HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-29, Page 1NINETY-SDOOND YEAR. O. 3.e
Supply and Sewerage
ilaugars and other eroePeettee bead -
logs at Port Albert's millieuedollar Air
nateigators! altport began to rise from
their foundationarly this, week and
ate the work 'progresses tarpertteee are
being taken en in ever-iegeeatting num-
Pers. 'Seventeen of the. .twenty-nine
buildleet 'ere now in, some stage of
eonstructioe and ground is being brokefl
and foundations‘laid for the others..
The job of laying 20,000 tens .of sur-
; facing material on the et:limeys at Port
Albert also was begun on
Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star
I`B C. Munnings Dies
after Long Illness
cGtAvAtzlisay.,, um, te .Ittuni•090
Life and Was Itlayor
The death on Thursday last of
Although activite at the harbor hae Benjamin clement munniings, ,
teen aletost nil tet regard le swimming eighty.eest Tear, removed a. ,public -
and booling durtng ;the etast cold and spirited eitizen wbo held a high place
wet week, things are fairly lieely at the In the regard a the movie of Godertett
grain: elevators and salt sheds, with .andvielulty xr. moniaings was „faun
thwe vestele 'arriving' with grein anti
two 'teeing out salt Cargoes.
The ter. A. „At liudsozt came in on
Friday afternotte from, Fort *William
with 75,000 hug. of wheat for the mill
and' 31000 butt, of wheat antle,17,08e
etet-witontoroveweenesdnytnight,neart.„ ,e,,,bieettres. 644f,,Ibt‘riale4,,!toorr,„„xtelpsiv_eat.tpiet4S;b4,
ly; eone-half of the trierthwesessoutheattr Saturday afternoon. ,; • ° 1,14ge, August 0. when,..nr. munnIngs
runway 3 000 tett long by 150 eeet, The Pri.teloe arrived on eSaterdale
, woe only ;four years of age the family
evening from Fort' W moved to 'Colboree township; wherethe
bue, of wheat for the elevator and lived to manhood.. 'After epending, a
120;000 bus. of wheat for the mill and few years in -Chicago end other parts
cleared, Agee, on Sunday evening of the 'Western States he returned to
with heat and 'cold, is ,being.lald to- It _ _ _ _ _ _
Fort William. tGedeercli and engaged in his beeleese ete
depth of two fetches oil top of The Superior itrreeee trent Fort ,
a .
seven-inch efushed gravel base, little early Wetleesday morning with eientractor end builder. Matty
It is being • mixed and n heated by 20,4e4i bus. of wheat and eteee et Lute!111 Gedelieh ai miento*.ents to his
oat' intereed
Ws -st
• 4 huge 'Plant at the Dungannon. eats for ,the elHe eintensely evator. She tool on a ;wee"
le emneletpal aftalre and his hategrety
itandtransported- toethe ettirPoet rte.
sineit'ioad 'Of- salt -and' -decreed-
ana his zeal for the, welfare of the town
,by a specially -equipped Octet of trucks
at a tteinperature more than 200
degrees, Ca and other material for
l'tehisetopeiressinglevaiebroughteby rail
as far as Lucknow and by truck aleag
the county hieliway. -.Tee tontratetore,
the Warren Paving Co., are endeavor-
ing to, finish one runway eetepletely by
Labor Day:" The gravelling job,: now
about half -finished, is proceeding day
and night, but surfacing can be done
only in daylight.
Water and Sewerage Systein .6.
Splendid progress also is eeperted
by allcontractors,of Various' branches
of the airport eoneeruction. The huge
:Storm drainage system which skirts
both sides of. the runways and Kees*
an outlet at the south' did oft the banes
of- Nine is about' two-thirds
completed. :,,tvaterectrillitt t -outfit
eommeecect work leeterday and A:
waterworks and sewage System to
serVe nearly t all buildings is getting
under Way: , • •
It was reperted_. this Week that Dan
Megeteele, who eoldlie fagot for airport
purposesehad parchaserl the Sohn Ceme
ing faint on No. 4 highway, neeth ot
IllythL4Lorrivishitr.L.The: Mice
paid for this betterttban-average farm
of 117. acres. was said to be 47,000.
