HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-29, Page 2obtricil Wigittat-*tar
Puhlishad by a4ignal-Star Preaa,
Welt Street, -Goderiehe Ontario
IIIIIIIZ,SDateY, A*1170,1JS1 Fn91-11, 1910
. - ,.• „ • •
ZDITORIAL NOTES •seantainavian vitilagg, whoreas mil.
modern Norwegians and Swedes are tar
"British Morabers Blast Ierlin.", Iiot.
iess Viking in. theie blood type and more
dove /Hitler liUe that for •t. headline?
a blend ot central and eastern
Europeans. Thus the. Scot who Wandet:s
One Vol, TGeorge A, Drew is reported all over tile co.rtt ear, traee hie roving.
ine having made a speech at Iianailton tendenelentetct to the hardy Norstninet,
r'4111e,r"-tlay":.' 'W1)exn"tanee-W-e‘b.e4.0 -Waae, eaaearareigeweer Nola eareeseeeto
that name before? to far Janda and iiiiibably syere the
liesteFauropeana to reaen what is new
flow to carry the; reglatration card is called Amerien.... -
, liaid to 1)e a new problem tor the ladies.
'Some of the • deai girle can't even put .
it in their eteelliAg.
Augast has been shovving us Tiler
Q0o1 .side, alid.,Soptember Illtety enough
will be a seorcher. The •weatlaer'e
vagariee' nave been pa.rtieularly marked
... this year
No Western Pair tnieauti no
Goderielf Exhibition. With these
--eatanntetaattraet ions-aanta.of-thaeapKtu re
there should be big crowds at the
s Toronto show.
Tlae Princess Alice at Toronto salt
he bad net been, prepared for the
bet ya Ontario and was surprised
by its loneliness. And she hasn't seen
.tbnebest part .of it yet.
* • „
• Toraorrow'e battle will not be , won
with theammunitiOn used today. .There
'Isa constant, demand for money, and
' lots of ite*to keep Ca,nadaes war effort
Keep on parchasing‘war stamps
and certificates with your odd dimes
end dollarS.'.
the new' Minister will, find a seat has
uorai, been (let/ermined, at least so far
as indicated by any ,public announce:-
naent.' It is known that Mr. Hepburn
is...anxious to avoid any contested
elections; but, ulaleSs anagreement is
'reached hetWeeu 91 -e -Parties -alt wilib
almest necessary to fill the othei
vacancies in the' Legislature?' when a
seat is being provided for Dr. Mc-
Arthur.- Huron -Bruce,' for instance,
was not represented arthe last session
of the Legislature; and the people a
that riding Will` hardly eontented
te remain . without representation
throu.gh another session. There is ,an.
impressiOn abroad that Mr. Hepburn
and GOl. George Drew, the Conservative
leader, are .getting together to forin,
•sOine kind of coalition 'Government.
Col. Drevst has been. strangeb silent
•Sinee the last Federal election, a.nd Mr.
HepbureTairast know that his. position
_has-been. greatly weakened by his at-
•ta.cks on the Federal Prime Minister.
Some new alignment may be id the mak-'
'MKT viro-or not bf-nt----nu sar
prising if the two readers shoald agree
aPisetieSina• the food aitnation ie.
EuropeeTorOnto Saturday Night says:
"A nation which.systematically, tleliber-
ately uU cerefully bombed tile ervllhul
Poinliatioa Qcitte, towns aud viilagee
Out .ron to the surroaCding roads for lte
other purpoSe, thanto make them un
paseable for the opposing forces,' aud
then. 'machme-gunned the. refugees to' spectful artnelength, anti, tears stream
Make the eonfirSion more ineNtrieable, copiousij as they are de -hided tInd
,is not- 4 nation which, when hard up .enopped into Minute pieces. All go Into
By I1n3r 4. Hoyle
C1111.4 SAUCE
Sent:neer hies.) ovate over the OCLt
an see in .." andfeel cit .
The etitee taxa seem to be, less v`iarni-
log . • and the bree'40 mom chilling
and thollarveet'lleids begin to looia
*tripped and the lenvns o the
• trees 61,11111 to serape in plaee of rustle
. anti you wear 'your stnoeiteto do
the ehores in the mornings And then 42
eouree the most accurate- sign of all is
the it that Mrs. Plitt has stttrteti Pune.
• •
, •
- enana. 7
The preserving itettle'ii°3 hauled 'Out
-prnI 4he, eever3ale.ey • sugar - sack A,a)2413i.':
firmly aneliored With- Tr Interinelike
'bow and thnn pic11In,opertitions are
under .-way iaearnest. Gleaming •Se,al.
'ers are. brought forth and their, tops
unse'reived and 'all neatly ,• arrayed on
the top 'shelf of the back Of the stove.
