HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-22, Page 2GODERICH SiGiNAL-STAR %ratan:11 ik nu *tar Current Views the War rhifesiferof lay Meadows jj 40' 114iCY ittiOe• It 7' litiotNeiN ATANCig Zt 41:4 a3 Plra" t',--N114aZteV, L'emtltns Pou vellieia "eeleaee Eneopte the %anent people -front tree Lerieon eteie ota lit a r lan iterroe. ' net' and. of the Veeval Family no itit- Britain stands Vrauke, raselliate aetion'ean be e's;eeeeed front a gbana, the Netherlands No'rriay, Pen. monareit ;vitt° 134s stood' by and even raaFti.,J1)4,43114) 4*zeeliosiovallia are only the eonstitutioit whieh he swore, to temporarily stavee. , uphold torn to'slitkfle; who has giVeit lirttain stands t'here is hole the Collar a the Annuneiata, proud\hito or a genuirae "tiew oetlee under witieli est deeoration, ,to suebt adventurers as sonie eort of selferever• ing federation Itibbentrop and Goring; and who has will preserve the' Illierties of sinoll na- bestowed upon suet). a youthful, swaela- t ione. , Imekler Multi, the secretary of the While Ilritain ,;stande there is a 11aelstotill'sta,rtlaYkliziorlitioglixentIriteilary 4roorld:,.etimrr ;if who hateeeiie,wii not's()'IrmtiI* Visiaiiitei SiguateStar reeea,it Weat t:itreee, Goderieb, Outo Hon, Noemen Rogers lit,the tion of that riding, daily reztoets aireeafe aetivity 4`••41(':'''e rt?sT34.0.' ,""*.ive the stani-thIg _ • '---kicralaw3 bombing .lritathe, end. Inart1es 14 the IiEntle C'PLInnen'*‘: as Brael,,511 walGerzeozeN,14.. areae_ follows: Liberals, 1 bing, 78; Conservatives, 114 not alt,eilay gataed, ,itAve.ezreeey be. Commonwealth INdeeation, ".Ore,Keate that raia,leegaining, ehe 4t) ; New 11/1?1(11101"ralr'7; 10; tla'00-'01,Ieltive ' ailr. 1,Varfaete of this* 1,-intt is noi, • 11Quaent 14.P'eralerroI;4resivrt, As a re:elude to invasion loy,land forees. • sitma-tv(iY for threnext (lay ierwlessness and anarchy which today vourse a person doesn't' think While Britain stands' there is -len* niliere is, as far as eau $/ett be foie- 'txof•'•Da• ,Eng4411(1 *Sof:141A "What a stirring up a Old • family. about thot when th4y're lialerimning I that the ideals, of -Christianity, liberty; seen, just n$' little chance of a whole- *ito, Ireland, but ,20 far the tongetheeat7 eeords • there must ave f in, tbeeie phone and 'step on a rubber.", justiee, enlightenment, and tolerance s;11e, re:volution or Q.„1 tkividesPread tory mutiny,. The long',-eherished"r"4- Hteward Vamisbelre barn, puttin4 in ned aS5ault-has not come off. Douht- natioOal registration this week'. I doll tiniat squeaks out in unmistakable; will have free opportunity to develop. TOYS There's sonietteine; apeealing ut a eveatteaell blizieh of toy. A goidott bead bobe around otel tiny liarale and arms.. are husy • ttliOnt toy etenettilne irew be t'overeil. and ploti-e(11 with and tillable' dis- earl4,41. Thg tivq.idi Starts nodding and tizeI•toys lose their appeal and a voice llepins to pr.oteet las.% of attention . and Patricia Ann is pieied. UP to lie ,played with, fed, or .put to bed, as the tho tiat,,it ;IR 41)'' .111.'-• intsorle (ase may lae ahere thez, are., . . . ittel ieeeeee '111PleoUSiet, .1.140 ;41' „..-• - .ifeid. tiT1(i NIV‘3, Was, SieDowell, ali4 on oeneloz•-• Pow le.Thriml tO go into 2V3Z3 .,,,,, ,.4 r or,,,iiii,11_,.. f2:1$.710'.;.i 3/4.:teifrI4:4,',L.,::,1,i:::14:714t:,,,N,(,vii l'erii. 1110Qe4eit7Prottiell-IiiilleElie'lit5ilitTtl:".;;Prtgr:113fir4i°. i'e vils['titag Nee atioV. Mee, Jorell .F3Dlie nstrutnental by Udall (I,eoLt .4-1'iV•I'tiulit . b,.., faC.;•:11.9.:V• t- -, l t" M4'. V.wt 2ilee kriel AV41/2fet-tnafi ezei Can't( Ekiitle117o-t1tAltf!)1".:;..1211Vi'u}i`e4-t• L rieeed oR ant.1,7,,,,,t1Ls.,:7 icEti212 'n'eth , , = . • . . , , , veiCeei file*. wilZ Qc? C.bi.Mt Willy: l'auf4;',--,-.0-ore j.-aci‘110.4- .3-;,:iitur.ti (ya Sulk,. ' Zlizi,,IrEz1134a);:yvilstttliltl‘niv2r2334:1IVIIii;It (31lary..avnitli,W,3.31.4yrit5g;hintion",o paereate, Mee. llettOk'Y .o2 t'llitla \''''L'w it Lt ate oelagens tog g ri(A:Z(r Eman- Yiettooe on Onntgay witheMr. and.Mes. itlItl'i.es. IN)ii"PeT.l'0118e(1‘'"altqlreIrtIol o. 1:14:14.4og?'34171* o r Fred. J. -Cook evee Mrs. John leeott, ;1 Imeinese part bf, the mu . i , Mrs. lL Wm. Seott, Mr. and Mrs. Walter was eveyed by the group and eandy and. Seott and son -Allin„ Mr. and M. oratigee were 'distributed tO the child- 131rie. John Ma -Oen and Mise eagnes was t$1.00. Alhert Coulter, iPonald -and Clifford, rent. The,...off_(:ring,L4 _tile 1;ctiPtY Band Moon, 3Ir. and mrs. Harry Cook and ,Vieitors last rtiday with. Mr; • and '1" _ ' S°3(11,11130nNrditonZIFWmeASPCLeiriss.