The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-08-15, Page 8• „ NEWS OF AUBURN .4etebillifee,* keg. 34,---23l1* 14'raueeil aeree-in-traleiog at Kiteii- aelaselleienelear 4.41inun4 Hoiwita, Tssituar leer parelits, Mr. eini 34iM Jobe' Mr. aldose Stella mei ectre. 'J. Chopin, ef 'reroute, spent the latter putt of last weak with tbeir parents, Mr. aud Mr*. 4. fee Oteltse- Mrs. likigar letveseu and Miss Berpice +Went Part of this week yieiting et Oeleville. sigelee 'Deb*. has returned to after a three w('elies visit with id parents, Mr. aud M. W. Missee Mary aud Frances Houston have returned to •their borne aftertale; lag a six weeks' summer couese Toronto, , • - ' We are eXtremely pleased. to TePert that Mrs. Kaliper Daveson, whet was gravele ill last week with streptocomee, imilrele* this we Mrs, It BradnO•ek ef oderia erisitieg Ir ane Mrs. Weslee Bradnoek. Mr. and MrseErnest Patterson. and Mr. and Mrs. Wmleaggitt and 1)onne spent the week -end at Meaford, Mrs. Ilaggitt and Donna reineinee for a visit with their aunt, Mrs. Ernest Kneeshawe et Meaford, , Miss Alma Mutch` has returned to Toronte -, After vacatiohing with., her Mother, Mrs, James'elutche , _ • The following articles were sbiplied 144 week by the local Red Cross; 0 4uzlts, 23 pare Of Pyjamas, 19 dozen eandkerchiefS, Hampton leadS, 25 pale, - eiiirke;Se &errand t1ieti, Next Sunday, at Knox, Milted chrirch, the Y.P.U. will have charge of the zerviceeand, Kenneth Reid, of Goderieh, will be ,guest speaker., At the 4aptist church, the Young People's Society have charge, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank See the Dinner Ware in a new English pattern—Artistic shapes colerhig ,in a maroon land: -in_....Therlemerealse the Rosalie Crystal Glass in Water Goblets—Sherbets—V/01e Glasses and Candy Jars ---You will be greatly pleased with the good quality at sub reasonable prices. Come in and have a' look. 'SMITH'S ART & eiFr STORE The Home of English China THIC GODERICII SIGN,AtrST MIKANDIR LAY GRANDSON or mit o„ CAMERON Raithey wili i* iucharge. The Wothetee leis -Chute will wet on Vkikriatal 2t.,1.11'free Foreetere' 1141, ern.a.e,hildren will give the program, T1ie. hooteeeee will oet Mre. 8am johnittore M. W. Brade noek, Mrs. Geo. Hamilton wee Mei. Nesbit. Pleatie note the eliango of de:Y. For iteglatratlene—The following are the places of registration laere: rtTibliQ *11001; Vast Wawanesb. Foresters' West Virawanosk, the Publie,Library. The deputy registrars are: For Ilullett, Dorothy Wilson and Charles Neviva; for Eaet _Wa.wanesh, Bert Marsh. and Margeret Ferguson; for Vest Wawanosh, Laura rAinip$ and Bernie Lewson, The Whet itsrsest.--Tiirohlig here is progressing nicety. One fernier in Weet, Wawaneeli had tkom eighteen acres eefewheat4eyield.eife le0.,bushelse, Miss Laura bad a.letter this week from. her coteein, Leslie Phalle* of Yellowgress, Seek. lid seed the erops there are fair, but (Mies to the-surphis of wheat the farmer there is allowed to sell , only five bushel s of wheat per Seeded acre; that is; if the farmer bad forty acres of *wheat :he is allowed to sell 200 bushels of the erop:' , , • Presbyterian Presby- terian W.M.S. met Thursday afternoon In the chtueli basement, With Mrs. James Howitt. 'presiding. The 'Scrip - tun, was read responsively e and Mrs. eg..dgar-Zawseneofferedeprayer for -the- recovery of ,Mrs. KaIrcier Dawsonfa mei:ober of the auxiliary. Joseph:ine Weir sang a solo. The topic,* on "Medi- tationee was taken by Mrs. Lawson. The chapter frora the study book was taken- by tierothy Wilson. Mrs. John Houston closed the meeting with prayer. 