Rows of toma,tOes that were neatly
laid oat on the hottota ,',palatry ehel1.
yield their smooth hides' to the boiling,
water and the paring knife and, come
out of tlie-operationlooning like bundles antlimil leaves -anti for what? '
of red velvet "laced with „red veins. other had the shape of a` coffin anal
simPly Said, "Freuelimen prepare'your
Silver -skinned onions are held at a re.
Taultsovt, AtliTSP :Mt. MO
Current Views on the War
'THE SIR. '1Ftii-A, 44' -1FSBOR ,lfreaeiapftle:T.-.titi f.lie NINeaie aseall fai'eaal
1.).,4y :a `ct,:, war a ntonbee of Gereaen ' ,rnin.r-T'Iff• '-11(41qin14'.,n(11 a VCI"
1,4V,-0! T.1,7Witd, IV bOinhed -Witt- tUit111y
('Zdt-, wQtv Ltra'-',tekl itx 11!3.1.yi le; "pro,
. .. etroyen at enenerati-eutt a. '4.3ay anti
.1:-.dorial We:Isere" They, °travelled home veeeinentv, illo loomeeee did ate
about in tihlie corneyaneee, Wi'arltrig
deep !ntiamin.'; and ez\laibiting Seett.ing-
ly Uncontrollable grief. , •This spec -
teenier teelinique for depressine. Veeneit
morale wee but one example of the
psychological offensive whieh lItticr
bas earaled trat with diabolleal in-
genuity in countless, Mit precasely eo-
ordinated ways to demoralize ilia fees.
Tbe • deadly tieCuracy ot the Naze
strategy ot terror, employeti as advanee
engent..eni: Anilltantaeennetkennin. -nttlY etia_ow.
beep/ailing fully apparent. Witten•-thii
• Itrittair--dropped propaganda leaflets
binnGeruitaelties they Strove to con-
vince the fkernian veoplo by 1tIOflii
argument.- Nivel propaganda in Prance -
%qui more ruthleSsly realistie. ap-
pealed .Solely to the ,emotions And nand
the sueeesaful advertising teehnique of
eadlessly repeating the saine,itlea. One
tract 'seattered, by air was sliapea Illte
a leaf and saide "Next spring when the
offensive comes you will fall as the
for food, as goine to allow the French
the kettle
-nee • ,..„„nnU aenennaasee, the secrei, little. forthala
sueli chopiiing ery7—. an -ren -
and Belgians fo coirsiiiirelToTelleyfrInn
the United Statesewhich it pan just aa. green sweet pepper . . e I he little added
well, take from them, To feed the touches that ,malte folk. exclaim next
_Belgians is to feed the iGernijn array. wir ; .. "Whatever ,do you do ato'
The promise Of the Germans that food , aeh'Ii
If the Viselt;old. fingers
naintdae,12eoui: y 0
for the Belgians shall not, geteto tbatt. in a pleased way and 's 'fs, "Wily, noth-
a.rmy has exactly the same value ' as ing at all, you ha.ve the same ,reeipe
any other Germart lirom.ise, which is '
meat. poureq. over the coeitents of .the kettle
Then comes • .the mysterieus, little
bundle .of spices wrapped up in a cheese.
cloth bag to be popped - down into the
deptlies-of ethealtettlea. . and -with, ea
half swish of the great spoon the "chili
oin"- There is no gainsayirtg this state- -The 1)-440 *()e 14-4(1-513.gar•-
N. • *
Dr. -Duncan--ao A rthttrovhobeen
Deputy Minister of Education. since
1034, has been appointed to succeed tee
late FlOn. Dr. 'Simpsoa as member of
the 'Provincial Government and head
of the tducation Department. Where
itt 18-52, according to The New 'York
-San, cigarette' consumption the'
United' States., was 04,099,000. In the
year ended June 30,..1040, it was
• 177,000,000,000. Women. smokers, of
7eoufse, are responsible tor-esome -o
' these extra.elpher•
:A large portien. of- the-. tobaceo crop
an the eounties along Lake•-Lrie has
.' been destroyed by frost, with a loss in
the minibus. , Tobaeco-growers make
big money when everything goes just,
right, but the-lmsnyeese is a hazardorte
onein comparison with ordinary mixed
• * •
• J. W. McConnell, a alIon.treal pub-
lisher, has given. $1,000,00 to_ provide
aircraft for, the ICanadianAir Force!, -
The Globe .and calls it a "flue.
ge-steire.y. We should describe the writ-
'. -hag of eheque fora ,efaeleenillion. as
something more than a afeteStaire." Mr,,
plkleConnell's munificent gift is a smash-
-----itigAihteineforneletory, ' °
Limericks, if is said, are coming back to Join forces. '
, popularity, an.d The London Free
. .
Press publishes a column of them, but
none of them, in our opinion, is as
good As our favorite:
.There's a lady sings in our choir
Whose note* went higher wad higher,
Till they reached such a' height e
The Y went clean opt of sight,.