..„..11r,...MOKenge,is. holding sale At his
old ;farm on iSepteniller '4th. r
The w rit of dismantling the 'Albert
.111 about three years Ago and had eince
been unable to take part in the activeities which he had ,formerly been
Pronaleent. '
Mr. Munnings was bore In Mare:ham
township, 'York eounty, June 0th, 1800.
eliteParents bad come from England in
-18,32rsailing-en -,the-day-of_th 'eir_marp,
wide, had been laid and rolled by a,
• fleet oe six big rollers. ,
Tele hot bituminous penetretlegteub-
stance, which, expaeds and ecnatracts
McGee dwelling and bane ()noel* 4th
eeneeesioe also, bas begue. Mr. Mc-
Gee, who old his buildingi;at aideMoir-
tionpriee, will move to the 'former
Meleenzie-hornettead farther east. With
et. what he retained of hie OWn farm and
that portion of the Mckenzie* farm*
which hie•purehtteedtheeelle-havertinety-
'three ares, • with anotheetone -hundred
'acres .across the road. — _ •
Truck -drivers engaged IA hauling
gravel from Dungannon pit to theair-
port are telling some Weird tales. TheY
tell of a massive young 'French-Cau-
adian, the eldest of h. family of twenty,
one children, driving a' truck for thirty-
six hours: stiaightetve-y, without sleep,
but When it came Sunday he positively
refused to Work. There have been
many casualties among trucks. One
e'Veteturned on a narrow pert of the
41.11Pconcession roadrittul was sold to. a
wrecker onethe spot.
At' Sky Harbor
At, Sky Harbor, apart froxtebuelding
construction, there As mneh teoPPIng-
-up work going on. ' Fence posts now
•skIrt moet of the airport property)
ready for the wire Over' 500 (coeds
.of -four -foot -firewood on the property
has been sold to a Olieton fuel dealer
and is being trucked away. • A ditchleb
mtheachine arrived this week end e
work of building an extertsiye drainage
ey,stem has' 'tommoacedeand machinery
is on the ground for the sinking ,of
artesian wells, ,
Work on (the. Sky Harbor buildings
t • Was held. up somewhat for a:few days
awaiting the arrival Of niaterfal, fithieb
is now at hand, It is quieltly, reaching
• the stage where a full gang a careenters can be employed. ...Floors itt niost
M the buildings started have already.
• beee laid,
On 31<intlaY Group Captain G., 14:
wrrli It'C'" Two Weeks Delay
in -Murder Hearing
71":16,k_,Dazuolir- Withdraws V=
DIsteuee- or Dodge in
Exeter gillbig
With the court scene all set this
Morning for the prelintinary hearing o!
Samuel Dodge, Indian, charged with
the axe eturtler of James Kilpatrick
uear Eieter on Jupe ltit last, there wee
an unexpected hiteh and a consequent
two weeks' delay in proceeditige.
Frank Donnelly, who has iken acting
for aecueed all along, rose from bie
.seatto tell Magistrate Makiins that be
had failed to see eye to eye with. the
prisoner on the conduet of the case ane
was therefore withdrawing. ' •
- Ian MacRae, Stratbroy, appointed
by the Department a Indian Affairs as
assoelatetdefence eounsel, informed the
eourt. thattMedge-VW aeinember -'otat
Indian band known, as the "Wandering
Caldwells," They did not being to
any eierttcular trete, be said.
l'APParently Dodge is not, setistied
_ewnlgtahgeeoltnbeerorieboilisnoe.ween,,IeIexpiziannetds metro..
ltladRae, '
I.)odge hintselt refused to. Put- any
time lituit on the period he would re-
quire make new arrangements,, but
at the request a 'ttr*ii Atternee E:
ejolnies It was fixecl sat two weeke.
Will you be ready on September
nth?"' asked atigistr4e Mans
el-van't promispeereplied Jaedge..
youngest -son of Mrs, 'Tremblay and the
late W. It Trenablay .o•f Goderich.
Berland enlisted with the Royal Can-
adian Regiment at Lotelon., and now
with the regiment at Camp Borden,
ednee ay a ern.00n o .
The Kenore came in late ;Wednesday' 17uebreuceeoeffioteesi.zedAbtywhiarsieelii:cttirestoliemaeatys
afternoon from Port took- CROSS IN SEPTEMBER
'ity;119-Iir,. he -Wee eieeted-eto'ethe eytelleyeteleeee(1--;:7—,.E'otteet ett t
on 400,01ons_of_fAlt,,, cleared, late, town couticilloi, deputy reeve 03Ata ieeve, • •
that eve g orteloetr
ea, t anayotalty, the highest Zffiee 'in the gift
The -Georgian, called on her regulat of his .fellow -townsmen. He was 'a
run north on Sunday morning with 22o member of North street 'United church
passengerThi e was to beher last and of Ituron Lodge,. No. 02. LO.O.F.
