIOlesT0WaSTSIIIIP c - Phillips, the - accompanist. A "dainty Division No. 1 lunch was served by the hostesses, • ' • 2 270 mre. S. H. Johnston, Mrs. Wesley Bfad- - 3 4 , 379 nock, Mrs, Geo. Hamiltesete and Mrs. 4 . 435 Alfred Nesbit: - . , ' 5 255 ' 6 187 7-. 374 111UlitittltAY, AITOUST 24)1h. 1140 Briefs For Results A .Classified Ad TO 10.ENTI Tile' Vieterie Helpers' a,.1atz;3 (.4 Vic- , ) ia istreet United Outwit has donated r1110 RENTes--SWAFFIETD IIOUSE ' *guilt to the Ited Crosse It ;vas quilted -e. on ipayaaid roati, Apply 1/Avas5tt ;it the home of ;Sirs. 31. Crameton on juyaLrt_e_eFtste.e_st, ei,eta, eetee. Tuesday afternoon by the members: of TItE O N--- T.-11rAWUNIS STA.TION, The figures bY subdivisions of- the tile'A' and GrocerY Store; in good loqa- vun arious micipalities are as followe: waStahelvatviisolaiti. 'grxisoyodleTni ietit, alit !Swtereaut!eoiridd: thin; rent very reasoPable. APPIY WINGUAlut August 31st anti September ist. On 00X 4 Division NoI 4, SIONAIeSTAR. Weet Saturtlay night the band will give a 283. ' 30, . 414 concert at the band stand in the Vark. RENT.—SOLID BRICK ItER1- 21g On Sunday aftermionsa coneert at Boit DUNCE,Th 02 East street. ree 3 .... . .. 4 ,..,, ... re , miller at 3 p.m.; at 8.15 p.m. a sacred beill'oonis, bathroom and upstairs sun •Li „ coueert in Nortb. street, United thurea. rom;dining room, parlor and kitehen. `1.7.1i".. !kite baud, evillebe-peesent at the regular Double- garage and gavden. Jos De ., services held in ,the Salvation AiraY it,iitatiel at 11 a.m. ,...,tii.i_1174014/ropis,_ "35 °ST.' — BETWEEN , GODERICII .a5 TIIOINIAS, Phone 669. ..., ..... .14044 4 2A) Wand), (if the 'Red Ceoss Society or 0 irtEN'Tse-gfIA.I.i't 11 ' •14074C0 ltintpliefiale'lellorittlitili*internernroi inNsiril";44., Division No. 1 Goderich. wil/bold a PrOgresSive euchre house; good furnace and all ' con- Return to 3,2 PAI4VIERSTON STREET 226 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. ”nien,c'es: APPlY SIGNAteSTAR. -35 and eeeeive reward'. • — johnston 4th eoneess' ion PridaY, , e ..........„....... 652 :Septet:0)Zr kith, at 8 p.m. Admission .277 25e. Proceeds or patr riotic ,pupeees. ''''-' 245 c otifaosr ttahble l AP eo look t} wa hi c°1;iu r mPeagsr , tt hit tat 522 yotie subseriptiOn is paid In 4Idvenc0 „.... The J:egtila.r meetinn•!'of the, Woniol'e ' Oli Institute ‘will be held', at Malay Halt on Thursday, Septemberelith, at 3 pen, Mrs. A.44. Milligan will give a talk oa :eBoiate" and *Mrs. ,Neil ThompSen will diseues current events. Prank MeArthur is this week' meeting isatoekeetelegattealeetespeliee iron the 34a premises on West street wiialr )"e"liras u occupied for several years, to las 3 '312 residence at the cooler of Britannia • 4 319 and Dayileld road. "He willcarry 5 282 everything, electrical at his new locatiot, 6 21-8 and continue to give.personal.attentioa 8...........e.....esteete,esee -ewe 7 ,tlese to every job of wiring ay other electric:a The 'Ladies' _Aid -of_ ZIOn :,0111Tch ,and, Red Cross of Taylor's ;Cornet, will meet at_ tlie home of Mrs. D. ,Roolges, Wed- nesday, September 4th, at 2 p.m. The assistant hostesses Wiii be Mrs: Mc- Dougall and tiSliss Nina Walters. The' roll call v`Ttilthe -answered by the 'Scrip- tural use of the vord "Peace." . The Signal -Star sells tor V to any address in Canada' and is worth more. Look at your label; it will ,show the date up to wniah your subscription is t .paid. . . 