HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-22, Page 1ttI • • setteaseteseee-. eleUeireste. /) Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star ERICH, ONTARIO, THURSICA:171 AUGUST 22nd, 1940 Ilmtric,spoociti ligAR. NO. al TO FORM CIVIL FLYING CLUB "C" Co'y Back from HERE FOR, SKY HARBOR AIRPORTf Canrp Well Tanned so— Operations Explained, at Meeting - Last Night-_Conunittee. Named to Randle Sale of Stook Poi -melon of a private gamier:4' .te , be known as the Huron County Flybig-: Training School Limited, to Operate •Sky,17arber airpOrt for the duration of po War, Was decided upon last night at a meeting - held in the Court House and attended by men in publie life, laded- ' lug twenty reeves fedm all parte: of .the countY. ' This new company, it was explained, 'willsinneediately. offer 3500 Shame of Preferred stock„ bearbig eve per emit Int9,Prege. iiirea-ay been, subscribed. . Fed.' oral ;Company charier with a capital of e50,0Q0 le to be taken ont, $35,000 of which is to be preferred Steele and „ .e15,000 con:mime A bones of else Coin - mon $10 share, for each ten seams of preferred is to be givers, or 350 common bares in all, and the reelabaing 1,150 ebaree Of common stock are to be allotthd to the Kitcbener-Water1ooi1y- ing for the transfer of, itsper- sonnel and equipment. to Heron county. Throughout the meeting it was ern- phasized that all, twenty-six elementary flying training schools under the Britisfi* •Comnsenwealtla air training- Plan are operated by private "companies -known: - be eying elubseas, they are in England. • It was pointed out that Huron county bad no eir.ch company or flying flub and that unless such a company were teemed here. the Dominion . Government had, decided that an outside club, Kitchener` Weterloo Or Brantford, !would he called in to hike over Sky Harbor. , • To Have Dominating Voice" One inipOrtant feature of this new plan, welch was unfolded In e series of talks to, the Meeting,: Was that "turOA -County ,eitieens would have a dominat- ing voice in the compeny, electing the • officers and eve Of the seven directors b• y reason of its majority, eontiol of the - stick; Warden George-Peagan in openingthe meeting, told xilay he had celled it in fairness to the different 'municipalities et the, county Which . had -contributed theireehere of the $9000 of county motley sued to buy the original Sky .Harbor site. He said.the'newslhat tbe airport. was to be. Privately managed had oine to him as a. distinct' surprise, • as it no (leek had comet() All members of the elounty Colleen. ;All along it had • been thought that ehe ,management of the airport was to be under inilitarY control.. ; :* • . , - Ottiw.a. Vensidted- • He said be had protested toe Ottawa,. bet read a letter' frordeAlr Minister • Powers. that bore a .note of "finalfty--z that Sky Herber was to be privately operated, as • were 'all elementary schools, and that no exception coeld be .. made for Huron Count'. ;Coenteierroe eald ,that while it was true teat :lee. Oeeinty had spents$9000 of its ',limey. as a patriotic *hire theeGoverernent hadezieee -epent 'er- great -many -more thdtsands of. dollars. He felt. that despite'the fact that the' County, had, no flying dub it shduld ei,Ve some say .in the. administration of the school. He said. he -aria_ others had `been ro Kitchener and 'talked .things over with -PlyiegeOlub efEcers there. As fie-reault •it was decided to attempt to form a company - in Huron. The County Solicitor then proceeded to outline the financial and officer setqlp of the pro - pissed company. He said &het Huron County as a municipelitywee not per- mitted to subscribe for Any 1stoek. It -was suggested by ale. Heys that A. .1}1. Erskipee'Coenty Treasurer, be named trustee collect -and 'receives • money from stock subscriptions and to ,hold it in trust until'the charter is re. *cerved.. This is to be done with the permission of the iOntario Securities, COMmission. 'No -commission: is to be paid on the sale of the stock and no organisation salaries are to be paid. . Details of Contract Mr. Erskine went frilly into details of the -contract betweenthellying -Club and tee. Government, outlining. the sources • of revenue, all. of which Comes from the Government There • Would be ninety civil employees at the airport; Of which the Kitcherter-Waterloo Club • would supply sixty -threes- the practical , d ron twenty-seven, the ad- ministrative staff, 'There would be twenty-seven planes and forty -:eight. studeets, earlier and senior classes' of • 'twenty -four -each, they remaining bete .twd months befere snoving on, to adt• vaneed schoolS. _ 'It was Stated that at.ali times *th,e eompany would need $35,000 working eapital, • that the. Geverrenent :would --,--etakeese•ventystivespereeenteenil, relfolltee „ over the flee per cent. - dividends on , preferred Sto_ck. • The.eteers.teventesfileie ',--per-eennvouid'he &edited to the cern..." s4rem4stois1r. Likewise theGovertimellt AT IIVATElarROIti More than a dozen yachts. belle pet inte this port in the Iraq week and all are reported tohave been headed Up Use, lake. :ApParently the owners are out to make the most of the few remain- , • ing weeks of gOod yachting weather in the northern 'Waters, .