•scheduled inn of the season, but rumors Be leaves e. Widow (foemerly Miss
are rife that the boat will make two or 'Jane Burrows) and three daughteret
three eiore trips in,Septembert _ ' eers; li, te, Boggs, of Oklahoma Cite,
Tee water tempereture 131-s ueell ;Okla, Mee P. F. Carey and Mrs. Boland
gradually teeing this week and by (Walker, of Goderich; also two,brothers,
Wednesday - evening the Mercury .tattant, of the old home in' Colborne
registered over 60 degrees in the ,water, township, and Witham, of Goderich.
both off he beachand between rhe The funeral took place from the .eaan-
piers. If this else coetinues, the watet 11 residence Trafalgae etreet em ewe
e 1
' tontmue Its Work 1
Goderich will have to raise, at, least
$G 000 for the Red Cross -Society during
the nekt raiettia If the exeellent wotet
a ibe past Year 18 to be carried oe
during 1911, Re -C. Bays, president of
the local breech, told a meeting of the
Citizene' War time Committee on :Mon-
day eveeing. '
Thestatement was Made while Mr.
Hay. ,was addressieg, an appeal to the
should be ideaor swimming dver theday afternoon, and was attended by a '
holiday- week -end. . . .- large gathering ,6f. friends from, town
The . tug iriTnn, .13, of !Owen, .Soll___ndi and country .- t -The Services were
Wats forced to take Shelter -here on
., ducted by yen. V. 1?Lantind leer: C•
'Monday morning and remained in port V. Clarke„ and Miss Nsther 'Milne sang, ,
until arly Wednesday ;morning1--14W
' the hymn, `hat it Friend we, have in e., ii
tug Is an all -electrically -welded boat, Jesus." The honorary paIlbearere were
seventy- feet Tong, belonging to the Oliver Clark, Tele Wallis, Mayor H, J
Boone Dredging, Coe:twine. .she was etteeleeEWan, John 'S. Platt, A. M.•
built at 'Gwen Sound and was on her Robertson and '3. W. Moore. Those
Maiden trip to Poet Wovevteen h 'f
forced -b0 teeiho acted as bearers were-RatP'h Bas-
in here. The craft is underthe com- hoe, Robert Hayhoe and Arthur Gee 4
mond 'of CaPtait--ffill---krid--haf---a---elv 'Toronto, nephews' of -the deeteetee
,, • •
of fives
. T. R. Patterson. The interment was .in
Dalrymple of Ayr, R. 0. Baye; 1, and
THEFT OF SHARES CHARGED ,the Colborne township cemetery.-
Bayilekt Woman Complainant hi Case
Against -Stock Salesinan „
• Arrested at Toronto. on Monday for
Huroe County authorities, Jetties
Hashint, steck salesman, was lodged .fn,
the- County jail here by Provincial
onstabJeT. W Oidlleld on Tusday.
e1ia -eharged with the theft -tot- ten.
Mares of tWrighttelargreaves stock
from .Miss Alma Boland of tayfield.
iseallegetlethateHaslant -received the_
Wriglit-Ilergreaves seares Prone Miss
Boland .mooths ago in payment 'for
other stock not yet delivered, nor was
the mining :stock returned oil request.
Accused ig on remand to appeer Thurs-
day, when other -charges may be ,pre-
ferrede accordiug to Crown Attorney
Holmes: Ilaslante has been operating
inoGoderich and other Huron. county
teentres for a number of eears:
Winners in 'the field crep Competition:
conducted by ihe etoderich Agricultural
Society d,re • announced. The compete,
tion *as in Vangatted oats: lst; Daniel
Pitblado, Goderich A.R. 4; 2nd, Tait
Clark, iGoderichR.R25;, 3rd, litugh Hill,
Goderich.RR. 4; 4th, Arnold G. Porter,
Goderich R It 2; rith, DaVid, 4E. Bean,
,,Gpderich tft.R. 5; 6th, Jas. R. 'Stirling,
Bayfield R.R. 2; 7th; Thiss11 Hill,
-Goderich A.R. 4; &lea. J. Glen, Gode-
rich It:R. 6.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. 'M. , Taylor, East
Wawanosh, Tragically Bereaved •
weleGteeM, August 27 . -*--Claire Ann
Taylor, --Infant-Ad-lighter oj Mr.. and,
Mks. George IM: Taylor, of -East
Wawandsh„who was in her Seconyear,
,was_ strangled today 'in _plavitryith
•roPe swing behind- the -hong-7
The accidebt took place in the.morn-
ing. Mrs. Taylor noticing that" claire
Ann was out ,of the ,hoUse sent a boy,
Tommy, who is in his third year, 4o
find her—The little boy .eente back into
the house twice and'Mrs. Taylor notic-
ing his actions went out to investigate
for herself. She found the little girl
entangled in the ropes: of the swing: -
The -body was still warm and she im
mediately called Dr. W„ lg.Connell, of
Wingham, who worked- for mere ,than
an hour over the infant's_tody:
-Funeral services -will be held ' on
Thursdatettiffeiniente afeeeo'ciock'fiten
the home a the parents at lot 40;
concession 12, East Wawanosh. In-
terment will -be in *Ingham cemetery::
• • * , A.ND `LANDS- IN JAIL
• Coming here recently to ,secure ,wore
at oue of .the airports, Carl Ludwig
and Arthur -Neable became acquainted.
