HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-29, Page 6WESTFIELD ! I ‘it'kivaii(1,Si). 'old 14.r. Mrs. C•..4W, i. f 1.7....i , , v-4,,i,c)L- ' c>-1 S/i1141'47 Wiltii- \Ir. al1ei W1614/11' 1 }II 4 i'' Allr' '''''''°'.- - - ‘tr` . "I'/4 ?; .%)14-.;3, -1 4',-,4.4,,[1ti 4 1l WoR\ 'UV. .11.,,a Mrs. ilvil, g..4,, .4._, V ,Ji,-r.Ak--o A Ni[v,,i. j(Arl 14toya, OL,., thlt4VIZ•Qt" Mergaev-.., Mt; IA, NL -02:l. of i Wetei...iteei,,; ytelted t Wa1eer, AuRmrn. Alre..i;DeIan 1;01.4.1i3 ''X',, Ond ME':& ..I.Drak ciittir,Aay, lit bi3 imizi.‘ ciirw (lay 1,1,..-.:i. w(iii, '! iMe. and Mr.& Menecli"ce-d.: 'anti ehnd--- 111e• W:irece, 1;auttke7d has Ecklirei CI I len, .7.41E'. Nortn;alt IZatItpr tutti liciikii)1 l wla ; Gorden Snell VReite•il Mr. 44. It .11;((dgvr toplinowe 1tit-.; aiptie:3 LI I. the elie-,e' eg tile ( in Godeeiell Iillespital on SuaRlkeY. ' ,teeiiiiteye. , 1 Mr. and Ws. Wm. -Mc -Dowell, 31r. ,end Mr. enti Mee. C'heetee i1ark,4_,, John ' Mr's, Norman Mcl)owt,11 and ehildren, Alia MarjKiV, a Ea,sz Ifeliediag„ Atic.'1, mr, and mete, Alva meDowell end fam- A,N7.olcd laq,Tnut.day 'Wl'ai Mr.. and Mrs.; ily 1,191fell at the home of Mr, and .1'..ranli ilanipbell. ,. ' " Mrs Parl'er It."'ostIt er Kincardine on i. . • , a , .., , Elaine 13t1infolt11 ,spent a few 1 Sunday. ' v1 :g6 1tt3t. $1,,I.T4 I'Vith .1kirs. Artintri ,me,e3 rem merieweir, :me..;s eeae, mc,". goillerg of Kitt -holier ttud Mlle.:. R. R. I Dowell, Miss ;Mildred t. Thornton. ond Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Steuelmuse 04 ‘Ilvti.,se8k (A.altlinii4;,1111:Ngleat1.ot l4):kIt 1 i1 !1.:t.;;.'s,illtr esi,1:11ilkgiu3- h\ 01 Goderithe--- . lOtaleritit viSitt'd Ur. ;and lire, Bert _ Chas. ROdger met with 'i pionfal ' -'---iala ali;-.f.;,,,V,Aiva J.Veio.'.4'..}..-, efrAti,P,2,27,.. e.kid'Helit- .aii rubbing his litti-k. With gasoline tun' it exploded, vainsinie serious buiiis. .Der: Weir Of Auburn was hurriedly (*tilled taut inShed laim to Gederich Iltdspital.... At time of writhig he was Progre.s.Sitig- aS well as could,be expected, ,..-- ,• THE CODERICH SIONAL.STAR WINGS OF'EMPIRE, ilton were visitore with Mr. and Mrs. ' tnaes MitOtill., and otner ' it wilds, - 'Mr.0 and Mrs. Norman Wightmao, .1.ni.ttty aka Lobbie tind, Mr. , fleary, ;Mover, of 'Welland, visiied Mr. % and •D'irs. Frank, 4,"ampood. , Mrs:. licnr:,,' Ilootir retarited. to Weiland atter vi,it- Mr. and Mrs. 1,Ves. Stztelthonse auel beg frienue fOr Amite, time here. - Miss, Eva Staekhouse of Itruceaeia • Visitors on Saliday with •Mrs.. John visited Mir. idol MrS. Win. MeDowell'eth rilis Wt!t& Mt. and Mrs. JasOn Lilt'. upnday, ofi.Seaforth Ana .31r," J. ,D. Elsley of ' Mr. Leslie 'Buchanan met With t Iketowel, , , ' ' ' .• e 1(tieullar mishap oue eveningIasi .week •, Mrs. Ilarbld Wylie awl. little &nixie.' while ' driving along " the road in •11:s ter, Of British,'Columbia,, are visiting (err. The front wheel eame off' and her Parents? Mr., tind Mrs."John Carter. ran into . the "ditch, It wati,fertunate Mr. dtaymona Iteamontl, was -a Tor- there ,was no serious result,' .wse,there ontO visitor foe a few days.' Mrs. P;t 'IsTri Seleral ehildren in the ear at the einlalley returned-hi:fine -With- lihnefer- time:. -- ---e-------• -- '-',--. •-----,----..--- e ----4 it 1ieek's-YU4f; ' . • e '• MrS. J. 'E. Ellis -and Miss Mary Ell:s The weekly 1-71114.14liale,prtlyer „serviee, t rie V,Isither'this Wt'Vk ,With Mr. ;tad With twenty-four in at tendanee,-: was Mrs. J. D. Flsley of Listowel. aln eharge of -Mr.' Win. Walden.. Mr. peat!' of Mrs., John Cook. -It is Our Wne Carter read the Scripture leseoe. sad duty this week ' to Clironicle the Mr. Jack' Buchanan 14. 