-C)" family 'and Mr. John Coulter. . „ ,, Mee. Norman MeDowell were 31r, -and Seotty McDougall, Weestler, . well Mre. .4. j. Wilkins and Miss Vera Ittiown tO Leaden fans, nOw with, th0 II'llia0sr rif eisoradrlis tOpd. i1.4...se. Noel Germarmsjia the drive on litinitirh• SOM =mils a Goderieh, Mr. Howard army in En_gfettd,_weisiiirrios_t 71,ited by, Mfl':11;isies °Efi'sSilie(%110VoY1.-: of Beige% eve' IS 'at .7:i445'llil°1ei414.611'1'''''\.CA"li.7:11e 'iv414. present with her aunt, Mrs. Fred J. , , Jut the,Viist Payment' Cook. s ,, • ' ' ' `Is Jones a 000d customer?" • a 0 • a reMbr2stfciffill"slitig3k14)klrAa'llerit' sie in5rra. ;do'NY'lln,e1;11iitithenesCtel"rragysPafrnsytl.SitragethUloil.F1. .11""1"...I'1"------ -"-: -".11—.•".."-e-- „ ,--147-1--taoileadent, 1, tott2:. e,upiid :. • -'4,,,:-.".'-'-'•`9-''-'''-,.7.42„,:tis=viAii:ale'tincl:Aatit•Itiat4,-10,14e,picp.,(1•.,,v1-/,74cic ..-ka-zstOp tize".*ttentil.W4rei, uttet ., - ' •: 1 rrr,71.tailn, has been aWaiting for many EDIT° ,N• ws bee' use eteh day brings new play . ,,• ,!, spreads. the threat of robbery by bravery as profielent.) In the art of and he toys -hold -new faseinations. 1 violent,e itonral the world. , ._ . War. ' , • c.rtz att.Q.131. Pt P)' .the Nazis to land . , so popular' witbeeeoe'rtitin diPIonutt- cement floors and water troughs. le.$, the evAletice Brit4a's grOWing • precieted when you grope in. the tlarkj, POtism, initistieto imposed ignordnee 1 anguish. The glamor of toys is,,unate, 1 While Britain* stands paganiem, des. tion. isles', that Count ChM° -'11nd an LUII ear etee ‘,..esh.-It was wth egret that oit strength has been a geeat eaetor '• These cool. days aro a warning of ene4 woolen and the ewers) edge of a ; aud calculated intolerance, • will net , , . German elique would be strong enough this- community learned Of 31t•. and " tile t come an---------er that toy ear nips your bar feet. Sulphur -0 hate offinial eanction by the doramant to curb Ifuspolint's proiGerman .Sym. Mrs. Telferd Cook's car Occident at t I v of Europe Patides has proved ludicrously. false. Wingliam. Mrs- liatvey Cook and two me' time statetent by-Sritain's war* • we s:.(oudel make tile most of witat ie oue language poure forth on. eccaeion goNernmen a pot er • ders indicate that a British offensive left Of summer. the thwarting of Hitler s p an what s o ilet section eePreSenfed by ' . .` . •00 h children also viere occopantS -of tlae...ear.' tree may 1414Sttit ,a'rlitces011110anph.Sttlturft•and has Mr. Jack BoYle of St. Augnetine was r - • - - - y --0,-,--e,rm- an, 84. the unfortunate one to crash into Mr. (nut) jOilluid` ''''""` et, ' _ lit dgeexr_tWeelitulitee.err3a're sween.ne, (OO 13 ear, eauedng coLnsiderable tiara- 1" • - - I '''' iee to the ear and soock and bruises Rub, yenned's generously into thetel,""' Lihiemmeetilfy jalnked Ittlii5re ufsurtullnhelelizolsei all:°'-el'I'lliagrePe°1)16' Serviee."-ti:ahs/Ne:h:eidill'e:talT(ti ' 4, bYnrei:s°gIao.11761-ePtheeerainsil.Pleebt°01tPP'lejosifdukiir;s4ii:vfeoee;e':tanhaoOd`t(Yweail4th4:64 . _ .___.__ ,,,,„.„_ __,,,,,, ,,toothe ()equip, N.*. It is fortunate that ' along sw,itti them:, .tyrahitylteiln- the ___eilE tir s irTiiir_x_.ria,,,,,,,,,, trld,got,Tabt etivirescir inictovIL. .,,,_.. .acei e wa o re ee t e. „ eneora .„- In --, , extremity Of' the Axis, How - e of 'y into the hands of a maul ehurch on Sundhay, wh'teh ile the It•alian people is.upon lessone„, Mr. C. lleClenaghan of Wtate- ' ordinary sore throat; for dandrtiff an ' skin disorders, Minard's is eSe han himself, whO is little 7.30 Pm, M . IIarleY .ileDowell, Plmsrt. head charge of the service. f a cruel. dilemma. A. defeat ehurch•was the speaker for the evening, eellent.