HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-29, Page 7IlitilittiDAY„ AtRanter ftt itme wild -14 an "WHO'S WHO Buyers' Guide THE GODERICH GNALSTAS is met Bu.iness Directory AU'r0 AGENCIEg DEALERS GODERICU° MOTORS STAN. PREVETT Iloo----th St. - 1.1101te 83 roiw inatiouni , laNcoix-ErgYR sayi and Service ITSed Cars GEORGE -4i- MaCZNNUM- -- 25 'Victoria St. 'Phone 234 'UlAUVROLET & OLDSMOBILE Sales and Service • General Repairs McColl Frontenac 'Products Firestone Tires , IVICGtE'S 0,A,1AGN _ DODGE & DESOTO , • Soles and.Serviee* -85•Eramilton -St. "' Phone 695 .0enera1 Repairs to All Makes of Cars SUNOCO GAS AND OILS. Firestime Tires Willard, 13atterieS PLANTE'S-WAXAGE' GILBERT pLANTE, Prep. Victoria St.° Phone 513 h.CHAlk•SLER, - PLYMOUTH ' Sales and Service General Repairs to AU Makes. AUTOMOBILE PARTS. & - ACCESSORIES OANA.DIAN Tilt% • --CORPORATION Assegiate Store L. 0. WHETSTONE, Aigr. mllto St.•• • . ' Phone 69w -TiR,Es, BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES AC0111111111111111111. 4mommininimemumpamoramariiiiiiinommar .BAKERIES " r E. U. CLEV - 14 West St. Phone 114 -MEAD, PrES, BUNS,. CATCRS, • T.Q. Deliver CURRY'S BAKERY Phone 465 'FOR EVERY SPREAD • , USE CURRY. 'S BREAD". vamp-. LEAF BA.KERY • N. JACKSON & A. FORSTER .6 Square phone 4603; 'Fresh 'Bread, Pies, Buns, Cakes Daily Also groceries We Deliver ' Send your donation -for thie 'boys Overseas to, the Red Cross Rooms rat the Public Library or to the Legion Rooms, corner of North St, 4t and the ‘Square," BEAUTY PARLORS 1 3j 11' `1111CdrASIIIrop; .64 Elgin Ave. , Phone 340: Permanent Waving and, all 'lines of BeautT Culture DAINTEE L.ApYE EVgr:AYN LyMAN, ,Proy, East Side of:Square Phone: 60 'Permanent Waving, Finger WavOig, 0.0•••••••••PommumilamspaimpimiNw BEVERAGES GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS OAMPBELL TWEEDIE, Prop. 58. Picton St: ° Phone 489 Authorized 'Bettler;:of - •°, COCA-COLA AND • TWEEDIE'S POPULA.R DRINKS staniey0.8,24:144,911 &' 130Nph00,ne 35 Visit .Our'Milk - sateassmseseiereseessete FLOUR, FVED '8i SEEDS ' W M 10421.1t 9 Eingston St, Phone 450 We carry a complete:, line of . FLOUR; FEEIVSEEDS AND': - GROCERIES " SpecializingLdiulk Seeds, Flower and, yegetable Plants. ° FOUNDRIES • GoDkRICH ,IRON AND BRASS ' '111.01INDICir Victoria St. ...,, ° Phone 460W diRA,r IRON CASTINGS BRASS and ,ALUMINUIVI CASTINGS C'ontractors, jobbers and Foundry Engineers ra • • BUILDING & GENERAL CONTRACTORS . WILLIAM EDWARDS R.R. 1, Goderich ' ' Phone 931.-r-2 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. ' ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS . HOUSE MOVING ,AND, HEAVY FRAMING 3.-WPBrIr„ War"n St. * G:ENERAT, ONTRACTOR577W .dENERAL MERCHANTS *C*,AND , BUILDER ' J. G. .MONTGOMERY Branch Of:CarPeater Work. •SA-LphoTner°68,01t1) *- cmocEnms - MEATS ---FRITITS- . VEGE'rAl3LES DRY GOODS - HARDWARE --, GAS,- OIL FUEL DEALERS THE SAULTS.COAL CO. Xelsou,pt. . . Phone 75 •° Best Grades of - , Pocohoritas, Hard, Soft and Cannel Coal, CokeeHirr&trid Light, Wood •. Exclusive Agents for LEHIGH :VALLEY Ai•TTURACITE HARDWARE CARL WORSELL Square ' Phone 284 wmtirmis AND C. V. PAINTS, IINAUELS & VARNISHES General hardware, tons; Gass, Aladdin Lamps, Coleman XampS and Stoves, Stoves,. Plunlbing and Eteafing, 110'I'ELS RIkRIUIOUSE M.- TURNER', west St. • , Phone 685 ATTRA.anyt ROOMS "'Tendons Meals Temptingly- Served." . ROYAL INN.- Ifaxiintoia Phone 682 to at "Royal be -When in GOderich Excellent 'Aecommedation.- Corafort- able Rooms - IVIederate Rates Special Attention to •Dining Room 44! Service Every ROBERT STANDISH 62"t St.. 