HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-22, Page 3•
Telephone 05.
Chartered Aceolnstallts
T7 Downie Street/ Stratford
Toronte, Office 302 Bay Street
Sales attended to anywhere " and
.every effort mode to give satisfaction.
'Farmers' male notes_ discounted.
Farm, Property. or Househelde Sales,
Rates Reasonable.
Late. House Surgeon New. :Stork
Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, as-
sistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and
Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon-
don, England.
53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford.
Telephone 267,
Next -visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich,
Wednesday, ,September trom,2,pan.
AnniVerearY of Their Marriage
Mr. and :Um William J. Vinlay
celebrated their golden wedding axed-
retroarr Thilalidniae4a44104_,It- Wale- at
'their home near lialtnesville.
lay's Maiden name was Margaret Ann
Petrie: She was a daughter of the
late Sirs. Daild, Jardine of Goderich.
3fr. Fit,day is a son of the late 1V.(r. and
Mrs. Tobin Finlay of Ashfield. 'They
were Married by Rev.. T. E. Howell, a
rich, and took up their residence on the
tOINVIOAP where MO lived until October
later 'to', their present home On the Cut
Roe half a mile from alelmesville.
!The family efansists a two sons aud
two 'daughters, They are John, a De-
troit ; 'Bert; ina the 9th concession of
MeOullough of„ ategiva', who' was at
and Dell, at home.
ding day, fifty years ago, fthe wore a
,black lace. dreiSs and that the honey-
moon was spent In Pontiac, Michigan.
Two of the guests present at tbe
;Wedding were also present for the
golden wedding,. They were:ales. Fits -
rich, and her eistex, Belle Mrs, Smith Se
also of ,Goderich. 'The fayria on whiell
thee took up residenee Aehlield is
now owned by Mr. Charles Congram.
Many callers paid „their respecte to
this 'esteemed couPle Ott-Thhrsditie
dinner far the family and ,,immediate
relatives, end a few intimate trim:his
Was,' served. Tiltiraday evening, The
house was beantifelly slecorated, with
SW:Mier dowers. Among the floral
tributes was a beautiful basket of
yellow Asses from ethe Holmesville
:United. church, of which 'Afr, and Mrs,
Goderieh, Phone 341 .
. 10 to 12 a.m. only on wednesday,
Monday and ,ThursdaY at Mitchell:. ,
51. South St.
linoltILLOP ‘11,10TUAL.. FIRE IN
.$1.1RANGE CO.—Farm and 150-
Teoadeelsorts; W.° B.. 4.rOhlbald, Vice -
President, Soafortn; M. A. 'Reid,
Manager and Seeretary-Treasueser,
forth; James Connolly, , Goderich;
Chris- Leonhai•dt, Boenholm; Alex.
Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth ;
, Hugh Alexander, Walton ; Wm. Kuox,
Tames Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper,
R.R. 1, Bruceidelds R. F, MeKercher,
Polio -holders can Make all pay-
ments and get their cards receipted at
the'Royal 'Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt!'ir
Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, 'er
T. H. Reid's General StOre, Bayfield..,
nen WU.
Angry at Being
° Called a German
Quarrel Between Two "(erieh
Witnesses" in Court
'The first person to pay a fine in
Buren. ;County for failure te register
as an alien ,enemY' la 'Charles 'Keller,
German, of Hay township. Be ap-
Pear,ed before 'Magistrate Maltbas last
Thursday anct was fined $10 and eoste
after pieading guilty. Now eixty years
of age, Keller Was fourteeti when he
After a trial laeting an hour, W. cs.
BroWn, of Torontte and William Bern -
bridge, of Niagara. Falls,. were eon-
victed of being raerabers of an illegal
Eadh was lined $10 and cests or twelve
days in jail. InaSiaugh as 'they fa,
their arrest,• and rbefote getting
they walked out of the eourt room' free
The 'men, who were arrested ma:lily
8th at Bluevale by Constables Jennings
and Gardner, were defended by 3. L.
