The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-29, Page 5ThUI1MYVA..10.118T 30tb, 1,40 MILLINERY Now ready with the NM YAM IiILLINERY dy Biltniore Casual Suit Hats Itatronly Berets • Youthful Pompadours j, Re.blocking and Ae-modelling Gotham Geld Stripe Hose McKiimnon's Milunery P4opp 155 Square 1,1} ara. W61 ASHFIELD ; Alig• -2r. lettr-IV4 nre Pleat -';ed to report that. Mil. Murdoch maeiCenzie Wo.$ able to return home trOM Goderielf Hospital. He is verr ranch leaproved in health. . Onr popular And efficient carpenter, Alactaan, has secured a ion at at Sky Harbor airport near 'Godes rieh. • ., Mr. Eugene O'Keefe, is Working at the airPort, at Port Albert'. IVIrs';',Duncan'MacIiityre has returned hogie after, s iidin i. -week 'with' her sister, Mrs. Affac-Kirplon, in Parkhill; Mr. Donald MacKay of Can* Borden is visiting 'with WA :parents, Mr. And John -Ma,cKay. , Mrs AUX.: JohnStOn,-dt„Ohichgo J. elsiting with 'her Sisters in Aeltfield. We extend eongratulation$ to. Mr. Gordon Fenety and Mrs. FenetY (ne'e, Jessie AlAcithe),,' 1,V1io Were married •recently in, ,Toronto.: 1Ve• WiSli , "them many. lOng, years Robert Seott and -Barbera, of Windsor, are•vieiting with. her Mother, Mrs. Kenneth MacLennan. Mrs. Alex, IVIaeLennan. , of...Chicago called on her many Ashaeld friends re- centlee, The Angliehne:wliO litive been ocupy ing ,the presbyterian, Camp at kintail ter the last three weeks returned to• their homes ou Tueedayee_The_young......Kif - people -;-of the • Anglican'. Choreh were nnd'er a very. efficient gaff; lecluding Rev. T. J. Fillify Of. London as dean ; Rev. j....Grahain a Baylield; Rev. j. Geoghegan a .Strathroy,„ Rev. A.- C. Calder of Goderich, Mr. Duncan of •Windser and Miss Noralt ,Siften of Ridgetown. Mrs, Aubrey CollinS and ehildren, of iftrAtfettVeIt.rie7-ae.enitine eeitiCtier* At the horne of her loonier, Mrs. William Drennan, while her husband, •Who !las enlisted, is overSeaS- • Mr, and Mrs. Bud Farrislx are oc-i- euPYing Mrs. Dick AlaeDonald'S house l. In Kintai• Mr. and Mrs. Alf. 'Collinson a Lon- don spent the Week -end at the home of Mrs. George Collinson, • ST. HELENS, HELM' S, Aug.- 26.--14,1e. and Mrs. Wm. Blue and Margaret, of .De, twit, were recent guests a .31tr. and: Mrs. D. _Andersen._ .,-On their return' - - they were accOmpanted by 'Miss Helm Blue, who spent the'vacation here. r, Visitors in the ,communitY included Mr. Leonard Taylor of,Edmonton"With Mr. T. B. Taylor; 'Mr, Neely Todd of Stratttard at his home heret MisA-Marie- MacCharles of Toronto and Miss Sadie MadClaarles of Ripley with Mr. and Mts. rno Et Gaunt, Miss Margaret jefferSon et Donnybroeic with Mr. and Mrs. Stan,- ley Todd; Mr. and ;lir% .Artlaur Bram- hall Harailton with Xr, -.And :Airs. • Lorne Woods; Rev/M . Ur. andrs, Burn ,of Selkirk, Mr. and Airs. Harry Hiltoh of Toronto and Mr. Mel. BrOWn of ehenerewith -M-renndeltrs:Rottinsoll- Woods. , Rev.G. A. and Mrs. Barnard are vieitors in. Toronto, Mr. •George Taylor of •Wingliam will have charge of the service in the 'United church next Sunday morning.. , 'SCIFOOL OF COMMERCE puNT0N, oNamitio FALL TERM SEPT. 9, 1940 Courses: Stenographic and Commercial -Special- and -Cori deuce Courses arranged. * Applications for Civil Service Examila^ . • , tions tor Clerks must be filed by Sept. 15th 1941 Write for, informatiOn-plione 19$ AL A. STONE, Corn. Specialist r.r,iVARD,- B.A. Vice-Prhi. Principal Round. Trip'itaitiVargains From GODERICH, SEP 67 TQ , . OTTAWA lapaRpAL., ' '.