'Phone 369 GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. ,s Carpentering, Alterations and Repair's s. ,A1so, Cabinet Work • - • •Estimates Free EARL WESTBROOK vimameemrimpuint ,nrrairmo,1onionmanimiimming RADIO SERVICE GIBSON'S RADIO SERVICE Montreal St. (at Edward Taxi) Phone•616 • .:We are as near as your phone. REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS FOR ALlEi MAKES, BE1TRAIVI 1VIUNDAY tWidder St, Phone os COMPLETE ST.011c OF-- PARTS CARRIED. 90 Day Guarantee on All Repair Work. -t Established .10 Years. *1111~~1111110 ---- GROCERIES & MEATS-_ SERVICE.-STATI'ONS' DOMINION swum LIMITED SUNKIST 13,1tA.NDS HITS THE TOP • We'Speeializein 69 East it., - Phone 487..'” - SUNKIST ORANGES ' SUNKIST LEMONS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION . SuNKIST GRAPEFRUIP AIRS; -;-ALTERATIONS; FLOOrt =WE -DELIVER- - FLOORING • , . . crnEs stiorick STATION CRA.NOTON-6 HUTCHINS West St. at,Waterloo St. Phone 717. CITIES .SERVICE'PRODUCTS NORMAN''S (Formerly MeiViillan's) East Side of Square ' For Prompt Delivery and Courteous Service Phone 164 or 165 • ' ''''"""'""r"'"" GROCERIES, ritt.mTs AND VEGE- DAIRIES TABLES - COOKED MEATS ' • BAXTER'S, DAIRY Napiee St. Phone 104 - CREAIVi Specializing in WHIPPING CREAM . KRIMKO CHOC P ATE DRINK GRAPE; ORANGE a • • GRAPEFRUIT FRED. R. PRICE GROCERY North Sjde of Satiate Phone 248 GROCERIES VEGETABLES - - " FRUITS Free Delivery Service BISSET BROS. •• and its branches from mid-July 'until Sal.tfoicl lidiglifi Creamery . frosts ,kill the plants: -. The prevention of seed production is of vital importance. If plants are destroyed,early Seeding will: be pre- vented, pol:en will norbesprodueed and, pldnts will be kilted. Ragweed_ean be eradicated by spray- - Jug with a 14 per cent. solution ok Elephant Brand ammonium sulphate. Dissolve 1% pounds of the sulphate in Due gallon , of water: and spray when 'ragweed is coming,into blossom, using all the pressure possible.- Alt plants should be soaked thoroughly ,down the ground. _ground. COmplete eradication is possible by spraying with a 20 per ,(ent. solution of ikon 'sulphate- (two poinids per gallon of water),. Ifand. pulling of scattered plants 'is elso an...effeetire means. of eradication, When mowing is resorted to plants should be, eat as close to the.grOnnd•as possible in.order to prevent "seeding. - After -harvest :Cultivationat regular :intervals untiliate fall. Will kill millions of seedling plants, . seed May • be pro- dneed until frost kills the plants, tbere- fore When miming Is resorted to as a eneana of control. it should be continued until late falls • , ItiPs•Weed seed, particularly hulled seed, es difficult to remove,from °lover seed. Saltford Heights. Phone 172W ' Manufacturers of SALTFORD HEIGHTS CREAMERY BUTTER AND)ICE dREAM.- : 1X1GHEST QUALITY •-RAGWEED Common 'ragweed pnblioenemy No, 1 • to. all hay fever Sufferers, is very pre- valent throughout old Oitta.rio and inay ' • places, vegetable gardens,' hoed crops and grain 'fields, states John D. 'Mac- • Leod, (rroPs, Seeds and Weeds Branch; Ontario Department of Agricidtare. itis objectionable fremah agricut- turaPstandpoinit and •alsa ',because of, , the inconvenience catised to hay fever' „ Sufferers. Pollen grains, which are very liglat,',are, now being distributed through, the 'air and may . be carried, long distances by the lightest' breeze. , These offendinirspattieles may he easily inhaled' and cause %untold di- comfort - coMfort to hay fever "sufferers, Itis estimated that approximately, 60,000 persons in Ontario annually sufferfr ni hay •fever and that eighty pet, cent. of these eases are due to the inhalation. of ragweed pollen.. • .. • • Ragweed is an annual yVeed• which depends oi ,seed fog reproduction. An average plarit,ma'Y produce ;-y000 seeds. These will retain their vitality In. the soil ,•fer inaey years. Pollen IS pro- duced along the spike topping the plant