• • • The ,str. 'Superior brought the sonly grain cargo to arrive here in the past week. She mese in on Sunday evening from Port WMiam velar 8,000 bus. of rye and 017101mM -a`f weeate and - eleared on eliondae afternoon for Fort VVilliare • after taking on A cargo of, salt. ' • The passenger boat Georgian bad 240 Paesengers on !board when' she called here on Sunday merning On 'her: north - Wend trip: , • Mhe temperature- of the water off. the .beech dropped froM 74' degrees Fahrenheit Satiffirde to 52 degrees by Meeday afternoon, the result, et a chilly north wind which swept over this district over the week. -ends The temperature Of the water at present is hovering just above 50 degrees, but a fewswarm (Jaya would send it again into. _the- 70% se karieble le the water in 'August , s • .TliANKS FOR, nip SOCKS Canadian Soldier Overseas Sends Note • of APPreciation to Goderielt Knitter Mrs. R. W. Bell, who sent a note in a pair ef socks knitted for the solcliers *resells, received a note of thanks from the reciplepts Pte;Tangen. Ie ivritess'z • "Just a fewlines to let you. know thet I recelyed a pair of Socks weicie had beenseet over fee the boys on this sede, 'They sure came in handy, as aire etta, do with' hand-knittee:sodke very well. Tee fit was 01K, A let or bOYa bare got socks and most- of teeth were a gorgl tree Some of them eotild, have beert made smaller in the feet, as some :of us boys lertse email]. feet, but, how- ever,' we are glad to reeeive' socks from home 'whether, they fit or not, as the sockS inade in England are, not to our. liking, for epee thee are worn they get ;hbard,, as they. are mostly' cotton. 'We are. Jraideg ;fine weather teday, the sea Shining and a, nice blue sky, as for the last two weeks We have had a. steaerrain with about two ;breaks for about- a halfsday ; se we are. all Mild ef. crabby, -or have beek, as we don't like ao muds rain. . , The elimate is damp over here and sleeping In tents and on the ground is not so het; but we came over here for a reason and we ,c,an't expect everything on a silvei platter. So we keep, eur chins up and carry oe, looking. forward to the day iihensiveeeihreetiefdefierniffleireer4111. not return entil we have -won a' victory. • "We are etijoying ourselves very well and the -people are very nice, and we must not ,forget the young Indies, .as.. they try.to entertain us to their utmost ability, en which we ere thankhil." The letter toncludes with another ex- pression' of. appreciation of the gift of socks.. . Two Members of Company_rigure -• in Field- --- Day Sports Their two week -s' training lierioe at Thanaes Valley teen% near tingle*, eompleted, 440" Coy., of the Heron - Middlesex Regiment,. N.P.A.M., returned to their hones in Olinton and Goderich , on., Saturday a Somewhat 'tired, but bePPY a.ed healthy.looking lot. , The Godeidee members ArriVed ixi 'town' by the C.N.R. noon "train and after arranging:, tee's'. duffle formed 'snake •the etation plaform and neterelred-,thetheeeemereieesseeeeeteee, S-Weee' digrnissed. ' Several • of ., the men' whose everyday week keepethens in- doors had acquired'a lobster - red tan about the face, shoulders and arms during the two weeks they were exposed to the see and wind. • The Mideleseiteguron Regiment car- ried off.top honors in the field day held on Friday, in competition with four Other regiments. The MeffeRegiutent'a success was due mostly to the perform- ances of two Members et "0" Coy„ Ptes. Joe 'O'llerien, Of• Goderich, and -"less Pinch, of 'Clinton, both former com- petitors in -collegiate track and deld meets. ()TARA won the 220 -yds. dash 'in 25-.g and the broad - jump With a jump of 18 ft, 71/e inches, and placed second to Lieut. George Downham of ‘`A" !Company, MiddleCeesHrurims, in the 100 -yds. dash, . The winner's time' was e0.9 secs. • Piece took era plate in the shot-put ivith a heave of 45 ft, 8 inehes and was second in the high jump. Finch, O'Brien 'O'Brien and Downham teemed with another Man to -win the mile relay race in 1 :47 2-10. , -"Ce Coy. averaged a score of' 27.28 out of ofea possible perfect 60 In target drill. ConsPeny Sergeant-Major Harold Allen was top marksman for eke' Coy., registering aPerfeCksec0 of 60. Lieu.t .8, J. Salkeld'-'eang up a, 50 to place second,. The ten best scores made by • "0" Coy. men were as follows: 0,,iS.. M. 