$9.45 $10:75 • $14.75 -- ,. , Ste. /km& de Beaupie ei K. 9t, Trois Rivieres _ 4.p.i.e/400 $12 95- . . , . , Return' Limit Sept. 9 Net g•o-old. on 3 peTeetrain from 'Otbatha and Montreal'', t'llQ„I1HE 101,11Ri,ITIMES SEPT. 5.„ Afl 3wfiddled:1 -Pac!''ff.0 StEitiOnti trinsivick All „Dolma:Won Atlantic Ry. !Stations in. Nova Scotia' . For -Braille, detailed,. service •ete. •Consult Agent ---Secure handbiil Not geod mitt rni on. R..p:m. Train: from Montreal SAtITIL, Uptown Agent. 35 CANADIAN _PACIFIC - • ••••••••• in11116. Tuesday, Sept. —1940 oho°, Opening Specials LOose Le4f NOTE BOOKS • Inside Rings SPECIAL 15c EXERCISE BbokS' Good Paper—Ruled. or Plain .80 page Special 50- t4EONLETR:Y SETS Celluloid Protractors. 500 • SCRIBBLERS.° Rough Paper:—.14iled or . • Plain • 18a -Page 144 page Good., Paper Ruled txereise Books Regular 25ce ,...Special 15c A • \ Is and Public School TEXT BOOKS AND, ALL SUPPLIES Pen Hoidens's. ..`; .,..... , : 50 I Erasers ........ 10-20-5c • Water Colors ,...., 250---10c. - FOR, SCHOOL USE Mucilage ..... . 10c Loose Leaf Refilis Ore‘yons . — Art, Paper 100-3.5e Bring your list to Cole's artd have it filled complete, where there is a stock of all School Supplies 01110111121111111111111111.111101111.10111.111‘ COLE'S' BOOK STORE ilEAMPARTERS POR SOHOOrc PPLIES Goderich Established 1869', Phone 91 ME GOMM= Dt N(ANNON 14' NefANNON, Aug. Mise \Bea itaki„.,ee gueie lthet week, her oliter-in-law, 31re, Ed, Elliott, of 4.441, gary„ Mr. and Mrs, Arthur and 3Ir. aud Mrs. Lamb heve 'taken rooms- at the fariti house a Mr. R, J. Mamie. The men aro employed as trtiek-drivcrs the 'airport work. Miss Alinnie 1)lekson, on the' staff of (ck 4oirich Hospital, IS enjoyiag a vaca- tion with her parents, Mr. auel Mrs. Thos. Dickson, sr., Who have recently moved to the village. - AWs:, Grace. VrawfOrd, who teaches 'at Calgary, , and enjoyed the holiday with her sister, Mrie• It. J. 1,harnin, and other relatives, has returned. to the West to resume her duties., ' Mr. and „Mrs. Frank: Padovan, ten au $free -.4e.'15. Vtieeetetieve.-6,,4442-iit: the airport work, Spent the. weekend at their h.onle in Windsor.. Mrs. ,Stene- hoUse aecompanied them to Exeter and visited relatives there. Visitorslast Friday with Mrs. Henry YIrliSen Were Mrs. Percy Sanderson, Mrs. Chas. Sharne and two little dangle, `tors and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker. Friends will remember them. as tamer °Duegannonites. Mrs. Iiiii•ICoung, Geelee, rich, also Spear, the day With Mrs. ,on. , • • ViSitorS With Ur. and Hervey Mole on 'Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mole, Laura and Vera, of Se.e.torth, Miss l'Ir.realifred SWant of Belmore, and Mr. Stevvart MeDonahl,' of Ripley. -Air., and, Ur& Walter StaffordpdaUgh, ter Dawn. and 'Miss' tOenevieve ttamile ton, Toronto, were weelteend guests with Mr. and Mrs. JO, Itamilt012.,: VisitOrs recently With Mr. and Mrs. Wm, fCaesar were Mr. Adolphus Caesar 4,141hiselstaighter, Mr. James Ash - Worth, her huslianil and little girl, from 'Cuyahoga Falls, a suburb of Akron, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs- Gorden Kidd and ehille rent of 'Whighain, are visiting the lady's Parents, Mr. And Mrs. John ityan; • Mrs. R. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Rich. Me, Whinney attended' the meeting of the Kintail branch of the Presbyterian W. M.S. at the home -sof Mrs-, McKenzie, Xintail, :Wednesday afternoon of last week. Miss Madeline Caesar, who has cabs pleted her 'High School education at LucknOw, and Miss Alma Anderson, from the Goderich, are planning to attend Normal School at 'Stratford this year. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Duff, %ill' Ray and the 'Misses 'Blanche Buell, Edith Itroal and WhiliifeedeViekel, ef Lona: ingtone. visited :friendsin the villhge. Many will remember the Duff family as former DungannoniteS. Dungannon school, S.S. No. 8, Ash- field, opens as Usual: for the tall term on September ariL ' -Mre3Valter 'Dickenson spent -the week- .encl• 'with his friend Mr. Wm. Sage, Sheppardton. The .Women's Institute meets on Thursday at the home. of Miss Ferne Robb. Mr. Thornton Eed.y left on Monday' tb accept \ a: elerical position 111 ' the re- tradting_alliee., at _London.. • Mr. and Mrs. Eedy and family spent . Sunday with relatives at Milverton. Private Gee. Hamilton, -after a ten- _ leave from the army, -returned on .Sanday„.to „London. • . Takes New Position. -Mr. J. D. Rich- ardson last week tendered his resigna- tion as lineman with the Gotierich Rural Telephone Co. He has accepted the position of soperintendent„ of the Aylmer,Malahide TelepliOne Co., where seven other, meti are employed on the lines'efie'eRichafdSbii'lehS; • • -1' Dungannon nine years and on Septem- ber 9th 'leaves to take' over his new duties. Mr. Jack McGee has been en- gaged to fill the vacancy:, 'CARLOW CAAILOW, Ang. 28. -Mrs. Gauley and two children, of" -Cleveland Ohio, are spending the week with her mother-in-law, Mrs. ,Gauley, sr. Mrs. R. M., Young, Miss Isabel ,and Phyllis D. Walter, of TOronto, are visiting reiatives this week before 're- turning to Toronto on Friday. • • 'Rev. A, M. Boyle. occupied his pulpit ern ehuteh nn StgidaY _afternoon. There was a gOod congre- -,* .ga tion. • ,- Aileen Bean is visiting her aunt; Mrs. Hugh Hill, Benmiller, for a couple of vveeks. •. Mr. Hickman of Toronto, a student, had charge of the . services on thel United Chureh circuit on Snnday. and I gave a helpful,address on "Worthwhile Work." •14. • ' . The grain is all cut anci•the threshing machines are busy. The.raihs have de- layed stook threshing somewhat, but the cooler weather makes work easier. Now if prites would go' up -a- little, -It would be more 'satisfactory, but se far we have "Petiee and plenty," so bo thankful. •Mrs. Thomas Anderson of town visifed her couSins, Miss H. Clark and Mrs. Henderson; on Thursday.. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilkie and Atibrey- viSited With the iforraer'S mother at 'Cedarville on Sunday; and Ellen re -- turned with them. •. Mr. and .',Mrs. T. W. Wilson spent Sunday- at Parkhill, and Mae, after a ' two weeks' visit there, returned home with' them. • . • Mrs.' Itod.' Bogie has jellied, her 'has - hand, Captain Bogie, and is now oe the water, ' -• Rev. Gordon Hazelwtiod. and Mrs. • Hazelwood are expected back next 5i - day and on September 8th anniversary services will be held here, and Dr Alexander MacMillan will be tile- 'Spe'aker. Greenslade Bakery Try Our Delicic±us Buttermilk Loaf • also our Guest Loaf Whole Wheat Soy Be= Cracked Wheat Phone 184 Prompt Delivery °I3AYFIELD DAYrIEW, Aug. 01aude Bobbins and, t:rtall daughter Clatelia, eDetroit, are visiting the tormer'a mother, Mrs. We J. McLeed, »r nrniArse Ji i Lewis o Toronto retrimed; home on Storiday• after sPeall- lug two weeks:with Mre. N. W. 'Woods. Misses dlarbara and at Morley of Pleasant Ridge, Mich., are the guests of ,their Aunts, the ,Misses •MorleY, at Mrs ,11%;•",x„in•,,g_and‘mrss Hilcia: Klux of London, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. At Dutot • • „Miss Jean Butler of St. Catharive is visiting her aunt, Mr, Wm, Ferguson, • Charles, John and 'Barbara Plater of Detto t are spending ten dayswith then. grandittenief, Mrs. W. j. 