The. Clovernment has to have' money to earrY on the war. This Means More taxes. Nowisthe tune to put in 'your next winter's supply of'coat before 'another taxis put on. Orders entrusted to us will'receive prompt attention. .We stoch;- D& IVAnthracite Coal PORD COKE Four -Point Pocahontas RED JACKET Domestic Coal FOR • PLICJAW.ING, ilnATING AND ILARDWARE.TRY • Chas. C. Lee 00ALYARD and HARDWARE STORE , At the Harbor Phones -Store 02 Sunset 043 House 112 ROOPE'S SERVICE STATION Bayfield Rh. - Phone 688\ Frani and Wheel Alignment Service. Machine Work -Acetylene 'Welding- ' Bicycles -Tires., -Batteries CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS Lawn Mowers Sharpened 11•111111,111111111111141111111110•111Miiiir, • TAILORS BUY 'THE _BEST. There are goeci, average and pour •clothes, .WE :CARRY -THE BEST', '• DryGleaning, .Pressing; Altering, Re- '•. • styling, FRANK H. MARTIN TAILOR - West St. „317.' amommumi SIMPLIFYING US. ENTRY- , Ragweed is a noXions weed under nib Weed 'Controls Act, This legisla- tiou States that it rnu'.11 be destroyed *ere seeds 'mature. The co-operation of every municipal wane% . organization and Individual is essential in preventing thts menace to healthnnd crop production from prodficing flower' and seed. , The work must, be aecomplished now in order to bo effeetive. 'Write the'‘'.")roPs, -Seeds and Weeds Branchi Ontario Department of , Agri- etilture, Toronto, for complete pamphlet en ragweed. ' . „ 17,000 BUSY 'BUILDING AIRCRAFT Some17,000 Canadians, aro at Present engaged lu the aircraft industry in Canada. 01 these 8400 are employed in seven aircraft plants, with .the bal- anee ,engaged in factories produeing parts and equdpment. This does not in. _elude employees ofiCanadian Associated Airera,ft Ltd. engaged ha assembling planes for the British ,tlovernment. The ligures irepreseut an iner*ase of ttventy per cont. la four We.elts. Canadians, However, Will Still Require „. Passportsf OTTAWA, „August 26. -New regula- tions simplifying entre eee of temporary risitOrs'and boriier-eroSsing coMmutees to the:United. States, issued at Wash- ington yesterday, were explained at the 'United States legation here as if& tows : 1. Beginiiiog,_ tOniorr-oW identifica- tion- i,"sxrds will be issued to eommuters who (Tess the border' daily and to Canadians eonteMpletiog visits of less • than 00 days; 2. These cards will substitute for non-hundgration visas 'formerly. re- quired of visitorS. • ‘3. Canadian 'passports will still be required. ' 7 4. Holders of identitication Nulls will , not be formally registered mid fingerprinted as are all alien residents of.the tinyed States. • The new regulatlens :were dekribed at the leivition 119 "definitely big/ the situation" with regardto visitors 'and comin liters, and at the 'same time establishing Milted States control. The Canadianpassport is the memis of ventrol by the Canadian Gov,„,, „eitunent. The issuanee- of Cards Will enable the United States !Government to cheek against visitorswith less' inter- ference With them than when a visa is reqUired. The•eards will lie iskied by an int- •faiitration 'official of United •States eon - mil. • • There IS no charge fortbe eards„ is- snanee whieh will be "a matter of five or ten minutes." cuip FOR:SOFINESS • (llarrie IFIxaminerg) Objeetion has been raised that mr. employed men are too soft from long idleness for ffirm -work, The same, eXttiSe• eeuld be made for' their not doing any kind of work, tiarmin is a ur euro for softness, rik‘itrge Elsenbaoli flied at the 101W of Lisenbaek, ct,rani Bend, DU TiatiVrAay )113 third. Tear. IV. W. A. Sieli.ibban of Wingitam has taken over his 'duties as medical oilleer of the 24th Field Ambulanee, stationed 14istowol. 