'Lunch was served by tbe hostesses, Mee. Lawson,- Mrs. F. Reis, Mrs. Houston and Mrs. Howitt.* • • Anglican Ladies' Guild. --'rhe .Angli- can Ladies' Guild', met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alvin Leetheriand. Mrse Gordon Taylor pre- sided. *Prayers were otere Leuel, billips and Mrs. Clifford Brown. The Scripture was read by Luella Johnston. Two quilts to he .finished were left In charge of Mrs. Geo, Beadle and Mrs. ,james Nlebolson. The speaker . was Mrs. "Fred Toll. Mts. Chas. Asquith gavethetopic on "Hely Baptism.” Mrs. Alfred '` Nesbit gave -a reading. Mrs. Clifford Brownineited- the Guild to her hone for the September meeting. Luella Johnstonelosed the meeting with .prayer. 40107Puiew AP The New Canned( meat *SPORIC Tin 30c Chili -too- :— Cond. rin 19e Weddings ILAlithliOND-o-WAWILC The marriage took place 44444,444', evoning,--Atiasuat $4.14 zt Laisbeth, On- tario, of Isabel *OW, deughter of letr, Alex. Wahlie and the late Mrs. Waldle, Goderich, to. Reginald John Ham, reend, see. of Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Hem- eaoild, St. Marys road. Mr. and Mra. Hammond will reside at ISUdhury. TOYNEeeDIPATER. eeliet wedding took plaee' at Ste WI'S rectory, 'Leamington, on August d, when Miss Wlorance Harriet Doe ter, daughtee of Mr-. Laura Dexter of 'Goclericli, became the bride of Mr. James Arthur Toene, son of Mr. and elre. Clayton TOyne, Leatobegtou, The ceremony was poi:Termed by •Ree, 4. S. 11. Creee rector of the dialect, while his son, Mr. Holt Cree, was best man. The bride ',eels charmingly -attired in ex -street -404th- gown of French, bine sheer With wIdte accessorieee Hee at- tendant, Miss Elia Saratinehin of Kings- ville, Wore it- shepherd elleck holeret dress of silk breve. The bride and her attendant wore eerSages of rainbow ealored r,sweet peas and baby's breath. After a short leave Corporal Toyne rejoined the Kent Regiment at chnthane, EVANSeePEACOCK At St, George's church, Goderich, at high n0Qa on !Saturday, August alith, Dorothy Diana Peacock, daughter of Mrs. . i'eaeoek and. the-IneeeeStanleY Peacock, of Winnipeg; was wedded to Mr. James 'Eric Lloyd-Evanse, ,New York, son of Mrs. Evans. aria the late Major Lloyd 'Evan, of Winnipeg The rector, Rev. A. C. Calder, officiate( and the wedding'musieeVas played- b Mr. A. W. .Aaiderton. The bride, wiz , was given in:marriage by Mr. E. D Brown, looked lovely in a gown of mis blue embroidered organza made on .em plee lines with full skirt and a hal cap of .shell pink embroidered net wit chapel length veil. She carried a col onial bouquet of pink roses and lilies 'of -the -valley. - Mrs. Bruce Davis, o Kitchener, formerly of Winnipeg, wa matron of honor, 'Wearing a moteldn dress on empire lines of blue andpin striped organza, Best -mew was Mr Bruce Davis. After the ceremony reception was held at the home of Mr and Mrs. E. D. Brown, Elgilielivetue Later )3Ir. and Mrs. Ev,aus left for a tri • to Uneted • 'States points, the beicl travelling in turquoise 'bine printed prepe. They will reside in New Yor City. _ _ McLEAN,LUMBY . A quiet wedding took place at Knox Presbyterian church' at the noon ho,ur on Saturday, August 10th, when Margery Kennedy Lumley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Lumbyit St David's street, was united in marriage to Charles Archibald McLean of Glode rich,: son eie Me. and Mrs. Archibald McLean, a eydnerMines, Nova Scotia. Rev. Wm. Weir* of Iientail officiated. Miss Jean Lumby, sister