'Allen, 60; Lieut. S.. J. Salkeld, 59; Pte. .7. D. O'Brien, 58; Pth, G. Haggle 54; Pte, D. H. Finlay, 51 s 11. .7en- kies, 48; Pte. iolaishoim; 47; rit-9..R. Williams,. 47; Sgt. A. Kirkey, 46; Pte. Johnston, 46. The last men to apply` for -enlistment in "Oe Coy., before the mid- night deadline Of last Teersday, August 1-5, was reached, were IC V. Weston, IL . Wieland. and fl. E. Doak, .GoderichS and C. Mutch, Clinton. "0" Coy. pave has a strength of 195 men, lecluding ofecere and other reeks, • Captain - Carey , and Pie; .0. Anderson returned eeturned -front' Winghara at the end of last week after ;recruiting twenty pee for the Kent. Regimen, The regimeet has been brought to its fell strength and further recruiting is not necessary. , .-211011UR CIRCLE The regular, meeting of the Arthur ,Circle -was held in the lecture 'mem of Knoe aural' on Monday evening. The meeting opened vvith a hymn, followed by the 'Scripture reading by Mrs. Clar- ence' elticDoetild. Mise Hazel' Mac- Donald, .deatoness at Winnipeg, etas theeguest speaker and her message was very .interesting. trnd helpful. Miss_ Barrett delighted the anemberS 'With et pleasing soleand Miss,Donna Pell gave -the origin of the hymn „"Neerer, My God, to Thee," after whieli. Miss Donna 13e11. Mrs. Wm. McDonald, Mrs N. Rill and Mrs. .0. Iremp sang tee .heran, .which was greatly appreciated. Inter eeting letters from 'Dr. Allan Reoch, Manehuria, were read by ;4111.5ses Aileen Stowe Arid Eleanoreeelder. A vote of thanks 'was eitendee to the guest speaker by .Mrs, :Melvin Bell and Mrs• . Harold 'Malice and the meeting was brought 'to a close with prayee; ACCIDENT TO AGED LADY Mrs. C. J. Naftel, one of the town's eldest residents', is en AlexandraHospital 'suffering', with a • broken leg, the reeult of a fall at the liome, of her son, Mr, lenyvett" Nattel, Wellesley 'street, oe Sunday 'snerning. Mrs.ne Naftel was alo111 her upstaira eoom when the eccideet ()emend. It is be- lieved he that ,scaught her foot on the edgeof-aseug.essahesWeejeayingsabene, lier 'toren. A doctor was tailed and it was. found teat the aged- lady had Tractiikeirleer -eight hipbone. - She was - Immediately taken to the' hosr,itai, ' agreed te'PeYeseeenty-eve per cent of where the 'broken bone was set. At • all lesSes, if any. When the company was wound up the levesters would get their original investutent back. ;- All -Salaries, Ille; Erskine- eakl; were *fixed by. the Government, which • vemild ea,ve 41 resident inspector at the Airport. Many, detail:; touching on the finances of :the vompany, the personnel of the 16 tag, from A geeerel manager, ehief instructor, eying instructors, engincerS, technielans, ete., doves to office help ;0.nd Watohmen, the salariesand wages paid, were explained. ' Proposal Endorsed L. E. Itlardiff,, 1.I.P., Reeves Bowman (if I. Brussels, ,Seott of iSeatorth, Tret, wartlia of Olintott and Turner of ,Gode. rich ail endorsed the plan. The special committee named by the meeting _to arrange for the sale .of stock and, handle an 'business until the limited liability company is formed is tomposed of 11x4Warde11 lIaneke; G. L. Parsons, Warden GeOrge reagatt, It. 11. (Turner and - II. firskine. . • Thigh was ellairesan of Al Meeting, County.Clerk Norman secretary. last reports she was resting comfort- ably. 'Mrs. Naftel celebrated bet ninetaefifth "birthday . on :tierce' 1.7th last. Her general health is eonsidered very good. INSTRUCTOR 0 WINDSOR, Prank Vines, 'youthful: eloderich aviator, bee taken a position with the Windsor ,Flying Club as instructor, commencing, his duties on Monday of this week. Frank has been rising 1!�r four or live years, :sinee",he was fifteen years of age, and was known as Can- ada's youngest pilot. Throughout his •career he has often been eommended for les steadiness and hie strict adherence 'to the rides of sere tieing, and he should' make an ideal instruetor. Ile visited with Ids parents here at the Week -end DON'T WANT FARM WOO& At the ofilee of the district agricul- tural representative at Clinton it was • stated that, while_ many farmers have applied for ' help in harvesting, there hate been very few students Or others ,who have signified their desire or will. ingness to accept such work. , ---Atartvg Mrs. Mary MeDo,ugall Mlich Interested, in War Newv• Still very active ,despite her • ad- vanced years is Mrs, Mary