4440.fp,410441410,10. FOUND VouNP. •---; A d'Ait/GE $UM 4)P money in Marine Lunch ROOM, pre- sumably lost by elderly couple. Ownet eau have earoe les Proving property and paying any costs,inCurrol by me. JOHN liNAZINe 12 laVest street, tiroderien, 35x LOST LOST.—KE-Y-CASE A7ND 1)11,IVER14 license. Finder please keep money,, and return license to MR8. J. %BIRO/ NIEY Quebec street. • -35 DI -vision NO. 1 2 °LINTON No.3,• i 2 3- .. 4 '449 373 352 nens. 1491 OBITUARY . - MRS. SeRBJA.THEARN_ ILAlt Mr,. Elizabeth Strethearn Hay. of Toronto, 'widow of the late Major,John D. Hay, died, in Goderich che Thursday, last She had beets itf„Yaliffirfiealth fox some tames, ano - was brought to-11,4,sta tunset only a aew days •before her' -death. She was in her eightieth year. She was a daughter onsthe late William Hendrie of Hamilton and burial' took place at that city efter a funeral ser- vice On Saturday hs St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Toronto. 2160 nee, TURNIBERRY TOWNSHIP Division Not 1 ....... 336 2 245 3 1$6. 4 233 DIAL SrORTS enguin Regatta I spent whole days esateliing penguin bathing parties wbile I was veith the British Antarctic Expedition. The birds wOuld .wait on the eda_of•the sea -lee until a little party had gathered, then set off in the greatest spirits, chatter, In.', frolicking' and chasing one aitother 4 • abt'out. The object at each pefiguin was 5 . ' .6 to get one of *the others to jemp in nest. 7 • They would crowd up to the very edge, &en when those behind had ' nearly . . 1607 succeeded in 'pushing the front rank ins- thelatteratwouldesuddeninsereee-Veta- DivigloWASTO.,,,'1.--,..--;=--- ..,....,...177.11`8 ' '-' ---MlaglaS TOWNSITIt,_ • , , , *the tables. Finallit one penguin *One 3 . ege eilkeeT10-11s1--SAW 183 rush around to the rear and try to ture ' 2, a header into the water, and one after 4 . , 5, 218 195 ,CLEARING AUC/PION *SIA.LE , . Of Parra Stacie_ Implements, Hay 'rife full tilt over the ice; take a Clean from the same spot. `As they bobbed to and Grain, at Mr, D. "Mclaeneies farm, another the rest fellowed, all taking off .6 t 242 the surface, rollino. and sPlashine about, . ,1313 concession -4, W. D. Ashaeld (on site of New Airport); on _Whenever a small ice-tioe drifted by, Division No. 1 ' , EAST WAWANOSII TOWNS•IIIP 112 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, s, at 1 o'clock sharp, they made sounds like a lot obt boys. a 'crowd of penguins would board it 2 ' 259 One pair of ,wagon horses, 7 and 8 for a ride and as they passed close to 3' 189 years old ; 1 extra good Clyde., Mare, sshore the passengers would shout at. 4 163 0 years Old ; 1 extra good Clyde gelding, turn would shout back. At the fatther• . 175 4, yeafS' old ; 1 1111y .(4welia. broken), 3 years old , 1 bay horse (Olyde), 5 years the penguins gathered there, Who in 5 .., end of the ice, some half -mile away, ' old ; 1 cow due in January, 4 years old ; the excursionists would plunge into the WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP 1-98 -2 Holstein cows due Jaroaary and _ a water and swim bacateatte board ' a •fresh 1 ,•. 