• Get ,a bottle today., low his ally, however roughiy dent, . , 1 meent led in prayer and Mies led,' to withdraw from their 'Ray uspiraes Swains civi i „ ' . Mildred Thornton read the Scripture wn evils, so long as 'Germany taking as his ettbieet; "Christine. le Britain stands Ja iasa Ruseia Thlo•-e-eXtren • • • your feot. Upsets a Pile .of building and Italy tmeoguizeesome restraint.s. Varinacci, - blocks into ,a sand -pail . and the!. While Britain stands the. Monroe swept e.o .Y•e't•Irit-,b4te•9ia t't,c??. 4a.r.._In Saskatoon missed a grand ehance to:" noise is terrific. I,y IA follow tit' ley Doctrine eon 'hardly he seriously .r en grown- s'tr0 • • . „ • s * the guttze- PowtT gi-eWini t Yt'eelf Seedeatlesilenees ce," aced eantle.Mrs. " - ne *preparation, perhaps not for this . , etrite,,,and ,strilte succeesfully, before Cana.da's, best-lenown women.. i.n.qii,iri,riviloigisx,fdrotmonets.e • , "I that WliTle7- Drirattr -stairds--rotellita'riaa- - - I globe. stile Berlin • ot coerce the markets of tile dopey, and' Hitler •and Mussolini t wiled at Ottawa hy . you?' anti `the ±0.1.7 isto sorneeeotent trade calm * -"` must he riding retires ever little" long or lose the power to strike at„ all. I find myself buying toys. For sev- While .Brita.iii stands the ,Unire OA Mediterranean, where •Mus- In all the' dreputatious talk about tbe era 41..'s, walkIurphy's store where the toys are • World donrinated by dictatorships ' g b. the eV dew in States re not a democratic island in (11111he'eoruencitl Sella thOught to assert mastery, tile reeve/ling of seehooe nobody seems 1 taly ',so far hoe been able to do is to persons most interested -the boys andi set forth •on the display card were aggressors. • stronger t disPlayed, I. eyed an enormons do11.1 While ,Britain stands the oceans ar ' likely to al ileet in hiding, and. all that have takeu tb.e trouble to consult . j! The natural abilities of that dell ae barriere to, rather then -highteays fo 3 he is hand win temporarily a 'comparatively small 1 girls. . _ . amazing. It could tette and had anoth:. I 'While Britain stands -fifth column- etnnmoil co that at last . of B.ritish guns IS being heard in all reopening of school , and send the I getting into conversation .withysonie of I While BritOin stands Atnerka can i is 1111"nel the countries_ bordering the ; ea.e. ---Meditirranearto ando-isehooving ite....efreet ta the councils of„Balkan governments. . • Italian people must be trureted to mit 1 vin McDowell and kainily, N.I( r. and .Mr*.. At any thne in the last three or four, I massed. for the invasion' of p,ritain - . she • ratriem Ann eyed the unveiled won. 1 is fighting only her own lattle. - Alva lielSowell and er natural tentleug of babies • . . so ists" in America remain merely eliniting ')( eauwil the horn ° serewine up my courage Plotters, liteking great millt&ry or econ.- *handful. of British troops; The echo Oriticism of the 'plairlo delar.the the: Purchase was aide Of conrse • oraic Aipport. , to their epend some time on building a two- `.. the uPP0 tern children out to the harvest tields shotad • the neighbors at the chopping 1111, the I - , e I more lima not_ be _too harsh. The scheme was at i paekage chamod to turn over in .my °bean navy. ri retina' a n a the "wi,11:, _that came from' While Britain' stands there is tinie I thleat of ' • I tl Pious. I to debetre-preparearess ri-efstliese-.4 (a- the whole, it ,can be said that . , e *.- * lys Embarrassedly the situation' Was ' States. 'Youth," 'based the passage, "Seek uered, will inevitably damp Pular German stranglehold ye the kingdom of God." The • meeting Gee" trlimalni4eyvemrhusptomnetabir th. e Tenede closed yvith the Mizpah benediction. Y • . M ferti- lize d maintain, 'with ,Wat• atcDOwelf sind •Mise seabosonsesetereeeloiessooneeeieejly gathering, tencloclinee Mr, and Mrs.. 11 elite hope to rea au • least half-baked. it made them eye me ra ier susp arrested on e kidnapping eharge. to read „the °lessons of hiseor can sa suck choike of evils befo e them the Dowell and 'family "Mr. aril Mrs Mar- . the aid of a victorious Germany. ' With ••Thornton„ Mr. and MeS. iNeerman Sie- British prestige ,is higher to -day than A. cable report is tb.at N‘tizi troupe I, explained because of a dread of being ' While Britain stands those 'who fail up a stout fight. , '' ygars.. Looting- back, we can br . . are being taught to swim. e.... der in a rather reserved way. In place I While Britain_ etands America can stay out of o'er. - • A -The Leaden Times. correspondent I letely in Rome Walden all of Westfield Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. 