MeDoegall, Bruce street, wh quietly observeasher • ",./st eighty-eighth lei edgy on,. Thursday, Augusteelgth Considering her age, •Mrs. MaelThegall is inremeekably good heath. She eas still tee full use ,of all her faculties, although else requires the use of glasses to read, and still does her share of the household work. She has never had a serious illness in her life. , - . , . ' •,- Mrs. MacDougall. Was born in 'County Tyrone; ,treland, in 1852, the daughter of Me. .and Mrs, 'John ItteCulgarfs At elle age of ten she eame to this country Wit hirer_ greeteuecle, , jamee-HarrY, ;riving here On October. e0, 18642. Her greed -elide aettled "near St. Afiguatine and for two years the young girl lived with him. and atteetled school at that ;village. At the age of twelve Mary MeC'ulgan came to ,Godericle to „do housevirork and, with the exception oe a -few years spent iii Goderice township after her marriage :to leen 'McDougall, „see, litee-lived liete ireek since -e -i- - . The •mother of eleven children, Mrs. McDougall has oetlived all but four of them. The four -are William, Philip and Kath, of. Godericlesand Christine ,(Mrs. Stanley Brady), lof Braatford. One son,. Austin, was killed in the last World War and anethei SOD, Willie -el was wounded while fighting 111 France Mrs, MacDougall keeps In constant tottch,..Witli ;mews of • tlit present ' War, both by newspaper end, be radio. She Is of the opirrion that Hitler Is a much worse man 'than fees , the Kaleer, who, as she remembere was 'considered the sworst kind of a errant twenty -eye • years ago. Mrs. ' MacDougall:, hasno Pitterheee-eliriferffea-irbefairee-iif The fact thateelieesacrifieee a son In the lastervar,eonly to eee the world thrown . into another turmoil. Her only con- cern is for the young boys whoa elle has seen•grow,upaboet her and who she is afraid „will be thrown .into the pec sent conflict, and may •moot the smile fate as her sop. '''. • ''.". „.....e.s.....e.e..... MADE FAMOUS CAR It ro of tetereat to learn that the famoue railway car in White General "Poeh dictated armletice terms lo the 'defeated Germane in 1918, and wheel vvae 'again used titis year, With the position of French. and :Germans re- versed, was manufaetured by a termer. .0artediat. This was, Mine other their Arthur 'Henry Illensing, native of Mil. ton, One, whose death' at Pasadena, California, has just" been announced. Mr. Fleming was a brother' of O. II lilleatin,er, X.O., of Windsor and "Gode- rich. Beside' Manufaeturing the ear, Mr. A. II: Fleming provided the funds for preserving it after It was made' world-famous by the 'circumstances Of the 1018 armistice. . ., ' ItLYTLI ASSESWENT APPEALS ' Judge Costello has beard tide week a l'arge reindeer of apPeals ,froin the 10110 assessment . of the Village of Illyth. . . IN TEE NAVY CIRCULATION OV *� $1,300 Realized for Children's 'Welfare HAROLD HOLMAN' Harold Holman, shown above, -is the -son of the late G. W. Holman, County Clerk, and -Mrs. Holetan, now of Lon- don. -.Harold enlisted in•September last and left for Halifax in June. Having taken -both the seantaneeip' and 'tee eignalliag costree be eras sbeenseallecl are if signaller, . and this is the Work lie expects to do in the navy, 'Two. older brothers saw. active service in the last war. , 'Wank° was a popular member Of the Goderide ,bakball club, and . the boys wfsh him 411 good luck.. SUDDEN DEATH OF* viratiAivi Merl. GREEN Well known Otizen Stricken, on His WaY to See a Doctoe A.1 ,Seized Withsa, beart atteek While eft - ting his ear'et, the corner of Kings* street, And ehe Square, William Me - Hardy Green ,•• seell-knoWn former resi- dent of Colborne township, passecrarvay shortly atter 0 • Were& on Thursday evening east. • , _Prorfee4,pt Liotts!'Cint) parnival • Over 2,100 Admissiens on Two Melts • The Lions ;CIO' earnival in the 'West street eink, in aid et crippled cellar's's). and child welfaee week, drew an even Urger attendance on ite second night, day night. In all, 2,125 lie' 0Ple Paid Friday, then on tee previous' Wednes- ,,. , admissiOn to the rink OP the two nits In the draw tor bieyele, Plede by Freddie Stokea, the winner , Wat3 DOVinty 0:011:11e81 daughter- end ,eirs. Gavin- games, oolbOrno steeet, ,•,,yrliesestickeee'veassNee8tes...e, `Tee niAbi driivt Wtis made ,lry .Plorenee'Sowerby; R.N., shortly, before midnight • Feist pieze, an electeic re- frigerator; • was won by Lorna MoOre, • eight-year-old Montreal gleleewho is visiting with. heX uncle and aunt, •Mr. and Mese:Verne Beemiller. The winner e of the main, 'prizes .on the two evenings 'had much in common; Madeline. 