Cohen, K.C., Toronto Labor lawyer,
who argued that the organization som-
Alte....elita. it me put nutlet:jaw 'official
ban, and that his eliepte lead..not been
active in the ,four days intervening
before their arrest. Nor was there any
evidence that they had beenactive.
Ifowever, Crown Attorney Mime
was able to show thet aceused, when
arrested, had copies of offending tracts
anti boolm in their ear, and later eenalY
half a ton of it was seized at their
place of abode. The inference was
drawn, the Magistrate concurring, that
if Accused had eeased their 'activities
they had not destroyed the literature
Finlay have been anembe,rs eince" 1903.1"ewhich implored Canadians, in four
came from many point; in Canada and
the 'United States, while gueste were
present from Clinton, Goderach,
ODEliVEI.L.AlsTD„, Auguet 17e --The Ants
operating -at 89.56 per cent. of eer.rying-
4alptreity--ihighest since Auguet,' 1037-1-.
C.O. Lindeman, statistician for the SI.
A. Hanna Co., reported today,
This byought the active fleet te 244
tleal catiacity, since the remaining two
ships are not expected to bo placed le
. A- year ago 2:30 of 302 ships wer. in
commission and* of these" 200. were in
the iron ore trade. This year all are
careying -iron ore.
.Godetich for Stratford, Toronto,
• liamilton,, Buffalo, London, Detroit.,
Tavistock and Woodstock. Depots —
Bedford, British and Royal Hotels:-
, 1Pkone hotels -or ,305 for information.
J. Craigie
G Our Automobile Rates
Phone 24 h Goderich
Nelson 11111
"'Fire, Accident And Motor Car
Street, Goderich
Phone 230 .GODERICH
"Mummy!". called the small son of
the house, as he came in from the front
'garden. "A man wants to see you."
S'Ask who" he is," 'his mother replied
from inside the house.
A. few seconds later the little hoy
dashed inside, his eyes Wide epen with
-Mummy," lie 'whispered. in tones of
awe, "he looks pat like a. man, but he
says he's ait, insanitary spectre."
Estate- and Itigurance
Office and Residence:
Phone' 663 •
FOR SALE-be/Houses of all kinds,
choice - lots, business
property and sever, gOod farMS.
Let Me &sew you, S'Ome real
'bargains.. Buy now.
Now—Edna Rest and Freddie Bartholomew in "Swis's
The old triangle formula is. reversed and transformed inton 'Owe_
ringed eircus'of matrimonial lillarity.
'MY' FAVORITE , iiriFr .
Thur. Fri. and Sat.
Double Feature Program
Rithard• Arlen—Andy Devine
Neal' licery—Constatice Moore
and Guinn Williams.
as' mutiny stalite etelen
"Mutiny of the
Anne Nagel—Richard Carle and
Fritz Veld. t •
Inn, melody an& wmaatee aplenty,
in a Inusleal drama, by Fal
94a, He's Making
Eyes At Me"
Mathiees Wed. Sat. and liolidaYs at a pan.
Coning—Charles Royer and Bette Davis ----all This and Ifeaven Tor'
languages, to remain neutral.' in this
Three other charges ageinst 'Brown
and Ilembridge, under the Defence of
Canada Regulations, of making ,sub-
versive . state.ments intended to pre-
judice recrpiting, Were adjoinned sine
Because of the death of Constable P,
E. McCoy, diet Crown witness, the'
Crown Attorney said he was Unable to
present evidence in similar " chargep
against Mr, and Mrs. Charles Bebsola
and Mr. 'and Mrs. John Raycove, Tois
Wee all of whom are allegedly "Jer,
hovah's Witnesses." They °Were ar-
rested last June after:visiting several
Goderieh townehip.homes, ,where they.
were said to haire told. people not to
take any 'side in the war, for religious
reasons. They had been at liberty on
Settled in the '30.'s ,and 40'si
SUNDAY'S RALLY AT EXETER Northetn Township's of Huron
Oyer 3000 Attend Patrlotie Meeting in
'Spite of itieavy Bain ,se•
ii.:kormt, August 18.---A downPour
rain slid riot .prevent more than
1,646q PEO-PielremelittelisilaA -a T.,:astrEetie
rally for Huron 'county citizens
the sExetee, Arena tbiS afternoon.
tAmong those attending were otembere
of' the Canadian Legion and bands frOtri
Clinton, Dashwood and Exeter.