• Ana they found them next day inethe
‘,• Spit.% *
sauce to be" is hoisted over the main
instance. ,.that their wives had run away
lid -of the stove for its 'simmering Pro-1,with 33ritish officers. . The German
ceis. , radio made a practice- of broadcasting
There's something about the odor of the it es of Preach "prisoners" not
cooking chili sauce tb.at defies deecrier _yenneaptierea,. Nothing demoralizes
tion on a chilly day. ,Coming up from soldiers so much as the feeling that
the barn, the tangy smell. of W.ttrta they are surrounded by treachery. To
vinegar • . . and cooking onions . .•.
a create ' this' impression among Freneli
tied spices . . . remiuds a * Person of troops, the names and ' itineraries of
the days when as a bo'y he would sit aistinguished French leaders were
patiently waiting for the chance 10 often-- broadcast by ,German .stations
dip a piece of. bread into the kettle oaten „they' visited the front, 'Five
' .--e- 4s- Pat Minutes -after-----a---eeentin-••---F-reneh in.
slide •intlY the back. woodshed to avoid fautry unit arrived in "one sector,-Gef-
deteetion, enjoy, the tastineas of Ilres,11- man loudspeakers began telling thein
later he was bound to be caught . . .
, •- had come froth,. the names of their Pasting up a list Of sailing dates. Lille
York would be resumed in the fall,:even
made chili sauce on bread. Seoner Or '
.their- regimental number, where they
ta; some ta§le such as piling wood or , moralized that it had to be wit•hdrawn..]
d._ t stocks of gips and other war materials
were offered to Slouth' American, 001111
with a, -Cuff\ on the hag dispatched officers, ete. The unit beeaine so,
potatoes for dinner but
Though hundreds of spies cautrall tries fot fall delivery, with large sums
. .• . ,-
relayingsuch information to seouting'
Wanes . with tiny radio transmitters
were shot, even ,-thiS served the Nazi
purpose, for a dead Fifth 'Columnist is
often more effective than a live one.
To create •a treaeon phobia in the
French army, the Nazis used , all sons
Her -
UL devices from parachuting Germens
in-Froneh uniforms -behind-the lines, -to
pear at the selletiillea hour :Uhl t'30)211e-
tiM,N even dropped. bombe. Ent nioro
often it Iva.: not necessary.
Since the N izl realize that the effect
of terror propaganda , wears of •after
a while, they I grant oiseasional breath-
ing spells, meanwhile Ming theiz powet-
fal underground' network to launcli
imaginary tales of Nazi defeats. ;When
the defeats are showa to be Imaginary
the people who believed' in them are
Murk diaeouragedt -titan- ever. ever. Tbia
-teettaiiaittowats used aa'failiesaiia"y thactilie
Vreoeb government', fled from yaria; a
ator y was sprean that the French had
crossed. the' Rhiee by surprise and
swould be In Vienna before the Ciericans
reaebed Paris. ' '.• °
- on the actual 'battlefrouf,
vicilated every rule of orthodox strategy
to give his enemies the impresston that
tliey were lighting an irresistible force,
.Rvery means of &Treading terror,- how.
OV]. puerile, •wits employed,, down to
equipping planes and bombs with
ehrieking sirens, and. Making terrifying
noises with, loudspeakers. To gine the
Illusion of overwhelminey superiority nit
Dna" after ;day, ,month after,month, he air, daring the attack on France,
Hitler trebled his already .superiorin
force bY,Ahro'wing in, 'outmoded models
with schOolboy -.pilots. lie used all the
1Gerthan 'tankreserves, including out-
aehieve an initial superiority in tanks
of ten .to one -which _French gunners
rediiced.- to three ko one in.a few weeks•
pink_ drivers ci..eated _an impression
of irresistible mastery by siren subtly
nonchalant teas as driving -calmly up
to gasoline 'pumps far back of the,
Frenchmen. 'raving•.liagalltat tlift •leadeni French lines, courteously asking t4
have their tanks filld--
eand paying for
• t..
who had let perfidious England drag - • ,, • -
their ' into war: • akftir Fa:pace's capitulation,. the Nt141
For months Getman agents 41.Frauve• witch -doctors began giving 'out'the time
ha.d been writing forged letters to the table a Hitler's forthconaing BritiSh
SoldIerS 'af the itymit Rinitig-tife-itc-ra-64 eritterae -Business-likeere
military pa
ball .news about their. families: for paratiens at the Channel Were backed
up by hagenuously.indiscreet discussions'
of Germany's plans in tbe Italian press.