1(1 a topie en 'death on i4aturday, August 24th, Of a *"Christian Hospitalitse! Rev. AN -taker highly respected tend well-known citizen Malcolm of Brooklyn, N.Y., gave a help- of ,the community, in the person of Mrs. chil,message. The song and prayer ser- .1 ohn Cook, aged seventy-five years. vice was. uplifting .to all attending. For the hest few year* Mrs. Cook "had Itevelfir.e:Maleolni {dosed the meeting been -in -failing' health and while her with prayer. '' demise was not unexpected it eame as , Mr. and MrS. Eranaersen., Rodger, a decided shock to ' her family 'and Betty and Billie, also Leslie andRalph close frienas. Mrs..Cok had been up Rodger were Barrie visitors- on Sunday, and abOnt as usual until Thursday Leslie 'and Ralph going on m froBarrie afternoon, . when elle, saffered a stroke, to South River for a week's Visitpassing away early gaturday morning. Miss •Battle Wightman and Master Mrs. Cook, whose maiden' name was Norman Wightman visited their grand- Isabella 11odger, was born on lot 33, parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Mathers of Luck- corfcessien,,,4, East Wawanosh, and lived now, last week. all her life in this vicinity. She made 'Mrs. Rogers of Ayr ;is visiting her her home for .the last twenty-eight sister, Mrs. Maitland Henry. years with her son, Mr, ^Fred J. Cook, Mr. and Mise,Chas. -Scott of Milieu of ethiS vicinity. -- She ci'ae, a faithful 1 township visited on Sunday with Mr.e member of the Westfield United church,. and MrS. Maurice lieemam '''. - . and a life member of the Wormet's Vieitors one Sunday with 'Mr. and ! Missienitry Society, taking' an active Mrs. Elwin TaVor were Mr. and Mrs: I part in both When health permitted. -- -ROI- Snell' and family, .o.f 1;ondeSboro, Iler pathway' throngli life was.marked . e_. • by deeds Of kindness and sheer, be - .• • 804V, Al41118T 2011i, MO BLYTJJ ASHFIELD MA:TM Aug. Publie and Vontinuation 1-.elito.!1!:1 wlfl °Pal for the gall 'term On the regAilar date, liziesday, 'Ff.ptember Prid, It, J. 7tr. Ban' bafl returned to hie heine In iCalitallia after a visit here with Ms, father, J. Rarr, and brother, Art Barr. Miss Hazel Pettf3 of LothlOn haS been 'spending hoIlalaYs with Ler Par- ents, M. and Mrs. W. J. rettS; Mrs. W. E. Weekes, of Goderich, re- cently visited her on Rev. Weetes, at the rectory. Mris, It. M. Weehes is inf,kking a good recovery after a serious 'operation which she under,. 1k1iS8 Anne Phillips will atttud trat- ford Nor/nal 'School the ebnaing term,' havihg been successful in her upper school examination, • " aiU Irs. 'Walter Jacobs of Los .Angeles, Calif., have been vielting friends in town. Mr. Jacob§ is , former resident of Blyth, but left here • lwenty-five „years ago. ; Dr. Anderson and daughterof Long Reach, ,Oirlif., are guests of the fortner's sisterk Mrs. .Alex.:; MeGowan. Mr. and Mrs. Xennetli Cowan, Of 'Christian Island, were reeent,gilests of the former's parents, Mr., and Mrs. George, Cowan. • . ' Lloyd Johnston, only son.pf, Aire,and Mrs. Stanley, Johnston, 'has enlisted, •,01yth Red CrosS.-The local :it grAleeeixeld „their meetingen t' - the -homp.- of Mrs. 13. Herrington laSt week. It Wa.s`ltirgely attended, MissjOsie Woo(1,• Cock, the president, Presided and Airs. Charles Toll substituted for Miss Met- calf as secretary. 