278 February, 8 yeareeed ; i Hereford cow *flee. All day lonetliose''' toes floathd Division No. 1 2 . , • 1,3 due in March, )41 years old ; 1 Hereford past tbe rookery, often crowded to their -3 . - 117 6DW due in April, 3 years old, 2 Hot - utmost capacity. ' It was almost , am- 4, . ., ..., , ,, 159 stein beiferedue in 'October anti Novem possible.' to realize, that' these little 5 ' - 177 ber ; 2 cervi due in April, 5 years old; 1 ea -ea -tures, whose antics 1 'watched) were 115 grade Jersey, just fresh, 4 years „old; birds. and not human beings -r G., 1 pure bred Jersey, just fresh, 7,years Murray Levieke The 'Social Habits of - ,. 1039 tad; 1 red heifer, to freshen in Octo'ber ; 'Antarctic 'penguins. ' - GODER1011, TOWNSHIP 1 white cbw, just fresh, 4 tyears, old• ; Bre Rabbit Fralie Division No. 1 • . 224 1 white face heifer, due in Mareh ; 6 dance. The first arrival, entered the 'above our tent I witnessed a -rabbit ring 'with. a fiying leap over a log , 3 , 4 5 ' .a., , 24, choice quality, .21 yearling ,,Steers,, all , ....... 140 1i: good calves, 19 yearling . heifers of good beef kind ;. 1 good Hereford bull, One ictoonlignt night, in a- clearing .. . 2 - atid went whirling around ,and 'around with grotesque Tun& like sa kitte after Its tail, varying his perforinanee noW by a high leap, now by two or three - -ckeeessetaeg To,,,vmsini --- 6 ' ' . . - 1131 SOWS with litters; 60 ehunks. Mach it ,247 . 202 143, 1 0.A.C. bred,Tam.hog ; .9 -York. sows to -farrow. October andlgovenkber.;_2„Torli registered, rising -3 'years old, ^Pigs— ery-1 mower ; Itetay rake, .1 .manurit awkward hops on his hind legs like a Division No. 3, ,sprea.der, nearly new, ; 1 ;three -section dancing bear. . , , . /133 spring-toth cultivator , 1 new rubber 313, tire wagon and ttoX ; 1, top huge, 1 lera moment he was joined by,zeyeral 3 ., • . eutter; 10 eords short hardwooa t. companionS and the fun •grew mere 4 192 lively.; every few moments a new ar- several -piles of posts and rails ; several • 4,1-val came gyrating in like. a brown fur rolls of WOM and barbed wire, 2 sets pinwheel. They leaped over 'everything Of double harness, 1 set, of .single la the ring and over ends ether, they CHURCH NOTES' harness,. 1600 bus. oats' and , barley, vied in the -high jump; ionietimes they . . threshed To extra good shape; quantity rose on their hind legs and hopped slow- of sweet clover seed ; 50 tons of mixed ly in all the dignity of a ininliet& One ' 'The. Church Women's ,Guild of St hay, ‘0 loads sheaf oats; 2 ,heY feriae •George's church Will Meet in the parish ears, ropes and pulleys; 1 Red Star eurions performance looked 11,be a 4..uxt ing match,' Two rabbits Were standing hall on Tuesday, September,3rd, at 3 washing machlne; 1 Quebec stove; 2 o'clock. All members are asked to be !ehild'e, cribs, 1 play pen; 1 hanging on their hind legs face' to face, sip pat:antis,. cuffing eage ether' soundly present, to help. Vali it Program for lamp and other artteles..' w-hile they bopped slowlY around in a ti'w Year's wOitk• ' Terms—All sums of $20 and under, circle. I • could not-'"iee the blows, only cash; over that amount, eight months' the boxing attitude, but I heard them as eredit will be given on, furnishing ap- they landed. on, "furry ribe. The other; paws, threw himself ' fiat on ' bis eheka Proved joint notes vvith, anterest at 0 rabbits. etopped