'Wm. Walden, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Germlmy and ,lialy crewding., Britain idea.; but it will be a' loni; cold swOn of going into an eestae•y oVer its abiliries ' While Britain Stands it is even pos- 1 - . • to cry she drowned out iti feeble efforts 1 see It's a eoed at every point, Hitler. and. Mussolini back across tlae Channel. only I sible for AmeriCans to debate whether t . , -- ----- • e * with a life-sized whoop. -The daining in power and influence and by ,‘ . i to meet their cousins, grs. . - I ehe has relaxed a iittle of ber unfriends I greatest preseut needi her best aseur- I or nations, thet we are called to . ItoKellar, of Saginaw Michigan, who short A)f wile should he giyen her. t • thing that would pacify her was h aid , e Bert 'Vincent of Belgrave,Mr. and Mrs, Toni Taylor and Mrs. Phoebe Taylor, of erehow df °deride on that Blyth, Me. and NIrs.,Frank 'their aggressiveness winning• eietOrY Reading in our -exchanges" rtgaudy red ,tea strainer . , a prem.! Britain is not asking for American 'I nee41 nest remind the House toOk place _ seldiers. • She ' does belliove that her we are come to a new era in the hiszory Sunday(-1° after victor3r inothe. diploinatic fieltit flower shOws held, in other Wester.ti. itim from a packaee oteea. Since then 111-0*- 1- • • - • - tte while in .Aritain men Chu liter o tovme„ e A uder why, the aneeet of standing is on increased supply f. struggle for Hie deetin• y, not of 1' Bw°.it aue(is•neoesi 'aPinel,loen-delettge.:ptrese; th 11" ) tle717 dmanages to play a little with ' _ the O11, but still shows aqpreference or ee royers: he I. ailed States ha* ; eonntry alone, but of the ciyilized and Eden, who warned' their country- annual horticultural 4b.ow •Goderich 11 men ok the perils that were closing_ ' -I1 -----S allowed to lapse. et one noget some -.destreyeOS, Willett have beeniald world. We .mosterreinember 'that it is • -d came over to- ci-01 eneh 'or the. day, ordained. them, *were. heard, if at all. 1 judge from' the garden disploys all over All the ingenuity, of man has ' off as , They might , ; for•oureelyes :Ilene that we submit. vete ' 'I "over age." al 3. o sa t own o p enie mich to provide toys that will give amuse- I u$e America wereoettacked• , to uneiarispied privation's. We have Let 1- otelock. The aftelmoon wasspent ment to children like'the ordinary little I. Year. But there is good hope tha.t• if for ourselves 'the. great .dury- of self - complacency ; but now she is, magniti-, Dr. f,„ j. Simpson, whose death oc- thread . . .. the lid of a pan . . . all , ial Peishin, hes ui,ed t hity n er h „h .ordei. A .e , NO POLISHING with irapatience.and.,disbelief. It took town, o•ur hortielturists should be able' • a long while, and a succeesion. Of seri- to put on a highly successful exhibition Gene •- • e " •-• h. " I a. it, e • • A are ge hours , . . hours longer, tha'n the latest .• • itgainst a foe whose malignity to this • in a social gathering and all too soon, • *. gadgets arohnd the house . a key ` they were sold' new to Britain 'there preservation to perform : bu the duty the Michigan friends° had to leave on I • I f the by Bend 'Entertained. ---The W.M. s. • '11 keep Patricia Ann playing for • o too e a tole to paes. to rs aee, o p ce o our sa e f th -1 M lb 11 d fi t tl t r 11 f q. f ty Ba l'ttl ring .4 . , a, clothespin . . . a spool of would be no possible attack next yeas-. o people o ga 4 b eons reverses, to stir Britaiu out ok het . - .. .. es • 1 HO RUBBING , . their way homeward. S •. meeting. was held on Wednesday, ' ImP Y P"ir a ' e . mull?" arou.sed, ready ond willing I 0 i curred suddenly on, Sunday, hod been •s°1-' - Brits in ---—. 1 d • • Hawes' Floor Glints on , ., August 14th, under thes lea ership or ' Leo.. __ono, reeed fighi dila scatter her adversaries. If she . ministeoof Education for Ontario since, thing in roys would provide. ' We believe th.at the importance of , country knows no bounds,- put 06 IS Mrs. Fred J, Cook, Baby Band leader, `"""--- -"1""-' , lcDowell esM-iieeele,eseeeinnu,„, iilightly with cloth or . . wilt remain in this dangeroesemood s the lieplm-ra ''Cabinet was formed - hi Itaving discovered that her legs; will ' Britian continuing te.stand is such that i not to close our views or our effort's aed her a.s. .. , ieten.t .- rs.. Win , .. , until all the rattlere and Alusselinig of " i93t1. His poPularity Was indicated to- propel her now into all the nooks and; thicrannies, she also sets outot com to find new I the risk involved should be taken. We ' in so sacred a cause. Amid the wreek believe it • is „the sort of risk military and misery of nations it is out. just and Mre. Cook's W.M.S: group. There *s".n6:207".'''''