of the bride, was hridesmaid, while Mr. Wilson 'Mc- Creath, of 'Saltfore,attended the groom. • Tbe, beide was ,becomingly gowned in "heavenly blue" with white hat and accessories and carried a: cor- sage of. Japanese lilies. The brides- maid wore a coral crepe dress , With white het and accessories and carried a corsage of Japanese lilies. • ; Me. and Mrs. McLean leftimmediate- ly after the cerenfotty on a, short Wed- ding trip. • They will reside in SaltkOrd. On Wednesday 'evening,, after the ereti.hneofe.,kke...haPPY..,coupIeelroneethe heneytnoentrip, amiseellaneous shower was given ° for the bride at the home a • Mrs. Harry Sanderson, -.St. David's street, at which ,neighbors , and friends of Mrs. McLean were in attendance. Games, were 'eejoyede followed by delightful lunch. Many beautifueand, practical gifts Were received by,: the bride. • TOTTEN—MASON ' Pink gladiola and delphiniums against a. background of 'palms and ferns formed the settingfor the Marriage of Marion Martha Elizabeth, elder daugh- ter of •Mr. And Mrs. T. E. ,Mason, Clinton, to Mr. Joseph' Ralph „Tottin of WiSidsor, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. goseph Tater' of 'Essex, which ;thole piaee at Ontario street United. ehuithe Clinton on Seiturday,* August 3. ,I,t.ev.—G.,_.0.eleurton_ofeiciated, while Mrs. E. wenaotf-priesAded at .the organ., Thg bride,. 'yen in marriage by her .father, wore a gown of white organza with l'apeinserts, and her veil of white, net hung 'from a satin coronet. She earried a bouquet of white roses. • At- tending her as maid of honor wail Miss Thelma Lefett ,pf St. Catharines, who wore blue marquisette trimmed with pink ribbon, blue. mohair hat with pink streamers, and blue net gloves. - She 'denied pink roses and delphiniums: Miss Madelon. Mason of Clinton, sister of the bride. and Miss Eleanor Marion `of Detroit, cousin of the brideeacted is bridesmaids.and wore similar goverei of embroidered net, . the former in pale pink, with blue" mohair hat • and pink streamers, the latter in baby blue -with, pink mohair hat and blue • streamers.' They, too, earriedeplek roses and del- phiniums. Aircrafttutaii-Robert Free- stone of Toronto was best man, while Frederick Miller and John Brownlee, a • When In TORONTO visit the St. Regis Hotel fr Sheibourne- St. at Carlton. One Hundred Modern Rooms with private baths, showers and private telepliones. Rooms; single, from $2.00 to $2.50 • Room*, dollble, trent $3,00 to $3.50 and $4.0 ' served at moderate ppriee. ly; no Over tissue J34altIV, July 3.1.c ---"At sea and we bave:0404 401(40 Vrom, pkrases,„ twe 1.* haitili written -litters,— Mr. cud Mrs. It M. Lay have been getting from their on, Colnmauder Lay of itestigouche. The itestigouelie tooli: part in the reseue of the crew of her sister ship,, the Fraser, and did gallant service in rcseulug Survivors from the torpedoed Arandora Star. liutCommander-Lay's letter's since these. eventp have not yet reached his home. Reselling the crew of the Fraser may have been another chapter in the close friendship of COmmander Lay and Commander Harry Dinvolfe of the Fraser, according to Mr. Lay., in his last letter, written a few days before MO Fraser- was aiMlr• the commander Wrote of Vitiating Devvolte on the Fraser. The.4woeliave .been-friends-sinee theY 'te*ntoenrtexd.twneay:elareso1144:00. at Esctuimault • Headed Exatnination List Uoratio Nelson Lay headed the e-xaM- 4natiOu list for all Canada, Dewolfe • Was elose. 'behind. "'When they, gradu- eagtemdm, isLsaiyen:nadviiDeuabwleolfeaowsounippethdemtiwaio 11.31.18. 