One aeVening. a' -pirate Nazi station,
.b-efdre signing off with God Saye the
King, :inatracted Londoners to. leave,
their homesatoncetaidaPreceed to the
weare not invariably and' from first
railvviiy stations' with, light baggage. A,
,t6 last inferior, in numbers.. , In , the
'German diplomat in :Viadrid gravelyin.
fonrth place. there is .ample evidence
vited an American correspondent there,
to lunch with him iit'Simpson's restaAr- that "our rain offensive against Germnny
ant - on the Strand in Loudon uee.
more Weighty and, effective then their
ani • Germate.,oceapied territory IS- much
"a:01111111d ,TrestlettesrbiilipA
'Anaeritc-a.n steamship Cite' recently__ad- -mill
Oetober .first.. Similarly; the Htinibarge
ihtr-6-tififaic.7" friatraie8,-Nthellw iteelf __immune.' '
tarylarWin-Gerniat.y can. cons). er
Lastly, . we have had
air .ofeensive against our .territory. • No
, . , _,
eiridence cluring,the• past-1110%th of rag
inereased,efficieney. of 'ear • anti-aircraft
'gunSi and 'fhis-gives an opportunity
to Insist that the admiration. of -the
public for .the • men' In the air slibnld
not obscure the ,pred.it clue to ground
defences, both active and passive. •
Forecasts of the development of --air
strength Ore necessarily more- specula-
tive than -deductione from actual fight-
ing. Nevertheless . the 'impression -the t
our productIon is nowreducirig the gap
between ;our numerical strength and
th a t• ••of .' t he Q•eneiny _seeirts. to. .he., well.
German prolleganaa kept .nammering
away with lunatic' inonoteuy on tile
aidgle thew ,England will fight to the
as tePreceliMenee -Th4e, wasedramatisa
enea „evade ,comle strip showing a Tom-
my and a poilu about to dive. hit° a
*swimming pool labeled "blood bath."
•The poilu dives iu, ,but at the last
•montent the TOMMY', smoking -his pipe,
walks off.. At 'first I thought this pro-
,paganala„ eludicrously Stupid, but I
ceased laughing at it during tbose last
tragic.days in Bordeaux when. I heard
and invalide included, Situ* ilten. there) r euere nui(-14 ti -14i, cli'
hae been anther rite of Lau per eent, ecemed. ponnlne. Already Olering4 ae,
This re ee ; that, in ,U;erittany in, 193S, eertion that "MO litalien Air *love,
;00 million woraing naeaa wero loet• oientinatee the 3letlitemancan StrA Uci
seem ieenneen, toeneenelereeorkero atm Oa) Veralan A4r.-i'oFe'" `3""'2Evca"
po[T-INtrily One ef iteinni, Nertlneneit and the Clantener' must teine
--elf, W. S. aliaatincoh, map Dx.rf., I (I,I. 4 vi, iDt tile more htureureas remarne
Tiealtit ItRagne a (1.1114011,
111901X41CS '
The German iniovernment, through 0,
number of ehannele, le endeavoring, to
explain to its eubjeete why the on-
elaught on theee lelantia is delayed.
Tile truth appears to be that Hitler
has found this country singularly un-
reSponsive to the psyehologiCal prepar-
ation which has preceded and facia.
tatted ,his assaults elseWitere. On Pri.
day he was redmani CO the dropping'
_braernaan...a,ircraft.o.f leaflets reproduce
Ing Reichstagnal)eneir in- .theenr,
parent delasnon that ,our press Is as
muzzled as his Own. Ae a natter of
fact the -Englisli newspapers put their
staffs to great • ineenVenience Owing'
to the unreasonablyniate,honr of the
delivery 02 itis Speech. and to Its ,pro-
linitY) in order to reeOrdl nt,fully on
the morrow • orits utterance. If he is
really delaying his attack theeltolle
that be May be able' to procure our
-destructinn. ,. (for ' that is what peace
with hint. would, mean) 'Without ti battle,
then that hope IS wholly vain. -
• •
. .
Which has the advantage in aerial
warfare, the snaall or the large
• -.,
countr4 It would look as if. J3ritain's
small, compact. area should be a Com-
paratiivly easy target for, hostile air`
fleets, and that aerial assaiilt would be
much less effective when directed
againeet Such a la.eale territory as is now
it bp ealti that the attack is al-
ready- in progreeS-botn on the ,sea and
in the air; but a momenes reflection,
will show that the Naselese. vigilance'
of the navy and Of the-Inn...Pe punctiK-
ated tbeugh it has been the past
Month by sharp local engagements, is
oral and conthiuous fighting, whieh fuU
battle..would-involYO, 6 -
In the first place, the loss ef ,Gerinaa
air personnel., conServatively-putea.n 600
by the Air Ministry last month, is much
more serious to the enemy than the
lees of Machines.' There is indeed -de-
finite evidence of imperfect training
among German alrmen, In the second
place; thong/lathe 'German- losses have
been a small; percentage of 'their total
air strength, they have been a high per-
centage of the aircraft tictually.engaged.