Warden •Feegan acted as chairman
and Reeie B. W. Tuekey, a Exeter,
gave theaddress welcosneeRev, M.
A. Hunt,. of Exeter, gaVe au a.ecomat
of the work' already accompliShed by
the wartime committee. Itev. G. G.
;Burton, of Clieton chaplain in the
Maj. Harry 'S. C. ocIts:distriet chape
ponrag,ed the y,oung Men 'enlist.
Major It, Beattie, D.S.O., poiuted (int
that while many 011ie unite are alnaost
itt full strength enlistment is being
preseion. to the contrary. .).lajor Lee,
another chaplain,. also speke and in a
.very humoyous address Capt. Norman
Rawson, whe' bee recently -been dis-
'charged front hospital, gave also much
aerioue advice. In the last war, Capt.
for nine mouths and ,he said he. did it
withotit swearing amIlater entered the
(By W. H. Johnston in The London
'-Free rreck)
In the million-aere, grant a land
given -to 'the -Venetia (eanPilli'in- Itie-.
linron district, extending from -Guelph
to leake Huron, 'the towaehips of Ash -
,field„. West end Beet Wo.vvanosh were
Slot inel,uded and therefore did notediare
in the, great influx ot immigrants In
the early /600's, but as the company's
large area idled up settlers tnrned !their
attention terva.eant lands to the north.
lnunigiants were entltuelastie over
the hepe ot Owning a' fano for them-
selves 'from ,which* they eetilti net be
driven at the. whin:1_9f 4 landlorde and
they eame in. imeli numbere that the
Government of that day haetened to
In 1183TWilliam Hawkins laid eat the
town plot , Of Vert Albert, and farm,
lands were also Suriroyed; Between
183X, anet.„181,1ethe first asettlers came
north from GOderich -bY "water or y
following the shoreline. Thedrat Were
Andrew aleConaell, Jerome Shari*,
Stephen Martin and John liawkins and
family. Sharpe- did not remain lone
and MeComiell was drowned ia 18:2
while on his wasein a boat, froth' Gode-
rich, thoUgh his descendants and those
of the other fnea still oceupy an import-
antplace in the townships. .
goon after the e0111131K of, these men
. they were followed. by others' who
located along the Lake Range up to the
Bruce boundary. The first were John
Flynn, who brined the 'nucleus Of the
Roraan 'Catholic parish at Kingsbridge,
Then. nOrtli.' -of that the first settlers
were Mei. 'McLean and Roderick Fin-
laYson, who .were followed' by a large
number, of iSeotela Presbyterians' who
located from Iiintail to-Aniberley and
thear descendants rafter the, la.Pse* of
almast a, century. Trom both the Irish
Angus 'elael<enzie,. son of Ma, a.nd
Mrs, Kenneth MacKenzie, Wilson street,:
is recuperating at the home of his sister,
Mrs. George Wilson, lit Hamilton, from
le ansaceident last week while working
The middle' and index fingers of the
hoes left hatid have been amputated,
while his right .hand is completely
swathed in bandages. The amputation
on the left tand had to be performed
"abeard ship :did the young man was
talon. Ile is unable td, 'Use his hands in , on Saturdiy . :. ,
any way at present and doctor's esti- The anrival C.N.Tt. plenie was held at
m'ate it will be'months before he will. Harbor Park, (Goderich, on Saturday,
have the full use of thein. Angus had August 17, with an attendance of sixtf.