'Currie, the winner on, Wed- • Aesday evening; being an eiget.year- old out -a -town -girl Visiting with 'her tirade and attut, Mr. arid, Mrs. P. R, Pelee, Waterloo ,street The prize-winnittg tickets were drawn as foleswe on Friday night: ; Westing- 2125,us,eszolecrotrit leslefrigerator-ticiree clothes -$o. 2o9a, gory Elizabeth Curr, Goderichse bridge eet-Ne. 5719, William Elwood, Goderich; coffee table 3105, Willitue London, folding;camere-eNo. 2705, Fired Sturdy, Goderielf; chair --.No, 9691, Mule Ran, Dublin; caSserole.--No..14103, Norman Bakere Gederich; aeroPlane cldek-NO. 11e80, Harry -Dodd, Goderich; hest and rthel---No. 92,15, eleeeter, Murrey; No 3, ,Peeklaill; table .leuireet-Ne. 9311, Wilkinson, Point Edward; hgbi- No 2207, J. 0,,Itelly, Riverside, Conn. - •Proceeds of the earnival are. rine flounced as , 'approebeately $1400. President Erskine of the Lions Club' asks that special mention be .em -de of the 'valued assistance given lir the sale of ttekets be 'Captain C. E. Robinson of the Capada $teanishiP- Lines. • Fifty • batiks of tickets were emit to • Captain Mr: Green had been on eloway ta Ed. and he sold every one ef them.. * Visit a dodo.); when seigkeWith the • - _ ' ' ,tatal atteck, slowee'eis auto- ' LADIES. AT ItlEI,E PRACTICE - -mobile when aPpreaceleg the Square FIY"teea-.. 3110. el mbb hrasd their e i rthelleGstbdtaerrigt and upon seeing .neigiabor, Andre w Ladies' nine Sitrallghani Park street, had called him shooting prafAbe noon at the on ,'Wednesday after to thesceleto Make an erupt . Accord- "range on Coristable A. E. leg to. Mr. Stralighae, Mr. teen was • Jennings" farm. 'north of 'town. For complaining 4)f not ecelleg very' well sthetni?arLer iwyea.inthseirtiyoetuieoghs.latudietsheansvee when he sudd.eely threw up his areis• and celled for a <lepton A doctor war of the 'rifle it141nn Wednesday they, immediately 'emeuteilede but he 'Arrived' had a ta$teeels ttlebree dl"sleotrheisn tMhea.1.11Y1g6ef stikken man, too late sto be of any nesistance to the the...gilds, nineties e othnree a ibheegiherms ehar'sdiatamr.get.olfilae: Deceased. was born in Colborne town- ship, the een of Andrew 'Green and range's sixty feet in length. Periscopic sights were used to enable else girls to Mary Mellardy, and was in his. sixty- sixth year. He had farmed in Cols 'see ,the targetelearly. Constable Jen- Isorneenosessfshis l4eiongueneseeese_ _mega. and -g&.,E1,,A700a,,,ppps,of Clinton instructed the glees en -Thee proper firingof : years he was engaged in.rallroading out Sernia. With hie Wife he moved to position. Th cleric , Feeessee. ls.eresenes yet. tentative log last year his health had been failing.: Mr. 'Green was, for many years a titr by the cleb, valued member of the board of directors . MAX vviSf RAN of ,Goderich 'Agricultural Society and A photrigre*ph showing marveflouS for e term its president He was par .A effects over Lake Heron, taken ticularly interested in horses and wee ison, 15 Manning avenue,. for years actively associated 'with the by D. E. 'WI Goderich Trotting and -Peeing Assecia- StratfOrd, at the beach,at Camp Kiteels gatniels in line for a $1,000 priee in a tion. He was a member of 'Knox Pres - national newspaper snapshot contest in p.Tterian.-Oureb. : Waehingters, ThC. Tire photo took Rest Surviving, besides his wife, the term- er Margaret Falconer are two sieters, prize ef $5.00 in. a still.1-ife class con - d by a TororeenewspaPer eirs. Thomas .MeGrattan (Jessie), of test conducte and Will now be entered be the Wash- Strekateltewarie and Mrs. Robert Dures. ington. tontests First prize Ls $1,000 0,1arS9, of 'Colboree towuship; and a in this latter,. brother, James, of Celborne. Two sisters contest. The photographer caught a section of the beech with a and two 'brothers predeceaSed. him. Tee, funeral eerViee--wae• held from feweshreakeee showieg white- Crests.- ater fluffy white clouds Above the ev. the family ,homeeSt David's streret, on break the Sunday afternoon, Rev. D.. T. Lane of. monotony of a dark sky. The picture ficiating. The funeral was very largely was taken from ithe steps which lead attended, deeettsed'e old neighbers and from the beach to the top frleridWin Colborne township being eine *of the lakeeeitle eliffs at Kitchiganie epieuously repreknted among those- ' IH UPPIAlt IjOHOOL I Port Albert air BESULTO A field a, Busy Tee prier echOol reeults for the Col- ,slauts flounced by the Department of Educe- Pouring In front tIn-,0)), Tuesday and eertUicates re- near Dungannon ceieed. haVe been wailed to eantlidates eoneOrned. Certificates of , a few eandidatee hoe been held until the epecia revising, beard eompletee 'its Work. 40i Soon inese are race/eta the