'Resolution as midshipmen. When, Commander , tay was =melee, Conethander Dewelfe was his best meu. The two -took their , ships to British 'waters ft short time ago, • "We have Seen action," one of Cone. launder Lay's letters 'read."All "wig have are a few siiififterii4igliiilor There were no casualties.", Where. or when the, baptism of fire took place, the letters de not disclose. It Was before the rescue at Bordeaux. Keen' to open fire, the Canadian gun- ners aboard the Jeestigouebe blazed , Away at the enemy. In their eagerness they did not want to cease fire even when the target passed out eof range, Commander Lay related. - In another letter, written soon after thele arrival At a British pert,the commander told Of fitting out the ship for immediate action. . "We are ready for everything and anything," he said: Commander Lay's grandfather, Horatio Nelson Ley, C.B., was inspectekegeiieral of eustonis in Cherie.- In 1863 he purchased and took to 'Mb* for theeChinese Government -a squadron 02 warships to be used for "PR-reslkIetle sillgapiracy.oderich Girl . Commander Lay's niother was the late Margaret Cameron Lay,, daughter of the one-time Lieutenant -Governor' of the Northweet, Territories, Hon. M. C. Cameron. lees stepmother is the sister of Prime Minister King. The Resolution, the Renown and the Tiger are three a the British wgeship,s on which -Commander Lay has served. A.specialist in torpedo work, he was a torpedo expert for the Canadian navy before the war. eee ,. Sent .to Britain in 190.82 to take speeial staff course, Commander Lay was recalled to Canada shortly before the outbreak of war. Stationed at Halifax, he was on mine sweeping duty and supervising goiliThys.- "A landlubber's joie" he termed jets service at Halifax. His Appointment to the Restlgonehe was soon followed Y the voyage,* to 'British waters and action for which the Canadian Ballots were all anxious. Oirtlit011 NOTES , The regular monthly meeting f the Knox Presbyterian eliuieh Will he held in the lecture Avon' of the 'elitreeheeeE'Vueeseleeyeafternoote--August 20th, at 3 o'clock. An interesting pro- gram has been arranged by group 3.. The regular nee,eteig of the Arthur Circle will be 'held in -"Knox .church lecture room, on Monday, August 190 at 8 P.m. Missatt—r;eT-4VfaYonald will be the speaker and will tell of her missionary work at Winnipeg. A good program Is being arranged and a full attendance is requested. leeith of Detroit, were ushers. During the signing of tbe register, Mrs. Clare ence Pfaff of Detroit sang "0 Promise The reception wee held at the Mae. kenzie Hotel, Where Abe guests ewer received by the bridal party, the bride's father and mother -and Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarerice Waft 02 Detroit, the lase, iiameeli„Lbeing the :grolun!,s.nnbksI The brides mother, wore te.jaelket frock. of navy sheer With white accessories, while Mrs. Pfaff wore Powder blue sbeer. Ten girl -friends .6-f the bride acted as waltresees for the wedding luireheon. . For the honey"moon, whic'e is being spent in the Georgian Bay dis- triet, the bride chose for travelling a' dusky pink sheer dress (redingote: etyleleeith Wiliteaccessories., On their return he bappy couple will live In Windsor. ••• „Gueets were present from Detroit; For over 30 years K.ipp's Tlerb Tab- lets. have been used for stomach and liver disorders. Sold by CA341(I'1liii'LL'S MUG STORE, -33 The Goderich 'Township north branch of the .Goderich Red Cross !Society will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. FAd. tiowerbY, on Tuesday evening, August 20th, at.8 All interested are wel. Fume. T. it. Rundle, secretary. eleKienon's millitiery store 'will he 'closed from August 10 to 22 yeldle the Misses McKinnon attend the millinery displays in Toronto. 