'McLeod. Mrs. Ernek Rohn of DetrOit is the .exta• r..oe: her parent; Mr. and Mrs., D. • Miss C. Rankin of 'Mount' Pleasant, Mich:, is with her sister, Miss Juda, at their eottage n ..the Terrace. • • Mrs. J. Barrett and son, Norval Agnew, of Detroit, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. IL. Weston .•• ' •• Mr. and Mrs. P,ineout and •family, .Buffaloare at their *cottage ii • Jowett"s Grove. , Mr. and Mrs. james Rowatt of Lou- • don are the guests of •the formers mother;Mrs. 'A. Rowatt. „ •Mr. and Mrs. Normahe Toms, Who -spent the past tWo 'weeks with Mrs. E. . Toms, .returned to Detroit on Sunday': Mr, and Mrs. 'Harold; Weston and small son returned tre*Detreit. ou Sun day -after spending two weeks here. The dates for the' Bayfieldjrall Fair • are September •25 and 20. • The Hel- stein.Club a Huron County will have an exhibit thiseyear, • , fielTd.iee next meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held Friday, September h,alt-rp-.MT-in the. Orange -Ma •ay- !. ' Golf Ciub.-Ideal weather favored •a •large entryin the ,G6.1f Club's cup event on Saturday last: Players. were, pre-. Sent *frOin as 'far ..north as Xineardine. and as far east as Torento, and,they • Made a great bid for the cupewhich was won by W. D. 'Stevenson, a London, With a one -stroke advantage over O. A. Mustard. Events were keenly-conOste,d and players, commented, favorebly On Wei 0.Xtellentlilayang-conditions-„o 'fairways and greens. The WinnaS, on Saturday -were : WD. ,Stevens'on,' lbw? net,; •C. A.„Alustard, second, low net B.,Hancock,, low gross; Dr. T. H. „McColl, low gross, first nine; F: Scott, low gross, second- nine; E. W. Kendall, loiy net, first .nine ; J. A°. Cameron,, tow net second nine. Prizes were donate,1 by Scotchmer's Hardware anti the Club. A. field day _will be held on 'Saturday, .Abgust 31.st, for men and women to Mark the andel closing of the 1940 season. • Concert by Visitors. -Summer visit- ors in Baffield staged an amateur con- cert in the Town Nall on rriday even- ing, to establish a -patriotic fund from •which the local Red Cross can draw for gifts .and eigai:ettes for soldiers' wto have enlisted from this locality.... The sum of $47, was realized. Ley. F. H. Paull acted as chairman. The 'pro- eTane which drew great applause from a large audience, consisted of the fol. - lowing numbers f "0 Canada" and 'Well Never Let the .0Id Flag Fall," by the audience; opening chorus, There'll Always Be .an- England" and 'Carry On," by a group a children; pianeforte solos by David Trout, •De-, troit; dance by marionette, "Clippo"; song by Mrs.H Ahrens, Detroit, accom- panied by James- Rowitit, Lan -dour reecho; ,by .MiSs Ruth MeAllister, Lon - 'doh ; voCal solo by Sandy Trout, De- troit; mouthorg,an solos by •'James Roveatt, 'London ; "Roaming -in.%'•the ,Gloaming," by Harry Lauder (Mrs. E. P. Lewis, Toronto) ; quartette by Mrs. F. H. Paull, Mrs. R. Middleton, Miss Ulu Woods and Rev. F. n. Paull. .An interesting fequre was "The Family Album."' Miss Anne •'Walden, •taking the papt of the granddaughter, becomes reminiscent over the old family albuin. Those vviin played parts were':• Mrs. AUan McKenzie,. !Miss Doris. Steven% Margaret Tillman,- Ohristahel, Stogdill, •Betty Gair(iner, Dorothy Hart, Hart, NaneY • Orr, Lillian Alkenhead, AlaiseireteItall • Dr qnd Mrs Cl • dill, MN. Robhi ,TInntr, Mrs. Bruce Shbleton Messrs (1 Melia eve Peter Tillman, Jack AIcTagne , ani' Alexander. '' • • • CRETE ntutiber from here attended Ow anniversary' services at -Blake's ijiilted chureit en Sinelay last. Stook threshilig. is the; order of 'the day- around2here When the 'weatheeman permits. „ -;The tinkle of die ,50001. bell will soon be 'heard' calling all pupils back.'SEW Q!1I1n of'Kineardine wilishe in eharge. NILE , Miss Evelyn Bali of Toronto is spend- ing a. few days %yid' Mrs. Bone. • "Yetne friend ;Rogers is a, dood, fel- . low," someone said to' Mark Twain of IL Rogei.e of 'Standard Oil faille. e'It'e a pity Ws Money is tainted." • "It's *twice •tainted,'! drawled ;Meek. 'Taint youre and Taint mine." ‘10 GRAND . BEND Dancing Nightly Till Labor Day Last chances to enjoy the Cascade ° Rhythms of • . • WILLIS 'TIPPING'S Orehestra •MinNOEP DANcti 12.05 a.m. Monday, Sept. 2nd The Holiday Evening Dance will be a FROLIC AND CARNIVAL - NUM • • A riotous, happy farewell to 1940 Summer Season Men 50e . Ladies 35e Children 1.5e LUCKNOW PIPE BAND Sunday Afternoon and Evening SURF SHOP & BATitimiusc OPEN TILL MIDDLE OF SEPT. PERSONAL MENTION jietee pedal- itotwee, of Barrie, welt iu w4 for Ile, we,ek-en41. Viola 13beent1i,el of Bulfeta,, spete a week at her home here, Mi a1y hiwell and Mi Ju it Tioripittg this wi_4.14:., MiSS Catherine Sale has returned to Toronto' after a visit with friends la ewit. Mrs. D. •-1. liernighan, of Toronto, Is • thiting lter parents, Mr, and Mee. Wee Rivers. add Mrs. Win, Binge, East street, spent 'Sunday with Moir daligli- ter at Belgrave. • Mre Frank Sellery, o The Detroit Free I'rees, is a guest with leis 4iister, Mrs, WLT1. Rivers. • •-eeltfr;• tiact-Or itertalegreileseted elatzg&-_. ter , Ottrol, of Midland, vaned on friends tenet. on Saturday. ° Mr. Alex.° Anderson of Toronto is eikdting with ids • sister, Ma E. IJ. Oleveland, West street - - Miss Maud Howell has ,returned from a visit of two I'Ve4S, with 'Mrs, J. II. Dawson at -Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. end Mrs Win Melkie‘Of Elora; With'their Son Jack uiddaughter Mary, are ASiting with Mrs. A. D. MeLean. •Mr. and Mrs. A. L Anniston; of Cleveland ' 0 were in tpwa for the week-;eml, glees? of 'Air. and Mrs; L. L. Knox. '• Rev. and *$. S. R. Welling and twQ 8011.Ej,oframsville, were in town 'earlyein.pie 4,,ek on theirewayJioin after Viteation«- Mrs., A..M. Kirk Of Seatorth 'vette 'in Goderich on Wednesday and is leaving shortly. to spend the winter in Detroit witheher daughter, Mrs. Creighton, ° Mrs. W. M. 'Anderson, of Havana, Cliba and Tort:into, spent the week -end with iss E'. Buchanan, Church Street, Mr. and:•Mrs.• WM.-Bloomfield • 'have received ti," letter stating that their Son, Private 'Carl Blocanfielii, had arrived safely in England.. . Mrs. 0 W Ferrier and daughter, of -Oshawa, are visiting; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pinder, St: David's street. •• •• • Mrs. R. W. Munro and Children 'have returned tO their home at Stratford after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. R. 'Pinder, and their Mint, Mrs. John Stork. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Bisset and family are away oii7-6;7fen days'-niotoring trip durin,. whieh they planned to isit North Bay, • Callender, Toronto' and other points. • •, • ' • Mrs. W. 1. Blehartan and daughter Joen,are spending the week at Toronto. Miss Ada Ferrara,' of London,. has been spending a week's holid.hys at the parental hottie 'here. • •' Aircraftsman Harold K...-'itterner-spent the week -end- with his parents, Ur. and Mrs. 1tr. Turner, after completing his course at -Trenton and St. Thomas-.