completellet of upper se/eool Melts 'will be published. HIGEWAYS, OILE1? Itrot-tninittatTioemi-voikrooky•itefe seittee-Wiroksr'4,114, .Government reYe No Heed to Request for•Paving Much Used Read ‘_ Any hope that the Blue Water high- ways would be hardtsurfaeettlorm-Duw lop to 'Port Albert, tees, year 'went agllemering on Monday of this week 'With the arrival goderich of an Ontario Department of 'Highways Oiling crests Three tank ears of oil /sad al- ready arrived at Meneset railway eiding and the gang went to work applying tee dust -layer Monday afternoon. By Wed- nesday eight the read to VIE southerlY top of Port Albert hill, afro seven miles, bad ,been covered. The highway throUgh to Kincardine is to be similarly treated,. 'Some weeks. ago representatiene were made to tee Department to have ;this road, as far cas Port Albert at least, hard -surfaced on account of unusual's* Moore, Montreal; suit of -Ii)ilfe'41tVe''Pratiltc"Aeallubere"t airport. The had been ,gravelled the spring and oiled in the latter. part of June, but had failed to stand up. Despite,. the fact thAt maintenance work was doubled en the rnmlop-Port Albert stfetch; the, road had. beceme very "evashboartly" and much ealuablearietal was blowing away in dust. Something had to be done, arid apparently the Governmenetholt the cheapest -way out. Those who use this road most say the Government's action is false econ- omy and that it is only a matter of menthe until the road will be as bad•As ever. ' AOTSCOUTS atigrErk • Worked on Three' Shifts 'on National • ,. Registration Days • The secoderice Boy 'Scouts and. Cubs gave ,great essistanre to the local registrars during the three-day reps- shertion period' this week , by ruetnieg errands,, taking -messages and -doing sundry other -small' but helpful -Jobe - The 'boys Worked in three shifts, from 9 t 'o'clock. in the morning to 1 o'clock . ie. the aktereoon ; thee from 1 to. 6 o'cloek, and :finally from .6 to 10 e'cloels in the evening. • , A .eommittee, recently •eprioested• by terepens Club' to supervise the. alfatrs -of the Roy Scoets aud Cubs, le &ens - posed ,of Herb Norman johairman ), Dr. Nee.. Jackson, .P. E. Hibbert and -George MacEwan. • It is .the ,jntention of the Liens -Club to take an Active part en -promoting Boy Stott Werke . • es- - it . Orders were received .front Ottawa yeeterday by vents:adore at kort Albert to have one of the three ,paved runways at that airport ready for 'Pilule landiag by!eptember 1st. Indieations are that the order will be Ailed, for by the tad 'of thiS week Armstrong Bros. will, havir eompleted the grading Of the landing field, half of the,gravelling of the, ru*. way bases will have been empleted, andebard-eurfacing eisnliaeuto On Momiai next.. Omeations at t4e Oolt Albert field are so numerous and 'varied these ilityn - that they are harder to 'keep traek than to watels the proverbial three.ring Circus. More than four hundred agree a level treeless farm land Is fatrlY polka-dotted with machines . of all descriptions, groups of workmen, tem- porary shaeks, tents,- etc. - Buildings are 'beginning to rise and grairel trucks are *shouting along the 4th coneessioe to fled from the pibi like ere* apparatus goin,g to a eon- fiegration.- Movinga Mountain Gravel 1.1, is on these gravel dump trucks' vaeying trim twenty to thirty accOrdilig to the breaks in in*, or misfortune - that high pressure is teany being ale - plied. Nearly 2000,tons '16rusheit' gravel are being transported from the Pits and thunPed on the runways ever.: , ttventi-four hours. By the tikne the toys are ,througir with the job tkver 150,000 tons-a.,veritable mOuntid.n. rgravel--rwill... have been transferred . from Culbere,s . near DrifigaUnbit- to the airport five miles awaye Broken ,axies and blowouts -have ,been numerous and at times the air bee' . been . Wire' as the . August .sky,,, but always:the show ,must go mt. It has been goingpn now for ten dale and the: first rtinwayhas not yet been. completely grayelletl ready for 2the ha - top surface. ' , Buildings CoMmeneed The W. C. Brosnan _conerafting has broken grouhd and poured .feend-se. 