.'„87"*..".- were twenty-two members .preSent, tw:' iiiilli- eieiediell will s earth are subdued • and . their i successive iaotable victories at the polls • • • - playthings. The little sodoor under ' mittesters have always tale411.' ''''WeT"h-trast that we have continued superior - eleven Baby Baud members and four seeardrY'leatineesisgtiatte polish. 1 the oven door on the stove came open 'I believe i'lt is the 'surest, quickest step : to all that ambition or despotism could visitors. Children's hymns were u - d ------- - one day• and she Was quite 1 iu national .defense :for the United effect; and our still -higher boast ought far the meetine. lirs. Frank Campiieell p•ower for evil destroyed, the world ' in his Simeoe county ridrag, 41.11.1." he May have peace for a• century or two •to leaves an, iniportont post in the „Govern- for . her° 1 • Seites to be that we. provide, not only for our led in prayeL Two readings -en • the • -- merit which- itr nOt be easy • to ti11 fascinated at the gritty, bleck substa.nee . • . . • • ire -.-Lchristian SelenCe Moniter .(Bostodo own S.afety, but holdout a prospect, Baby Bend were .g.hvn Norman' - to nations otow bending under t iron satisfactorily. `s' 'that poured forth into be Wee e ' . only difficiaty was that she Was. dis•• • - - - • - . „, Po PLANNING- COIVIDION -------- •- • • covered before she could really, apply it , FA -AA SCISTS., D. ITALIANS .,i.Toke of:tyranny of what ihe ,exertions Seldom can a nation have. eisterrd °f -•a f,ree. ,People can effect, and that DEFENCE Gerraany bar... proclaimed a - "total where it woeld Show the most. • at least in this corner of the world the blockade" of Greet Britain: but this . At ten anenths of age, I very much upon a major war with less genuine and •,. . e. fear- a trifle of the prankster in her. spontaneou.s ent uelassti an . does net preven't Britain trim receiving sanctified.' • • Presideot Roosevelt and. Prime Undernea,th the kitchen eotieh there Italian people which , elusolini hae- °Churchill? No. The younger Pitt, . . s 4e. supplies of food and war materials• from — • reposes- a , pair of well-worn but most 1 apgued from the balcony of the Palazza in the House of Commone, Apell , 25,' r•Ittnigter „Mockenzie Xing" me- u , • • 07107shtragi....,:y.,_..,,oroeesuriday ...ono .1_,Aerierolea and .otheieports of the wor:d. . comfortable •slipper--• of the eepeSenowel I A enema on the afternoon of June IP: 4 1804, with England preparing for an • 1 N -O- r... ds ii-PieCeirrtli-t e •S "ilite.,s- 'frifeeratetemeerRelaxinge fronr -theretlay-ree-srio-Yeareethe-Deend hi.obeecheees liffdiren from -tile etitetinOnte'l-- ..- .agreed upon. ,. t* setting' up of a i - • work it is my'custoznary practice to pull men hadstriVen to inculcate ii to their . -New York TimeS. ' item sending their goods to custonsers 'taermanent joint , board on defence 1 th'em on before retiring to the Yerandlib ecompatriots the -belief that th y . were to. -eo '•' der in the broed sense le for a smoke after supper. Last night ' a 'race. of natural Waoriors, : mrstine, _ overseaSs Importers say that their. • •!a • • . ' with remarkable PromPtness. • Indeed, foist into the eight slipper . . . only to ar,m-ehair life of the peaceful borgbese," • the Germane•have no Means autslido Al have theetoes double up and Pain shoot! and only panting to be led into . ny and WDWPFIEILD, Aug. .1.0. -Mr. W. Hs mpbell spent ,a few days last week Hemisphere."' . • -This means that both ' Canada and • ' - - - up in thesleg2 Examin• ation revealed a ' -every adventurous enterprise. Ca r -.1 k • th t a the shoe ! But in this summer of 1940 the gun- with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Crozier, the United States are taking p. common- '..SenSe view of the threat to this eontin- .. name of liberty is still elle-fit• UW a elders are beim; -filled from England was no Oeeeption, until I slipped my with martial ardoe, despising he easy WESTFIELD- - ileum of the north half of the Western occasional submarine attacks, of mak- ing their "total blockade- good. .. ni . itt I don't -know who. pot it there . . . but I powder had fairly run out of the heels of Crewe. • • 4 - *for some strange reason of. imagined . . .heirboote. The Abyssinian .0npire . Mrs. James McGill was a. Beni:taller . iymproRitg '01" OTREE, DAYS 1 was eertaln I detected a faint glimmer , had soon conie to he rega fled as home- visitor last week. li`tee• Press' makes the following corn- • • . • — • of Amusement in u Pair pf Irby blue ' thing of a.white elephant, chiefly .prized i Mr. tied Mrs. FAmer Taylor and fame , ._ - •' Yes, toys are appealing when you see 1 ganda made against the League ..pblidy ; with- Mr..and Mrs. Bert:Taylor. . . . fairly and accurately: ; '• .. e received from Mtes ifeelge 31acdonald, milk -and -water sanctions,- its cou:' Mr. Bert Brawn •of .RackwoOd was a , • them around the house . . . bot like I of tent from 'Nazi aggression., The London .------ 4beetraser ovorttrdy the skilful propa- - ily, of Wheatley, spent last Tuesday ••ineni whieh we believe' states the matter The. `editor a The Signal Star has eYes• - - , "There will. doutttlesS' be criticism of Vancouver, B.C., a tribute to the ...everything else, there are two Ways.of of, quest tlOuld be depleted as having been I week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. , • , 4- , • .. frome borh sides. of 'the line. Itt the Memory of *the•late Dr. Stuart Pritch- looking at it • . . andi after stubbing 1 carried out in the teeth of o hostile ale , Frank Campbell. 'United tStates, epolitical enemies . of ard whiCh by old schoolrriatee Of oth will be read with appreciini,my toes 'last night I'm 1001u113, it the envious world. For the intervention in' Mi SS Bernice Ford and Mrs. J. E. _eeeeng__another. step towards.: dragging • tion- - ..b'toy question. from • the other side.. , j Spa„to there was eever.any popular sup- 1 Ford of Comber were week -end visitors . • • -°."e'tti•' ' --'''''•:.Of the outrageous occupation of witM with 1r and rs., Frank -Campbell. .- 110080*e.lt-Will *probably eieguse hinr•of barila there - - • . ' ' ' the reemb•r3,e. s into war.: In Canada , Goderlett, Collegiate Institute: isukyon notyDr-sr:oFFENeg...„, Ai, yeas even less to be oaidet Mee.- Pord---is- rem-stiniu-for•- a- longer there will be people,. Who 'are auSpicionS4-- • - _ (Ottawa Journal) . ' While then Olussoliel looked down from Visit; • • of AmericAn inoti.ves, li:lap- will saY that I, tiave lately heard the Delve .7of the , . All of us .have., the right to critieize. his -balconY •upon a carefully 'staged We are sorry to `report-"Mis's Annie this is in line vvith, Preniier Itingts death of ,Dr. Stuart Pritchard, news . Government aneoures. But onee those :demonstration and ',his. periods Were I-Iarrison, who mases her . home with policyeof looking towards •Washington• that rolled -away lihe- years, 'With ii,111 Measures pass into law, are a part of punctuated bY volleys of applause from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook, is under. the .Canada will nOW . be a, Ya•esal; state to their eheeetered shade and, sunshine, 'the nation's statutes, we cannot demand the Well 'drilled- cheer -leaders the en- doctor's. care and. is not improving as • the republic; , •, ••• - year's which in their silent iieSsage hive that the ilaw be broken. The best or thusiaem died down almost as soon as her many friends; .would• litre; % - ' - ''Th 0 le who will take thLe at,. rolled remorseilesslY o.ancy them in n' In f'ost we can. do then is to work, in a the last words were out of his month., , The regular•Thursslay eveeioig prayer , e y s , e ,, '1‘. .: ' tittide in both -countries will form an passed-befofe•tay-inuertistort the pane' .-constittit_ign,41;.Way,- for lames:Tepee'. Singularlfew gagwere Moiler out serVicwas conductedety frsJas unimportarit•minoritk.-. The greaVirtass i mama et' all the gallant met( and, ,Mr. Houde wasn't doipg tht. He was -frOitee, Private houses. The people , McGill, Mrs. Frank Campbell reading . . of 'the „people in -both countries*, at aI, wonien of our 34Ounger days: , telling people they must break, the mw; gathered together in the -doorways . of I the .Scripture lesson. Short readings Iiinie When_ Western. eivilization. Is at 1 "So sad, so fresh, the 'day e that are that thee'. flatlet set' -themselves up silent streets and spoke in apOrehensive weregiven by Mrs, R. vineent, „me; dtakte• and When this eentinent is -Imo- 1 nO More." • oreer--- , .agalust the etate, egainef Parliament: undertone-. SeareelY a Britistereeldent I Jas.MeGill, Urs. John lluchutilin, rist•fe ally • threatened, e..