been 'working. as a watchman on the
Fort Wildoc ail se:tson, but he Was to there were representatives of the 0..N.,
R.., with their families fromeMitolfell,
have quit his job to work aS 'Cook on Seaforth, Clinton, Hohnesville . and
another' ShiV the evening the accident 1011 came with her tamily to iGoderwli. I Goderich.
how !the accident occurred. He is ex- i (T°- -1 derich, 'where she has lived ever races. and contests km enjoyed by all,
Surviving ate two sons, Robert the winners receiving prizes.
and geetell settlemente /doe gone out
possibly' a larger number of distin-
guished scholars than from at;4y other
Fr.OIA , Joseph's parish at Kings"
the sisterhood, or- tire clap& and' are
to be ;found in conveats in"naany remote
points on tide coutinent„
Turning to the eaetern elde of -the
township We dnd that the'first settler
was William Mallough, who drove
throfigit 'front Hamilton in 1843 and
settled on lot VOA:cession O. Next
ye4r Robert Davidson took up the ad -
*Joining lot'. „on coneeision- 4,, Half or
the 'Present Village of Dungannon is
located on these two lots, During 184$
and 1840 Richard Treleaven*, Thomas
Anderson, the Altons„ Ilackette ,and
.others came. In 1845 Henry
and hiS three stalveart sons were to be
cessions. The centre of the township
111g in. from both sides ttbout this tinee
everY lot, was oceuPled Or bought.
The first mill was built by the «ow
ernment at Port A:lbert, where on gel
,count of the weter power ,on the Nine
Mile River it wag. believed a town would
be established before long. '
In 1842 Ashfiekl, which Included also
East and West Wawanosh, Wastormed
ei'n.to a municipal aistrict, and when an
area wasesurveyed in theesouthern part
of Bruce it was added to .Aehileld also.
JanuarY-3, 1842, a "town Meeting"
was held in Sharpe's Heel, Port, Al -
heti, for the,. nUrPose of electing a
council to manage the affairs of the flew
municipalitre„ After Mauriee Dalton
was voted to the (Chair ,it was Moved
413y. William E. Biggins, 'Seconded by
John King, that 3 ohn Hawkins,. sr, .pe'
The death of Margaret Janet Kay,
widow of the late Charles .S.Wig,er, oZ:-
curred at, Alexandra Hospital on Sat-
urday morning, after an illness of nine
nionlhs' dination. Deceased was born
in Walkerton forty-nine years ago, bht
His pareniseare without word as to there'until 1024, when She returned to After a bountiful supper, games,
few days. • - I of Detroit. and William. of Ooderich; A committee was" appointed, Com -
two sisters, May . (Mrs. A. Simmons), . prising W. Jervis and Sparlint.
`"""i"="iiiim."*"'"""wo""6".....‘ of Detroit, and Tena .(Mrs. Percy ()Buten. and .E. Wells of Goderieh7 to
Johhstou), of Goderich; feur brothers, -Make plans for next year's picnic, which
George Kay of California, John of Dee it is hoped will be' larger.
definitelY after Magistrate n3aakine .an -
flounced that the yoeng man- had been,
senteeeed to one year in jeil Kitche
eher on another charge. '
NeighbOrs at Loggerheads .
Harry Corey, defendant; in a eommen
that called for the intervention ts--i
ficers' before the,Y *ere 'quieted. a The
two men ere neighbors in Goderich.
township and *frankly admitted the'y
were. at loggerhead.< Mr. Corey ad-
mitted he may have talked - "Out 'of
turn" because Roweliffe had -called -him
'a German, and -he, being a loyal aative
a England, undeniably so, had siniply
"boiled ,over." All the time Mr. Corey
wee giving hiS evidence Mr. Roweliffe,
d"ivho 'Is hard 0E1, hearing,' was shouting
eat's a 'pack of lies," with Mrs. Row-
Cliffeeolnieg in the chorus, • ,Magistrate
Makins disinisseci tile -charge, telling the
belligerents to go home •and behave
"DiiiVrkanWer, Windsor youth,. for
aesaulting 'Constable John (Stewart at
'Greed Bend on August 1st was
sentenced -to one mouth in, jail, The.