'Reports,' of the treasurer.showed a:substantial sum on hand. Discussion. regarding plans for the raising .of Other fonds -proved of Value. An interesting address was given by Miss Annie ZleMalnes,-of Of- "taWa, who is Visiting at the home of, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. X. The speaker is employed iTh social ser - Vice work and since the beginning of the •,var has had considerable experi- ence in .war work: The th,anks of the „meetin,„--were teuderea-114is-'Mitines-f-or. her splendid address. PORT ALBERT Leause her lifelvas .full of 'true hOneStY.,. ' 113dIiflC4. and inva -far _her_ fellowmen " Her; husband predeceased' her on-Mareh 2etie 1t125,., She leaves to mourn -her "- joss fodr sobs'and ,two daughters.: Fred- a ad Walter, of - East Wawatiesh: Gordon,. Of , 'Cochrane; George, of Belgrave; May* (Mrs. Reg: Carter), of Woodstock ; Eva ('Mrs. Ear) , McKnight of Auburn; alL four, steP- chilitren 'Dave, a Elgin, man.-; ttateer.A.n.A.,E11:01teth (Mrs, I. Sae, ...(11..11vtlx, and Tom, at home, as well ae; twenty-eight' grandchildren - and eight great-Oamichildren. One (laughter, ,Lilly 13‘11, • predeceased her en Jung • tith. 1028: also Wesley, an infant son. Ti: tire sorrowing 'family ana. 'relatives ch pad.,„wm kilt illes.all day. and the community extend their deepest and every day for three Weeks., - :4 in eV sympathY.• The funeral- 'Was 3 pads. in each packetheld on Monday afternoon. from the 10 CENTS PER PACKET: • 13 thlinseon:!f )1114,:rt.:ra d(i9e,°11:.s'ej:te-eiv:ndnue. te(,i E4 Druggini, •Groaeps, General Stores.; WI I IY PAY MORE the service, readhig iffe Scripture les- _ spp.1__ son from, St. John 14,. 111(1 taking his -THE_ AD,CP.„,n4,1451,14_4,atil, ,41 h 12, 2, -q • • old C sound of throbbing ;motors • increases dolt y over Canada as the British Commonwealth Air • Training* Mtn gathers momentum. An, instructor g ives• a Cenadian student airman last-minute instriuc- . thins before a flight. is- rny eareation, I will trust and no. be afraitir for the•Lord Jehovah is my strength .and mY song, He also is be - Come My salvation.' The Westfield senior quartette sling "We'll Never Grew Old," and two favorite hymus of Mrs,. Cook, -What a friend we have Jesus"' and **Must Jesus • bear the -trrossealone,-"-- were sung. The eask was . covered with beautifol floral de- signs. The ilowethearers. were . seven grandchildren: Arnold t'ook, Westfield; Borden Cook, Myth; Wesley Cook and Nei -man Cook, Belgrave;Derwin Carter, Norwich; Ted Cook, C'Ochralle,; Frank Carter, Elgin Regiment, London. The Pallbearers. were Me. Frank Camp- bell; Mr. Wm. .Walden?' Mr. Raymond Redmend, Mr. Wm., Ma)Owen, Mr. J. T. MeDOweit and -Mr. Marvin. MeDOwell, The interment -was in Westfield 'eerue- tery. Those attending the funeral from a distance -were Mr. and -Mrs. Reg. Carter, Mrs. Bob Pendall and daughter Lois, of Woodstoeke Me,....etozdetia. Cook 'and sou Ted,„ of Cochrane Mr.. land Mrs.' Derwin Carter, Norwich; Mr. Prank Carter,;•of Londen, Mrs. .Plunier of Wiudsor, and Mrs.' Phimer 'of Strae; ford; :also. friends from Toronto; Bruce - Blyth,„ Belgrave and Auburn. .GOPERICA TOWNSHIP GODEIR.Ielil TO I P , Aug. '27. -- Mr. Thos. Edwards of London visited last, 'Week, with Mrs. James Colwell. Mrs. I). J. Lassaliue is visiting friends ' .in Windsor. . Mr. .end Mrs. Dave Elliott, Mr. :Ad. Mrs. A. Ilehdon and .Josephinj, of the 16th concession; s'pent •Snxillay,.With My: • and .)..trs.- James. Young, . . Miss Lilly Elliott is. visiting tills week with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Da-ve leth"cencession. --TheeAugust .ineetfire' -of hte,Dierneitie4 z. ITested Recipes _ HAM FOR MANy OCCASIONS ' What a• convenience it 1,%-iito,.•have cooked -ham, or, a smoked shoulder a pork in the„refrigeratoreready.