-Inntlie -Dover-battle thee -Germane
not far short of one-quarter •of 'their
attacking force; and no ait foree eouid
endure lesaes on this sea.le for long
with unimpaired Moral.
thongh the superior quality of lIritisit
Airmen and aircraft is not neW, it is
new that in these local 'engagements
a tile war. And, gin en 11 P
hatikee 6tattol; trds of, quailtv. Parity n1
atte---'nurana;n:itery of the
There does not at the mo ent neva' to
he any reason why we should. loee ouir
ouperiority in quality. Cloneentratioa
oti,prodaction of existing types iliwa not
mean neglect of new typeee and eotito
Germana are not producing,- any.
thing very'aew. It Is therefore no in.
convouienee to us that 'littler ahould
-tinder •German control.- But it doesn't
There is an agitation in some Ontario com to be working tint.that way: No
' towns, against noisy wedding parades.
,anatter at what point Britain is at-
. .
But so long as they don't happen too t;leeee defens,ve ..;ir 6ents itr6 not ftir,
often; and don't endanger the public rawa-'y imd, ean.'' 4
be summoned in a few
-safety, We do tfm. think anybody- n I
I , minutes to repel the "atte-alters. On the
other hand, 'Britain's fliers can strike
'at any nbint frimn Norway to southern
France and 'frem Calais to Berlin or
'selves. The bride and .groom are the farther, and Caerinany Cannot possibly
prjaatipal victinase and it is to be sup- 1 . •
peep sufficient deken.ce forces at all
posed that they are too hapPy with each i.points Co Ward off the attacks. Ev,idenr-
ether to be bothered much by what
- --- ly British- bombers are doing,. infinite-
anYbody else ileteS. So lee the fetile*
alroceed, say we. . .„ '
Goderich will want to stop them. In
fact, ,ive fancy that.most people.enjoy
seeing ether Peonte make fools, of them-
the thrill of fresh 'chilly sauce" was
worth it. e
pickling_daY'like this the .dinner
may be 'just a trifle late and in a
rather' absent-minded way ;Airs.- Phil
finishes getting it ready . . . plainly
thinking' about ..the chili .sauee all. the
Usually, just after we sit down.
she ladles a lit tre into "up . ' coots'
it slightly and, then sips. There's a
-tetree. Momeat or two...and then we
know that the Chili sauce is done: as
for a fleeting second a ssaille•comes and
goes and she starts'into the business. Of
filling up the sealers.
' The ehiliasauce • . . "ploppety °plops"
ie tie the.: svalers and one' by one th.ey
are 'filled- and lined 'Up...aid-the freW
end ,Of the table.. The kettle is 'tilted
-and thee scraped..and the last sealer
filled and a dishful 'left over,. set up
to cool off . for supper -time
-.Vars.,. Phil straightens -up kora her
work'. and:with: the_.back of her bands°
brushes: wisps Of hair that have tum-
bled floWn over her forehead. Then
with an Odd little tighten, here and
there on the zinc ring e , . she slumps
down in a th.air with the towel that
she's used to wipe the sealers- off and
frankly admires her own handiwork.
"The look ood " I' usually mutter,
trying to 'think of, something new and
original. to say --that would . really. ex-
press hoW Well, the .gleaming sealers Of
• osted as a band in case of non-delivery.
Building up an impression of in-
vincibility, creatiag the legend .that the
only proinises Hitler ueyer 'breaks are
his ugly, ones, is one of the main ob-
jectives of Nazi propaganda.
•"Our strategy," Hitler Old Dr. Her-
mann Rausehning in 1933, "is to'destroY
misdirect traffic, to tapping military the enemy arom. Within,. to eep.quer him
wires, and iesuing false orders. Nazi 1 contradictions oT feeling, indecisiveness,
through himself, . . . Mental, confusion,
agents else ahelpea spread panic :amine : these. tire our weaPons."
- a 1 of his
behind the front by telephonine • fal-e °Pe
e s a I •
simPlv by driving rapidly throligh a
ea 1 psychological warfare: will open the
eVee of some of my idealistic American I taliaaatekir F.oree:„ or to neglect the.pos-
evacuation orders to. local officials, where it would be foolish to tlesPise the
sibility- of iGerinan air reinfeecements
to 'Italy. But at least it is now true
Ihill,---:With -life- invtiltiable-aidintande
from eutside resenrceseon, which ' we
caii Counts we can attain this parilaa .
. .
delay the battle. •
-se ea-a-.-ALBERrie, 117/Z7rEl PIM"
*.(`Sintroe. Beformer)---
Durine the. receut strike of Lake
Brielfish7.)rineg, the enatement wan made
that a considerable portion of tile •
Whitefish trade *of the New Yerla mar.
ket had been lost to Alberta fishermen.
No doubt quite a few laymen wondered
from what part of Alberta. • whiteasn ,
were eecured. Many had heart/ of
"'Social 'Credit Suckt.rs," but few were
aware .tinit the hiselous whitefish in.
ilabiten any waters la Alberta.' ,
the Aberhart-ruled provinCe is a large -
one and up In tile northern' Section
Lake Athabaslca, Singularly enenge
the last ,issue of Maclean's Magazine
earried an interesting reference to the,
tremendoos quantities of lake trOut and
Whitefish which ;are taken from Lake
Athabaska. The commereial fishermen
difficulty and it is a -tong' way to
,market, .but evidently they are able to
coMpete with the Great &tikes trade in.