oe,casitinality* to watele and Went headfirst down the slide,. His Per cent. per amnia. • Everythi4 ad- the)a Nve4 on witb. their fun. mate followed. Theta came' the, child- tvertised must be distioeed of, as the, Virilliana J. Lon* Beasts of the Meld roe patting and eeratehing each other property has; been taken over by the , The Otters' Coasting Party in their eagerness, ' 'line ' Miesed his Airpert. ''s . • ' Exploring' a aonely ,baeltwater in my course and rolled igootainiousTy over s T.. GlaisTaakt & SON, canoe one day, I was Puzzled by what the batik, landing with an unorthodox '-'35 Auationeers. looked like a mirdatare toboggan-ttaek 'Plop in the water. Again and again near an otter's hole in the riverbank, was that ridieuloue performance re - slanting steeply , from a seven -foot peated. The youngsters got Into their hillock to the water. 'Who wotild.make Stride' and shot down the twenty foot stesh a thing in- this, reniote Spot?' toboggite ein neatly as the old dog Wei - Determined to eolve the myetery, I re-' self, tlieir glistening bodies skimping turned at unset and eelimhed -Into a along as lf oiled.' The, slide was never Willow tree hanging over the hole. without an oeeepant, and the show Nothitiet happened until the moon Wag, went on until iny descent from the tree wellup. Then a black -nosed, long - brought it to an abrupt end. ' whiskered lam suddenly appeared he- —IL W. Sitepheara-Walwyn, P.N.B.A., lOw nib, and I naW a brownish -gray P.Z.Ifil., The tSpirit of the Wild (1)0dd, beagt . a coupte of feet long with. a Mead) longs broad tail—a dog otter. He gave it loW, husky 'Whistle, and three or four •itEsetTE noMtsi. FoR, Ant FORCE eubs and their mother tumbled . out A $660,000 eoetraett has been placed. R.t..the,liole. by the Department Of Munitions and They Played and slieed and ducked One another. Then with an excited 'Supply for sl* large reSeue boats for cry, a wet ligtire daelted for the bank the Reyal Air Force. The lautteheS are jtiet beyond the mysterious billoCk, the beteverte sixty and severity feet in rest 'following at his heel% pushing and length. Powered with three engine shoving to the top, Father on by a they Will be Capable of tieing thVty-fiVe good length and, folding beck his fore- knots. GREY' TOWNSHIP Division No. 1 • 994 216 2 180 a• 133 247 340 243 1 4 -5 6 ' 7 ASEIPIELD TfOWNSHIP Division,,No. 1 ' 1590 • 23$ 220 320 250. •• 168 171 ,NON/44/0/004414/4 '101.111.14111 EXECUTOR SALE 100IJTO§_ sALE . FARM , , The Exeeutor .of -the, Estate of .Wil-- ired -Elliottaswills offer for sale by 'public auction; on SePtember 1.1th, 1940 alt th.e hour of 2 o'cloek in the afternoon, at the Premises, LOTS NUMBER TWENTY -POUR and TWEIITY-FIVE in _the 4th Concession, save and except four acres Off the .8. E. corner of Lot 25, Township of Godcrich, containing 150 acres of land more or less. The property wig be sold subjeet to a re- s,erved. pia. 20% of. purchase price to be paid at time' of sale and the balance -vvithin 30 days. • • Dated 4it ,Godericii this 20tti of August, A.D. 1940.. •. - -Foitefurthea, particulars apply; to ,.., THOS. GU'NDRYt& SON,- es Auctioneers, •Goderich, Ontario, Barrister, e'tc.. .'Solicitor -for the Estate. wAwriro' A, N TED.. — ROOMERS; HAVE roonia,for two echeol giris 001 fS1IGaST.AfferSTA/1, ' -33 ANTED.