• to serve at 'a inoment's notiee! One charac- teristic of these smoked meats which homemakers appreciate is their excel- lent keeping qualkty both before and aftencooking., If you buy a ;ham prin- cipally to use as eola Meat for lune!), sumer Or the pidnie basket, why not serve it once as the hot meat for din.. nee? not' birecallatiAs aelicieus AM/ a slide cut from the ham and baked separately maltes a very palatable. hot xneat 'conese..- The Consumer Se'etion, Marketing Service, Dominion -Depart; ment..1of....1.gricultute,...suggests- .the*I- lowing.reelpes foreiliiiii-eildt and cola e. Baked 'llarm Slice for Dinner With Tomatoes Cut slice of hain about 11./2 inChes•thick. Cut ' off rind,' CaVer bottom of cas- serole or baking dish with sliced onions. Place ham on onions. Season 2 cups (=nett tomato:es with salt, Pepper. and ,eingiete _1,1( I •• moderate 'oven (3:10°F.) abOut hours or until lihm is 'tender. With MaPle Syrup Cut §liCe of ham about 714 inches thick. and .eut rintle-,.. Rub about - % tetr- spoon inostard into ham. Stkk a few cloves; into "fat around edge of ham slice. Pour half eup maple syrup over ham. Bake in a -moderate oven (3560 F.) ab011t -1% hours or until ham is tender, keeping ham covered during first part of baking. Ham "Sandwiithes 'for • icnics with .- 13/L Club waslield on, Thursday eyening at f • the -home of Mrs. *J. II. Orr, With 'fifty present. The younger , ones played games on the lawn, -while the older 9hes. chatted. Ice cream. and cake were served for refreshments. Esther Me- Ilwain was -appointed treasurer: On Sunday at Union church Rev. C. L. Brown delivered a very fine and appropriate 'sermon from the text "In all their affliction he wns afflicted, ani the angel ;of ni$ presence saved them". (Isaiah (3:0). He urged his hearers to - rely on God's streng;th, and concluded with King George's. Christmas meseage 'Go out into the darkness, and put Yaw hand into the hand 01 God. • That shall bi"?. to -Ton better than light and safer than; the known way." • Red Cross.,Branch.-The North End 4 brancli of Goderich Townsliip Red Cross': Soelety met on Tilesday evening at the home. of Mr. 'and Mrs EL • •Sowerbv , with a good attendance. The president, Mr..flarold Montgomery, presided. Re- poreS. Were heard and ways and means' discussed. A ifrogressive euchre party will be held ,at. the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Johnston on Friday evening, September 6. The ne5,:t meeting will be _held at the home of Miss. Mary Salkeld. „ on .September 17th.... Joint W,11LS. Meeting. -.-On Monday of this week, the members of the W.M. • S. were invited to meet with the mem- ; hers of North street auxiliary at Vie- • toria street church; •Goderieh.. , A -most .interesting program was presented,'" with Miss G., Ikorthy presiding. ,Miss Anna Howell presided at the piano, and the -meeting opened with the hymn. "(2 Worship...the King" tura -the call, to worship read ti,y; Mrs., George'. Rauh - ler. The Seripture lesson.was read by Mrs. John Sproule, ' A. duet,. -come, Gracious' Lord, the to ''Greetr eoin- pOsed by Rev. F. W. Craik, was sung by Mits. A. Thompson an4 Mrs, MeTavish. Ws, C. L. Brown then introthiced the _study tidbit, and gave an interesting pre- view of the good thinge in store for the next few- months. Prayers were 'of- fered by Mrs., R. Wilson and *Mrs, C. L. Brown. The meeting closed with the hynin Vord and Master Of Vs ; .A dainty lunelr was served at the close (If the. meeting and..a; social hour ell- Jyed'. lin behalf of North' street, ehlirele Miss MeOlinton and Mrs. E, J. Pridlhun spoke their uppreeiatiorwand on, behalf of 'Mrs. 0. Harwood feud Mrs. M. tendered a VOte 04. thalliis' 'to. WO ladies of Viet Ori a street for their kind hospitality. 