_important ,eit. r lea n markets.
(Wiartou Who)
The Croderidi Signal -Star, cOlnment-
ing. on the filet that Canadian warships
are to be -called after 'the 'Canadian
wildflowers, suggests that "Daisy." and
"Violet" would be rataer mild for fight-
ing ships and thtnks "Ragweed" raig14
Puteseme felfr,inni It wou.ld into
• the hay fever addicts, and how about
‘*Liverwort," "Stink 1Vved" and `iDevirS
Paint Brush." We iniaelne n --vessel
bearhigelawn on ono with the insignia.
Stiiikwted would lie feArSOille„
The first seat rewseasyation for the
pageant at the Cant Ian National' Ei-
hibition' this year arrived at the Ex-
hibition offices last alareh. It came
from Santa. Monica. Ilalifornia„.
• If you are suddenly attacked`with
dia,rrh,cea,. dysentery, 'colic, cramps or
pams in the stomach or bowels, or
any looseness of the bowels do not
waste valuable tithe, but at.once pro-
• cure a bottle of Dr. Fowler's
tract' of Wild Strawberry' and see "
hew quickly it will eye you relief:
feunded. It „must not be forgotten that
we have far " to go before _numerical
parity. is attained, .if only because we
haVe to supply the Mediterranean froilt,
.village shouting, "Get out, the Germans
. .- ....„- • .
areecoming." •.- '
" - L'Ill-thelisfeliolkicearatfaek aiii Prance -
the -Nazis Used -drawing-room spies"
to launch whisperin,g campaign§ ea war., The Nazi objective th. the United
I heard many defeatist rumors ---:the 1 States is to hamper prepared,ness pleas,
as well as to paralyze' anymove toward
great effiseagy. As 'early as August 1939
French army was no good, the Nazis I intervention:by sewing,- internal doubt
Neutrals with' German Contnetn were and, dissension. 4.1.nd.,, they are very -
effectively doing it. .
had mined the Maginot Line; etc..
-1-;Edmond , Taylor, foreign cor-
respondent of Chicago Tribune.
Doctor Martin Gumperte-eformerly
Mende who have, abdicated morally in
the. faee of Europe's tragic problems.
-For inekraerinan-a.seenerywhereeisenthe
Germane are waging then' psychological
often enlisted. unwittingly to spread
suth rumors -of dlectrical. air mines,
terrific new explosives, "nerve gas"
and the famous "seeret weapon." Ger-
man agents are- carefully schooled in
the art of dropping such dark hints _head of the Berlin City dispensary for
ahatillIciii,anaroepefnreqtuer:atlty. more. terrifying the deformi.V. diseases, , in the Reader's
Dtaaefrteabaaatlte fretitieutly-repeate
• Before their actual subjueation, Hole 'argument, "But when all is said .and
land and Belgitim were calculatedly done, Hitler did transform sick and
sposetled red chili sante really do look tiarrorimed bY formidable troop eon- degenerating people into a healthy and
• ". and thinking of the thrill of. eentratfons and series of carefully vigorous nation." The facts collected
. . .
Apooniug% them Out. over golden -brown
fried hem on a frig,hltlay in the winter,
that's-boupd to _comes__
• (Chicago News) „ • •
. The presence of 14300 University of
Chicago slimmer students at an 'en-,
thusiastic. 'England Rally""is one
augury -of the changed sentiment of
voting :people toward the war. -few
mon ths ago -sueh, demonetee e uppoi
might. only have been expeeted for a
perm, ineeting."10 keep Ainerica out of
war:" • - •
, • ' ' . , -t
t 0
ly more damage on the C'ontinent than
the 'German bombers are, doing, in I.
Britain. Germany has more enaehinea,
When. thieveS. fall Qut-minest Linen. but Britain has .be-tter machines, antll .sttidept groups,. like ' most of -their.
get., their.. dile. The atia.ge applies to I better' men. - The iriVitqing (ierinalls are 1 eldeiee have adopted the realistic view
nations as well, and the 'situation in i hardlyagiVen a chance to deliver their'
the 'Balkans is an exaniple. 'tussle, bombs before they. are pounced upon
,Germany and Italy would ail like iO., by lli,oliting planes, and theY seldom hit'
, • inerease their inthience andeidd to their
' -territory itx that region, but eviclehtly
they, eannot agree 11P0t1 ,a, (11-Flgoll. of
the spoils, and in the meantime the little
eountries upon whom. eovetous eyes are
; turned remain In coinparatifee security
-eat any rate, tile:n hive sotrit) choice is
to which of tbe. marauding nations is
to be be allowed 'to onerrurt them.
their targets. They British. bonibets,
having so wide a territory to range,
that oar real problenais to keep war out
•of -America.