They did not get a job at the akrports,
, but -they did hire as farm laborers with
'Broors; -in charge -of No. 1 -Tramirtg-
Command, gew :from Toronto with
other 1t.-O.A.F. officers. They inSpeeted
Sky lIarbor and later motored to Port
Albeetfor an inspection of that aleport
Aireraftsinen have' now been stationed
at -both Sky .Herbor and port Albert.
Stratford Boys' Band to Give Two
Edward Maskell B near , enm er.
'tereable invited it ear and on Wednesday -on whielreher-thaderiddenteup " Harbor
, of last week, on: request, he loaned if hill on Saturday list, Thomas .,Squir9
to Ludwig to run into town to have wised his fooling in ettrae manner tied
hie -shoes repaired. Ledevig didn't fell under the xhee,ls, one wheel pass -
come -back. He kept on going and on, Ing ever his right leg, fracturing it in
:Saturday the law caught up wetteh him three places. - Serious' as hiseinjurios
at Listowel, Where he was-eaken Into are, Mr., Squires had a tairaeulous
custody- by Chiefejonetable Recker end eseape froM being tattilly erushed, ,eyet
'War -dine 'Committee to take over the
management of the campaign to raise
,,,laegesSary_anndsTh.is campaign
will be part of a nation-wide emelt
and will eemraence on Monday, Septem-
ber 23rd: It is expected 'that overe
patriotic organization in town will lend
its ate in teaching the objective.
J. D. Thomas, president of the War-
time -Comelittee, accepted theetask of
Gor•Euica' NEAR TOP •
.The follewing statement shows- tb.e
'number-ot 'beshels of grain shipped
through the Lake Shippers' Olearance
.Association- from Fort William and Poet
Arthur, by vessel ,anderail, during July,
1040; , •
Pore MeNicoll . 2,152,545 .
Kingston' • 1,82,8,507
Port Colborne 1,464,736
GODBRICII 1,244,354
Prescott 1,201,399
Midland 9-46,363—`
Toronto 691,651
Montreal 546,422
Tiffin • - CY42,000
Owen Sound -.455,226
• ,
• Sorel
raising the fends as ptirt of the'natural ..Quebec
duties • of the coinmittee. lee pointed
ciples of the committee, as adopted at
its inaugural meeting last May, was to
assist in" the raising of money for
,patryttic purposes.
E Campbell vicespresieent Of the
. ,
:coMmittee, was appointed to Act as
campaign manager ititteug the driye, It
is hoped to he able tteeecnre -campaign
headquarters on the Square and, with
the experience of three* Morteyeralsing.
campaigns to draw from, together with
the whotenearfed.co-operatiOn4f-puch,
bodie5. as the Lions Club, .the *Canadian
Legion and the various women's organ-
iiation% no great difficulty is expected;
-,was=-.ann(mnterl,---brS1r.- Hays that --
a general meetingof cetieens woele be
cello' by the ''Red °mei eociety at a
date to be, get" when a full report of
the work of the, met year ,would be
given by hiinself and other' respOttsible
members of the society locally. -It IS
pose/tee that an outside spealtee ill be
present at the same time, when tplans
Will be outlined for the torain year.
• 'ThIC:fica: :1211337,318820
Deluth 2,708,036
Oswego ,
7 in the above recore of grain receipts
only Canadian grain is given bet At
4itiehal to the amount credited to Gode-.
etch, .80,2;202 bus. of ,.Aineeican core
ere petthrough, raising the Port re-
ceipts to over twci million bushVs, and
plaeing if nearly at the top among Can-.
•adia n grain -receiving ports.'
etPeeied Artentgentente fee Mete
Engaged in Versa Week'
Oeseerteek eeperete
and • Cellegittee Inittitute-owili re -open
for the fall term oitZtteeday eeei,
eepteMber 3rd.
,ror the publie eeeleeel Board it is
anneutteett that tiny Peiele who witel
to engage M farm 'work will be given
permission te remain away 'from their
classes *exile so engaged.
'Collegiate Institute Dosed
At a special 'Meeting or the 0-0..1.•
Board on Tuesday afteruoitu a:request
trent the Department of Edueetion to
aeliay the- opening of the Collegiate so'
as to enable -the eertior Days. to Mader-
take,farm work •and the senior girls -to
sell War savings stamps andeertificatt,s
was -discussed at length. -"The decision
evaehed be the *board ewas that the
eehooleeyOuld • re -open "on. the regular
<Meiling dafeetTiettettetieeetYteeteildier let
but that en'erder to eotoperate with the
Goveenment those students- who are
required for faint labor or to engage In
selling war savings certieeates, would
be enrolled but would_ not be required
to attend school until September let
and that eppeial instructions will be
given to such students to enable them
to overtaketheWork they will miss
While out eet eeletol.