1 The Royal Canadian Air Force Manning Depot will remain at its. official station in Exlhibi- tion Park. See their absorb- - ing Ground Show, and the colourful"flag-lowerIng" and "changing of the guard" ceremonies.' • See war vehicles, built for troops of the Empire. See what chemistry is doing to help win the war...learn how. manufacturers of all kinds are joining,the light to win the War. Three delightful model homes Completely furnished and ecorated, Red Cross koitting bee? cook- ing School, Music, dancing, 4 entertainMent. A famous contemporary art, show which has been on dis. play at the San Francloco EXpoSitiort-Art of 70 Countries", presented by ioteroationaLI Business - Machines: ° IManyWorld and International' athletic titles will he decided at the Exhibition thiS year.. 2040 promisill; One of the most spectacular Otos of Sports. events in Exhibition, history. Famed throughout -the world Is the big0olirmannand.lhis year it will be a feature of the Exhibition -playing "lightly from the Band Shell. Sit comfortably under the Skies and lieten4-no charge. illekete Olt Exhibition tlieket Ogee, 44 Atielatan SCW..1144226: Meedesee, 90 King St, EL, lea; Rohorru, 15 Moot St. W...K1.0423... ; CANADIA.NRNATari EMI! rir TORONTO • 1940 JrPit, Ps,dert, FIVE A NJr_si-IFS 'Spread two slices of white or whole Wheat bread lightly .with mixture of gratea..ebse.. and butter. Place slice of haM on- one slite ot bread. Cover with second slice to form sandwich.. With Peanuts • Combine equal quantities of chopped Peanuts and eoOked ham. Moisten.with Mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. 'Spread' generously between Slices of white or whole wheat bread. ' Ham Sahuls Or Lunch or Supper Ham and .Egg .Salad 3 cups, diced cooked ham 1 cup_ diced celery 4 hard -cooked eggs, sliced 2 tablespoons minced onion French ,dressii --Cornhine-_ingredient-$, sprinkle' " with Freneh dressing. Anew' to stand, then mix with cooked. salad dressing' or mayonnaise. , Arrange in salad- howl lineti -with lettuce or pile on erisp let- tuce on individual salad plates. , Jellied HaM,Iltpils 0 slices eooked haM Arnall bar will:re-cream cheese or 1 cup pottge -cheese e 'moisten-- - 1/2. uP hOrseradish e • 1 package Teenon 'jelly powder • len cups boiling water ' 1,1 cup :vinegar , • tt;lit:Trof oric'asyaelt iInii Make 'a. paste ot cheese, cream ,and horse radish. Spread generously oa thin slices of ham. Roll tightlY. •Ar-' range rolls in Mould. Dissolve jelly. powder in hailing vv,ater -to which .vine- gar, salt and cayenne 'have been (1 (1,0,1 Cool. Pour over Imur rolls*" and When thoroughly set, cut into eblong shapes with one • hamroll in each. Serve on -crisp lettUce. " If desired one - holt' eup seedless raisinsInfty be (Ode& to Jelly naiXture when partially set. ST. 'AUGUSTINE.- LU CKN OVV: I.,PCKNOW, Aug. 26. -Mr. and Mks. JQ.S. 4gnew;"accompapied by Mrs. Ewen Mackenzie and Muriel, are away for a three, weeks' vacation at .Spiticedale, Muskoka. , Th*tag day held here -in -aid of- the - blind resulted in the collleleit ichilargoef $35.66. Arrangements were of Mrs. (Dr.) W. V. ddhuston and Mrs. R. L. Treleaven, with seven young "girls assisting. •• Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne MacLennan have come from Detroit to live in Lucknow' and will reside In the Congram resid- ence on HAveldck street south. Mrs. Madd'MoGruchy of Vancouver is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. J. Cain - Mrs. Join F. .Andkew and children; John aihl .Betty, Juice left, fOr. Edmon- ton .after a visit of several weeks with atives..hene. - • School. Re-opeMltg.