-..wdll applaud, this ,,, :Irk my mind's eye, I•see t1ie'figartr4 of That at anY time 1..o.bad; . During war, ovho did not receive numerous te.lePhene May 31asey, 'Mrs. Jas. McGill and 3Ir. calls and, visits from Italian friends '' John. Buehanan. Several led in'prayer Monientone deeisimi. 0. -ttilY means thatrJ iin"- Masson, 'J. P.' Brown, Captain wheti4themaion is fighting for its life, it *ill bring -the two countries .closer to -1 Shell, B. D. •Grant„ Gorden Wightman, 1 is intolerable lawlessness. * A C::oveehr_!,!„-t sincerittheir sorrow at the oming eighteen were Present for the. meeting: protess Ong int' atvents „of oninistakable I and gospel hymns • were sung. About; y c 1 gether in the mm -w will be' Geoffrey Bolt, James Getrrow, Eefitile. Ment unwilling ,to Cope with u Ware cou-pled with wishee for good luck . -Mrs., Bradford. of Goderich visited weleomed, 'the, isques today are to4 1 Campion, flar6ld Tailor and- other :situation Veould be unfit to govern. '' . • .....-- -so-- .- -, • -- 'and for a _ speed Y meeting- ogain in ' last week _vvith Miss Minnie Snell.. . great to play polities... •the-preSenttgreats,----of.f.mufselMasson, Grace litrang., happier circumstances,: •• ,I .Miss yvinnirrs. Canal -kelt: Whb "Waft decision Is only Comnion sense one the Mae Itiiiiietp, Ethel Ithinas. Stella Greg- JAPAN'S ISICANNESS -' ''° . (..'...`ew. York Herald. Tribune). _ :The predominant ' feelitig, perhaps, a week -end visitor with her parent-4,1ms Part of the two countries, beeed On the ory, Vesta Watson, 01INT May .Ifiehiii:- . eitperee ee og Europe.' - - - an; Laura Jeekell, Daisy Mos -Ply, mid._ When this Current totalitarian hid among the Italian People 'Os a whole ' retUrned to :COmber for a few weeks' Both Canadians and Avaericans will MacEwan. -Florence Graham, Ennly7 'for• world domination hag .been fought Wft4 one of bewilderment. The Italians, visit.. whatever their eb.ortcomings, are, cer- We are glad :to tort Mr. T. II. will be a [shepherd, Beatrim Gaerow, Claire to a finish, When the smoke has cleared breathe easter to learn there minty, not Tacking In Intelligeriee. 'And -Taylor •SoirieWhat inu oved after hav- eemnoort. defenee of this continent. if t 'ReViolds, Mabel Tom, among the many. and the day 'of •-reekoning has eome. Invaded.” . • • , - - e. . . . • ' , woinen. J,apan is gOing to find herself in a situ- SO, puzzled to know_why .1taly, having wish, him a stpeedY 'recovery.; • -O, being intelligent, the Italian people ing suffered two strokes last week." 'We • — i • Foremost among them was Stnatt, ation in' which she Will be extremely . ____ e, — -Pritchard. - -' - ' . sorry --for. hereelf. : For the eitiit for. been proelitinied by llifssolini to be a; . Mr. and 'Airs. Lloyd 'Nyaidat visite(' 7 f; VIISS MAUR/JAIL ra.thi5 , -.4,i,4 !Owe tall cliff that lifts its, awful which she will then proceed to do, "s•atiSfied" natien after the conquest of 41t Vraderich on Sundhy. . . „ n , penanCe 11111 not be primatily the litg, thyseinia, %% IS suddenly found to be in . Mr, and, Mts. Gordon '4nell and .fane:' ..o............• - , ,, • ' • forat4 . . ,.,, the threes of strangtlation* unable to ily were Goderieh viSitorN On Sitiolay. .etions were held im '‘Ilonday I. 'Sitvelle from the vale, and 'inidwaY I, bold eins against international good . I leaveo.the storm, . .I faith whioli diplotoarS. ohalk up, but breathe If she. were not immedilttely put Mr. Mlis LIsley hat.; enlisted and left A, . ee in poeseSsion of large Portioere or the • the -House of Com- zor tooke seats in• , . . . , Though fOuntlr'its •breast the rolling t. which peoples contrive to forgive eaeli inono• t,' Much luterest was takn. ein the t • elouds are cepread,-4 other Inthne, but the small, Ineanf 11 n British and French Flnipires - Against r ranee. some old, long for . •4. , , . . CARELESS BICYCLE, -RIDERS - but many Italians were puzzled to know , , .s, ., why they 'vc"ere tailed upon to fight •.