'rade is What the paeifists thetnselvea
sineere ones -a -have always' really
Their programs in the past have
actually tended toward' making up the
are. not sO quickly detected and tan talte vietims of aggression. But that has
time to -fiad.their targets, and we, have net been altogether theirtown fau1t.
no doubt that they are eauaing im- 'Cannily it has been the fault of
ahresed propagandists and fifth eolumn'-
inensie damage to German material and
isee Who hane made' these people their
to German morale. dupes.
The Chiengo grOup adopted a
• Leon 'Trotslik, living Irt 'dang3?rens
• exile in -11exico City, was killed last1
week with a picItaxe Wielded by a sup-
PoSed friend. ;Trotsky was one of the
leaders in the Ruseiart revolution of
1017, ,but he Was unable to get along
ivith Stalin., and not only was he exiled.
ftrotn dlossia but he Iived in constant ,
danger of aseasination. One of the •
originaI Befdievletin he charged Lenin'
syecegeOre with departure :from the
, true doetrines of world revollatIOrt, and,
• as co often happens to vialent revoln.
tionists, he was himself victim of
A.ccording to The lk)runCa Star; tit*
lishnecietifiste have .for the first titan
been making a ctudy of the distribution.
of blood types through, iGreat Britain's
population. Their findings, reported in
the niagazine Nature, howthat Scot-
tish blood is similar to that of Iceland'e
people who are descendants from MO
• ollingwood Mnterprise-linilet id)
The ,Goderich Signal -Stair e'dmplitins
that millicme have been expended in
building the deluxe Queen -Elizabeth
highway while othet reads, amongst
thAn the Blue Water highway,. have
been eadly negleeted. It's hope ia that
with two airfields loeated beSide it some
attention will be given in the near
future. The highway is muelt travelled
and deserves betterments that will
make It inviting .to theetouriettraffic,
whieli mines that Way from. Sarnia
and is making its way to the Georgian
'Bay eount10;7. The Signal -Star is right
and quite justified in its. ,comment.
Highways of the importance of the
Blue Water route deserve consideration
and departmental action.
tion urging full and immediate aid to*
Britain "to guard Anierican shores
MCI invasion." This puts 'the situation
in its real perspective: Who doubas
that 11 'voieee th.e thoaghts of vast
majoelavaof young' Americans? -
It expreases the spirit shown by other
,youne p6ople flinating. by the thousend,
NI our' reaerve officers' training, campe
and aivstudent centefA.
stagemenaged "border incidents."' In by. Dr. Gumpert • from the scientific
January, a plane. carrying twe German Publicatioimapf 'Germany, uncoVer-lhe
offieers was "forced down in Belgium tragedy of a nation, , Which, he dahlia,
By chance" they had with theirlen:- is breaking downeplaySicallya
oral iStafts plans for. - the invasion of - p l'Inatilins, in, illustrated maga.zines, in.
Belgium. •Meatisvhile Nazi agents had 1 the massed spectacles of 'Party confer
been distributing swastika:backed Bel.: i eves,says this former German doetor,
Main -flags- to Belgian stadiers with -hi- I "youth -•• oecupies the foreground."
*structions to show them to the Germans Youth, according to NaZi propaganda,
when they eame. Then they would nit I forms the'. happy, healthy, enthusiastic
be molested, • Children of the Nordic super -race.
Sometimes' the hints -were leSs subtly. -What . are the facts?, Theeolittre
In Oslo • the flight before. the Nazi ill, range of children'a$ infeetious.diseases,
vasion, . the. • German.aminiater's , Nor, .sucli. as scarlet fever, spinal meningitis,
w-egian guest's were- entertained bY the; and infantile paralysis has, increased
Nazi film ",Baptism --by Fire," showinae' remarkably. • Diphtheria mortality. is.
thea. most gruesome -aspects _ o2. thi nOW ' four' times that of the . United
destruction of Poland: This honer I' States; This Waft. equate? which gave.,
,filur, whleh shocked even Nazi arida leliplitheria', inti toxin to the world.
ences, was also showei to Iliilltan., MIMI -Itieketa, ala disease due to deficiency in
and Ifelginat diplomats, and- to tight- certein. 'foods, :has .shoWn an appalling
lipped Italian officialn as part of their I increlase. ' In Dortmund. 112I five per'
-moral educiitien" to keep Italy in I cent. . of the ehildren have. rickets; .