31issJite Iialliday, of Ilrussel'9„ passed away on Wedne.iday zliglat last week, in iwt.ninetietit 5•ear. She' bad been an invalui for some years. W. E. Willis was clectetjjog posititnit as Village eounteliTOirot in place of harry Bowler, who tendered his resignation on joining the 41 WY ,Iierbert Campbell, superintendent of the Winghtuu Public 'Utilities Commis. slot', recently underwent an einergencr opev.ttion in Winglaam, hospital. he has since been doing' wen. John iCuningliame of Clinton bal, been deeePted 14S radio opera.toti with the Vamtdian merchant marine :and sailed last week froman.eastern port to, aft undisclosed destination. %-• Tile death .i'of 1'108011111e '1!;:tue,' 71-1:e 2.P1VFgAt.. _ 1.)enonitne, eccurred on "August .,10th -at her .-frotil'e ivar 1)1311 dale., .1.trs. Denorome was in her Seventy-seventh s!ear and haq, been a resident' of the community all' her life; William Deem, of 'S'eaforth, died sud- denly tit his home • in that town on "rneSdaY, August „e•Otli, in his eighty- , 'fourth year, A. native of ,England, iie was in the Royal Navy for twenty-five years and came to.Canada about thirty- tes-e yettrs ago-. ±14,1 leaves -a Widoir, thee sons and two daughters. George Crawford, of _Clintou, . had a visit last week from a brother, James, :of Washingtoe, p:c., Whem he had not seen for fiftY:seven years. James lett -the-family home--at---Landesboro---fifti seven years ago and hadnot been back until last week. He will spend aeouIe of months visiting brothers and sisters in Ontario,. • !4 Iii 911111VIVOINID w• limos tiurottigheat Ceasda WM •'';' Caluidia-us a4tliKaft-se0 die* will* veriod tram" MWP es WM 4.-- • proximately 01.1,41011.01* LOAM .1141/4 &outrigger ot Le lideatesel kraies vi,,,Inia,,,tot i4orrie, to tiil meani.y of the ctuadiiin utt44trwritirsAsseciag. (.'reatoi loy the resiFseitien of W Ali"0, told tire, ebtots et the Deetaial Irwin aftt,r thirry-e'Jght 3.-,eari in, thin', ;.11 „140011fri awry tualght markinS nolk pasiesion, j:rown, who tsawLCthir annual convention. se.r1,-14,•,e in tile. last wary has on al 1' (L ("14,, day of larrige witr ems. - ?arra about two miles south of tiorr:eo, trac'Nthh 1741411bie tax levied bY for a number" of Fears, Sir Accidents IIaon onr pocketbook,,," ilveiltred table NraS4 Mita WOUlti JC4 far toword m, be- aus4 $311.04)(000 .314t°1ivaJlig*CI L 17tfltirkOr'-'4)j'an3411"brn2gf3gY:n.11981:1)" ituoititgiTtsliblArersrlint' nrilaY night 'when the buggy was struck &tit, &f, or the Eukidre, iweituse by a ear tir/ven. by Ifarola Porterfield, what t pit,11/1,14„for, jot „* -4:1 1 1-9tT;N1sswiq tp sbudget4,- Thii,---11-orse.' rat &Way Uu ugg,y thrown, out. The, injured mann'as at- f forces pod the 0:chewier, but will tin'y t status and altflity, help the armei each tioing Ilk best according lo tv.tting in tile ditch .641. tlarl,rbeing ,1.4‘1).eb(14' i(1u1son of ill/117%1'1in% sOuxetimes pause to regret these millions berry`, was drawing. in eats on Saturday " li°114rs la'st ill re 'wcistel'" 4fternom. noin Irian' the Wagon struck the Mr' Ham tell otlt that the Oa - doorsill of the, barn. Nir. Niehoisfm avXrage41,"%eiap4t,/"",,,,Z.t017.(1.11,,l'r was dragegd (Aff the load by the, hor9es f°1' -anal a v‘as and fell to the barn elloor,, with the.re,, the united States fleft. EtzlroPti?, ,sults .of broken ribs and a fractured 111°"vei", improve rate s een collarbone.. Ile Was taken to the Wing? nr)titTatt->lc; ligUreS• f(,)r. Pa''t Allanson---poltOn periods show England s' running at 71 cents, France 55 centS,' ItalY 28 'eextes., ham Hospital. ' t „tr.daing, tool: pitico, thei,Gernaany 14; cents, IR/liana 11 cents Clinton 103.s1ont o1z Aforni,4,Y! wixen 111ena Mary, younger . western liemiSphere might well" Con- ""." template 014; comparison," said, Mr. fein,701inton, beerime the bride of:John ton- Rev. .W. J. Cowherd' ofrciatech and Pernatablyjseek the cause' r. • Josepb Allanson, only son. of ur, Mrs. ,,,.Citailes Allansou, also of Cain- ecord" or c'tus o our fawn.. deplorable. .After -°a .trip to Northern Ontario, the _three eili0 "12S-.PSlire 'young vouple Will reside in ;CliiitOn. t tvil Steep eiseehrtnve'eerltaiti Plekett--- -outarie stteet-47 nited-ebsireli-manse, 44(tieleSstiesS-. is :by 'far.