• • nether Ba Night • gotten claims. could' be invoked In sup- • , „ , . a totuens, from. Saskatoon, .Where Miss Eternal t-iiniStiine-Seftles*-on his head." forgivable onee against human deeeney I .A„gillea ItatTball was a ealldidate:-The ,..... ektidowed 'add blessed bsoinifureeVith ',Willett *peophoiewili.,not let their iliplo- • an attractive 'face Anal forme a gold- i Mats. forget.: port of tertain, of theeltalian demands, former member for' Grey -Bruce • failed, , I natured banteriiirrs, style he was the ' ',. - ' - and unafraid, he was a fighter.in life- • ling double on -a t bicycle is a i lift ould - • et o ' est • however, to malte a cotneba.cle, the ton -1 eynosure a • all, eye in iny dear •old Great Britain. because she had held the! Eervative nominee, Alderman A. II. I academie ton (if Ooderich. FeariesS • ' (Arnprior Chronicle) ' b rook of Gibraltar for over 200 years, and i * _ ' _ _ o, , - e_ ._t,..i.L Deice; Winning the seat, in ••a geld of• . why Great -Britain was to, he Warned ,.. Vo, tno Ut"Ot1SanCla Wno "goof, ilitVlb . 3.ix. „nee 1,7_,.., a el.,f(r.,,,, the cola ! he was a lighter hi death -with Bro,atel. i dangerous practiee but one whieli is ' us . ,tinh. .. - • ''''''' .. mg he eould..et •!•7 : -, I quite cOnunon in towns and on high- for the tolls exaeted by the•Suez Canal i tater night, on -simples., be and to i TWA; I,V.0, Brown, having' represented ' •• mare* . e ., little control over the itiaehitie. Riding Egyption,.territory. oyes slumber win not earae; I servatives, tlie former menaber, rite late'. er was ever a* lii,leter. so:e-Oile. fight t.' ways. 'With a passenger sitting on the •ColIIPan,V, a eommercial undertaking; whose, , , erossbar or lefallebars, the eytelist has 1 the Enited 'Ramon party. • e • To'-', those who tde(ip in ‘e, kind of vii. 0' • ke.11,- directed frotn Paris and operating iipon . • The lielet and the-lasti , ,,, In 'Waterloo North, L, Breithaui , eyes and foehore, Instead of arqingie file reasonalyiy„,41ear -.10Stakfl tO s trory4p, that Italy toll" not . bad dreams and nightmare& way, but o..e rest is bro would hater that death bandaged eaty two and tlime abreast 4.11 the itiosway _ It tvtould, hdwever, be a most grievous „„ Liberel, waS eleeted to, eueeted Ilioi %mei bade me creep east," . , the curb if4 another. headaChe for motor- folloot Musoolitti along the patlphe•has ' %le these' who wake up In.' Om .'.' vir, p, leuie.r, reinoved to the •Se,u,ate, ' This is Ally ,. tribute -to . a gallant 19t; but the Worst hazard of all is the illtne,"d,e0,11tie for her. When Italy ap- 1 morning as fired as on, going to bed, and Carleton conutremained true to trooPer bley'ele rider whoCnOtOrigt Wobbleo all over the Wba-11.•etell 'lel,'" t"nnie Int° tbe war 11st*. wo offer in llifilburies nest& and. § ' . t its traslitionS bY efeetin; a calt'erv." Ai& SECORD REITIliES fOr ,sOnneOlie else's earelessnesq if an read. The TS alwaYs* blamed ttlePtember one heard a great deal of , Xerve teills s temed to hel soothe Y• P loose talti about the certaint)* of a re. It ,volution if war were declared on the tina Calni. thq Iterres sna. bring them*We, O. Ittroeell Mueller, Ottawa „The retirenient of Alfred 0. teetir(11 etteeident ockturs. •• lawyer, over a 'New Denuteraey fter fOrtY-orie years' oerviefe with the *. ' - - side tot,Germany against Great Iritairi I bark to te perfect condition, and and France; of the probability of WIA:St Sig is done there should bo.no candidate. t C.P.R, io announced.- A native)ef Glide.. - ioneo:. "Very polished Worraan, M rleeerliv,ie4IrlorLi. ,f;eteort engtred the Cepeae, Browri. den't you think?" , whoiesale desertions on the geld of I rem° ideepiefii nights atie, to ',kat, Iiinplon Iliad eletRd 'Ion. Angu• 5 ;42,tittlittiwg Yze, 97 pollehed ,indeed pluttle•n; of the eheal,ce that 'King Victor 1 teti,d nervec liftteilonald, Minister for.kaval SeroleeS, ittetely. ret'epe Ownnil oT(11.ittioh:' ' without a conteS't, to eticeeed the Lit" freight agent at Montreal. ,i, on eomeone." ea9t44' a retteetim I;adaogt114'io awrgilleantr3tilita Inf"m" WMitatirLItlel'Os' T. ittgbios 00-41.4414 Torot4t . , • Summer's Last Long Week -Ed- GO: From Noon Friday, Aug. 30, mita 2.00 P.M. Monday, Sept. 2." RETUitN: Leave des:fination uri to midnight,. Tuesdayi, Sopt. 3, 1940. Times shown, are StandarcL For faits and brther. information apply io yournearest Ticket Agent.. , IKEIEPS'NEW CARS YOUNG TOO *White Rose reiuoves carbon ins old motors, keeps new engine dean. Itesult-,--quickened motor , 'response, new resiliency. Try .Whitenose in your car—you cam "actually feel the difference"! • lent* Pick 01 then alliq 2114e1frithemakersofthefamoil WHITE ROSEgrsolfnes CANADIAN OIL COM ANIES, LIMITED