---,014Falt FOR GROCERY gore; „-.Male; immediately, expert- ence not neeessaryt, Otir staff Itas beeu informed of ;this notice. Write BOX 40, SIGNAL-S'PA.R OPEICE, , 35x eeNTED-e-ROOMERSeeestitiaell, roams far school girle. ..Apply BOX 45, SIONaMeSTAR. -35 IF 130 - . OR SALE.-•-alleiRM, A.ORES, , . . • ' well seeded, suitable foe pare stue' will sell cheap.for cash. Cali SIGNA,L, STAR. F010 FOR 'stAix.--Eletwanio REPKO- DRATOR ; Slightly used; bargain for quick sale. Apply C. ROBINSON, 59 Wolfe street, evenings. 35x F,Olt 'SALE, OED " BARN ON ""t South etreet for Wrecking Purposes. Apply at FORD .GARAGD, .35 F01444,44TX.--10110131,^ING TIT t4 Village ot Tivert,on; good territory.. tApplye EMERSON „HOWE, Tivertoe,, Ont GENTS WANTED.—IP YOU A.RE interested..in STEADY CASH PRO- PITS—if you would like interesting, profitable work selling the most popU- -Lir line of OVERIDAY--NECESSITIES- at pr•eeeof on the market, inquire TO- DAY -without. obligation ; ". PaeMII/EX, 5701StetC1ement, Montreal, _ , 30-35 FOR SCALE. — ONE HUNDRED acres, near Ripley; Mist sel/ to - settle estate. $4500: half cash,. balange 'easy terms: Ripley, Ontario „ - 34-5 WANTED,—EXPERIENOED MMD . ATERPRONT, WITH MODERN to goteetoronte; tw,o, children, i'n furaished -cottage.- .We -ter, __sewer, family, $20.00 per month. Apply at l GNAL4sTAR 0111‘10E. 'oht Or part °HAREMS HEALS, •-""• Bennett St., Goderith. • , 24q WANTED. --TO BUY OLD IIORSES i10110 PERGUSON' SYSTEM, TRAOTORS,—One left at, the old price, $(6$5.00, and you'll be surprised at otir,...allowance on tYour old car or „ tractorei' SANDY ELLIOTT, Por4 Dealer, Exeter, Phoae 64. , 35 6 , 4 FOR SAIJE OR OFINT. tEN- 11/00131,ED house; furnished, ' equip - (I with hydro ; had and -soft' wateri- acres of land; good'hank barn; rown . or two cows, two %mei and. bens; ua est& 'Goderich. CallaSIGNstie ' +STAR." 34tf and dead ,cattle r m.ust be suitable for Mink feed.; aremoeed ,promptiy, PRED GILBERT, R.R. 2; Baytieto Phone- 908 r ,22,• OlintOn. Calla isetid. for. 18-tf. POR ROUSEeiiees.: •VV,PRK ; early In September. Refer- - requited. irvVrite ,sI•Gisr•AJL-STAlt. • 35x ELP or woman taiiike*eharge -Of 'feta lr , rialto •GODERIOH. 13114i -63s esta' eisheel...anr,eait , for -all rePeat Orders. Full or part ttme, !Commission and bonus average ,$1.50 'per, hour. Writa. promptly for details: -R. S. SEmpLE,- 2177 Masson St., Montreal. 33-35° ANTEte.;'="11H4,EE 1V1EN OVER factory age for , ItaWleigh Itemeteti. Large eorganizatien. Goad proats to witling TRODUCITsate1435:seleinteaann ,Mtentwal RAWLDIGH'S, Dept, Rey y11.4 -21W workers, Steady. . w. ,W.35r7i6t.e7 to work; ask for Cemplete ram PE: fiVt.ilLeiwithorat_liny.:.ofhaigat4one....11T0i 113-H., Montreal,a0antida. ' ' -35. .ender :Thirty Des', Trial. elf anstiOue Coffee, Toilet Artieles, Spices PAttrato's, popular Tnieranteed, neeessitiee,,, Tea,. ete., from -house. to !house. .N9 RISK in 'mum anottey? Selietwe hundred_ GENTS WANTE.DaseINTERE' STE]) 34-6 e- •.Fresh Ftaits and Vegetabks ..BUIEBERItimai Famous Nova Scotia CABBAGE Native, Fresh Grownf 'PEAS Fresh Canadian, Tender Full Pods BANANAS 'Golden -Ripe GRAPES California Red al a g et ORANGES .Caiik;rnia Valencias SLICED. on uNSLIcso' ASIII PAGE wnrrn •WHOLU WHEAT* • CBACHED WHEAT Qt. Box 2.3c Head .4c iblOc 3 lbs. 23c lbs. 17c Z9c A&P