'aloes for free of.the twenty four Wilde /bags it is erecting, facing the true* .Water highway.' Tease under way Are the airmen'e. quarters,. .beadgeartera staff, supple bending,. large ean.teen and offieers' quarters. rerther south-, Johnst.ons Bros. -ha-ve 'under • way tour HIS:SUMMER KOMEDEIVIOLIS 1011)" e site -for an indoor range boep Pstn islied, _but -two -Chief-Post • aeons are ueder consider- a good job this sliest/1er of keeping the MOUE . KS. VISITORS' • - rwehspeo geatehttehrdedetsotepahly. theRlaeslatttirviebsutealsoof Though the cool weather ' of this and Detroit. Among the profusion of were present from Toronto; reeemseee ,_ twheee.knuhmahee rsloofwveidsittehres tforeermisttibeeusinineteeed, floral tributesurrounding the 'casket States shelveda woe a Wreath, from the Godthe erieh Trot- seaoh pre•gginsrsaetdif,yindglnieactithIsea thust ting and Peeing Association. • ;The pall- conditions in 'Canada, were becoming bearers • were : tree Weeton, Bayfield, ibieteMr better c. to our, Mertes' acroSs the n Marvin Green, Vert Huron ; Herbert . C. Lee, proprietor of Hotel Green, Detroit ; Angel Gilmore, Bruce- Sunset, states that, while. in July his *field ; Joseph Barton 'and Ritedall Mar.. geoenstths Ihyhare Wen about, evenly ee.t.e mostly • Canadians, this riett, bete of Goderice. Tee flowerm - •ePren. beaters were William Steven, William divid'tbrwaetwietehefaxh nCoarnaaleer t itte:aatnhtlAmh Elaek, liehael Ohler, Willram Young, ice the in Themes' Chisholm, Clarence MaeDonald, tollrd:t d fairly aetivelor ceeatwhs yebe'weexepectyeedi. tce: be .Tait Clark, and Harvey Fisher Inter ment was'in Maitland cemeterSe , ' ' ' nu Nit'ON' OF CLASS . ..........._ . , STANLEY STREET SEWER A Mmostenjoyeble evening was.spent 00 oe ay,,August 10thewhen-foerteen' ----CenetrnetionsesfeaeSewersolle-Stahlet `lifeliffiels of the PoIllyaena elass of street, .uortli from Elgin avertne, Was Victoria United chercleand two form& commenced this week under auspices of. teechere .Mise Hs-Ercees of 'Stratford the public works .4otnthitto, of which and 'Mrs. Re Good of Goderich, gathered 'Connellior Frank Eingeilut is Chair- at 'Cedar Grove, Beirroillee for a iliarelxnan e sewer reicr sehrUvneder legdetteelirteleektrletylTotLtehtles, A singsoe,g and ,games were enjoyed enallew roast and chop seee weo,. are paying. their shares ','-easb around the campfire; and it was also 'eoshareree:etmTleme invieusnti;c11»patihietyaalshipeemyiLegheitts, n4:t,:ndetinhaorof boDarnwCasuptuide phraedutibeeonspe8ussoyr, no debentures being issued. Properties of the usual tekee. • • which, will tap this sewer in the.future and ' whieh did not *contribute to tl:tlinentier: 1,EhNeGei,eif494jetreEgetnenNts[tiss aANtinoNtionmeedeonfn cosmiss tiWill be required' to pay.one do,11 Mirlare lloWers, datiglater of Mr. per year rental for all And Mrs. A. M. Powers, of Pleton, to PRESIVYTEItIAN, WM. 5. •Alt?3,3%.!". NErrrriinnittook $cOoni•boofrnNotr. taanwdlisylirps: of Itnok ehurch., was held on Tuesday Aug"t meeting of the 1V*:"4"8" The marriage to take piaee August afternoon in the lecture roons ,pf the 30till at PleirtonEn. church. The meeting opened with the , sinrdng of a hymn, after which Mrs. 11. Dills, read the Seripture lesson and anTdha efoterathp:raeoturrreesisl;tolitilh!! tttk‘ve2tc MiFe es rguson led -in eraYer. Miss Era • jas, oineilany , roomette were •,n8 follower : 1040 1930 , Max. Min. Max. "kin. 1'bnr.5.;',Ang. 15 • '57 . 84 64 Fele Aug. 16 ......84 • • 68,, 79 59 Set., Aug. IT . 85 OS • 82, • St • Sum, mtg. 1.6 ID GO 81. 06 Alone Aug.19 eft, 61 82 et Teee, Aug. 20 M. * 73 06 Wed., Aires 21 co 45 77 05 Somerville gave 41 most interesting „at, - count of' a delightful holiday spent at the Canadian Keswick Conference at Ferndale, ettiskoka. Miss Hazel Mae- Dortald, eleaconess at Elmwood Pres- byferian :eleireh, Winnipeg, addressed the meeting, telling of her ,work there. The dosing hymn' was then sung, after Which !Miss MacDonald led in prayer. The meeting "closed with the National Anthem. • town • elear of transient "bums," ar- rested Alex, McDonald, aged •fifty-six, of no Beet! Abode, , on Monday Of this • week, and prilood him in theCouptY jaU until Thursday, weekly eeurt day, when he .will face, a vagrancy charge. Mc- Donald was . found 'at the "Jungles," former- favorite .resort ot the Weary Willlea, .where shaeksiswere.demoliseed by the authorities early -this year. 'He was viewing the remains of his fernier summer - home. McDonald, a yearly visitor, complained of a sore pack, al-, though he looked husey,enough. •, '110Y-ALpN . ' A spriet wedding -wits solemnized lit the home of Rev: A. E. and Mrs.' Allis on Wednesday, Augusti4th, when their daughter Marion Johns was united, in marriage to William Arthur Hoy, son p1! 