- the- worst careleSsness, Clintoh, waS' the Seene. oii Satlirdar," offender,' sahi Atr• e4tv° August , 24th, 'of the ' marriage of les -s. fertoker, the 111 L.ept factory„ oe the Dorothy Jean, daughter of "Urand unkempt basement may, ifn the Wink of Mrs. Andre*: Steep, .01inton, to James an eyes -wipe out of existence lives and, Nenneth Pickett, son of IN1r. and Mrs. peopeete.heyond the dreamS ot even tt 'w-G-Piekeit, of -tile-44410404m- The ing our shortcomings Is not a. matter of confession, it goes much cleeperi,By appreciating 'our, Is we may be led Road Worker to determine its cause, and hy realizing Injured by Train the cost in hard -cash, we may be int- Rabert McDonald e Wroxeter was Pellet' to take `$teps..to allev.late 1,11E‘ e°11Hdeit'li(inoin.""t4d-.0*ut.that insarance° cern patties do not absorb these losses.. They , are 'distributed, among those who insure, wyhon,clinidntgu,it.nh,esr:tOnagt,sheirtb 4>etxDe ndLture be cest 'production. ' Mrliam paid,tribute to the effortS off the tre-ligitting., organizations through- out,' tianacia., peinting-out hat tk artire's, he'hatl .quoted,, had: as they are;''!" dosnot-smodri that, 'the -fault Ilea -with the ire-figliting 'forces, eln, my work "of collabOratints; with the the dep,artmeutS:111 Canada Ifound tbat hare and firms engaged iu the manufactbre moleit'n InwuhuoleitPtilletstt•tellseiltirrvisveerlkt of .perSortal equipment for the fighting seriously," said Mr. 114M; "Their- are forces are operatingsfull blast.. During men *his have- stuaied now methods - a two-week Period. 22,000 fall battle and who, „ when called' npon," aetually dress unifornas were prodUced, "While risk their 'rives, tor safeguard* life ane - *1,000 Pairs of socks, 90,000 shirts, preperty whieh h,as been. jeopardized 40 000 .sets of° underwear and, 69,000 by the thoughtlessness of some' in. - pairs of boots were being turned oat, dividatil.” is- Mr. IRoderich lidLennan, lIs pig On the Huron and Ashfield boundary, while at work in the harvest field one day last week was the victim of a stroke of "paralYsts, IIis-friends Will be pleased to know, at time,of4 writing his condt- tion is much improved. Good hopes for, his recovery are eaterteined.--sKin- eardine News. • .; 31r,s. Thomas H. •Cook died at Clinton on Sunday after an illness of a year's duration.. • She Wasin her seventy- wzcond-Ssedis Besides -her husband, she. leaves, one sod, Nisbet, ot-Toronto, and two daughters,' Mrs; Ralph rIewson, who was with her mother 'through the latter months of her illness and •"Mrs Leslie Hanley, of Tororito. Too Much.Alfalfa • • . A. herd of Jersey cattle Siwned4 by R. W. ClementS and his son, Arthur, 'nears Kincardine, strayed .inte-vi field • of alfalfa andseven of , theni died of overe'ating. • . • • Engagement Announced ° • Mr. and Mrs. 