-7-The LucknoW public and High Schools will 're -open oP Monday, September 9th. TWO new teachers will be On the , staff. Miss 'Ruth Matthews of Port Arthur. Will be on the Iligh 'Scheel Staff in succession to Miss Ruth Partridgeewho was reCently , naarrd, and Miss ,Grace Munn-1ft of Toronto will take, the place of -Mrs. IL blichpal-st-aff Boys at Camp.: --Thirteen members i'ff the local Trail Rangers have left for a week at Camp Mirainichi, Port El- gin. :hie boys -are Willard Thompson, TreleavenReg...:Ferguaiiiie7Stall .Prest, Orr, 13111 JohnSton, 'Roy Havens, -Ronald - -McInnis, Elliott -PurVeso George Taylor, Jack Treleaven, Jack Naylor and Albert. Chin. This trip was made possible by the sale of peanuts' at last winter's, hockey mateheS and receipts.from :patrolling the:sWim- min- pool this sumnier. ..;e04haMe-ejaenderson.--41,the.„ hoine: ;ile_a_ Mr-. and Mre. Wellington .genderson,, effeetively • decorated with flowers eof the season,- was the setting for the wedding on - Saturdav: afternoon; August 24th; of their daughter, Joy Welletta, to DOnald George Graham of Stratford, son of Mrs. .Graham of Mitchell and the late George Graham. The ceremony. was performed' by Rev. . C. Todd. .Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attend&l 'by. her sister; Mrs. IV:M. 'Graham of .Winghain, while the bridegroom Was supported byt his brother, W. M. 'Graham( of- Wing ham. " Miss -M. E. Graham of Keewatin, sister of the bridegroonie played the Bridal 'Ohorus.,from Lehengrin. Dpr- ing the signing of the register Mrs. R. D. Trench ,01 Teesivater; sister of the bride; sang "I (Love YOu Truly.", The, recepfkm- and -wedding -dinner e took place Lyden Kincardine; Later Mr. and., Mrs. .Graleam left on a Motor trip, to Manitoulin ,Island and through Western Ontario. On their return they will reside at Stratford. The bride is a graduate of the -Canadian* Mother- eraft -.Hospital,' Toronto. • BIG CITI14.3S LOSING. ' (London Free Pre88), The -AMerlierfreensUSr-ISTheing -taken this year. The complete figure's have, not yet been 'released; but there have' been made public the figures in regard to thelarger cities. They are, interest- ing and show thn't for 'the first time in the'modern history .of the. States there is' a tendency away from the 'big cities Eightof the 'first .25' largest cities show losses in popnlation, 'They a rO. delphia, (Ileyeland, St. Louis, Boston; Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Newark and , Rochester. New Yerk keeps on, grove.; Mg and has a poprilation of 7,380,291. On the other hand,' in the past decade, Chicago has in.crensed. its population. only, eight thousand, no more than London • has grown hi past. tee Years Many of the' larger Allied:can ci ties Milwaukee, ,Buffalo, MinneaPolis and Seattle have bal*C- IV 11011 7their OW11.„ LEEBURN LtEllt`RN. Aug. 27, --On September lst he service Leeburn church.svfll he eondueted by Rev. G. Lu' 1i who Will he' back from his holiday& Miss ShaW li.ft for New Tfirk on Saturday rifternoon after spending her holidays here. At the Sundity seli,vic( here we were P10118041 to have With us. Mrs.. (Rev.) Mortimer;' who a few years ago with her husband was stationed at Auburn. She is now spending holidays at the heitip Mk'. a.nol MrR,. Andrew togle. ' ST. ATIGTISTINE, Aug. `..4). ---Mr. ajrj Mrs. George Finloon.and family' have returned to --Detroit after visiting at the home of Mr, Hugli„King. Mrs, A. gebert of Detroit -visited friende here last week. Mrs. N. ',eddy andeson Edmond and Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Leddr and fami/v attemred' the MeGlenn picnic at rot- mosa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe .1411110, of Seafoith, visited Mr. and 'Mrs.