• He is now stationed the Bombing and Gunnery •Sehoel, Jarvis, Onte : Mr. Leslie 'R. Nafter, son of Mr. atid Mrs. K. :E. '1.affieli passed 'his' examin- ations with lion'ors at the Galt Aircraft School and has been sent to the man- ning depot,'"R.C.A....F., at Toronto, Stratford also Pt -e. .11, W. Hart,- E'er tn Regiment' (M.G1 ), or Camp gorden, accompanied .by his mother, Mrs. W. 4 Hart, 1.Seaforth, were recent visitors at theTlio,me of IfiAnd Alrs.:5V.-leierrepee, Huron road. " - e- Jcihu 134, Areastron„,e• of Torontois spending a few- Weeks .in town, and while here 'is studying for his primary F,R.C.S. (•Can:), which he hopes to write off in September: He is the gueSt ,A.111s. aunt. ..11,Lss tech a men „„Churgle street. • • • Gneste at *the- Aliss Woodstoek ; Miss M. *Wool - latt, Windsor ;Mrs. Walker, Miss Lil- lian •Orcus, Toronto ; Mrs. Hamilton, 1Godetieh; Mrs. J. Wallace McDo• t St. Marys ; I. Coughlin, London; Elsie Jackson, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. tJahn E. Harris, Mrs, 13. G. Harris and kaDelle, Woodbridge.; Mr. and Mrs. E. :The Wait, Detroit; Katharine • Ward, Mercy Ward, Mrs." IRoyland Banks, :Rockville, Maryland; Mr. and_ _Mrs.' LtnS, Gainsburg, Ind.; Mrs. 3. E. Older - shit*, Miss Emma, Russell, Miss Lena Russell, Chatham.; Mrs. L. Randall, 'Stratford ; Mrs. R. Breoks and Phyllis, • Mies Cook and Mrs. Greenhill, Toronto; Miss Francis Twaintey, Miss Flo Urqn- • hart, Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. G. Hem and son, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, L. P. 'Rundle, St.. Catharines; Mr. , and Mrs. L. 13. Story, Franklin,. N.H.; B. F. •iWard, R. V Irwln, M A. Stone, Chu - 'ton ; Mr. • and 'Mrs. Wes, Parry, 'Chatham ; Mr- and -Mrs, Jos. Farr and children, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs: Aoseph IV; Ramsey, Saginaw, Mich, TIP TO TEACIIER$ At the emi of To universit., studies, when I was leaving formy first prd-4 fessotial J:(}.1}, I went to- say- good-bye rtroremhty. oid teacher, William Peterfield • "I can give you no theoretical advice in f)pdagogy," he said, "but , telt you one thing from experienbe. • It will frequently happen when yen are -hold - Ing forth that some boy in tile class will disagree. • He will probably shake his head violently. You will be tempted. to go after him and convert him then and there. Don't do it. He is prob- ably the only one who is listenihg.". .—John Erskine.' ANNOINCE_ • SUPERTEST ervIce Station • Is now under new management and I wiJl be pleased to welcome a call from old and new friends. Free and. friendly serv24-w4Il* Our direct .44014JW W4t. &WALT. SEW iglA you, • Our c'oruNete line of Petroleum Products include the • NEW SUPERTEST,. WONDER GASOLINE 'TIRES BATT 'ERIES AOCESISORIES GREASING WASIIING. TOBACCOS Refreshments are also included ill, our servioo. DEAN BRENNAN Cot, HamiIteik_ana Victoria -Ste. PHOZIZ - ,Thorough • She was a, eOlIege gradirateee ,trained in thoroughness, .accura.ey and eillei7 •eney. ° When she applied for a -job to a wholesale groger, he was impressed and engaged her. As her first task sl,le was ttold to make a complete inventory of his ,stock, beginning with the goods in the oiler. , , • „ Threedays passed. The merchput saw her Come and go each day, and finally, wondering what she Was doing all that thne down in the cellar, he went to find out. She was working •et his stock of peanuts, pretty, flushed and. energetic. Asked how she was getting along. !she wiped her dewy fore- -head and said, 'Tire had ,time to count only a few sacks, but -1'10. 