Blank application fornie have been.
receivedby Principal A R Scott front
tee Buron County Farm ;Help Com-
mittee to be filled Ott On opening dee
by boys who wieb, to Inetfiltree
work. Forme also „have been received
for .girls wisbing to sell war savings
eertincatest to be filled out on opening
day. ' •
Tee- preicipal was authorized to con
Untie the use of suck tett books during
1940-41 as he May deem' advisable and
as are, allowed by the Department of
Education. • '
ereeccottets Were passedamounting to
$525; including a coal bill of. $435.
More of "C" Co.
Men to Go into Cutp
TIED :Wake Taiskag4taa*ad Ark,
Thomas Valley to Mosta-
Next Tuesday
The second unit of "0" Oteinpaite,
Middleitex-lIttron Resteteet,
with a strength of enae linadred men et
all ranks, will %Indere* * two weeks
period of .eallitary tralithee
The unit will leave on Tweeday more -
bag for Thames Valley Camp neer
London. Ity September 17th, tbe ranee
ber 01 een in .the regiment who will
bave t ompleted their two weekie. trate-
„log will be ever 150, leaving some forty
men still to receive the xetteired trateing.
Uniforms or teose not yet equipped
arrived at the' armorlea On Teesdale.
Thereitillebieleineterteneleiletlireliebte tee
Eighty elver rifles else arrived by Tueas
day's freight and greenhorna in the
regiment were initiated into their Dee
at drill On Tuesday night, The attend-
antV. on Tuesday eight was one of tee
largest since tile Comptey was brought
up to full strength,
Tee Clinton menabers of "C” Com-
pany, approximately one-fifth of the
Sionlitane, are being trained on Mimeo
evenings at 'Clinton by "0" Company
staff members statiotted bere'
Recent peorceitions in "Ce Company
bete-- heetit awarded :to the teillowing
To sergeant, A, Kirkey,
1Whittingleant, H. It McKinnon; to
corporal,. N. He Thompson, e fl Flub, .
W. e". .1logga.rtle IL A. Gibbons; A. 11.
lleur,pity; to lance eorporal, S., Leggett,
'3 W Mellwaixk•
Stores Transterredt
-Officers, of the Royal Canadian
Ordnanee Corps were in town this week
to erect the ,transfer of stores at the
arthories from tee ban e of Capt. 0.1t.
.brilliant athletic careee .lero•ved that
that particular quality was -a trait
of his character 'When he ete•ught Gus
Wemyes tooth and nail over a 72 -hole
semi-final roUnd in competition for the
Lleyd- trophy, at the •Maitland golf
entrgetertientally etiletegeu the C. Dunlop has accepted
by three strokes. The senteenalists -the post' of eommatiding officer of "0',
were originally to have played only ,Company, elledlesextRuroil RegiMene
eighteen boles ..on, Ttiesday afternoon, and will leave on Tuesday
but at the.end of thirty-six 'holes- they wittetee regiinent wheit it bogies a two
were still deadloeked. On *Wednesday week' training .period at Thames
afternoon the two hooked "up again,
. •
Shipment' to Toronto headquarters
from ''Goderich ',branch, August 27th,
1040: Sox, 408; sweaters,' 10; SOarVe3,
19'; h.elmets, 12.; 5 pair . initis; pillow-
etisee 24; pyjamas, 54; large dressing
pads,- 00; onediuni dressing pads, le0;
small dressing pads,. 240; compresses,
1200; wipes, 800i rolled bandages 106.
Thomas Squires Nan -Midi Misses Death
' in Accident on Harbor Hill
While alighting from a, moving truck
rettereed to Goderich. At peesent Lor- witnesses state, He was, removed to
an d I 1 • wile e evill be
W& is 111 Cottnty awaitin.' trio Alexan ra Hosp ta , r be
a charge of taking an automobile with- a patient for many weeks. Mr. Squires
Concerts in Goderich on unday out the owner's eensent. is earetakee of Victoria street -United
The Stratford Boys' Band, over, 4E6,
strong, is 'eoming toeceoderieh to lite
two outdoor.coneerts .next Sunday—at
Harbor Park An the afternoon and in
Court House Park in the evening. Teis
band has Won, it splendid reputation by'
its performancesnot only, in ,concerts.
.of the kind to be given herehext Sun-
day,. but In competitions at the Toronto
ehuich and, 'also wares., as a graint
Exhibitien and elsewhere. In its yar-
ious appearaticee in the TOMO. COm,.
petitions it has always bn a leave
among the winning ilteneee Last season
the band wee outfitted with new un!-
forms at a eost of $1,400: Their visit
to Goderich willtbe their foity-sevezith
,appearance away. from home this see -
Are YOU Doing Anything for
the Goderich * Boys Overseas?