COFFEE. VIGOROI3S & WINEY BOKAR MILD• St MELLOW -, O'CLOCIVZ 3 RICH & :Ptilat; BODIED Red Circle tbi 31c 0 r, • ,• NOTICE ATTENTION FIREARNS.OVNERS The type, model, make, talibre, ad, tion, serial nuiribeP'of all rifles arid shot - pine must be registered with any Ohief of Polite- or the Township Olerk by 'September I5. Fine of $200 if not done. R. G. THOMPSON', -35. perk, Goderich Township. VOTERS'' LISTS NU:MOE. , QTERS' LISTS, 1640, MUNICIPAL- ITY OF T1414 TOWNSHIP OF 0011B0RND, COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby given that 1 have -complied ,with .section 7 of the 'Voters' L'eqSa---ateStilidtatitartel:shititesepeateds.„ tie ---- at.,my °thee in the Township ,of Col- borne; on the 20thday of Auguat, 1040, 'the list a all persons entitled td vote in the ,said municipality at municipal . 4yo011iceaStigynoltui-rSitaabre,1711wi 1; forirs$2hotwo is '' atnhye date up to whichur subscription take immediate proceedings to have And I. hereby Call upon all voters to elections ahd that • such list rem.ains address in Canada and is,worth more there for inspection Lo . : paidany. errn.M.or .omissions correeted ac- . '-Dated 20th :day -of Augult, 1'04d. cording to law, thelastday tor appeal beingffbted the 10th day of Septeraber, 1940. • WM.2SALLOWS, 101erk of the Town- • ship of Colborne. 3 ' 93,5 . • CARD. OF THANKS RS. MATILDA WELDER WISHES • , to thank all the neighbors and friends for their kindness during the Illness -and death of her sister, Mrs. Couplaed; also for .fioraf tributes. s• IICTION :SALE Of house • furniShings at Ifitg: MOSER'S Shop, Hamilton. St, SATUTWAT, AUGUST 3Ist, • - at 1.30 -p,m, Livinglroom,. dinitig-room, -bedroom and kitchen furniture. • Good rOgs, dishes, etc, ,'P. GUNDICY,& SON, 'Auctioneers S . September :1.2th—THOMAS. DIOK- ON sale, concession 5, Ashaid. September 1.4th---CrIARLtS SOOTT sitle itt Walkerburn. 735 • 0 11.1010" IESEANSeBr�Wn Are. QUAKER OATS SOAP CHIPS TOMATOES itusn trmv 501 lir - A & Choice , elladets Ho** AND BORN , 13AXTIOR.—At , Alexandra -Hospital; Gotieriele on SaturtittY, August 24th, to Mr., and Mrs. Harvey It. Baxter, • Goderich (nee Mildred S'allowsi, it son, ;Gordon Wallace. 0RAW3()11D.—At ,Alexandra Hospital, • Goderich, on Saturday, Augue,t,„2Atn, •to alie and Mrs. Stanley 'Crakttera) • Goderiche'a son. GA!ittt1t.- Alt Aleeandra Hospital, Goderiele onWednesday, August, 28.th, toe Mr. and ales. Wes. Garrick, • Go(lerich, a Son. s IllaYI)ENessAt •Alexandra •Ilospital, kiloderieh, on Friday, August 23rd, Mr. and "Mre. 'Carman Hayden, Port Albert, twin Pons, • __, DIED MITNNINGS.--sAt Alestandra Hospital, Coderich, on ThursdaYe August 22-, Benjamin ,CleMent 1S1nnniiigs itt 1115 Rigt year. • • 11111111111111 ONE Person out or FOUR WiR get Siek or Ilurt-this-year • PROTECT YOURSELF BY • ACCiDENT AND, SICKNESS INSURAN , 11. M. FORD _Anatirance Estate_ 3 Hamilton $t Tel tdiliv' ublic Notice TOWN OF GODE1,I011 Goderich Public Schools will /open on TUESDAY, SEP., .TBMBBR Srd, 1946, at 9 &obi* a.m., as usual. J. A, SNIDES,, Acting Chairman, e God.erich Public School Board, • SP MaeltAY HALL,' GODERIOli September isti1940--8 come out and heat God's love medage to &lost and ruined world. "For the Bon of Man' is 00111e to seek and to say tb.at which was Lost."—Luko 19:10, AU, ARE *wsLoolat NO COLLECTION