413 The Signal -Star sells tor $2 to any address in Canada and,„As worth more. Loele at your label; It will show the date up to whieb your-sueeerilielonete paid; IIORN ASHTON.—On August 11, 1040, to Mr. and griu Roy Atlitone Rat ,NO. 0, Goderich, a daughter.' AleXamira, Hospital, Goderich„ on Monday, August 12th, 1040, to Mr. and Mrs. le Allan Line field (nee Velma Brownlee), a son (iVilliem John). , DIED COUPTAND.—In Geclerich,' on Tues- day, August 13th, Edith Emily Bray, widow a the late 5.4e.0oup1aiedeen '71ieriOrdlear; MEIVIORIA101 . MOWER:E.-1=1n loving inemorY of our dear son, Itnssell, who died August 13th, .1038. •• . • Two years haVe passed and gone State one we loveso well . Was taken from our heme on earth, With Jesus Christ to dwell. , The Rowers we place upon els grave May wither and decay, • • But the love for him who sleeps beneath 'Shell. never fade away. , • —Sadly missed by Mother and Dad. . • 33x A VISITOR FROM; THE:SOUTH" Unique Birthday Celebration and . Fabli117 Gathering . A, delightful evening wile„ spent on Tuesday, August .6th, in celebration of the birthday of elisS Elizabeth Walters, resident of New, orleetns, Louisiana granddaughter of Mr.-- and Mrs,- Wm. Walters of 1Co1beorne township. Miss:' Walters, who hffs, just received her Master's` degree fieni Tulatie Univere•-• was honored by a surprise birthday banquet „en' the home of bee aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mee: Arthur iSpeagge, at Nile,: Dinner was served ,Ot 8 O'clock to- twenty-two guests and the. evening Was spent in the playing' of indoor games and the taking of calelid eamera snapshots. The guest of honor .was the recipienteof many beautiful and; 'useful gifts. ' „ - The -event marked-, theegathering of the entire family a Mr. and Mrs. Walters : _including Mr. and Mrs. Spragge (Lucinda Walters), Mr.' and. Mrs. Wni. Good (May Walters) • and family, of Auburn, Mr. tied Mrs. Harry Walters and family, of Colborne, Mesert„ tOsmond and 'Lloyd ,Walters, also of Colborne. and Mr. and Mes. Fired Davison- (Sarah E. Walters), of De, ' troit. Also 'Preeent were Mr And Mrs, Neil L. Jenkins,of Detroit; Mrs. Jenkin being- a: niece Weirs. Wine Walteke, -- ;..V.A.,iss,,,Val r_ttA,,1!?.b4.„441.1, ,begilier„ teaching caree0,11) Sebteinher at sum- mit, -Mississippi; is spending a long holidky' ha Cahada, dividing .her time between: Goderich, her father's home, and Georgetown; bee -inother'e home. he expressed, amazement at the long twilight In this north country, the eool summer eather .and the invigorating s' ./ air, and opes to return foe a visit in the winte to make the acquaintance of snow, which she hanever Seen. JAtli MINER LEADS It is announced by the,International Information' tBireau : that -Jack Miner, • the Canadian naturalist, ranks first as the best-known Private ',Oanadien citizen and fifth lie, the United States. .Other private individuals in the United States ranking above Jack Miner _were Ilenry Ford, .Tohn D. Itockefellere 'Charles Lindbergh, and J. P. Morgan. Last year when a survey was made Jack Miner ranked first in Canada, but was thirteenth in • the 'United States. In other words, during the last year he has climbed from thirteenth place to fifth place among 120,000,000 people. The bureau in making this survey bases such information on the, amount eof. space given the individuals in the press of. the land. - Was t arines, Goderieh, meNhe guest of her aunt, Mrs Donald Windsor Essex, Toronto, St Cath- Mresv. A: le. Hord of, Wolseley,' Sesk., London, Stratford, and surrounding district. _ ' • _ t l'36(1°14941 °t40U MAN HOT HAVE A CUPPA weir AY AUGUST lfetb, 1040 For Results A Clas 'sifted Ad , FOUND OF DARK 11.01q1 - rimmed glasses; owner may have same by proving property and paying to this ad. Call at SION'AleS'PAR OFFICE. 