• Goderich eititeng failed to respond to
the appeal made two weeks ago •for
food and other letturies for our melt
overzeas, With tbe result thee no par -
eels were sea last week.
There was Sufficient cash in theltreas-
ivy, however, to ertable the overseas
, parcels committee to arrange to send
each man 300 eigarettes; so that they
'were not' altogether forgotten,' -•
The not paeking a parcels will take
place abottt the middle of September,
when It Is hoped that .the reguleteship.'
meet of the little things the boys like
Willbeavailable itt. suilicient quantities
tor all eleeen men. •
Mrs. Walter Newcombe, secretary of
the cOnimittee, reports that all Of the
originta skr men, to wheat pareelg leave
'been %ed. have written her expressitig
their appieciation of the' kinchtess ,t:tf
people in the -old home town. It is ati-
nouuced that fruit eakes for 'three Man
httve been received and that the bolo-
rnitteo would appreciate eight more so
that each of the boy g In England male
receive one. These ought to be baked,
It possible, in hall pound toffee tins,
With the Bee replaced after the cakes
cool. Coffee is another item for white'
the mot. have -expressed it prefeeence.,
.bat there are .many things on. the lists
in the stores which are almost egualle
appreelated. Those wishing to donate
.May leave their gifts at Seleiefeits,
MaeVicaret or Dunlop's .stere.'
The eonimittee hopes there 'will be a
generous response and that eleven fall
parcels Will be sent next paced)* day..
The members of the W.M.S. of Union -
, • , • "
thetreh, Goderich 'township, and North FAIRRISH—THOMPSON
etkeet Unitedchureh were entertained A -quiet wedding was solemnized- at
delightfully by the Vietorie street W. the Presbyterian maAs0, Kinceedine,
M.S. in the Sunday school poora On when Marjorie Winnifred; daughter of
Monday afternoon. Over forte -flee at- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Thompeore Bervie,
tended. The subjeet of the worship became the bride of Alexander Jobe-
serviee wag -"My leather's' Will," and it ston, eldeet son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
was tonducted' by Mrs. B. Wilson, Mrs. Frerriste. •Ashflekl., 'nee. A. M. Scott
Baechlere the president, Miss CY* officiated. For the ceremony the bride
Worthy, and \frs C L iowfl Prayer wore a street-lefigth gown of demi gold
were offered by 1‘,1rs. R. Phillips awl with white it&esSotiekt ,and wore a
Mrs. 0, L. ltroten, A hymn eompesed wreath of 'White roses in lee -Chair.
by Rev. F. W. Craik, a former, pastor She was tittentled by her feeder, Merle,
of Victoria street chureh, was sung be who 'wore- a gown of rose sheer. The
Mee A. Thompsen and Mrse. etc- groom was attended by *Gordon Mac-
Taelsle ttecompanied by Mise 'Alma 'Gregor' tif Kintail. Aftertehe ceremene
Howell. \lrs 0 L. Brown intreduced "the wedding dinner was served at the
the new study book for the year, home of the bride's parents, The bride
"Conirades in -the 'Woe•ld Church." At and groom left for, aelioneymocon..trip
to 'Hamilton and Tolonto. nee Will
the close of itb.e Meeting tea was served
erom a, prettily atranged table at which teeide itt Ashlield.
Airs. II. Wilson and Mr% 0 L Brown'
preeided. TIIE WEAilIVR •
The regular meetipg 'of the Puttee.
.Coxtunission'em Thursday bet
was itecupled Mainly With routine lime.
nese. A. letter troni the' Ontario IIyato-
Eleeerie -Power 'Conitniselon vetted that
the eleetrie poerttr requirements of wee
industries would •receive tspecial. atten-
tion. . This letter wag refe.rred to the
superintendent to be followed up. The
July: power .bill for Gotiterich wtis
tonperatuees for the put week
and for the corresponding week last
year, as efficielly reeorded, were ag
*1040 ' 1039
Max. Min. Max, Min.
Thurs., Aug. 22 • 57 74 61
Altri„ Aug. 23 ' 51 74 60
Sat., Aug. 24 03 41 70 51)
Sun., Aug. 2o 00 40 78 5R
Mob., Aug, 20 71 92 7 , te3
Tues., Aug. 27 71 76
Wed., Aug. 28 7 A0 78 57
Tor -Onto --ainjasiith
. Sinulay s Afternoon
Seven people were injured in a Sun=
:day ,afternoon edt.sh. on No. 8 highway,
seven Lanes east of ,Goderich, at the
week-etel, when Tpronto feta Kitchener
cars .nlet head-on in arqinstorm, On a
slippery pavement.
. • .