'sir and Mrs. Arthur HOY, of McGaw Rev. Mr Allin, father.of the bride, per-, formed the* ceremony. After tee wed- ding breakfast the young couple left op the afternoon train -"for their lunife at Walton. POULTER-d-MONTEITII A 'greet wedding 4wa$, solemnized Fri- day ofterneon lase in the chapel, of St. Janiee :Anglican chureh, , Stratford, when Armes Isobelerlaughterof Mr. and MrS. S. I. Monteith) St. Mares read, was united in marriege to Corporal George :Smith Poulteee'Reyaf-Careadirite Ali Force, sen of Rev. E. .A. Poulter 'and Mrs. Potilter,•Straffordville, formex4ly of Benmiller. The•mem-lege wee, performed by Re*. Mr. Poulter, father of the bridegroom, assisted by Rev. P. Ces Lighthourn, rector of the parish. -After etheecereeronyeeteeret4Plienelfie held at the home of, the bride's parents. for the lmmediate dainul1s, ater which Coreerals....and4afes, reenter left oh ,a motet trips • , , WILIAMeeselepleEn The' home of Xt. and Mrs. Cheeter McPhee, 10th toncession of Colborne. toweshipe was the ,ecene on Saterdtti morning, August 'Ittee-of leceinarriage of their eldest daughter, %felon Adeline, to joseph Roy Williams, eon of Mr. ,anfi,Mrs, Stewart Williams. of Mdfore Sask. The ceeemony was performed at 11 o'elock by Rev, C. L. Drown: of aoderieli Under an aree ef evergreens and summer (flowers from weree was suspended a large white wedding bail, The bride was becomingly Attired IA powder blue repe with matching access Soriee and careied.A bouquet of roses and maidenhair ferne, Her sister, Myrle, was bridesmaid arid wths dressed le blue crepe and carried `0, bouquet of gladiolus, sweet peas and baby's breath. The groomsman was Mr. ItarVey ?ent- itled of Nile. Mise Ileth MePhee, cousin of the bride, played the wedding =web. The wedding party, including inunedia te relatiVes;partook of the wedding repast 41 a table decorated in pink and white, and afterwards the bride and groom Ieft on a trip to Melfort, Seek. OA their rehire they will Make ,their borne at Sarnia. large hangars and a groirnd'InettectiOn echool: These. 'buildings 'are rear of the twenty-four building's :vveich face the highweys , -Tee .1t.C.Alelitte taken 'Over azili furnished tee ferraer Dickson fares' ironic as a works 'building.. Likewise at 4 Sky Harbor the ow Fleming houres has - bernespeteetcresteeeesaingailscseeTheeeeesses eouree is only 'for constraction, Its work almos,t finiseed, some a the • Areistroeg " mechanized equipment, caterpillars, scrapers, scarifiere grad'. ers, land packers, elevating loaders, etee is already on its way to Nova Scotia to', do another airPort job. " 4 -21entit:eitee-allturreWater 11ll elellhifile 86'igsirrviCe'say ads vance gangs ot the Hydro -electric Vs' tem and BeleTelephorie Co. are rrt work getting ready fee .the construction direct and heavy cable lines to accom- medate Port 'Albert aixport. • Hydro .material will be on the ground the first of next week: • • • At the s entrance to eky Harbor handsome new •sige, 12 x 10 feet, has been -erected,--It bears the insignia or R.C.A.P. planes and reads: . ROYAL CANADIAN AI1 FORCE M°3111B,,..RaN;r7tisn : AIR TRAINING PLAN- - Four buildingsare under vonatruation. at 1Sky4 Harbor and greund is. being *, brolten for four 'ahem Ploere were being 'laid yeaterday on some 'ef the buileings. Work here has been held, upe. soritewhat awaiting errival of 'material, but it will be only a few dais autil the order -will be "tell steam ahead, .' . Grass Runways At Sky' Harbor • • The lateat with regard Ito the Sky Harborrunways is 'that It is definitely settled • that they will not be .hard-- eurftreeee -ae eesieerkby Huron County - '<alleluias, The tfovereinent engineere, it is stated, take the positionethat the fildr.s prefer grass runways • It ie stated also that hard surface rrnisvaes- d,eter,lorate very quiekly and the ule- keep,:es very high. • , — Fencing Material and drain tiles also have arrived at *Sky Harbor, but there is noword yet as to the.ultintate fate 'fi°fte-d5.telVC5-e-outtinlityg- o2diatterkr'fii s str:ate4defiVtititeill; that many more acres' of trees wile have to come down. Work .0f eemote ing tee firewood . en theairport eat e011-11111nstri-etre:Wce:i4o;n:aCe)'3.1*;lilrellacno-o'C°.pe' ;:aatilin-dg4rw.°Iris, - the, County inthe hirbes ef workmete So far about fifty men have,been PIacce through the (*aunty, and,other,s, cover. Ing halfaelozen trades, are on the Waiting list. One tonstrtietion boss expressed laints eeif as immensely pleaeed with the Iiigk class ef 'labor bi Huron county. Re was an Irishman With a good line of blarney, but lie inaisted Huron work- men, were tee hest 110 had. Mine aces**, yet. 'There appears to be an abendrinee of labor, but Carpenter, ern:lenient"' of theta; wili soon be in demand., MRS% W W, IVIARTIN DREAliS ARM Misfortune. does not come eiegly 4 ler. eV. W. Martin's home North etreet, Oioderielk. The Doctor himself has beta eonftned to his home for some time through Illness and o* $.aturday his wife, who had been Attending Mtn, fell at her home and fractured 'her aro% ad the dhow.