'Tute figures are exact SO .far, there are precisely 26,657,$T1 peanuts.' • •--eGelett 'Burgess The latest colleetton of "schoolboy howlers 'Manufacturing: In Australia is of minereimportinceeliecau4-the •natfves there are of a lazy type.and'don't care. 'There are two classes of elergymen7- tbe beneficial and the Unbeneecial. . The appendix is a part of a book for which nobody found any use. St:, Andrew is the patent saint of Scotland. The patent saint of England is the Union. Jack, : • The o41,y terilele of clothingzan Ghandi is The sutloin. • A,.barrister is a. thing they put up in the street to keep the crowds back.. Oliver Cromwell was' a bra, strong .1:a,ardtortis er, . hnhttroae,_ gr;eates_t. thing, was the, • In the -entre ofeenstralia there is a , great deal of nothing,- • .„ The .American governihenk at last vdoecis.de_.d .t allthe Indians reser- vo• irs. , SIIIPOUILDING IN CANADA In adthtton fc• the well adraneett naval eonstruction pxogram inriviag the building of ninety-two vessels, Jit ,plaich, a portion is now afloat, the Can- adlan ship Conversion Program. $31 pro- gress slat* the beginning or the war, t3 ,proceeding altead of schedule. AtznY conyerted vessels are now in service ea the high seas with the ROyal. C41144/14 Navy. - 11111.111111111.11 Elizabeth Arden SITGOESTS • \.\ eeti mai.10.1.1A1.1111 AimoriOgiper reasurette Elizabeth Arden's gay pin And -gold' beauty,. chest contains no less than 7 -,of her Essentials for Loveliness. A perfectly grand gift for a birthday, a bridge, or an anniversary. Ne tiopa Hbising__AeLettaAelpFonglite, modern, cheap houses .within the _rel of thousands of '0,anadians -hitherto unable to afford the best In constred- tion. Three N. H. A. houses are toe be built at .the Canadian- National Exhibi- -tion. Attendants will he Tresent to answer questions. When In TORONTO ' visie the Si Regis Hotel Sherbourne St. at Carlton. One Hundred Modern. Rooms with private baths, Showers and private telePhones. • ROOM40 single, from $2.00 to $2.50 Room, double, from $3.00 to $3.50 • and $4.00 GOod Food served it 'inaddrate price. Dancing nightly,: no cover /*Irv, u ore • Phone 90 oderich rugstores VINININ11.11111.111.1111111111.00111111.1111.1111111.1 • Take reat pride in keeping their stocks of these nationally advertised. ,items as Complete as possible. • . Prices /Or Week 30th August to 6tli Sept. inolustire- ird7L- 40417G Corks, *Alum, Fruit, Jar Rings, Preserving Powder, 'Para -wax, Parke's Catsup Flavor Castoria . 29c;-690 Cutex Nail Polish Natural, Gadabout, Cameo Orchid ,Coral Compound Extract of Wild Strawberry. . 35e Ironized 'feast reg. $125-Tonie, • and Ptirifier-for $1.19 Gillette Blue Blades 5 Blades with one free '25e 10 Blades with two free . .:750e • 6 Cameras, Films, Developing, Printing • 24 hour Service Blue Jay Corn Remedy Liquid or Pad Fountain Pens .... $2.15 Bottle .Fountain Pen Ink Free • LOVALON 5 Rinses 35e a TON 45e -75e Perrea-Gless .NOOr Wax for good house., keeping ... 43e greftmisiopemilereoloproorrawerporaiirm • English Ifealth Salts Very effeetive for lazy livers .,,.39c 1 Modess 23e for '45e IMODORAIsITS Odorivo 35e -..59e • Oilorno ' -35e , • °darn° Cream ...35e ' Arad .... 39e -5'9e 1)ew 33e --49e ..... 35c • Muin 33e4 -59e • 'CONTAINS VITAMIN B-1 Nerve- Food ... 49e E. SI L. Pills 29e Ointment . 49e • Parailol •Xie Mistol Nese Drops 35e Bint bRUGS AT THE DirtraSTORE CAMPBELL LAUDER DUNLOP WIGLE Phone 90 Phone 19 • 1hone'45 Phone 1 GODERICH wooccorrs • 15410 , •