*Ray Leddy on Sinulay. Mr. and -Mrs. Alex. Morrison mid, family of Parkhill visited Mrs...Agaes, Devereanvlast week. Mr, and Mrs.. !George Riordan and family, who were visiting friends here for a week., have returffed to Detroit. . Miss Margaret teddy *f Sarnia is F;13011013m two weeks' vacation With her brother, Mr. Joe L'eddy, and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. A„I3oyle,, with Narnian and spent' two days at the Toronto txhibition this wee]; • Lvre nUmber young people 'from hr e attended the -C.Y.O. picnic at Bay. field' on Amday. PORT ALBERT, Aug. 27.--Pte..,Clif- .ferd Crawford of 'Camp Borden visited last Sunday at his home here. Congratulations. to Mr. and Mrs. Carman Hayden' on the ,birth of twin bon, in the Goderiehllospital last Snit - day., Oilman, is wearing:a ' very •broad smile these days.. "e- . q ' Rev.. L. rafterson At* Hunthigford, Zorra •township, yisited last. week at the -Itoniee-ofeML-Harry.--1-1-a-w-kinseta-d, with .other friends' In ;the.' coininunitye Mr. and Mrs. Atelvin pixen. have moYell to their new hopie on..the-4th concession, as their farm is being used in the building of the new airport. Mrs.. 'Clifford ,Crawford and 'baby daughter Ann are spending this week visiting with .her mother and sisters at. G1101111. ev. in.... ewman wi .prea,ch ur his Pulpsit in the United church next ,Sua- .4lay after spending the pat month with , his family in 'St.- Catharines. . .Mr. and ,Mrs. Geo. Richardson have_ -Moved tO"-their lionie in the TIOTIOW, -having sold their farni to Mr, Wilfred Steenson. . • , • • ' 3.1rs. Robe 'Durnine and liora, Miss . Ellen •Durnin, of Dungannon and Miss - Grace Crawford,' of Oalgary, visited on 1 -Sunday with Mr.,and Mrs. JOhn Quaid.. .Mists- 'Grace' braWford 'returned to Cal- • gary. on Mondas, to renew h,eeete4,-.011.1.4„. Mr. and ..,itrs. Will . CraWford awl Ernest viSited. with friends at Paisley on 'Sunday. - • gging, Dragging Pains In.the Back daily WOR1031118,170 to do their ont housework, and the constant bend- ing over,. lifting, making beds, sweeping, ironing, sewing, so neces- sary. to perform °their household- Autie5 puts a heavy strain on the back: and kidneys„ and if there were no kidney wealincos the back Would be strong and IttelL Doan's Irtidney Pills help to give relief ,to weak, backache, kidney out - felting woinen, Doan's 'Kidney Pills are put, u in, an oblong grey box with our tr • mark a cf Maple Leaf" erf thio wrapper. ' Don't accept' a substitute. Es sure aid get " bOST1 I'S. 9 I tibil 74.4borii 1.401 tro,tto, Osdor HOLMESATILLE ifoLmF,SVILLE, Aug. 26, - Wilding is attending the 'C.N.E..at Tor- onto for a few days this week. Mr. and. Mrs. Chas. Maerhail left on Thesday fqr, a motor. trip to Ilamilton, Woodstock and other points. Mr. •Charlie .Cudmore has been en- gaged for the coming term as teacher' In a school near.,Wingliam„ e • • • Mr. and Mrs. -Chas. Pearce are visit- ing for a few days, with, Mrs. ,Pearce's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson, Mafeking,_. . 'Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'Norman and jaelr were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman, Wellesley. , • Mrs. M. Aiken, Clinton, spent thP week -end with Miss S. Acheson.. . 