Those brought to Goderieb hospital
by Thomas' Gundry, sr., .whoecame upon
the accident, were Bobby and Dorothy
Rowe, Bobby; *aged fifteen,' did not
regain e.onsciodsness u:ntit Monday
but he teis now reported out of
discharged. ,An older- brother, L'eslie,
driver of the ear, escaped with three
cracked ribs and an injured armi and
remained at the scene of the wreck
some time:before eonsulting a doctor.
In -the 'Kitchener ear were W. Martz, -
driver, who suffered broken ribs. and
facial c'euta; his wife; broken right 'leg;
andkr. and .,Mrs. Joseph Ohlheiser,
passengers' in the rear seat,' whO re-
ceived head lnjuriek They were treated
ei etlitaton Hospital. -
Traffic Officer Frank Taylorof Olin-
ton,,who investigated, is on. holidays at
present and a complete report_of the
accident is not availeble. I3efore leav-
ing the same nigh -tete statee that pos-
sibly the sudden application of brakes
on the wet pavemerit sent one of the two
cars into it skid out of control. When
they dashed both were on the north
side of the pavement,- Both. mechines
were extensively damaged.
Titc TAiSs IN !citAicr
Nairn to these of Lieut. -0o1. ix a
A GREATBATTLE Dunlop, newly appointed 0.0. for "0"Pempanes -The It.O.O. Corps men oleo
But Judge CostelloW.ine
visited Seaforthe -where they --they -trans
‘ Trophy Semi4inals -
ferred the etoree of 'V? Company frOt
Judge T. M.. Costello, whwas noted
foe eualitielong e
Liett. '11„. J, Duncaii to Maier' T. W.
elorg,a.n. Capt. Nairn and Lieue. Due-
-caare:now on attfve eerVice witl:t the
Vigin .Itegiment. "
. • - -hi-
. o, les fighting iesta " and
hilt when 'eighteett boles' bad been
pJayed, �r a total of ilfty-four, there
wes gtili nothing to separate the well-
Matchedspair. In the. growing dark
nese and with many wearying strokes
behind him, 'the Judge proved 'his mettle
by tonaing throuto veltb. it rousing nnish
which his younger oppouent coxed- not
match. ' • ,
"Ind ge" setellettieventetet teharM
'Reny in the finals for the retied
trophy. . " • .
AlisS irtoberta JohnSton defeated Mrs..,
Frank Curry to enter the finals in the
'rose bowl competition agatnst Mies
. The tGoderich Salt Company, which
for twenty-one years has had its offices
in the Masonic Tem,ple, West street, is
removing to a new loca.tion on Colborne
steeete. where offices have been etted.
et ili the former -Potter property ; --at
the -rear' of the Iltdro Store. Tee'
-change will take effeet"from the est of
L'eslie,Naftel, lathes Thorneloe -and
13i11 11111, three Goderich boyte who have
been training at the n)p,,A.r. aireraft
sehoel at. St: Thomas for leg last four
months, left this (Thursday) /norm -rite
along with the 6410 members of their
class, for Toronto, where they will
undergo praetieal tests in aircraft Work.
The tests will be in- the form of final
examinatiorts and, pendingthe results,
the boys will be sworn leetelee"IttP4Air
tiTon their return to Sit. Thomaslitetwd-
weeks' time. Tbe three boys were home
over the week -end to reeeive the well-.
wisheg of their reltrtives atttl friends.
WIllianeeeraig, son of Mr. and Mks.
eV. A. Otaig, Bruce ettreet, lets•ben
stationed in Brandon, :Manitoba, where
he will take an air-meelmnies course in
the. R.C.A.1t. trainieg sehool there.'
ThetC•ountee Home-cominittee of Coun-
ty Council met at Olinton on Monday
and decided to beild a new roetteellar.
The present one is located under the
barn -and. this sPace is lieeded'for Stahl -
'Ing acconimoclation now that 'a pure-
bred, herd er Slioetharnstee being belle
up . -The new coneretecellar will be built
under- the gangway of the barn. ,
Jerry Fellows; of Totenite, formerly Of
Goderich townseip, lias been called to
serve with the ReC.A.F. Ile is Visiting
the home of his parents, Mr. awl Mee.
Frank Fellevese3e5 Palmerston street,
Sarnia,, before takieg ,up his duties. •
pretty' Augfiet wedding took place
itt Ashileld United ehurch parsonage,
Lueknow, when Itetui Alma Pearl
Thompson, daughter- of Mee. Ieftac
Cranston, Agitated, heeame the bride of'
"Air. Livingotonettenary, 'son of Mr. and
%Mrs. ,George Menary of leatagannote
Bev: Jariaes :Wilkins officiated. . elite
Cora Thompson; sister4of the bride, was
bridesmaid, and the groom wasat-
-tended by Jerry Cranston. A wedding ,
breakfast was sereed at the home of
Mr. arta Mr. Isaac Craneton. Mr. and
Mrs. Menary left on a trip to Niagara
and other pointer. elle will make their
home on the 9th concesoion 01 Aslifield.