33 szmit TO ROW --MORN ON W. 148T "7" Street, newt to post oftice, at poolian4 ocenpied by F. AteArthur. Possession given 'September 1st. Apply I). OVARY. 3+V LOST LOST. ----EASTMAN B.AeNTAM „CAM, DRA hi leather ease on beetelh north of Goderieb. Please return to ISIMSRT 110TEL and treceive reward. 82-3x. • 'WANTED --4.' "To— ruatotusB, mon cottage or lieuee AcentraTY, priced reasonably for cash. IeOr 41, SIGNAL=STAR. 33x 'WANTED. DRUCeell ST *TOON- ' WOE, Senior Matriculatiim asutt, bag. CA:MPRELleS DRUG STORE, .Goderich, . .33 WA,Npup..—To n'UY op) HORSES — and deed cattle; must be suitable for mink feed; 'removed' •promptly. FREI) GILBERT, R.R. 2, , Phone " 008 r 22„ onntom cans- paid for., 1844 WADITED.--IREUXBIM MAN or Woman to take charge Of regular ,route in ,fGODERICH. Business estale, eieltede Credit for all repeat orders. Full or part time, ComeiliSsion aiu bonus average $1.50 per hour. Writ promptly for details—R. S. SEMPLI), 217,7 Masson •Ste Montreal. ,-- 33-35 TO RENT. — APARTMENT -OVER Agnew-Surpase Shoe Store, Apply W. HERN, Phone 43. alet• ItLINT.—SEVEN.400111 11006401; large *veranda and balcony, mediate Possession, 31. W. HOWELL, Ste Vincent street, . ' • • • 4'41$ MALE 841413.—V4!R4»D SIZE , BOX, lawnmower and garden toola... Apply 48 QUORUM 'SUM% 33* SALE:. — D1N14GTAM. Ile large, extension.; extra wide, with:, four cbatrs to meta, Jacobeanlac meltamms, Stanley„ Street,' dederieel„ 33x . ATERFR,ONT,WITII MODERN furnished cottage. Water, sewer,. light. Or part. 'CHARLES. REALE, „ Bennett 4, goopooh. otts. ISIterelilee-200 ACetiilS, WELL Idrained, good '' clay loam; geod leulIdings; wired for hydro. Water in . .house and barn. Bathroom; bardwmL ilocirs.. Across from Scheel; next main road. Hydro' ph, miles distant:, Lot ID . 26, N. 27, concession 10. West eweweeoee, Iliuron. Ceunty. :ilid:RS. * NWT WEBSTER, Lueknole,..1%.1t. 2. ' 0 . VVANTED.--eetiele WHO CAN -EARN " *1300 to $6000 or more yearly re- tailing known 'Ititwieigh Necessities. Enormous market. • ,F,tis- cleAting work. 'Easy ''Sales. Good proifits. Few routes now open. Write quick for -full particulars. RAW- LETIGHIS, Dept, Key No. 111416-5941, Montreal, Canada. , . -33 MEN WANTED:2A FEW MORE Wanted to act as Agents : Must be' convincing talkers to clearIY explain advantages our Household necessities known as rAmfmx rnonuovs of- fer to buyers. Already selling in im- mense quantities. Door , to door • can- vassing necessary to show articles and se_ordere for game. Unusually good mmission. Unlimited 'earnings pos- sible. Everybody buys. on sight. For 'MEE CATALOGUE ..AND DETAILS: FA.,1111.A.EX, .570 St. Clement, Montreal. 