line. It isa I suppose, the claasic ex. , in -Munich oalaathree and .o.ne-lialf per
tunige of 1Preor OrePaganda.' : 'cent,, are free frein the syminonne •
A. similarly appalling lieWS1Tel. or I In his roll caul of the Hitler Youth,.
. the destruction of Rotterdam; taken 141 1038, Di. liaerz writn's :. "The tegistra-
cameramen who jumped with tile para., , tion of foot deformities shovved that
chutistsi was wiaely. ,shown. .Their i more than e seventy Per cent. of the
pictures:give the Impression that there 1 youth of • both sexes had splayed,
Wftg• 4ot a single house- left untouelnet I twisted or fiat ..feet." The Laber. Sere
In tine eity.. Artually the Nazis did not] Vice reported that ninety pet cent. of itS
demolish the entire town, It - would / nien. suffered from fallen archeg' and
have, been .clistly and needless. But) flat feet. . •,
as a purposely nightniarish ".ohjeet1 . A report published in e'. German
lessen," to ' break, the sPirit 'of the metlieal journal, 1939, _referring to the
Datele the Nazis. picked burone limited! health of'young People in the Univers).-
sector of notterdam, and methodically ties says : "A review of medical reports
pulvertz(,d 11 house by honse. The tee .02 . the last four years Indicates a
,sult was so impressive that time French marked physical 'deterioration of ma-
censorS suppresaed ' the Duteh coma terlal. In the last year the incrense 'of
'When you 'nee "Dr. Fowlers"
you are uot experinienfing with somee
new and untried iemedy,` -but en()
that has stood the test of time; ,one,
that had been on. the market for ,the
past 94 years. .Beware of .substi-
tutes. They , may be dangerous 15-'
your heath.. a'
ee•EletifIlr-FrovlerV! And
• T116 21,14burn Co, Ltd., Toronto, Ont:,
olr CO PA N I E S,. 1. 1 IA T_E
"Dernoeraey can't appease- It,, Inumaille describing it. . heart complaints has been most alarni.
must ly,end the k1140 10 -himor oppoge At least two French towns, nvreux in The number of students not in
him." The sPeakeltv virb* said -.this .10 1111141 Beauvais, were also bornbed4,4,11e. 'condition to meet the sports schedule
the K"Iiieogo meeting watt wildly aP-
pla tided,
Americant Youth hag never boon of the
kmaeltending variety, and anyone Is
mistaken who thinks that members of
0111:ratite:11 "yotitli movemente" are an
- ' •
(Yeivi.WA August '24. -The I)omill-
ion Bureau of Statietie.e reported today
TROUT -SEASON, EXTENDED tetal freight traffic through the Welland
The (mein season for 'trout in 'Ontario 'illitlealilli-Inl'TulY 41"11ilt.91 1.* t '32°
1 R32
bee been extended 10 September 15, a tone, eomparetl with 1,0a9,'N,2 In July
of lift(.Et . lifts,,, tiatik5 ,to re. last year. loreight through the .Sault
14te. Marie (qinais amounted to 13 84a,
, ,
storking lo,c" the Provinetal Department MI tons, compared with 01307,606, and
of «ante and lilisheries, 11 was an through. the St. Lawrence canals 1,20, -
flounced at Toronto last week.
061, compared with 1,110,143.
Monstratively" until scarcely one stone has (thinned dtt the last two 3 -ears."
remained standing on another. guch The :Nazi reghne has broken down
,over-bintibing, though wasteful miltthe laws 'forbidding',ehild labor, White
laxity, the "Nazia regard as veer useful 'school attendance is compulsory to the
morally, beeause the story aluelya gets age of fourteen, this regulation Is
around and awes people by Its vision evaded by the allowance of apprerttiee.
of anocalyPtie devastation. ship employMent at thirteen, If the
littler's theory that (m114'1(4011;5, qe-efu elilIdi continueto attend school.
ingly gratuitous violence is really an The former eight.thour day for adults
eeonomy, explainswhy some observers, has been replaced by the ten to fourt6en
like irtyself, rolled along la refugee hour eontinnous ehift. This circturt-
coltmins 'alf the way from Patio to stance, with the decline In quality' and
Dordealtx and never were attaekea quantity of food and clothing, has
from title air, while othera naw ctvillan caused a notable riee itt Sielatiese
refugee o maehine,gunted from the air amounting' to 26.3 per mitt, between.
it elose range and limited down like 1033 and 1036. Aniong German work
antelopes. It also explains the ease ON in. 1030 'the frequeney of Sickness
with which refugee' movements . were was throe times as high aa among the
started. Periodically during their whole American people, infants, aged
it:44%°;11 ;it tett
Iktrael°,4 tItego,..- it 1°,4,.
Ay0I IV° 0.0.04‘roittli
ettf* 000 t0Alet"
ilk Heat has taken' Its toll Of
surnmer-worn tires and right now
is a good tirne to replace your
present tires with brand new,
fully guaranteed, big thilegge
• Goodyears. Then you can foiw
'etit.e Oben road for the holiday
without worry. ,
Goodyear tires are ;priced at
kvels where anyone Mao' drives a •
eal"cau afford to buy them. Drive
iti and choose the tires that suit
your need ... and your purse ...
from our big stock todaV
give you protnpt service . and
we'll save you money!
, cot Kingston and lijoofia Sta.