'Mrs. Will Pickard, !Olinton, and Mrs. FishereTorontO, are vigiting 'With Mrs. Vvaltcy. Miss Wilhelminea Trewartha i holi- daying for a week at RyerSon Beach - iperiormiobik A.S1111:914D, Aug. 26. --Mrs. Dunciaa MacLennan and Mr. and Mrs, .314/e-olra MacLennan ,i'af Barrie am holidaying Mr. and Mrs. kleortro DUnlyar and ,,3013 Donald, id Eth(sl, spent Sluaday at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Francey. Misses Ella !Cowan and Anna Mac- kenzie spent last week Ut Port Elgin. John 'Howes of WrOxeter is visiting his. uncle, Mr. Earl Howes. ' Miss L. Stietherland 'London is a guest of her sister, Mrs.' D. A. Mac - Unman. Rev. Robert Malonnell-occupied the pulpit in A.sbileld Presbyterian ehurell last 'Sunday. The August meeting of 'the Women's Missionary Society was held tit rite home of Mrs. M. V. Mackenzie, Dun, gauranrAuxIliary had been intit41.40,- attend the meeting, and Mrs:Richard MacWhinneY and 3,Irs. :Fitzgerald gave very interesting talks. There wqre about thirty present. BENMILLER * 131(1.NMIILLEIR, Aug. 27. -Mr. tini Mrs. Verne .Gledhill spcnt the week -end_ 'at the beach, guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1.4031111e Oke. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. 101ark,01 tianstig., ° Mich., spent the lweelend with Miss Macdel. The Ladies' AM will meet in the- -elnirelt- -basement- ---orr Wednesday*, - September 4., • Mis.'s Gladys Johns otOlinton waS a weekeend visitor with Mr. and , Mrs. Frank Allin. . e Mr, and Mrs. 'Roy Munro Of Mitehell were eallers in the village OR Wednes-• daY last. Mr. 'and Mrs. Scrimgeour Goderich visited with, Miss Charlette Good, .on Sanday.-, ; Mr. and Mrs. ArthIlt •Glihson of De - trait re spending holidaye With their 'aunt liss Maedel. • algonizin • Eczema 031t Rhium) No rest, day or night, for &Jo osioted with that awful skin' di. - ()wisp eczema, �r. salt rheum as it is I eammincady he i.utense burning, itching -and`, smarting, especially at night,' or when, the affected part' ie emposed to strong heat, or hot water, are almost •Illibeaxable, and relief is gladly welcomed, ' --To„_get,rid_of.„.eezeTnft it is Mew 'surto have the blood cleansed by the -use. of a 'thoroughly reliable 'blood medicine 'such. as Burdock ' Blood Bitters dwrirg the past 64, years has met with grear'siceess • in relieving such diseases by its blood cleansing and purifying properties, ' The T. Milburn Ltd., Toronto, Ont. 1) , PEEICERY Emeo\RiAts. Of modern design -Finest Mater: ial and r Woyhmanship. Ounrkiagham & Pryde -EXETER SEAFORTII Phone 41 ' Tuesday & Saturday FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED 0. A.4 DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed /promptly and efficiently. WILLIAM STONE -IONS -Sim* phone ofCOLLECT" fa „ ° LIMITED PHONE 21 • INGERSOLL "601 r 21 Clinton" Iliwoommillafteftimtaft Your ittext Visit to TOnONTO Try', HOTEL WAVERLEY -Locqted on Wide spadina Ave, . at College St. Easy Parking FaellitieS Convenient to Hghways • $1.50 to 32.50 Rates Four to Room, $5.110 0.00 Double 52.50 to 0.00 Mee' to iho University, Parlia merit BultdInos; ' m4Ple Loaf ' TheatPos, Hosultal/3,1 Wholecalo Heuset4., and the Pashienable Retail Shopping Distria. 0 titi POWELL. Intesibtto R.,Wheeler runeai Illireeter and riubaltiler AR calls promptly attended to • day or night ' --41,18.1111111AlsiCt o Phones: Store 335. itts: 355W., liamilton- Street, •Goderich Monuiiients! To -those nni.e°ralittenemt P.4t.1.110gel)tuinild- y prices before buying, Cemeterey Lettering a specialty. " All work guaranteed. • • JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE. WORI5S Clinton Ontario 'Successor to Ball. 84 Zapfe BROPHEY'S .FUNERAL : SERVICE (Established 1875) TRADITIONAL SINCERITY AND, - EXPERIENCE • _-0- Prompt 4 Anibtqance Service ' 'hone 120 1?LOTh M LODG , Director Sympathetic and Sincere Service Dignified, but uot Expelisive TIIE, E. E. CRANSTON PUNF4tAL flOM 24-hour Invalid Car Service: ,17 Moritre0 8t. Phone 399