28-33 • WANTED WAR LOAN SALESMEN Men of character and ability Who are prepared to devote all or part Of their tune for It week er two during the early Fall to the sale of • ' DOMINION OP CANADA WAR LOAN BONDS . . • . • „Please apply in writing stating paet and -Present occupation.. Fullest : co-epera- tion and adequate eenmeetiation., • Box 40, The eignaleStaxe *WATER BEmLocg Water hemlock or spotted, coWbane is one of Ontario's most prevalent Deleon- eouseeplantV-e- states,4ohn_ MacLeod, Ontario Department of Agri-cif/01re, Toronto. Itssmall white- clusters ef flowers eia3-71 'observed at the present time aboie other' vegetation in wet marshy' places threughout, "old -On- . tatitele- It is a perennial weed which grows from two to five feet high. The leaves are eompound in two or three divisions. The stems are stout, erect, hollow and jointed, widely branching, quite smooth, pale green dotted, and streaked with. purple. The 'Ma is a, bundle cit a few fleshy spindle -shaped tubers, like small parsnips. Cattle are „frequently poisoned ,by eating the roots of this plant, especially early in the spring when pasture is scarce. A piece of a root the size of a walnut will kill a cow. Roots are toxic at all seasons; leaves and seeds May 'be:eaten without danger; -Symptoms are frdthing, uneasiness, pain, Violent intermittent convulsions In which the animal kicks, sometimes extending the legs rigidly, throwing 'hack the head, bellowing and groaning. Death results frromnres.pireto.rer ,Raiselinsee oil,Mi , raw eggs, d, lard may be given early while waiting for theeveterin- iilao Watch Marsh _ d Marshes and low places foe this weee °and „hand -pill .any Plants that are found. . This may beeasily done if the roots are first loosened with, o splid or other implement. Plan i s should , be 'destroyed after pulling, *ow AUCTION SALES AV:VION SALEOF, HOUSEHOLD Property of Miss Mary Campbell; will , be held at her. bome, "The St- Law- rence/' Montreal street, Godeeicle, an . SATURDAY, AUGUST 24th, s, ,- at 1,30 pen. e All the contents of the home to be disposed of. No ieserve, Terme—Cash.• T. OUNDRY & SON, Auctioneete -33 CUMMING A.UkerION Mtge Of a loi.of good furnishings- and other • articles at the . warerooms, Hamilton street, Goderich, on • 'SATURDAY, Arovirkirrtfi " at 2 o'clock p.m:- • iinclieding 1- good toned Karn piano,' - I antique bedroom 'Mille, said to be 150 years old; 1' iron bed, metros and springs; 2 geed Axminster rugs; dining table and 6 ehairs; 1 small Irefrigeritor; 1 ehest of drawers; .2' leather -*Upholstered chairs; 1. Moffat ,electric range, as good as new; kitchen , tables, chairs, toilet sets And numeroirs. -other articles. Terms cash. , T. Gurantx & som " Auctioneer. FARM. FOR SALE - FARM F0,41, Tenders wilR, he received 'up tothe— „24th, day- of,,August.fcireleit -0,, Con.10 ,We.0„., Colborne. This property consists 02 100 uereg good clay loam) with a geneent house, seven 14)0112$ and summer kitchen, large bank barn, aelgement stable, straw shed. and driving, sthed, a young'orcherd; lard and eat', water in househued . water in bane Terms van be arranged. Higbeet or any other ibid not necesv- arily accepted. IFR;Alele DONNELLY, Earilsbei, Ste.; Gioderich. Ontario. 324 Miss Olive 01ew, of London was a gifeetWith her aunt, Mrs M. &ark. proinamenammiemr.m...;....imiormr;mmimiur ONE _Person one 'of FOUR WiH get Sick or Hurt this year PROTECT' YOURSELF , • HY ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS • INSURANCE . M.FORD Insurance and Real' Estate 3 Ilannallton $t Tel.168ti , PROCLAMATION "or THE .001MTV OP =RION To -Proclaim A County Patriotic bebeId at_ the air Groun 011 1040, at' 230 p.m. , TO STIMULATE AND ASSIST THE ,PEOPIM COUNTY or IIIIRON IN GREATER WAR EF"litORT Prominent Speakers will he present to discuss •war subjects; MASSED BANDS All Patriotic'Oitisens Are Urged To Attend ikOD SAVE THE KING!, Signed: '030. IMAGAN, Warden