.sentence Waii dated back' to the -time
of his arrest.
G: II. Thomas' aed IL Mitchell,
stOck salesmen, were again remanded.
*on hail_oli._various. 'charges laid_ under
Alex. ILeverine and George -S-Vsedron,
Jewish proclnce buyers, of Toronto, else
were- remanded on -charges-. • of :chicken
thieeing in USborne' township. They
were admitted, to ball, Teeonto friends
coming to their help.
Last ,Saturday morning, before leav-
ing: to tete a -position in the Depart -
Aleut -of National Defence, Miss, Helen
.111acMath- was hotiored by the office
staff or the Murray Shoe Co., London,
of 'which she has been a very eflieleat
moriber for Se verid 'years.' Miss. alae -
Math was presented with a beantiful,
in °rm.° grain handbags suitably
initialed,• as a token of best wishes in
hey oew venture. Mists MeeMath'is
Math; Ettst street, Goderich.
In effect, front ntaxty points
_in Ontario
Taunt; MUT SEM 11
• Wheat germ is* recognized as a
useful source of Vitamin Bl. A
total lack of this vitamin in the
diet causes pplyneuritis. Cubs are
made from the whole wheat in
which the wheat germ is retained
in its entirety.
If you would •have plenty of
zip and energy and keep in thp
, pink of health, you •MtiSt have
f your vitamins' So starf‘the day
with a bowl of Cubs.
Cubs are whole wheat—the bran,
the mineral;, the Protein, and
the, precious wheat germ with
its supply of Vitamin 131. Ctibs
are' delicious too. Mellow malt
blends its goodness with the nut-
like flavor of the • wheat.- Cubs
Eozrie to your 'table crisp,
crunchy, toasted :a golden brown,
your grocex today.
Shredded Wheat Company Lirrkited
trait, Dave of !Clinton and •Wilham
Goderich. Her husband predeceased
The futeral:eervice, was held frOin
,,,Brophey's fueetal .chapel on. Monday
afternoon, ReV, D.' J. Lane. officiating.
.Many beautiful 1101111 houeuete and
pallbearers were A. Simmons, Detroit ;
Angus, John and Malcolm Graham,
Oliver Cook end alkerffehie,
'of iGoaleaich.. Intermeni was in Mait-
land cemetery.
The death of iNirs.. Joseph' Wad,e
her ninetieth year tod'k place suddenly
at the ,home ef her daughter, Mrs..WIJ-
Ilaninth . She was born in- Ilkes-
ton, England,,one of a family of twelve-
ehildren, and 'came to this coentry as a.
Yeung girl. She bad 'been ' in• good
health until Thursday evening. Elven
had the full Use Of.. all her faculties.
She came to ,Goderich eleven years 'ago
to live- with her edughteis
(NTrii. Paul Lemke), Detroit, and
Estella (Mrs. Craigicy; a Sot,.
'Dr. Arthur J. Wade, Los Angeles,
Toronto. -
hi funeral 'service wa-S- held at the
heme of 'Mr., and Mrs. Craitiie on Fri-
THeven'ing at- whites - rola fives
,,ineimate friend,s of the family were
present. Mrs. Paul ,Lemke of Detreit
and Mr. 'and 'Mrs, Melville Craigie
,Sud bury a ttended from ont of town.
Bev. A. C. Calder ,otlichitedi On Sat-
urday the remain:3 -were aecompauied
to -WOodstock %by. Mr. and Mrs. Caaigie
and intermen(took place that afternoon'
in the Woodstock Anglican cemetery,
cherch, conducting the burial service.