'George Leitch, Hallett, ,aneorince , the engagement of . their daughter, 'bima Lorene, 'te Wilbua Ate - Rorie Jewitt,.also of , Hallett; son of Mr. and-31rs.iReuben.JeW.itt, Saskatche- wan, the marriage to take place early. in September. _ TO Teach at Orangeville Miss Norma 'E. Coats, -de:tighter of Mr.:. and Mrs R. A.' .Ceutts,__ Winghani, sliT's.s.sreeeivetissesnaiipolistan --tos'Alie , Public School staff at Orangeville. For the .last . two. Years Miss Coutts taught In Tiiiptilberry and for four, years prior periodshe_ tau.Oitt'in Hallett -near Auburn. Appointed Postmaster • at Gorrie °• - Gordon .Brown, has been appOinted" eeremony was performed -by Rest. G. G. Burton. The young couple will reside in Clinton. riding, a road grader betWee-it Wroxeter and Belmore when. a C,P.R. train in passingstruck_the, end of the grader and threw McD9nald to the road. He was takento the Wingham flospital :where- it was found lie had a broken ankle, head injuries, lacerations_and shock. after receiving ..attent4on° he was,able to go to his home. ° „ CANADIAN..MILLS. ..OPERATIN4 , - -FULL 'UTAST, • From. 'figures released by the Depart- - ment :of 'Mutations and..Supply, mill$ Special Bargain EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN Western Canada GOING DATES DAILY SEPT.,13 TO 27, 1940' RETURN LIMIT 45 .DAYS' TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVE14., IN COACHES Excbriion tickets good in\Tourist, Pdr or and Standard sleeping- ears- -al available pon payment of slightly higher" passage fares, plus price of parlor or sleeping car accomodation ROUTES.---Tiekets gosd going via Port Anthills Ont., Chiengo, Di' saint Ste. Itlarie. returning via same route and• line only.• Generous optional .,routings, STOPOVF., be allowed at any point hi anada on the going or re- tui,11 Nem or both, 411111 final of tieket on applleation to tile Con- dti et or : 5Io C t Ill.. Sault Ste, Marie, Miels, and the west,' in aeeor- de nee• with t riffs., of *United States liriee. Full pa r tr-----'rs from any agent. Canadian Pacific. .Tired Out Before Day Half Over • W013100. WI10 should be strong midi healthy? become weak, run,down nn4 • worn out,and are unable to attend° I to their household duties. They get ui) in the morning' dreading the day's work ahead of them. SOrae disease or Vonstitutional dis- turbance hat,. left its Mark in the form of shattered nerves, impovers felled blood, and an, exhaneted ,eon- * dition of the entire systein. " Women will find 'in Millburn'll nealth and Nerve rills the remedy they iieed to supply food for the ;. exhausted novo force, and one that wili lielP them back to sound, per -feet health; again. • Z. Milburn Oo„, Ltd.,' Termite, Ont, ,. Western Canada Special B4rgan:t Excursion FROM ALL 'STATIONS IN iASTZAN' CANADA. .. .GOING. DAILY SEPT. 13-27, 1940 inclusive • . .'• Return Limit.--,- 4k days.,, tit'ETS-GOOD. IN-: ' . ' • • coAcians. AT FARES AIPPROIMATELY.. 1-1fic per mile TOURIST 'Sleeping C -ars at far?ss approximately 1-Ifee.'per mild STAtDARD Sleeping Cars at fares approximately 1:-.t.e per mite - Clisst of aceomodation in sleeping ears -additional. , ...IINGGAGE CIIECKED. ',Stopovers at all, points enroitte, goine- and returning, Similar Exeursions from Western to Easteim. Canada During''Saree ,Perisal. I Ticket.s, Sleeping Car Reservations. and all, information from any agent . ASK FOR HANDBILL ' * 1 . T233 ' -.C.ANAj)iAN, NATIONAil mentp.• NO ADVANCE IN PRICES.. - Large foreign granite stock to choose from, A postca w''.. bring u ossto, your home. Free transpertatioil ,.to our ffiee. - 'Williams & Son. Granite:Works 147 a Patrick SL Photie 1955, STRATFORD' •1 I aro, this week transferring my stock of ELECTRWAT. SUPPLIES from 31 West St, to my residence at the corner of Britannia and Bayfield Roads. I will continue to handle% everything electrical and at reduced prOes. • Wiring, repairing and installations ,done without: delay. IT FRANK McARTHUR • mono 82 • We didn't a,sk for cooler weather, but it's here, and with it coznee the tiMe for ° „ STOVES and PIPES Beds and Mattrsses CHAIRS, TAni:Ep COUCIIES and 011/1130A/tDS If we haveu't got the particular piece of furniture you want, we can get it at ()nee. Nu -freezer Ice Creaya Candies--Oigarettes BlackettoorAta's 13R0A1)-WAY 001)ERICII" Phone .240 s rieliVer 4,