Valle,y .Catrotte Londoe.* Cot Ieuelop 15
h fornierC.0.. Of the old Huron 'Itegi-
Molt Out has been on the-, reserve'llse.
settee his retirement set-eral Tears ago. •
'Col. Dunlop 'served in the lest war,
toiret, overseas in 1915, with the usi.
leattalion: He ,saw three tyears
action in; France with the 2nd,leioneers
and.the 5.th Engineers.
.sSTTURO rosToo:
Oolt 110 reeeiv-ea an
appointment to ` Canadian training'
centre No. 11, Woodstoek, to leandle the
affairs, of the 311dt:ties-ex-1furon. Regi-
ment-wheit, the nation-wide one Month's ,
compulsory training Ptah, for men of •
military age goes Into effect. Colt
Sturdy will report to headquatte•rs Of •
military district No. 1 at Isondoneon
Wednesday, Septeetber. 4tit, foe 'great
egekeowleeto- telletietyemeesewitte--havee.--
not been actively engaged 15 arluy lilo
for several- years as, a: °refresher".
_Course. He Will -assume hie dales at
Woodstock oh 'October, let.
001 Sturdy isa veteran 01' the last
war; hieing gone overseas- in 1010 -with
the 161st Oversees !Battalion end hav-
ing• Served in Fra -nee with the 4711t
,Battalioe. On September, 2„1018, he Watt'
wounded at the battle tiletArras attd
was invalided toEnglandfor ' the •
renteinder. of tee war. Ile was diet
eharged from delete -service -in Viet but -
rente'ined in militarylife, commanding
the Huron Regiment until 1935, when
the-anialgartation 'With the -Middlesex -
'Regimeet took plaee Cole Sturdy re-
mained on thereserve list of . the
'Middlesex -Huron • Regiment after -re-
tlrement and when the recent appoiet-'
moat eeme from headquarters at Lon-
don it.foiind bilia ready end eager -once
again to serve bis country.
Crops Are Goodin This District
and Farmers Are in Optimistic'
drive along the eoneessiofis arta. le ranch whoa still inethe stook. One
sidelines.of Colborne and Ashfield town-
ships, and talks with 'farmers Jiere and
there, bring instant and araple proof
that these rural mumielpalities, in „cone
in.oe with other sectiohs ef Union
equnty, are now hervestend one of the
enteetehountiful crops in their •eistory.
Oat fields that yielded over 74) btlehels
to the acre and wheat that went e2
bushel e were reported.. 13'1'u of wetee
there is e, much Jaeger -acreage than
normally, is an.ekeellent crop and it Is
expected to bring ready cash, for fete
mills that Lave not operated for years
will again be le operationThe `flax
has stood up well And wee very eaeily,
cut. Dutnean McIntyre of Ashfield, far
Instance,15 harvesting seventy Ilexes .of
fax. The 'neer mechanical puller hag
greatly lightened and simplified the
, Potato Itot
If there are any "emir ekes' to be
sounded in eonnection with this year's
crop it is with regard to Iettetoee aid
barley. Soft, nittelleertineig made itg
appearanee in the potato acteeages on
low, heavy latal, owing to lent winter's
heavy snowfall anti the lieevy rains Of
seeing anti neelsniumer. It also has
been Muth ton wet for barley, and in
many eages the straw le short and the
ample poor.
Owing to the shortage of labor there
field was tmeut, On the other bent% -
there is, the 'odd 'fernier who is throngh
More Bean S in North Huron
Beans are expected to' be a good
cash erop this year, tdoe•and ..promiet
\vele° There is a, 'bigger acreage or
beans inNorte Heron than in former
yeare. James Garvey le Ahiield, Wil-
lftVm Yohng and Thop. Wilson in Cote'
tookne are extensive bean -growers, with
limey others. • 'Beane of eourse, are one.
of the mein- erope of ,South IIttron and ,
this fall, for the second year In sue-
eession, combines will be used to thresh
the beans in the field, three rows. itt a;
swath, Leslie 0ox of Godeeleh towns.
ship, a eombine operator, has quite it •
number of contracts to thresh bean'
The combine is said to be -Very kind •
to the ;beans, but the beans are reportee
to be hard on the tOrabille•
Pastures Exeeptiollatly Good
Not In many ars,eebag the second
crop of alfalfa, now beleg ha,rvested,
•boon eo heavy. Pastille was seldom mo
eontinuously good as it has been tbi
eeason, end the barns are bulging witk
food. Grain pries are low, it te true,
but fairly good hog and cattle prices
atone for this. Devito lose gale
prices there is it coldient(id and optinte
istic atmosphere In the fainting Media:els