The events of:the day Were ended bY
The honie '.Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Beacom,. Elden Street, *as the Scene
,a surprise party en Monday 'evening,
Angtiq 12th, when members of the
recognitien of her faithful and efficient
serviees as pianist and secretary of thee
Assembly. After prayer the time was
spent in the singing of choruses end
ins sang' very sweetly eThe Birdies la'
the Tree Tops." Kenneth lintel:tins and
Douglas Pennington sang a duet,
"There'll Always Be an England," Amn
Hutchins Sang very,sweetly "Wonder.!
fill," 'and ()pal andeMervin Hey saeg
"The Pentecestal B, V." After this
Program :Ngsa'Allin add William Hoy
were presehted Mrs. Beiteons;on be -
bait of the ',assembly, with a beautifel
oceasionala chair and end table, and
Mrs., Harry JohnstOn read an Address
appeeelation and good wishesolamCh
was same', and the gathering' eloe,1
with the !DoxologIlt,
Varmor (angrily) "Whq. .40, YOU
mission to piteh your ,tent in my
meadow, and you, are 'careless enough
to leave, the gate open and let my
Lady Vamper: 'I'm awfully sorry.
It's my inisband, you know he :limeys
eleeps v4,-ith his bedroom door, open.."—,
Boston. Transcript. •
largest bank barns in Bruce county fell
prey to flames early Saturda.y morning
Senator 3. J. Donnelly; on' the 18th
'smote eae tat Art
that their ehildreu. get the ad: -
vantage of an eye examination
before they enter aehool at all.
That la an assurance that eye-
strain will never be the handicap
to THEM it Is to no many others.
Mike year appointment snip
by' phoning $554.
Ver. Kingston St. lou 1160 *San
born scientist and philanthropist, died
California, at the age a eighty-four
years, ,seeeiein amlativea in Canada
...Windsor,. and four nieces, Miss Augusta
'Fleming, Mrs. Philip Cross., Airs. DaVid
Wright and Miss Thelma Fleming, 41 -
of Toronto. A nephew, Lt. C. Flenx-
was burned to the ground. Much sf
the seasou's erop is said- to have been.
lost and the cause of the fire is consid-
ered to be spontaneous combustion.'
Mr: Frank Donnelly, barrister, . of
Between all points in Canada
Tickets good going from Noon Friday,
Aug. 30, until 2 pam., Monday Sept. 2.
RETURN.LIMIT to leave destination
nOt: later than midnight, Tues., ' Sept.
;particulars from any ageut
Can4dian Pacific
One iad ilies all day and every-
day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3'pads in cads
packet. . No spraying, no stickiness,
no 'bad odor. Ask your Drupelet,
10 csNers PER *PACKET
THE WiassOte FLY PAD cO„:1-ittnifteri Oat.,
2a70 •
-,-tatibtR Pio
8;40.•001t0 aODY
1117111r pay morel lVfoney
V V cannet buy 'a safer tire. -
Why 'accept 'Firestonte.lives
• yea extra safety, extra value and ex-,
tra mileage at no extra cost!
And her4's how:
1ieeauSei;'nly the Firestone Champion .
Tire has the amazing Gear -Grip
tread which gives 11% longer non-
skid mileage than any comparable
tire Firestone has ever built.
thousandS 'of sharp -edged
angles grip the reed with a
sure, firm hold, and protect
against skids and: sido slips.
And, only the Firestone
Champion Tiro built • with
the patented Safety -Lock
Gum -Dipped cord. body vvhicb
provides 27% atronger bond
betweeretread and cord body,
and 35% greater protectieri
against blowouts..
Replace dangerous, worn tires
1‘10'W. Have your. nearby
Firestone Dealer pot Firestone
Champion tres en year' tar '
todriy and keoa, that you are' .
and esonoray.
ito sedition ro the gent*.
Pirestette Dealers hop
Hove other tooter prieed
No matter what price
Ivest to per for o tire;
to the nearest Vireetotte
IYenter 'old deo tit* 'bor.
going h* he* t41$ ittfes 3-'010
4A14:0, Cobalt° St., ?hone 404
OZO. DraoRWAII, Victoria St., Phone 2,1